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Dutch Everyday: The Yard 1 |
>>2 |
tuin - 2 ('garden')
(de) tuin - 2 |
(het) tuintje - 2 |
(de) plant |
(de) struik - 2 |
(het) onkruid |
(de) heg |
(het) hek |
(het) hek |
(de) muur |
De Grote Muur - 2 |
(de) schutting |
(het) poortje |
(het) platje |
tegels - 2 |
de / het / 't | (the) | een, 'n - 2 | (a, an) | één | (one) | >> |
(het) gras (de) plant (de) struik (de) boom hear |
(grass) (plant) (bush) (tree) |
(de) heg (het) hek (de) schutting (de) muur hear |
(hedge) (fence) (wooden fence) (wall) |
(het) hek (de) heg (de) muur (de) schutting hear |
(fence) (hedge) (wall) (wooden fence) |
(de) boomgaard
3 (de) moestuin 2 |
([tree-yard] orchard) (vegetable garden) |
The Dutch word (de) wal
('wall') is only found in street names (Walstraat
- Wall Street) and in the old city walls:
Onkruid vergaat niet ('Weeds don't perish, You can't kill weeds') often said as 'you can't kill the naughty streak.' (de) poort ('gate') is a bit serious, like a city gate or Heaven's Gate. (de) voortuin (vóórtuin) 2 ('front yard') - (de) achtertuin ('back yard') |
Ik heb een uur in de tuin gewerkt. | I've worked in the yard for an hour. |
Ik moest gras maaien.
alternative: onkruid wieden OR: bladeren harken 2 |
I had to mow the lawn. (literally: the grass.)
'remove weeds' 'rake leaves' |
Misschien kunnen we wel buiten zitten. 2 | Maybe we can even go sit outside |
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Copyright © Marco Schuffelen 2008.
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dief (thief) /
dievegge (female thief) -
diefstal (theft) -
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heler (dealer in stolen goods) -
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