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Dutch Everyday Items: Clothing 1

>> 2

kleren click to hear ('clothes') - kleding click to hear ('clothing')
[a skirt]
rok click to hear
[a skirt]
[a dress]
jurk click to hear - 2
[a dress]
[ladies' or children's shirt]
blouse click to hear
[a T shirt]
T shirt
[a turtleneck shirt]
coltrui click to hear - 2
[dress shirt]
overhemd click to hear
lange mouwen click to hear - 2
[dress shirt]
overhemd click to hear
korte mouwen click to hear
[clothes hanger]
kleerhanger click to hear
= knaapje click to hear
[business suit]
pak click to hear
[jacket of business suit, blazer]
colbert click to hear - 2
= jasje click to hear
stropdas click to hear
jasje-dasje click to hear 2 3 4
[very formal]
rok click to hear
[wool sweater]
trui click to hear
[a heavy wool sweater]
[a fleece jacket]
vest click to hear
[a vest]
vestje click to hear
[a sweater]
sweater click to hear
broek click to hear - 2
spijkerbroek click to hear
[denim jacket]
spijkerjasje click to hear - 2
[denim jacket and jeans, a 'denim suit']
spijkerpak click to hear
= inspraakpak click to hear
korte broek click to hear
[a bathrobe]
badjas click to hear
[a pair of socks]
sokken click to hear - 2
[three pairs of shoes]
schoenen click to hear
[sports shoes, sneakers]
gymschoenen click to hear
[hiking boots]
bergschoenen click to hear
['mountain shoes'] - hiking boots
['high' shoes]
hoge schoenen click to hear 2 3
[a pair of boots]
laarzen click to hear
[a pair of rubber boots]
rubber laarzen click to hear - 2
de / het / 't
een, 'n
hear - 2
(a, an)
(de) rok (de) jurk
(de) blouse
((ladies') shirt)
(de) trui
(de) coltrui
(de) sweater
(wool sweater)
(turtleneck sweater)
(het) overhemd
(het) vestje
(het) vest
(dress shirt)
(cardigan, fleece jacket)
(de) B.H. (beha *) click to hear 2 bra
(het) slipje click to hear 2 / (het) broekje click to hear panties - ladies
(de) onderbroek click to hear 2 underpants - men
(het) hemd click to hear 2 undershirt, vest
(het) ondergoed click to hear 2 3 underwear
(de) sok
(de) schoen
(de) laars
(het) colbert,
(het) jasje
(de) stropdas
(de) broek
suit jacket
suit jacket
(de) wol click to hear wool
(het) katoen click to hear cotton
(het) linnen click to hear linen
(de) zijde click to hear silk
(het) kant click to hear lace
(het) fluweel click to hear velvet
(het) ribfluweel click to hear 2 corduroy
(de) spijkerstof click to hear 2 denim
(het) leer click to hear 2 leather
(de/het) suède click to hear 2 suede
(de/het) nylon * click to hear nylon
nylons * click to hear nylons
bergschoenen click to hear hiking boots
sandalen click to hear 2 sandalos
naaldhakken click to hear 2 [needle] stiletto heels
pantoffels click to hear house slippers
veters click to hear 2 shoelaces, shoestrings
schoensmeer click to hear 2
shoe cream
Dutch 'leer' click to hear 2 - het leer is 'leather' but de leer is 'doctrine, teachings.' The word is also a False Friend.
Dutch stof click to hear 2 3 4 het stof is 'dust' but de stof is 'fabric' or 'material' - or figuratively, 'subject matter.'
more both de and het words
Dutch 'nylon' has an unusual Y-pronunciation, probably in imitation of the English word.
In Dutch, the English word 'panties' is used for pantyhose.
Note that where English says 'undershirt' and 'shirt,' Dutch says 'hemd' and 'overhemd'

rood click to hear
oranje click to hear
geel click to hear
groen click to hear
blauw click to hear
paars click to hear

