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Dutch Everyday: Electricity ... and Light

(de) elektriciteit click to
  hear 2 3 - (de) stroom click to hear 'current'
(het) licht click to hear light - more below

lichtknopje click to
lichtknopje click to
schakelaar click to hear
[power outlet]
stopcontact click to hear - 2
[power plugs]
stekkers click to hear
[3-way adapters]
dubbelstekkers click to hear - 2
also:  verdeelstekkers click to hear
[extension cord]
verlengsnoer click to hear
[power plug adapters]
verloopstekkers click to hear
[lamp, light]
lamp click to hear
gloeilampen click to hear
[lamp socket]
fitting click to hear 2
[a flashlight]
zaklamp click to hear
[a couple of batteries]
batterijen click to hear
transformator click to hear - 2
transformator click to hear - 2
[neigborhood switching station]
elektriciteitshuisje click to hear - 2
[power station]
elektriciteitscentrale click to hear 2
[power pylon]
hoogspanningsmast click to hear
de / het / 't click to hear (the)
een, 'n click to hear - 2 (a, an)
één click to hear (one)
(het) stopcontact
(de) stekker
(de) schakelaar
hear - 2
(power outlet)
(power plug)
(de) stroom
(de) lamp
(de) batterij
(current, power)
(de) stroom click to
  hear ('current, electricity, power' - also: 'water current')
(de) stroomstoring click to
  hear 2 ('power outage')
220 Volt click to
  hear 2 (tweehonderdtwintig)
110 Volt click to
  hear 2 (honderdtien)
(de) wisselstroom click to
  hear - 2 ('AC, Alternating Current')
(de) gelijkstroom click to
  hear ('DC, Direct Current')
(de) hoogspanning click to
  hear 2 ('high voltage')
(de) hoogspanningsmast click to
  hear ('power pylon')
(de) elektriciteitscentrale click to
  hear 2 ('power station')
(het) snoer click to hear 2 ('electric cord')
(de) batterij click to hear 2 3 ('battery')
Car battery is (de) accu click to
(de) stekker click to hear 2 3 ('power plug')
Stakkers click to
  hear are people to be pitied.
(de) elektriciteit click to
  hear 2 3 ('electricity')
statische elektriciteit click to
  hear 2 3 ('static electricity')
(de) kortsluiting click to hear 2 ('short-circuit' - electrical)
(de) vonk click to hear ('spark')
vonk/vonken click to hear ('spark/sparks')
(de) ruis click to
  hear 2 ('static, noise')
(de) bliksem click to
  hear ('lightning')
(de) donder click to
  hear ('thunder')
(het) onweer click to
  hear ('thunderstorm')
(het) schrikdraad click to hear 'electric fence'
(de) bliksemafleider click to hear 2 3 4 lightning rod
dit stopcontact is niet geaard click to hear this power outlet is not grounded
een geaard stopcontact click to hear a grounded power outlet
de geaarde stekker click to hear the grounded power plug
(de) contrastekker click to hear 2 ['counterplug'] "female" connector
schakelen click to hear 2 3 to switch, shift, change gears
ik kreeg een schok click to hear I got an electric shock ... en daarom wil ik geen elektrische fiets click to hear 2 3 ... and because of that I don't want an electric bicycle

[(electric) power screwdriver]
elektrische schroevedraaiers click to hear 2
[hot plate, electric burner]
(het) (elektrisch) kookplaatje click to hear
[an electric toothbrush]
(de) elektrische tandenborstel click to hear

Light, Dark and Heavy

(het) licht click to hear light (the rays that make us see)
and the adjective and adverb licht click to hear (licht / lichte click to hear) 'light, well lighted, full of light'

een lichte kamer click to hear 2 3 a light room, a well-lighted room, a room with much sunlight
op klaarlichte dag click to hear 2 [in clear-light day] in broad daylight - 'klaar'
in click to hear 2 lichterlaaie click to hear 2 'burning brightly, ablaze'
't wordt licht click to hear 2 3 4 It's getting light (The day is begining)
't Is lang licht click to hear 2 It's light for a long time
't Wordt lichter click to hear 2 It's getting lighter (dark clouds are disappearing)

