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Dutch Everyday: Weather 2

<< 1

't weer click to hear 2 the weather - Weather Talk (below)

wolken click to hear
[a street where you can't see far because of the mist]
mist click to hear
(de) mist
stof click to hear
(het) stof
windwijzer click to hear 2
(de) windwijzer
windwijzer click to hear 2
noord click to hear North oost click to hear East zuid click to hear South west click to hear West
het noorden click to hear 2 the North het oosten click to hear 2 the East het zuiden click to hear 2 the South het westen click to hear 2 3 the West
Oost west, thuis best click to hear [East, West, at home is best] Home sweet home
regen click to hear - 2
(de) regen
[is it raining?]
regent 't? click to hear
[a rainbow]
regenboog click to hear colors
(de) regenboog
[a rainbow]
[a rainbow]
[a foot of snow on the ground and in the trees]
sneeuw click to hear
(de) sneeuw
sneeuw click to hear
't sneeuwt click to hear
ijspegels click to hear
The 'dust' picture is by Siem & Monique Sipma

de / het / 't click to hear (the)
een, 'n click to hear - 2 (a, an)
één click to hear (one)

From the 'Basic Dutch' pages

(het) weer click to hear weather
(de) wind click to hear wind
(de) regen click to hear rain
(de) sneeuw click to hear snow
(de) wolken click to hear clouds
(de) mist click to hear mist, fog
(de) donder click to hear thunder
(de) bliksem click to hear lightning
warm click to hear warm
koud click to hear cold
droog click to hear dry
nat click to hear wet
(de) aarde click to hear earth
(de) hemel click to hear sky; heaven
(de) ruimte click to hear space
(de) zon click to hear sun
(de) maan click to hear moon
(de) sterren click to hear stars

More Weather Words

't weer click to hear 2 the weather
(het) weerbericht click to hear weather report
(de) weersverwachting click to hear weather forecast

(de) regen click to hear 2 rain
(de) wind click to hear 2 wind
(de) hagel click to hear hail
(de) sneeuw click to hear 2 3 snow

(de) bliksem click to hear lightning
(de) donder click to hear thunder
(het) onweer click to hear thunderstorm
(de) storm click to hear 2 gale, high winds
(de) regen click to hear rain
(de) regendruppel -    raindrop
(de) regenbui click to hear rain shower
hear - 2
(de) regenpijp -    rain pipe
(de) regenton -    rain barrel
(het) regenwater -    rain water
(de) regenjas click to hear raincoat
(het) regenpak -    'waterproof gear,' jacket & pants
(de) laarzen click to hear boots
(de) zuidwester click to hear southwester (headgear)
hear - 2
(de) plas click to hear 2 puddle
(de) modder click to hear mud
nat click to hear wet
hear - 2
(het) onweer click to hear thunderstorm
(de) bliksem click to hear lightning
(de) donder click to hear thunder
hear - 2
(de) dakgoot click to hear 2 (rain) gutter
(de) bliksemafleider click to hear 2 3 4 lightning rod
hear - 2
(de) motregen -    drizzle
(de) mist click to hear fog, mist
(de) wolk click to hear 2 3 cloud
zonnig click to hear 2 3 sunny
helder click to hear clear
bewolkt click to hear 2 (3) cloudy
regenachtig click to hear 2 3 rainy
(de) regenboog click to hear rainbow
(de) zonneschijn click to hear 2 3 sunshine
(de) schemering click to hear 2 twilight
(de) regen click to hear rain
(de) mist click to hear fog, mist
(het) stof click to hear 2 3 4 dust
(de) sneeuw click to hear 2 3 snow
(het) ijs click to hear ice
(de) vorst click to hear 2 frost
de zon schijnt click to hear 2 the sun is shining
't regent click to hear 2 3 it is raining
't vriest -   it is freezing
(de) nachtvorst click to hear 2 frost in the night
't dooit click to hear [it is thawing] - it stopped freezing

