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Disambiguation: Many common words can have more than one meaning, with different translations
List of Prepositions and Other 'Little Words' — Pages: - Aan - Achter - Af - Al - Als - Binnen/Buiten - Daar - Dan - Dat - Door - Eens - Er - Erg - Even - Haast - Het - In - Laat - Maar - Na - Naar - Net - Nog - Of - Om - Onder/Boven - Op - Over - Toen - Uit - Van - Voor - Vroeg - Waar - Wat - Weg - Zo - more
Haast |
1. haast = hurry, haste | |
spoed = haste, speed, rush, urgency - gauw = quick, soon | |
opschieten = to hurry | |
snel = quick, rapid, fast | |
hard = hard (not soft) // intense // loud // fast |
langzaam = slow | |
geduld = patience | |
rustig = not hurried | |
zacht = soft | |
2. haast = almost, nearly | |
bijna = almost, nearly | |
nauwelijks = barely, 'narrowly' | |
Haastige spoed is zelden goed slow | "Hasty speed is seldom good" - 'Hurry is rarely useful' |
Ik zal me haasten 2 3 4 | I'll hurry |
(de) spoed | haste, speed, rush, urgency |
spoedig | soon |
(het) spoedgeval 2 3 | urgent case, emergency |
gauw 2 | quick, soon |
dringend 2 | urgent, pressing |
urgent 2 | urgent, requiring prompt action |
(de) urgentie | urgency |
binnenkort 2 | ['within a short time'] - soon |
zo spoedig mogelijk 2 | ASAP, 'As soon as possible' |
Haastige spoed is zelden goed slow | "Hasty speed is seldom good" - 'Hurry is rarely useful' |
Tot gauw! | See you soon! |
Kom gauw! 2 3 | Come quick! |
in de gauwigheid | in the rush of things, because I had to act quickly |
Ik kan zo gauw geen voorbeeld bedenken 2 3 | I cannot think of an example [that quickly] right away |
Moeten we al zo gauw weg? 2 3 | Do we have to leave that [quickly] soon? |
Ik hoop er gauw naar te kunnen kijken 2 3 | I hope [to be able] to have a look at it soon |
't Is dringend 2 | It is urgent |
Ze wil je dringend spreken 2 | She wants to talk to you urgently |
Ze moet je dringend spreken 2 | She urgently needs to talk to you |
Er zijn binnenkort verkiezingen 2 | There will be elections soon |
The verb 'schieten' 2 means 'to shoot.' It's a strong verb:
schieten to shoot |
- | schoot shot |
- | geschoten shot |
schieten to shoot |
- | ik schiet I shoot |
- | wij schieten we shoot |
- | ik schoot I shot |
- | wij schoten we shot |
- | ik heb geschoten I have shot |
- | 2 |
The compound verb 'opschieten' means 'to hurry' and there is a phrase 'goed kunnen opschieten met' 2 3 meaning 'to get on well with someone, to like a person.'
Ik zal opschieten 2 | I'll hurry |
Schiet op! 2 | Hurry up! |
't Schiet op 2 | It's progressing nicely, it's almost done |
Ik kan goed opschieten met Jan 2 3 | I get on well with Jan, I like Jan |
Dutch has a word kwiek
2 that's clearly
related to English 'quick,' but it's not much used and it has come to
mean 'lively.' (Het) kwik
is 'quicksilver, mercury' and there's a bird with an busy tail called
(het) kwikstaartje
('(little) wagtail.')
