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Easy Dutch 3: Common Activities - Recognizable Verbs, Simple Sentences

More Easy Dutch: Recognizable Words: Vocabulary and Pronunciation - Recognizable Words by Subject

The 'Easy Dutch' pages offer words that look or sound similar to English and have about the same meaning. When you know English, they will make learning Dutch easier, they may give you a head start - but of course they do not offer a complete vocabulary or grammar.

Introducing Dutch Verbs
zijn - 'to be'
hebben - 'to have'
Dutch and English Strong Verbs
zullen - The Future Tense
eten and drinken - 'to eat' and 'to drink'
willen - 'to want to, desire'
gaan - 'to go'
komen - 'to come'
rijden - 'to drive' and 'to ride'
lopen and staan - 'to walk' and 'to stand'
zitten and liggen - 'to sit' and 'to lie down'
A Dutch Continuous
halen and brengen - '~to get' and 'to bring'
zien and horen - 'to see' and 'to hear'
zeggen and spreken - 'to say' and 'to speak'
denken and hopen - 'to think' and 'to hope'
geven and vinden - 'to give' and 'to find'
doen and maken - 'to do' and 'to make'
helpen and slapen - 'to help' and 'to sleep'
lachen and wachten - 'to laugh' and 'to wait'
A Few More Similar Verbs

'Veel' click to hear 2 is a word that doesn't look or sound like English, but that I had to use many times on this page. It means 'much' and 'many.'
You'll also find 'niks' click to hear and 'niets' click to hear meaning 'nothing.'

Introducing Dutch Verbs

In the simple present tense English has two forms for the verb: one for the third person singular (he/she/it) and one for all other 'persons.'
Dutch has three forms:
  • for the first person 'I' usually the verb root, which is almost always the infinitive minus the final -EN
  • for the second and third persons singular: 'you' and 'he'/'she'/'it' usually the verb root +T
  • the plural is usually the verb infinitive, or you could say: the verb root +EN
Also note that Dutch has three personal pronouns for 'you'
  • the singular informal: je click to hear and jij click to hear
    (you can almost always use je)
  • the plural informal ('you all,' 'you guys'): jullie click to hear
  • and the formal, polite: U click to hear
For the simple past tense, Dutch has two forms: one singular and one plural (the plural again ending in -EN.) The past tense is a bit complicated - go beyond the examples on this page.

Like in English, the most common verbs are often the most irregular - and many common verbs are strong - like the example to the right: they have a vowel change in the past tense.

more on verbs - verbs library - smartphone verbs pages

Example: drinken click to hear 'to drink'
ik drink
jij drinkt
hij drinkt
wij drinken
jullie drinken
zij drinken
U drinkt
click to hear
(to drink)
(I drink)
(you drink)
(he drinks)
(we drink)
(you drink)
(they drink)
(you drink)

ik click to hear ('I')
jij click to hear / je click to
  hear ('you' - singular informal)
hij click to hear ('he') - zij click to hear / ze click to hear ('she') - het click to hear / 't click to hear ('it')
wij click to hear / we click to hear ('we')
jullie click to hear ('you' - plural informal)
zij click to hear / ze click to hear ('they')
U click to hear ('you' - formal, polite)
more on personal pronouns

ik dronk
jij dronk
hij dronk
wij dronken
jullie dronken
zij dronken
U dronk
click to hear

(I drank)
(you drank)
(he drank)
(we drank)
(you drank)
(they drank)
(you drank)
[Marco drinking tea]
ik drink click to hear 2 (I am drinking)

to be - zijn click to hear

ik ben
jij bent
hij is
wij zijn
jullie zijn
zij zijn
U bent
click to hear
to be
I am
you are
he is
we are
you are
they are
you are

ik was
jij was
hij was
wij waren
jullie waren
zij waren
U was
click to hear

I was
you were
he was
we were
you were
they were
you were

(you - singular)

(you - plural)

(you - polite)
ik ben geweest click to
 hear I have been
ik was geweest click to hear 2 I had been

het is click to hear 'it is' - also: " 't is " click to hear 2 3

ik ben blij
jij bent blij
hij is blij
wij zijn blij
jullie zijn blij
zij zijn blij
click to hear

I am glad
you are glad
he is glad
we are glad
you are glad
they are glad

ben ik blij?
ben jij blij?
is hij blij?
zijn wij blij?
zijn jullie blij?
zijn zij blij?
click to hear

am I glad?
are you glad?
is he glad?
are we glad?
are you glad?
are they glad?
U bent blij
bent U blij?
click to hear
you are glad
are you glad?
Like English 'to have,' Dutch uses hebben for the perfect tense (with a past participle) - though a small number of Dutch verbs use zijn 'to be.'
ik ben geweest click to
 hear I have been
waar ben je geweest? click to hear 'where have you been?'
hij is ziek click to hear 2 'he is sick'
hij was ziek click to hear 'he was sick'
ben je ziek? click to hear 2 'are you sick?'
ik ben ziek click to hear 2 'I'm sick'
ik was ziek geweest click to hear 2 3 'I had been sick'
ik ben niet ziek click to hear 2 3 'I'm not sick'
ik ben duizelig click to hear 2 3 'I am dizzy'
dit is mijn huis click to hear 'this is my house'
waar ben je? click to hear 2 'where are you?'
ik ben thuis click to hear 'I am at home'
is het ver? click to hear 2 'is it far?'
hoe ver is het? click to hear 'how far is it?'
het is niet ver click to hear 2 'it's not far'
het is niet ver naar ... click to hear 'it's not far to ...'
is het te laat? click to hear 'is it too late?'
't is nog niet te laat click to hear 2 3 'It's still not too late'
is er nog genoeg tijd? click to hear 'is there still enough time?'
er is geen tijd voor click to hear 2 there is no time for (it)
het is laat click to hear 'it is late'
het is te laat click to hear 'it is too late'
zij waren te laat click to hear 'they were too late' (not in time)
hoe laat is het? click to hear 2 ['how late is it?'] 'what's the time?'
zijn de appels groen? click to hear 2 'are the apples green?'
de appels zijn groen click to hear 'the apples are green'
zijn de bananen al geel? click to hear 2 'are the bananas already yellow?'
hoe is het weer? click to hear 'how is the weather?'
is 't koud? click to hear 2 'is it cold?'
't is koud click to hear 'it's cold'
't was koud click to hear 'it was cold'
't was een koude dag click to hear 'it was a cold day'
ik ben verkouden click to hear 'I have a cold'
is het donker? click to hear 'is it dark?'
't was donker click to hear 'it was dark'
's nachts is het donker click to hear 2 'at night it is dark'
ben je wakker? click to hear 'are you awake?'
wie ben ik? click to hear 2 3 'who am I?'
wie ben jij? click to hear 'who are you?'
wie is hij? click to hear 2 who is he?
wat is Uw naam? click to hear slow 'what's your name?' (polite address)
mijn naam is ... click to hear 2 'my name is ...'
dat is een goed idee click to hear 'that's a good idea'
ik ben een Engelsman click to hear 'I'm [an] Englishman' ‑>>
ik ben een Amerikaan click to hear 'I'm [an] American'
ik ben vegetariër click to hear 'I am a vegetarian'
dat is interessant click to hear '(that's) interesting'
't is niet logisch click to hear 2 3 'it's not logical'
't is te gecompliceerd click to hear 2 it's too complicated
ze waren jaloers click to hear 2 3 'they were jealous'
de mars was lang click to hear 'the march was long'
wat is de prijs? click to hear 'what's the price?'
hoe duur is dit? click to hear ['how dear is this?'] what's the price of this? how much does it cost?
het is te duur click to hear 'it's too [dear] expensive'
hij is oud click to hear 'he is old'
zij is een zangeres click to hear she is a singer (female)
Londen is ouder dan Berlijn click to hear 'London is older than Berlin'
het is goed genoeg click to hear 'it is good enough'
is het ijs dik genoeg? click to hear 2 'is the ice thick enough?'
hij is familie van me click to hear 2 'he is [family of me] a relative'
waar is je boek? click to hear 2 'where is your book?'
waar is het? click to hear 2 'where is it?'
waar ben je? click to hear 2 'where are you?'
het is begonnen click to hear 'it has [begun] started'
de deur is open click to hear 2 'the door is open'
het water was bruin click to hear 'the water was brown'
de winter was lang click to hear 2 3 'The Winter [was] lasted long'
de ster is rood - de rode ster click to hear 2 3 'the star is red - the red star'
't is meer dan duizend dollar click to hear 2 3 'it's more than a thousand dollars'
't is meer dan een miljoen euro click to hear 2 'it's more than a million euro'
is er genoeg brood? click to hear 2 3 is there enough bread?
er is genoeg brood click to hear 2 there is enough bread

to have - hebben click to hear

hebben(to have)
ik heb
jij hebt
hij heeft
wij hebben
jullie hebben
zij hebben
U heeft
click to hear
to have
I have
you have
he has
we have
you have
they have
you have

ik had
jij had
hij had
wij hadden
jullie hadden
zij hadden
U had
click to hear

I had
you had
he had
we had
you had
they had
you had

(you - singular)