(het) noodweer click to hear 2 ('dangerous, very bad weather' - but: (de) noodweer - 'self-defense')
(de) overstroming click to hear 2 3 ('flood')
(de) hittegolf click to hear 2 3 ('heat wave')
(het) briesje click to hear ('a breeze')
(de) storm click to hear 2 ('high winds, gale') - (de) orkaan click to hear 2 ('hurricane')
(het) weerlicht click to hear ('distant lightning flash') - (de) donderslag click to hear 2 3 ('thunderclap')
(de) vorst click to
  hear ('frost') also means 'the (male) royal ruler.' The more common word is koning click to hear ('king.')
(de) nachtvorst click to hear 2 ('frost at night, freezing temperatures at night')
ijsvrij click to hear 2 ['ice-free'] - when there's good natural ice schools may close for a few hours so students can go skating (rare)
sleet: natte sneeuw click to hear 2 ('wet snow') / ijzel click to hear 2 (rain that freezes when it hits the ground)
een vlaag wind click to hear = een windvlaag click to hear ('a gust of wind') - (de) windstoot click to hear 2 3 ('sudden, powerful gust of wind')
windstil click to hear 2 'no wind'
(het) buitje click to hear ('light rain, a small rainshower') - plural: (de) buitjes click to hear
wisselvallig click to hear 2 3 'changeable, unsettled, unstable' - usually said about weather
(de) zonneschijn click to hear 2 3 ('sunshine')
spekglad click to hear very slippery (icy roads) ['like bacon']
bitter koud click to hear bitter, unpleasantly cold
waterkoud click to hear because of the humidity it feels colder than it actually is
ijskoud click to hear 'cold as ice,' very cold
gloeiend heet click to hear 2 3 ['glowing-hot'] very hot, red-hot
(de) thermometer click to hear ('thermometer') - (de) barometer click to hear 2 ('barometer')
(het) hogedrukgebied click to hear 2 3 ('high-pressure area')
(de) hooikoorts click to
      hear 2 ('hay fever, pollen allergy') - (de) zonnesteek click to hear 2 3 ('sunstroke, heatstroke')
Wanneer die zon weer verkleurt tot oranje en verdwijnt voor 't licht van de maan ... click to hear
('When that sun again changes color to orange, and disappears before the light of the moon ...')

Weather Talk

rain - the forecast - sun - wind - warm/cold - bad weather - statements, feelings - sayings

Though there are not something like twenty words for rain in Dutch, the weather is of course a popular conversation subject in Holland.
The number of phrases may be a little excessive - I used weather examples on my word order page - but I didn't want to keep anything from you, my dear students.
Unlike in English, there is barely any difference in meaning between the Dutch simple past and perfect present tenses.
Further reading on verbs, word order etc.: grammar overview
Also note that English often uses the contiuous, like 'It is raining' where Dutch just uses the simple verb: 'Het regent.'

