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Basic Dutch 1: Nouns

Basic Dutch: Nouns - Adjectives, Adverbs and Verbs - Prepositions (etc.): pictorial / list - Supplement
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In the 1920s, philosophers C.K. Ogden and I.A. Richards were writing an elementary dictionary and noticed that the same words came up again and again in the definitions and descriptions, which led to the list of about 850 'basic' English - 2 words that would be sufficient for everyday comunication. So this is not strictly a list of most common or most frequently used words but of words that are not easily described by other words.

In Dutch, the definite article 'the' is either 'de' click to hear or 'het' click to hear (which is often shortened to " 't " click to hear) The indefinite article 'a' is: een click to hear (phonetically more correct sometimes written as 'n click to hear) - or for emphasis: één click to hear 2 3 'one' ‑>>

Many words have more than one meaning - look at the context.
As always, skip the words that you think are not useful to you - or click the arrows: ‑>> for some explanation, examples of usage and/or related words, if you like.

(E) (F) - words from English and French - not following Dutch pronunciation rules ‑>>
Flash Cards Tests by section links next to the section headers; Flash cards test of all the words on this page: Vocabulary - Listening

Man, Body and Mind
Tools, Matter, Materials
Buildings, House and Home
Food and Drink
Weather, Space
Reasoning, Science
Communication, Media

Man, Body and Mind - flash cards: vocabulary - 2 / listening - 2
(de) arm click to hear 2 arm
(de) hand click to hear hand ‑>>
(de) vinger click to hear finger
(de) duim click to hear thumb
(het) been click to hear 2 3 leg
(de) knie click to hear knee
(de) voet click to hear foot
(de) teen click to hear toe
(het) gezicht click to hear face
(het) oog click to hear eye ‑>>
(de) neus click to hear nose
(het) oor click to hear ear
(de) mond click to hear mouth
(de) lip click to hear lip
(de) tong click to hear tongue
(de) tand click to hear tooth ‑>>
(de) kies click to hear molar
(de) kin click to hear chin
(de) nek click to hear neck
(de) keel click to hear throat
(het) hart click to hear heart
(de) hersenen click to hear brain
(de) spier click to hear muscle
(de) zenuw click to hear nerve
(de) nagel click to hear nail
(de) huid click to hear skin
(het) haar click to hear hair
(het) bloed click to hear blood
(het) bot click to hear bone
body parts 2
(het) lichaam click to hear body ‑>>
(het) hoofd click to hear head
(de) borst click to hear chest // breast
(de) buik click to hear belly, stomach
(de) rug click to hear back
(de) geboorte click to hear birth
(de) slaap click to hear sleep ‑>>
(de) spijsvertering click to hear digestion
(de) adem click to hear breath
(de) hoest click to hear cough
(de) ziekte click to hear illness ‑>>
(de) verwonding click to hear injury
(de) pijn click to hear pain ‑>>
(de) dood click to hear death ‑>>
(de) stap click to hear step ‑>>
(de) greep click to hear grip
(de) hap click to hear bite
(de) blik click to hear look
(de) schreeuw click to hear shout
(de) steun click to hear support
(de) aandacht click to hear attention
(de) zorg click to hear care ‑>>
(de) hulp click to hear help, assistance
(de) mens click to hear human
(de) mensen click to hear people
(het) kind click to hear child
(de) baby (E) click to hear baby
(de) man click to hear man, male // husband
(de) vrouw click to hear woman // wife
(de) jongen click to hear boy
(het) meisje click to hear girl
(de) vader click to hear father ‑>>
(de) moeder click to hear mother
(de) zoon click to hear son
(de) dochter click to hear daughter
(de) broer click to hear brother
(het) zusje click to hear sister
(het) gezin click to hear the nuclear family
(de) familie click to hear family ‑>> 2
(het) familielid click to hear relative
family trees
zelf click to hear self ‑>>
(de) vriend click to hear friend ‑>>
(de) persoon click to hear person ‑>>
iemand click to hear someone ‑>>
(de) groep click to hear group
(het) zintuig click to hear sense, sensory
