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Dutch Disambiguation Remainders

(de) enkel = ankle
enkel = only, single

één keer - one time, once  /  twee keer - two times, twice
dubbel - double  /  'n keer - 'sometime'

eenvoudig = simple, uncomplicated, easy to solve
enig = only, single, unique
enig = any
tot = till, until, to
pas = only, just (and many other meanings)
schuld = debt // fault, blame - and related words
rond = round // around
'Vast' = firmly attached // solid, permanent // 'surely'

Alvast = ~meanwhile, ~already - in advance

'Los' = 'loose,' not attached
'(de) oplossing' = solution
'Langs' = Along

'Langs Komen (Langskomen) = 1. to pass by 2. to come visit

Enkel click to hear
  1. ankle
  2. single, only

Dutch (de) enkel click to hear (plural: enkels click to hear 2) is the body part 'ankle' connecting leg and foot - more recognizable body parts
Dutch 'enkel' can also be an adjective (enkel/enkele click to hear 2) meaning 'single, only, one-time'
It's often found as geen enkel click to hear 2 3 / geen enkele click to hear (['no single'] - 'zero, nothing at all.')
(Het) enkelvoud click to hear 2 is the 'singular' of grammar ‑>>
Not to be confused with (de) eenvoud click to hear 2 3 ('simpicity') and its adverb and adjective eenvoudig click to hear ('simple, easy to solve') - more below

zwakke enkels click to hear 2 weak ankles
Ik heb m'n enkel verzwikt click to hear 2 3 4 I've sprained (hurt) my ankle
(het) enkelvoud click to hear 2 the 'singular' of grammar ‑>>
Een enkel woord is genoeg click to hear 2 A single word is enough
een enkele keer click to hear ['a single time'] rarely, very occasionally
geen enkel click to hear 2 3 (geen enkele click to hear) ['no single'] - 'zero, nothing at all'
Er is geen enkel bewijs click to hear 2 There is [not a single] zero proof, not a shred of evidence
geen enkel bezwaar click to hear 2 no objection at all
Er is geen enkel bezwaar tegen click to hear slow There is no objection at all to it, go ahead
't Heeft toch geen enkele zin click to hear 2 3 There is no use to it, it's pointless
Ik heb geen enkele interesse click to hear It doesn't interest me at all
Hij nam geen enkel risico click to hear 2 3 He didn't take any [risk] risks
'n enkeling click to hear 2 3 a rare individual, one of a very small number, very few people are like him or her

English 'single' as 'not married' is ongetrouwd click to hear 2 3 - and 'not in a relationship' is alleenstaand click to hear 2 3 ['standing alone'] - also said of houses.
(de) ongehuwde moeder click to hear 2 [unmarried] single mother
(de) vrijgezel click to hear 'bachelor' - see also: - family

één keer - one time, once  /  twee keer - two times, twice
dubbel - double  /  'n keer - sometime

één keer click to hear one time, once
één keer per dag click to hear one time, once a day
één keer maar click to hear 2 3 one time only, just one time
... éénmaal ... andermaal ... verkocht! click to hear ['one time ... another time ... sold!'] - 'going once ... going twice ... sold!'  (at an auction)
nog één keer click to hear 2 3 one more time
nòg 'n keer click to hear 2 3 another time, ~again
See and hear also: eens click to hear / click to hear 'once (upon a time)' and ééns click to hear '~once,'  'someday ...' or 'one time only' ‑>>

twee keer click to hear 2 two times, twice
twee keer per dag click to hear two times a day, twice a day
Dat is twee keer zo ver! click to hear 2 3 4 That's twice as far! (distance)
twee keer zo duur als ... click to hear 2 twice as expensive as .../i>
2x3=6 (twee keer drie is zes) click to hear 2x3=6

dubbel click to hear / dubbele click to hear 2 double
dubbeldekker click to hear 2 double-decker (bus or airplane)
dubbele dooiers click to hear 2 double yolks
dubbel doppen click to hear 2 'double shelling' - rub off the skin of fava beans after removing the beans form the pods - unusual in Holland  ‑>>
dubbele deur click to hear double door - either a door in two parts, splitting vertically, or two doors close behind each other
English 'Dutch door' is a door in two parts splitting horizontally, called
  'boven‑ en onderdeur' or 'boerderijdeur'
boven click to hear 2 (upper)
onder click to hear (lower)
(de) boerderij click to hear (farm)
dubbelepunt click to hear 2 colon " : "
dubbeltje click to hear 2 dime, 10¢-coin (2  stuivers 'nickels,' 5¢ pieces)
dubbel en dwars click to hear 2 3 deservedly // more than reasonable
dubbelzinnig click to hear 2 3 [of double meaning] - ambiguous
dubbelop click to hear 2 ['double amount, double dose'] - excess, in excess

But:  'n keer click to hear 2 3 is 'sometime' - at some unspecified or unknown time