(you - plural)

(you - polite)
'U hebt' click to hear is also said.

ik heb gehad click to hear I have had
ik had gehad click to hear 2 I had had

ik heb geluk = [I have luck] 'I am lucky'
Like in English, Dutch turns verb and subject around in question mode - it works for all verbs in Dutch
ik heb geluk
jij hebt geluk
hij heeft geluk
wij hebben geluk
jullie hebben geluk
zij hebben geluk
click to hear
I am lucky
you are lucky
he is lucky
we are lucky
you are lucky
they are lucky

heb ik geluk?
heb jij geluk?
heeft hij geluk?
hebben wij geluk
hebben jullie geluk?
hebben zij geluk?
click to hear
am I lucky?
are you lucky?
is he lucky?
are we lucky?
are you lucky?
are they lucky?
U heeft geluk
heeft U geluk?
click to hear
you are lucky
are you lucky?
Je hebt geluk gehad click to hear 2 3 You have been lucky, you were lucky
Je hebt pech click to hear 2 You have bad luck, you're out of luck

ik heb een fiets
jij hebt een fiets
hij heeft een fiets
wij hebben een fiets
jullie hebben een fiets
zij hebben een tandem
U heeft een fiets
click to

I have a bicycle
you have a bicycle
he has a bicycle
we have a bicycle
you have a bicycle
they have a tandem bicycle
you have a bicycle

heb ik een fiets?
heb jij een fiets?
heeft hij een fiets?
hebben wij een fiets?
hebben jullie een fiets?
hebben zij een fiets?
heeft U een fiets?
click to hear

do I have a bicycle?
do you have a bicycle?
does he have a bicycle?
do we have a bicycle?
do you have a bicycle?
do they have a bicycle?
do you have a bicycle?
[a bicycle]
fiets click to hear 2
jullie hebben fietsen click to hear you (guys) have bicycles
hebben jullie fietsen? click to hear do you (guys) have bicycles?

As seen in the chapter above, in both Dutch and English questions with the verb 'to be' (zijn) the verb is put before the the personal pronoun (or other subject.)
'I am sick.' - 'Are you sick?'
Ik ben ziek click to hear 2 3 'I am sick'
Ben je ziek? click to hear 2 'Are you sick?'
In English 'to do' is used to frame a question with other verbs: 'Do you have a fever?' But in Dutch, you can make a question with any verb by reversing the order of the verb and the personal pronoun or other subject.
Ik heb koorts click to hear 'I have a fever'
Je hebt koorts click to hear 'You have a fever' (informal 'you')
Heb je koorts? click to hear 'Do you have a fever?' (informal 'you')
Heeft U koorts? click to hear 2 Do you have a fever? (polite 'you')
Do note that when the verb is placed before the second person singular (je/jij) it does not take the T-ending:
je hebt click to hear 2 - heb je? click to hear 2 3
je bent click to hear 2 - ben je? click to hear

ik heb een boek click to hear 'I have (own) a book'
also: 'I have a book at hand'
jij hebt een hond click to hear 'you have a dog'
ze hebben drie kinderen click to hear 'they have three children'
heb je genoeg licht? click to hear 'do you have enough light?'
heb je genoeg geld? click to hear 2 'do you have enough money?'
je hebt genoeg geld click to hear 2 3 'you have enough money'
heb je een auto? click to hear 'do you have a car?'
heeft Jan een auto? click to hear 2 3 'does John have a car?'
hij heeft geen auto click to hear 'he doesn't have a car'
heb je een fiets? click to hear 2 'do you have a bicycle?'
ik had geen werk click to hear 'I did not have [work] a job'
we hebben een goed jaar gehad click to hear 'we [have] had a good year'
heb je wol? click to hear 'do you have wool?'
ik heb pijn click to hear 2 ['I have a pain'] 'I am in pain'
heb je hoofdpijn? click to hear 2 'do you have a headache?' ‑>>
ik heb hoofdpijn click to hear 2 'I have a headache'
ik heb geen hoofdpijn click to hear 'I [have no] don't have a headache'
heb je 't koud? click to hear 2 3 ['do you have it cold?'] 'are you cold?'
heb je genoeg water? click to hear 2 'do you have enough water?'
heb je honger? click to hear ['do you have hunger?'] 'are you hungry?'
ik heb honger click to hear ['I have hunger'] 'I am hungry'
ik heb dorst click to hear ['I have thirst'] 'I am thirsty'
ik heb brood gebakken click to hear 2 3 'I have baked (a) bread'

Dutch and English Strong Verbs

Both English and Dutch have many 'strong verbs' (sterke werkwoorden click to hear 2) - meaning they have a vowel (klinker click to hear) change in the past tense and often in the past participle too. A few strong verbs have a consonants (consonant: medeklinker click to hear) change too. Some English and Dutch verbs have quite similar changes:
past tense
to fall
gevallen click to hear
to stand
gestaan click to hear
to forget
vergeten click to hear
to break
gebroken click to hear
to eat
gegeten click to hear
to see
gezien click to hear
to speak
gesproken click to hear
to steal
gestolen click to hear 2
to seek (search)
gezocht click to hear 2
to find
gevonden click to hear
to bring
gebracht click to hear
to think
gedacht click to hear
past tense
to fight
gevochten click to hear
to fly
gevlogen click to hear
to bite
gebeten click to hear 2
to give
gegeven click to hear
to sit
gezeten click to hear
to win
gewonnen click to hear
to sing
gezongen click to hear
to begin
begonnen click to hear 2
to shoot
geschoten click to hear
to do
gedaan click to hear
to come
gekomen click to hear
a list of Dutch strong verbs
In English, the simple past tense usually indicates a one-time event, while the perfect present tense indicates that an event took place but may happen again; in Dutch there is no difference like that and these tenses are often interchangeble.

In English, you often find the 'continuous' [is verb-ing] - for instance: 'it is raining,' where Dutch uses just the regular verb form: 't regent click to hear 2 ('it is raining') - 't regende click to hear 2 ('it was raining.') Dutch has other grammar figures to indicate an ongoing activity (see below) but they're not as common as the English continuous.

The Future Tense: zullen

For the future tense, Dutch uses the (irregular) verb zullen click to hear - first person singular ik zal click to hear 2 3 - like British English 'I shall' and think of the 'thou shalt not ...' of old Bible translations:
Gij zult niet doden click to hear 2
Gij zult niet stelen click to hear
Thou shalt not kill
Thou shalt not steal
Gij zult de meerderheid in het kwade niet volgen click to hear 2 3 ['Thou shalt not follow the majority into evil'] - Do not follow the majority when they do wrong In the 'past tense' of the verb for the future we find the first person singular ik zou click to hear 2 ('I should, I would') - used for hypothetical situations, questions with uncertain outcome or polite requests.
The Future Tense: zullen The Conditional Tense ('Future Past')
ik zal
jij zult
hij zal
wij zullen
jullie zullen
zij zullen
U zult
click to hear
(I will/shall)
(you will)
(he will)
(we will/shall)
(you will)
(they will)
(you will)

zal ik?
zul jij?
zal hij?
zullen wij?
zullen jullie?
zullen zij?
zult U?
click to hear
(will/shall I?)
(will you?)
(will he?)
(will/shall we?)
(will you?)
(will they?)
(will you?)