(het) zien click to hear sight ‑>>
(het) gehoor click to hear hearing ‑>>
(de) geur click to hear smell ‑>>
(de) smaak click to hear taste ‑>>
(de) aanraking click to hear touch ‑>>
(de) geest click to hear mind
(de) stem click to hear voice ‑>>
(het) gevoel click to hear feeling ‑>>
(de) herinnering click to hear memory, things
(de) lach click to hear laugh ‑>>
(de) glimlach click to hear 2 smile
tranen click to hear tears
huilen click to hear to cry, weep ‑>>
(de) humor click to hear humor ‑>>
(het) genoegen click to hear pleasure ‑>>
(het) plezier click to hear fun ‑>>
(het) vermaak click to hear amusement ‑>>
(het) gemak click to hear comfort, ease
(het) gedrag click to hear behavior
(het) verlangen click to hear desire ‑>>
(de) afkeer click to hear dislike
(de) twijfel click to hear doubt ‑>>
(de) belangstelling click to hear interest
(de) spijt click to hear regret ‑>>
(de) schaamte click to hear shame ‑>>
(de) liefde click to hear love ‑>>
(de) haat click to hear hate
(de) hoop click to hear hope ‑>>
(de) vrees click to hear fear ‑>>
(de) behoefte click to hear need ‑>>
(het) respect click to hear respect
(de) opwelling click to hear impulse
(de) neiging click to hear tendency
(de) bedoeling click to hear purpose ‑>>
(het) doel click to hear goal
(de) poging click to hear attempt ‑>>
(de) vergissing click to hear (honest) mistake ‑>>
(de) fout click to hear error ‑>>
Animals ‑>> 2 - flash cards: vocabulary / listening
(het) dier click to hear animal ‑>> 2
(de) vogel click to hear bird ‑>>
(het) insekt click to hear insect ‑>>
(de) hond click to hear dog
(de) kat click to hear cat
(het) paard click to hear horse ‑>>
(de) koe click to hear cow
(de) kip click to hear chicken
(het) varken click to hear pig
(het) schaap click to hear sheep
(de) geit click to hear goat
(de) aap click to hear monkey
(de) rat click to hear rat
(de) slang click to hear snake
(de) worm click to hear worm
(de) bij click to hear 2 bee
(de) mier click to hear ant
(de) vlieg click to hear fly
(de) staart click to hear tail
(de/het) hoorn click to hear 2 horn
(de) veer click to hear feather
(de) vleugel click to hear wing
(de) kop click to hear (animal) head
(de) poot click to hear (animal) leg
Tools, Matter, Materials - flash cards: vocabulary / listening
(het) gereedschap click to hear tools ‑>>
(het) instrument click to hear instrument
(de) hamer click to hear hammer
(de) spijker click to hear nail
(de) schroef click to hear screw
(de) zaag click to hear saw
(de) schaar click to hear scissors
(de) schep click to hear spade
(de) motor click to hear engine
(het) apparaat click to hear device
(de) machine (F) click to hear machine
(de) pomp click to hear pump
(het) wiel click to hear wheel
(de) rem click to hear 2 brake
(de) ploeg click to hear plow
(het) touw click to hear rope
(de) knoop click to hear 2 knot
(het) net click to hear net
(de) ketting click to hear chain
(de) stok click to hear stick
(de) staaf click to hear rod
(de) pijp click to hear pipe
(de) haak click to hear hook
(de) spons click to hear sponge ‑>>
(de) borstel click to hear brush
(de) bezem click to hear broom
(de) emmer click to hear bucket
(de) kwast click to hear paintbrush
(de) verf click to hear paint
(het) stof click to hear 2 dust
(de) materie click to hear matter
(de) stof click to hear 2 matter ‑>>
(de) vaste stof click to hear solid matter
(de) vloeistof click to hear liquid
(het) gas click to hear 2 gas
(het) poeder click to hear powder
(de) lucht click to hear air
(het) ijs click to hear ice
(het) water click to hear water
(de) stoom click to hear steam
(de) waterdamp click to hear water vapor
smelten click to hear to melt
koken click to hear to boil
verdampen click to hear to evaporate
dooien click to hear to thaw
(het) materiaal click to hear material ‑>>
(het) zand click to hear sand
(de) steen click to hear stone
(de) baksteen click to hear brick
(het) beton click to hear concrete
(het) glas click to hear glass
(de) lijm click to hear glue
(het) hout click to hear wood ‑>>
(de) plank click to hear board
(de/het) kurk click to hear cork
(het) leer click to hear leather
(de/het) was click to hear wax
