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This is an old page. For a newer version go to the Master List English to Dutch

Dutch Words in (Some) Depth: English Index

Possibly problematic Dutch words - the links lead to examples of usage and usually some explanation. You might also want to look at the Dutch Index page (there is no complete overlap)
Simple Word Lists:
by subject: Basic Dutch - Basic Dutch (mobile version)
alphabetic: - -

Page in Development - I'll add new words when I've made a few more reference pages, and there may be more words added later.

ABOUT... later

ABOVE, OVER - boven click to hear 2
een dak boven je hoofd click to hear 2 a roof over your head
't Gaat me boven de pet click to hear 2 It's over my [cap] head (I don't understand it)
boven de partijen click to hear 2 3 above the parties, impartial

AFTER - na click to hear
na 't eten click to hear 2 after [the eating] dinner (or lunch)
Na regen komt zonneschijn click to hear 2 3 4 [After rain the sun will come out] - Bad things don't last

AGAIN - weer click to hear 2
't Is weer slecht weer click to hear 2 It's bad weather again, bad weather returned
Ik ben weer de oude click to hear 2 ['I'm the old me again'] - I'm back to normal

AGAINST - tegen click to hear
Ben je voor of tegen? click to hear Are you for or against?
Tegen een boom click to hear Against a tree

ALL - al click to hear 2 (al/alle click to hear)
Ik heb al m'n boeken verkocht click to hear 2 I have sold all my books
Al die moeite voor niks click to hear 2 All that effort [for nothing] wasted
Alle mensen zijn gelijk click to hear All people are equal

ALMOST - bijna click to hear 2 - haast click to hear
Het is bijna klaar click to hear It's almost ready
Je zou haast denken ... click to hear 2 3 You would almost think ...

ALREADY - al click to hear 2
't Is al over elven click to hear 2 It's already past 11
Heb je al een rollator? click to hear 2 3 Do you have a walker already?

ALSO, TOO - ook click to hear
Dat is ook goed click to hear 2 That's also good, that's OK too
Er is beneden ook een slaapkamer click to hear There's also a [bedroom downstairs] downstairs bedroom

ALWAYS - altijd click to hear - all the time - see also: Words of Time
Er is altijd wel iets click to hear There's always something (wrong, bad)

ANGRY - boos click to hear boze click to hear 2
kwaad click to hear 2 kwade click to hear 2 3
Ben je boos? click to hear Are you angry?
Ik was zò kwaad click to hear 2 I was so very angry

ANNOYING unpleasant, irritating - vervelend click to hear (vervelend / vervelende click to hear 2)
een vervelende man click to hear 2 an unpleasant (male) person

AS - als click to hear - like, similar to
Koud als een kikker click to hear Cold as a frog

AS A ... - als click to hear - 'being a ...' (representing)
Als voorbeeld click to hear 2 As an example
Als gehandicapte heb ik soms hulp nodig click to hear 2 3
As a person with a disability I sometimes need assistance

AS ... AS - zo ... als click to hear 2 - comparing
Twee keer zo duur als ... click to hear 2 Twice as expensive as ...
't Is niet zo erg als 't lijkt click to hear 2 3 It's not as bad as it looks

AS IF - alsof click to hear - just like
Alsof m'n mond in brand stond click to hear 2
As if my mouth was on fire
Alsof ik met m'n ogen dicht achteruit liep click to hear 2 3
As if I was walking backward with (my) eyes closed
AT... later

BAD - slecht click to
hear (slecht / slechte click to hear 2) - of poor quality etc. - often judgemental
- erg click to hear (erg / erge click to hear) - 'very bad, awful, terrible' - 'very serious'
slecht weer click to hear 2 bad weather
Hij is in een slecht humeur click to hear He's in a bad mood
't Is niet zo erg als het lijkt click to hear 2 It's not as bad as it looks

to BE (1) - zijn click to hear - see also: Easy Dutch Verbs
ik ben ziek click to hear 2 3 I am sick
to BE (2) - auxiliary verb for the passive voice: worden click to hear 2
ik word geschopt door Jan click to hear I am kicked by Jan

BECAUSE - omdat click to hear - want click to hear 2 - daar click to hear ->>
... omdat er geen bewijs is click to hear 2 3 ... because there is no proof
... want er is geen bewijs click to hear 2 slow ... because there is no proof
Daar er geen bewijs is ... click to hear 2 3 Because there is no proof ...

