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The Animals in Dutch 1

>> 2

Dieren click to hear animals

the: de click to hear 2 / het click to hear 2 3 - 't click to hear ->>
Plurals always take 'de'
a: (een) - 'n click to hear / one: één click to hear 2 3

koeien click to hear
[Daniel's Dog]
(de) hond click to hear (foto: Daniel Baskin)
[dachshund, old]
(de) hond click to hear (oude teckel)
(de) wolf click to hear
('Good dog!') Praising a dog, a Dutchman may say "brave hond" click to hear 2 - literally something like 'well-behaved, obedient dog' - or simply say: "braaf" click to hear 2 (while patting the dog's head.)
'Bad dog!' would be "stoute hond" click to hear 2 - literally 'disobedient, ill-behaving dog.'
A dog that cannot be trusted and could bite without provocation is called vals click to hear (literally: 'false')
(Het) schoothondje click to hear 2 ('lapdog')
hear - 2
hear - 2
(de) mensaap click to hear 2 3

(animal, usually a mammal)

(de) mens
click to hear
(man, human)
(de) man
click to hear
(man, male)
(de) vrouw
click to hear
(het) kind
click to hear
(de) jongen
click to hear
(het) meisje
click to hear
(de) baby (E)
click to hear
(de) kleuter
click to hear
all 8

Family Trees - Dutch Family - Life

(de) blindengeleidehond click to hear 2- [steering-the-blind dog] seeing-eye dog

Many of the words for animals show the common roots of English and Dutch, like cow/(de) koe click to hear - sheep/(het) schaap click to hear - fowl/(de) vogel click to hear 2 - and mare/(de) merrie click to hear
Some words shifted meaning, like pork/(het) varken click to hear 2 (=pig), pig/(de) big click to hear (=piglet), steer/(de) stier click to hear (=bull), deer/(het) dier click to hear (=any animal) and hound/(de) hond click to hear (=any dog).
Other words seem to be unrelated, like horse/(het) paard click to hear 2 and rooster/(de) haan click to hear 2 - 'horse' is related to Dutch (het) ros click to hear which is either used jocularly (ijzeren ros click to hear 'bicycle') or designates an older horse, and haan looks like related to English 'hen,' although that's a female.

(de) beer click to hear
(de) beer click to hear
Bears and wolf pictures by © Siem & Monique Sipma. All rights reserved.

[an orangutang holding a little one]
(de) orang-oetang click to hear
animal adult male adult female offspring
(het) paard
(de) hengst
(de) merrie
(het) veulen
click to hear 2
(het) rund*
(de) stier
(de) koe
(het) kalf
click to hear
(het) varken
(de) beer
(de) zeug*
(het) biggetje
click to hear 2 'Beer' is also the common word for 'bear' (ursus: brown, grizzly, polar.)
Also notice the similarity but different meaning of 'pork' and
varken, 'pig' and big.
(het) schaap
(de) ram*
(de) ooi*
(het) lammetje
click to hear
(de) kip
(de) (kip)
(het) kuiken, (het) kuikentje
click to hear
(de) kat, (de) poes
(de) kater

click to hear '(de) Kater' is also the common Dutch word for 'hangover' (katzenjammer?)
(de) geit
(de) bok

click to hear
* - not common words
(het) vee
(het) pluimvee
(to [re-chew] ruminate)
(pets, domesticated animals)
([rob-animals] predators)
[a horse]
(het) paard click to hear
schapen click to hear - 2

(de) stijgbeugel click to hear 2 'stirrup' - (de) teugels click to hear 'reins' - (de) hoef / hoeven click to hear 2 'hoof/hooves'
(het) hoefijzer click to hear 2 'horseshoe' - (de) hoefsmid click to hear 2 'farrier,' a blacksmith who fits horses with horseshoes
(de) stal click to hear 2 'stable, pen' - (het) gras click to hear 'grass' - (het) hooi click to hear 'hay' - (het) stro click to hear 2 'straw'
(het) voer click to hear 'animal feed' - (de) haver click to hear 2 'oats' - (de) trog click to hear 2 'manger'
(het) zadel click to hear 2 'saddle' (also: 'bike seat') - (de) pony (English) click to hear 2 - some people say: click to hear 2 (with Dutch 'long O') -
(de) kattenbak click to hear 2 'cat litter box' - (het) gewei click to hear 'antlers' ('deer horns')

[a deer] [a deer]
(het) hert click to hear plural: herten click to hear 2
poezen click to hear

