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Everyday Dutch Vocabulary 12 - Home - 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 - Version 2: 1 2 3 4 5 - Hear 2000 words (list)

A New Version of This Page with links to some explanation and more examples - and a New Version of the Dutch to English page (no complete overlap yet)

The Little Words List: English to Dutch (Revised 2011)

The List Dutch to English - Hear 2000 Words, a Dutch to English list
This is a page for reference, looking up words - for learning these words you'd better go to: Prepositions (etc.): pictorial / list

Prepositions, conjunctions, pronouns etc. are the most difficult words of a foreign language - as you may notice in my occasionally awkward English - and I have been learning English for almost 50 years. (But you didn't come to my site for perfect English.)

Adjectives usually get an -E ending: al / alle click to hear - ander / andere click to hear - except 'het'-words after 'een,' 'geen' or without an article - fully explained.
Many of the Dutch personal pronouns have an IJ-form (jij, wij, zij, mij, mijn, zijn) and and E-(schwa)-form (je, we, ze, me, m'n, z'n.) In most cases you can use the E-form - the IJ-form is more specific.

a, an - een, 'n click to hear a day like all others, just another day een dag als alle andere click to hear
a man, a woman, a little child een man, een vrouw, een kindje click to hear
a few, a couple of - een paar click to hear a few drops of rain een paar regendruppels click to hear
there were a couple of people
in line at the ticket counter
er stonden een paar mensen
in de rij voor het loket click to hear
a few years later een paar jaar later click to hear
'een paar' can also be strictly 'a pair'
a pair of shoes een paar schoenen click to hear
a pair of gloves een paar handschoenen click to hear
a little - een beetje click to hear can I have a little cheese, please? mag ik een beetje kaas? click to hear
a lot (of) - veel click to hear we're having a lot of rain we hebben veel regen click to hear
there's still a lot of work er is nog veel werk click to hear
we need a lot of ice we hebben veel ijs nodig click to hear

about- om click to hear trees about the house bomen om het huis click to hear
much ado about nothing veel gedoe om niks click to hear
it's not about the money het gaat niet om het geld click to hear
but it is about the money het gaat wel om het geld click to hear
- rond click to hear trees about the house bomen rond het huis click to hear
at about four o'clock rond vier uur click to hear
- ongeveer click to hear about forty euro ongeveer veertig euro click to hear
at about 4 om ongeveer vier uur click to hear
- aan click to hear what are you thinking about? waar denk je aan? click to hear
- over click to hear the book is about dolphins het boek gaat over dolfijnen click to hear
above see over
across- over click to hear a bridge across the (city) canal een brug over de gracht click to hear

after- na click to hear after the war na de oorlog click to hear
after 8 o'clock na acht uur / na achten click to hear
aftertaste nasmaak click to hear
[after rain the sun will come out]
bad things don't last
na regen komt zonneschijn click to hear

again - weer click to hear the sun came up again de zon kwam weer op click to hear
the engine is working again! de motor doet 't weer! click to hear
the Zuyder Zee is raging again de Zuiderzee gaat weer tekeer click to hear
't weer click to hear is 'the weather'

against - tegen click to hear against a tree tegen een boom click to hear
are you for or against? ben je voor of tegen? click to hear

all- al/alle click to hear all men (humans) are equal alle mensen zijn gelijk click to hear
I've given away all my tools ik heb al m'n gereedschap weggegeven click to hear
all that trouble in vain al die moeite voor niks! click to hear
- alles click to hear all was quiet alles was rustig
we'll share everything [divide fairly] eerlijk zullen we alles delen click to hear
- de hele click to hear all day de hele dag click to hear
- geheel click to hear all in black geheel in 't zwart click to hear
- iedereen click to hear all are welcome iedereen is welkom click to hear

almost - bijna click to hear we're almost there we zijn er bijna click to hear
it's almost ready het is bijna klaar click to hear
alone - alleen click to hear Lonely but not Alone Eenzaam maar niet Alleen click to hear (former queen Wilhelmina's autobiography)
man cannot live by bread alone de mens kan niet alleen van brood leven click to hear

already - al click to hear the ferry left already de pont is al weg click to hear
are the bananas already yellow? zijn de bananen al geel? click to hear
I'm already going steady ik heb al verkering click to hear (jocular use)

although - hoewel click to hear although he had worked hard he failed the test hoewel hij hard gewerkt had zakte hij voor het examen click to hear
although the experiment failed we still learned a lot hoewel de proef mislukte hebben we toch veel geleerd click to hear
although it was raining he still went out without a coat hoewel 't regende ging hij toch zonder jas naar buiten click to hear

always - altijd click to hear there's always something d'r is ook altijd wat click to hear
there's always room for you er is voor jou altijd plaats click to hear
~ he's always there for you A. hij staat altijd voor je klaar click to hear
B. hij staat altijd klaar voor je click to hear

among- tussen click to hear among the trees in the forest tussen de bomen in het bos click to hear
Dutch 'tussen' is both 'among' and 'between'

and- en click to hear day and night dag en nacht click to hear
food and drink eten en drinken click to hear
pepper and salt peper en zout click to hear

any - welke dan ook click to hear take any neem welke dan ook click to hear
- elke click to hear any day is OK elke dag is goed click to hear
- wat click to hear is there any food? is er wat te eten? click to hear
- -- do you have any wool? heb je wol? click to hear
- enig click to hear is there any connection? is er enig verband? click to hear
is there any difference? is er enig verschil? click to hear
has there been any communication? is er enig contact geweest? click to hear
do you have any idea what it is? heb je enig idee wat het is? click to hear
has there been any progress? was er enige vooruitgang? click to hear
is there any improvement? is er enige verbetering? click to hear
not any- helemaal niet click to hear he is not any wiser hij was helemaal niet wijzer geworden click to hear
- geen enkel click to hear geen enkele click to hear I haven't any interest ik heb geen enkele interesse click to hear
there is not any proof er is geen enkel bewijs click to hear
there are [not any] no objections at all er is geen enkel bezwaar tegen click to hear