Hoe is 't weer? click to hear How is the weather?
Hoe is 't weer bij jou? click to hear How is your weather? (literally: the weather with you, where you are.)
Schijnt de zon of regent het? click to hear Is the sun shining or is it raining?
't Is ... mooi weer ... warm ... koud. click to hear 2 It's ... nice weather ... warm ... cold
(de) regen click to hear 2 rain
Regent 't? click to hear Is it raining?
Het regent. click to hear It [rains] is raining.
Het regende. click to hear 2 It [rained] was raining.
Het heeft geregend. click to hear 2 It has [rained] been raining.
Het had geregend. click to hear It had [rained] been raining.
Het regent hard. click to hear 2 It is raining hard.
Het regende hard. click to hear 2 It was raining hard.
Het regent niet. click to hear It is not raining.
Het gaat regenen. click to hear 2 It's going to rain.
Het gaat morgen regenen. click to hear
It's going to rain tomorrow.
Gaat 't regenen? click to hear 2 Is it going to rain?
Zou 't gaan regenen? click to hear Is it going to rain? Do you think it is going to rain?
Gaat 't morgen regenen? click to hear 2 Is it going to rain tomorrow?
Gaat 't morgen hard regenen? click to hear Is it going to rain hard tomorrow?
Heeft 't gisteren geregend? click to hear Did it rain yesterday?
Heeft 't gisteren hard geregend? click to hear Did it rain hard yesterday?
Het regende gisteren. click to
  hear It was raining yesterday.
vannacht click to
 hear either 'last night' or 'tonight' - look at the tense of the verb
Vannacht regende het. click to hear Last night it rained
Vannacht heeft 't geregend. click to
 hear Last night it rained
't Heeft vannacht geregend. click to hear 2 Last night it rained
't Gaat vannacht regenen. click to hear It's going to rain tonight
't Regende gisteren hard. click to hear It was raining hard yesterday.
't Heeft gisteren hard geregend. click to hear It was raining hard yesterday.
We hebben veel regen. click to hear 2 We're having a lot of rain.
Er is nauwelijks regen gevallen click to hear 2 3 There has [barely fallen rain] not been much rain
Waar gaat 't regenen? click to hear Where is it going to rain?
Het heeft gisteren in Nederland geregend. click to hear
Yesterday it rained in Holland.
Het heeft gisteren geregend in Nederland. click to hear 2
Yesterday it rained in Holland.
Het heeft gisteren in Den Haag niet geregend. click to hear
It didn't rain in The Hague yesterday.
Het heeft gisteren niet geregend in Den Haag. click to hear
It didn't rain in The Hague yesterday.
Het heeft gisteren in Nederland hard geregend. click to hear
Yesterday it rained hard in Holland.
Het heeft de hele dag geregend. click to hear 2 3 It has been raining all day
't Lijkt of 't gaat regenen. click to hear It looks like [it's going to rain] rain
Een regenachtige dag click to hear A [rain-like] rainy day
Het was een regenachtige dag. click to hear It was a rainy day
't Was regenachtig. click to hear
It was rainy
Ik hoop dat we 't droog houden click to hear 2 3 I hope [we'll keep it dry] it will stay dry
't Regent weer click to hear 2 It's raining again
't Was even droog click to hear 2 3 It [was dry] didn't rain for a short while
't Lijkt wel weer droog click to hear 2 [It looks like it's dry again] - the rain seems to have stopped
De regen is voorlopig weer voorbij click to hear 2 3 4 For now the rain has ended, no rain expected in the coming days
Ben je nat geworden? click to hear 2 Did you get wet?
Net voordat 't begon te regenen. click to hear 2 3 [Just before it started to rain] Just before it rained
't Komt door de regen click to hear 2 3 It [comes] is because of the rain - it is caused by the rain
Tussen de buien door click to hear 2 3 In between showers (when there is/was a break in the rain)
Ik heb wel eens gehoord dat het in het zuiden van Californië nooit regent. click to hear
I've heard that it never rains in Southern California
Ik heb wel eens gehoord dat het nooit regent in het zuiden van Californië. click to hear 2
I've been told that it never rains in Southern California
Als 't regent wordt de wedstrijd afgelast. click to hear If it rains the game will be canceled