(het) plastic click to hear plastic
(het) metaal click to hear metal
(het) ijzer click to hear iron
(het) staal click to hear steel
(het) brons click to hear bronze
(het) blik click to hear tin (-plate)
(het) lood click to hear lead
(het) koper click to hear copper
(het) zilver click to hear silver
(het) goud click to hear gold
The Periodic Table
(de) mijn click to hear mine
(de) steenkool click to hear coal
(de) olie click to hear oil
(de) benzine click to hear gasoline
(de) energie click to hear energy
Buildings, House and Home - flash cards: vocabulary / listening
(het) gebouw click to hear building ‑>>
(de) school click to hear school
(de) bibliotheek click to hear library
(de) kerk click to hear church ‑>>
(het) kantoor click to hear office
(de) winkel click to hear shop ‑>>
(de) gevangenis click to hear prison
(het) station (F) click to hear station ‑>>
(het) ziekenhuis click to hear hospital ‑>>
(de) ruimte click to hear space
(de) kamer click to hear room ‑>>
(het) huis click to hear house ‑>>
(de) tuin click to hear yard, garden ‑>>
(het) dak click to hear roof
(de) muur click to hear wall
(de) vloer click to hear floor, flooring
(de) verdieping click to hear floor, story ‑>>
(de) deur click to hear door ‑>>
(het) slot click to hear lock
(de) sleutel click to hear key
(de) kachel click to hear stove (for heating)
(het) gordijn click to hear curtain
(het) bad click to hear bath ‑>>
(de) douche (F) click to hear shower
(de) afvoer click to hear drain
(de) zeep click to hear soap
(de) kam click to hear comb
(de) versiering click to hear ornament
(de) tafel click to hear 2 table
(de) stoel click to hear chair
(het) bed click to hear 2 bed
(het) kussen click to hear pillow
(de) kast click to hear cabinet // closet //
cupboard // shelves
(de) plank click to hear shelf
(de) la click to hear drawer
(de) zak click to hear bag
(de) doos click to hear box
(de) mand click to hear basket
(de) kom click to hear bowl
(de) pot click to hear pot
(de) fles click to hear bottle
(de) keuken click to hear kitchen ‑>>
(de) pan click to hear 2 pan
(de/het) deksel click to hear lid
(de) fluitketel click to hear kettle
(het) fornuis click to hear stove (for cooking)
(de) oven click to hear oven
(de) lepel click to hear spoon ‑>>
(de) vork click to hear fork
(het) mes click to hear 2 knife
(het) bord click to hear plate
(het) kopje click to hear cup
(het) dienblad click to hear tray
Clothes etc. ‑>> flash cards: vocabulary / listening
(de) kleren click to hear clothes ‑>>
(de) stof click to hear 2 fabric
(het) katoen click to hear cotton
(de) wol click to hear wool
(het) linnen click to hear linen
(de) zijde click to hear silk
(de) was click to hear laundry ‑>>
(het) pak click to hear suit
(de) jurk click to hear dress
(de) rok click to hear skirt
(het) overhemd click to hear dress shirt
(de) broek click to hear pants
(de) jas click to hear coat
(de) schoenen click to hear shoes
(de) sokken click to hear socks
(de) laarzen click to hear boots
(de) hoed click to hear hat
(de) handschoenen click to hear gloves
(de) paraplu (F) click to hear umbrella
(het) sieraad click to hear jewel ‑>>
(de) kraag click to hear collar
(de) zak click to hear pocket
(de) knoop click to hear button
(de) speld click to hear pin
(de) naald click to hear needle
(de) draad click to hear thread, string
(de) steek click to hear stitch
Travel - ‑>> - flash cards: vocabulary / listening
(de) fiets click to hear bicycle ‑>>
(de) trein click to hear train ‑>>
(de) bus click to hear bus
(de) tram (E) click to hear tram, streetcar
(de) auto (F) click to hear car
(het) vliegtuig click to hear airplane
(de) boot click to hear boat
(het) schip click to hear ship
(het) hotel click to hear hotel
(het) restaurant click to hear restaurant ‑>>
(de) weg click to hear way, road ‑>>
(de) spoorweg click to hear railroad
(het) kaartje click to hear ticket
(de) kaart click to hear map
(de) reis click to hear journey, trip ‑>>
(de) haven click to hear harbor
(het) station click to hear station
(het) vliegveld click to hear airport
(de) brug click to hear bridge
(het) volk click to hear nation, people
(de) taal click to hear language ‑>>
