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Dutch Verb Komen ('to come') - Smartphones Page

Sample Sentences
Compound Verbs
Related Words
In the present tense, komen click to hear has a short O in the singular, but a long O in the plural - that's common with A in the past tense of strong verbs, but a vowel change in the present tense is very unusual. I can't think of another verb that does that.
Komen is a strong verb:
komen / kwam / gekomen click to hear
('come / came / come')
As I already mentioned above, like most strong verbs with an A in the past tense, for komen that A is short in the singular, but long in the plural

komen to come
ik kom I come
wij komen we come
ik kwam I came
wij kwamen we came
ik ben gekomen I have come
click to hear

(komen) (to come)
ik kom I come
jij komt you come (singular, informal you)
hij komt he comes
wij komen we come
jullie komen you come (plural, informal you)
zij komen they come
U komt you come (polite you)
click to hear

(komen) (to come)
kom ik? am I coming?
kom jij? are you coming?
komt hij? is he coming?
komen wij? are we coming?
komen jullie? are y'all coming?
komen zij? are they coming?
komt U? are you coming?
click to hear

(komen) (to come)
ik kwam I came
jij kwam you came
hij kwam he came
wij kwamen we came
jullie kwamen y'all came
zij kwamen they came
U kwam you came
click to hear

ik ben gekomen click to hear I have come
auxiliary verb zijn

When in the perfect tense combined with other verbs, komen is not in the form of the past participle but as an infinitive
ik ben komen ... click to hear 2 I have come (to, by) ... Ik ben komen fietsen click to hear 2 3 [I've come biking] - I've come by bike - more

Sample Sentences

Kom gauw! click to hear 2 3 Come quick!
Kom terug! click to hear 2 Come back!
Komen jullie? click to hear 2 3 Are you guys coming?

Ik ben blij dat je gekomen bent click to hear 2 3 I'm glad that you have come

Als je ooit deze kant op komt ... click to hear If you ever come this way ...

thuis komen click to hear 2 3 coming home, to come home Wanneer kom je thuis? click to hear When are you coming home, what time will you be home? Wanneer kom je terug? click to hear When are you coming back? Hij kwam terug click to hear 2 He came back Ik kom nooit meer terug click to hear 2 I'll never come back

Ze kwam binnen door 't raam van de badkamer click to hear She came in through the bathroom window

Kom je binnen of wil je buiten blijven? click to hear Are you coming in or would you rather stay outside? (I'm closing the door)

Kom je buiten spelen? click to hear 2 Are you coming, would you like to come outside to play? (children)

En toen kwam Jan click to hear 'And then John came' - And at that moment John arrived

't Komt over de dijk! click to hear 2 It's coming over the dike! (water, flooding)

Kom je eten? click to hear 2 3 'Are you coming, food is ready'
Kom je thee drinken? click to hear 2 ~Come have tea Kom je een kopje thee drinken? click to hear 2 ~Come have a cup of tea

Kom je een keer bij ons eten? click to hear 2 3 Would you like to come for dinner [with us] at our house sometime? (singular 'you') Wil je een keer bij mij komen eten? click to hear Would you like to come for dinner at my place sometime? (singular 'you') Willen jullie ...? click to hear 2 3 (plural you)

Misschien komt dat nog click to hear 2 3 Maybe that's still coming, maybe that's still going to happen

Matthew 5:37 (also in James 5:12) (condemning the swearing of oaths)
Maar Uw woord ja zij ja, neen, neen click to hear 2 3 But let your 'Yes' be 'Yes' and your 'No,' 'No'
(Let what you say be simply 'Yes' or 'No')
wat daar bijkomt is uit den boze click to hear 2 anything ['added'] more than this comes from evil

Waar kom je vandaan? click to hear 2 3 Where are you from?
- English says 'to be from,' Dutch uses 'komen uit'
Ik kom uit ... click to hear I'm from ...
- Dutch Names of Foreign Lands
Ik kom uit Amerika click to hear 2 I'm from America, the U.S. Ik kom uit Engeland click to hear 2 I'm from England Ze komt uit Engeland click to hear 2 She's from England Ik woon in Amerika click to hear I live in the U.S. ->>

Mijn voorouders komen uit Nederland click to hear 2 My ancestors came (are) from Holland Mijn familie komt uit het zuiden click to hear My family is from the South (of the country) Mijn moeders familie komt uit Limburg click to hear My mother's family is from Limburg De plaats waar ik vandaan kom click to hear The place where I'm from, My home town ->>

Dutch 'komen' is not always going somewhere or a movement, but can also mean 'to appear,' 'to arrive,' 'there will be'

Er komt onweer click to hear There will be a storm (thunder & lightning) ->> Na regen komt zonneschijn click to hear 2 3 4 After rain there will be sunshine (bad things don't last) Van uitstel komt afstel click to hear 2 Postponing leads to cancellation Als de lente komt, dan stuur ik jou tulpen uit Amsterdam click to hear 2 When Spring comes, I'll send you tulips from Amsterdam De winter komt eraan click to hear 2 Winter is coming

in de komende jaren ... click to hear 2 in the [coming] next years ...