Dat gaat 'n keer mis click to hear 2 3 That [goes] will go wrong sometime
Kom je een keer bij ons eten? click to hear 2 3 'Would you like to come for dinner at our house sometime?' (singular 'you')
Wil je een keer bij mij komen eten? click to hear Would you like to come for dinner at my place sometime? (singular 'you')
Willen jullie ...? click to hear 2 3 (plural you)
Ik wil ook nog een keer naar Amerika. click to hear I would also like to visit the US sometime. ('America')
Ik wil nòg een keer naar Jeruzalem click to hear 2 3 I would like to visit Jerusalem again.
nog eens een keer click to hear 2 3 'Another time' - again, once more

(de) eenvoud  simplicity

(de) eenvoud click to hear 2 3 'simpicity'
eenvoudig click to hear (eenvoudige click to hear 2) simple, easy to solve
doodeenvoudig click to hear 2 3 [dead-] very simple
vereenvoudigen click to hear 2 3 to simplify
Hou 't eenvoudig click to hear 2 Keep it simple
Probeer 't eenvoudig te houden click to hear 2 Try to keep it simple
('t Is niet fout ... click to hear 2 3 It's not wrong ...)
... maar je kunt het eenvoudiger zeggen click to hear 2 3 ... but you can say it in a less complicated way, there's a simpler way to say it
Ik ben een eenvoudig iemand click to hear I'm just a simple guy
Een eenvoudige doch voedzame maaltijd click to hear 2 3 4 A simple but nutritious meal (Marten Toonder)

ingewikkeld click to hear / ingewikkelde click to hear 2 3 complex, complicated
wikkelen click to hear 2 to wind, enfold, wrap around
gecompliceerd click to hear / gecompliceerde click to hear 2 complicated
't Is te gecompliceerd click to hear 2 It's too complicated complicaties click to hear 2 3 4 5 complications
Hij waarschuwde voor complicaties click to hear 2 3 He warned of complications

in drievoud click to hear 2 in triplicate, 3 copies
vijfvoud click to hear 2 3 five-fold, five copies, five times
zesvoudig click to hear six-fold, six copies, six times
from the Parable of the Sower and the Seed (Mark 4:8) more
En het overige viel in goede aarde en opkomende en uitstoelende gaf het vrucht, en het droeg tot dertig-, zestig- en honderdvoud toe click to hear And other fell on good ground, and did yield fruit that sprang up and increased; and brought forth, some thirty, some sixty, and some an hundred.

Enig click to hear 1. only, single, unique, one-time, one-and-only
2. any
enig click to hear / enige click to hear 2 (enig / enige click to hear)
It looks like 'enig' has the 'only, unique' meaning after the definite article (the / de/het) -- "the only" -- while the 'any' meaning is without an article.
'Enig kind' click to hear as an old standard phrase is the exception
When I was young, 'enig' was 'very nice' in girls' talk but I think that meaning has disappeared.

dit is de enige kans click to hear this is the only chance
enig kind click to hear only child
de enige voorwaarde click to hear the only condition
de enige uitweg is omhoog click to hear the only way out is up
het enige voorbeeld dat ik kan bedenken click to hear The only example (that) I can think of
het enige boek dat dit goed beschrijft click to hear 2 3 [the only book that describes this well] the only book to describe this well
de enige logische verklaring click to hear 2 3 4 the only logical explanation, the only explanation that makes sense
'Bijzonder' lijkt de enige uitzondering click to hear 'bijzonder' [looks like] seems to be the only exception
Het enige verschil is de kleur click to hear 2 3 4 The only difference is the color
De kleur is het enige verschil click to hear 2 The color is the only difference
't Enige dat we moeten veranderen click to hear 2 The only thing we have to, need to change
Ben ik de enige die zo denkt? click to hear 2 3 Am I the only one who thinks that way, the only person of that opinion?
Ben ik de enige die dat vindt? click to hear 2 3 Am I the only one who thinks that way, the only person of that opinion?

Is er enige kans? click to hear 2 3 Is there any chance?
Is er enig verschil? click to hear Is there any difference?
Is er enig verband? click to hear 2 Is there any connection?
Was er enige vooruitgang? click to hear 2 3 [Was] Has there been any progress?
Heb je enig idee wat het is? click to hear 2 slow slow2 Do you have any idea what it is?
Is er enig contact geweest? click to hear 2 slow Has there been any contact?
Is het van enig belang? click to hear 2 3 Is it of any importance? Is it in any way important?
Is er enige verbetering? click to hear 2 slow Is there any improvement?
enigszins click to hear 2 3 4 [in some sense] - somewhat, slightly ‑>>

'Anything' is a bit problematic to translate. As 'whatever' it can be wat dan ook click to hear ‑>> but 'not anything' in 'do not verb  anything' is often translated as niks click to hear ('nothing') ‑>>

(De) onenigheid click to hear 2 3 4 'disagreement, division, discord' is probably derived from één click to hear 2 3 ('one') - not one, no unity, not together, not of one opinion