ik zou
jij zou
hij zou
wij zouden
jullie zouden
zij zouden
U zou
click to hear
(I would/should)
(you would/should)
(he would/should)
(we would/should)
(you would/should)
(they would/should)
(you would/should)
'Jij zal' click to hear 2 and 'zal jij?' click to hear 2 are also correct.
Note that there is no T in jij zal and hij zal.
Ik zal schrijven click to hear 2
Ik zal opschieten click to hear 2
Ik zal 't uitleggen click to hear
Ik zal U doorverbinden click to hear 2
I will write
I'll hurry
I'll explain
I'll [connect you through] transfer your call
Ik zal 't hun geven click to hear
Ik zal 't niet vergeten click to hear 2 3 4
De tijd zal 't leren click to hear 2
Hoe laat zal ik je wakker maken? click to hear 2
I'll give it to them
I [will not] won't forget it
[The] Time will [teach] tell
What time shall I wake you up?
Hoe lang zal 't duren? click to hear 2 3
Hoe zal 't aflopen? click to hear
Iemand zal een oplosing moeten vinden click to hear
Ik zal Jan morgen in Amsterdam geld geven click to hear
How long will it last?
How will it end?
Someone will have to find a solution
Tomorrow in Amsterdam I'll give Jan money
Morgen zal 't wel beter zijn click to hear 2 3
't Zal niet de eerste keer zijn click to hear 2 3
't Zal niet gemakkelijk zijn click to hear 2
I think it will be better tomorrow
It [will not] won't be the first time
It won't be easy
't Zal wel meevallen click to hear 2 3
Wie zal dat betalen? click to hear 2
Zal ik je een kopje thee inschenken? click to hear
It won't be that bad
Who will pay for that?
Shall I pour you a cup of tea?
Je zult branden in de hel click to hear
Je zult er geen spijt van krijgen click to hear 2
You'll burn in hell
[You will not feel remorse over it] You won't be sorry
We zullen wel zien click to hear 2
Zullen we gaan zwemmen? click to hear 2
Zullen we naar de film gaan? click to hear 2 3
Zullen we ergens gaan eten? click to hear
We will see
[Shall we go swimming?] Let's go for a swim
[Shall we go to a movie] Let's go see a movie
[Shall we go eat somewhere?] Let's go out for meal
Eerlijk zullen we alles delen click to hear 2 We'll share everything fairly
Ooit zullen we de Zuiderzee bedwingen
en het land weer droogleggen click to hear
Someday we'll subdue the Zuyder Zee and reclaim the land
Zullen we de zitting opheffen? click to hear 2 Shall we terminate the session? * - Let's get up
We zullen dat varkentje wel even wassen click to hear 2 3 ['We'll wash that little pig'] - We'll take care of that somewhat unpleasant task - Sayings
The 'past tense' of the verb for the future usually indicates a hypothetical situation, something that didn't happen, a polite request or statement, a question of uncertain outcome, or a question that can't be answered or to which no answer is expected.
Wat zou er gebeuren? click to hear 2
Als ik jou was zou ik niet gaan click to hear
Ik zou niet gaan click to hear 2 3 4
Dat zou je ook kunnen doen click to hear 2 3
Ik wist zeker dat U me zou begrijpen click to hear 2 3

What would happen?
If I were you I wouldn't go
I wouldn't go
You could do that too
I was sure that you would (were going to) understand me
Je zou haast denken ... click to hear 2 3
Niet wat je zou verwachten click to hear
't Zou me niet verbazen click to hear 2
You'd almost think ...
Not what you'd expect
It wouldn't surprise me, I wouldn't be surprised
it could be
't Zou kunnen click to hear 2
't Zou kunnen zijn click to hear 2
't Zou kunnen zijn dat ... click to hear 2

It could be
It could be
It could be that ...
it didn't happen
Mijn moeder zou dit jaar honderd geworden zijn click to hear 2 My mother would have been (turned?) 100 years old this year
We zouden gaan fietsen maar 't begon te regenen click to hear We were going to make a bike ride but it started to rain
Ik zou wel eens willen weten ... click to hear 2
Ik zou willen dat ik harder kon schoppen click to hear 2
Zeg maar wat je zou willen hebben van Sinterklaas click to hear 2

I would like to know [sometime] ...
I wish I could kick (the ball) harder
Just [say] tell me what you'd like to have from Santa
polite questions or statements
Wat zou U aanraden? click to hear 2 3
Zou U dat nog eens willen zeggen? click to hear 2
Zou je alsjeblieft Nederlands willen spreken? click to hear
Zou U alstublieft Nederlands willen spreken? click to hear

What would you recommend? (in a restaurant or shop)
Could you please say that again (polite 'you')
Could you please speak Dutch (informal, singular 'you')
Could you please speak Dutch (polite 'you')
Zou U wat langzamer kunnen praten? click to hear 2
Zou U wat langzamer willen spreken? click to hear 2
Could you please speak a little slower?
The past tense of 'zullen' is also used for rhetorical questions, where you don't expect a good answer.
Zou 't gaan regenen? click to hear
Gaat 't regenen? click to hear 2
Is it going to rain? - no idea
Is it going to rain? - checking the forecast, asking a knowledgeable person
Zou 't kunnen zijn dat ...? click to hear 2
Hoe zou 't met Kees zijn? click to hear 2 3
Zou 't lukken? click to hear 2
Wat zou 't zijn? click to hear
Zou je dat nou wel doen? click to hear 2 3
Could it be that ...?
How would it be with Kees? How would Kees be?
Is it going to work? (succeed)
What could it be?
Should you do that? Are you sure it's a good idea?

to eat - eten click to hear / to drink - drinken click to hear

ik eet
jij eet
hij eet
wij eten
jullie eten
zij eten
U eet
click to hear
(to eat)
(I eat)
(you eat)
(he eats)
(we eat)
(you eat)
(they eat)
(you eat)

ik at
jij at
hij at
wij aten
jullie aten
zij aten
U at
click to hear

(I ate)
(you ate)
(he ate)
(we ate)
(you ate)
(they ate)
(you ate)

ik drink
jij drinkt
hij drinkt
wij drinken
jullie drinken
zij drinken
U drinkt
click to hear
(to drink)
(I drink)
(you drink)
(he drinks)
(we drink)
(you drink)
(they drink)
(you drink)

ik dronk
jij dronk
hij dronk
wij dronken
jullie dronken
zij dronken
U dronk
click to hear

(I drank)
(you drank)
(he drank)
(we drank)
(you drank)
(they drank)
(you drank)
ik heb gegeten click to hear I have eaten
The ghost of a cow or pig could say:
ik ben gegeten click to hear I was eaten (‑>> the passive)
(het) eten click to hear is also the noun 'food'
ik heb gedronken click to hear I have drunk

- more on food and drinks

eten met mes en vork click to hear 2 eating with, using knife and fork
met mes en vork eten click to hear 2 eating with, using knife and fork
eten met vrienden click to hear eating with, in the company of friends
met vrienden eten click to hear eating with, in the company of friends
eten van een bord click to hear 2 eating from a plate
van een bord eten click to hear 2 3 eating from a plate
Hij dronk uit de fles click to hear 2 3 He drank from the bottle
hij eet 'n appel click to hear 'he's eating an apple'
ik eet vis click to hear 2 'I'm eating fish'
vandaag eten we vis click to hear 2 'today we'll [eat] have fish'
wat heb je gegeten? click to hear 2 'what have you eaten, what did you have?'
waar heb je gegeten? click to hear 2 'where have you eaten?'
wanneer heb je gegeten? click to hear 2 'when have you eaten?'
wanneer heb je voor 't laatst gegeten? click to hear 2 'when have you eaten last, what was the last time you had something to eat?'
heb je te veel gegeten? click to hear 2 'have you eaten, did you eat too much?'
ik heb te veel gegeten click to hear 'I have eaten too much'
ik heb thuis gegeten click to hear 'I have eaten at home' (huis click to hear 2 'house')
heb je goed gegeten? click to hear 2 'have you eaten [good] well?'
was 't lekker? click to hear 2 'was it good, did you enjoy it?' (think of: 'to like')
heb je lekker gegeten? click to hear 2 'was the food to your liking, did you enjoy your meal?'
heb je genoeg gegeten? click to hear 'have you eaten enough?'
heb je al gegeten? click to hear 2 'have you eaten already?'
ik heb niet gegeten click to hear 2 I have not eaten
ik heb nog niet gegeten click to hear I have not eaten yet
er is genoeg eten click to hear 2 3
er is eten genoeg click to hear 2
'there is enough food'
is er wat te eten? click to hear 2 3 'is there something to eat?'
Dutch 'wat' click to hear can mean both 'what?' and 'something'
heb je genoeg gedronken? click to hear ['have you drank enough'] 'did you have enough to drink?'
je moet wat drinken click to hear 2 3 'you should drink something'
hij drinkt bier click to hear 'he's drinking beer'
hij drinkt een kopje thee click to hear 'he's [drinking] having a cup of tea'
drink je thee click to hear 2 3 'drink your tea'
en toen dronken we koffie click to hear 'and then we had coffee'
hij dronk alleen water click to hear 'he only drank water'
ik heb geen alcohol gedronken click to hear 'I have not [drunk] had any alcohol'
Drinken om te vergeten click to hear 2 3 Drinking (alcohol) to forget
dronken click to hear 'drunk, intoxicated, had too much alcohol'

To want to, would like to, wish, desire - willen click to hear 2

You may not recognize 'willen' right away, but think of the somewhat old-fashioned 'will' like in 'willing.' The Dutch word for 'will' - what to do with your worldly goods - is (het) testament click to hear 2
ik wil
jij wilt
hij wil
wij willen
jullie willen
zij willen
U wilt
click to hear
to want
(I want)
(you want)
(he wants)
(we want)
(you want)
(they want)
(you want)

ik wilde
jij wilde
hij wilde
wij wilden
jullie wilden
zij wilden
U wilde
click to hear

