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Everyday Dutch House Words 2      <<‑ 1  ‑>> 3

the: de click to hear 2 / het click to hear 2 3 - 't click to hear ->>
Plurals always take 'de'
a: (een) - 'n click to hear / one: één click to hear 2 3

[a window]
raam click to hear ( = venster click to hear)
(het) raam, (het) venster
gordijn click to hear 2 3
(het) gordijn
[sliding glass doors]
schuifdeuren click to hear
kast click to
  hear 2
(de) kast
[a small cabinet, two drawers, a few shelves]
kastje click to hear
(het) kastje
a [bookcase]
boekenkast click to hear
(de) boekenkast
[a bookcase]
boekenkast click to hear
(de) boekenkast
[a desk]
bureau click to hear >>
(het) bureau
[a desk]
bureau click to hear
(het) bureau
[drawers cabinet]
ladenkastje click to
  hear 2
(het) ladenkastje
[a bed]
bed click to hear
(het) bed
[night stand]
nachtkastje click to hear
(het) nachtkastje
[night stand]
nachtkastje click to hear
(het) naxchtkastje
[clothes closet]
kleerkast click to hear 2
(de) kleerkast
matras click to hear
(de) matras
lakens click to hear
((het) laken
[down comforter]
dekbed click to hear
(het) dekbed
kussens click to hear
((het) kussen)
deken click to hear
(de) deken
[a painting]
schilderij click to hear
(het) schilderij
[art print]
reproductie click to hear 2
(de) reproductie
foto's click to hear 2
((de) foto)
[a tapestry]
wandkleed click to hear >>
(het) wandkleed
[a tapestry]
wandkleed click to hear
(het) wandkleed
[cut flowers]
bloemen click to hear 2
[a vase for cut flowers]
vaas click to hear
(de) vaas
[vases for cut flowers]
vazen click to hear
[a living room plant]
plant click to hear
(de) plant
[a living room plant]
plant click to hear
[a living room plant]
plant click to hear
(de) plant
[a Christmas tree]
kerstboom click to hear
(de) kerstboom
beeldjes click to hear
((het) beeldje)
[costume dolls]
klederdrachtpoppen click to hear 2
[small figures]
poppetjes click to hear
((het) poppetje)
pop click to hear 2
(de) pop
[toy cars]
auto'tjes click to hear
((het) auto'tje)
[moving: a room full of boxes and empty shelves]
verhuizen click to hear
[moving: a room full of boxes and empty shelves]
verhuizen click to hear
[moving truck]
verhuiswagen click to hear
(de) verhuiswagen
More 'verhuizen click to hear in Words of Life

de / het / 't click to hear (the)
een, 'n click to hear - 2 (a, an)
één click to hear (one)
(de) kast
(het) kastje
(het) bureau*
(small cabinet)
(het) raam
(de) ruit
(het) gordijn
(de) vensterbank
(het) kozijn
(het) bed
(de) matras
(de) kussen
hear - 2
(pillow, cushion)
(de) sloop
(het) laken
(de) deken
(het) dekbed
hear - 2
(down comforter)
(de) bloem
(de) vaas
(de) plant
(de) pot
hear - 2
(potted plant)
(het) schilderij
(het) wandkleed
hear - 2

* Bureau and auto are words from French.
Both Dutch gordijn click to
  hear and English 'curtain' come from the Late Latin word cortino.
The common meaning of sloop click
to hear 2 is 'pillowcase,' but it's also 'wrecking,' and that place where some people go to buy parts of wrecked cars.
Dutch (het) bureau click to
  hear means both 'desk' and 'office.' (Het) politiebureau click to
  hear - 'the police station.' The 'eau' is French.
kamerplant click to
  hear ('house plant')

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[A Dutch flag on the edge of a puddle of water]
[a path]
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[a mirror]
[glasses, watch, etc.]


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Don't be a dief (thief) / dievegge (female thief) - diefstal (theft) - stelen (to steal) - heler (dealer in stolen goods) - hear Dutch - 2