En dan komt de aap uit de mouw click to hear 2 3 4 (saying) [Then the monkey will come out of the sleeve] - Then the truth will come out

Komt er een Elfstedentocht? click to hear 2 3 Will there be an 11-Cities Tour? ->>

Van 't een kwam 't ander click to hear 2 One thing led to another Van 't een komt 't ander click to hear 2 3 That one thing brings about something else Ik vraag me af hoe het komt click to hear 2 I wonder how (why) it came about, I wonder how it is that Ik weet niet hoe 't komt click to hear 2 3 I don't know how it came about, I don't know what is causing it Dat komt ervan! click to hear 2 3 4 That's the result (of your action)

Met de ouderdom komen de gebreken click to hear 2 '[With] In old age defects appear' ‑>>

Ik kom zo bij U click to hear 2 3 I'll come to you, be with you in a moment

langs komen (langskomen) click to hear 2 3 1. to pass by (along your way)
2. to come visit
Je komt er langs click to hear 2 You pass by it, it's along your way Kom eens langs! click to hear 2 3 Do come visit sometime!

Er komt geen eind aan click to hear 2 There is no end to it (it goes on and on) Aan alles komt een eind click to hear 2 Everything must end sometime More Endings

Hij komt bijvoorbeeld nooit te laat click to hear 2 He is, for instance, never late

't Komt niet zo nauw click to hear 2 'There is no need for much precision or strictness, there is a lot of leeway, a wide margin' (de) speling click to hear 2 margin, 'give'

't Is er nooit van gekomen click to hear 2 3 It never came about, it never happened Komt er nog wat van? click to hear 2 3 Is something [coming about] happening? (Obviously not - action should be taken)

Hoe kom je d'r bij? click to hear 2 [Where did you get that idea?] - It's nonsense, crazy

Kom nou! click to hear 2 3 ["come now"] - (That's outrageous) - You can't be serious

Kom daar nou nog eens om! click to hear 2 [Come for that nowadays again] - It's not possible to find something like that anymore - an item (or an attitude) that went out of fashion

We komen voor de muziek click to hear 2 We (have) come for the music (the purpose of our visit is to hear the music)

't Komt door de regen click to hear 2 3 It is because of the rain, the rain is causing it

Wat zei je? click to hear 2 3 What did you say? Come again? Zeg 't nog eens click to hear 2 3 (Could you please) say it again? Come again?

Occasionally, 'komen' is translated in English as 'to go' and 'to go' as 'komen'

Ik kom er nooit meer click to hear 2 3 4 I never go there anymore - also: I'll never go there again Ga je mee? click to hear Are you coming with me/us?

Compound 'Komen' Verbs

aankomen click to hear 2 1. to arrive
2. to gain weight
3. to touch
(de) aankomst click to hear 2 arrival
(het) vertrek click to hear 2 departure - Travel

aankomen to arrive
ik kom aan I arrive
wij komen aan we arrive
ik kwam aan I arrived
wij kwamen aan we arrived
ik ben aangekomen I have arrived
click to hear

We komen om vier uur aan click to hear 2 3 We'll arrive at 4 Ze kwamen tegelijk aan click to hear 2 They arrived at the same time De winter komt eraan click to hear 2 Winter is coming Ik ben met de Kerst vijf pond aangekomen click to hear 2 'I've gained 5 pounds over the Christmas holiday' (Kom niks aan click to hear 2 3 could mean 'Don't gain weight' but it's weird ) Kom er niet aan! click to hear 2 Don't touch it! Kom nergens aan! click to hear 2 3 [Touch nothing] - Don't touch anything!

Welke dag komt je 't beste uit? click to hear Which day would suit you, be best? 't Komt slecht uit click to hear
= 't Komt niet goed uit click to hear 2 It's not a good time (or day) - it doesn't suit me Er is iets tussen gekomen click to hear 2 3 Something came [in between] up (de) tussenkomst click to hear 2 3 intervention, help in negotiation tussen click to hear between, among

De zon komt op click to hear 2 The sun is coming up De zon kwam weer op click to hear The sun came up [again] as always De zon komt iedere dag op click to hear Every day the sun comes up 't Was alsof de zon om middernacht opkwam click to hear It was as if the sun came up at midnight

't Kwam niet in me op click to hear 2 3 [It didn't enter my head] - I didn't think of it

Kom op! click to hear 2 3 Come on! (Get active, get going)

De zon komt door click to hear 2 The son is coming [through] out Als de zon doorkomt na een regenbui ... click to hear 2 3 When the sun comes out after a shower
compound verbs re-attaching

bij elkaar komen click to hear 2 to get together, to meet elkaar click to hear each other ->>
bijeenkomen click to hear 2 to meet, get together
(de) bijeenkomst click to hear 2 meeting, gathering
bijeen click to hear together

't Kan ooit nog van pas komen click to hear 2 3 It could come in handy someday

te weten komen click to hear 2 3 ['to come to know'] - to find out Hoe ben je dat te weten gekomen? click to hear 2 3 4 How did you come to know that? How did you find (that) out?

