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Verbs Conjugated
Sample Sentences
(de) bedtijd click to hear 2 'bed time' - time to go to bed
(de) slaap click to hear 2 'sleep'
(het) dutje click to hear 2 'nap'
(het) middagdutje click to hear 2 afternoon nap
sluimeren click to hear
doezelen click to hear 2
'to slumber, half-sleep'
'to doze, half-sleep'
(de) rust click to hear 2
rusten click to hear 2
'to rest'
(de) nachtrust click to hear 2 3 '(a) night's [rest] sleep'
zich ontspannen click to hear 2 3 'to relax' >>
welterusten click to hear
slaap lekker click to hear 2
'good night, happy dreams'
' sleep well'
(de) geeuw click to hear 'yawn'
(de) pyjama click to hear 2 'pajamas'
snurken click to hear 'to snore'
(de) droom click to hear 2 'dream'
dromen click to hear 2 'dreams' // 'to dream'
(de) nachtmerrie click to hear 2 'nightmare'
wakker click to hear
klaarwakker click to hear
'wide awake'
wakker maken click to hear 2 3
wekken click to hear 2
'to wake up someone'
wakker worden click to hear 2 3 'to wake up (yourself)'
'wake up!'
goeiemorgen! click to hear
goedemorgen! click to hear
'good morning!'
(het) ontbijt click to hear 'breakfast' >>
(de) douche (Fr.) click to hear 'shower' >> - 2
(de) slaapkamer click to
  hear 2
[a bed]
(het) bed click to
[reading in bed]
lezen in bed click to hear 2
[a clock]
(de) klok click to hear >>
[an alarm clock]
click to hear (de) wekker click to hear
[a radio-alarm clock]
(de) wekradio click to hear
[a cup of tea]
een kopje thee click to hear
[a shower, me taking a shower]
douche * click to hear >>
- ik douche click to hear 2
(de) deken click to hear
lakens click to hear
singular: (het) laken click to hear 2
[down comforter]
(het) dekbed click to hear
[pillows, cusions]
kussens click to hear
singular: (het) kussen click to hear 2
(de) matras click to hear
[night stand]
(het) nachtkastje click to hear
[clothes closet]
(de) kleerkast click to hear 2
slapen (to sleep)
ik slaap
jij slaapt
hij slaapt
wij slapen
jullie slapen
zij slapen
U slaapt
click to hear
(to sleep)
(I sleep)
(you sleep)
(he sleeps)
(we sleep)
(you sleep)
(they sleep)
(you sleep)

ik sliep
jij sliep
hij sliep
wij sliepen
jullie sliepen
zij sliepen
U sliep
click to hear 2

(I slept)
(you slept)
(he slept)
(we slept)
(you slept)
(they slept)
(you slept)

(you - singular, informal)

(you - plural, informal)

(you - polite)
ik heb geslapen click to hear 2 I have slept - examples of  slapen usage below
liggen (to lie down - like, in bed)

ik lig
jij ligt
hij ligt
wij liggen
jullie liggen
zij liggen
U ligt
click to hear 2

(I am lying down)
(you are lying down)
(he is lying down)
(we are lying down)
(you are lying down)
(they are lying down)
(you are lying down)