(de) eenling click to hear 2 a unique or a solitary individual
eenmalig click to hear happening, occurring just one time
zonder weerga click to hear 'without reprise,' 'without equal,' 'never coming back,' 'something you won't see again' - said about a unique event or effort

uniek click to hear 2 is 'unique,' one-of-a-kind or somewhat weaker, 'rare, unusual'

Het is een unieke gelegenheid click to hear 2 3 4 5 It is a unique oppoprtunity
Het is een unieke fiets click to hear It's a unique bicycle
Dit is een unieke zin click to hear 2 3 4 This is a unique sentence
zeldzaam click to hear 2 (zeldzaam / zeldzame click to hear) 'rare, very unusual'
'n zeldzame vlinder click to hear 2 a rare butterfly

Tot click to hear
  1. 'till, until' (time)
  2. 'to' (time and place)
English 'till' and 'until' indicate a point in time, often in relation to another point; a point at an end of a period of time, a point reached or at the beginning of a new phase or at an event mentioned. English 'to' can also be used in that sense. 'Till/until' are only for time, but 'to' can also be for place. Both are tot click to hear in Dutch

Tot hier en niet verder click to hear 2 3 Up to here, this far, and no further
28 tot 31 dagen in een maand click to hear
(achtentwintig tot éénendertig)    
28 to 31 days in a month
tot de laatste man click to hear to the last man
2³ (twee tot de derde) click to hear [2 to the 3rd] two cubed
Er is geen reden tot paniek click to hear 2 3 There is no reason to panic (note that Dutch 'paniek' is a noun, while English 'panic' is here a verb)
't Leidde tot veel vertraging click to hear 2 3 It led to much delay, it caused much delay
't Leidt alleen maar tot meer ellende click to hear 2 3 It only leads to more misery, all it does is cause more trouble
van ... tot click to hear from ... to
van negen tot vijf click to hear from 9 to 5
van acht tot zes click to hear 2 from 8 to 6
van 1940 tot 1945 click to hear from 1940 to 1945
van Gouda tot Schoonhoven click to hear 2 from Gouda to Schoonhoven (the area, or the distance)
van top tot teen click to hear from top to toe, from head to foot - the complete body
tot en met click to hear 2 up to and including - 'through' ‑>>
maandag tot en met vrijdag click to hear Monday [up to an including] through Friday
maandag tot en met zaterdag click to hear Monday through Saturday

laten we tot morgen wachten click to hear Let's wait till tomorrow
Hij wilde wachten tot ... click to hear 2 He wanted to wait till ...
Ik had willen wachten tot ... click to hear 2 3 I had wanted to wait till ... (but that didn't happen, something came up)
houdbaar tot click to hear ["can be kept until ..."] 'good till ...' - 'best before ...' - 'sell by ...' (remember that in Dutch dates, the day comes before the month)
tenminste houdbaar tot ... click to hear 2 ["can be kept at least until ..."] 'good till at least ...'
Ik heb tot m'n 37ste in Nederland gewoond click to hear 2
I lived in Holland till age 37
van de vroege morgen tot de late avond click to hear 2 3 from the early morning till [the late evening] late at night
tot nog toe click to hear 2 up until now, as yet, not yet
also:  tot nu toe click to hear up until now, as yet
Er is tot nog toe geen beter alternatief click to hear 2 3 There is up till now no better alternative
't Beste dat er tot nog toe is click to hear 2 3 The best that there is up till now
Tot ziens click to hear [Till seeing (again)] Goodbye, See you
Tot morgen click to hear 2 [Till tomorrow!] See you tomorrow
Tot maandag click to hear See you Monday
Prettig weekend! click to hear 2 3 Have a nice weekend
Tot vanmiddag click to hear See you this afternoon
Tot vanavond click to hear See you this evening
Tot zo click to
      hear 2 See you in a moment
Tot gauw click to hear See you soon
Tot straks click to hear 2 See you later
Tot Uw dienst! click to hear At your service (a formal 'you're welcome' - from a professional)
De aanleiding tot de Eerste Wereldoorlog click to hear 2 3 4 The trigger event [of] that set off the First World War ‑>>
Hij komt pas maandag terug click to hear 2 He will only return on Monday, he won't return till Monday
Breng 't aan de kook click to hear 2 3 'Bring it to a boil'
Als 't eenmaal kookt ... click to hear 2 3 Once it's boiling, when it's boiling ...
van Den Haag naar Rotterdam click to hear 2 from The Hague to Rotterdam (the journey) ->>

English 'tot,' a small child of about age 1-3 is een klein kind click to hear 2 - (de) peuter click to hear 2 or (de) dreumes click to hear ‑>>

pas click to hear 2
  1. step; passport; mountain pass
  2. only, just, not before, not until
  3. passen - to fit
  4. compound verbs with passen
'Pas' as a Noun
'Stap' = Step
'Pas' = 'only,' 'just,' 'not until,' 'not before'
'Passen' = to fit
Compound Verbs with 'Passen'