(het) zonlicht click to hear 2 sunlight
(het) daglicht click to hear 2 daylight ‑>>
(het) maanlicht click to hear 2 3 moonlight
(het) weerlicht click to hear lightning
(de) bliksem click to hear lightning ‑>>
(het) lamplicht click to hear lamplight
(het) kaarslicht click to hear 2 candlelight
bij kaarslicht click to hear 2 3 by candlelight
(het) knipperlicht click to hear 2 blinking light
(de) schemering click to hear 2 twilight
(de) schaduw click to hear shadow
[pedestrian light]
voetgangerslicht click to hear 2
(de) verlichting click to hear 2 3 - 1. lighting 2. enlightenment
(het) tegenlicht click to hear [light-against] - 'backlight' - when you take a picture in the direction of the light
(het) lichtpuntje click to hear 'point of light' - usually 'a bright spot' in a bad situation
(het) lichtjaar click to hear light year - astronomical distance
(de) zomertijd click to hear 'daylight saving time'
[traffic light - red] [traffic light - orange] [traffic light - green]
stoplicht click to hear 2
rood click to hear red

oranje click to hear orange

groen click to hear green
Het licht is rood. click to hear 2 The light is red.
Het licht wordt groen. click to hear 2 The light is turning green.
Als het licht rood is moet je stoppen. click to hear 2 When the light is red you have to stop.
Als het licht rood wordt moet je stoppen. click to hear 2 When the light turns red you have to stop.
Als het licht groen is mag je doorrijden. click to hear 2 When the light is green you may drive on.
Toen het licht groen werd reden we weg. click to hear 2 When the light turned green we drove off.
Sometimes you can make your Dutch life easier by just using an 'and' sentence.
Het licht werd groen en we reden weg. click to hear 2 The light turned green and we drove off.
More Traffic   -   Colors - Word Order - 2

t Licht is uit click to hear 2 3 The light is off
But:  't Licht is kapot click to hear 2 The light is out, broken
Doe 't licht aan click to hear 2 3 Turn on the light
Doe 't licht uit click to hear 2 Turn the light off
't Licht is de hele nacht aan geweest click to hear 2 The light has been on all night
We waren vergeten 't uit te doen click to hear We had forgotten to turn it off
Doe je het licht uit als je weggaat? click to hear Will you turn off the light when you leave?
Het licht ging aan click to hear The light came on
Toen het donker werd ging het licht aan click to hear When it got dark the light came on
Toen het licht uitging zag ik de sterren click to hear When the light turned off I saw the stars
Toen ik het licht aandeed sloegen de stoppen door click to hear 2 3 When I turned on the light the fuses blew
Heb je genoeg licht? click to hear Do you have enough light?
... en er zij licht! click to hear 2 ... and let there be light! (Genesis 1:3)
Zelfs in de schaduw was het warm click to hear Even in the shade it was hot
See also: The Senses: Seeing

'Dark' is donker click to hear 2 (donker/donkere click to hear)

(de) donkere kamer click to hear 2 darkroom (old photography)
de donkere dagen vòòr Kerstmis click to hear 2 the dark days before Christmas
Het is donker click to hear 2 3 It is dark
Is het donker? click to hear 2 Is it dark?
's Nachts is het donker click to hear 2 At night it is dark
Als het donker is click to hear When it is dark
't Was donker click to hear It was dark
Het werd donker click to hear It [became] got dark
't Wordt zo vroeg donker click to hear 2 3 It gets dark so early
... en dan wordt 't donker click to hear 2 ... and then it gets dark (in the future) more 'dan'
... en toen werd het donker click to hear 2 3 4 ... and then it got dark (in the past) more 'toen'
Toen de zon onderging werd het donker click to hear When the sun went down it got dark
Toen het donker werd gingen we naar huis click to hear When it got dark we went home
We gingen naar huis toen 't donker werd click to hear 2 We went home when it got dark
Toen we naar huis gingen was het donker click to hear 2 It was dark when we went home
Hij is bang in 't donker click to hear 2 He is afraid [in] of the dark
Donkere wolken ... een wind steekt op click to hear Dark clouds ... a storm is brewing
Donkere wolken ... er steekt wind op click to hear Dark clouds ... a storm is brewing
Donkere wolken pakken samen click to hear Dark clouds are gathering

lichtblauw click to hear 2 3 4 light blue / donkerblauw click to hear 2 3 4 dark blue
Lichtgeel is Joliens lievelingskleur click to hear Light (pale?) yellow is Jolien's favorite color