BEHIND - achter click to hear
Achter de wolken schijnt de zon click to hear 2 Behind the clouds the sun is shining

BEST - best click to hear 2 / 'beste' click to hear (best / beste click to hear 2)
Je hond is je beste vriend click to hear Your dog is your best friend

BETTER - beter click to hear 2 (beter / betere click to hear)
't Zou beter zijn ... click to hear 2 It would be better ...
Is er niet een betere oplossing? click to hear 2 3 Is there not a better solution?

BORING - saai click to hear (saai / saaie click to hear 2)
Wat een saai verhaal! click to hear 2 3 4 Such a boring story!
'to BE BORED' zich vervelen click to hear 2
Verveel je je? click to hear Are you bored? (singular informal) ->>

BUT - maar click to hear - contrast, possible contradiction
Raar maar waar click to hear 2 3 Strange but true
Rijk maar geen geld click to hear 2 3 Rich, but no money / Rich without money

BY (1) - the agent of the passive voice - door click to hear
Ik word geschopt door Jan click to hear I am kicked by John
Het huis wordt door mij geverfd click to hear The house is painted by me
BY (2) - creators of art - van click to hear 2
een boek van Vestdijk click to hear 2 3 a book by Vestdijk
een schilderij van Van Gogh click to hear a painting by Van Gogh

'CAN' (being able to ...) - kunnen click to hear
Ik kan 't niet vinden click to hear 2 3 I can't find it
Hoe kan dat nou? click to hear 2 3 4 How can that be? How is it possible?
Je kunt wel blijven eten click to hear 2 3 You can stay for dinner (or other meals)

to COME - komen click to hear
Kom gauw! click to hear 2 3 Come quick!
Wanneer kom je thuis? click to hear When are you coming home?

COMMON, USUAL, REGULAR - gewoon click to hear - gewoon / gewone click to hear 2
Vroeger was geluk heel gewoon click to hear In the past, happiness was quite common

DEAR, SWEET - lief click to hear - lief / lieve click to hear
(de) liefde click to hear love (the feeling of affection)
"liefste" click to hear 2 3 "darling, sweetheart, love"
lief en leed click to hear ['the sweet and the suffering'] - good and bad times, 'for better or worse'

DISAPPOINTING - teleurstellend click to hear
teleurstellende resultaten click to hear 2 3 disappointing results

to DO - doen click to hear 2 3
Hoe doe je dat? click to hear How do you do that?
't Doet er niet toe click to hear 2 It doesn't matter

DOWN - omlaag click to hear 2 - naar beneden click to hear ->>
We gleden omlaag click to hear we (glided) slid down
We gingen naar beneden met de lift click to hear We went down in the elevator

EACH, EVERY - elk click to hear (elk / elke click to hear)
- ieder click to hear (ieder / iedere click to hear 2) ->>
there may be a subtle difference between the words
Iedere soldaat heeft een moeder click to hear Every soldier has a mother
Elke dag heeft genoeg aan z'n eigen leed click to hear Each day has enough suffering of its own

EACH OTHER - elkaar click to hear
Ze ontmoetten elkaar op een feestje click to hear 2 3 They met [each other] at a party
mannen onder elkaar click to hear 2 3 'men among each other' - men without women, occasionally misbehaving

ENJOYABLE, ENTERTAINING - leuk click to hear 2 3 4 5 - leuk / leuke click to hear 2 3
nice, or 'funny, amusing' and 'pretty, attractive'
Heb je het leuk gehad in Brussel? click to hear Did you have a good time in Brussels?
Ik dacht dat je het leuk zou vinden click to hear 2 I was thinking you would like it, enjoy it
Vertel eens wat leuks click to hear 2 Now do tell us something entertaining

ENJOYABLE, PLEASANT - lekker click to hear 2 3 4 - lekker / lekkere click to hear 2
nice, delicious or simply 'good' or 'well'
Het eten was erg lekker click to hear 2 3 4 The food was very good, I really enjoyed the food
Heb je lekker geslapen? click to hear 2 Did you sleep well?
't Is lekker fris buiten click to hear 2 3 4 It's pleasantly cool, nice and cool outside

EQUAL - gelijk click to hear 2 - gelijke click to hear 2
(de) gelijkheid click to hear equality
Alle mensen zijn gelijk click to hear All people are equal
Vrijheid, gelijkheid, broederschap click to hear 2 Freedom, equality, brotherhood
- Liberté, égalité, fraternité