Als 't hard regent blijf ik thuis. click to hear 2 If it's raining hard I'll stay home
We zouden gaan fietsen maar 't begon te regenen. click to hear
We were going to make a bike ride but it started to rain - Not something a real Dutchman would say
(de) neerslag click to hear 2 3 precipitation, rain (formal)
(de) weersverwachting click to hear weather forecast / (het) weerbericht click to hear weather report
Wat is de weersverwachting? click to hear 2 What is the weather forecast?
Wat zegt het weerbericht? click to hear 2 What does the weather report say?
Het weerbericht zegt ... click to hear The weather forecast says ...
Het weerbericht zegt dat het morgen gaat regenen. click to hear
The weather forecast says it will rain tomorrow.
Volgens het weerbericht gaat het morgen regenen. click to hear
According to the weather forecast it is going to rain tomorrow.
Volgens 't weerbericht wordt 't vandaag zevenentwintig graden. click to hear 2 3
According to the weather forecast it's going to be 27 degrees today.
Wie zegt dat 't gaat regenen? click to hear Who says it's going to rain?
Denk je dat 't gaat regenen? click to hear Do you think it's going to rain?
Denk je dat 't morgen gaat regenen? click to hear Do you think it's going to rain tomorrow?
Denk je dat 't hard gaat regenen? click to hear Do you think it's going to rain hard?
Denk je dat 't morgen hard gaat regenen? click to hear Do you think it's going to rain hard tomorrow?
Ik denk dat 't gaat regenen. click to hear I think it's going to rain
Ik denk dat 't morgen gaat regenen. click to hear 2 I think it's going to rain tomorrow
Ik denk dat 't morgen hard gaat regenen. click to hear I think it's going to rain hard tomorrow
Ik denk dat er geen regen komt. click to hear I don't think it's going to rain
Wordt er regen verwacht? click to hear 2 Is rain expected?
't Blijft regenen. click to hear 2 It will keep raining
't Blijft de hele week regenen. click to hear 2 [It will keep raining] It's going to rain all week
't Blijft maar regenen! click to hear 2 It just keeps on raining, the rain never stops
Volgende week gaat het regenen. click to hear Next week it's going to rain
(de) zon click to hear sun
een mager zonnetje click to hear 2 a pale, powerless sun
't Klaart op. click to hear 2 The sky is clearing, clouds are disappearing
De zon komt door. click to hear 2 The sun is coming [through] out
't Wordt lichter click to hear 2 It's clearing up ['more light']
Als de zon doorkomt na een regenbui ... click to hear 2 3 When the sun comes out after a shower ...
De zon schijnt. click to hear 2 The sun is shining
De zon schijnt niet click to hear The sun is not shining
Vanmorgen scheen de zon. click to hear This morning, the sun was shining
De zon scheen de hele dag. click to hear The sun was shining all day.
De zon heeft de hele dag geschenen. click to hear The sun was shining all day.
De zon komt op. click to hear 2 The sun is rising
De zon komt iedere dag op. click to hear Every day, the sun rises
De zon kwam weer op. click to hear The sun came up again
De zon gaat onder. click to hear 2 The sun is going down
Het wordt donker. click to hear It is getting dark
De zon ging onder. click to hear 2 The sun went down
Ging de zon onder? click to hear 2 Did the sun go down?
Toen de zon onderging ... click to hear 2 When the sun went down ...
Het werd donker. click to hear It was getting dark
Toen de zon onderging werd het donker. click to hear
When the sun went down it became dark
Als de zon schijnt terwijl 't regent,
krijg je soms een regenboog. click to hear
When the sun shines while it is raining,
you sometimes get a rainbow.
't Wordt zo vroeg donker. click to hear 2 3 It's getting dark so early
't Is lang licht. click to hear 2 It is light till late
(de) wind click to hear 2 wind
Geen zuchtje wind click to hear 2 Not a breath of air, there is no wind at all
Het is windstil. click to hear 2 There is no wind
waaien click to hear 2 (wind) blowing
waaien / woei / gewaaid click to hear (wind) to blow / blew / blown
waaide click to hear (wind) blew (alternate simple past tense)