1. '(De) Pas' = 'step;' 'passport;' 'mountain pass'

As a noun, '(de) pas' click to hear 2 can mean various things, like 'step' and 'mountain pass,' and it's short for (het) paspoort click to hear 'passport' ‑>> - 2
(de) pinpas click to hear ATM card

pas op de plaats click to hear 2 ['step in place'] - moving but not going forward or backward (or sideways) - marking time

Synomyms, Alternates and Related Words

(De) stap click to hear is a more recognizable foot movement or action 'step' - plural: stappen click to hear 2 'steps' But a 'step' of a staircase is (de) tree click to hear or (de) trede click to hear and the English 'tree' is (de) boom click to hear 2 3 - the Dutch word for 'stairs, staircase' is (de) trap click to hear which can also mean 'kick' and the English word trap (a device to catch something or someone) is (de) val click to hear in Dutch but that's all for today folks
more about trees - more False Friends
Stappen click to hear 2 can also be a verb meaning 'taking steps - walking' but it usually means making nighttime visits to bars and cafés, 'going out'
een stap doen click to hear to take a step
stapvoets click to hear 2 3 'foot pace' - rather slow
Hij stapte uit de auto click to hear He [stepped] got out of the car
Moet je overstappen? click to hear Do you have to change trains? (buses, planes)
stappen ondernemen click to hear 2 3 to take steps (i.e. measures, action)

The Dutch word (de) step click to hear 2 is a children's scooter; Dutch uses the word (de) scooter click to hear for the 'Vespa'-type small motorcycles

2. 'Pas' = 'only,' 'just,' 'not until,' 'not before'

't Is pas zes uur click to hear 2 3 4 It's only 6 o'clock
Nou pas? click to hear 2 3 Only now? (surprise at something delayed, happening later than expected
't Begint pas om tien uur click to hear 2 (3) It will only start at 10
Die wet is pas van vorig jaar click to hear 2 3 4 That law is only from last year
Daar dacht ik pas later aan click to hear
Daar dacht ik later pas aan click to hear
I only thought of that later, afterwards
Hij is pas twaalf! click to hear 2 3 4 5 He's only 12 years old! (But he's wise or intelligent beyond his years or he has experienced terrible things)
Hij is nog maar een baby! click to hear 2 He's only a baby!
Hij komt pas maandag terug click to hear 2 He'll only return on Monday, He will not return before Monday
Wat ik nu pas begrijp click to hear 2 What I only now understand
Iets waar ik pas later aan dacht click to hear 2 Something I only thought of later, an afterthought
Iets wat ik pas later begreep click to hear 2 Something I only understood later
Wat ik pas later begreep click to hear Which I only later understood

3. 'Passen' = 'to fit' in various meanings

The verb 'passen' click to hear 2 often means 'to fit'
gepast click to hear 2 fitting, appropriate, adequate
gepast geld click to hear 2 exact change, the right amount of money ‑>>
passend click to hear fitting, suitable, right, apposite
(de) paskamer click to hear 2 3 fitting room
't past click to hear 2 it fits
't Past precies click to hear 2 3 It's a snug fit, it fits exactly
't paste click to hear it fitted
zij paste click to hear 2 she was fitting, she tried on (clothes)
't Zit als gegoten click to hear ['It fits like it was cast'] - said of well-fitting clothes
't Staat je goed click to hear 2 3 It looks good on you, you look good in it ‑>>
't Staat je leuk click to hear 2 3 It looks good on you, you look good in it
(de) waterpas click to hear level, exactly horizontal - also the tool to gauge that (picture below)
't past er goed bij click to hear 2 It goes together well (food) - It's a good combination
Bietjes en spinazie passen goed bij elkaar click to hear Red beets and spinach go together well
Ze passen goed bij elkaar click to hear 2 'They're a good fit' (said of a couple or a team)
te pas en te onpas click to hear 2 [at the right time and the wrong time] - all the time (said when someone brings up an obsession too often)
't Kan ooit nog van pas komen click to hear 2 3 It could come in handy, be useful sometime

'Pas' click to hear 2 is like English 'pass' said in games when you're not bidding or challenging or not participating in this turn

English 'to paste,' attaching something somewhere with glue is plakken click to hear

to paste
- ik plak
I paste
- wij plakken
we paste
- ik plakte
I pasted
- wij plakten
we pasted
- ik heb geplakt
I have paste
click to hear
(het) plakband click to hear is 'adhesive tape' and (de) lijm click to hear is 'glue' and lijmen click to hear 2 is 'to glue'

But (de) plak click to hear 2 3 and (het) plakje click to hear 2 3 4 are 'slice' (of cheese, banana bread etc.)