as- als click to hear soft as butter zacht als boter click to hear
as an example als voorbeeld click to hear
as a Dutchman I'd say ... yes! als Nederlander zou ik zeggen ... ja! click to hear
(because) - omdat click to hear as I am Dutch omdat ik Nederlands ben click to hear
as ... as - zo ... als click to hear Hank is not as tall as Bill Henk is niet zo groot als Wim click to hear
- even ... als click to hear Pete is as tall as Charles Piet is even groot als Klaas click to hear
as if - alsof click to hear as if my mouth was on fire alsof m'n mond in brand stond click to hear
as if there are no bigger problems in the world alsof er geen grotere problemen in de wereld zijn click to hear
it was as if the sun came up at midnight het was alsof de zon om middernacht opkwam click to hear (Close Encounters of the 3rd Kind)
everything around me seems so slow,
as if I am in higher gear
alles om me heen lijkt zo langzaam,
alsof ik in een hogere versnelling zit click to hear

at- op click to hear at this point op dit punt click to hear
at the moment op het moment click to hear
- aan click to hear he was sitting at the table hij zat aan tafel click to hear
we were at breakfast we zaten aan het ontbijt click to hear
there is someone at the door er is iemand aan de deur click to hear
- om click to hear we'll leave at 6 o'clock we gaan om zes uur weg click to hear
it will start at 9 o'clock 't begint om negen uur click to hear
- in click to hear at that time all of us had long hair in die tijd hadden we allemaal lang haar click to hear
- naar click to hear he shot an arrow at the tree hij schoot een pijl naar de boom click to hear
they were looking at the clouds ze keken naar de wolken click to hear
at least - minstens click to hear it will [cost] take at least two weeks 't kost minstens twee weken click to hear
at most - hoogstens click to hear it's an hour's work at most 't is hoogstens een uur werk click to hear

back - terug click to hear go back ga terug click to hear
he came back hij kwam terug click to hear
back to DOS! terug naar DOS! click to hear
he [gave back] returned the book hij gaf het boek terug click to hear
the body part 'back' is (de) rug click to hear
backwards - achteruit click to hear he drove into the garage backwards hij reed achteruit de garage in click to hear
as if I was walking backwards with eyes closed alsof ik met m'n ogen dicht achteruit liep click to hear
- achterom click to hear look backwards for moment before you make a turn kijk even achterom voordat je afslaat click to hear

because- omdat click to hear he was happy because the weather was fine hij was blij omdat het mooi weer was click to hear
I was angry
because I failed the driving test again
ik was kwaad
omdat ik weer voor m'n rijexamen gezakt was click to hear

before- voor click to hear it starts before eight o'clock het begint voor acht uur
before the war voor de oorlog click to hear
the quiet before the storm de stilte voor de storm click to hear
the dark days before Christmas de donkere dagen voor Kerstmis click to hear
A comes before B and C A is voor B en C click to hear
behind - achter click to hear behind the house achter 't huis click to hear
C is behind A and B C is achter A en B click to hear
[the back in front] backwards achterstevoren click to hear
glueing the children behind the wallpaper de kinderen achter het behang plakken click to hear
(many a parent's occasional wish)

below see under

between- tussen click to hear B is between A and C B is tussen A en C click to hear
between 1940 and 1945 tussen 1940 en 1945 click to hear
Dutch 'tussen' is both 'between' and 'among'
just between you and me onder ons gezegd en gezwegen click to hear

but- maar click to hear strange but true raar maar waar click to hear
all men are equal but some are more equal alle mensen zijn gelijk, maar sommige zijn meer gelijk
older but not wiser ouder maar niet wijzer click to hear
he was honest but polite hij was eerlijk, maar beleefd click to hear
but for see except

by- van click to hear a painting by Van Gogh een schilderij van Van Gogh click to hear
- door click to hear the house was hit by a rocket het huis werd door een raket getroffen click to hear
I was not stung by a wasp,
but by a bee
ik werd niet door een wesp gestoken,
maar door een bij click to hear
- bij click to hear he was sitting by the window hij zat bij het raam click to hear

down- omlaag click to hear = naar beneden click to hear we (glided) slid down we gleden omlaag click to hear
we went down in the elevator we gingen naar beneden met de lift click to hear
are you going down? ga je naar beneden? click to hear
downstairs - beneden click to hear there's also a bedroom downstairs er is beneden ook een slaapkamer click to hear
the neighbors downstairs benedenburen click to hear

enough - genoeg click to hear do you have enough money? heb je genoeg geld? click to hear
I don't get enough sleep ik krijg niet genoeg slaap click to hear
good enough goed genoeg click to hear

even - zelfs click to hear even in the shade it was hot zelfs in de schaduw was het warm click to hear
even if he had known that it was going to rain ... zelfs als hij geweten had dat het zou gaan regenen ... click to hear

ever - ooit click to hear have you ever been to Memphis? ben je ooit in Memphis geweest? click to hear
if you ever come this way ... als je ooit deze kant op komt ... click to hear

every, each - elk click to hear = ieder click to hear elk/elke click to hear - ieder/iedere click to hear
every word was true elk woord was waar click to hear
every soldier has a mother iedere soldaat heeft een moeder click to hear
I get up early every day ik sta elke dag vroeg op click to hear
the sun comes up every day de zon komt iedere dag op click to hear
everybody, everyone iedereen click to hear
everything alles click to hear
everytime = always altijd click to hear >>
everywhere overal click to hear