Door de tegenwind kwamen we maar met moeite vooruit click to hear 2 Because of the wind against us we only [came] moved forward slowly Door de tegenwind kwamen we met moeite vooruit click to hear 2 Because of the wind against us we moved forward slowly

Different placing of the stress in the word 'voorkomen' changes its meaning
VOORkomen click to hear 2 means 'to occur, happen, to be found,' and occasionally: 'to pretend, make it look like'
voorKOmen click to hear 2 is 'to prevent, keep from happening'

Ik heb kunnen voorkomen ... click to hear 2 3 I was able to prevent ... We hadden 't kunnen voorkomen click to hear 2 We could have prevented it Wat kan ik doen om 't te voorkomen? click to hear 2 What can I do to prevent it? Voorkom problemen click to hear 2 Prevent problems Voorkomen is beter dan genezen click to hear 2 It's better to prevent than to cure

't Komt vaker voor click to hear 2 3 [It happens more often] - It's not a unique event 't Komt in de beste families voor click to hear 2 3 4 It happens in the highest circles 't Is nooit eerder voorgekomen click to hear 2 3 4 It never happened before Ik heb doen voorkomen ... click to hear 2 3 I have pretended, made it look like ...

omkomen click to hear 2 to die, perish - sometimes used in jest Ik kom om van de honger click to hear 2 3 [I'm dying of hunger] - I'm famished, I'm (very) hungry Hij is in de oorlog omgekomen click to hear 2 3 He died in the war Hij is bij een auto-ongeluk omgekomen click to hear He died [because of] in a car crash

Kun je ervan rondkomen? click to hear Can you [come 'round] get by, live on it?

Ik zag je voorbijkomen click to hear 2 3 4 I saw you passing by
Ik heb je voorbij zien komen click to hear 2 3 4 I've seen you pass by, I saw you passing by

'Overkomen' click to hear 2 is when something happens to you
't Ergste dat je kan overkomen click to hear 2 3 The worst that can happen to you (this can be serious, but usually it's said when telling you there is no great risk) 't Is niet de eerste keer dat me dit overkomt click to hear 2 It's not the first time that this happens to me Dat kan alleen mij overkomen click to hear 2 3 [That can only happen to me] - Things like that only happen to me (I have way too much bad luck) 'To happen, take place' is more commonly gebeuren click to hear

Related and Similar Words

welkom click to hear 2 welcome
Iedereen is welkom click to hear Everyone is welcome, everyone's invited Welkom in mijn nederige stulp click to hear 2 "Welcome to my humble dwelling" ->> - 2
(de) komst click to hear 2 coming, arrival
(de) afkomst click to hear 2 descent, origin, derivation, lineage
(de) komaf click to hear 2 origin, parentage
(de) herkomst click to hear 2 3 origin
(de) overeenkomst click to hear 2 1. agreement
2. similarity
(de) toekomst click to hear
de toekomst click to hear
the future

in de toekomst click to hear 2 in the future de toekomst voorspellen click to hear 2 predicting the future ->> een blik in de toekomst click to hear 2 a view of, a look into the future de verre toekomst en de nabije toekomst click to hear the far and the near future een onzekere toekomst tegemoet click to hear towards an uncertain future Alsof er geen toekomst is click to hear 2 3 As if there is no future, no tomorrow Zonder aan de toekomst te denken click to hear 2 3 Without thinking of the future, 'As if there is no tomorrow' de toekomende tijd click to hear 2 the future tense ->>

tegemoet click to hear towards (to meet)
(as seen just above:)
een onzekere toekomst tegemoet click to hear towards an uncertain future Ik kom je tegemoet click to hear 2 1. I'm coming towards you (literally)
2. I'm offering a compromise
(de) tegemoetkoming click to hear 2 1. concession 2. compensation (money)

(de) opkomst click to hear 2 1. rise 2. turnout
opkomst en neergang click to hear 2 rise and fall

Wat 't eerst in je opkomt click to hear 2 3 The first thing you think of, the first thing that comes to mind

ontkomen click to hear 2 3 to escape, evade
onontkoombaar click to hear 2 3 slow unavoidable, inescapable more commonly:  onvermijdelijk click to hear 2 3 unavoidable

(de) onvolkomenheid click to hear 2 3 imperfection; incompleteness plural: onvolkomenheden click to hear 2 3

(de) tekortkoming click to hear 2 3 shortcoming, fault or failure to meet a standard

Een goede bekomst! click to hear 2 3 (old-fashioned, said after a meal, 'hoping for a good digestion')

(de) kom click to hear 2 bowl
'n kom soep click to hear a bowl/cup of soup
'n kommetje pap click to hear 2 'a small bowl of porridge' ->>
See also: Cup Size

See also gaan 'to go'

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