EVEN (1) - extreme or unexpected situations - zelfs click to hear
Zelfs in de schaduw was het warm click to hear Even in the shade it was hot
EVEN (2) - (with superlative) nog click to hear even, still
Dat is nog beter click to hear 2 3 That's even better!
't Was nog erger dan ik dacht click to hear 2 3 It was even worse than I had thought
EVEN (3) - flat and horizontal
- vlak click to hear en click to hear 2 horizontaal click to hear 2 3 4 ->>

EVEN IF - al click to hear 2
Al kost 't me jaren click to hear 2 3 Even if it's going to take (me) years
Al zeg ik 't zelf click to hear 2 3 [Even if I say so] If I may say so myself

EVERYTHING - alles click to hear - (al click to hear) - all things
Alles blijft veranderen click to hear 2 All things keep changing
Aan alles komt een eind click to hear 2 To everything there [comes] is an end
Eind goed, al goed click to hear 2 3 [End good, all good] - All's well that ends well

EVERYWHERE - overal click to hear 2
Waar je ook kijkt - overal water click to hear Wherever you look - water everywhere

EXACTLY - precies click to hear 2 - precisely
Precies op tijd click to hear 2 3 Exactly on time
Precies wat ik nodig had click to hear 2 3 Just what I needed, Exactly what I needed, "Hit the spot"

FAST - quick, rapid - snel click to hear - fast hard click to hear
U praat te snel voor mij click to hear 2 3 You're talking too fast (for me)
ik rij(d) te hard click to hear 2 I'm driving (or riding) too fast

FIRST - eerste click to hear 2 ~ also: eerst click to hear 2
op 't eerste gezicht click to hear 2 3 at first sight
in eerste instantie click to hear 2 3 at first view, initially

FOR... later

to FORGET - vergeten click to hear
Ben ik iets vergeten? click to hear Did I forget something?
Ik zal 't niet vergeten click to hear 2 3 4 I won't forget (it)

to GO - gaan click to hear
Ik ga naar Parijs click to hear 2 I'm going to Paris
Hij gaat het proberen click to hear He's goin to try (it)

GOOD - goed click to hear 2 3 (goed / goede click to hear) - also: well and right, correct
een goed begin click to hear 2 a good start

GRIEF, SORROW - (het) verdriet click to hear 2
- droevig click to hear (droevige click to hear) sad
't Doet me veel verdriet click to hear 2 [It causes me much grief] - I'm really saddened by it
Als het regent word ik droevig click to hear When it rains I get sad

HASTE, HURRY - (de) haast click to hear - (de) spoed click to hear
Er is haast bij click to hear 2 3 4 'It is urgent'
zo spoedig mogelijk click to hear 2 ASAP, 'As soon as possible'

to HAVE (1) - hebben click to hear - see also: Easy Dutch Verbs and The Perfect Tenses
Heb je hoofdpijn? click to hear 2 Do you have a headache?
Ik heb een uur gelopen click to hear 2 I [have] walked for an hour
to HAVE (2) - (for some verbs) the auxiliary verb for The Perfect Tenses
zijn click to hear - see also: Easy Dutch Verbs
Ik ben naar Veenendaal gefietst click to hear 2 I [have ridden] rode a bike to Veenendaal
Ik ben ziek geweest click to hear 2 3 I have been sick

- moeten click to hear 2
Ik moet om acht uur weg click to hear I have to leave at eight o'clock
Er moet iets veranderen click to hear 2 Something got to change

DON'T HAVE TO, DON'T NEED TO - niet click to hear 2 (geen click to hear) hoeven click to hear
Ik hoefde niet te wachten click to hear 2 I didn't have to wait
Ik hoef geen bonnetje click to hear 2 I don't need a (cash register) receipt

to HEAR - horen click to hear 2
Hoor je hoe stil het is? click to hear 2 Do you hear how quiet it is?
Heb je 't nieuws gehoord? click to hear 2 3 Have you heard the news?