(de) kleur click to hear (color)
kleuren click to
  hear (colors)
examples of usage - adjectives - flowers
zwart click to hear wit click to hear bruin click to hear grijs click to hear roze click to hear
(de) kledingzaak click to hear 2 'clothing store' - also: (de) modezaak click to hear 2 (for ladies.) As I said above 'kleren' click to hear are 'clothes, clothing' but there are many slang compound words with 'klere-' click to hear (a corruption of cholera click to hear) meaning 'rotten, unpleasant,' like (de) klerebaan click to hear 2 ('an unpleasant, rotten job.') So words like 'klerenwinkel' or 'klerenzaak' usually refer to bad shopping experience, not to clothing stores.
Wat een klereweer! click to hear 2 3 ('Such horrible weather!' - slang)
klerevliegtuig! click to hear 2 3 4 'effing airplane' (interrupting my recording session)
(de) mode click to hear 'fashion' - De laatste mode click to hear 2 'the latest fashion' - modieus click to hear 'fashionable'
ouderwets click to hear 'old-fashioned' - uit de mode click to hear 2 'not, no longer fashionable'
tijdloos click to hear 2 3 'timeless' (fashionable in any time, always looking good)
(de) herenzaak click to hear 2 'men's (fashion) store' - (het) driedelig pak click to hear 2 ('3-piece suit' - not pictured)
(het) knaapje click to
  hear ('clothes hanger') is also 'well-behaved little boy.'
(de) maat click to hear 2 - size (clothes, shoes) - plural: maten click to hear measurements ‑>>
(de) paskamer click to hear 2 3 4 5 'fitting room'
(de) broek click to hear 2 ('pants') has a second, somewhat obsolete meaning 'swamp,' that the fairly common family names with 'broek' refer to - Van den Broek click to hear - Westbroek click to hear - the small town of Zwartebroek click to hear 2 ('black swamp') near Amersfoort, and the old, Dutch name for Georgetown, Guyana was Stabroek click to hear ('swamp of stagnant water.')
(de) mouw click to hear 2 3 ('sleeve') - opgestroopte mouwen click to hear 2 ('rolled-up sleeves')
(de) kraag click to hear ('collar') - (de) manchet (Fr.) click to hear ('cuff')
(het) zwempak click to hear / (het) badpak click to hear 2 3 (['bathing-'] 'swimsuit' - ladies) - (de) badmuts click to hear 2 ('['bathing-'] swimming cap')
(de) zwembroek click to hear 2 ('swimming trunks' - men)
(de) vlek click to hear 2 ('stain, dirty spot')
(de) staal click to hear - (fabric sample, 'swatch') - (het) stalenboek click to hear 2 ('catalog of swatches - fabric samples, patterns and colors')
Een paar schoenen click to hear 2 ('a pair of shoes') - een paar handschoenen click to hear ('a pair of gloves')
- 'n paar click to hear can also mean 'a few, a couple of:' 'n paar jaar later click to hear ('a few years later')
(De) stomerij click to hear 2 ['steamery'] 'dry cleaner'
(De) kleermaker click to hear 2 'tailor' - (de) naaister click to hear 'seamstress' - (het) naaistertje click to hear 2 '"little" seamstress'
't Zit als gegoten click to hear ['It fits like it was cast'] - said of well-fitting clothes
't Staat je goed click to hear 2 3 /or/ 't staat je leuk click to hear 2 3 "It looks good on you, you look good in it"
Voel hoe zacht de stof is! click to hear 2 3 ('Feel how soft the fabric is!')
Ga je je omkleden? click to hear 2 ('Are you going to change?' - clothes)
vloeken click to hear 2 usually means to curse, swear, ‑>> but it's also said of colors that don't go together, look bad in combination
strak click to hear 2 (strakke click to hear) tight-fitting (clothes)
strakke kleren click to hear 2 tight-fitting clothes
'n strak truitje click to hear 2 3 a tight top
gevoerd click to hear 2 lined
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email - Copyright © Marco Schuffelen 2008. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.
Don't be a dief (thief) - dievegge (female thief) - diefstal (theft) - stelen (to steal) - heler (dealer in stolen goods) - hear Dutch - 2