And What They Say

Wat zeggen de dieren?
What do the animals say?
click to hear 2
honden blaffen
(dogs bark)
click to hear waf-waf
honden grommen
(dogs growl)
click to hear grrr
poezen/katten miauwen
(cats meow)
click to hear miauw
katten spinnen
(cats purr)
click to hear prrrr
katten blazen
(cats hiss)
click to hear 2 3 hsjjj
paarden hinniken
(horses neigh)
click to hear
koeien loeien
(cows moo)
click to hear boe
schapen blaten
(sheep bleat)
click to hear bèè click to hear
geiten mekkeren
(goats ?)
click to hear
hanen kraaien
(roosters crow)
click to hear kukeleku
kippen kakelen
(chickens cluck)
click to hear tok-tok-tok-tok-tok
kraaien krassen
(crows caw)
click to hear 2 kchchchch
vogels fluiten
(birds [whistle] sing)
click to hear
De koekoek zegt 'koekoek' click to hear The cuckoo says 'cuckoo.'
Uilen roepen 'oe-hoe' click to hear Owls hoot.
slangen sissen
(snakes hiss)
click to hear ssssss
muggen zoemen
(mosquitoes buzz)
click to hear bzzz
olifanten trompetteren
(elephants trumpet?)
click to hear retteketet
leeuwen brullen
(lions roar)
click to hear
wolven huilen
(wolves [cry] howl)
click to hear 2
varkens knorren
(pigs oink)
click to hear ...
eenden kwaken
(ducks quack)
click to hear kwek-kwek
(quack quack)
eenden snateren
(ducks smatter)
click to hear
ezels balken
(donkeys bray)
click to hear 2 ia
krekels tsjirpen
(crickets chirp)
click to hear
mussen kwetteren
(sparrows twitter)
click to hear
kikkers kwaken
(frogs croak)
click to hear kwaak click to hear 2 3 4
muizen piepen
(mice beep)
click to hear
[elephants bathing]
olifanten click to hear
[riding an elephant]
(de) olifant click to
(picture by John Bosma, Sietske de Vries))

Basic Animals

(de) mens click to hear
(het) dier click to hear
(de) vogel click to hear
(het) insekt click to hear
(bird, fowl)

(de) mier click to hear
(de) bij click to hear 2
(de) vlieg click to hear
(de) worm click to hear
(de) slang click to hear
hear - 2

(de) aap click to hear
(het) paard click to hear
(de) hond click to hear
(de) kat click to hear
(de) rat click to hear
hear - 2

(de) koe click to hear
(het) varken click to hear
(de) kip click to hear
(het) schaap click to hear
(de) geit click to hear
Dutch (de) slang click to hear 2 ('snake') also means 'hose.' A Dutchman may talk affectionately about his 'garden snake.'
(De) hondsdolheid click to hear ([dogs' craziness] 'rabies') - een dolle hond click to hear 2 ('a rabid dog')
(Het) hondenbrood click to hear 2 3 4 [dogs' bread] - store-bought dry dog food
The human (and horse) 'head' is (het) hoofd click to hear while animals have a (de) kop click to hear
Likewise, humans (and horses) have benen click to hear 'legs' - singular (het) been click to hear while animals (and tables and chairs) have poten click to hear - singular: (de) poot click to hear - Body Parts - Medical
(de) staart click to hear tail (de/het) hoorn click to hear 2 horn
(de) veer click to hear feather (de) vleugel click to hear wing
(de) bek click to hear animal mouth (de) nagel click to hear nail
(de) snuit click to hear snout (de) klauw click to hear 2 claw
(de) snavel click to hear 2 3 bird beak schubben click to hear 2 scales
(de) vin click to hear fin (de) kieuw click to hear 2 3 gill
(de) vacht click to hear 2 fur, pelt, fleece hoeven click to hear hooves
(het) vogelnest click to hear (het) vogelnestje click to hear 2 birds' nest
(de) lapjeskat click to hear 2 [patchwork cat] tortoiseshell cat (?)
knaagdieren click to hear 2 [gnawing animals] - rodents (rats, mice, squirrels etc.)
(het) lam click to hear lamb - irregular plural:  lam / lammeren click to hear lamb / lambs
(het) lammetje click to hear 2 3 'little' lamb - plural:  lammetjes click to hear 2
(het) konijn click to hear 2 /or/ (het) konijntje click to hear
schelpen click to hear
(het) hondenhok click to
(het) nestkastje click to
(het) nestkastje click to
(het) nestkastje click to
1 2 [right arrow] next

[A Dutch flag on the edge of a puddle of water]
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[a mirror]
[glasses, watch, etc.]


email - Copyright © Marco Schuffelen 2008. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.
Don't be a dief (thief) - dievegge (female thief) - diefstal (theft) - stelen (to steal) - heler (dealer in stolen goods) - hear Dutch - 2