(I wanted)
(you wanted)
(he wanted)
(we wanted)
(you wanted)
(they wanted)
(you wanted)
no 't' in hij wil
many people say: "ik wou" click to hear
instead of "ik wilde"
ik heb gewild click to hear I have wanted, desired
wat wil je horen? click to hear 'what would you like, what do you
want to hear?' (music, information)
wat wil je drinken? click to hear 'what would you like to drink?'
wil je wat eten? click to hear 'Would you like something to eat?'
wil je een kopje thee? click to hear 2 'would you like a cup of tea?'
wij willen water click to hear 'we want (need) water'
ik wil naar huis click to hear 2 'I want [home-wards] to go home'

hij wilde niet naar de radio luisteren click to hear 'he didn't want to listen to the radio'
het was niet wat hij wilde horen click to hear 'it was not what he wanted to hear'
zou je alsjeblieft Nederlands willen spreken? click to hear
'[would you mind] could you please speak Dutch?' (informal)
zou U alstublieft Nederlands willen spreken? click to hear '[would you mind] could you please speak Dutch?' (polite)
dus je wilt Nederlands leren? click to hear ["thus"] 'so you want to learn Dutch?'
ik wil geen vlees eten click to hear 2 'I don't want to eat meat'
ik wil liever geen vlees eten click to hear 2 3 'I'd rather not eat meat, I'd prefer not to eat meat'
wat wil je later worden? click to hear 'what do you want to [become, later] be (when you grow up)?'
April doet wat-ie wil click to hear 2 'April does as it likes' (April weather is unpredictable)
hij doet toch wat-ie wil click to hear 2 'he does what he wants to do anyway'
ik wil er nog een nachtje over slapen click to hear 2 'I'd like to sleep [a night] on it' (before I take a decision)
- more about loves, likes and preferences in Dutch

to go - gaan click to hear

ik ga
jij gaat
hij gaat
wij gaan
jullie gaan
zij gaan
U gaat
click to hear
(I go)
(you go)
(he goes)
(we go)
(you go)
(they go)
(you go)

ga ik?
ga jij?
gaat hij?
gaan wij?
gaan jullie?
gaan zij?
gaat U?
click to hear
(do I go ?)
(do you go ?)
(does he go ?)
(do we go?)
(do you go ?)
(do they go ?)
(do you go?)

ik ging
jij ging
hij ging
wij gingen
jullie gingen
zij gingen
U ging
click to hear 2
I went
you went
he went
we went
you went
they went
you went
ik ben gegaan click to hear I have gone
Like in English, verbs of motion, especially 'gaan' can also be used as an informal future tense.
ik ga weg click to hear 2 3 ['I'm going away'] 'I'm leaving'
we gaan weg click to hear ['we're going away'] 'we're leaving'
we gaan om zes uur weg click to hear 'we'll [go away] leave at six'
ik ga naar huis click to hear 'I'm going home'
hoe gaat 't? click to hear ['how is it going?'] 'how are you?'
het gaat goed click to hear 'it's going [good] well'
ga jij? click to hear 2 [go you?'] 'are you going?'
het gaat te ver click to hear 2 'it goes too far'
ga zitten click to hear 2 ['go sit'] 'have a seat'
ga direct naar huis click to hear 2 'go home [directly] immediately'
ga rechtsaf click to hear ['go right'] 'take a right'
(ga linksaf click to hear ['go left'] 'take a left')
ik ga zwemmen click to hear '[I go swimming] I'm going for a swim'
ik wil gaan zwemmen click to hear 'I want to go for a swim'
ze wilde gaan zwemmen click to hear 2 3 'she wanted to go for a swim'
we gaan zo eten click to hear 2 3 'we'll eat [soon] in a moment'
we gaan uit eten click to hear 'we're going to eat out,
we're going out for dinner'
en dan gaan we eten click to hear 2 'and then we'll eat'
waar gaan jullie heen op vakantie? click to hear 'where are you [guys] going on vacation?'
dit jaar gaan we naar Frankrijk click to hear 'this year we're going to France'
zullen we naar de film gaan? click to hear slow slow2 'shall we go to the [film] movies?'
zullen we gaan zwemmen? click to hear 2 'shall we go [swimming] for a swim'
morgen wil ik gaan hardlopen click to hear 2 'tomorrow I want to go running'
lopen click to hear 2 'to walk' - think of 'to leap'
morgen ga ik witlof maken click to hear 'tomorrow I'll make Belgian endives'
witlof click to hear think of: 'white leaves'
't gaat regenen click to hear 'it is going to rain'
hij gaat naar Rotterdam click to hear 2 'he's going to Rotterdam'
morgen gaat hij naar Den Haag click to hear 2 'tomorrow he'll go to The Hague'
morgen gaan we lijnen click to hear 'tomorrow we'll start dieting'
elk pondje gaat door het mondje click to hear '[each] every pound goes through the mouth'
ik ga naar boven click to hear 2 3 '[I go] I'm going up' - boven click to hear 2 'upstairs,
up, on top of' - think of: 'above'
de lift gaat naar beneden click to hear 2 3 'the [lift] elevator is going down' - beneden click to hear
'downstairs, down, below' - think of: 'beneath'
hij is naar buiten gegaan click to hear 2 'he [has gone outside] went out'
hij ging het huis in click to hear 'he went into the house'
we gingen naar een concert click to hear 'we went to a concert'
we gingen naar huis click to hear 2 'we went home'
de zon ging onder click to hear 2 3 'the sun went [under] down'
de zon gaat onder click to hear 2 'the sun is going down'
ging de zon onder? click to hear 2 'did the sun go down?'
toen de zon onderging click to hear 2 3 'when the sun went down'

to come - komen click to hear

ik kom
jij komt
hij komt
wij komen
jullie komen
zij komen
U komt
click to hear
(I come)
(you come)
(he comes)
(we come)
(you come)
(they come)
(you come)

kom ik?
kom jij?
komt hij?
komen wij?
komen jullie?
komen zij?
komt U?
click to hear
(am I coming?)
(are you coming?)
(is he coming?)
(are we coming?)
(are you coming?)
(are they coming?)
(are you coming?)

ik kwam
jij kwam
hij kwam
wij kwamen
jullie kwamen
zij kwamen
U kwam
click to hear
(I came)
(you came)
(he came)
(we came)
(you came)
(they came)
(you came)
ik ben gekomen click to hear 2 I have come
Do note that A is 'short' in the singular of the past tense, but 'long' in the plural. You'll find that short and long in almost all strong verbs with A in the past tense.

In several of the 'komen' examples below, 'to be' looks like a better translation into English - but you get the meaning.

welkom click to hear 2 welcome
kom je eten? click to hear 2 3 ['are you coming, to eat?' - 'come eat'
- 'please come in to eat'] 'food is ready'
de zon komt op click to hear 2 'the sun is [coming up] rising'
't was alsof de zon
om middernacht opkwam click to hear
'it was as if the sun came up at midnight'
de zon komt door click to hear 2 'the sun is coming [through] out'
't komt over de dijk! click to hear 2 'it's coming over the dike!' (the water)
na regen komt zonneschijn click to hear 2 3 'after rain, [sunshine will come] the sun will
come out' - ('bad things don't last')
waar kom je vandaan? click to hear 2 3 'where are you from?'
ik kom uit Engeland click to hear ['I come from] I'm from England' ‑>>
ik kom uit Amerika click to hear ['I come from America'] 'I'm from the US'
ze komt uit Engeland click to hear 2 [she comes from] she's from England
ik kom uit ... click to hear ['I come from'] 'I'm from ...'
mijn familie komt uit het zuiden click to hear 'my family is from the South' (of the country)
er komt geen eind aan click to hear 2 'there is no end to it'
ik ben blij dat je gekomen bent click to hear 2 'I'm glad that you came'
... en toen kwam Jan click to hear '... and then John came'
Ik ben komen fietsen click to hear 2 3 [I've come biking] - I've come by bike

to ride and to drive - rijden click to hear 2 / to ride a bike - fietsen click to hear 2

'Rijden' means both 'to ride' and 'to drive' - car, bus, bicycle, horse, anything - at the wheel or as a passenger.
ik rijd
jij rijdt
hij rijdt
wij rijden
jullie rijden
zij rijden
U rijdt
click to hear
(to drive; to ride)
(I drive/ride)
(you drive/ride)
(he drives/rides)
(we drive/ride)
(you drive/ride)
(they drive/ride)
(you drive/ride)

ik reed
jij reed
hij reed
wij reden
jullie reden
zij reden
U reed
click to hear
(to drive; to ride)
(I drove/rode)
(you drove/rode)
(he drove/rode)
(we drove/rode)
(you drove/rode)
(they drove/rode)
(you drove/rode)
ik heb gereden click to hear
ik ben gereden click to hear
I have driven/ridden
[bicyclist (I ride a bike)]
ik fiets click to hear

ik fiets
jij fietst
hij fietst
wij fietsen
jullie fietsen
zij fietsen
U fietst
click to hear 2
(to ride a bike)
(I ride a bike)
(you ride a bike)
(he rides a bike)
(we ride bikes)
(y'all ride bikes)
(they ride bikes)
(you ride a bike)

ik fietste
jij fietste
hij fietste
wij fietsten
jullie fietsten
zij fietsten
U fietste
click to hear