The common word for 'quick, rapid, fast' is
- snel / snelle
(de) hoge snelheid 2 3 | high speed |
lage snelheden 2 3 | low speeds |
'n snelle reactie 2 3 | a quick reaction |
snel eten | to eat quickly, eating fast |
't Ging zo snel 2 3 4 | It [went] happened so fast |
Het is te snel voor mij 2 | It's too fast for me |
U praat te snel voor mij 2 3 | You're talking too fast (for me) |
Hij verfde het huis snel 2 | He painted the house quickly |
Hij drinkt snel een biertje 2 | He's quickly drinking a beer |
Hij berekende snel het verschil 2 | He quickly calculated what the difference was |
Hij deed 't werk snel 2 3 | He quickly did the work, he finished the job quickly |
Hij bedacht snel een smoesje 2 3 | He quickly [thought up] made up an excuse |
Ze zwemt snel | She swims fast, she's a fast swimmer |
De boot vaart snel | The [boat] ship [sails] moves fast, it's a fast boat |
met hoge snelheid 2 | at high speed |
vaart verliezen 2 3 | [losing speed] slowing down, decelerate |
in vliegende vaart | [at flying speed] at very high speed // quickly |
in volle vaart | 'at full throttle,' ~high speed |
Ik gaf haar snel een knipoogje | I quickly winked at her |
Dutch 'hard'
- hard / harde
can mean
'not soft' (literally and figuratively) like in English,
and it can like in English mean
'requiring great effort' - 'with great force' or 'with energy or
speed' and 'intense,
powerful' but Dutch
'hard' is not completely equivalent to English 'hard.'
It can also mean 'loud' and 'fast.'
For zacht
'soft' see below
hardgekookt ei 2 3 | hard-boiled egg |
harde harten | 'hard hearts' (unmoved by sympathy, don't feel your pain) |
hardvochtig 2 3 | hard-hearted, heartless ('hard' people) |
Hij werkt hard | He's working hard |
Er moet nog hard gewerkt
There still needs to be (a lot of) hard work done, It still needs a lot of hard work |
Harder werken aan Nederlands leren | Work harder on learning Dutch (a resolution) |
keihard 2 3 | hard, powerful, high-energy, with much effort |
Gaat 't hard regenen? | Is it going to rain hard? |
Als 't hard regent blijf ik thuis 2 | If it's raining hard I'll stay home |
Heb ik hard genoeg geschopt? | Did I kick (the ball) hard enough? |
Gisteren schopte ik niet hard genoeg | Yesterday I didn't kick (the ball) hard enough |
Ik had de bal harder willen schoppen | I had wanted to kick the ball harder. |
Hij schopt de bal heel hard 2 | He's kicking the ball very hard |
Dutch 'hard' with words of sound can also mean 'loud'
Hij lacht hard | He's laughing loudly |
hard praten 2 | to talk loudly |
harde muziek 2 | loud music |
keihard 2 3 | very loud |
English 'driving hard' means to really put energy into it, making a serious effort, and it also means 'pushing hard,' literally and figuratively, while Dutch 'hard rijden' 2 just means 'fast driving or riding.' With Dutch verbs of movement 'hard' means 'fast.'
hardlopen 2 3 ['to walk fast'] - to run
hardlopen to run | - | ik loop hard I'm running | - | ik liep hard I ran | - | ik heb hardgelopen I have run |
2 3 |
Morgen wil ik gaan hardlopen 2 | Tomorrow I want to go running |
ik rij(d) te hard 2 | I'm driving (or riding) too fast |
Hij kan erg hard fietsen 2 | He can ride a bike very fast, he is a very fast biker |
rijden to ride/to drive |
reed drove/rode |
gereden driven/ridden |
rijden to ride/to drive | - | ik rijd I drive/ride | - | wij rijden we drive/ride | - | ik reed I drove/rode | - | wij reden we drove/rode | - | ik heb gereden/ ik ben gereden I have driven/ridden |
2 |
The opposite of 'snel 'fast, quick, rapid' is 'langzaam' (langzame 2 3 - langzaam/langzame ) 'slow.' The Z is often 'softened' to an S: "langsaam" 2 ("langsaam/langsame" 2)