een plakje cake click to hear 2 3 a slice of pound cake or banana bread ‑>>
plakjes cake click to hear 2 slices of pound cake or banana bread ‑>>
een plakje kaas click to hear 2 a slice of cheese ‑>>
een plakje ontbijtkoek click to hear a slice of 'breakfast cake' ‑>>

4. Compound Verbs with 'Passen'

oppassen click to hear 2 3 to look out, be careful, watch out (for) // to watch over
Pas op! click to hear Watch out! Be careful!
oppassen met click to hear 2 3 be careful with
Pas op met vuur! click to hear 2 3 Be careful with fire!
Daar moet je mee oppassen click to hear 2 3 4 You should be careful with that, You'd better be careful with that
Ze mogen wel oppassen click to hear 2 They should watch out, they'd better be careful
Je mag wel oppassen click to hear 2 3 You should watch out, you'd better be careful
Je moet beter oppassen click to hear 2 3 You have to pay more attention, you should be more careful
(de) oppas click to hear babysitter, or person who looks after older children
(de) oppasser click to hear 2 3 4 'minder,' person looking after adults
passen op click to hear 2 3 to watch over, look after, take care of
iemand die op me past click to hear 2 Someone [who watches] to watch over me, someone who looks after me
aanpassen click to hear 2 3 to adapt
(de) aanpassing click to hear adaptation; adapting
toepassen click to hear 2 3 to apply, put into practice
Ik ken de regels ... click to hear 2 I know the rules ...
.. maar ik heb er moeite mee ... click to hear 2 3 4 ... but I have difficulty ...
... ze toe te passen click to hear 2 3 ... applying them
[compass - North etc.]
kompas click to hear 2
[compass - circles]
passer click to hear 2
[level] [level]
waterpas click to hear ‑>>
(de) schuld click to hear
  1. debt, money owed
  2. fault, blame
'(De) schuld' click to hear can mean either a debt, something owed (usually money) - or it can be 'fault, blame'

Hij heeft schulden click to hear 2 3 (4) He has debts (probably a lot)
Het is jouw schuld click to hear It's your fault, you are to blame
't Is haar moeders schuld click to hear 2 3 It's her mother's fault, her mother is to blame
't Is de schuld van haar moeder click to hear 2 3 4 It's her mother's fault, her mother is to blame
Ik kreeg de schuld van de ruzie click to hear [I got the blame of the quarrel] - I was blamed for the quarrel
't Is je eigen schuld click to hear 2 3 4 It's your own fault, you yourself are to blame
eigen schuld! click to hear 2 It's your own fault, you only have yourself to blame
de schuld geven click to hear 2 3 to blame
(het) schuldgevoel click to hear 2 3 feeling/sense of guilt
(de) boete click to hear fine // penance

The strong verb wijten (wijten/weet/geweten click to hear) - usually with aan click to hear 'on' - wijten aan click to hear 2 3 - means 'to blame, to see as the cause of.'
Wij weten 't aan 't weer click to hear we blamed [it on] the weather The derived strong verb verwijten click to hear 2 3 (verwijten/verweet/verweten click to hear) means 'to reproach, address blame to a person' with (a) (het) verwijt click to hear 2 ('reproach, recrimination')

schuldig click to hear 2 3 guilty
onschuldig click to hear 2 innocent, not guilty // harmless
(de) onschuld click to hear 2 innocence
iets onschuldigs click to hear something harmless (medical symptom)
Misschien is het iets onschuldigs click to hear Maybe it's something harmless
beschuldigen click to hear 2 3 4 to accuse
beschuldigen van click to hear 2 3 to accuse of
(de) beschuldiging click to hear 2 accusation
Hij werd beschuldigd van verraad click to hear 2 3 4 He was accused of treason
Hij werd beschuldigd van plagiaat click to hear 2 3 4 He was accused of plagiarism
Hij ontkende de beschuldigingen click to hear 2 He denied the accusations ‑>>
(de) aanklacht click to hear 2 3 4 'indictment,' official complaint or accusation
aanklagen click to hear 2 3 to bring charges
De verdachte heeft bekend click to hear 2 3 The suspect has confessed ‑>>
zich verontschuldigen click to hear 2 3 to apologize, offer excuses
verontschuldigingen click to hear 2 excuses, apologies
(het) excuus click to hear apology // excuse
see also:  'smoesjes' below
excuses click to hear apologies // excuses
Elke keer dezelfde excuses! click to hear 2 3 Every time the same excuses!