(I rode a bike)
(you rode a bike)
(he rode a bike)
(we rode bikes)
(y'all rode bikes)
(they rode bikes)
(you rode a bike)
ik heb gefietst click to hear 2 (I have ridden a bike)
ik ben gefietst click to hear (I rode a bike)
For the perfect tense of verbs of motion, Dutch usually applies the auxiliary verb hebben when it's about the duration, and zijn when it's about the destination.
ik heb een uur gelopen click to hear 2
lopen click to hear 2
'I walked for an hour'
'to walk' - think of: 'to leap'
- see also the next chapter
ik ben naar huis gelopen click to hear 2 'I walked home'
ik ben naar Amsterdam gelopen click to hear 2 'I walked to Amsterdam'
ik ben naar Veenendaal gefietst click to hear 2 'I rode a bike to Veenendaal'
Ik heb een uur gefietst click to hear 2 'I rode a bike for an hour'
more bicycling - more traffic

(In conversation, the D's of 'ik rijd' 'rijd jij?' are usually not pronounced)
hard rijden click to hear 2
ik rijd te hard click to hear 2
'to drive [hard] fast'
I'm driving too fast
We reden naar de winkel click to hear 2 3 We drove/rode to the store
rij jij of rij ik? click to hear 2 3 'Are you driving or am I driving?'
(what you can say when your driving is criticized)
het licht werd groen en we reden weg click to hear 2 'the light [became] turned green and
we drove [away] off'
toen het licht groen werd reden we weg click to hear 2 'when the light turned green we drove off'
als 't licht rood is moet je stoppen click to hear 2 '[if] when the light is red you have to stop'
als 't licht groen is mag je doorrijden click to hear 2 'when the light is green you may drive [through] on'
(het) rijexamen click to hear 2 'driving test'

to walk - lopen click to hear 2 (think of: 'to leap') / to stand - staan click to hear

ik loop
jij loopt
hij loopt
wij lopen
jullie lopen
zij lopen
click to hear
I walk
you walk
he walks
we walk
you walk
they walk

loop ik?
loop jij?
loopt hij?
lopen wij?
lopen jullie?
lopen zij?
click to hear
do I walk?
do you walk?
does he walk?
do we walk?
do you walk?
do they walk?

ik liep
jij liep
hij liep
wij liepen
jullie liepen
zij liepen
U liep
click to hear
I walked
you walked
he walked
we walked
you walked
they walked
you walked

ik heb gelopen click to hear I have walked
ik ben gelopen click to hear I have walked
U loopt - you walk
loopt U? - do you walk?
click to hear
hij liep het huis uit click to hear 'he [walked out of] left the house'
hij liep uit de vergadering click to hear 'he walked out of the [gathering] meeting'
ze liep naar het huis toe click to hear 'she walked towards the house'
(naar ... toe click to hear 'towards')
ik loop met een stok click to hear 2 slow 'I walk with a [stick] cane'
more 'lopen'
ik sta
jij staat
hij staat
wij staan
jullie staan
zij staan
U staat
click to hear
(I stand, am standing)
(you stand)
(he stands)
(we stand)
(you stand)
(they stand)
(you stand)

ik stond
jij stond
hij stond
wij stonden
jullie stonden
zij stonden
U stond
click to hear 2
(I stood, was standing)
(you stood)
(he stood)
(we stood)
(you stood)
(they stood)
(you stood)
ik heb gestaan click to hear I have stood, I was standing
staande bas click to hear ['standing bass'] 'upright bass'
't water staat me tot de lippen click to hear 'the water [stands to] comes up to my lips'
- an expression indicating urgency
more 'staan'

to sit - zitten click to hear / to lie down - liggen click to hear 2

ik zit
jij zit
hij zit
wij zitten
jullie zitten
zij zitten
U zit
click to hear
(to sit)
(I sit)
(you sit)
(he sits)
(we sit)
(you sit)
(they sit)
(you sit)

ik zat
jij zat
hij zat
wij zaten
jullie zaten
zij zaten
U zat
click to hear

(I sat)
(you sat)
(he sat)
(we sat)
(you sat)
(they sat)
(you sat)
ik heb gezeten click to hear I have sat, I was sitting
hij zat aan tafel click to hear 'he [sat] was sitting at the table'
- more 'zitten' sample sentences

ik lig
jij ligt
hij ligt
wij liggen
jullie liggen
zij liggen
U ligt
click to hear 2

(I am lying down)
(you are lying down)
(he is lying down)
(we are lying down)
(you are lying down)
(they are lying down)
(you are lying down)

ik lag
jij lag
hij lag
wij lagen
jullie lagen
zij lagen
U lag
click to hear 2

(I was lying down)
(you were lying down)
(he was lying down)
(we were lying down)
(you were lying down)
(they were lying down)
(you were lying down)
ik heb gelegen click to hear I have lain, I was lying
hij lag in bed click to hear 2 'he [lay] was lying in bed'
- more 'liggen' sample sentences

A Dutch Continuous

Dutch does not have a continuous with present participles like English (I am waiting, I was reading) but uses the verbs above for sitting, lying, standing and walking for a similar figure indicating an ongoing activity. more

Ik zit te denken aan een cadeau click to hear I'm thinking of a present
Ik zat te wachten op een telefoontje click to hear I was waiting for a phone call
Ze lagen te slapen click to hear They were sleeping
Hij ligt te lezen. click to hear He's reading. (Probably lying down doing that.)
We zitten te eten. click to hear We're having dinner. (or lunch)
We staan te wachten op een taxi. click to hear 2 3 We're waiting for a taxi.
Ze lopen te demonstreren. click to hear They're [walking] in a protest demonstration.
We hebben lopen demonstreren. click to
(We hebbe lope demonstreren. click to hear)
We have been in a protest march.
Hij heeft de hele middag zitten typen. click to hear 2 He has been typing all [mid-day] afternoon.

to get, bring in, move - halen click to hear 2 (think of: 'to haul') / to bring - brengen click to hear 2

ik haal
jij haalt
hij haalt
wij halen
jullie halen
zij halen
U haalt
click to hear 2
(to get)
(I get)
(you get)
(he gets)
(we get)
(you get)
(they get)
(you get)

ik haalde
jij haalde
hij haalde
wij haalden
jullie haalden
zij haalden
U haalde
click to hear

I got
you got
he got
we got
you got
they got
you got

ik breng
jij brengt
hij brengt
wij brengen
jullie brengen
zij brengen
U brengt
click to hear
(to bring)
(I bring)
(you bring)
(he brings)
(we bring)
(you bring)
(they bring)
(you bring)

ik bracht
jij bracht
hij bracht
wij brachten
jullie brachten
zij brachten
U bracht
click to hear

(I brought)
(you brought)
(he brought)
(we brought)
(you brought)
(they brought)
(you brought)
ik heb gehaald click to hear ~I have gotten, brought in

kielhalen click to hear 2 'to keelhaul'

ik heb gebracht click to hear I have brought
more 'halen'
more 'brengen'

to see - zien click to hear / to hear - horen click to hear 2

ik zie
jij ziet
hij ziet
wij zien
jullie zien
zij zien
U ziet
click to hear
(to see)
(I see)
(you see)
(he sees)
(we see)
(you see)
(they see)
(you see)

ik zag
jij zag
hij zag
wij zagen
jullie zagen
zij zagen
U zag
click to hear

(I saw)
(you saw)
(he saw)
(we saw)
(you saw)
(they saw)
(you saw)

ik hoor
jij hoort
hij hoort
wij horen
jullie horen
zij horen
U hoort
click to hear
(to hear)
(I hear)
(you hear)
(he hears)
(we hear)
(you hear)
(they hear)
(you hear)

ik hoorde
jij hoorde
hij hoorde
wij hoorden
jullie hoorden
zij hoorden
U hoorde
click to hear