Ik loop langzaam | I'm walking slowly, I'm a slow walker |
Ik reed heel langzaam naar huis 2 | I drove/rode home very slow |
Je reed te langzaam 2 | You were driving/riding too slow |
langzaam aan 2 | Go slow, don't rush, take it easy |
langzaam maar zeker 2 3 | slowly but certainly |
De vader voerde het kind langzaam een bord pap 2 3 | The dad slowly fed the child a plateful of porridge |
Dit is (niet) verschrikkelijk langzaam slow 2 | This is (not) terribly slow. |
Verschrikkelijk langzaam slow 2 | Terribly slow |
langzamerhand 2 3 | [slowly] - gradually |
See and Hear also: | Slow Dutch |
traag 2 | slow, sluggish, languid |
Onnatuurlijk traag slow 2 3 | Unnaturally tardy, sluggish - more Slow Dutch |
(de) vertraging 2 | delay |
Ik had vertraging 2 3 | 'I was late' (there was a delay) |
't Leidde tot veel vertraging 2 3 | It led to much delay, it caused much delay |
not related: (de) tragedie 2 3 | tragedy |
and tragisch 2 (tragische ) | tragic |
'Patience' is (het) geduld
'patient' is geduldig
'impatient' is ongeduldig
'patient,' a person under medical care is
(de) patiënt
- Medical
The card game 'solitaire' is called
in Dutch (French pronunciation)
Geduldig zijn | Be patient (a resolution ->> |
Geduld oefenen | ['Exercise patience'] - Be patient (a bit old-fashioned) |
Geduld is een schone zaak | Patience is a beautiful thing, patience is good |
Hij wachtte geduldig op z'n beurt 2 3 | He waited patiently for his turn |
Hij onderging de behandeling geduldig 2 | He patiently underwent the treatment |
Dutch rustig (rustige 2 3 means 'not hurried' - 'calm, peaceful, quiet, steady, not much activity'
Alles was rustig | All was quiet |
rustig aan 2 | don't rush, take it easy, calm down |
rustig rijden | drive calmly, don't rush |
rustig maar 2 3 4 5 | "there, there" (trying to comfort an upset person) |
Drink eerst even rustig een kopje thee 2 | First take a moment to relax and drink a cup of tea |
Ik vind 't wel rustig 2 (3) | ~I like the quiet (of it) |
See also: stil 2 (stil / stille 2) 'quiet, silent, no sound' ‑>>
( zachte
2 -
zacht / zachte
is 'soft'
'softly, gently, carefully'
kind-hearted, sweet-natured, mild-mannered
(een) zachtgekookt ei 2 3 | soft-boiled egg (still-liquid yolk) |
Zacht als boter 2 | Soft as butter |
Zo zacht als boter | As soft as butter |
Even zacht als boter 2 | Just as soft as butter |
Voel hoe zacht de stof is! 2 3 | Feel how soft the fabric is! |
zachte muziek 2 3 | soft music (not loud) |
een zachte stem 2 3 | a quiet voice (not loud) |
Hij zei heel zachtjes 'ja' 2 3 | He said 'yes' very softly |
een zachte winter 2 3 | a mild Winter |
een zacht prijsje 2 3 | 'a soft price' - a rather low price, possibly fishy |
Zachtjes aan, dan breekt het lijntje niet slow slow2 [Go [softly] slow so the [line] rope doesn't break] - Easy does it
The pronunciation of the G in the South of
The Netherlands and in
the North of Belgium is called
(de) 'zachte G'
- more
'Groots met Een Zachte G'
'Great, majestic with a soft G'
(A Guus Meeuwis show)
'Zachte G'
't Is haast onmogelijk 2 3 | It's nearly impossible |
't Is welhaast onmogelijk 2 3 | It's nearly (well nigh?) impossible |
Dat is haast niet te doen 2 3 | That's almost impossible (to do) - it's going to be a very difficult job |
't Is haast ongelooflijk 2 | It is almost unbelievable, it's hard to believe |
Er is haast geen geld 2 3 | There is [almost no, hardly any] very little money |
Je zou haast denken ... 2 3 | You would almost think ... |
Hij heeft haast niks gegeten 2 3 | He [ate almost nothing] barely ate anything |
2 is
'barely,' 'almost no,' "narrowly"
Dutch Vocabulary Overview - Dutch Grammar Overview - Listen to and Read Dutch
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