except, but for - behalve click to hear except for his nose he looks like his grandmother behalve z'n neus lijkt hij op z'n oma click to hear
men are like animals but for their brains behalve hun hersens zijn mensen net dieren click to hear

far - ver click to hear ver / verre click to hear
far from home ver van huis click to hear
he is far away hij is ver weg click to hear
it is not far to ... het is niet ver naar ... click to hear
in a distant past in een ver verleden click to hear

few, not many - weinig click to hear = niet veel click to hear Dutch 'weinig' is both 'little' and 'few' - see also: a few
there are not many witnesses er zijn weinig getuigen click to hear
there are few whales left er zijn weinig walvissen over click to hear
they have few tools ze hebben weinig gereedschap click to hear
a man of few words een man van weinig woorden click to hear
many are called,
but few are chosen
velen worden geroepen,
maar weinigen worden uitgekozen click to hear
a few see under a

for- voor click to hear flowers for Ella bloemen voor Elly click to hear
[thanks] thank you for your letter bedankt voor je brief click to hear
are you for or against? ben je voor of tegen? click to hear
- naar click to hear the thirst for knowledge de dorst naar kennis click to hear
- om ... te click to hear the best place for learning Dutch de beste plaats om Nederlands te leren click to hear
- te click to hear for sale te koop click to hear
- -- they stayed for a week in Delft ze bleven een week in Delft click to hear
(because) - want click to hear for there was so much to see want er was zo veel te zien click to hear
for example - bijvoorbeeld click to hear he is never late, for example hij komt bijvoorbeeld nooit te laat click to hear
[he comes never too late, for example]

forward - vooruit click to hear because we had the wind against us,
we only moved forward [with difficulty] slowly
door de tegenwind
kwamen we maar met moeite vooruit click to hear
look forward, don't look back kijk vooruit, niet achteruit click to hear

from- van click to hear far from home ver van huis click to hear
from 1940 to 1945 van 1940 tot 1945 click to hear
- uit click to hear I'm from the US Ik kom uit Amerika click to hear
tulips from Amsterdam tulpen uit Amsterdam click to hear 2 3 4
dredging up old cows from the ditch
(pointless talk about foregone matter)
oude koeien uit de sloot halen click to hear
- vanuit click to hear an attack from a country
is an attack by that country
een aanval vanuit een land
is een aanval door dat land click to hear

good - goed click to hear Dutch 'goed' is both 'well' and 'good' - goed/goede click to hear
we had a good year we hebben een goed jaar gehad click to hear
a good start is half the job [done] een goed begin is het halve werk click to hear
[give] set the [good] right example geef 't goede voorbeeld click to hear

he - hij click to hear [he is kin of me] he is a relative hij is familie van me click to hear 2
he has the flu hij heeft griep click to hear 2
he looks tired hij ziet er moe uit click to hear
he's in a bad mood hij is in een slecht humeur click to hear

her - haar click to hear it's her house het is haar huis click to hear
he's giving her yellow roses hij geeft haar gele rozen click to hear
have you seen her? heb je haar gezien? click to hear
the house is hers het huis is van haar click to hear
Both English 'her' and Dutch 'haar' can be the possessive, dative or accusative form
(het) haar click to hear is 'hair' - haar haar click to hear 2 'her hair' - to avoid that some people say the dialect form 'heur haar' click to hear

here - hier click to hear here and there hier en daar click to hear
here it's warm - over there it's cold hier is 't warm - daar is 't koud click to hear
who's in charge here? wie heeft hier de leiding? click to hear = wie heeft er hier de leiding? click to hear

him - hem click to hear have you congratulated him? heb je hem gefeliciteerd? click to hear
I gave him a quarter ik gaf hem een kwartje click to hear
- 'm click to
  hear I gave him a quarter ik gaf 'm een kwartje click to hear
they knew him well ze kenden 'm goed click to hear

his - zijn click to hear his second wife was a Belgian woman(?) zijn tweede vrouw was een Belgische click to hear
- z'n click to hear [JR and his comrade] 'bad people' Jan Rap en z'n maat click to hear

home - thuis click to hear home at last eindelijk thuis click to hear
he is at home hij is thuis click to hear
I'll be back home in an hour ik ben over een uur weer thuis click to hear
- (naar/van) huis click to hear I'm going home ik ga naar huis click to hear
I walked home ik ben naar huis gelopen click to hear
far from home ver van huis click to hear
'(het) tehuis' click to hear is 'a home'

how - hoe click to hear how do you do that? hoe doe je dat? click to hear
how are you? (informal) hoe gaat 't? click to hear
how is your Mother? hoe is 't met je moeder? click to hear
[how is it possible?] how can it be? hoe is 't mogelijk? click to hear