(I heard)
(you heard)
(he heard)
(we heard)
(you heard)
(they heard)
(you heard)
ik heb gezien click to hear I have seen ik heb gehoord click to hear I have heard
tot ziens! click to hear 2 ['till seeing'] 'see you!'
heb je haar gezien? click to hear 2 'have you seen her?'
ik heb mezelf gezien click to hear 2 'I've seen myself'
ik heb mezelf op TV gezien click to hear 2 3 'I've seen myself on TV'
want er was zoveel te zien click to hear 2 "because there was so much to see"
ik zag de sterren click to hear 'I saw the stars'
ik zag de zon in de zee zinken click to hear 'I saw the sun sink into the sea'
ik kan niet zien waar het lekt click to hear 'I can't see where it is leaking'
ik heb die film niet gezien click to hear 'I have not seen that [film] movie'
laten zien click to hear 2
ik heb laten zien click to hear 2
['to let see'] 'to show'
['I have let see'] 'I have shown'
je kon niet ver zien click to hear 'You could not see (very) far'
(visibility was low)
je kon heel ver zien click to hear 'You could see very far'
(visibility was good)
more 'zien'

ik hoor een vliegtuig click to hear 'I hear [a fly-gear] an airplane'
ik hoorde het signaal niet click to hear 2 'I didn't hear the signal'
ik ben blij dat te horen click to hear 'I'm glad to hear that'
wat wil je horen? click to hear 'what would you like, what do you
want to hear?' (music, information)
het was niet wat hij wilde horen click to hear 'it was not what he wanted to hear'
more 'horen'

to say - zeggen click to hear 2 / to speak - spreken click to hear

ik zeg
jij zegt
hij zegt
wij zeggen
jullie zeggen
zij zeggen
U zegt
click to hear
(to say)
(I say)
(you say)
(he says)
(we say)
(you say)
(they say)
(you say)

ik zei
jij zei
hij zei
wij zeiden
jullie zeiden
zij zeiden
U zei
click to hear

(I said)
(you said)
(he said)
(we said)
(you said)
(they said)
(you said)

ik spreek
jij spreekt
hij spreekt
wij spreken
jullie spreken
zij spreken
U spreekt
click to hear 2
(to speak)
(I speak)
(you speak)
(he speaks)
(we speak)
(you speak)
(they speak)
(you speak)

ik sprak
jij sprak
hij sprak
wij spraken
jullie spraken
zij spraken
U sprak
click to hear 2

(I spoke)
(you spoke)
(he spoke)
(we spoke)
(you spoke)
(they spoke)
(you spoke)
ik heb gezegd click to hear 2 I have said, spoken ik heb gesproken click to hear I have spoken
wat zegt U? click to hear 2 3 'what [do] did you say?'
wie zegt dat 't gaat regenen? click to hear 'who says that it's going to rain?'
zeg dat het niet zo is click to hear 'say it ain't so'
zoals ik al zei click to hear 2 3 ['as I already said'] 'as I said before'
ik zei "nee" click to hear 'I said "no"'
hij zei niet veel click to hear 'he didn't say much'
zeg het voort click to hear 2 ['say it forth'] 'pass it on (the message)'
hoe zeg je dat in het Nederlands? click to hear 2 'how do you say that in Dutch?'
zeg het in je eigen woorden click to hear 2 'say it in your own words'
ze zeggen dat er niet genoeg tijd is click to hear 'they say there's not enough time'
dat boek zegt dat hij dat gedaan heeft click to hear 2 3 'that book says that he [has done] did that'
men zegt dat in Kentucky het gras blauw is click to hear 2
men zegt dat het gras blauw is in Kentucky click to hear
'[people say] it is said that in Kentucky the grass is blue'
'[people say] it is said that the grass is blue in Kentucky'
more 'zeggen'
Goropius zegt dat Adam en Eva Nederlands spraken click to hear 2
Adam en Eva spraken Nederlands in het Paradijs click to hear
'Goropius says that Adam and Eve spoke Dutch'
'Adam and Eve spoke Dutch in Paradise'
(het) gesprek click to hear 2 'conversation'
(het) spreekuur click to hear 2 ['speaking hour'] walk-in office hours of a doctor or an official
ik spreek Nederlands click to hear 2 1. 'I am speaking Dutch' 2. 'I can speak Dutch' (I have that ability)
je spreekt goed Nederlands click to hear 2 'you speak [good Dutch] Dutch well'
hij spreekt vloeiend Nederlands click to hear 2 'he speaks Dutch fluently, he is fluent in Dutch'
met twee woorden spreken click to hear 2 ['speak with 2 words'] 'speak politely'
more 'spreken'

to think - denken click to hear / to hope - hopen click to hear 2

ik denk
jij denkt
hij denkt
wij denken
jullie denken
zij denken
U denkt
click to hear
(to think)
(I think)
(you think)
(he thinks)
(we think)
(you think)
(they think)
(you think)

ik dacht
jij dacht
hij dacht
wij dachten
jullie dachten
zij dachten
U dacht
click to hear 2

(I thought)
(you thought)
(he thought)
(we thought)
(you thought)
(they thought)
(you thought)

ik hoop
jij hoopt
hij hoopt
wij hopen
jullie hopen
zij hopen
U hoopt
click to hear
(to hope)
(I hope)
(you hope)
(he hopes)
(we hope)
(you hope)
(they hope)
(you hope)

ik hoopte
jij hoopte
hij hoopte
wij hoopten
jullie hoopten
zij hoopten
U hoopte
click to hear

I hoped
you hoped
he hoped
we hoped
you hoped
they hoped
you hoped
ik heb gedacht click to hear I have thought
ik had gedacht click to hear 2 I was thinking
ik heb gehoopt click to hear 2 I have hoped
ik had gehoopt click to hear I was hoping
ik denk dat het te laat is click to hear 'I think (that) it's too late'
hij denkt dat ik het gedroomd heb click to hear 2 'he thinks (that) I [dreamed it] saw it in a dream'
denk je dat het gaat regenen? click to hear 'do you think (that) it's going to rain?'
more 'denken'
ik hoop dat het op tijd is click to hear 'I hope that it's in time'
more hope

to give - geven click to hear 2 / to find - vinden click to hear 2

ik geef
jij geeft
hij geeft
wij geven
jullie geven
zij geven
U geeft
click to hear
to give
(I give)
(you give)
(he gives)
(we give)
(you give)
(they give)
(you give)

ik gaf
jij gaf
hij gaf
wij gaven
jullie gaven
zij gaven
U gaf
click to hear
(to give)
(I gave)
(you gave)
(he gave)
(we gave)
(you gave)
(they gave)
(you gave)

geef jij?
gaf jij?
click to hear

(are you giving?)
(did you give?)
ik heb gegeven click to hear I have given
- more 'geven' sample sentences
ik vind
jij vindt
hij vindt
wij vinden
jullie vinden
zij vinden
U vindt
click to hear
(to find)
(I find)
(you find)
(he finds)
(we find)
(you find)
(they find)
(you find)

ik vond
jij vond
hij vond
wij vonden
jullie vonden
zij vonden
U vond
click to hear 2

(I found)
(you found)
(he found)
(we found)
(you found)
(they found)
(you found)
ik heb gevonden click to hear I have found
'Vinden' is also often used when stating an opinion, like 'I think' in English.
geef ons heden ons dagelijks brood click to hear 2 'give us this day our daily bread'
les geven click to hear
college geven click to hear 2
ik geef Nederlands click to hear
['to give lesson'] 'to teach'
'to teach classes at a college or university'
'I [give] teach Dutch'
ik heb jullie veel woorden gegeven click to hear 2 'I have given you (all) many words'
ik geef Marietje bloemen click to hear
ik geef bloemen aan Marietje click to hear
geef haar de bloemen click to hear
hij geeft haar gele rozen click to hear
'I'm giving Mary flowers' (think of: 'bloom')
'I'm giving flowers to Mary'
'give her the flowers'
'he's giving her yellow roses'
Jan heeft Piet een boek gegeven click to hear
Jan heeft een boek aan Piet gegeven click to hear 2
'John has given Pete a book'
'John has given a book to Pete'
ik gaf hem een hand click to hear 2
ik hielp hem een handje click to hear
[NOT: 'I gave him a hand'] 'I shook his hand'
['I helped him a hand'] 'I lent him a hand,
I helped him out'

Karel geeft Elly een ring click to hear 'Charles gives Alice a ring'
Bob geeft het aan Els click to hear 2 'Bob gives it to Alice'
het geeft de mensen hoop click to hear 'it gives the people hope'
ik gaf hem een kwartje click to hear 'I gave him a quarter' (25¢)
een gegeven paard click to hear 2 'a [given] gift horse'
't geeft niet click to hear 2 3 4 ['it gives not'] 'it doesn't matter'
ik kan 't niet vinden click to hear 2 3 'I can't find it'
ik vind er niks aan click to hear ['I find nothing in it'] 'I don't care for it,
it's not interesting to me'
ik vond er niet veel aan click to hear ['I did not find much in it'] 'I didn't care
for it, it was not interesting to me'
- a few more sample sentences

to do - doen click to hear 2 / to make - maken click to hear 2

ik doe
jij doet
hij doet
wij doen
jullie doen
zij doen
U doet
click to hear
to do
(I do)
(you do)
(he does)
(we do)
(you do)
(they do)
(you do)

ik deed
jij deed
hij deed
wij deden
jullie deden
zij deden
U deed
click to hear

(I did)
(you did)
(he did)
(we did)
(you did)
(they did)
(you did)

ik maak
jij maakt
hij maakt
wij maken
jullie maken
zij maken
U maakt
click to hear
to make
(I make)
(you make)
(he makes)
(we make)
(you make)
(they make)
(you make)

ik maakte
jij maakte
hij maakte
wij maakten
jullie maakten
zij maakten
U maakte
click to hear