HERE - hier click to hear 2 - '~in this spot'
Hier is de ingang click to hear Over here is the entrance
Deze auto hier click to hear This car here

HOPE - (de) hoop click to hear 2 - hopen click to hear 2 'to hope'
een sprankje hoop click to hear 2 a glimmer of hope
Ik hoop dat 't op tijd is click to hear I hope it's on/in time

IF (1) - als click to hear - 'if' examples - 'when' as a condition is also said as 'als'
Als 't hard regent blijf ik thuis click to hear 2 If it's raining hard I'll stay home
Als ik jou was ... click to hear 2 If I were you ...
IF (2) - of click to hear - for instance: I wonder if ...
Ik vraag me af of ... click to hear 2 I wonder if ...
Ik weet niet of dat echt zo is click to hear I don't know if it's really like that

IN TIME, ON TIME - op tijd click to hear 2 3
De trein is meestal op tijd click to hear 2 The train is usually on time (on schedule)
Ik hoop dat 't op tijd is click to hear I hope it's in time

IT (1) - het click to hear 2 3 / 't click to hear - placeholder, referring to something mentioned before
't Is moeilijk te vinden click to hear 2 3 It's hard to find
't Eten - 't was lekker click to hear The food - it was (tasty) good
IT (2) - er click to hear / click to hear - placeholder (when with preposition)
Je moet er wat aan doen click to hear 2 3 4 You should do something about it
Ik word er gek van click to hear [I'm being driven crazy by it] - It is driving me crazy

JUST, ONLY - maar click to hear
't Lijkt maar zo click to hear It only looks that way
Er is maar één oplossing click to hear 2 There's only one solution
JUST, BARELY - net click to hear
We waren net op tijd click to hear 2 3 We were just in time (not a moment to spare)
De pont is net weg click to hear 2 The ferry just left, a moment ago
Net voordat 't begon te regenen click to hear 2 3 Just before it [started to rain] rained
JUST, EXACTLY, PRECISELY - precies click to hear 2 - net click to hear - ->>
Precies wat ik nodig had click to hear 2 3 Just what I needed, Exactly what I needed, "Hit the spot"
Net wat ik zocht click to hear 2 Just what I was looking for

JUST AS,JUST LIKE - even ... als click to hear - net click to hear
- net ... als click to hear 2 -or- net zo ... als click to hear 2
Piet is even groot als Klaas click to hear 2 3 Piet is just as tall as Klaas
't Is net echt click to hear 2 [It's just like real] - It's almost real, it looks very real
Ik ben net als m'n moeder click to hear I'm just like my mom
Net als vroeger click to hear 2 3 Just like before, just as in the past
Mijn zoon is net zo mager als ik click to hear My son is just as skinny as I am

to KNOW - weten click to hear to know things, to have knowledge of
- kennen click to hear to know people, be familiar with, know of
Ik wil weten wat er gebeurd is click to hear 2 3 I want to know what happened
Ze kenden hem goed click to hear They knew him well

LAST - laaste click to hear 2 ~ also: laatst click to hear 2
op het laatste moment click to hear at the last moment
de laatste mode click to hear 2 the latest fashion

LATE (not in/on time) - laat click to hear
Beter laat dan nooit click to hear Better late than never
't Is nog niet te laat click to hear 2 3 It's not too late (yet)

LATER - later click to hear - afterwards, in the future
vroeger of later click to hear ['earlier or later'] - 'sooner or later'
in een later stadium click to hear 2 at a later stage

LEAST - minst click to hear - ->>
De weg van de minste weerstand kiezen click to hear 2 3
Choose the [way, road] line of least resistance, the easiest way

to LET (allow, make) - laten click to hear
Laat maar click to hear Let it be, don't bother
de kraan laten lopen click to hear 2 letting the [faucet] water run
Hij liet ons een paar foto's zien click to hear 2 He [let us see] showed us some pictures

LESS, FEWER - minder click to hear
Minder werk voor minder mensen click to hear 2 Less work for fewer people

to LIE (down) - liggen click to hear 2 see also: - A Continuous
Hij lag in bed click to hear 2 He was lying in bed
Ze lagen te slapen click to hear They were sleeping

LIKE - als click to hear - similar to, as
Als een kip zonder kop click to hear 2 3 'Like a chicken without its head' - acting irrationally
Ze sliep als een roos click to hear 2 3 She was sleeping [like a rose] beautifully

to LIKE, to LOVE - houden van click to hear
Hij houdt niet van spruitjes click to hear 2 He doesn't like Brussels sprouts
Hij houdt van jou click to hear He loves you

to LISTEN - luisteren click to hear
luister! click to hear 2 listen!
Ik luister nog vaak naar ... click to hear 2 I still often listen to ...