I - ik click to hear I have a cold ik ben verkouden click to hear
I don't know what I should do ik weet niet wat ik moet doen click to hear
I [am] was born in Holland ik ben in Nederland geboren click to hear

if- als click to hear if I were you I wouldn't go als ik jou was zou ik niet gaan click to hear
if not now, when? als je 't nu niet doet, wanneer dan wel? click to hear
[if you don't do it now, when are you?]
if it rains, the game will be canceled als het regent wordt de wedstrijd afgelast click to hear
[if it has to be] if you must als 't moet click to hear
if it doesn't go away by itself
I'll go see a doctor about it
als het niet vanzelf overgaat
ga ik ermee naar de dokter click to hear

in- in click to hear in the house in het huis click to hear
he lives in England hij woont in Engeland click to hear
in trouble in de problemen click to hear
how do you say that in Dutch? hoe zeg je dat in het Nederlands? click to hear
he is in a bad mood hij is in een slecht humeur click to hear
- binnen click to hear are you coming in or would
you rather stay outside?
kom je binnen of wil
je buiten blijven? click to hear
inside out binnenstebuiten click to hear
- op click to hear in time op tijd click to hear
get to bed in time op tijd naar bed click to hear
- bij click to hear he is in the Navy hij is bij de marine click to hear
into- in click to hear binnen click to hear he went into the house hij ging 't huis in click to hear
hij ging 't huis binnen
in front of - voor click to hear a tree in front of the house een boom voor het huis click to hear

it - het click to hear = 't click to hear it's cold outside 't is koud buiten click to hear
it is burning het brandt click to hear
it's still early het is nog vroeg click to hear
it's too late het is te laat click to hear
it's usually overcast in Holland 't is meestal bewolkt in Nederland click to hear
Dutch doesn't use 'het' as often as English does 'it' - we say 'hij' (he)
- or occasionally
'zij' (she) - for 'de-words,' and 'het' only as 'it' for 'het-words.'
the day - it was long de dag - hij was lang click to hear
the car - it is broken, doesn't go de auto - hij is stuk click to hear
the ship - it has sunk 't schip - het is gezonken click to hear
the food - it was cold 't eten - 't was koud click to hear
the food - it was enjoyable 't eten - 't was lekker click to hear
its - zijn click to hear = z'n click to hear
(- haar click to hear)
Dutch has no possessive for 'it' (het) - in most cases 'zijn' or "z'n" ('his') is used, occasionally 'haar' ('her')
March is waggging its tail maart roert z'n staart click to hear (bad weather at the end of March)
each day has enough [suffering] trouble of its own elke dag heeft genoeg aan z'n eigen leed click to hear
the [little] bird is sitting on its [little] nest 't vogeltje zit op z'n nestje click to hear
the [little] bird and its young 't vogeltje en haar jongen click to hear
the ship and its/her crew het schip en haar bemanning click to hear

just - net click to hear he just came home hij is net thuis click to hear
the ferry just left de pont is net weg click to hear

like - als click to hear like a knife through butter als 'n mes door de boter click to hear (very easy)
it [sits like cast] fits like a T 't zit als gegoten click to hear
cold like a frog koud als een kikker click to hear
'to like' is: 'houden van' click to hear >>

like this - zo click to hear we can't go on like this we kunnen niet zo doorgaan click to hear

little, not much - weinig click to hear = niet veel click to hear Dutch 'weinig' is both 'little' and 'few' - see also: a little
they have little in common ze hebben weinig gemeen click to hear
there was little money er was weinig geld click to hear
he doesn't eat much hij eet niet veel click to hear
hij eet weinig click to hear
he doesn't drink much hij drinkt niet veel click to hear
hij drinkt weinig click to hear
he doesn't see much hij ziet weinig click to hear
he has little chance hij heeft weinig kans click to hear
there is little music er is weinig muziek click to hear
there is little time for music er is weinig tijd voor muziek click to hear
'little' may also mean something like 'small:' klein/kleine click to hear
the little brother het kleine broertje click to hear
a little, a lot see under a

many - veel click to hear Dutch 'veel' is both 'much' and 'many' - see also: a lot
many people are sick er zijn veel mensen ziek click to hear
there were many complaints er waren veel klachten click to hear
many people think that way veel mensen denken zo click to hear
many-colored rose veelkleurige roos click to hear
as an adjective, 'veel' only occasionally takes the form 'vele' click to hear veel/vele click to hear - only when it refers to clearly separate subjects
'many more years!' nog vele jaren! click to hear (many happy returns)
many days vele dagen click to hear

maybe, perhaps - misschien click to hear maybe we can sit outside misschien kunnen we wel buiten zitten click to hear
Dutch is a beautiful language
- but maybe not for singing
Nederlands is een mooie taal - maar misschien niet om te zingen click to hear

me - mij click to hear I'm going to attack - follow me ik val aan - volg mij click to hear (Rear Admiral Karel Doorman, Battle of the Java Sea, 1942)
[according to me] 'I think ...' volgens mij click to hear
nothing is known to me about it er is mij niets van bekend click to hear (I know nothing about it)
they're singing a song for me zij zingen een lied voor mij click to hear
don't worry about me maak je geen zorgen over mij click to hear
- me click to hear it doesn't matter to me (I don't care) 't maakt me niet uit click to hear
it's a [riddle] mystery to me het is me 'n raadsel click to hear
nobody told me anything niemand heeft me iets verteld click to hear

much - veel click to hear Dutch 'veel' is both 'much' and 'many' - see also: a lot
there was much money er was veel geld click to hear
he hears much hij hoort veel click to hear
there is still much paper er is nog veel papier click to hear
there is still much to do er is nog veel te doen click to hear
he knows much about bees hij weet veel van bijen click to hear
high trees catch much wind hoge bomen vangen veel wind click to hear (the high and mighty catch much flak)
much was said about freedom er werd veel gesproken over vrijheid click to hear
I've eaten too much ik heb te veel gegeten click to hear
he has too much bad luck hij heeft te veel pech click to hear

my - mijn click to hear my name is Daniel mijn naam is Daniël click to hear
my family is from the South mijn familie komt uit het zuiden click to hear
[my heaven] good heavens! mijn hemel! click to hear
my bike was stolen mijn fiets is gestolen click to hear
- m'n click to
  hear my son really liked it m'n zoon vond 't erg leuk click to hear
I had a long talk with my boss ik heb een lang gesprek met m'n baas gehad click to hear

near - dichtbij click to hear (verbs) he lives near the museum hij woont dichtbij het museum click to hear
we're near the border we zijn dicht bij de grens click to hear
- nabij click to hear (nouns) the end is near 't einde is nabij click to hear
the distant future and the near future de verre toekomst en de nabije toekomst click to hear

