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dertien het ongeluksgetal vrijdag de dertiende bijgeloof hear |
(13) (the unlucky number) (Friday the 13th) (superstition) (not basic words) |
tovenaar tovenarij heks noodlot hear - 2 |
(wizard) (magic) (witch) (fate) (not basic words) |
wichelroede waarzegster helderziende hear |
(divining rod) (fortune-teller) (psychic, clairvoyant) (not basic words) |
voorspelling voorgevoel voorteken hear |
(prediction, prophesy) (premonition) ([pre-sign] omen) (not basic words) |
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'Huis' can also mean '(towards) home:' I'm going home - ik ga naar huis - hear '(At) home' is 'thuis:' I'm at home - ik ben thuis - hear he is at home - hij is thuis - hear home at last - eindelijk thuis - hear |
![]() the house - 2 - 3 |
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Version 2: Nouns - Adjectives, Adverbs and Verbs - Prepositions (etc.): pictorial / list - Supplement |
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Copyright © 1999-2007 Marco Schuffelen
- All rights reserved.
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dievegge (female thief) -
diefstal (theft) -
stelen (to steal) -
heler (dealer in stolen goods) -
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