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Dutch Verb Vragen ('to Ask') - Smartphones Page

Sample Sentences
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vragen click to hear 2 'to ask' is a strong verb:

to ask
- vroeg
- gevraagd
click to hear

vragen to ask
ik vraag I'm asking
wij vragen we're asking
ik vroeg I asked
wij vroegen we asked
ik heb gevraagd I have asked
click to hear 2

simple present tense
vragen to ask
ik vraag I'm asking
jij vraagt you are asking (singular, informal you)
hij vraagt he is asking
wij vragen we are asking
jullie vragen you are asking (plural, informal you)
zij vragen they are asking
U vraagt you are asking (polite you)
click to hear 2

simple past tense
vragen to ask
ik vroeg I asked
jij vroeg you asked
hij vroeg he asked
wij vroegen we asked
jullie vroegen y'all asked
zij vroegen they asked
U vroeg you asked
click to hear

present perfect tense
ik heb gevraagd click to hear 2 I have asked
auxiliary verb hebben
passive voice
ik word gevraagd click to hear 2 I am asked (to ...)
ik werd gevraagd click to hear 2 I was asked (to ...)
ik ben gevraagd geworden click to hear 2 I have been asked (to ...) ‑>>

Sample Sentences

Vraag jij? click to hear 2 Are you asking?

Vraag niet waarom click to hear 2 Do not ask why

Als ik dat vragen mag click to hear If I may ask [that]

Mag ik U iets vragen? click to hear 2 3 [May I ...] Could I ask you something?

te eten vragen click to hear [to ask for eating together] - to invite for dinner

Hij vroeg waar 't station was click to hear 2 He asked where the station was

vragen om click to hear 2 3 'to ask for'
Ik heb er niet om gevraagd click to hear 2 3 I didn't ask for it Ze vroegen erom click to hear 2 3 They asked for it - and by extension: They wanted it - They had it coming Hij vroeg om water click to hear 2 He asked for water Hij vroeg om een glas water click to hear 2 3 He asked for a glass of water Hij vroeg om een verklaring click to hear 2 He asked for an explanation Ze vroegen om geld click to hear 2 3 They asked for money We vragen om hulp click to hear 2 3 We're asking for help, assistance Ze vroegen ons om hulp click to hear 2 They asked us for help, assistance

Vragen click to hear 2 'to ask' uses the prepositions naar click to hear or aan click to hear when there's a subject asked about

Ze vroegen naar de weg click to hear 2 3 They asked [about the way] for directions

Vraag 't aan een expert click to hear 2 3 Ask an expert, a specialist (about it)

zich afvragen click to hear [to ask yourself] - to wonder
Ik vraag me af of ... click to hear 2 I wonder if ... Ik vraag me wel eens af ... click to hear 2 (3 4) Sometimes I wonder ... Ik vraag me wel eens af of ... click to hear Sometimes I wonder if ... Ik vraag me af hoe 't komt click to hear 2 I wonder [how it comes] what's causing it, why it is Ik vraag me af waar dat goed voor is click to hear 2 3 4 I wonder what that [is good for] what the use of that is, why that is, what the point of it is

Vraag niet wat Nederland voor jou kan doen, maar vraag je af wat jij voor Nederland kunt doen click to hear 2 3 Do not ask what Holland can do for you, but ask yourself what you can do for Holland (naar president Kennedy click to hear 2 after president Kennedy) Vraag niet wat Nederland voor je kan doen, maar vraag je af wat je voor Nederland kunt doen click to hear 2 3
The 'various forms' line is better Dutch, but the 'all-je'  line is not wrong

(De) vraag click to hear 2 'question'
- plural: vragen click to hear 2 'questions'

Dat is een goede vraag click to hear 2 3 That's a good question

Ik heb een heleboel vragen click to hear 2 3 I have a great many questions

Mochten er vragen zijn click to hear [Should there be, In case that there are] - If there are questions

Dat is maar de vraag click to hear 2 3 4 That [is just] remains a question - there is no certainty about that, no definite answer