LITTLE, FEW - weinig click to hear 2 3 4 - also: niet veel click to hear 2 'not much/not many'
Hij eet weinig click to hear 2 He doesn't eat much
Er zijn weinig getuigen click to hear There are few witnesses
Hij drinkt niet veel click to hear 2 He doesn't drink much - may also refer to limited alcohol intake

to LOOK - kijken click to hear
Kijk eens in de spiegel! click to hear 2 Look in the mirror!
Ik keek naar de vogels click to hear 2 3 I was looking at the birds

to LOOK LIKE, SEEM, APPEAR - lijken click to hear
't Lijkt of 't gaat regenen click to hear It looks like [it's going to] rain
't Is niet zo erg als 't lijkt click to hear 2 3 It's not as bad as it looks
See also schijnen click to hear and blijken click to hear lower on that page

to MAKE - maken click to hear
Ze maakte een lijstje click to hear 2 She made a list
Maak 't niet te moeilijk click to hear Don't make it too difficult

MANY, MUCH, A LOT OF - veel click to hear 2 3
Te veel mensen met te veel geld click to hear 2 Too many people with too much money

'MAY,' to BE ALLOWED TO - mogen click to hear 2
Als ik dat vragen mag click to hear [If I'm allowed to ask] - If I may ask [that]
Mag ik zonder cafeïne? click to hear Can I please have decaf?

to MEAN - betekenen click to hear / bedoelen click to hear 2
Wat betekent het? click to hear 2 What does it mean?
Wat bedoel je? click to hear 2 3 What do you mean?
Een lage olieprijs betekent minder elektrische auto's click to hear 2
A low oil price means fewer electric cars

MORE - meer click to hear
Ik heb meer tijd nodig click to hear 2 I need more time

MOST - meest click to hear
De mens lijdt het meest het lijden dat-ie vreest click to hear
'Man suffers most from the suffering he fears'

NECESSARY, NEEDED - nodig click to hear - nodig hebben click to hear 2 to need
Dat was niet nodig click to hear 2 That was not necessary, there was no need for that
Precies wat ik nodig had click to hear 2 3 Exactly what I needed

NO (1) - "negative," denial - nee click to hear
Heeft U bananen? - Nee click to hear Do you have bananas? - No
Ik zei "nee" click to hear I said "No"
NO (2) - 'zero quantity' - no, not a, not any - geen click to hear
Er zijn geen tomaten click to hear 2 There are no tomatoes
Ik ben geen vegetariër click to hear 2 I'm [no] not a vegetarian

NOT, DO NOT - niet click to hear 2
Ik heb die film niet gezien click to hear I haven't seen that movie
Niet storen click to hear 2 Do not disturb

NOTHING - niets click to hear -or- niks click to hear
Niets is heilig click to hear Nothing is sacred
niks nieuws click to hear 2 3 nothing new

NOBODY - niemand click to hear 2 - no-one
Niemand is volmaakt click to hear Nobody is perfect

NOW - nu click to hear / nou click to hear 2 3
Wat ik nu pas begrijp click to hear 2 What I only now understand
Nou begrijp ik 't click to hear 2 Now I understand (it)

OF - van click to hear 2 -or- no word in Dutch - and see also 'units'
Willem van Oranje click to hear 2 'William of Orange'
hoedje van papier click to hear hat of paper, paper hat
een flesje water click to hear a small bottle of water

ONLY - alleen
alleen melk click to hear 2 milk only, just milk (cream for coffee is called 'melk')
Hij dronk alleen water click to hear He only drank water, all he drank was water

OR - of click to hear - choice
Ben je voor of tegen? click to hear Are your for or against?
nu of nooit click to hear 2 now or never

OVER - voorbij click to hear - past, 'history' - see also: endings
't Ergste is voorbij click to hear 2 3 4 The worst is over
Ik wou dat 't voorbij was click to hear 2 3 I wish it was over
'over' later

PAST - over click to hear 2 - hours on the clock
kwart over zes click to hear a quarter past 6, 6:15 - the clock, telling time
t Is al over elven click to hear 2 It's already past eleven ->>

PATIENCE - (het) geduld click to hear 2
Geduld is een schone zaak click to hear Patience is a beautiful thing, patience is good

QUIET - stil click to hear 2 - quiet, no sound - stil/stille click to hear 2
(de) stilte click to hear 2 (the) quiet
Hoor je hoe stil het is? click to hear 2 Do you hear how quiet it is?

RATHER (1) - preferences - liever click to hear 2 3
liever niet click to hear 2 'rather not,' "I'd prefer not to"
Ik wil liever geen vlees eten click to hear 2 3 I'd rather not eat meat
RATHER (2) - quite, in a large degree - nogal click to hear 2
t Is nogal brutaal click to hear 2 3 It's rather insolent
Het is nogal ver click to hear It is quite far

to READ - lezen click to hear
Zij leest een boek click to hear She's reading a book
Ik heb ergens gelezen dat ... click to hear 2 I have read somewhere that ...