't Begint te waaien. click to hear A wind starts to blow, a wind is picking up
De wind waait. click to hear 2 A wind is blowing
uitwaaien click to hear 2 3 4 going outdoors for a walk to get some fresh air (and clear the mind) - a.o.
wind mee click to hear 2 3 the wind in your back (tailwind)
tegenwind click to hear the wind-against (headwind)
Er is een koude wind. click to hear 2 There's a chilly wind blowing
De wind wakkert aan. click to hear The wind is getting stronger
De wind is gaan liggen. click to hear The wind has died down
Er stond een stevige bries click to hear 2 click to hear There was a strong, constant wind (breeze)
Door de tegenwind kwamen we (maar) met moeite vooruit. click to hear 2 (3 4)
[Because of the wind-against we had difficulty moving forward]
Because we had the wind against us we only moved forward slowly.
warm click to hear warm, hot / koud click to hear cold
't Is koud buiten. click to hear It's cold outside
Is 't koud? click to hear 2 Is it cold?
't Is koud. click to hear It's cold
't Is heel erg koud. click to hear 2 It's extremely, really very cold
't Was koud. click to hear It was cold
't Wordt koud. click to hear 2 It is getting cold
't Werd koud. click to hear It was getting cold
't Was een koude dag. click to hear It was a cold day
't Sneeuwt. click to hear It is snowing
't Dooit. click to hear It is thawing, It stopped freezing
Heb je 't koud? click to hear 2 Are you cold?
Ik heb 't koud. click to hear I am cold
Ik ben verkouden. click to hear
I have a cold
lekker warm click to hear 2 3 pleasantly, enjoyably warm
Het is hier erg warm. click to hear It's hot here.
Zelfs in de schaduw was het warm. click to hear Even in the shade it was hot.
Is het warm of heb ik koorts? click to hear 2 Is it hot or do I have a fever?
Heb ik koorts of is het warm? click to hear 2 Do I have a fever or is it hot?
Hier is het warm, daar is het koud. click to hear 'Here it's warm, over there it's cold'
Het was vorige maand erg koud. click to hear Last month it was very cold
't Is beestachtig koud click to hear 2 3 It's [beastly] terribly cold
't Is best koud click to hear 2 3 It's rather cold, it's colder than expected
't Is niet eens zo koud click to hear 2 It's not even that cold, it's not as cold as expected
't Water is koud click to hear The water is cold
't Is een koude wind click to hear 2 3 It's a cold wind
De kou in click to hear 2 3 (Going) Into the cold
We hebben niet veel sneeuw dit jaar. click to hear We don't have much snow this year.
Er was niet veel sneeuw dit jaar. click to hear There was not much snow this year.
Het was helemaal wit. click to hear ['It was entirely white'] Everything was white (i.e. covered with snow.)
een meter sneeuw click to hear 2 one meter (three feet) of snow
een dun laagje sneeuw click to hear 2 3 a thin layer of snow
De Elfstedentocht click to hear 2 'The 11-Cities tour' - national skating event on natural ice. The Dutch Superbowl. >>
Komt er een Elfstedentocht? click to hear 2 3 Will there be an '11-Cities Tour'?
Voorlopig nog niet. click to hear 2 Not yet and not soon, not in the immediate future, not for the moment
Voorlopig nog geen Elfstedentocht. click to hear 2 There will not be an '11-Cities Tour' soon
Is het ijs dik genoeg? click to hear 2
Is the ice thick enough?
warm eten click to hear 2 hot food, a hot meal ‑>>
warme chocola click to hear 2 hot chocolate - more drinks
slecht weer click to hear 2 bad weather / erg slecht weer click to hear 2 very bad weather
't Trekt dicht. click to hear [It's pulling shut] Clouds are forming
Donkere wolken pakken samen. click to hear Dark clouds are gathering
Er komt onweer. click to hear There will be a thunderstorm
(donder click to hear thunder & bliksem click to hear lightning)
Kans op onweer click to hear 2 3 A chance of thunderstorms
Ik werd verrast door onweer click to hear 2 I was unpleasantly surprised by, 'caught in a thunderstorm'
Er dreigt onweer click to hear 2 3 4 A thunderstorm threatens
't Onweer drijft over click to hear 2 The thunderstorm blows over
de bliksem sloeg in click to hear 2 lightning did strike
