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Disambiguation: Many common words can have more than one meaning, with different translations

List of Prepositions and Other 'Little Words' — Pages: - Aan - Achter - Af - Al - Als - Binnen/Buiten - Daar - Dan - Dat - Door - Eens - Er - Erg - Even - Haast - Het - In - Laat - Maar - Na - Naar - Net - Nog - Of - Om - Onder/Boven - Op - Over - Toen - Uit - Van - Voor - Vroeg - Waar - Wat - Weg - Zo - more

Disambiguation: Dutch 'Door' - Multiple Meanings and Related Words


click to hear
  1. 'by' (the agent of activity) - "stung by a bee"
  2. 'through' (a passage) - "through the window"
1. door = by (by the agent of the passive voice) or: because of

Dutch preposition bij ~ near, at, with, by
by artists = van

Dutch prefix bij = side-
dichtbij/nabij = close by / ver = far
2. door = through, a passage
Compound Words with door

English 'door' = deur
Open/Closed = Open/Dicht
More 'Through'

1. 'door' = 'by' -- often with The Passive Voice -- or: 'because of'

Ik word geschopt door Jan click to hear I am being kicked by John
De bal werd door Jan in het doel geschopt click to hear 2 The ball was shot into the goal by John
Het huis wordt door mij geverfd click to hear The house is being painted by me
Bent U gebeten door Uw hond? click to hear 2 3 Were you bitten by your dog?
Ik werd niet door een wesp gestoken, maar door een bij click to hear I was not stung by a wasp but by a bee
Het huis werd door een raket getroffen click to hear The house was hit by a rocket
Een aanval vanuit een land is een aanval door dat land click to hear An attack from a country is an attack by that country
Ik werd verrast door onweer click to hear 2 I was unpleasantly surprised by, 'caught in a thunderstorm'
gedeeld door click to hear 2 divided by ("over")
acht gedeeld door vier is twee click to hear 8 : 4 = 2
Door de tegenwind kwamen we maar met moeite vooruit click to hear 2 Because of the [wind-against] headwind we only progressed [with difficulty] slowly
Door schade en schande wijs geworden click to hear 2 3 (4) (saying) [Educated by damage and shame] - The school of hard knocks
Je kunt door de bomen 't bos niet zien click to hear 2 3 You can't see the forest [because of] for the trees
't Komt door de regen click to hear 2 3 It is because of the rain, it is caused by the rain
Door toedoen van de koning click to hear By the actions of the king, because of the king's intervention
But also:  verontreinigd met click to hear 2 3 contaminated by (a substance)

More about the Passive Voice - (de) lijdende vorm click to hear ['suffering form']
- Lesson 13 - Smartphone Page

Synomyms, Alternates and Related Words

The Dutch preposition 'bij' click to hear is like English 'by' ('Down by the River') in meanings like:
'close to,'   'near,'   'at'   'with'   and   'by'  etc.
- 'added,'   'sub-,'   'side-,'   'secondary'

In Dutch I can say 'dorp  bij de rivier'  or equally good 'dorp  aan de rivier,'  like you can say in English 'village by  the river' or 'village on  the river.'
There is a small town Wijk bij Duurstede click to hear ('W near D' - more below) but you can't say 'Wijk aan Duurstede.'
Dutch says:
Ik luisterde naar de vogels click to hear 2 3 I was listening to the birds and  Ik keek naar de vogels click to hear 2 3 I was looking at the birds - both have 'naar' click to hear but English has 'to listen to'  and 'to look 'at.'
There is no difference in meaning, it's just another word used. Prominent writers or influential people used certain combinations and that became the common, accepted form, the 'habit.' It's of course a major problem in translations and learning foreign languages.
I don't think it's feasible, 'doable' to 'learn' the usage, commit it to memory - just look attentively and listen to the examples, repeat. Eventually you'll get a 'feel,' an intuition for it.