(I made)
(you made)
(he made)
(we made)
(you made)
(they made)
(you made)
ik heb gedaan click to hear I have done ik heb gemaakt click to hear I have made
Dutch does not use 'to do' as an auxiliary verb in questions or negative statements.
een stap doen click to hear 'to [do] take a step'
hoe doe je dat? click to hear 'how do you do that?'
hoe heb je dat gedaan? click to hear 'how did you do that?'
wat ben je aan 't doen? click to hear 'what are you doing?'
('what are you busy with?')
waarom doe je dat? click to hear 2 3 'why do you do that?'
wat kan ik voor U doen? click to hear 2 ['what can I do for you?']
'can I help you?'
doe-het-zelf click to hear 'do-it-yourself (DIY)'
doe je best click to hear 2 ['do your best']
'give it your best'
ik heb 't niet gedaan click to hear
wij hebben 't niet gedaan click to hear
'I [have] did not do it'
'we [have] did not do it'
je hebt 't goed gedaan click to hear 'you have done it [good] well'
veel gedoe om niks click to hear 'much ado about nothing'
dat is teveel gedoe click to hear 2 'that's too much [ado] hassle'
er is niks aan te doen click to hear
short: niks aan te doen! click to hear 2 3
['there is nothing to be done (about it)']
'nothing can be done about it, it can't be helped'
ik kan er niks aan doen click to hear ['I can't do anything about it']
'I can't help it'
er is nog veel te doen click to hear 2 'there is still much [to do] to be done'
april doet wat-ie wil click to hear 2 ['April does [what] as [he] it likes']
April weather is unpredictable
hoe doen je kinderen 't op school? click to hear 'how are your kids doing in school?'
more 'doen'

muziek maken click to hear
meer muziek maken click to hear
'make music, play'
'make more music, play more' (a resolution)
hoe maakt U het? click to hear [NOT: 'how make'] 'how are you doing?' (polite)
't maakt me niet uit click to hear 2 ['it makes no difference to me'] 'it doesn't matter'
honger maakt rauwe bonen zoet click to hear 2 'hunger makes raw beans [taste] sweet'
more 'maken'

to help - helpen click to hear 2 / to sleep - slapen click to hear

ik slaap
jij slaapt
hij slaapt
wij slapen
jullie slapen
zij slapen
U slaapt
click to hear
(to sleep)
(I sleep)
(you sleep)
(he sleeps)
(we sleep)
(you sleep)
(they sleep)
(you sleep)

ik sliep
jij sliep
hij sliep
wij sliepen
jullie sliepen
zij sliepen
U sliep
click to hear 2

(I slept)
(you slept)
(he slept)
(we slept)
(you slept)
(they slept)
(you slept)

ik help
jij helpt
hij helpt
wij helpen
jullie helpen
zij helpen
U helpt
click to hear

(I help)
(you help)
(he helps)
(we help)
(you help)
(they help)
(you help)

ik hielp
jij hielp
hij hielp
wij hielpen
jullie hielpen
zij hielpen
U hielp
click to hear

(I helped)
(you helped)
(he helped)
(we helped)
(you helped)
(they helped)
(you helped)
ik heb geslapen click to hear 2 I have slept - more on sleep ik heb geholpen click to hear 2 I have helped
ik ben geholpen click to hear 2 I was helped
heb je goed geslapen? click to hear 2 ['have you slept good?'] 'did you sleep well?'
ik heb niet geslapen click to hear 2 ['I have not slept'] 'I did not sleep'
hij sliep als een os click to hear 2 'he slept [as] like [an ox] a log'
(de) slaapkamer click to hear ['sleeping chamber'] 'bedroom'
- much more about sleep and to sleep

help! click to hear 2 'help me!' - 'I need help' - emergencies
wie heeft je geholpen? click to hear 'who has helped you, who attended to you?'
alle beetjes helpen click to hear ['all bits help'] 'every little bit helps'
Een handje helpen click to hear 'to give, lend a hand, to help, assist'
Ik hielp hem een handje click to hear 'I gave him a hand, I helped him'
ze hielp hen met de vertaling click to hear she helped them with the translation
Wie helpt er met de afwas? click to hear 2 3 4 Who'll help (with) doing the dishes?
Ik probeerde de vogels te helpen click to hear I tried to help the birds
Ik heb geprobeerd te helpen click to hear 2 I've tried to help, be of assistance
Ik heb geprobeerd de vogels te helpen click to hear 2 I've tried to help the birds
Wanneer de pillen niet meer helpen ... click to hear 2 3 When the pills don't help, don't work anymore ...
Ik help jullie begrijpen ... click to hear 2 3 I'm helping you guys understand ...
Ze hielp hem ontsnappen click to hear 2 3 She helped him escape
Ik heb 'm aan een baan geholpen click to hear 2 3 4 I [helped him find] got him a job
ik heb helpen ... click to hear 2 3 I have helped (to) ... ‑>>
Ik heb helpen organiseren ... click to hear 2 3 I have helped organize, set up ...
Ik heb helpen betalen click to hear 2 3 I have helped pay
ik heb geholpen click to hear 2 I have helped, assisted
ik ben geholpen geworden click to hear 2 I was helped, I have been helped, I was attended to ‑>>
(de) hulp click to hear help, assistance
hulpeloos click to hear 2 3 helpless
behulpzaam click to hear 2 helpful
(het) hulpwerkwoord click to hear auxiliary verb
hulpbehoevend click to hear in (permanent) need of help
hulp-in-de-huishouding click to hear 2 [helper in the household]
domestic help, 'maid'

We vragen om hulp click to hear 2 3 We're asking for help, assistance Ze vroegen ons om hulp click to hear 2 They asked us for help, assistance Ze boden hulp aan click to hear They offered help, assistance Ik heb hulp nodig click to hear 2 I need help Als gehandicapte heb ik soms hulp nodig click to hear 2 3 As a person with a disability I sometimes need help een kleinigheid als dank voor je hulp click to hear 2 3 4 a small gift as thanks for, in gratitude of your help ‑>>

to laugh - lachen click to hear 2 / to wait - wachten click to hear - 'weak' verbs

ik lach
jij lacht
hij lacht
wij lachen
jullie lachen
zij lachen
U lacht
click to hear

(I laugh)
(you laugh)
(he laughs)
(we laugh)
(you laugh)
(they laugh)
(you laugh)

ik lachte
jij lachte
hij lachte
wij lachten
jullie lachten
zij lachten
U lachte
click to hear 2

(I laughed)
(you laughed)
(he laughed)
(we laughed)
(you laughed)
(they laughed)
(you laughed)
ik heb gelachen click to hear I have laughed, I was laughing
ik wacht
jij wacht
hij wacht
wij wachten
jullie wachten
zij wachten
U wacht
click to hear 2
(to wait, to be waiting)
(I am waiting)
(you are waiting)
(he is waiting)
(we are waiting)
(you are waiting)
(they are waiting)
(you are waiting)

ik wachtte
jij wachtte
hij wachtte
wij wachtten *
jullie wachtten
zij wachtten
U wachtte
click to hear

