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[plate of food]
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the outdoors
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From The Days of Old

Uit de oude doos click to hear 2 3 4 ('from the old box:') old-fashioned - See and hear also: Time: The Past

[Then: me as a child on a scooter]
toen click to hear (step click to hear)
[Now: present me on a scooter]
nu click to hear (step click to hear)
[a radio]
radio, radiotoestel click to hear
['radio listening licence']
click to hear >>
[a telephone st from the 70s]
click to hear telefoontoestel (Ericsson)
[telephone showing rotary dial]
telefoon, telefoontoestel click to hear
[old rtelephone set's rotary dial]
kiesschijf click to hear
[an ashtray]
asbak click to hear
zonnewijzer click to hear
[slide rule]
rekenlineaal click to hear
[a detailed view of a slide rule showing how it works]
detail click to hear
[curvometer, a tool to measure distances on a map,
  'ride' the wheel on the map along the road you plan to take]
curvimeter click to hear
[a record player form the fifties]
[a record player form the nineties]
platenspeler click to hear = draaitafel click to hear 2
Like in English, there is the somewhat old-fashioned word grammofoon click to hear for a record player with a built-in amplifier.
[a vinyl record with a nice cover]
grammofoonplaat click to hear 2 / langspeelplaat click to hear
[a camera]
fototoestel click to hear - 2
[a picture, photograph lying on a table]
foto click to hear
[me as a child 'doing laundry'  with a washboard]
wasbord click to hear
[hot laundry grabber]
wastang click to hear 2 (to lift laundry from hot water)
[laundry grabber - detail]
detail click to hear
[horse carriage]
rijtuig click to hear = paard-en-wagen click to hear 2
[a propellor airplane]
propellorvliegtuig click to hear
[sailing ship]
zeilschip click to hear >>
[sailing ship]
zeilschip click to hear
[sailing ship]
zeilschip click to hear
[old picture of little boy reading]
ik las click to hear
[me, reading]
ik lees click to hear
[a collection of books]
ik heb gelezen click to hear - verbs - 2
[punch card]
ponskaart click to hear 2
[me reading the standard book about Dos]
Back to Dos!
[me reading the standard book about Dos]
Back to Dos!
scissors (and knives) sharpener (de) scharensliep click to hear 2
collector of vegetable and fruit peel and scraps (de) schillenboer click to hear 2
(pans and) kettles mender (de) ketellapper click to hear 2
peddler, door-to-door salesman (de) marskramer click to hear 2
From growing up in the late 1950s and early 60s, I remember de scharensliep and de schillenboer, but I don't remember ever seeing de ketellapper (the word I remember is (de) pannenlapper click to hear 2 but ketellapper seems to be the more common word. Maybe I mixed it up with pannenlappen click to hear 'pot holders.')
Unfortunately, (de) bedelaar click to hear 2 'beggar' who had almost completly disappeared in the 1970s seems to have made a come-back.
(het) telefoontoestel
(het) radiotoestel
(het) fototoestel
telephone (set)
radio (box)
(picture) camera
(de) koets click to hear stagecoach, horse carriage with closed passengers compartment
(de) koetsier click to hear coachman, stagecoach driver
(de) kleermaker click to hear 2 tailor
(de) naaister click to hear seamstress
((het) naaistertje click to hear 2 'little' seamstress)
(De) donkere kamer click to hear 2 ('darkroom') is a rare instance where English has a compound word but Dutch doesn't.
(De) bedstee click to hear 2 is an 'alcove' - in the old days, a very small side bedroom, more a cabinet with just a mattress, and a curtain or a sliding door to close it off. Sleep
ouderwets click to hear old-fashioned / modern click to hear modern
Dat is zo ouderwets! click to hear That's so old-fashioned!
We hadden ouderwets plezier click to hear 2 3 We had old-fashioned fun, we had fun like in the old days (looking back to when we thought things were less bleak and complicated)

The 'Halve Maen' sailing ship picture is by Billy Eric © 2009

[a building]


email - Copyright © Marco Schuffelen 2008. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.
Don't be a dief (thief) / dievegge (female thief) - diefstal (theft) - stelen (to steal) - heler (dealer in stolen goods) - hear Dutch - 2