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Dutch 'Modal Verbs'

This page is a shorter version of a long, chatty page, 'Verbs Combined and "te"'

Look at (and listen to) the following sentences:

Ik heb leren zwemmen click to hear 2 3 I've learned to swim Ik ben gaan wandelen click to hear I have gone for a stroll, I went hiking Ik heb de vogels horen fluiten click to hear 2 3 I've heard the birds sing Ik heb helpen betalen click to hear 2 3 I have helped pay (for it)

'Heb'  en 'ben'  seem to indicate a perfect tense, but there are no past participles, only infinitives. Find some past participles below.
(de) onbepaalde wijs click to hear (verb) infinitive
(het) voltooid deelwoord click to hear past participle

Gisteren heb ik gezwommen click to hear Yesterday I was swimming Ik heb de vogels gehoord click to hear 2 3 I've heard the birds Ik heb geholpen click to hear 2 I have helped Ik heb betaald click to hear I have paid Het huis wordt geverfd click to hear The house is being painted

In the perfect tenses and the passive voice, Dutch combines the auxiliary verbs hebben  ('to have') - zijn  (usually translated as 'to be' but some Dutch verbs use zijn  in the perfect tenses) and worden  (English uses 'to be' for the passive voice) with past particles
More: (de) voltooide tijd click to hear 2 3 The Perfect Tense
(de) lijdende vorm click to hear ['suffering mode'] The Passive Voice

Many other verbs can be combined, and then use infinitives for the secondary verb (some put 'te' click to hear ('to ')) before the infinitive

Ik probeer Nederlands te leren click to hear I'm trying to learn Dutch Ik begin 't te begrijpen click to hear 2 I'm beginning to understand (it) Ik bleek longontsteking te hebben click to hear 2 3 [I turned out to have] It turned out that I had pneumonia 't Hoeft niet grappig te zijn click to hear 2 3 4 It doesn't have to be funny 't Moet wel interessant zijn click to hear 2 But it has to be interesting Ik hoop de vogels te horen click to hear 2 3 I hope to hear the birds Ik had gehoopt de vogels te horen click to hear 2 I had hoped to hear the birds Ik heb geprobeerd te helpen click to hear 2 I have tried to help

But there is a special group of Dutch verbs that when combined with other verbs in the perfect tenses appear as infinitives, not as past participles (and no 'te'  before the secondary verb infinitive)

Ik heb kunnen voorkomen ... click to hear 2 3 I was able to prevent ... Wat hebben we al niet willen opknappen! click to hear 2 We had big plans to fix things. - Nescio De wind is gaan liggen click to hear The wind has ['gone to lay down'] died down 't Heeft me doen inzien click to hear 2 3 it has made me understand, it gave me the insight Ik heb leren improviseren click to hear 2 3 I've learned to improvise Ik ben komen fietsen click to hear 2 3 [I've come biking] - I've come by bike

Those 'special verbs'
zullen click to hear 'shall/will' (for the future tense) ‑>>
kunnen click to hear 'can, being able to' ‑>>
willen click to hear 2 'to want to, desire' ‑>>
mogen click to hear 2 'may, be allowed to' ‑>>
moeten click to hear 2 'must, have to' ‑>>
laten click to hear 'to let, allow' ‑>>
gaan click to hear 'to go, going to' ‑>>
doen click to hear 2 3 'to do, make' ‑>>
blijven click to hear 2 'to remain, stay, continue' ‑>>
komen click to hear 'to come' ‑>>
helpen click to hear 2 'to help, assist' ‑>>
leren * click to hear 'to learn' and 'to teach' ‑>>
zien click to hear 'to see' ‑>>
horen click to hear 2 'to hear' ‑>>
voelen click to hear 2 'to feel' ‑>>

Combining with other verbs in the simple tense, the verbs of the 'special group' also don't put 'te'  in front of the secondary verb infinitive

Wie zal dat betalen? click to hear 2 Who'll pay for that? Er kan niet genoeg geld zijn click to hear There cannot be enough money (it's impossible that there is enough money) Er blijkt genoeg geld te zijn click to hear 2 3 [There turns out to be ...] It turns out that there is enough money

many more examples: simple tenses - perfect tenses
much, much more

Ik ben gaan vissen click to hear 2 3 (I have) gone fishing!

Gauhar K. suggested this shorter version of the 'Verbs Combined and "Te"' page

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Gij zult niet stelen click to hear 'Thou shalt not steal'