(de) vlag click to hear flag
(het) land click to hear country; land
(de) berg click to hear mountain
(het) eiland click to hear island
(de) zee click to hear sea
(de) golf click to hear wave
(de) rivier click to hear river
lopen click to hear to walk ‑>>
rijden click to hear to drive; to ride ‑>>
vliegen click to hear to fly ‑>>
varen click to hear to 'sail,' travel by ship ‑>>
het noorden click to hear 2 the North
het oosten click to hear 2 the East
het zuiden click to hear 2 the South
het westen click to hear 2 3 the West
North, East, South, West
Agriculture - flashcards under Food (below)
(de) landbouw click to hear agriculture
(de) boerderij click to hear farm ‑>>
(de) akker click to hear farmland, field ‑>>
(het) weiland click to hear pasture, meadow ‑>>
(het) gras click to hear grass
(het) zaad click to hear seed
(de) bloembol click to hear bulb
(de) plant click to hear plant
(de) bloem click to hear flower ‑>>
(het) blad click to hear leaf
(de) bladeren click to hear leaves
(de) boom click to hear 2 tree ‑>>
(de) stam click to hear trunk
(de) tak click to hear branch
(de) wortel click to hear root
Food and Drink ‑>> - flash cards: vocabulary / listening
(het) eten click to hear food ‑>> 2
(het) drinken click to hear drink ‑>> 2
(de) maaltijd click to hear meal ‑>>
(het) water click to hear water
(de) suiker click to hear sugar
(het) zout click to hear salt
(het) vlees click to hear meat
(de) vis click to hear fish ‑>>
(de) melk click to hear milk ‑>>
(de) boter click to hear butter
(de) kaas click to hear cheese ‑>>
(de) eieren click to hear eggs
(de) rijst click to hear rice
(de) aardappels click to hear potatoes
(het) brood click to hear bread ‑>> 2
(het) graan click to hear cereal, grain
(de) groente click to hear vegetables ‑>>
(het) fruit click to hear fruits ‑>>
(de) appel click to hear apple
(de) sinaasappel click to hear orange
(de) noten click to hear nuts
(de) bessen click to hear berries
(de) jam (E) click to hear jelly, jam
(de) taart click to hear festive cake ‑>>
(de) soep click to hear soup ‑>>
(de) wijn click to hear wine
(het) snoep click to hear candy
(het) blikje click to hear 2 can, tin can
(het) vergif click to hear poison
Time - short / long
talking about time
- flash cards: vocabulary / listening
(het) verleden click to hear the past ‑>>
(het) heden click to hear the present ‑>>
(de) toekomst click to hear the future ‑>>
gisteren click to hear yesterday ‑>>
vandaag click to hear today ‑>>
morgen click to hear tomorrow ‑>>
(de) tijd click to hear time ‑>>
(de) klok click to hear clock ‑>>
(het) horloge click to hear watch
(de) seconde click to hear second
(de) minuut click to hear minute
(het) uur click to hear hour
(de) dag click to hear day ‑>> 2
(de) week click to hear 2 week ‑>> 2
(de) maand click to hear month ‑>>
(het) jaar click to hear year ‑>> 2
(de) morgen click to hear morning
(de) middag click to hear afternoon
(de) avond click to hear evening
(de) nacht click to hear night
(de) lente click to hear Spring
(de) zomer click to hear Summer
(de) herfst click to hear Fall, Autumn
(de) winter click to hear Winter
the days of the week
the months of the year
Weather, Space - weather words and talk - flash cards: vocabulary / listening
(het) weer click to hear weather
(de) wind click to hear wind ‑>>
(de) regen click to hear rain ‑>>
(de) sneeuw click to hear snow
(de) wolken click to hear clouds
(de) mist click to hear mist, fog
(de) donder click to hear thunder
(de) bliksem click to hear lightning
(de) aarde click to hear earth ‑>>
(de) hemel click to hear sky; heaven
(de) ruimte click to hear space
(de) zon click to hear sun
(de) maan click to hear moon
(de) sterren click to hear stars
Reasoning, Science - flash cards: vocabulary / listening
(de) vraag click to hear question ‑>>
(het) antwoord click to hear answer ‑>>
ja click to hear yes yes/no
nee click to hear no yes/no
misschien click to hear maybe, perhaps ‑>>
(het) verzoek click to hear request
(het) aanbod click to hear offer
(de) oorzaak click to hear cause ‑>>
(het) gevolg click to hear effect ‑>>
(de) daad click to hear action
(de) reactie click to hear reaction