'Duister' click to hear 2 (duistere click to hear 2 3) is also 'dark,' but usually a bit mysterious or sinister. 'Dark matter' is usually called (de) donkere materie click to hear 2 but its mysterious and elusive nature would in my opinion be better reflected in (de) duistere materie click to hear
'(het) duister' click to hear 2 'the dark' and (de) duisternis click to hear 2 'darkness' are the common Dutch words, not mysterious or suspect
(de) zonsverduistering click to hear 'solar eclipse' - (de) maansverduistering click to hear 2 'lunar eclipse' ‑>>
duistere krachten click to hear 2 3 'dark, sinister forces'
We tasten in het duister click to hear 2 ['We feel around in the dark'] - 'We are in the dark' - we don't understand, we can't explain sinister click to hear 2 'sinister'

Like English 'light,' Dutch licht click to hear (licht / lichte click to hear) can also mean 'low weight' - 'not-heavy light'
The opposite 'heavy' is zwaar click to hear (zwaar/zware click to hear)
'Licht' and 'zwaar' are sometimes translated in English by slightly different words, from 'lite' to 'serious,' 'severe,' 'hard, difficult,' 'intense' and their opposites.
(het) gewicht click to hear 'weight' ‑>>
lichtgewicht click to hear 2 'lightweight'
(de) zwaartekracht click to hear 2 3 'gravity'
loodzwaar click to hear 2 'very heavy' ('heavy like lead')

Hoe zwaar? click to hear How heavy? What's the weight?
lichte straf click to hear 2 3 4 5 light punishment
zware straf click to hear 2 3 severe punishment
zwaar straffen click to hear 2 3 to punish severely
een zware taak click to hear 2 3 a serious assignment, a difficult task
een zware verantwoordelijkheid click to hear 2 3 a serious responsibility
een zware bevalling click to hear 2 a difficult (baby) delivery
De laatste loodjes wegen het zwaarst click to hear (saying) ['the final weights are the heaviest'] the final stage of a job is often the most difficult
't Is zwaar te verteren click to hear 2 3 'It's hard to digest' - usually said of unpleasant knowledge or things you have to accept
Ik heb er een zwaar hoofd in click to hear 2 3 4 (saying) ['I have a heavy head about it'] - I'm not optimistic about it, I doubt that it's going to work or end well
zwaar weer click to hear very bad weather
Het was zwaar weer click to hear It was [heavy] very bad weather
zware jongens click to hear 2 ['heavy boys'] 'heavies,' criminals, tough guys
Gewogen en te licht bevonden click to hear 2 3 'Weighed and found too light' - Judged and found wanting ('Mene Tekel' click to hear - Daniel 5)

(de) oplichter click to hear 2 'swindler, crook, confidence person'
Ze bleken oplichters te zijn click to hear 2 [They turned out to be swindlers] - It turned out they were swindlers

[an old kilogram weight]
(het) gewicht click to hear ‑>>
(de) weegschaal click to hear
(de) weegschaal
[bathroom scale]
weegschaal click to hear
[bathroom scale]
weegschaal click to hear
'Wegen' click to hear 2 'to weigh' is a strong verb:
to weigh
- woog
- gewogen
click to hear
'Wegen'  and 'to weigh' mean both 'to determine the weight' and 'to have that weight'
to weigh
- ik weeg
I weigh
- wij wegen
we weigh
- ik woog
I weighed
- wij wogen
we weighed
- ik heb gewogen
I have weighed
click to hear 2
Ik was toen tweeënvijftig kilo click to hear I weighed 52 kilos at the time
Ik ben vijf kilo afgevallen click to hear 2 I've lost 5 kilos (in weight)

'Wegen' click to hear 2 is also the plural of (de) weg click to hear 'way, road, street' ‑>>

[A Dutch flag on the edge of a puddle of water]
[a path]
the outdoors
[a mirror]
[glasses, watch, etc.]
[a 50s radio]
days of old


Site map - email - Copyright © Marco Schuffelen 2008. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.
Don't be a dief (thief) / dievegge (female thief) - diefstal (theft) - stelen (to steal) - heler (dealer in stolen goods) - hear Dutch - 2