The Dutch preposition 'bij' click to hear is like English 'by' ('Down by the River') in meanings like:
'close to,'   'near,'   'at'   'with'   and   'by'  etc.
- 'added,'   'sub-,'   'side-,'   'secondary'

bij click to hear

close to,
at, with,
by, in
bijeen click to hear together
bij elkaar click to hear 2 3 4 5 [near each other, with each other] - together Hij zat bij 't raam click to hear He was sitting at the window Kom je een keer bij ons eten? click to hear 2 3 Would you like to come for dinner with us, at our house sometime? Ik was bij de opening click to hear 2 3 I was at the opening, I was present at the formal opening Een koekje bij de thee click to hear A cookie with [the] your tea Bij 't ontbijt drink ik thee click to hear 2 At breakfast I drink tea Hij is bij de marine click to hear 2 He is [with] in the navy

bij- click to hear

(de) bijdrage click to hear 2 ['added carry, support'] contribution
(de) eigen bijdrage click to hear 2 ['own contribution'] co-payment
(de) bijsluiter click to hear 2 [added insert] ~ medication information
(de) bijstand click to hear 2 3 support, 'help,' assistance, 'Welfare'
(het) bijwoord click to hear 2 3 ['added word'] adverb
(het) bijgerecht click to hear 2 3 side dish
bijwerkingen click to hear 2 side effects (medication)
(de) bijnier click to hear 2 ['kidney annex'] ('adrenal gland')
(de) bijzin click to hear 2 [sub-sentence] subordinate clause
(het) bijbaantje click to hear 2 (small) second job
(het) bijgebouw click to hear 2 3 side building, annex

nabij click to hear 2 nearby, close by (time)
dichtbij click to hear close by, close to (place)
bijna click to hear 2 almost ->>
bijvoorbeeld click to hear 2 for example
voorbij click to hear past, over, 'history' ‑>>
bijeen click to hear together
(de) bijeenkomst click to hear 2 [get-together] - gathering, meeting
bij elkaar click to hear 2 3 4 5 together
bij elkaar komen click to hear 2 getting together

bij kaarslicht click to hear 2 3 by candlelight
Hij zat bij 't raam click to hear He was sitting at the window
Ik heb 't bij Amazon besteld click to hear 2 3 I've ordered it at Amazon
Ik heb 't bij de Hema gekocht click to hear 2 3 I've bought it at the Hema
Ik kom zo bij U click to hear 2 3 I'll [come] be with you in a moment
bij ons thuis click to hear 2 literally: 'at our home' - but usually this means: "at my parents' house when I was a child"
Ik werk bij ... click to hear 2 I work at ..., I'm employed by ...
Ik heb gesolliciteerd bij de gemeente click to hear I've applied for a job with the city
Kom je een keer bij ons eten? click to hear 2 3 Would you like to come for dinner at our house sometime?
Ga bij het kruispunt rechts click to hear [Go right] Take a right at the intersection
aanbellen click to hear to ring a doorbell
Ik belde aan bij de buren click to hear 2 3 I rang the doorbell at the neighbors'
Bij 't krieken van de dag click to hear At daybreak
Ik was bij de opening click to hear 2 3 I was at the opening, I was present at the formal opening
Een koekje bij de thee click to hear A cookie with [the] your tea
Bij 't ontbijt drink ik thee click to hear 2 At breakfast I drink tea
Bij de lunch drink ik melk click to hear 2 3 At lunch I drink milk
Bij 't avondeten drink ik wijn click to hear 2 At dinner I drink wine
Heeft U er postzegels bij? click to hear 2 3 Do you have (sell) stamps (with) for it? (in a shop)
Was ik maar bij moeder thuis gebleven click to hear 2 3 4 I wish I had stayed with my mom (at my parents' house)
Hij is bij de marine click to hear 2 He is [with] in the navy
Ik zat een uur bij de tandarts click to hear 2 3 I [sat] was at the dentist for an hour
Hoe is het weer bij jou? click to hear How is the weather where you're at, at your place?
Hij is bij een auto-ongeluk omgekomen click to hear He died [because of] in a car crash
bij voorbaat mijn dank click to hear 2 [my thanks] thank you in advance
bij voorbaat bedankt click to hear thanks in advance
We zijn er bijna click to hear We're almost there
Tasje d'r bij? click to hear Would you like a bag with it? (in a shop)
Water bij de wijn doen click to hear 2 3 'Adding water to the wine' - going for a compromise
ergens iets bij doen click to hear 2 adding something (to something)
alles bij elkaar click to hear 2 3 everything together
Ik kan het niet meer bijhouden click to hear 2 [can no longer] can't keep up (with it)
Ik kan er helaas niet zelf bij zijn click to hear Unfortunately, I cannot [be there myself / in person] be present
Ik kan er niet bij click to hear 2 3 literally: 'I can't reach it, it's out of reach' - but usually meaning figuratively: 'I don't understand it' (people's behavior)
Ik stond erbij en ik keek ernaar click to hear 2 3 I was standing near (it) and looking at it
Je wordt geflest waar je bijstaat click to hear 2 3 'You're being cheated [as you stand by] in your presence' - bare-facedly
"Er staat me iets van bij" click to hear 2 3 ['Something of it is with me'] - 'I vaguely remember'
Hij zit in de bijstand click to hear 2 He's on welfare
Ga er even bij zitten click to hear 2 3 Do sit down (for it) for a moment
Ga d'r even bij zitten click to hear 2 3 4 5 Do sit down (for it) for a moment
erbij blijven click to hear 2 3 'stay with it' - literally, 'remain at an event or something happening' or 'remain of the opinion, still convinced of'
Ik bleef erbij staan kijken click to hear 2 3 I stayed [standing around] to watch (it)
Ik blijf erbij dat hij gelijk heeft click to hear 2 3 4 [I remain of the opinion] - I am still convinced that he is right
zich neerleggen bij click to hear 2 3 4 to be resigned to