(het) begin click to hear start, beginning ‑>>
(het) einde click to hear end ‑>>
(de) gedachte click to hear thought ‑>>
(het) idee click to hear idea ‑>>
(de) theorie click to hear theory
(het) experiment click to hear experiment
(de) uitvinding click to hear invention
(de) ontdekking click to hear discovery
(de) waarneming click to hear observation
(de) ervaring click to hear experience ‑>>
(het) voorbeeld click to hear example ‑>>
(de) verklaring click to hear explanation
(het) verslag click to hear report, account
(het) feit click to hear fact
(de) wetenschap click to hear science ‑>>
(de) kennis click to hear knowledge
(het) onderwijs click to hear teaching ‑>>
(de) opleiding click to hear education
(de) ontwikkeling click to hear learning,
(de) structuur click to hear structure
(de) materie click to hear matter, substance
(het) systeem click to hear system
(het) proces click to hear process
(het) gebied click to hear range
(de) kans click to hear chance ‑>>
(het) bestaan click to hear existence ‑>>
(de) gebeurtenis click to hear event ‑>>
(de) plaats click to hear place, location ‑>>
(de) positie click to hear position
(de) wiskunde click to hear mathematics ~~>>
(de) natuurkunde click to hear physics
(de) scheikunde click to hear chemistry ‑>>
Properties - flash cards: vocabulary / listening
eigenschappen click to hear 2 qualities, properties
(de) kwaliteit click to hear quality (good/bad etc)
(de) conditie click to hear condition, shape
(de) hoeveelheid click to hear quantity, amount
(het) aantal click to hear number ‑>>
(de) waarde click to hear value ‑>>
(de) grootte click to hear size, magnitude ‑>>
(het) gewicht click to hear weight ‑>>
(de) maat click to hear size, measurements
(het) stadium click to hear stage
(het) niveau (F) click to hear level
(de) graad click to hear degree
(de) schaal click to hear scale
(de) naam click to hear name ‑>>
(het) geslacht click to hear gender
(de) kleur click to hear color ‑>>
(de/het) soort click to hear kind, type
Descriptive - flash cards: vocabulary / listening
(de) keuze click to hear choice ‑>>
(het) ontwerp click to hear design
(het) gebruik click to hear use, application
(de) groep click to hear group
(de) lijst click to hear list
(de) verzameling click to hear collection, set
(het) deel click to hear part
(het) stuk click to hear piece
(de) beschrijving click to hear description
(het) detail (F) click to hear detail
(de) grens click to hear limit; border
(de/het) punt click to hear 2 point ‑>>
(de) lijn click to hear line
(de) boog click to hear arch; bow
(de) hoek click to hear angle; corner
(het) vlak click to hear plane
(het) vierkant click to hear square
(de) rechthoek click to hear rectangle
(de) cirkel click to hear circle
(de) helling click to hear slope
(de) rand click to hear edge
(de) vouw click to hear fold, crease
(de) bal click to hear ball
(de) stroming click to hear flow, current
(de) stroom click to hear current // electricity ‑>>
(de) golf click to hear wave
(de) straal click to hear ray
(het) midden click to hear center
(de) bovenkant click to hear top ‑>>
(de) onderkant click to hear bottom
(de) voorkant click to hear front
(de) achterkant click to hear back
(de) zijkant click to hear side
Changes - flashcards under Properties
(de) ontwikkeling click to hear development ‑>>
(de) verandering click to hear change ‑>>
(de) aanpassing click to hear adaptation
(de) groei click to hear growth
(de) toename click to hear increase
(de) uitbreiding click to hear expansion
(de) verspreiding click to hear distribution
(de) scheiding click to hear separation // divorce
(de) splitsing click to hear division
(de) toevoeging click to hear addition
(de) uitwisseling click to hear exchange
(de) verbinding click to hear connection
Communication, Media ‑>> - flash cards: vocabulary / listening
(de) pen click to hear pen ‑>>
(het) potlood click to hear pencil
(het) papier click to hear paper
(de) inkt click to hear ink
(het) woord click to hear word ‑>>
(de) regel click to hear line
(de) camera click to hear camera
(de) foto click to hear picture
(de) brief click to hear letter ‑>>