READY - klaar click to hear - done, finished; prepared
De koffie is klaar click to hear Coffee is ready
Klaar? ... af! click to hear Ready? ... set ... go!

to REMAIN, STAY - blijven click to hear 2
Ik blijf thuis click to hear 2 3 I'm staying home
't Blijft regenen click to hear 2 It [keeps] will keep raining

RIGHT (1) - correct, good, well - goed click to hear 2 3 (goed / goede click to hear)
't goede antwoord click to hear 2 the correct answer, the right answer
Als ik 't goed begrijp ... click to hear 2 3 4 If I understand it correctly ...
RIGHT (2) - the right to, being allowed, being entitled - (het) recht click to hear 2
(het) stemrecht click to hear the right to vote
rechten en plichten click to hear 2 3 rights and duties
RIGHT (3) - direction (not left) - rechts click to hear (rechtse click to hear 2)
rechtsaf click to hear 2 right (direction) - "right turn, take a right"
Neem de tweede weg links en dan de derde weg rechts click to hear
Take the second road to the left and then the third road to the right

to SAY - zeggen click to hear 2 3
Wat zei je? click to hear 2 3 What did you say? Come again?
Hoe zeg je dat in het Nederlands? click to hear 2
How do you say that in Dutch?

to SEE - zien click to hear
Heb je haar gezicht gezien? click to hear 2 Have you seen her face?
Ik zag de vogels click to hear 2 3 I saw the birds

SHALL/WILL - zullen click to hear - the future tense
Ik zal 't uitleggen click to hear I'll explain [it]
Zullen we ergens gaan eten? click to hear [Shall we go eat somewhere?] - Let's go out for meal

to SIT - zitten click to hear
Hij zat bij 't raam click to hear He was sitting at the window
ga zitten click to hear 2 [go sit] - take a seat

SLOW - langzaam click to hear 2 3
Ik loop langzaam click to hear I'm walking slowly, I'm a slow walker

SO (1) - so, very, so very - zo click to hear
't Wordt zo vroeg donker click to hear 2 3 It gets dark so early
Ik was zò ziek click to hear 2 3 I was so very sick
SO (2) ~I gather, ~I get the impression, ~in conclusion, ~I understand - dus click to hear
Dus je wilt Nederlands leren? click to hear So you want to learn Dutch?
Het is dus fout click to hear 2 So it is wrong, I'm telling you it's wrong

SOME (1a) - a small amount - wat click to hear
Mag ik wat water? click to hear [May I] Could I please have some water?
SOME (1b) - a small amount, a little - een beetje click to hear
Mag ik een beetje kaas? click to hear 2 [May I] Can I please have a little cheese?
SOME (2) - a few, a small number of a specific group - sommige click to hear
Sommige dagen gaat alles mis click to hear 2 On some days everything goes wrong
SOME (3) - a few, a random small number - een paar click to hear
een paar jaar later click to hear some (a few) years later

SOMEBODY - iemand click to hear - someone
Hoe kan iemand zoiets doen? click to hear How can someone do a thing like that?
Iemand van mijn leeftijd click to hear 2 Someone my age

SOMETHING - iets click to hear
Mag ik U iets vragen? click to hear 2 3 May (Could) I ask you something?
Heeft U iets vegetarisch? click to hear Would you have something vegetarian?

to SPEAK - spreken click to hear
Met wie spreek ik? click to hear 2 Who am I speaking to? Who's calling? (on the telephone)
Zou U wat langzamer willen spreken? click to hear 2
Could you please speak [somewhat] a little slower?

to STAND, BE STANDING - staan click to hear
Ik stond erbij en ik keek ernaar click to hear 2 3 I was standing by (it) and looking at it
Dat staat ons ook te wachten click to hear 2
That is waiting for us too, we can expect that too

STILL, YET - nog click to hear - 'remaining, ongoing' - still - yet
We leven nog click to hear 2 3 We're still alive (we have survived)
Het is nog vroeg click to hear It is still early
Ik heb nog niet gegeten click to hear I have not yet eaten
Hoeveel tijd is er nog? click to hear 2 3 How much time is [there still] left?

STILL, EVEN (with superlative) - 'nog' click to hear
Moeten we de dijken nog verder verhogen? click to hear
Do we have to, should we raise the levees still (even) further?

