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This page is in flux. Several of the original paragraphs have already
been upgraded and became separate pages, like:
- Food and Drink
- Travel
- Sleep
- Jobs and Lines of Work
- The Senses
- Health and Medical
- Sayings and Idiom
See also: Basic Phrases
- 2
- 3 and
Speaking Dutch,
Speaking about Dutch
And see also:
Conversation Words
Still Remaining on This Page: | ||||||
Opening Remarks - Letters | |
Phatic Remarks and Questions | |
Opinions | |
Colloquial |
Statement Modifiers | |
General | |
Time | |
Music | |
Movies | |
Books | |
Laments |
| |||||||
In general, I write 'Beste' but to my mother, sisters or wife I
would write 'Lieve.' People younger than me may write 'Hallo.' Formal letters should start with 'Geachte Heer,' or 'Geachte Mevrouw,' or 'Mijne Heren, Dames,' (search the Internet for 'titulatuur') |
Opening Remarks | see also: Birthday |
Bedankt voor je brief 2 | Thank you for your letter. |
Hoe is 't ermee? | How are you? |
Met mij gaat 't goed. | I'm fine. |
Maak je geen zorgen over mij. | Don't worry about me. |
Hoe is het met je moeder?
alternatives: |
How is your mother? vader ('father') - baby ('baby') - kindje 2 ('little one') man ('husband') - vrouw ('wife') - see also: Family vriendin ('girlfriend') - vriend ('boyfriend') |
Heb je 't leuk gehad? | Did you have a good time? |
Heb je wat leuks gedaan in het weekend? | Did you do something nice in the weekend? |
Hoe doen je kinderen 't op school? | How are your kids doing at school? |
Hoe is 't op school? 2 | How are things at school? (in Dutch, 'school' is only elementary or secondary school, not college or university.) |
Hoe gaat 't met je studie? | How is school? (literally: your studies.) |
Ik ben blij dat je voor het examen geslaagd bent. 2 | I'm glad you passed the test. |
Ik ben blij dat het goed is afgelopen. | I'm glad it came to a good end (ended well.) |
Ik word droevig van de toestand in de wereld. 2 | I'm saddened by the state of the world. |
Phatic Remarks and Questions | |
Heb je goed geslapen?
2 Heb je lekker geslapen? 2 |
Did you sleep well? |
Heb je 't koud? 2 3 | Are you cold? |
Wat heb je gegeten? 2 | What have you eaten? What did you have for lunch/dinner? |
Waar heb je gegeten? 2 | Where have you eaten? Where did you go to eat? |
Heb je lekker gegeten? | Did you enjoy your meal(s)? |
Was 't lekker? 2 | Was it good? Did you enjoy it? |
Dat is een goede vraag. 2 3 | That's a good question. |
Dat is een ander verhaal. 2 | That's another story. |
| |
Weather | chapter became separate page: Weather 2 (more than 125 lines) |
| |
Travel | chapter became separate page: Talking about Travel |
| |
Work | chapter became separate page: Jobs and Lines of Work |
| |
Health | moved to: Medical |
| |
Opinion | see also: Conversation Subjects |
Het boeide me niet. | [It did not grab my attention] It was not really interesting. |
Ik vind er niks aan | It's not interesting, I don't care for it |
Dat geloof ik niet! | I don't think that's true! |
Wat denk jij d'r van? 2 | What do you think [of it]? |
Vertel de waarheid! 2 | Speak the truth! Tell us what really happened! | Ik ben van gedachten veranderd. | I changed my mind. |
Ik zag op het nieuws dat er ... | I saw on the news that ... |
't Is maar een verhaaltje. | It's only a story. |
tegen beter weten in 2 3 | against (my, his) better judgement |
zonder nadenken 2 | unthinkingly, without thinking about it |
Colloquial | |
Gek hè. 2 | Funny, isn't it? (literally: crazy, weird) |
Nou en? | [Now and?] So what? |
Echt waar? 2 | Really? |
Wat een onzin! 2 | Such nonsense! |
Wat een verschil! 2 3 | What a difference! |
Dat is interessant. 2 (3) | That's interesting. Fascinating! |
Maar gaat U verder. 2 3 | But - please continue. |
Dat zie je zo. 2 | You notice that right away. |
Dat was te verwachten. 2 | That was to be expected, no surprises here. |
't Verbaast me niks. 2 | I am not surprised. |
Dat is ook goed 2 | That's also OK, that's all right too |
Dat is een goed idee | That's a good idea |
Wat is er aan de hand?