Toen de bliksem insloeg ging het licht uit. click to hear 2 When lightning struck the light went out
't Is benauwd click to hear 2 'It is muggy' (high humidity, difficulty breathing)
't Is drukkend click to hear 2 3 'There is something oppressive in the air' (before a thunderstorm)
(de) druk click to hear 'pressure'
statements, feelings
Wat een weer! click to hear 2 3 [Such weather!] Such bad weather!
Wat een hondeweer! click to hear Such miserable [dog's] weather!
Wat een klereweer! click to hear 2 3 Such horrible weather! - slang
Het was slecht weer. click to
 hear ['It was bad weather'] The weather was bad
Het weer was slecht. click to hear The weather was bad
Het slechte weer click to hear The bad weather
Het was zwaar weer. click to hear It was [heavy] very bad weather
't Is mistig click to hear 2 3 It's foggy
't Miezert. click to hear 2 [There is a drizzle] It's miserable weather
Ik hoop dat jullie beter weer hebben dan wij click to hear 2 (3)
I hope you guys are having better weather than we (or: will have)
't Ruikt naar regen. click to hear 2 'It smells like rain.' (You smell that it's raining.)
't Is meestal bewolkt in Nederland. click to hear 2 It's usually cloudy, overcast in Holland
Het is vaak bewolkt in Nederland. click to hear< In Holland, it's often overcast.
In Nederland is het vaak bewolkt click to hear In Holland it's often cloudy, overcast
Als de zon schijnt ben ik blij. click to hear When the sun is shining I'm happy, sunshine makes me happy
Als het regent word ik droevig. click to hear When it rains I get sad, rain makes me sad
Wat vertellen ons de wolken? click to hear 2 3 What [do] can the clouds tell us? (the title of a famous weather-forecasting book)
Ze keken naar de wolken. click to hear They were looking at the clouds
Ik ben blij dat het mooi weer is. click to hear I'm glad that the weather is good
Ik ben blij dat het vannacht geregend heeft. click to hear 2
I'm glad it rained last night
Ik ben blij dat de zon schijnt. click to hear I'm glad that the sun is shining
Ik ben blij als de zon schijnt. click to hear 2 3 I'm happy when the sun shines
Hij was blij omdat het mooi weer was. click to hear He was happy because the weather was nice
Gisteren was het erg slecht weer. click to hear Yesterday we had very bad weather.
Gisteren was het erg mooi weer. click to hear Yesterday the weather was very nice.
lekker fris click to hear 2 ['pleasantly cool'] nice and cool (temperature)
't Is lekker fris buiten. click to hear 2 3 4 It's nice and cool outside.
't Is overdag zulk mooi weer. click to hear 2 3 It's such beautiful weather in the daytime (but the nights are cold)
't Is zulk mooi weer buiten. click to hear Outside, the weather is so beautiful. (but inside it's cold /or/ but I have to work)
't Is buiten zulk prachtig weer. click to hear Outside, the weather is so beautiful. (but inside it's cold /or/ but I have to work)
Het is mooi weer. click to hear The weather is nice, it's a beautiful day.
Misschien kunnen we wel buiten zitten. click to hear 2 'Maybe we can even (go) sit outside.'
Dat jaar was heel mooi. click to hear Generally: 'That year the weather was very good' - but it could also mean the year was good in other respects
Zo'n mooie dag click to hear 2 Such a beautiful day
Zo'n sombere zomer click to hear Such a gloomy, dark summer
't Lijkt wel zomer! click to hear It looks like, feels like summer
't Wordt zomer click to hear 2 3 Summer is coming (you notice the signs)
de geur van dennenaalden in de zomer click to hear the smell of pine needles in Summer
herfstkleuren click to hear 2 Fall colors (tree leaves changing color)
De winter komt eraan click to hear 2 Winter is coming
Een verschrikkelijke winter click to hear A horrible, very bad Winter
De winter was lang. click to hear 2 3 Winter [was] lasted long.
Als de lente komt, dan stuur ik jou tulpen uit Amsterdam. click to hear
'When Spring comes, [then] I'll send you tulips from Amsterdam.'
de seizoenen click to hear the seasons
(de) lente click to hear Spring - (de) zomer click to hear Summer - (de) herfst click to hear Fall, Autumn - (de) winter click to hear Winter