(neither) ... nor - noch click to hear neither fish nor [meat] fowl vis noch vlees click to hear
neither child nor crow (no ties, no possessions) kind noch kraai click to hear
[neither word nor sign] out of touch taal noch teken click to hear

no- nee click to hear "Do you have bananas?" / "No." "Heeft U bananen?" / "Nee." click to hear
I said "no" ik zei "nee" click to hear
- geen click to hear there are no bananas er zijn geen bananen click to hear
there are no mountains in Holland er zijn geen bergen in Nederland click to hear
there's no end to it er komt geen eind aan click to hear (it goes on and on)
no words but action(s)! geen woorden maar daden! click to hear 2 (we want action, not words)
nobody, no-one niemand click to hear
nothing niets click to hear = niks click to hear
(at no time) never nooit click to hear
nowhere nergens click to hear

not - niet click to hear I did not do it ik heb 't niet gedaan click to hear
don't ask why vraag niet waarom click to hear
it is not true het is niet waar click to hear
I cannot explain it ik kan het niet verklaren click to hear (I don't understand it)
do not get up too late niet te laat opstaan click to hear
not necessarily organic niet noodzakelijkerwijs biodynamisch click to hear
there is not enough time er is niet genoeg tijd click to hear
not a - geen click to hear not a cloud in the sky geen wolkje aan de lucht click to hear
not a breath of air, no wind at all geen zuchtje wind click to hear
he doesn't have a car hij heeft geen auto click to hear
I'm not a vegetarian ik ben geen vegetariër click to hear 2

not yet - nog niet click to hear (verbs) I haven't eaten yet ik heb nog niet gegeten click to hear
I have not yet voted (cast my vote?) ik heb nog niet gestemd click to hear
- nog geen click to hear (nouns) there is not yet a solution er is nog geen oplossing click to hear
I do not yet have a walker ik heb nog geen rollator click to hear
not any see any

now - nu click to hear = nou click to hear are you happy now? ben je nou blij? click to hear
now that's [been] enough! nou is het wel genoeg geweest click to hear
why are you here now? waarom ben je nu hier? click to hear
now or never nu of nooit click to hear

of, 's- van click to hear the Mayor of Amsterdam de burgemeester van Amsterdam click to hear
Peet's mug de mok van Piet click to hear
my father's wife de vrouw van m'n vader click to hear
freedom of expression vrijheid van mengingsuiting click to hear
[sense of own-worth] self-esteem gevoel van eigenwaarde click to hear
Dutch also has an S-possessive like English, but it is not used
very often (note that in Dutch there is no apostrophe before the S)
my father's friends m'n vaders vrienden click to hear
Neither does Dutch have the apostrophe-S with 'of:'
the friends of my father's de vrienden van m'n vader click to hear

off- van click to hear [feet off the floor] start dancing! voetjes van de vloer click to hear
- van ... af click to hear he ball rolled off the table de bal rolde van de tafel af click to hear

on- op click to hear the book on the table het boek op de tafel click to hear
he proposal on the table het voorstel op tafel click to hear
on the roof op het dak click to hear
on time op tijd click to hear
the train is usually on time de trein is meestal op tijd click to hear
a lizard on the wall een hagedis op de muur click to hear
- aan click to hear a picture on the wall een foto aan de muur click to hear

one- één click to hear [one time] once daily één keer per dag click to hear

only - alleen click to hear (verbs) he only drank water hij dronk alleen water click to hear
in heaven there are only good people in de hemel zijn alleen goede mensen click to hear
there's only noise er is alleen herrie click to hear
- enig click to hear (nouns) enig enige click to hear
'bijzonder' seems to be the only exception 'bijzonder' lijkt de enige uitzondering click to hear
the only example I can think of het enige voorbeeld dat ik kan bedenken click to hear
only child enig kind click to hear
it looks like 'enig' is the adjective, and 'alleen' is the adverb

or- of click to hear now or never nu of nooit click to hear
heads or tails (coin toss) kruis of munt click to hear
all or nothing alles of niets click to hear
would you like cheese or ham on your bread? wil je kaas of ham op je brood? click to hear
is it hot or do I have a fever?
do I have a fever or is it hot?
is het warm of heb ik koorts? click to hear 2
heb ik koorts of is het warm? click to hear 2

other- ander click to hear ander andere click to hear
on the other side of the wall aan de andere kant van de muur click to hear
would you have another table? heeft U een ander tafeltje? click to hear
the other way 'round andersom click to hear
is there not another solution? is er niet een andere oplossing? click to hear
others- anderen click to hear some people think they have
more rights than others
sommige mensen denken dat ze
meer rechten hebben dan anderen click to hear

our - ons click to hear 'our India' ons Indië click to hear (the Dutch Indies, now called Indonesia)
our chilly frog's country ons koude kikkerland click to hear (it's a wretched place but it's home)
- onze click to hear 'our feathered friends' i.e. birds onze gevederde vrienden click to hear
'our dear Lord's bug' i.e. ladybug onzelieveheersbeestje click to hear
'ons' for 'het'-words, 'onze' for 'de'-words and all plurals

