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Dutch Everyday: Traffic and Transportation 2 <<1

de / het / 't click to hear (the)
een, 'n click to hear - 2 (a, an)
één click to hear (one)

(het) verkeer click to hear (traffic) - (het) vervoer click to hear (transportation) - openbaar vervoer click to hear (public transportation)

(de) bus click to hear
(de) bus click to hear
(de) bus click to hear
(de) vrachtauto click to hear = (de) vrachtwagen click to hear
(de) auto click to hear
(de) tram click to hear
(de) tram click to hear
(de) trein click to hear
[train at railroad crossing]
(de) trein click to hear
[railroad crossing]
(de) spoorwegovergang click to hear
(de) roeiboot click to hear
(het) schip click to hear
[a small boat]
(het) bootje click to hear
(het) vliegtuig click to hear
(de) auto
(de) vrachtwagen
(de) bus
(de) tram
(de) trein
(de) boot
(het) schip
(het) vliegtuig
hear - 2
(de) benzine
(de) diesel
(de) olie
[traffic (cars)]
verkeer click to hear (auto's click to hear)
[traffic circle]
(de) rotonde click to hear
(De) 'tram' click to hear is an English word, it is pronounced with English A.
(De) metro click to hear 2 is 'the subway, the underground.' The word is from French. The Amsterdam and Rotterdam subways were only built in the 1960s and 70s - De Ondergrondse click to hear was the resistance movement in WWII German-occupied Holland, also: Het Verzet click to hear 2 3
(Het) benzinestation click to hear ('gas station') often is pronounced a bit lazier, less precise, as "Benzinestasjon" click to hear - the TI turning into SJ, and the A goes from long to short.
(Het) busstation click to hear 2 ('bus terminal') - (de) bushalte click to hear ('bus stop') - (de) halte click to hear 2 ('bus or streetcar stop') - (de) dienstregeling click to hear 2 ('bus, train etc. schedule')
(Het) station click to hear 2 (stasjon) ('train station') - (het) stationnetje click to hear 2 ('small train station') - (het) perron click to hear ('platform' on train station)
'Police station' is (het) politiebureau click to hear
(Het) loket click to hear ('counter') - (het) kaartje click to hear 2 ('ticket') - naar click to hear ('to') (de) bestemming click to hear 2 ('destination')
But: (de) bekeuring click to hear 2 ('ticket, fine')
(de) taxi click to hear 2 3 ('cab, taxi') - (de) fooi click to hear ('tip')
(de) chipkaart click to
('electronic pass card
for public transportation,'
[electronic pass card for public transportation] [electronic pass card for public transportation]
Ik zit in de trein click to hear 2 3 4 I'm on a train
The 'barrier boom,' the moving pole that swings down to block the road at for instance railroad crossings and borders is called (de) slagboom click to hear 2 3 (plural: slagbomen click to hear 2)
A barrier at a railroad crossing can also be called (de) spoorboom click to hear 2 3
de spoorbomen gaan dicht click to hear ('the railway barriers are closing')
de spoorbomen gaan open click to hear ('the railway barriers are opening')
(De) boot click to
  hear ('boat') is smaller than (het) schip click to
  hear ('ship.') (De) zeilboot click to
  hear - 2 ('sailboat') is for sport and holds usually only a few people, while (het) zeilschip click to
  hear ('sailing ship') is one of those tall ships that sailed the seven seas (de zeven zeeën click to hear 2) from the 16th to the 19th Century.
Now the plural of (het) schip click to
  hear ('ship') is schepen click to
  hear ('ships') and the diminutive is (het) scheepje click to
  hear ('little ship.') A few of the old, old words have irregularites like that. To make it even more interesting, medieval towns had law officers called schepenen click to
  hear - singular (de) schepen click to
  hear. The council of Schout en Schepenen click to
  hear was both a police department and a court of justice. We still find that word (de) schout click to hear 2 in schout-bij-nacht click to
  hear ('rear admiral.')
(het) rijexamen click to hear 2 ('driving test') - (het) rijbewijs click to hear 2 3 ('driver's license')
schakelen click to hear 2 3 ('to shift, change gears') - remmen click to hear ('to brake')
(de) handrem click to hear ('parking brake') - (de) reserveband click to hear ('spare tire')
(de) file (Fr.) click to hear ('traffic jam') - (de) spits click to hear ('rush hour')
(de) snelweg click to hear 'highway, expressway' - (de) afrit click to hear 2 3 'off-ramp, exit'
(de) bestuurder click to hear '(car) driver' - (de) chauffeur (French) click to hear 2 ('professional driver')
automobilisten click to hear 2 3 ('drivers, motorists' - or generally, 'people in cars')
(de) tegenligger click to hear 2 3 4 5 (['lying- against'] - 'oncoming traffic')
The truck picture is by Siem & Monique Sipma