Weather Sayings

't Regent pijpenstelen click to hear [The rain is coming down in trickles like pipe stems (those long, stone stems of old 'Gouda' pipes)] Very heavy rain
't Viel met bakken uit de hemel click to hear 2 3 It (rain) fell from the sky ['with' boxes] in buckets
't Valt met bakken uit de hemel click to hear 2 It (rain) is falling from the sky in buckets
Weer of geen weer click to hear 2 [Weather or no weather] Rain or shine, In all weather
(In click to hear 2) weer en wind click to hear '(Exposed to) the elements'
Een dot kou click to hear 2 A gust of cold air (like when you open a door to an unheated room or to the outside in Winter)
't Vroor dat 't kraakte click to
  hear 2 A hard freeze ('crackling,' the sound of fracturing ice?)
Ik zit te vernikkelen click to hear 2 'I'm really cold'
De straten staan blank click to hear 2 3 The streets are under water (usually, blank click to hear means 'white' skin color)
De stilte voor de storm click to hear The quiet before the storm (also figuratively)
De donkere dagen voor Kerstmis click to hear 2 The dark days before Christmas
Maart roert z'n staart click to hear 2 [March is wagging its tail] Bad weather at the end of March
maartse buien click to
  hear 2 [March showers] showers like in March, pretty bad
April doet wat-ie wil click to
  hear 2 [April does as it likes] April weather is unpredictable
Als de R in de maand zit click to hear 2 slow 'When there's an R in the [name of] the month'
- September to April, the time for the daily spoonful of cod liver oil: (de) levertraan click to hear 2
Als de dagen lengen, gaan de nachten strengen click to hear As the days get longer, the nights will get more severe (i.e. colder) - Often said when referring to Willem Barentsz, who searching for the North-East Passage ca. 1600 got stuck in the ice and wintered on Nova Zembla with his crew - they only left their shelter in June
't Kan vriezen en 't kan dooien click to hear [It may freeze or it may thaw] Things can go either way
Van de regen in de drup click to hear 2 3 4 ['From the rain into a drip'] 'From the frying pan into the fire' - a move that didn't improve your already bad situation
Ons koude kikkerland click to hear 2 3 'Our chilly frogs' country' - It's a wretched place but it's home
Geen wolkje aan de lucht click to hear 2 [Not a cloud in the sky] No problems are expected
Hij zag de bui al hangen click to hear ['He had already seen the rainshower "hanging"'] - 'He understood trouble was brewing'
Je kunt wel zien uit welke hoek de wind waait click to hear 2 ['You can see from which corner the wind is blowing'] 'You can see where that's coming from, what's behind it'
Hoge bomen vangen veel wind click to hear ['Tall trees catch much wind'] The high, mighty and famous get a lot of criticism, catch much flak
De wind in de zeilen hebben click to hear 2 '[Having] Catching the wind in the sails, going full sail' - making good progress, doing well in business
't Gaat me voor de wind click to hear 2 'It's like I have the wind in my back' - I'm doing very well (in business)
Een advies in de wind slaan click to hear 2 slow ['Throw an advice to the wind'] - ignoring sensible counsel
Na regen komt zonneschijn click to hear 2 3 4 [After rain the sun will come out] Bad things don't last
Achter de wolken schijnt de zon click to hear 2 ['Behind the clouds, the sun is shining'] - 'Look further and you'll see things aren't all bad'
More Sayings