out - uit click to hear look out! kijk uit! click to hear
he got out of the car hij stapte uit de auto click to hear
he walked out of the meeting hij liep uit de vergadering click to hear
we're going to eat out we gaan uit eten click to hear
where is the exit? waar is de uitgang? click to hear
outside - buiten click to hear it's cold outside 't is koud buiten click to hear
are you coming in
or would you rather stay outside?
kom je binnen
of wil je buiten blijven? click to hear

over - boven click to hear (above) over the house boven 't huis click to hear
there was nobody above him er was niemand boven hem click to hear
- voorbij click to hear (past) it's over 't is voorbij click to hear

please - alstublieft click to hear (polite)
- alsjeblieft click to hear (informal)
one moment please een ogenblikje alstublieft click to hear
please close the door! doe alsjeblieft de deur dicht! click to hear
Dutchmen do not say 'alstublieft' as often as English-speakers say 'please'
- instead, the polite personal pronoun
'U' is used, or a more polite verb:
can I have some water, please? mag ik wat water? click to hear
could you please say that again? zou U dat nog eens willen zeggen? click to hear

quite - nogal click to hear (rather) it is quite far het is nogal ver click to hear
it is quite insolent 't is nogal brutaal click to hear
- helemaal click to hear (entirely) you are quite right je hebt helemaal gelijk click to hear

she - zij click to hear she's singing a song zij zingt een lied click to hear
she is a singer zij is een zangeres click to hear
she sings beautifully zij zingt mooi click to hear
she plays the saxophone zij speelt saxofoon click to hear
- ze click to hear she walked towards the house ze liep naar het huis toe click to hear
she is a Frenchwoman ze is een Française click to hear

so (very) - zo click to hear that is so old-fashioned! dat is zo ouderwets! click to hear
it's so predictable what he does 't is zo voorspelbaar wat-ie doet click to hear (his behavior is so predictable)
(like this) - zo click to hear say that it ain't so zeg dat het niet zo is click to hear
(in conclusion) - dus click to hear so it was all [lied] lies 't was dus allemaal gelogen click to hear
so it is wrong het is dus fout click to hear

some- sommige click to hear (plural) some animals are more equal sommige dieren zijn meer gelijk click to hear
- wat click to hear (singular) can I have some flour, please? mag ik wat meel? click to hear
do you have some bread? heb je wat brood? click to hear
somebody, someone iemand click to hear
something iets click to hear
sometimes soms click to hear
somewhere ergens click to hear

still - nog click to hear I still have a suitcase in Berlin ik heb nog een koffer in Berlijn click to hear (Marlène Dietrich)
there's still so much to do! er is nog zoveel te doen! click to hear
do you still have a little time? heb je nog even tijd? click to hear
are the bananas still green? zijn de bananen nog groen? click to hear
- toch click to hear (yet) still, they worked together well toch konden ze goed samenwerken click to hear

such- zulk click to hear zulk/zulke click to hear
such big feet zulke grote voeten click to hear
[such things] things like that happen zulke dingen gebeuren click to hear
such a- zo een click to hear = zo'n click to hear such a beautiful day zo'n mooie dag click to hear
he is such a good cook hij is zo'n goede kok click to hear
such a gloomy summer zo'n sombere zomer click to hear
such ... as - zulke ... als click to hear such things as liquor (zulke) dingen als sterke drank click to hear
such things as liberty and equality zulke dingen als vrijheid en gelijkheid click to hear

than- dan click to hear 2 > 1 (2 is bigger than 1) twee is groter dan één click to hear
3 < 4 (3 is smaller than 4) drie is kleiner dan vier click to hear
London is older than Berlin Londen is ouder dan Berlijn click to hear
[I'd] rather [be] lazy than tired liever lui dan moe click to hear

that - die click to hear that car there die auto daar click to hear >>
that week I have to work die week moet ik werken click to hear
men that become lazy mannen die lui worden click to hear
- dat click to hear that house there dat huis daar click to hear
that is my house dat is mijn huis click to hear
that is my car dat is mijn auto click to hear
how did you do that? hoe heb je dat gedaan? click to hear
is it true that ...? is het waar dat ...? click to hear

the- de click to hear the man, the woman de man, de vrouw click to hear
the fire de brand click to hear
- het click to hear 't click to hear the little child, the house het kindje, het huis click to hear
't kindje, 't huis click to hear

their - hun click to hear it is their money het is hun geld click to hear
it is their own money het is hun eigen geld click to hear
have you seen their dog? heb je hun hond gezien? click to hear
is it really their land? is het echt hun land? click to hear
theirs - van hun click to hear the money is theirs het geld is van hun click to hear

them - hun click to hear have you seen them? heb je hun gezien? click to hear
I'll give it to them ik zal 't hun geven click to hear
he contradicted them hij sprak hun tegen click to hear
he told them what had happened hij vertelde hun wat er gebeurd was click to hear
Dutch grammar says that 'them' in the accusative should be 'hen,'
but even to me that sounds a bit too much, hypercorrect
- hen click to hear have you seen them? heb je hen gezien? click to hear
she helped them with the translation ze hielp hen met de vertaling click to hear
the train brought them to The Hague de trein bracht hen naar Den Haag click to hear

then - toen click to hear (past) and then I went to America en toen ben ik naar Amerika gegaan click to hear
and then [it became dark] dusk fell en toen werd 't donker click to hear
- dan click to hear (future) and then we'll eat en dan gaan we eten click to hear
take the 2nd road to the left
and then the 3rd to the left
neem de tweede weg links en dan de derde weg rechts click to hear

there - er click to hear there is enough time er is genoeg tijd click to hear
there's something wrong er is iets mis click to hear
there are no tomatoes er zijn geen tomaten click to hear
is there something to eat? is er wat te eten? click to hear
'there's nothing to laugh about' er is niks te lachen click to hear (it's not funny)
once upon a time there was er was eens click to hear
(over) there - daar click to hear over there is a mailbox! dààr is een brievenbus! click to hear
the exit is over there daar is de uitgang click to hear