(het) kruispunt click to hear 2 intersection
(de) botsing click to hear 2 crash, collision
(het) ongeluk click to hear 2 accident
(de) politie click to hear 2 police
(de) politieman click to hear 2 policeman
(de) snelheid click to hear 2 speed
(de) blikschade click to hear minor car body damage
emergency preparedness
rijden (to drive; to ride)
ik rijd
jij rijdt
hij rijdt
wij rijden
jullie rijden
zij rijden
U rijdt
click to hear
(to drive; to ride)
(I drive)
(you drive)
(he drives)
(we drive)
(you drive)
(they drive)
(you drive)

ik reed
jij reed
hij reed
wij reden
jullie reden
zij reden
U reed
click to hear
(to drive; to ride)
(I drove)
(you drove)
(he drove)
(we drove)
(you drove)
(they drove)
(you drove)
ik heb gereden click to hear
ik ben gereden click to hear
I have driven/ridden
In the perfect tense >> verbs of motion take 'zijn' when a destination is mentioned, but 'hebben' when it's about the motion itself:

ik heb een uur gefietst click to hear 2 I rode a bike for an hour
ik ben naar Veenendaal gefietst click to hear 2 I rode a bike to Veenendaal
ik heb een uur gelopen click to hear 2 I walked for an hour
ik ben naar huis gelopen click to hear 2 I walked home
ik rijd te hard click to hear 2 I'm driving too fast
je reed te langzaam click to hear 2 you were driving too slow
ik reed heel langzaam naar huis click to hear 2 I drove/rode home very slowly
hij reed achteruit de garage in click to hear 2 he drove backwards into the garage
Ga je met de auto? click to hear 2 Are you going by car?
woon je ver van je werk? click to hear do you live far from where you work?
ga je op de fiets naar je werk? click to hear do you ride your bike to work?
kun je op de fiets naar je werk? click to hear 2 can you ride a bike to work?
verkeer van rechts heeft vaak voorrang click to hear 2 3 traffic from the right often has the right of way
neem de tweede weg rechts click to hear take the 2nd road to the right
neem de tweede weg links
en dan de derde weg rechts click to hear
take the 2nd road to the left
and then the 3rd to the left
ga bij 't kruispunt rechts click to hear take a right at the intersection
sla linksaf op 't kruispunt click to hear 2 turn left on the intersection
aan het eind van de straat gaan we rechtsaf click to hear At the end of the street we'll go right
't Is twee uur rijden click to hear 2 It's [2 hours' driving] a 2-hour drive
(de) omweg click to hear 2 detour
't Is om click to hear 2 It's a detour, it's not the shortest way
de verkeerde weg inslaan click to hear 2 3 4 5 [turning into the wrong road] make a wrong turn
Hij is z'n rijbewijs voorgoed kwijt click to hear 2 3 4 He lost his driver's license 'for good,' it was suspended indefinitely
Ik was kwaad omdat ik weer voor m'n rijexamen gezakt was click to hear 2 I was angry because I failed the driving test again
Wat is dat voor een auto? click to hear 2 What [kind of] brand of car is that?
Het is een Spijker click to hear It's a Spijker (rare Dutch car brand)
Het is een Daf click to hear It's a Daf (discontinued Dutch car brand)
The 'Daf' click to hear 2 was a Dutch car brand of the 1950s and 60s, later bought by Volvo (the Volvo 343 would have been the Daf 77)
van Doorne's AutomobielFabriek click to hear 2
The DAF had a unique automatic gears system, called 't Pientere Pookje click to hear ('the clever stick-shift') in advertising.
The 'Spijker' click to hear (also written as 'Spyker') was a Dutch car of the early days of the automobile - (de) spijker is a carpentry nail.