(het) gesprek click to hear talk, conversation ‑>>
(de) telefoon click to hear telephone
(het) mobieltje click to hear 2 cell phone
(de) post click to hear mail ‑>>
(de) postzegel click to hear stamp
(de) kaart click to hear card
(het) pakje click to hear package
schrijven click to hear to write ‑>>
lezen click to hear to read ‑>>
zien click to hear to see ‑>>
horen click to hear to hear ‑>>
(het) nieuws click to hear news ‑>>
(de) krant click to hear newspaper ‑>>
(de) radio click to hear radio ‑>>
(de) televisie click to hear television ‑>>
(het) Internet click to hear 2 Internet
(de) advertentie click to hear ad, commercial
(de) geschiedenis click to hear history
(het) boek click to hear book
(de) bladzijde click to hear page
(de) gebeurtenis click to hear event
(de) waarneming click to hear observation
(het) verslag click to hear report, account
(de) mening click to hear opinion ‑>>
(het) feit click to hear fact
(de) waarheid click to hear truth ‑>>
(de) leugen click to hear lie
(het) verhaal click to hear story
(het) gedicht click to hear poem
(het) toneelstuk click to hear play
(het) verzinsel click to hear fiction
(de) film click to hear movie
(de) bioscoop click to hear cinema
(de) afdruk click to hear print
(de) muziek click to hear music ‑>>
(de) noot click to hear note
(het) liedje click to hear song
(het) ritme click to hear rhythm
(het) geluid click to hear sound ‑>> 2
(het) lawaai click to hear noise ‑>>
(de) bel click to hear bell
(de) fluit click to hear whistle
Business - flash cards: vocabulary / listening
(de) zakenman click to hear businessman
(de) zakenvrouw click to hear businesswoman
(de) ondernemer click to hear entrepreneur
(de) bedrijfsleider click to hear manager
(de) manager (E) click to hear manager
(het) bedrijf click to hear business, company
(de) maatschappij click to hear corporation, society
(de) fabriek click to hear factory
(de) winkel click to hear shop, store ‑>>
(de) industrie click to hear manufacturing
(de) handel click to hear trade
(de) diensten click to hear services
(de) concurrentie click to hear competition
(de) verzekering click to hear insurance
(de) organisatie click to hear organization
(het) geld click to hear money ‑>>
(de) prijs click to hear price
(de) markt click to hear market
(de) verkoop click to hear sale, selling
kopen click to hear to buy ‑>>
huren click to hear to rent ‑>>
(de) verhuur click to hear leasing
(de) bestelling click to hear order
(de) rekening click to hear invoice
(de) betaling click to hear payment ‑>>
(de) kwitantie click to hear receipt
(het) contract click to hear agreement, contract
(de) handtekening click to hear signature
(het) eigendom click to hear property ‑>>
(de) eigenaar click to hear owner
(de) winst click to hear profit
(het) verlies click to hear loss
(de) omzet click to hear turnover, total
volume of business
(de) inkomsten click to hear earnings, revenue
(het) inkomen click to hear 2 income, wages
(het) tegoed click to hear positive balance
(de) schuld click to hear debt
(de) rekening click to hear account
(de) rente click to hear interest
(het) percentage click to hear %, ~rate
Society - flash cards: vocabulary / listening
(de) samenleving click to hear society, community
(de) democratie click to hear democracy
(de) verkiezingen click to hear elections ‑>>
(de) afgevaardigde click to hear delegate, representative
(de) vrijheid click to hear freedom, liberty
(de) gelijkheid click to hear equality ‑>>
(de) gemeenschap click to hear community, 'fellowship'
(het) respect click to hear respect
(de) tolerantie click to hear tolerance
(de) regering click to hear government ‑>>
besturen click to hear to govern, control
(het) gezag click to hear authority
(de) wet click to hear law ‑>>
(de) regels click to hear rules
(de) maatregel click to hear measure
(het) protest click to hear protest
(de) belasting click to hear tax
(de) commissie click to hear committee
(de) vergadering click to hear meeting
(de) discussie click to hear discussion
(de) redenering click to hear reasoning,
(het) standpunt click to hear viewpoint
(het) besluit click to hear decision
(de) overeenkomst click to hear agreement