these - deze click to hear these words are hard deze woorden zijn moeilijk click to hear >>
- dit click to hear these are my words dit zijn mijn woorden click to hear

they - zij click to hear they were rich zij waren rijk click to hear
they spent their days [with] smoking cigars zij sleten hun dagen met sigaren click to hear
they serenaded her zij brachten haar een serenade click to hear
- ze click to hear they [have] lied ze hebben gelogen click to hear
they were sleeping ze lagen te slapen click to hear
they're in a protest march ze lopen te demonstreren click to hear
they have three children ze hebben drie kinderen click to hear

this - deze click to hear this car here deze auto hier click to hear >>
- dit click to hear this house here dit huis hier click to hear
this is my house dit is mijn huis click to hear
this is my car dit is mijn auto click to hear

those - die click to hear those words are easy die woorden zijn gemakkelijk click to hear >>
- dat click to hear those are my words dat zijn mijn woorden click to hear

though see although

through - door click to hear she came in through the bathroom window ze kwam binnen door het raam van de badkamer click to hear (Paul McCartney)
each pound passes through the mouth elk pondje gaat door 't mondje click to hear
- tot en met click to hear [up to and including] Monday through Friday maandag tot en met vrijdag click to hear

till- tot click to hear let's wait till tomorrow laten we tot morgen wachten click to hear
up till now tot nu toe click to hear

time - keer click to hear the first time de eerste keer click to hear
the last time de laatste keer click to hear
the previous time, the time before de vorige keer click to hear
the next time de volgende keer click to hear
2x3=6 (two times three equals six) twee keer drie is zes click to hear
'time' as the progression of minutes, hours and days is '(de) tijd' click to hear >>
there is never enough time er is nooit genoeg tijd click to hear

to- naar click to hear he's going to Rotterdam hij gaat naar Rotterdam click to hear
we went to a concert we gingen naar een concert click to hear
- tot click to hear from 9 to 6 van negen tot zes click to hear
to the last man tot de laatste man click to hear
28 to 31 days in a month achtentwintig tot éénendertig dagen in een maand click to hear
- aan click to hear he gave a present to Joe hij gaf een cadeau aan Jo click to hear
equal in value to gelijkwaardig aan click to hear
- voor click to hear be kind to animals wees aardig voor dieren click to hear
I'm allergic to cats ik ben allergisch voor katten click to hear
attention to details aandacht voor details click to hear
they are a danger to world peace ze zijn een gevaar voor de wereldvrede
- op click to hear the answer to your question het antwoord op Uw vraag
- te click to hear he didn't have to prove himself hij hoefde zich niet te bewijzen click to hear
- -- we had to work hard we moesten hard werken click to hear
- tegen click to hear he lied to me hij loog tegen mij click to hear

together - samen click to hear they did everything together ze deden alles samen click to hear
they've been together for 20 years [already] ze zijn al twintig jaar samen click to hear
cooperation samenwerking click to hear
conspiracy samenzwering click to hear

too - te click to hear it is too busy (hectic. crowded, too much to do) het is te druk click to hear
['too stupid to dance for the devil']
very stupid, not a bright person
te dom om voor de duivel te dansen click to hear 2
- ook click to hear he speaks German too hij spreekt ook Duits click to hear
are you Dutch too? ben je ook Nederlands? click to hear

under, below - onder click to hear under the table onder de tafel click to hear
under the house onder het huis click to hear
below zero (0) onder nul click to hear >>
[downside-up] upside down ondersteboven click to hear

up- omhoog click to hear naar boven click to hear we climbed up we klommen omhoog click to hear
we took the escalator up we gingen met de roltrap naar boven click to hear
upstairs - boven click to hear there is a studio upstairs er is boven een atelier click to hear
the neighbors upstairs bovenburen click to hear

us - ons click to hear give us today our daily bread geef ons heden ons dagelijks brood click to hear 2
they [look down on] despise us ze kijken op ons neer click to hear
I don't think he would have [wanted to listen] listened to us ik denk niet dat hij naar ons had willen luisteren click to hear

very - erg click to hear they are very sensitive ze zijn erg gevoelig click to hear
I am very tired ik ben erg moe click to hear
I am extremely tired ik ben heel erg moe click to hear
the food was [very enjoyable] really good het eten was erg lekker click to hear

we - wij click to hear we were poor wij waren arm click to hear
we blamed [it on] the weather wij weten 't aan 't weer click to hear
- we click to hear we'll see we zullen wel zien click to hear
we're leaving we gaan weg click to hear
we'll have dinner in a minute we gaan zo eten click to hear

well - goed click to hear Dutch 'goed' is both 'good' and 'well'
it's going well het gaat goed click to hear
they knew him well ze kenden 'm goed click to hear
have you slept well? heb je goed geslapen? click to hear
I have slept well ik heb goed geslapen click to hear
you have done well je hebt 't goed gedaan click to hear (singular, informal)
jullie hebben 't goed gedaan click to hear (plural, informal)
he means well hij bedoelt 't goed click to hear

what - wat click to hear what's that? wat is dat? click to hear
what [do] did you say? (polite) wat zegt U? click to hear
what would you like to drink? wat wil je drinken? click to hear
- hoe click to hear what's the time? hoe laat is het? click to hear
- waar click to hear what are you [busy with] working on? waar ben je mee bezig? click to hear