2 Er is wat aan de hand 2 |
What's going on? 'There's something [unusual, fishy] going on' |
Ga je gang. | Go ahead, do it your way. |
Ben je boos? | Are you angry? |
Wat vervelend! | What a bore! It sucks. (literally: How unpleasant, annoying.) |
Als 't moet 2 | 'if it has to be, if there is no other way' |
Moet je niet doen! | Not a good idea to do that! |
Moet kunnen! 2 | It should be possible, you should be allowed to do that |
Ga je mee? | Are you coming (with us)? |
Ga zitten 2 | Have a seat |
Wat kan ik voor U doen? 2 | (What can I do for you?) Can I help you? |
Te veel gedoe | Too much hassle |
Dat is te veel gedoe 2 | That's too much hassle |
Wat jammer! | It's a pity. |
Misschien valt 't mee 2 | 'Maybe it will not be as bad as we're afraid of' |
't Had erger kunnen zijn. | It could have been worse. |
Schiet op! 2 | 'Hurry up, don't be slow' |
Ik weet 't niet. | I don't know [it.] |
Dat weet ik niet. 2 | I don't know about that. |
Dat wist ik niet. 2 | I didn't know that. |
Daar weet ik niks van. 2 | I [know nothing] don't know anything about it |
Hij weet waar-(d)ie het over heeft ( 2) | He knows what he's talking about, he knows his stuff. (Sometimes a D is added to 'ie' for easier pronunciation |
Hij heeft er niet lang over nagedacht 2 | 'He didn't think long about it' |
En jij gelooft dat?
En gij geleuft dat? 2 3 |
'And you believe that is true?' Try a kind-of Limburg accent version: |
Al zeg ik 't zelf. 2 3 | If I may say so (myself.) |
Als ik dat vragen mag. | If I may ask [that.] |
't Gaat me niet aan. | It's none of my business. |
't Gaat je niets aan. | It's none of your business. | 't Geeft niet. 2 3 | It doesn't matter, it's OK, don't worry about it. |
't Maakt me niet uit. 2 | It doesn't matter to me. |
't Kan me niet schelen. 2 | I don't care. |
't Kan me geen zier schelen. 2 3 | I don't care at all. |
Er is niks te lachen 2 3 | [There is nothing to laugh about.] It's not funny. |
Ik moet er niet aan denken. 2 | I'd rather not think about it, I'm afraid to consider. |
Ik vind het heel erg | I think it's very bad, I'm upset |
Vertel eens wat leuks. 2 | Tell (us, me) something nice. |
Wie weet er nog een mop? | Anyone has a joke to tell? |
Iets om naar uit te kijken. 2 | Something to look forward to. |
Eerlijk zullen we alles delen
2 Eerlijk delen! |
We'll share everything [honestly] fairly between us telling children to share something fairly between them |
Er moet nog hard gewerkt.
('worden' is dropped from the line) |
It still needs a lot of work |
Het is bewerkelijk. | It is a lot of work. |
Dan hoor je het ook eens van een ander 2 | ~ You'll hear it from someone else, then. |
Heb je Piet gekend?
Heb je Piet nog gekend? |
Have you known Piet?
Have you still known Piet? (Piet has died or moved away) |
Wat is er van hem geworden? 2 | What has become of him? |
Wat is er met Jan? 2 3 | What is with Jan? (There is something going on, he's not his usual self) |
Statement Modifiers | Fine-tuning your comments |
(het) commentaar 2 | comment |
volgens mij ... | [According to me ...] I think ... |
als je goed kijkt ... 2 | upon closer inspection, when you look closely ... |
bij nader inzien ... | upon closer (inspection?) reflection, now that I think about it ... |
Het betekent dat ... 2 | It means that ... |
min of meer | more or less |
Een klein beetje
2 Een heel klein beetje 2 |
a little bit, a small amount a very small amount |
trouwens | by the way ... |
eigenlijk 2 (3) | actually |
zonder twijfel |
undoubtedly without doubt |
waarschijnlijk 2 | probably |
vermoedelijk | supposed(ly), supposed, presumptive |
blijkbaar | apparently |
schijnbaar | seeming, seemingly |
geloofwaardig | [belief-worthy] credible |
vanzelfsprekend | self-evident |
natuurlijk | [naturally] of course |
enzovoort 2 | etcetera - think of: 'and so forth' |
't zou kunnen 2 | it could be, it's possible |
General | See also: New Year's Resolutions |
Leer de regels! | Learn the rules. |
Leer me de regels. | Teach me the rules. |
Conversation Problems | chapter became separate page: Speaking Dutch, Speaking about Dutch |
Time | See also: Lesson 6:
Time or the Time Thesaurus |
Hoe laat is het? 2 | What's the time? What time is it? |
Weet jij hoe laat het is? 2 | Do you know what time it is? |
Heb je nog even tijd? | Do you still have a moment? |
't Wordt laat. 2 | It's getting late. |
Er is nooit genoeg tijd. | There's never enough time. |
Op tijd naar bed | Go to bed in time |
't Komt slecht uit. | It's not a good time. |
Ik wil er nog een nachtje over slapen. 2 | I'd like to sleep on it, take a decision tomorrow. |
Als 't mee zit is het morgen klaar | If we're lucky, if things work out well, it will be ready tomorrow |