(de) goedkeuring click to hear approval
(de) suggestie click to hear suggestion
Military ‑>> - flash cards: vocabulary / listening
(de) oorlog click to hear war
(de) vrede click to hear peace
(het) leger click to hear army
(het) gevaar click to hear danger ‑>>
(de) aanval click to hear attack
(de) verdediging click to hear defense
(de) slag click to hear battle
(de) overwinning click to hear victory
(de) nederlaag click to hear defeat
(de) bezetting click to hear occupation
(het) verzet click to hear resistance ‑>>
(de) bevrijding click to hear liberation
(het) geweld click to hear violence ‑>>
(de) kracht click to hear strength, power,
(de) macht click to hear power ‑>>
(de) strijd click to hear struggle ‑>>
(het) gevecht click to hear fight ‑>>
(de) vernietiging click to hear destruction
(de) schade click to hear damage
(de) vlucht click to hear flight, escape
(het) geweer click to hear rifle
(het) pistool click to hear handgun
(het) kanon click to hear cannon, big gun
(de) bom click to hear bomb
(de) basis click to hear base
(de) eenheid click to hear unit
(de) operatie click to hear action, operation
(het) bevel click to hear order, command
Movements ‑>> - flash cards: vocabulary / listening
(de) stap click to hear step ‑>>
(de) sprong click to hear jump ‑>>
(de) val click to hear fall ‑>>
(de) wandeling click to hear walk, hike ‑>>
(de) beweging click to hear move, movement ‑>>
(de) richting click to hear direction ‑>>
(het) contact click to hear 2 contact, connection
(de) verbinding click to hear 2 connection, link
(de) doorbraak click to hear breakthrough
(de) duw click to hear push ‑>>
(de) draai click to hear turn, twist
(de) vlucht click to hear flight; escape
(de) klap click to hear slap
(de) schop click to hear kick
(de) knal click to hear bang
(het) ongeluk click to hear accident
(de) botsing click to hear 2 crash
(de) schade click to hear damage
(de) explosie click to hear 2 explosion
(de) uitbarsting click to hear eruption, burst
(de) instorting click to hear collapse
(de) vernietiging click to hear destruction
(de) barst click to hear crack
(de) breuk click to hear break
(de) scheur click to hear tear, rip
(de) schok click to hear shock
gebarsten click to hear cracked, burst
gebroken click to hear broken (literally)
gescheurd click to hear torn
geschokt click to hear shocked
(de) verrassing click to hear surprise
(de) schrik click to hear fright, scare ‑>>
(de) fout click to hear error ‑>>
(de) vergissing click to hear honest mistake ‑>>
Miscellaneous - flash cards: vocabulary / listening
(het) werk click to hear work ‑>>
(het) spelen click to hear play ‑>>
(de) rust click to hear rest ‑>>
(de) kunst click to hear art ‑>>
(de) manier click to hear manner, way of doing ‑>>
(het) bedrog click to hear deception
(de) wedstrijd click to hear game, match ‑>>
(het) veld click to hear field
(de) zet click to hear (game) move
(het) teken click to hear sign
(de) tekening click to hear drawing (picture)
(het) cijfer click to hear numeral, figure,
digit, grade
(de) lucifer click to hear match
(het) vuur click to hear fire ‑>>
(de) vlam click to hear flame
(de) rook click to hear smoke
branden click to hear to burn
(de) misdaad click to hear crime
(de) rechtszaak click to hear lawsuit, court case
(de) rechter click to hear judge
(de) straf click to hear punishment
hallo click to hear hello ‑>>
alstublieft click to hear please (polite) ‑>>
alsjeblieft click to hear please (informal)
dank U wel click to hear thank you (polite) ‑>>
dank je wel click to hear thank you (informal)
tot ziens click to hear see you ‑>> 2

All Words on This Page Flashcards Tests: Vocabulary - Listening

Words added: concrete, energy, airport, kitchen, bicycle, tram/streetcar, chair, shower
Several words appear twice in the list

Basic Dutch: Nouns - Adjectives, Adverbs and Verbs - Prepositions (etc.): pictorial / list - Supplement

email - Copyright © Marco Schuffelen 2011. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, redistributed, or hotlinked to.
Don't be a dief (thief) / dievegge (female thief) - diefstal (theft) - stelen (to steal) - heler (dealer in stolen goods) - hear Dutch - 2