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Dutch Verb Blijven ('to stay, remain, keep, continue') - Smartphones Page

Sample Sentences

Blijven click to hear 2 'to stay, remain, keep, continue' is a strong verb:

to stay
- bleef
- gebleven
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blijven to stay
ik blijf I'm staying
wij blijven we're staying
ik bleef I stayed
wij bleven we stayed
ik ben gebleven I have stayed
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Simple Present Tense
blijven to stay, remain
ik blijf I'm staying
jij blijft you're staying (singular, informal you)
hij blijft he's staying
wij blijven we're staying
jullie blijven y'all are staying
zij blijven they are staying
U blijft you are staying (polite you)
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Simple Past Tense
(blijven) to stay, remain
ik bleef I stayed
jij bleef you stayed
hij bleef he stayed
wij bleven we stayed
jullie bleven y'all stayed
zij bleven they stayed
U bleef you stayed
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Perfect Present Tense
ik ben gebleven click to hear 2 I have stayed, remained

auxiliary verb zijn

When 'blijven' is combined with other verbs, meaning the action of those verbs is continued, then those verbs will be infinitives:
't Blijft regenen click to hear 2 It will keep raining When 'blijven' is in the perfect tense combined with other verbs, 'blijven' and the other verb will both be infinitives
ik ben blijven ... click to hear 2 I remained, stayed to ... Ik ben blijven kijken click to hear 2 3 I stayed to look (at it) - I kept watching - more

Sample Sentences

Ik blijf hoopvol click to hear 2 3 I remain hopeful

We hoeven niet te blijven click to hear 2 3 We don't have to stay (we can leave if we want to) Wie schrijft, die blijft click to hear He/She who writes stays (in the game) - the person who keeps score always stays in the game - also said about authors De herinnering blijft ... click to hear The memory stays ...

thuis blijven click to hear 2 3 staying home, to stay home ‑>> Ik blijf thuis click to hear 2 3 I'm staying home Met m'n verjaardag blijf ik thuis click to hear 2 3 I'm staying home on my birthday Als 't hard regent blijf ik thuis click to hear 2 If it's raining hard I'll stay home

Was ik maar bij moeder thuis gebleven click to hear 2 3 4 I wish I had stayed home with my mom (at my parents' house - "Mama told me not to come")

Ik wil alleen maar bij deze lieve mevrouw blijven click to hear 2 All I want is to stay with this kind lady ‑>> See also erbij blijven click to hear below

Ze bleven een week in Delft click to hear They stayed in Delft for a week Ze blijft in Nederland wonen click to hear 2 3 [She'll continue living in The Netherlands] - She'll stay in Holland Ik ben in Amerika gebleven click to hear 2 3 I have remained in the U.S.

Kom je binnen of wil je buiten blijven? click to hear Are you coming in (inside) or do you want to stay outside? (I'm closing the door) Ik ben de hele dag binnen gebleven click to hear 2 3 I've been [stayed, remained] inside all day

't Moet wel leuk blijven click to hear 2 3 [It has to stay nice] - Keep it nice, don't let it become unpleasant De landen die neutraal bleven click to hear 2 The countries that stayed neutral (that did not take sides in the war) 't Blijft vervelend click to hear 2 [It remains unpleasant] It's still annoying ‑>> t Blijft wel goed click to hear 2 [It will remain good] - It will still be good (to eat) in a while ‑>> 2 Probeer wakker te blijven click to hear Try to stay awake Er bleef niks van over click to hear 2 Nothing remained of it, there was nothing left of it, it was gone completely

Alles blijft veranderen click to hear 2 All things keep changing ‑>> Alles is hetzelfde gebleven click to hear 2 Everything has remained the same 't Is allemaal hetzelfde gebleven click to hear 2 It has all remained the same
Er is niks veranderd click to hear Nothing has changed Er is helemaal niks veranderd click to hear 2 Nothing at all has changed, not a single thing