(de) straf click to hear punishment - See also
(de) gevangenisstraf click to hear 2 3 prison sentence, 'prison time'
lichte straf click to hear 2 3 4 5 light punishment
zware straf click to hear 2 3 [heavy] severe punishment
zwaar straffen click to hear 2 3 to punish severely
strafbaar click to hear 2 3 4 punishable
straffeloos click to hear 2 3 unpunished, without consequences
Je zult branden in de hel click to hear You'll burn in hell
Ik heb haar vergeven click to hear 2 I have forgiven her ‑>>

verantwoordelijk click to hear (verantwoordelijke click to hear 2) responsible
(de) verantwoordelijkheid click to hear responsibility, culpability
onverantwoordelijk click to hear 2 3 4 5 6 irresponsible, ~stupid
Ik hou(d) je verantwoordelijk click to hear 2 3 I hold you responsible, you are to blame if it goes wrong een zware verantwoordelijkheid click to hear 2 3 a [heavy] serious responsibility

(De) smoes click to hear 2 or more commonly (het) smoesje click to hear (plural: smoesjes click to hear) is a fake excuse.
Hij bedacht snel een smoesje click to hear 2 3 He quickly [thought up] made up an excuse Hij is goed in smoesjes verzinnen click to hear 2 3 4 He is good at making up excuses

See also: verdenken click to hear 2 'to suspect' ‑>>

schaamte = shame

(de) schaamte click to hear shame
zich schamen click to hear 2 3 to be ashamed Je moest je schamen click to hear 2 You ought to, should be ashamed of yourself
There is no Dutch word for 'embarrassing' - if need be you can use the French gênant click to hear ('embarrassing') or (de) gène click to hear 2 ('embarrassment')
There is also no Dutch word for 'hurt feelings'

(de) schande click to hear shame, disgrace
Door schade en schande wijs geworden click to hear 2 3
Door schade en schande click to hear '(educated) by damage and shame' - the school of hard knocks
(de) schade click to hear damage
't Is geen schande om arm te zijn click to hear It's not shameful to be poor, being poor is no disgrace
(het) schandaal click to hear 2 3 scandal
schandalig click to hear scandalous
't Is een grof schandaal click to hear 2 3 it's a crying shame, a very large deplorable thing

rond click to hear 2
  1. round, circular
  2. around
ronde click to hear - rond / ronde click to hear 2
(de) cirkel click to hear circle - more shapes

de ronde tafel click to hear 2 3 4 the round table De Aarde is rond click to hear 2 3 The Earth is round

rondingen click to hear 2 3 curves on bodies or physical objects (de) bocht click to hear 2 3 4 1. curve in road
2. (de/het) awful drink
(de) curve click to hear 2 3 curve (curved line in a graph) (de) grafiek click to hear 2 3 graph

bomen rond 't huis click to hear trees around the house de mensen rond de koning click to hear 2 3 the people around the king 't Werd stil rond de tafel click to hear 2 3 It [became] got quiet around the table 't Is stil geworden rond Jan click to hear 2 3 It has become quiet around Jan "Ik kijk wat rond" click to hear 2 3 'I'm just looking around, just browsing' (in a shop) rond vier uur click to hear around 4 o'clock, at about 4 o'clock - time ... Want de mens gaat naar z'n eeuwig huis en de rouwklagers gaan rond op de straat click to hear Because man goes to his eternal home, and the mourners go about in the streets Ecclesiastes 12:6

rondom click to hear 2 3 ~around (a superfluous word - it's most often better, and always just as good to say 'rond' click to hear 2)

(de) ronde click to hear round, rounds, circuit, lap, tour Laatste ronde! click to hear 2 Last call! - last round of ordering before closing time (het) rondje click to hear round, circuit, lap (het) ererondje click to hear 2 victory lap, lap of honour

(de) rondvaartboot click to hear - tour boat

Kun je ervan rondkomen? click to hear Can you get by on it? Is it enough to live on?

afronden click to hear 2 3 to round up/down (to the nearest convenient number) naar boven afronden click to hear 2 3 4 to round up (a number) naar beneden afronden click to hear 2 3 4 to round down (a number) - numbers

Vast click to hear
  1. firmly attached
  2. solid, permanent
  3. 'surely'
Alvast click to hear 2   'already' or 'meanwhile' - 'in advance'

Dutch vast click to hear (vaste click to hear 2 vast / vaste click to hear 2) can mean (like the secondary meaning of English 'fast') 'firmly fixed or attached,'   'strongly connected,' and it can mean 'solid' or 'permanent,' and it can also have a harder to translate meaning like 'I'm sure,'   'you must' or 'there has to be' - 'surely'
'Alvast' click to hear 2 3 4 (sometimes shortened to vast click to hear) means 'already' or 'meanwhile' in the sense of bridging a period of time, usually 'in advance'

'Vast' = 'firmly fixed or attached,'   'strongly connected'

Hou je vast! click to hear 2 ['Hold fast!'] - Hold on, grip something Maak 't goed vast! click to hear 2 3 [Connect it well] - Attach it securely, secure it firmly Je kunt er geen touw aan vastknopen click to hear 2 (saying) ['you can't tie a rope to it'] - 'it's incomprehensible'

vasthouden click to hear 2 to hold, grip (firmly) vasthouden click to hear aan click to hear holding on to (literally and figuratively) Ik moet me altijd ergens aan vasthouden click to hear 2 3 4 I need to hold on to something (a fixed point) at all times Vasthouden aan tradities click to hear 2 3 4 Holding on ('cling') to traditions