Bij 't minste of geringste geluid werd-ie wakker click to hear He woke up at the littlest noise

tegen die tijd click to hear 2 3 ['against, touching'] when that time comes, by that time
tegen die tijd is er wel een oplossing click to hear 2 3 By that time there will (sure) be a solution

bij nader inzien click to hear upon [nearer] closer inspection, now that I've thought about it
bij gebrek aan beter click to hear [on lacking something better] in the absence of a better alternative
bij wijze van spreken click to hear 2 3 as a manner of speech

In the early Middle Ages, Dorestad click to hear was an important Dutch town and trade center which was plundered and destroyed by vikings, and never rebuilt. The name lives on in the modern town of Wijk bij Duurstede click to hear
There is a lot of Old English and old Low and High German from the ninth century, but the oldest found written Dutch is from the eleventh century, and the first Frisian is from even later. It's entirely possible that earlier Dutch and Frisian was written down in monasteries, but that it all was destroyed by viking raiders.

In compound nouns, 'bij' as a prefix often means something like 'side, secondary,' not the main, dominant or most interesting part, 'annex,' 'sub-'

(het) bijgerecht click to hear 2 3 side dish
bijwerkingen click to hear 2 side effects (medication)
also: (het) neveneffect click to hear 2 side effect
(de) bijnier click to hear 2 ['kidney annex'] ('adrenal gland')
(de) bijzin click to hear 2 [sub-sentence] subordinate clause
(het) bijbaantje click to hear 2 (small) second job
(het) bijgeloof click to hear 2 superstition ->>

(de) bijsmaak click to hear 2 3 ['side taste' - maybe 'note' is the English equivalent] a usually unpleasant 'side' taste next to the 'main' taste of drink or food
(het) bijgeluid click to hear 2 3 ['side noise' - there is no English equivalent] - 'noise' - an unwanted, annoying, irritating or interfering sound next to what you want to hear 't Heeft een rare bijsmaak click to hear 2 3
There is a strange (additional) taste to it, there's a strange note to the taste