(I was waiting)
(you were waiting)
(he was waiting)
(we were waiting)
(you were waiting)
(they were waiting)
(you were waiting)
ik heb gewacht click to hear I have waited
(het) lachebekje click to hear 2 a young person, usually a girl, with a quick laugh
de zangeres lacht click to hear the lady singer is laughing
de lachende zangeres click to hear the laughing lady singer
lachen is gezond click to hear 2 laughing is [healthy] good for you
hij lacht hard click to hear 'he is laughing loudly'
wij lachen luid click to hear we laugh loudly
ik heb hem nooit horen lachen click to hear 2 3 I've never heard him laugh
Met hem kun je lachen click to hear 2 3 4 5 [With him you can laugh] - he's a funny guy
ik lachte me een kriek click to hear I had a good laugh
Ik lag in een deuk click to hear 2 I was laughing almost uncontrollably, I was in stitches (ROFL)
er is niks te lachen click to hear 2 3 ['there is nothing to laugh (about)'] - 'it's no laughing matter, it's not funny'
't lachen zal je vergaan click to hear 2 3 4 [your lauching will stop] - you may now think it's funny but you'll come to regret it
Laat me niet lachen click to hear 2 Don't make me laugh (What you're suggesting is ridiculous)
Ze lachten erom click to hear 2 3 They laughed at it, they didn't take it seriously
Niemand lachte om mijn mopjes/grapjes click to hear 2 3 4 5 Nobody laughed at my jokes - more 'jokes'
Je lacht zo lief click to hear 2 3 You [laugh] smile so sweetly
(de) lach click to hear laugh
(de) schaterlach click to hear 2 3 4 peal, burst of laughter
(de) glimlach click to hear 2 3 / glimlachen click to hear smile / to smile
er kan geen lachje vanaf click to hear 2 3 'there's not a smile to spare' - in a bad mood
belachelijk click to hear 2 ['laughable'] 'ridiculous'
belachelijk maken click to hear to ridicule
Ze maakte hem belachelijk click to hear 2 3 4 5 6 She ridiculed him
de slappe lach click to hear 2 3
hebben click to hear  /  krijgen click to hear
an uncontrollable fit of laughter
to have  /  to start

(de) wachtkamer click to hear 2 'waiting [chamber] room'
(de) wachttijd click to hear 2 waiting period, delay
wacht even click to hear 2 wait a moment, 'hold'
wacht eens even! click to hear 2 now wait a moment!
Waar wacht je op? click to hear 2 3 What are you waiting for?
laten we tot morgen wachten click to hear 'let's wait till tomorrow'
Wachten tot je een ons weegt click to hear 2 3 4 (saying) ['waiting until you weigh 100 grams (~3 ounces)'] - a very long wait
Hij liet ons een uur wachten click to hear 2 3 4 He [let] made us wait for an hour
Hij wachtte geduldig op z'n beurt click to hear 2 3 He waited patiently for his turn
Moest je lang wachten? click to hear 2 3 4 Did you have to wait long?
We zitten te wachten click to hear 2 We're waiting
Ik zat te wachten op ... click to hear I was waiting for ...
Ik zat te wachten op een telefoontje click to hear I was waiting for a phone call
Ze zit erop te wachten click to hear 2 3 She's sitting around waiting for it - she expects or needs it soon
We staan te wachten op een taxi click to hear 2 3 We're waiting for a taxi
Dat staat ons ook te wachten click to hear 2 That is waiting for us too, we can expect that too
Hij wilde wachten tot ... click to hear 2 He wanted to wait till ...
Ik had willen wachten tot ... click to hear 2 3 I had wanted to wait till ... (but that didn't happen, something came up)
Ik had zullen wachten click to hear 2 3 I was going to wait, the plan was that I would wait (but it didn't happen)
Ik had willen wachten tot ... click to hear 2 3 I had wanted to wait till ... (but that didn't happen, something came up)
Ik hoefde niet te wachten click to hear 2 I didn't have to wait
Ik heb niet hoeven wachten click to hear 2 I didn't have to wait
Ik heb niet hoeven te wachten click to hear 2 I didn't have to wait ‑>>
Ik ga er niet op wachten click to hear 2 3 4 I'm not going to wait for it
wachten met betalen click to hear 2 waiting with paying, postponing payment
'wachten' and 'wachtten' sound the same
wij lachen click to hear 2 we are laughing wij wachten click to hear we are waiting
wij lachten click to hear 2 we laughed wij wachtten click to hear 2 we waited

to smile
- ik glimlach
I'm smiling
- ik glimlachte
I smiled
- ik heb geglimlacht
I have smiled
click to hear

See also: verwachten click to hear 2 'to expect' and wacht click to hear 'guard'

A Few More Verbs

For completeness' sake I'll mention a few more recognizable verbs. You may already have seen them on other 'Easy Dutch' pages. Some of the verbs below are a bit obscure and you may never have a need for them. Others may move to the chapters above someday.

Similar but of limited use:

graven click to hear 2 'to dig' - think of: 'a grave' ‑>>
begraven click to hear 'to bury'
knagen click to hear 2 3 'to gnaw'
kraken click to hear 2 'to creak, to crack, to break' *
schaatsen click to hear 'to skate'
schrapen click to hear 2 'to scrape'
staren click to hear 2 'to stare'
waden click to hear 2 'to wade'
waken click to hear 2 3 'to wake, stay alert and awake'
zagen click to hear 2 'to cut with a saw'
maaien click to hear 'to mow' (grass)
bakken click to hear 'to bake' ‑>>
barsten click to hear 2 'to burst, crack'
danken click to hear 2 'to thank' (the Lord) ‑>>
bedanken click to hear 2 'to thank'
dansen click to hear 2 'to dance'
hangen click to hear 'to hang up things'
knabbelen click to hear 2 'to nibble'
slachten click to hear 2 'to butcher, slaughter'
vasten click to hear 'to fast, eat no food'
bleken click to hear 'to bleach'
kneden click to hear 2 'to knead' ‑>>
stelen click to hear 2 'to steal' ‑>>
wegen click to hear 'to weigh'
zweren click to hear 2 'to swear' (oaths) ‑>>
zweten click to hear 2 'to sweat'
bengelen click to hear 2 3 'to dangle'
slenteren click to hear 2 'to saunter'
smelten click to hear 2 'to melt' ‑>>
sprenkelen click to hear 2 'to sprinkle'
sterven click to hear 'to die' (think of: 'to starve')
trekken click to hear 2 3 'to pull, drag'
vertellen click to hear 'to tell'
zwellen click to hear 2 'to swell' ‑>>
zwemmen click to hear 'to swim' ‑>>
giechelen click to hear 2 to giggle
knielen click to hear to kneel, genuflect
liegen click to hear 'to lie' (to say what is not) ‑>>
niezen click to hear 2 3 'to sneeze'
verliezen click to hear 2 'to lose' ‑>>
gillen click to hear 2 3 'to shriek, to yell'
gissen click to hear 2 'to guess'
gisten click to hear 2 'to ferment' (think of: 'yeast')
springen click to hear 2 'to jump, spring' ‑>>
tsjirpen click to hear / tsjilpen click to hear 'to chirp'
verspillen click to hear 'to waste' (think of: 'to spoil' / 'to spill')
wringen click to hear 'to wring' ‑>>
zinken click to hear 2 'to sink' (passive only) ‑>>
blozen click to hear 'to blush'
dopen click to hear 2 'to dip; to baptize' ‑>>
dromen click to hear 2 'to dream' ‑>>
koken click to hear 2 'to cook' and also: 'to boil'
stoven click to hear 2 'to stew'
gorgelen click to hear 2 'to gargle'
sloffen click to hear 2 'to walk tiredly' - think of: 'to slog'
trommelen click to hear 2 'to drum'
smokkelen click to hear 2 'to smuggle' *
strompelen click to hear 2 'to stumble, walk with difficulty'
worstelen click to hear 2 3 'to wrestle'
huren click to hear 'to rent, hire' ‑>>
kuchen click to hear 2 'to cough'
snurken click to hear 'to snore'
zuchten click to hear 2 'to sigh'
leiden click to hear 'to lead' ‑>>
veinzen click to hear to feign, pretend
smijten click to hear 2 3 'to throw angrily' (think of: 'to smite') ‑>>
wrijven click to hear 2 'to rub' ‑>>
leunen click to hear 2 'to lean'
smeulen click to hear 2 'to smolder'
doezelen click to hear 2 'to doze, half-sleep'
groeten click to hear 'to greet'
voederen click to hear 2 'to feed' (animals)
voelen click to hear 2 'to feel'
bloeien click to hear 'to bloom, flower'
bloeden click to hear 2 'to bleed'
groeien click to hear 2 3 'to grow'
roeien click to hear 2 'to row'
vloeien click to hear 'to flow'
druipen click to hear 2 'to drip' ‑>>
huilen click to hear 'to howl' (wolves); 'to cry' (tears) ‑>>
kruipen click to hear 'to crawl'
luisteren click to hear 'to listen' ‑>>
schuiven click to hear 2 3 'to shove'
sluimeren click to hear 'to slumber'
tuimelen click to hear 'to tumble'
bouwen click to hear 'to build' ‑>>
brouwen click to hear 'to brew'
houden click to hear 2 'to hold' ‑>>
vouwen click to hear 2 'to fold'

Verb Rules - 60 Complete Verbs - Grammar Overview

<< 1 << 2 Wordt Vervolgd click to hear To Be Continued

I originally planned a fourth 'Easy Dutch' page about word order - but you can find what I had in mind on the One-Page Dutch Summary

email - Copyright © Marco Schuffelen 2013. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, redistributed, or hotlinked to.
Don't be a dief (thief) / dievegge (female thief) - diefstal (theft) - stelen (to steal) - heler (dealer in stolen goods) - hear Dutch - 2