More Talking about Travel

[arrows pointing left, straight, right and back]
links click to hear left
rechts click to hear right
rechtdoor click to hear (going) straight
terug click to hear back
As directions, you could also say:
linksaf click to hear left
rechtsaf click to hear right

vooruit click to hear forward
achteruit click to hear backward
[arrows along a road pointing forward and back]
richting aangeven click to hear 2 3 to indicate, signal direction (in traffic)
[road, from the  window of a driving car]
(de) weg click to hear (picture by Marry Ruitenbeek
© 2013 all rights reserved)
[route sign]
(de) richtingaanwijzer click to hear 2
= (de) wegwijzer click to hear
Rij jij of rij ik?" click to hear 2 3
[Are you driving or am I?] Who's driving?
- what an exasperated driver can say to passengers who criticize his driving.

[traffic light]
(het) stoplicht click to hear 2
  rood click to hear red

  oranje click to hear orange
geel click to hear 2 3 yellow

  groen click to hear green
Als het licht rood is moet je stoppen. click to hear 2 When the light is red you have to stop.
Als het licht rood wordt moet je stoppen. click to hear 2 When the light turns red you have to stop.
Als het licht groen is mag je doorrijden. click to hear 2 When the light is green you may drive on.
Toen het licht groen werd reden we weg. click to hear 2 When the light turned green we drove off.
Note that in the lines above the working verb is placed before the subject
- Dutch does that after statements that indicate time, place or a condition
Het licht werd groen en we reden weg. click to hear 2 The light turned green and we drove off.
De bliksem is zeker ingeslagen click to hear 2 3 'Lightning must have struck'
(said when a traffic light takes long to change)
Deze auto hier click to hear 'This car here'
Die auto daar click to hear 'That car over there'
Dit is mijn auto click to hear 'This is my car'
Heb je een auto? click to hear 'Do you have (own) a car?'
Heeft Jan een auto? click to hear 2 3 'Does John have (own) a car?'
Ga je met je eigen auto? click to
  hear 'Will you take your own car?'
Hij stapte uit de auto click to hear 'He [stepped] got out of the car'
Hadden jullie pech? click to hear means literally 'Did you (guys) have bad luck?' but it usually refers to car trouble: 'Did your car break down?'
Had je een lekke band? click to hear 'Did you (singular) have a [leaking] flat tire?'
[gas station] [gas station]
(het) benzinestation click to hear 2 (gas station pictures by Amy Gregson © 2012 all rights reserved)
De benzine is op click to hear 'The gas is finished, we're out of gas' bijna click to hear 2 'almost'
Ik vergat te tanken click to hear I [forgot] had forgotten to get gas, fill the tank)
(de) stoomwals click to hear 2
[tow truck]
(de) kraanwagen click to hear 2
[a Citroën car]
(de) Citroën (Fr.) click to hear 2 3 - "de lelijke eend" click to hear >>
[gas station]
(het) benzinestation click to hear

(de) wagen click to hear is an old-fashioned or jocular word for 'car,' but it's also found in many 'truck,' 'van' 'carriage' or 'cart' compound words, like (de) vrachtwagen click to hear 'truck' and (de) kraanwagen click to hear 2 'tow truck' already mentioned above

(de) bestelwagen click to hear 2 delivery van
(de) boevenwagen click to hear 2 'black Maria,' van for transporting criminals
(de) verhuiswagen click to hear moving truck ‑>>
(de) vuilniswagen click to hear garbage truck
(de) ziekenwagen click to hear 2 ambulance
also: (de) ambulance (French) click to hear
paard-en-wagen click to hear 2 horse carriage
(de) zeilwagen click to hear sailing cart
(de) hooiwagen click to hear 2 'hay cart,' also: Daddy Longlegs spider
(de) kinderwagen click to hear baby carriage
(de) wandelwagen click to hear 2 stroller
(het) winkelwagentje click to hear 2 shopping cart

(het) woonerf click to hear 2 residential area with limited car access
Official Dutch street and road types:
(de) stroomweg click to hear 2 4 5 6 7 [flow road] ~highway
(de) gebiedsontsluitingsweg click to hear 2 3 [general areas access road] ~road
(de) erftoegangsweg click to hear 2 3 4 [residential areas access road] ~street

[left arrow] 1 2

[A Dutch flag on the edge of a puddle of water]
[a house]
the house
[a path]
the outdoors
[a mirror]
[glasses, watch, etc.]


email - Copyright © Marco Schuffelen 2008. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.
Don't be a dief (thief) / dievegge (female thief) - diefstal (theft) - stelen (to steal) - heler (dealer in stolen goods) - hear Dutch - 2