(het) bijgebouw click to hear 2 3 'side building, annex'
Anne Frank's Diary is sometimes called 'The Secret Annex' after the poor girl's hideout. The book title in Dutch is Anne Frank: Het Achterhuis click to hear - 'the back of the house, the house behind'

bijzaak click to hear 2 side issue, not the main issue "Dat is maar bijzaak" click to hear 2 3 4
'That is only a side issue, that's not the important thing

Matthew 5:37 (also in James 5:12) (condemning the swearing of oaths)
Maar Uw woord ja zij ja, neen, neen click to hear 2 3 But let your 'Yes' be 'Yes' and your 'No,' 'No'
(Let what you say be simply 'Yes' or 'No')
wat daar bijkomt is uit den boze click to hear 2 anything ['added'] more than this comes from evil

In a physical sense, 'side' is often 'zij' click to hear 2 - which of course also can mean 'she' or 'they' ‑>> (de) zijkant click to hear 2 side (of a box, house etc.) ‑>> opzij! click to hear 2 3 to the side! Get out of the way! (de) zijingang click to hear 2 side entrance

The bij-prefix can also mean somthing like 'added'

(de) bijdrage click to hear 2 ['added carry, support'] contribution
(de) eigen bijdrage click to hear 2 ['own contribution'] co-payment
(de) bijsluiter click to hear 2 [added insert] ~ medication information
(de) bijstand click to hear 2 3 support, 'help,' assistance, 'Welfare'
bijvoeglijk naamwoord click to hear 2 ['added name-word'] adjective
bijwoord click to hear 2 3 ['added word'] adverb

Dutch (de) bij click to hear is 'bee' ‑>> - our source of honey.
de Bijenkorf click to hear 2 'the Beehive' (an upscale department store)
Ik werd niet door een wesp gestoken, maar door een bij click to hear I was not stung by a wasp, but by a bee

To name the creators of works of art English says 'by' - Dutch says 'van' click to hear 2 - more 'van'

Een schilderij van Van Gogh click to hear A painting by Van Gogh
Een boek van Vestdijk click to hear 2 3 A book by Vestdijk
't Doet me denken aan een boek van Mulisch click to hear 2 It makes me think of a book by Mulisch
de volledige werken van Vondel click to hear the complete works of Vondel

dichtbij/nabij = 'near, close by,' ver = 'far' and ver weg = 'far away'

dichtbij click to hear near, nearby, close by (place)
nabij click to hear 2
(nabije click to hear 2
nabij / nabije click to hear 2)
near, close by (time)
naast click to hear 2 next to ‑>>
ver click to hear
(ver/verre click to hear)
ver weg click to hear 2 3 far away
verder click to hear further

't Einde is nabij click to hear 2 slow The end is near
de verre toekomst en de nabije toekomst click to hear the far future and the near future
We zijn dicht bij de grens click to hear We're close to the border
Hij woont dicht bij het museum click to hear He lives close to the museum
de dichtstbijzijnde winkel click to hear 2 the nearest shop, the shop closest-by
naast click to hear 2 next to - see also
De mensen die naast ons wonen click to hear The people [who live] next door [to us]
naast elkaar click to hear 2 3 next to each other ‑>>
de auto ernaast click to hear 2 The car next to it ‑>>
naaste familie click to hear 2 3 near relatives, next-of-kin ‑>>
de naaste click to hear 2 3 the 'neighbor, fellow man' of the bible - other neighbors
"Heb Uw naaste lief als uzelf" click to hear 2 'Love your neighbor like yourself' ‑>>
(de) naastenliefde click to hear ['love of the neighbor'] - charity
ver click to hear (verre click to hear 2 3 - ver/verre click to hear) far
ver weg click to hear 2 3 far away
't Verre Oosten click to hear 2 The Far East - Foreign Lands
Beter een goede buur dan een verre vriend click to hear 2 It's better to have a good neighbor than a faraway friend
Hoe ver is het? click to hear 'How far is it?'
Is het ver? click to hear 2 'Is it far?'
Het is niet ver click to hear 2 'It's not far'
Het is nogal ver click to hear 'It is quite (rather?) far'
Dat is twee keer zo ver click to hear 2 3 4 That's twice as far
Hij is ver weg click to hear 2 'He is far away'
Ik kan er ver mee lopen click to hear 2 I can walk far with it, I can walk good distances with it (cane or walker)
Woon je ver van je werk? click to hear Do you live far from where you work?
Wat je ver haalt is lekker click to hear 2 (saying) ['What you get from far away tastes good'] "Exotic food is always good"
in de verte click to hear 2 in the distance, far away
(de) verrekijker click to hear [far-seer] - telescope or binoculars