SUCH - zulk click to hear (zulk/zulke click to hear)
Zulke dingen als vrijheid, en gelijkheid click to hear Such things as freedom, and equality
Zulke grote voeten! click to hear 2 Such big feet!

SUCH A - zo'n click to hear 2 (zo een click to hear 2) - such a, a very
zo'n mooie dag click to hear 2 such a beautiful day
Ik heb zo'n zin in een kopje thee click to hear 2 3
['I have such a great desire for ...'] - What I'd really like now is a cup of tea
zo-iets click to hear 2 3 such a thing, something like that ->>
zo-iemand click to hear 2 such a person, someone like that

to TALK, CHAT - praten click to hear
Zou U wat langzamer kunnen praten? click to hear 2
Could you please talk [somewhat] a little slower?
Ik wil graag Nederlands praten click to hear 2 3
I really want to [talk Dutch] have a conversation in Dutch

THAN - dan click to hear 2 - comparing
Twee is groter dan één click to hear 2 is larger than 1 (2>1)
Meer dan drie uur click to hear 2 3 More than three hours

THANKS - bedankt click to hear - bedanken click to hear 2 'to thank'
dank U wel click to hear 'thank you' (polite)
Bedankt voor je brief click to hear 2 Thank you for your letter

THAT (1) - indicating remote items
dat click to hear (for singular 'het' words) / die click to hear (for 'de' words and plurals)
dat huis daar click to hear that house over there
die boom daar click to hear 2 3 that tree over there
THAT (2) - placeholder - referring back to something mentioned before
dat click to hear / daar click to hear (with preposition)
Wat is dat? click to hear What's that?
Dat wist ik niet click to hear 2 I didn't know that
Daar weet ik niks van click to hear 2 I know nothing about that, I don't know anything about that
Ben je daar zeker van? click to hear 2 3 4 Are you sure of that? Are you certain?
THAT (3) - conjunction: introducing sub-sentence, after 'say, think' etc.:  dat click to hear
Ik dacht dat de wereld verging click to hear 2 I thought [that the world was perishing] it was the end of the world
Zorg dat je op tijd bent click to hear 2 3 Take care [that you are on time] to be on time
THAT (4) - further specifying, instead of 'who' or 'which'
dat click to hear (for 'het' words) / die click to hear (for 'de' words and plurals)
Het mes dat het touw doorsneed click to hear 2 3 The knife that (which) cut the rope
De vrouw die het bedacht had click to hear 2 The woman who (that) had thought it up
De landen die neutraal bleven click to hear 2 The countries that remained/stayed neutral
THAT (5) - very, thàt - zo click to hear - zò click to hear
't Is niet zò duur click to hear 2 3 4 5 It's not thàt expensive
compare with: 't Is niet zo duur click to hear 2 3 It's not very, not that expensive
Is 't al zò laat? click to hear 2 Is it thàt late already?

THE - de click to hear 2 - het click to hear 2 3 / 't click to hear ->>
't Nederland van na de oorlog click to hear [The The Netherlands of after the war] Postwar Holland
tussen de bomen in 't bos click to hear Among the trees in the forest

THEN (1) - future: dan click to hear 2
Dan ben ik op reis click to hear 2 3 Then, at that time I [am] will be traveling
... en dan wordt 't spannend click to hear ... and then it'll get exciting
THEN (2) - past: toen click to hear 2 3
Toen was ik op reis click to hear 2 3 I was traveling then, at the time I was traveling
... en toen gingen we eten click to hear 2 ... and then we [went to eat] had a meal

- er is ... click to hear 2
- er zijn ... click to hear 2 ->>
Er is een koude wind click to hear 2 There's a cold wind
Is er genoeg brood? click to hear 2 3 Is there enough bread?
Er zijn binnenkort verkiezingen click to hear 2 There will be elections soon

(OVER) THERE - daar click to hear - '~in that spot'
Daar is de uitgang! click to hear Over there is the exit
Hier en daar click to hear Here and there

THESE, THIS, THOSE, THAT - deze click to hear - die click to hear - dit click to hear - dat click to hear - explained
deze boom hier click to hear 2 this tree here
die boom daar click to hear 2 3 that tree over there
dit huis hier click to hear this house here
dat huis daar click to hear that house over there
deze auto's hier click to hear 2 3 these cars here
die auto's daar click to hear 2 those cars over there

to THINK - denken click to hear
Ik denk dus ik besta click to hear 2 3 I think, [therefore I exist] so I am
Ik denk dat het te laat is click to hear I think it's too late