ik lag
jij lag
hij lag
wij lagen
jullie lagen
zij lagen
U lag
click to hear 2

(I was lying down)
(you were lying down)
(he was lying down)
(we were lying down)
(you were lying down)
(they were lying down)
(you were lying down)
ik heb gelegen click to hear I have lain, I was lying
As you will see in the line examples below, Dutch 'liggen' and verbs like it are often used in a kind of continuous
to dream
- ik droom
I dream
- ik droomde
I dreamed
- ik heb gedroomd
I have dreamed
click to hear 2 3 See also:
'De Vlinderdroom'
and examples below
to rest
- ik rust
I am resting
- wij rusten
we are resting
- ik rustte
I was resting
- wij rustten
we were resting
- ik heb gerust
I have rested
click to hear
more 'rust'
Welterusten allemaal click to hear 2 'Goodnight all'
Ik probeer om tien uur in bed te liggen click to hear 2 I try to be in bed by 10
Ik ga naar bed click to hear 2 3 I'm going to bed, sleep
Ik ga meestal om half elf naar bed click to hear 2 I usually go to bed at 10:30
Om elf uur viel ik in slaap click to hear 2 'I went to sleep at eleven, I fell asleep at eleven'
Hij viel als een blok in slaap click to hear 2 3 'He fell asleep very quickly' ('like a log')
Ze lagen te slapen click to hear 'They were sleeping' ‑>>
Hij lag in bed click to hear 2 'He was lying in bed'
Ik verlang naar m'n bed click to hear 2 3 'I long for my bed' (I'm very tired)
Hij sliep als een os click to hear 2 'He slept like [an ox] a log'
Ze sliep als een roos click to hear 2 3 ['She was sleeping like a rose'] - she was sleeping quietly, undisturbed - roses
Dutch men's deep sleep is like oxen, Dutch women sleep like roses
goed uitgerust click to hear 2 well-rested
Ik werd om vier uur wakker click to hear 'I woke up at four'
Ik werd midden in de nacht wakker click to hear 2 I woke up in the middle of the night
Bij 't minste of geringste geluid werd-ie wakker click to hear He woke up at the littlest noise ↓↓
Ik ben om zes uur opgestaan click to hear 2 'I got up at six'
Ik sta elke dag vroeg op click to hear 2 'I get up early every day'
Je kunt nog even blijven liggen click to hear 2 'You may stay in bed [for a little while] a little longer, you don't have to get up right away'
Ik had willen blijven liggen click to hear 2 3 'I would have liked to [remain lying down] stay in bed'
Kon ik nog maar even blijven liggen! click to hear 2 3 'I wish I could stay in bed a little longer!'
Wil je liever bljven liggen? click to hear 2 Would you rather sleep a little longer, not get up yet?
Draai je nou niet nog een keer om click to hear 2 3 [Now don't turn over (in bed) another time] - Get up!
Hoe laat moet je opstaan? click to  hear 2 'What time do you need to get up?'
't Is tijd om op te staan click to hear 2 3 It's time to get up
Hoe laat zal ik je wakker maken? click to hear 2 'What time shall I wake you up?'
Hoe laat moet ik je wakker maken? click to hear 'What time should I wake you up?'
Kun je me om zeven uur wakker maken? click to hear 2 3 'Could you wake me up at seven?'
Kun je me om acht uur wakker maken? click to hear 2 'Could you wake me up at eight?'
Kun je me om acht uur wekken? click to hear 'Could you wake me up at eight?' ↓↓
Heb je goed geslapen? click to hear 2 Did you sleep well?
Also:  Heb je lekker geslapen? click to hear 2 'Did you sleep [pleasantly] well?'
Ik heb goed geslapen click to hear 2 I have slept well, I did sleep well, I had a good night's sleep
Ik heb in tijden niet zo goed geslapen click to hear 2 3 I haven't slept this well in a long time
Ik heb niet geslapen click to hear 2 I have not slept, I did not sleep
Ik kon gisteren niet slapen click to hear 2 'I [couldn't] didn't sleep [yesterday] last night'
Ik kon vannacht niet slapen click to hear 'I [couldn't] didn't get any sleep last night'
slapeloze nachten click to hear 2 'sleepless nights'
Ik heb de hele nacht wakker gelegen click to hear 2 '[I've lain] I was lying awake all night'
Ik heb geen oog dichtgedaan click to hear 2 3 ['I (didn't) couldn't close an eye'] - 'I didn't get any shut-eye'
Probeer wakker te blijven click to hear 'Try to stay awake'
Vechten tegen slaap click to hear 2 3 Fighting sleep, trying to stay awake
Ben je wakker? click to hear 'Are you awake?' (informal)
Bent U wakker? click to hear 'Are you awake?' (polite)
Ik werd wakker van de wekker click to hear 'I was woken up by the alarm clock'y
een dutje doen click to hear 'to take a nap'
Ik ga een dutje doen click to hear 2 'I'm going to take a nap'
Ik deed een dutje click to hear 2 'I took a nap'
Ik krijg niet genoeg slaap click to hear 'I don't get enough sleep, I should sleep more'
Ik moet vroeger naar bed click to hear 2 3 I should go to bed earlier
dromen click to hear 2 van click to hear 2 dreaming of, have pleasant thoughts about
Ik droom van sigaren click to hear 2 I'm dreaming of cigars
dromen click to hear 2 over click to hear 2 dreaming about
Ik droomde over m'n vader click to hear 2 I dreamed about my Dad, I had a dream about my Dad
Hij denkt dat ik het gedroomd heb click to hear 2 'He thinks I [dreamed it] saw it in a dream'
Knijp in je arm! click to hear 2 3 4 Squeeze your arm! (to make sure you're not dreaming)
Niet te lang uitslapen click to hear 'Don't lie in too long'
zich verslapen click to hear 2 to oversleep, wake up too late ->>
Ik had me verslapen click to hear I had overslept, I woke up too late
Niet te laat opstaan click to hear 'Don't get up too late'
Op tijd naar bed click to hear 'Get to bed in time'
Warme melk met honing click to hear 2 'Hot milk with honey'
Ontspan je! click to hear 2 'Relax!'
Je moet je ontspannen click to hear 2 3 'You should relax!'
Ik lig te lezen click to hear 'I am lying down and reading'
Hij ligt te lezen click to hear 'He is lying down and reading'
Lekker lui liggen lezen click to hear 'lying down, enjoying a lazy read'
Ik wil er nog een nachtje over slapen click to hear 2 'I'd like to sleep on it' - I don't want to make a decision or give a statement right away
De uren voor twaalf tellen dubbel click to hear 2 The hours (of sleep) before 12 count twice, are counted as double