verder click to hear 'further' can mean literally 'a greater distance' of it can mean something like 'what remains' or 'more'
Tot hier en niet verder click to hear 2 3 Up to here, this far, and no further
Dan zijn we nog verder van huis click to hear 2 3 (saying) ['Then we'll be even farther from home'] - Making an already bad situation worse
Is er verder nog iets? click to hear 2 3 4 [Is] Was there something else?
Wat is er verder nog? click to hear 2 3 What else (of value or interest) is there still?
... maar gaat U verder click to hear 2 ... (but) please continue
Ga verder click to hear 2 3 4 Go on, continue

Ik ben nog niet zo ver click to hear 2 3 [I'm not that far yet] 1. I'm not ready (for something) yet 2. I have not advanced that far yet
Hoe ver ben je gekomen? click to hear 2 3 4 5 How far did you get? (usually said about an unfinished book or task)
Zo ver ben ik nog lang niet click to hear 2 3 [I have not come that far yet by far] - I'm nowhere near that, not even close, I have not made much progress (only figuratively)
Zo ver is het nog niet click to hear 2 3 4 It's not that far yet, we're not at that point yet
Gaat 't te ver? click to hear 2 Does it go too far? (Is it unacceptable, unreasonable?)
't Gaat te ver click to hear 2 It goes too far
Vergaande maatregelen click to hear 2 [far-reaching] extensive, drastic measures
But:  Vergane glorie click to hear Faded glory ‑>>
veruit click to hear 2 3 slow by far
veruit de beste oplossing click to hear 2 by far the best solution
ver heen click to hear 2 far gone (figuratively, 'almost out of reach, almost beyond recovery')
Ze was haar tijd vooruit click to hear 2 She was ahead of her time
ver vooruit click to hear 2 3 4 far ahead

Jan Huygen van Linschoten provided maps and 'de Compagnie van Verre' click to hear 2 3 'the Company of Faraway' set up the first Dutch expedition to the Far East (1596)
Jan Huygen van Linschoten / De Compagnie van Verre click to hear ‑>>
(The word '(de) compagnie' click to hear is unfortunately no longer used in Dutch)

Het lijkt wel alsof iemand (heel) ver weg af en toe op een trommel slaat - dat zal m'n hartslag zijn. click to hear slow slow2 slow3 It's like someone far in the distance from time to time hits a drum - that's probably my heartbeat.
>> medical - more Slow Dutch

2. 'Door' = 'through' - a passage

Elk pondje gaat door 't mondje click to hear Every (little) pound goes through the (little) mouth (a dieting slogan)
Ze kwam binnen door 't raam van de badkamer click to
   hear She came in through the bathroom window
Als een mes door de boter click to hear Like a knife through (the) butter (very easily)
recht door zee click to hear 2 3 [straight through the sea] - said of a straight-talking person
De kogel door de kerk click to hear [the bullet through the church] - decision taken, the die is cast
door dik en dun click to hear through thick and thin
door de jaren heen click to hear 2 through the years, in the course of the years
door de week click to hear through the week - on a weekday
doordeweekse dag click to hear 2 ['through-the-week-day'] weekday
doorzichtig click to hear 2 [see-through] - transparent
rechtdoor click to hear 2 [straight through] go straight
Bij 't kruispunt rechtdoor click to hear Go straight at the intersection
doorbraak click to hear 2 breakthrough
doorsnede click to hear 2 3 cross-section, diameter // ~average
doordouwer click to hear [through-pusher] a tenacious, persisting person
doorslaggevend click to hear 2 decisive, deciding (tipping the balance)
de hele dag door click to hear 2 all through the day, all day long
't Kan er net onderdoor click to hear 2 3 [It can just go through under it, with little room to spare] - it just fits through
Iets door de vingers zien click to hear 2 3 4 (saying) ['to see something through the fingers' - that is: not see small things] - overlooking minor infractions, ignoring small mistakes and irregularities
Door de zure appel heenbijten click to hear 2 3 ['Biting through the sour apple'] - an unpleasant task that needs to be performed, accepting something that can't be ignored or changed ~ 'swallow the pill'
Tussen de regels door lezen click to hear 2 3 'Reading [through/on] between the lines' - to notice not just what's written but also what's implied and/or left out
Tussen de buien door click to hear 2 3 [Through] In between (the) showers (when there is/was a break in the rain)