when - wanneer click to hear when is your birthday? wanneer ben je jarig? click to hear
when will you be home? wanneer kom je thuis? click to hear
- toen click to hear they [went away] left when the sun went down ze gingen weg toen de zon onderging click to hear
my dad was 32 when the war started m'n vader was tweeëndertig toen de oorlog begon click to hear
- als click to hear when the sun shines while it is raining
you sometimes get a rainbow
als de zon schijnt terwijl 't regent krijg je soms een regenboog click to hear
hurry when you have time,
then you'll have time when you're in a hurry
haast je als je de tijd hebt,
dan heb je de tijd als je haast hebt click to hear
In Dutch we say 'Gezondheid!'
when someone sneezes
In het Nederlands zeggen we 'Gezondheid!'
als iemand niest click to hear

where - waar click to hear where is the exit? waar is de uitgang? click to hear
where have you been? waar ben je geweest? click to hear (what places have you visited?)
where Jesus was born waar Jezus geboren is click to hear >>
where does the time go? waar blijft de tijd? click to hear 2

while- terwijl click to hear when the sun shines while it is raining you sometimes get a rainbow als de zon schijnt terwijl 't regent krijg je soms een regenboog click to hear
cut up the tomatoes while you're sauteeing the mushrooms snijd de tomaten terwijl je de champignons bakt click to hear
he prepared dinnner while she played the piano hij maakte het avondeten terwijl zij piano speelde click to hear

who - wie click to hear who am I? wie ben ik? click to hear
who'll pay for that? wie zal dat betalen? click to hear

why - waarom click to hear why are bananas not straight? waarom zijn de bananen krom? click to hear
why are you angry? waarom ben je boos? click to hear
do not ask why vraag niet waarom click to hear
why? because! waarom? daarom! click to hear (daarom click to hear "that's why")

with- met click to hear french fries with mayonaise patat met mayonaise click to hear
coffee with cream and sugar koffie met melk en suiker click to hear
- bij click to hear a cookie with your tea een koekje bij de thee click to hear

without- zonder click to hear french fries without mayonaise patat zonder mayonaise click to hear
without anaesthesia zonder verdoving click to hear
without much danger zonder veel gevaar click to hear
no roses without thorns geen rozen zonder doornen click to hear (nice things always come with problematic attachments)

yes - ja click to hear "Do you have oranges?" - "Yes." "Heeft U sinaasappels?" - "Ja." click to hear
yes, but ... ja maar ... click to hear

you (singular, informal) - je click to hear you are right je hebt gelijk click to hear
you won't regret it je zult er geen spijt van krijgen click to hear
were you tired? was je moe? click to hear
... that's going to bother, hurt you ... daar krijg je last van click to hear 2 3
there is a visitor for you
there are visitors for you
er is bezoek voor je click to hear
who helped you? (was at your side) wie heeft je geholpen? click to hear
(nominative only) - jij click to hear Do you like opera? - I don't. Houd jij van opera? - Ik niet. click to hear
['you are'] it's your turn jij bent click to hear
is it you? ben jij 't? click to hear
(dative, accusative) - jou click to hear there's always room for you er is voor jou altijd plaats click to hear
if I were you I wouldn't go als ik jou was zou ik niet gaan click to hear
he loves you hij houdt van jou click to hear
(plural, informal) - jullie click to hear do you [guys] have bicycles? hebben jullie fietsen? click to hear
are you [guys] really having fun? hebben jullie wel plezier? click to hear
did you enjoy yourselves? hebben jullie 't leuk gehad? click to hear
who told you (guys) that? wie heeft jullie dat verteld? click to hear 2
they've told you (guys) lies ('untruth') ze hebben jullie onwaarheden verteld click to hear 2
I have given you (guys) many words ik heb jullie veel woorden gegeven click to hear 2
I'm teaching you (guys) Dutch ik leer jullie Nederlands click to hear 2
because Dutch 'leren' means both 'to teach' and 'to learn,' and
'jullie' can also be the possessive 'your,' this line could also mean
'I'm learning your Dutch, the Dutch you (guys) speak'
who has picked you (guys) up? wie heeft jullie opgehaald? click to hear 2
(formal) - U click to hear how are you? hoe maakt U 't? click to hear
what would you recommend? Wat zou U aanraden? click to hear
would you like
to speak through an interpreter?
wilt U via een tolk spreken? click to hear
would you mind
saying that [once more] again?
zou U dat nog eens willen zeggen? click to hear
are you bored? verveelt U zich? click to hear
were you bitten by your dog? bent U gebeten door Uw hond? click to hear
who brought you home? wie heeft U thuisgebracht? click to hear 2
this Dutch line could also mean: 'who did you bring (to his or her) home?'

your (singular, informal) - je click to hear your dog is your best friend je hond is je beste vriend click to hear
did you finish your coffee? heb je je koffie op? click to hear
are you going with your own car? ga je met je eigen auto? click to hear
where is your book? waar is je boek? click to hear 2
where are your good manners? waar is je fatsoen? click to hear 2
- jouw click to hear it's your turn 't is jouw beurt click to hear
(plural, informal) - jullie click to hear where are your bicycles? waar zijn jullie fietsen? click to hear
(formal) - Uw click to hear what's your name? wat is uw naam? click to hear
did your dog bite you? heeft Uw hond U gebeten? click to hear

Previous Everyday Dutch Home 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Words and Phrases for Travelers Next
Version 2: Nouns - Adjectives, Adverbs and Verbs - Prepositions (etc.): pictorial / list - Supplement

email - Copyright © Marco Schuffelen 2011. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, redistributed, or hotlinked to.
Don't be a dief (thief) / dievegge (female thief) - diefstal (theft) - stelen (to steal) - heler (dealer in stolen goods) - hear Dutch - 2