't Blijft regenen click to hear 2 It will keep raining ‑>> 't Blijft de hele week regenen click to hear 2 [It will keep raining] It's going to rain all week 't Blijft maar regenen! click to hear 2 It just keeps on raining, the rain never stops

Wil je blijven eten? click to hear 2 3 Would you like to stay for [food] dinner/lunch? Je kunt wel blijven eten click to hear 2 3 You may stay for [food] dinner/lunch

Ik blijf 't proberen click to hear 2 3 4 I keep trying (it) 't Blijft tobben click to hear 'We keep plodding on, trouble never lets up'

't Water blijft stijgen click to hear The water keeps rising 't Water blijft maar stijgen click to hear The water just keeps rising

Ik bleef staan kijken click to hear I stayed [standing around] to watch

erbij blijven click to hear 2 3 'stay with it' - literally, 'remain at an event or something happening' or 'remain of the opinion, still convinced of' Ik bleef erbij staan kijken click to hear 2 3 I stayed [standing around] to watch (it) Ik blijf erbij dat hij gelijk heeft click to hear 2 3 4 [I remain of the opinion] - I am still convinced that he is right

blijven liggen click to hear 2 ['to remain lying down,'] - 'stay in bed' ‑>> Ik had willen blijven liggen click to hear 2 I [had wanted] would have liked to stay in bed Je kunt nog even blijven liggen click to hear 2 You may stay in bed a little longer Kon ik nog maar even blijven liggen! click to hear 2 3 I wish I could stay in bed a little longer Wil je liever bljven liggen? click to hear 2 Would you rather sleep a little longer, not get up yet?

blijven zitten click to hear literally, to stay seated, stay put, but also the specific meaning: repeat a grade in school ‑>> Dan kan ik blijven zitten click to hear 2 3 Then I can stay seated, remain in my chair
Dan hoef ik niet op te staan click to hear 2 3 4 Then I don't have to get up
Ik ben in de vierde klas blijven zitten click to hear 2 3 I had to repeat 4th grade, I failed to pass to 5th grade (the first time)

uitblijven click to hear 2 not happen, not come about, remain elusive De verwachte groei bleef uit click to hear 2 3 The expected expansion didn't happen Daar de verwachte groei uitbleef, werd de fabriek weer gesloten click to hear 2 Because the expected growth didn't materialize the factory was closed (again)

opblijven click to hear 2 3 to stay 'up' (not go to bed)
Mag je opblijven? click to hear 2 3 Are you allowed to stay up, go to bed late? (for instance asked of children on New Year's Eve)

'Blijven' translated as 'to go'
Waar is 't gebleven? click to hear 2 3 [Where has it remained?] - Where did it go? (An item seems to have disappeared) Waar blijft de tijd? click to hear 2 3 4 5 'Where does the time [remain] go?'

Blijf van m'n lijf! click to hear 2 Stay away from my body! (feminist slogan for independence and autonomy)

achterblijven click to hear 2 1. to remain behind, not going
2. to lag, trail, fall behind
vrijblijvend click to hear [remaining free] without obligations, no consequences // without commitment (de) blijvende schade click to hear 2 'lasting, permanent damage' (het) verblijf click to hear 2 1. 'stay'
2. 'residence, place to stay'
(het) kinderdagverblijf click to hear 2 'children's daycare center, crèche' (de) verblijfsvergunning click to hear 2 'residency permit' constante kwaliteit click to hear 2 [constant] consistent quality

afblijven click to hear 2 3 4 to stay away from, do not touch! Blijf eraf! click to hear 2 3 Don't touch it! (Stay away from it) Blijf er vanaf! click to hear 2 3 Don't touch it! (Stay away from it) Je moet er afblijven click to hear 2 3 Don't touch it (you should not touch it) Je moet er vanaf blijven click to hear 2 3 Don't touch it (you should not touch it)

See also: gaan 'to go' and komen 'to come'

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