(het) houvast click to hear 2 3 'holdfast'? - 'something to hold on to,' a reliable point of support, hold, grip (usually figuratively) Dan heb je wat houvast click to hear 2 3 4 'Then you have something to hold onto,' - you'll have a helpful point of support in that

vastmaken aan click to hear 2 3 to (firmly and physically) connect, attach to

vastzitten aan click to hear 2 being fastened, tied to // being committed to Je zit eraan vast click to hear 2 You're stuck with it, you have an obligation to do it that you can't get out of

't vasteland click to hear 2 3 [not an island] - mainland, continent
(het) eiland click to hear 2 / eilanden click to hear 2 island / islands

'Vast' = 'solid' or 'permanent'

(de) vaste stof click to hear solid matter
(de) vloeistof click to hear liquid
(het) gas click to hear 2 gas ‑>>

(de) vaste vloerbedekking click to hear wall-to-wall carpeting ‑>> rotsvast click to hear 2 3 rock-solid // ~very confident steevast click to hear 2 3 ~always, ~invariable, ~regular
(think of English 'to stay)
vuurvast click to hear 2 fireproof, heat-resistant ‑>> vaste klanten click to hear 2 3 regular customers (also figuratively) een vaste plaats click to hear 2 3 a regular, fixed spot

(de) vaste grond click to hear 2 3 'terra firma,' solid ground - contrasted with on the water or in the air Mijn besluit staat vast click to hear 2 3 [My decision is firm] - I've made up my mind

'Vast' = 'surely' - 'I'm sure,'   'you must' or 'there has to be'

Je hebt vast wel eens gehoord van ... click to hear 2 3 4 You surely have heard of ..., You must have heard of ... Je komt vast nog wel eens terug click to hear 2 3 4 You will surely return, I'm sure you'll be back sometime

'Alvast' = 'already' or 'meanwhile' - in advance

'Alvast' click to hear 2 3 4 means 'already' or 'meanwhile' in the sense of bridging a period of time, usually 'in advance'

Hier is alvast een voorschot click to hear 2 Here's already some money in advance Alvast bedankt! click to hear 2 Thank you in advance! or you can say:
Bij voorbaat bedankt click to hear Thank you in advance! Bij voorbaat mijn dank click to hear 2 [My thanks in advance] Thank you in advance!

'Alvast' click to hear 2 3 4 can be shortenend to vast click to hear
Ik begin er vast aan click to hear 2 I'm already starting on it

The Dutch verb vasten click to hear means to eat less or not eat at all; De Vasten click to hear 2 3 ('Lent' - the 40 days of moderate consumption between Ash Wednesday and Easter)

English 'vast' means 'immense, very large.' Dutch words for that are gigantisch click to hear 2 ('gigantic') and reuasachtig click to hear 2 3 ('giant-like, gigantic') - or erg groot click to hear 2 3 ('very large.') Pronouncing the G-G may look daunting to you. Hear a slow version: erg groot click to hear 2 3
de gigantische explosie click to hear 2 3 the vast explosion de reusachtige ontploffing click to hear 2 3 the vast explosion The two examples above also nicely show pronunciation exceptions with I in the endings -ISCH and -IG.
-ISCH click to hear (like English -EES, Dutch IES ‑>>)
-IG click to hear ( I as voiceless E, schwa (like A in AGO) followed by Dutch G - Dutch UG ‑>>)

English 'fast' can also mean 'at high speed.' The common word for 'quick, rapid, fast' is 'snel click to hear (snel/snelle click to hear) ‑>>

The Dutch word for 'solid,' fabric of one color is effen click to hear 2 3 4 ‑>> 2

Dutch solide click to hear 2 3 is like Engish 'solid' in the sense of 'stable, substantial,'   'reliable' and 'safe, sound.'

'Los' = 'Loose, Not Attached'

The opposite of Dutch 'vast' click to hear 'firmly attached' is los click to hear (losse click to hear los / losse click to hear 2) 'loose,' not attached, not contained

losse thee click to hear 'loose tea,' loose tea leaves, not in a teabag ‑>>
theezakjes click to hear tea bags
losse flodder click to hear 2 'blank,' cartridge with gunpowder but no bullet (het) losgeld click to hear 2 ['release-money'] - ransom losse woorden click to hear 2 'loose words' - words without connection (to other words) uit de losse pols click to hear (saying) ['from the loose wrist'] - off the cuff, improvising, like for instance giving a very rough estimate met losse handen fietsen click to hear 2 [bicycling with loose hands] riding a bike with your hands not on the handlebars