'Doorgaan' click to hear 2 means 'to go on, to continue, to beat on' - occasionally translated as 'going through.'

't Leven gaat door click to hear 2 Life goes on
We moeten doorgaan click to hear 2 3 We have go on
We moeten doorgaan tot 't klaar is click to hear 2 We need to continue, carry on, keep working till it (the job) is finished
We kunnen niet zo doorgaan click to hear We can't go on like this
Ik had willen doorgaan click to hear 2 3 4 I had wanted to go on, I didn't want to give up
't Gaat door! click to hear It is on! (An event like a sports match or a concert that was uncertain to happen will take place)
't Gaat te lang door click to hear 2 3 4 5 It goes on (for) too long
doorgaand verkeer click to hear 2 3 4 through [-going] traffic
doorzetten click to hear 2 3 persevere, persist, 'not giving up'
Je moet doorzetten click to hear 2 3 Persevere! Don't give up now, Hang in there! - you have to continue with this hard or difficult thing)
De zon komt door click to hear 2 The sun is coming [through] out (clouds are disappearing)
Als de zon doorkomt na een regenbui click to hear 2 3 When the sun comes [through] out after a shower ->>
niet goed doordacht click to hear 2 3 not well thought [through] out - rash
Ik zal U doorverbinden click to hear 2 I'll [connect] put you through (telephone) ->>
(de) doorverbinding click to hear (unusual)
plural: doorverbindingen click to hear 2
connection in communication, 'link'
Ik moet er vandoor click to hear 2 I have to go, I'm leaving
't Mes dat het touw doorsneed click to hear 2 3 The knife that cut (through) the rope
Door de rooie gaan click to hear ['crossing the red one (red line)'] 'to become irrational, go ballistic' (because of exhaustion or anger)
- 'Red' is rood click to hear 2 (rood/rode click to hear) but in colloquial Dutch, the D of rode often softens to a consonant-Y (Dutch J) sound: rooie - hear: rood - rode - rooie click to hear 2

[medal showing a farm worker holding a shovel]
faux 'old' Dutch for: Doorzie de grond click to hear 2
['see through, look deep into] understand the soil'

Synomyms, Alternates and Related Words

The English 'door' that closes the entrance to a room or building is (de) deur click to hear 2 - see also: The House
door de deur click to hear 2 through the door
binnen click to hear inside / buiten click to hear outside - more

open click to hear open de deur is open click to hear 2 the door is open de open deur click to hear 2 3 the open door
dicht click to hear closed de deur is dicht click to hear 2 the door is closed de dichte deur click to hear 2 the closed door
op slot click to hear locked de deur is op slot click to hear the door is locked

English 'Dutch door,' a door splitting horizontally in a top and a bottom part, is in Dutch called 'boven‑ en onderdeur'
boven click to hear 2 (upper) - onder click to hear (lower)
or 'boerderijdeur' - (de) boerderij click to hear (farm)
Dutch dubbele deur click to hear double door - either a door splitting vertically, in a left and righ part, or two doors close behind each other.