(Het) vraagteken click to hear 'question mark' ‑>>

(Het) vraaggesprek click to hear is an old-fashioned word for 'interview.' Nowadays people just use that English word

(De) vraag click to hear 2 can also mean economic 'demand'
Vraag en aanbod click to hear 2 Demand and supply Veel vraag en weinig aanbod betekent hoge prijzen click to hear 2 [Much] High demand and [little] low supply means high prices

(Het) antwoord click to hear 2 'answer'
- plural: antwoorden click to hear 'answers,' and also the verb 'to answer'
De lange vraag click to hear the long question Het korte antwoord click to hear 2 the short answer Het antwoord op Uw vraag ... click to hear the answer to your question ... Ik heb er geen antwoord op click to hear 2 3 4 I don't have an answer (or an adequate response) to it Daar heb ik geen antwoord op click to hear 2 3 I don't have an answer (or an adequate response, solution) to that

't goede antwoord click to hear 2 the correct answer, the right answer niet 't goede antwoord click to hear 2 not the correct answer, not the right answer, the wrong answer 'n fout antwoord click to hear 2 A wrong answer, an incorrect answer

Ze gaf geen antwoord click to hear 2 3 She didn't give an answer, she didn't answer Hij antwoordde niet click to hear 2 3 He didn't answer

Hij had er geen goed antwoord op click to hear 2 3 He didn't have a good answer to it (he didn't have an adequate response)

(Het) antwoordapparaat click to hear 2 'answering machine' (telephone) ‑>>

"Ja" click to hear 5 Yes
"Nee" click to hear No 'No' as 'not a, not any, zero quantity' is 'geen' click to hear ‑>> "Misschien" click to hear Maybe, perhaps ‑>>

Ja, maar ... click to hear yes, but ...
Maar jazeker! click to hear 2 But sure, certainly
Ja hoor! click to hear Yes, sure! /or/ absolutely! Ja, alstublieft click to hear 2 Yes, please (polite)
Ja, graag click to hear 2 Yes, please (informal)
Nee, dank U click to hear 2 No, thank you (polite)
Nee, dank je click to hear 2 No, thank you (informal)
Nee toch! click to hear 2 Oh no! (Said when something horrible happened or you just received bad news) Say it ain't so! I hope that it's not true! Nee maar! click to hear 2 3 No kidding! I'm amazed Ik zei "nee" click to hear 'I said "no"' Hij zei heel zachtjes 'ja' click to hear 2 3 4 5 He said 'yes' very softly Maar Uw woord ja zij ja, neen, neen click to hear 2 3 But let your 'Yes' be 'Yes' and your 'No,' 'No' (Let what you say be simply 'Yes' or 'No') - Matthew 5:37, also in James 5:12 Als Nederlander zou ik zeggen: 'Ja.' click to hear As a Dutchman I would say: "Yes!"Heb je je tanden gepoetst? click to hear 2 3 Did you brush your teeth? Ja, ik heb m'n tanden gepoetst click to hear 2 Yes, I've brushed my teeth "Heeft U bananen?" - "Nee." click to hear 'Do you have bananas?' - 'No.' Er zijn geen bananen click to hear There are no bananas "Heeft U sinaasappels?" - "Ja." click to hear 'Do you have oranges?' - 'Yes. Er zijn wel sinaasappels click to hear (But) We do have oranges

verantwoordelijk click to hear (verantwoordelijke click to hear 2) 'responsible' (de) verantwoordelijkheid click to hear 'responsibility'
een zware verantwoordelijkheid click to hear 2 3 a [heavy] serious responsibility more

Vroeg click to hear can also mean 'early'
hij is vroeg click to hear 2 he is early and vroeger click to hear means 'earlier' and 'in the past'
Vroeger was alles beter click to hear 'Everything was better in the old days' See Disambiguation: Vroeg for more examples

See also: Using Words and The Senses
and/or the verb pages:
zeggen - to say - praten - to talk
- spreken - to speak
- horen - to hear - zien - to see
- lezen - to read - schrijven - to write
- kennen and weten - to know - denken - to think

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Gij zult niet stelen click to hear 'Thou shalt not steal'