THROUGH (1) - door click to hear - a passage
door de deur click to hear 2 through the door
Ze kwam binnen door 't raam van de badkamer click to
She came in through the bathroom window
THROUGH (2) - tot en met click to hear up to and including
maandag tot en met zaterdag click to hear Monday through Saturday

TO, FOR - to (with verb infinitive) / for (with present participle) - om te click to hear - reason for, aim or purpose, because of, in order to, with the intention ...
De beste plaats om Nederlands te leren click to hear The best place to learn Dutch, for learning Dutch
Het is niet om te lachen click to hear 2 3 4 [It's not to laugh about, it's not for laughing] - It's no laughing matter, it's not funny

to UNDERSTAND (1) - knowing the how or why - begrijpen click to hear
Ik begrijp niet wat U zegt click to hear I don't understand (the meaning of) what you're saying (polite 'you')
to UNDERSTAND (2) - hearing what is said - verstaan click to hear 2
Ik versta niet wat je zegt click to hear 2 I don't understand (can't hear) what you're saying (informal 'you')

UP - omhoog click to hear 2 3 - naar boven click to hear ->>
We klommen omhoog click to hear We climbed up
We gingen met de roltrap naar boven click to hear We took the escalator up

USUALLY - meestal click to hear 2 - most of the time
't Is meestal bewolkt in Nederland click to hear 2 It's usually overcast in Holland

VERY - erg click to hear - heel click to hear 2 3
Ik ben erg moe click to hear 2 I'm very tired
Ik vind het heel raar click to hear 2 I think it's very strange
Het is heel erg koud click to hear 2 It's really very cold, terribly cold

to WALK - lopen click to hear 2 see also: - A Continuous
Ik ben naar huis gelopen click to hear 2 I [have] walked home
Hij loopt te schelden click to hear He is swearing, cursing out

- willen click to hear 2
Ik wil naar huis click to hear 2 [I want homeward] I want to go home
Wil je een kopje thee? click to hear 2 Would you like a cup of tea?

WELL - goed click to hear 2 3 - also: good and right, correct
goed voorbereid click to hear 2 well-prepared (in advance, for the future)
Heb je goed gegeten? click to hear 2 Did you eat well? (tasty, filling)

WHEN - als click to hear - condition
't IJzer smeden als het heet is click to hear 2 3 ["smith," forge] - Work the iron when it's hot
Doe je het licht uit als je weggaat? click to hear Will you turn off the light when you leave?

WHEN? - wanneer? click to hear - at what time/day/year?
Wanneer ben je jarig? click to hear When is your birthday? [when are you year-y?]
Wanneer is 't klaar? click to hear 2 3 When will it be ready?

WHICH? - welk click to hear 2 / (welk/welke click to hear 2)
Welke kant op? click to hear 2 Which way? Which direction?

WORSE - erger click to hear 2 3 - slechter click to hear 2 3
't Was nog erger dan ik dacht click to hear 2 3 It was even worse than I had thought

WORST - ergste click to hear - slechtst click to hear (slechtste click to hear)
't Ergste is voorbij click to hear 2 The worst is over

to WRITE - schrijven click to hear 2 3
Ik schreef een brief aan m'n moeder click to hear
I wrote a letter to my mother
Schrijf je naam op een papiertje click to hear
Write (down) your name on a piece of paper

WRONG - 'Verkeerd' click to hear (verkeerd / verkeerde click to hear 2)
- 'Fout' click to hear (fout / foute click to hear 2 3)
- 'mis' click to hear ->>
de verkeerde oplossing click to hear 2 the wrong solution (to a problem)
't is niet fout click to hear 2 3 It's not wrong
Er is iets mis click to hear Something is wrong

Other Vocabulary Pages

Dutch Index - Disambiguation / Prepositions
Words of Time - Words of Life - Words of Change
Weather - Eating, Drinking - Sleep
Family - Medical - Travel - Jobs, Work
The Senses - Using Words - 'What I Want'
More and Less etc. - Good and Bad, Right and Wrong
[With] In Other Words - Square Brackets
Pictures Dictionary
Vocabulary Overview

email - Copyright © Marco Schuffelen 2017. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, redistributed, or hotlinked to.
Don't be a dief (thief) / dievegge (female thief) - diefstal (theft) - stelen (to steal) - heler (dealer in stolen goods) - hear Dutch - 2