koekjes click to hear singular: (het) koekje click to hear
[cookie jar, open] [cookie jar, closed]
open click to
  hear koekjestrommel click to hear 2 dicht click to hear
geopend click to hear opened, open
(de) opening click to hear 2 opening (~start)
(de) open haard click to hear 2 [open hearth] fireplace
openingstijden click to hear [open times] business hours
openhartig click to hear 2 3 4 [open-hearted] frank, sincere, not holding back
't Gordijn is open click to hear The curtain is open
opendoen click to hear to open
Doe de deur open click to hear 2 open the door
Ik heb het raam opengedaan click to hear I've opened the window
"Mijn deur staat altijd open" click to hear 2 3 'My door [stands] is always open' (you can come in and talk to me anytime)
(de) openheid click to hear 2 3 'openness,' nothing hidden or secret, transparency, candor
Ik was bij de opening click to hear 2 3 I was present at the festive opening
openbaar click to hear (openbare click to hear 2) public, open, not hidden or secret
openbaar vervoer click to hear public transportation
(de) openbare bibliotheek click to hear 2 public library
(de) openbare aanklager click to hear 2 3 4 5 public [accuser] prosecutor, district attorney
in 't openbaar click to hear 2 3 in public
Breek me de bek niet open click to hear (saying) '[Don't force open my mouth] Don't get me started, I don't want to talk about it.' - But with a strong undertone that the speaker would have a lot of negative things to say about it.
Dweilen met de kraan open click to hear 2 3 (saying) ['Mopping up while the faucet is running'] - doing something but not addressing the cause of the problem
Je kunt ook een blikje opentrekken click to hear 2 3 4 You could [rip open] open a can - you could use canned
blikopeners click to hear can openers ‑>>
flesopeners click to hear bottle openers ‑>>
de spoorbomen gaan open click to hear the railway barriers are opening
de spoorbomen gaan dicht click to hear the railway barriers are closing
dicht click to hear (dichte click to hear dicht/dichte click to hear 2) closed, close
dichtbij click to hear near, nearby, close by (place) - see above
dichtdoen click to hear 2 3 to close
Doe alsjeblieft de deur dicht! click to hear Please close the door!
Even de ramen dichtdoen click to hear Let me [take a moment to] close the windows first
't Trekt dicht click to hear [It's pulling shut] - Clouds are forming
Alsof ik met m'n ogen dicht achteruit liep click to hear 2 3 As if I was walking backward with (my) eyes closed
Ik heb geen oog dichtgedaan click to hear 2 3 ['I (didn't) couldn't close an eye'] - 'I didn't get any shut-eye'
Ik kan geen moment m'n ogen dichtdoen click to hear 2 3 I can't close my eyes for one moment (or things go wrong) - I have to stay alert all the time
dicht op elkaar click to hear 2 3 close together (high density)
(de) dichtheid click to hear density
(de) bevolkingsdichtheid click to hear 2 population density (how many people per km²?)
(de) dichter click to hear 2 poet ‑>>
(het) gedicht click to hear poem
(het) geheim click to hear 2 secret
geheim click to hear 2 / geheime click to hear
geheim/geheime click to hear
(het) geheimpje click to hear 2 3 'little' secret (jocular or for children)
(het) geheimschrift click to hear 2 [secret writing] - 'cypher'
't Geheim van de smid click to hear 2 ['the blacksmith's secret'] 'a knack,' - a special way of doing something, a craftsman's special ability
geheimzinnig click to hear 2 ['of secret sense'] - mysterious, enigmatic
't Heeft iets geheimzinnigs click to hear 2 [It has something mysterious] There is something mysterious about it

English 'through' is also used to indicate a period of time, 'up to and including' - that is tot en met click to hear 2 in Dutch

maandag tot en met vrijdag click to hear Monday [up to an including] through Friday
maandag tot en met zaterdag click to hear Monday through Saturday

Dutch Vocabulary Overview - Dutch Grammar Overview - Listen to and Read Dutch

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Don't be a dief (thief) / dievegge (female thief) - diefstal (theft) - stelen (to steal) - heler (dealer in stolen gooyds) - hear Dutch - 2