The English verbs 'to lie' and 'to lay' are confusing to some people; in Dutch there is a similar problem:

to lie (like, in bed) liggen ik lig wij liggen ik lag wij lagen ik heb gelegen click to hear >>
to lay (like, to put) leggen ik leg wij leggen ik legde wij legden ik heb gelegd click to hear 2
to lie (to say what's not) liegen ik lieg wij liegen ik loog wij logen ik heb gelogen click to hear >>

More on the liggen page - also on that page: more leggen and liegen

'Sleep' click to hear 2 is a False Friend. The Dutch word 'sleep' means 'train,' the long extension at the back of some formal dresses, and 'ik sleep' click to hear means 'I drag, I tow.' The verb is 'slepen' click to hear 2 ('to tow, to drag.') It also made me think of the delicious word '(de) sleepboot' click to hear 2 - not some weird Dutch footwear for in bed, but a 'tugboat.' There is actually a popular belief that sleeping with your socks on will give you nightmares.
(De) bedstee click to hear 2 is an 'alcove' - in the old days, a very small side bedroom, more a cabinet with just a mattress - Days of Old
De Schone Slaapster click to hear 2 ['the pretty (female) sleeper'] (The) Sleeping Beauty - Fairy Tales
(De) winterslaap click to hear 2 hibernation

'Wakker click to hear ('awake') looks related to the Dutch verb 'waken' click to hear 2 3 meaning 'to stay awake' or 'to watch over,' like in (de) bewaker click to hear 2 ('guard, minder') and (de) nachtwaker click to hear 2 3 ('night watchman') - (de) waakhond click to hear 2 ('guard dog')
waakzaam click to hear 2 3 4 ('vigilant, alert') - (de) wake click to hear 2 3 ('wake, vigil')

More Phrases: The Most Basic Phrases - Weather - Food and Drink - Travel - Various - Fun Things to Say
- Time - Speaking Dutch, Speaking about Dutch - Jobs and Work - The Senses - Sayings and Idiom
Further Study: Basic Dutch Words - Pictures Dictionary - Easy Dutch - Lessons - Pronunciation - Listening - Reading - Grammar
More Like This Page: Mail - Shopping - Medical - Military - Medieval

email - Copyright © Marco Schuffelen 2013. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, redistributed, or hotlinked to.
Don't be a dief (thief) / dievegge (female thief) - diefstal (theft) - stelen (to steal) - heler (dealer in stolen goods) - hear Dutch - 2