The Most Basic Phrases - Conversations Template - Talking about Food and Drinks - Talking about Travel - Sleep - Jobs and Work - Time


[a bar chart comparing Fahrenheit and Celsius degrees]
(de) temperatuur click to hear 2 'temperature' - (de) thermometer click to hear 'thermometer' - (de) graden click to hear 'degrees' - Celsius click to hear 2
koud click to hear 'cold' - koel click to hear 2 cool (only literally) - lauw click to hear 'tepid' - warm click to hear 'warm' - heet click to hear 'hot'
(de) kou click to hear 'the cold' - (de) koelte click to hear 'coolness, coolth' (temperature) - (de) warmte click to hear 2 'warmth' - (de) hitte click to hear 2 'heat'
Water freezes at 0° Celsius (32° Fahrenheit) - (het) vriespunt click to hear 'freezing point' = (het) smeltpunt click to hear 'melting point'
Average human body temperature is 98.6°F, 36.9°C - slightly below 100° Fahrenheit (38° Celsius) - (de) lichaamstemperatuur click to hear 2 'body temperature'
Water boils at 100° Celsius (212° Fahrenheit) - (het) kookpunt click to hear 'boiling point'
Room temperature is about 20° Celsius (68° Fahrenheit) - (de) kamertemperatuur click to hear 2

[a bar chart comparing temperatures in Fahrenheit and Celsius degrees]
more temperature

Tegenwind in Nederland

Als je in Nederland fietst dan heb je òf wind mee, òf je hebt wind tegen. Meestal heb je natuurlijk tegenwind, en als je 's morgens met tegenwind naar je werk of naar school fietst, dan draait de wind vaak, en dan heb je aan het eind van de dag niet de wind mee maar weer tegenwind. Als je 's morgens wind mee hebt dan draait de wind nooit. Theoretisch zou je zeggen dat het ook wel eens windstil zou moeten zijn, maar dat gebeurt bijna nooit. click to hear

M'n vrouw zegt dat het alleen windstil is als je wil(t) vliegeren. click to hear

The Wind-Against in Holland

Riding a bicycle in Holland you'll either have the wind in your back, or you'll have the wind against. Of course, most of the time you'll have the wind against you, and in case you have the wind against when riding your bike to work or to school in the morning, you'll often find the wind has shifted at the end of the day. If you have the wind at your back in the morning it never changes direction. In theory, you'd expect an occasional day of no wind, but that's rare, very rare.

My wife says the only time there's no wind is when you'd like to fly a kite.

[It is of course only when the wind speed exceeds the biker's speed that wind in the back is perceived as such.]

The Weather in Sayings, Standard Phrases

Dan heb je 't gedonder in de glazen click to hear 2 3 4 [probably something like 'then your windows will rattle'] - 'then trouble begins, things will get lively' Daar kun je donder op zeggen! click to hear 2 3 It will be like that, Absolutely! (That statement is absolutely correct) Ze keek alsof ze 't in Keulen hoorde donderen click to hear 2 3 4 5 'She looked (the look on her face was) as if she heard [it thundering] thunder rumbling in Cologne' - great surprise at hearing something completely unexpected (de) donderpreek click to hear fiery sermon
De bliksem is zeker ingeslagen click to hear 2 3 'Lightning must have struck' - said when a traffic light takes long to change

[left arrow] 1 2

Other Conversation Templates:
Eating and Drinking, Food Phrases - Travel - Sleep - Jobs and Lines of Work - The Senses - Using Words - Loves, Likes and Preferences - Talking about Time - Various - Fun Things to Say

[A Dutch flag on the edge of a puddle of water]
[a house]
the house
[a path]
the outdoors
[glasses, watch, etc.]


email - Copyright © Marco Schuffelen 2012. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.
Don't be a dief (thief) / dievegge (female thief) - diefstal (theft) - stelen (to steal) - heler (dealer in stolen goods) - hear Dutch - 2