Als 't tegen zit kan 't nog wel een week duren | If we're unlucky, if things don't work out, it may take a week |
Waar blijft de tijd? 2 3 | Where does the time go? |
Food and Drinks | chapter became separate page:
Conversations: Eating and Drinking, Food Phrases (about 200 lines) |
Music | see also: Music Vocabulary - Musicians |
Vorige week vrijdag was er een concert van ... | Last week Friday there was a concert by ... |
Hij speelde Schubert en Chopin. | He played Schubert and Chopin. |
Ik luister nog vaak naar ... 2 | I still (often) listen to ... |
De CD ... van ... draai ik ook nog vaak. | I still often play the CD ... by ... |
Een paar maanden geleden zijn we naar een optreden van ... geweest. 2 | A few months ago we were at a ... concert. |
M'n zoon vond 't erg leuk. | My son really enjoyed it. |
Movies | see also: Media |
Vanavond gaan we naar de bioscoop. | Tonight we'll go to the cinema. |
Zullen we naar de film gaan? 2 | Shall we go see a movie? |
Gisteren heb ik ... weer eens gezien. | Yesterday I've seen ... again. |
Het is een fantastische film. | It's a great movie. |
't Was de derde keer dat ik 'm zag. | It was the third time I saw it. |
Ik vond het nog steeds erg goed. | I still thought it was great. |
De film ... van ... vind ik ook erg goed. | I also really like the movie ... by ... (literally: I think it's very good.) |
Vorige week hebben we ... gezien. | Last week we've seen ... |
Ik vond er niet veel aan. | I did not like it. (I didn't care for it.) |
Books | |
Ik heb een boek gekocht 2 | I have bought a book |
Heb je de laatste tijd nog een goed boek gelezen? | Have you read a good book lately? |
Ik heb laatst 'Startide Rising' nog eens gelezen. | Recently I've read ... again. |
't Is een van m'n favoriete Science-Fictionboeken. | It's one of my favorite Science Fiction books. >> |
Ik heb 't met veel plezier gelezen. 2 | I really enjoyed reading it. (literally: I read it with great pleasure.) |
Het boek gaat over dolfijnen. | The book is about dolphins. |
Ik wil weten hoe 't afloopt. 2 | I want to know [how it ends] the ending. |
't Enige boek dat dit goed beschrijft. 2 3 | The only book that describes (deals with) this well. |
't Deed me denken aan een boek ... 2 | It made me think of a book ... |
Ik heb 't boek uit | I finished (reading) the book |
Laments | |
Er is nog zò veel te doen! 2 3 4 | There is still soooo much to do |
Er gaat altijd zoveel mis! 2 | So many things go wrong, all the time! |
Er is elke dag weer te weinig tijd | Every day again, [too little] not enough time |
Het blijft tobben. | It's never easy, things never go entirely right. |
Ik word er doodmoe van.
2 Ik word er misselijk van 2 |
I'm getting so tired of it.
It makes me sick. (figuratively) |
Al die moeite voor niks! | All that [effort] trouble wasted! (literally: for nothing) |
Er is altijd wel iets.
D'r is ook altijd wat. |
There's always something (bad, unexpected, complicating things.) |
Ik word geleefd
Ik heb geen moment voor mezelf 2 3 |
[I am being lived] I have no life of my own
I don't have any time to myself |
Ik kan er niet meer tegen 2 3 | I can't stand it anymore |
't Heeft toch geen enkele zin
't Maakt toch allemaal niks uit 2 |
It's no use, nothing can be done, it's hopeless
It doesn't make any difference, it's no use |
Ik word er gek van
Ik erger me dood 2 3 't Irriteert me mateloos 2 3 |
It's driving me nuts
I'm annoyed to no end I'm very irritated by it, major annoyance |
't Had zoveel mooier kunnen zijn | It could have been so much [more beautiful] nicer |
Alles blijft veranderen. | Everything keeps changing. (Not necessarily a lament. Some change is good.) |
Ik kan het niet meer bijhouden. 2 | I can't keep up with it. |
Waaraan heb ik dit verdiend?
2 Waaraan heb ik dit te danken? 2 |
What did I do to deserve this? (misfortune, disability) |
Waarom moet 't zo moeilijk zijn? 2 | Why [should] is it so difficult? |
Waarom kan 't niet gemakkelijk zijn? 2 | Why [can't it be] isn't it easy? |
Waar is de dankbaarheid? 2 3 | Where is the gratitude? |
Send me your suggestions by email
More Phrases:
The Most Basic Phrases -
- Food and Drink
- Travel
- Sleep
- Fun Things to Say
- Jobs and Lines of Work
- The Senses
- Speaking Dutch, Speaking about Dutch
- Sayings and Idiom
Further Study:
Basic Dutch Words
- Pictures Dictionary
- Easy Dutch
- Lessons
- Pronunciation
- Listening
- Reading
- Grammar
email -
Copyright © Marco Schuffelen 2010.
All rights reserved.
This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, redistributed,
or hotlinked to.
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dievegge (female thief) -
diefstal (theft) -
stelen (to steal) -
heler (dealer in stolen goods) -
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