(De) Oplossing = Solution

The Dutch verb 'oplossen' click to hear 2 3 literally means 'to dissolve' a solid substance in a liquid, but usually it means 'to solve' problems.
(de) oplossing click to hear 1. solution: a liquid with one or more things dissolved in it
2. solution: means of dealing with a problem

een goede oplossing click to hear 2 a good solution (to a problem) Is er niet een betere oplossing? click to hear 2 3 Is there not a better solution? Is er geen betere oplossing? click to hear 2 3 Is there no better solution? Ik wou dat er een betere oplossing was click to hear I wish there was a better solution veruit de beste oplossing click to hear 2 by far the best solution
goed / beter / best click to hear good / better / best ‑>>
Is er niet een andere oplossing? click to hear 2 3 Is there not another solution? Er is nog geen oplossing click to hear There is no solution yet de verkeerde oplossing click to hear 2 the wrong solution een rechtvaardige oplossing click to hear 2 a just solution Er is maar één oplossing click to hear 2 There's only one solution Iemand zal een oplosing moeten vinden click to hear Someone will have to find a solution Tegen die tijd is er wel een oplossing click to hear 2 3 By that time there will (sure) be a solution Ik zag op het nieuws dat er geen oplossing gevonden is click to hear I saw on the news that no solution has been found

Daar moet je iets op vinden click to hear 2 3 [You'll have to find something for that] - You'll have to find a solution to that problem

'Verlossen' ~ 'to release from, deliver from'

'Verlossen' click to hear 2 ~ 'to release from, deliver from' like take away a threat or pain, or release from suffering or restrictions

uit z'n lijden verlossen click to hear 2 3 4 'release from his suffering,' i.e. euthanize. Occasionally, 'saving him from an unpleasant situation'

(de) verloskundige click to hear 2 3 is the formal word for obstetrician or midwife
(de) vroedvrouw click to hear 2 3 'midwife'

from the Lord's Prayer:
Verlos ons van het kwade click to hear 2 Deliver us from evil

'Loslaten' = to Release, Let Go

loslaten click to hear 2 3 to release, let go, set free

't Laat je niet los click to hear 2 3 ['It doesn't let you go on'] - You can't get it out of your head, you keep seeing or hearing it, thinking about it - it keeps haunting you

Langs click to hear 2 3    along
Langskomen click to hear 2 3
(Langs Komen)
  1. to pass by (along your way)
  2. to come visit, 'stop by'

voorlangs click to hear 2 along the front, at the front [side] achterlangs click to hear 2 'around the back,' like for instance 'thorough the back door' onderlangs click to hear 2 along the bottom (for instance along the base, foot of a hill or mountain) bovenlangs click to hear 2 along the top

langs de straat click to hear 2 3 4 along the street langs de waterkant click to hear 2 [along the water-side] at the waterfront de weilanden langs de rivier click to hear 2 3 the meadows along the river
= (de) uiterwaarden click to hear ‑>>

Zet je de vuilnisbak aan de straat? click to hear Will you put the garbage can [on the street] on the curb, to the side of the street?

Leentje leerde Lotje lopen langs de lange Lindelaan click to hear Leentje taught Lotje walking along the long Linden lane De lieve leidsters liepen langzaam langs de Lindelaan click to hear The kind Kindergarten teachers [walked slowly] were strolling along the Linden lane

from Mark 4:1-9, The Sower and The Seed:
En het geschiedde bij het zaaien, dat een deel langs de weg viel, en de vogels kwamen en aten het op click to hear And it happened as he sowed that some fell by the wayside and birds came and ate it

from Psalm 23, The Lord is My Shepherd:
Hij geeft mij kracht
en leidt me langs veilige paden,
zoals Hij beloofd heeft click to hear 2 He gives me strength
and leads me along safe paths,
Just as He promised

Ze praten langs elkaar heen click to hear 2 3 4 ['They talk along each other'] - they dont't listen to each other, they don't understand each other, they're not communicating - 'they talk at cross-purposes'

langskomen (langs komen) click to hear 2 3 1. to pass by (along your way)
2. to come visit, to 'stop by'
Je komt er langs click to hear 2 You pass by it, it's along your way Kom eens langs! click to hear 2 3 Do come visit sometime!

Not to be confused with:
lang click to hear 2 3 4 long
lang langer langst click to hear 2 long longer longest ellenlang click to hear [ells long] - very long

unrelated:  onlangs click to hear 2 recently, not so long ago, 'the other day' Ik heb hem onlangs nog gezien click to hear 2 I've still seen him, I did see him not that long ago Er is daar onlangs iets gebeurd click to hear 2 Something happened over there recently Toen onlangs op de Prinsengracht mijn hoed te-water woei ... click to hear When the other day on the Prinsengracht my hat was blown into the water ... ‑>>

More pages like this:
Losse Wooorden 1 - Losse Wooorden 2

email - Copyright © Marco Schuffelen 2018-2020 All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, redistributed, or hotlinked to.
Don't be a dief (thief) / dievegge (female thief) - diefstal (theft) - stelen (to steal) - heler (dealer in stolen goods) - hear Dutch - 2