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2 -
('bread-theft') taking away someone's livelihood
kinderarts '[children's doctor] pediatrician' sleepboot 2 'tugboat' Hij is in de war. - He is confused, not in his right mind. Karel de Kale - Charles the Bald Hij deed talk in de band. 2 - He put baby powder in the tire. (Obsolete procedure! Not recommended!) Jan met de pet 2 ['John with the cap'] - The man in the street Een brave man 2 3 - 'a harmless, obedient man' De brave baker at brood met worst op de brink. Hear Dutch: 2 3 4 5 - ~English: 2 The obedient nanny ate bread with sausage on the village square. (baker 'nanny' is somewhat obsolete Dutch) |
Common Dutch Names: girls: An - Floor - Greet - Jet - Joke - Lies - Lot 2 - Mien 2 3 - Tine boys: Ad - Age - Ale - Co - Ferry - Flip - Harm - Rein - Rob - Ton More Dutch Names |
In a Dutch text, you'll notice words that are identical to
English words - but unfortunately, more often than not they have a different
'Is' is is
and water also
means the same in Dutch and English - though the pronunciation
is not the same
(hear Dutch
'water' - #2.)
Other words may sound the same and stand for the same thing but have a
different spelling, because English often uses other letters for
vowel sounds.
For instance, English
'bear' and Dutch beer
sound about the same and both refer to the large animal ursus;
both English 'beer' and Dutch bier
is the foaming yellow drink, and Dutch
is the small boat 'sloop.'
But Dutch wet means 'law,' it has nothing to do with water, and Dutch 'toestand' means 'situation' and it has nothing to do with standing on your toes. Sleepboot 2 is not some weird Dutch footwear for in bed, but a 'tugboat.' Another class again are words like Dutch sjouwer (a worker who carries things around on a building site) - or sectie (section, part; department; dissection) and bloemist ('florist') - blue mist? - that sounds very much like English words of a very different meaning. This list is only about words that are spelled exactly the same but have different meaning. There are also many words that are almost identical - but there would be no end to the page listing those. A nice example is congenialiteit - in Dutch it means two geniuses who independently have the same great idea, like the Dutch playwright Vondel whose writing has some similarities to Shakespeare, or the German Von Kleist who developed the Leyden Jar (Leidse Fles 2 3) at the same time as the Dutchman Pieter van Musschenbroek * 2 3. Overal ('everywhere') | |
Over the years I kept a list of those 'False Friends,'
words that are not very helpful to the student of Dutch.
Revising the
Reference Page and its
words list
a few months ago I came to realize the number was much larger than I
had thought,
and it resulted in this list of almost 300 which is
probably not exhaustive.
I only listed words that I'm familiar with and did not consult any other lists of this kind (if they are out there) and I only used dictionaries to check if my understanding of words was more or less correct. At the bottom of the page are a few words that I have not yet added to the list because I still have to find a good and short English or Dutch translation, or maybe they do not fit the format. Ted Hoogendoorn sent me an email suggesting several new False Friends, like 'sleep,' 'sleet,' 'bevel,' 'gilt,' 'gist,' 'romp,' 'vale,' 'let,' 'libel' and 'veiling.' - Thank you very much, Ted.
65 'Basic' False Friends
My 'Easy Dutch - Recognizable Words' pages show Dutch words that look or sound like English words of about the same meaning.
* = obsolete or unusual words - Waiting Room (below) |
The False Friends |
Meaning of Dutch Word in English |
Dutch | English | Dutch Translation of English Word |
synomym, description, alternate words | ||||
1. arm (the body part) 2. poor (not rich / pitiable) |
arm | arm | arm
wapen |
arm (the body part) weapon, also: coat of arms |
physician, MD | arts 2 | arts | kunst | the arts | ||||
1. ash, ashes 2. axle, axis |
as | as | als
zoals 2 omdat |
as a like because |
ik at
>> I ate, I was eating |
at 2 | at |
te om in 2 |
(prepositions indicating presence at or near a place, time or activity) |
1. bath 2. ik bad I prayed >> |
bad | bad | slecht | not good | ||||
nanny | baker * | baker | bakker | tradesman baking bread, cookies etc. | ||||
a beam (wood) | balk | balk | ~ weigeren 2 | to balk - to refuse, protest, make trouble | ||||
1. tire, tube 2. bond, tie, tape |
band | band |
groep |
tape, tie, bond group, like in 'band of brothers' or 'rock band' for 'rock band' Dutchmen often use English band |
afraid, scared | bang | bang | knal | loud noise | ||||
1. money services 2. bench |
bank | bank | bank | money services | ||||
1. drinks place 2. harsh, bleak |
bar 2 | bar |
2 lat tralie niet toelaten 2 |
drinks place straight piece of metal or wood prison bar to bar, not allow - also: niet toestaan verbieden |
ik beef
I am trembling aardbeving 2 earthquake |
beef 2 | beef | rundvlees | cows & bulls meat - rundergehakt ground beef | ||||
leg | been 2 3 | been | (ik ben) geweest | (I have) been | ||||
bear | beer | beer | bier | the yellow drink with white foam | ||||
1. bite 2. gotcha! |
beet | beet | biet | (red) beet vegetable | ||||
a present tense of bellen
2 1. to ring 2. to call (phone) hij belt 2 - he is calling |
belt 2 | belt |
band 2 gordel 2 |
item to hold up pants black etc. (Judo) 1. area - also: strook 2; 2. safety belt (car) |
jij bent
2 /
2 you (singular, informal) are |
bent 2 | bent | gebogen
2 verbogen 2 3 |
past participle of 'to bend' 1. bent out of shape 2. declined, conjugated (grammar) |
order, command | bevel | bevel | schuine rand
2 aflopende rand 2 |
sloping, not-perpendicular edge - like on a picture frame | ||||
ik bid I pray >> | bid 2 | bid | bod 2 | stating the price you're willing to pay /or/ price you're asking for a big job - also: offerte |
the yellow drink with white foam |
bier | bier | lijkbaar 2 | raised plaform for displaying the body of deceased important personage |
young pig | big | big | groot 2 | large, tall | ||||
white (pink) skin | blank 2 | blank | blanco
leeg losse flodder |
empty (paper) empty (look) - leeg / lege gun cartridge without a bullet |
association, federation vakbond labor union |
bond 2 | bond |
2 verbinding 2 contract obligatie |
strong connection between humans
connection, adhesion, also: hechting legally binding agreement, also: verbintenis 2 a kind of stock certificate |
tree | boom 2 | boom |
explosie hoge vlucht stok lat |
heavy, low sound
explosion - also: ontploffing sudden quick growth - also: hausse explosieve groei stick, pole |
bean | boon 2 | boon |
voordeel |
blessing advantage |
angry (boos / boze ) | boos | boos | boegeroep 2 | loud sounds of disapproval | ||||
boat | boot | boot | laars | calf-covering footwear | ||||
ik boots na
I imitate, mimic bootsman 2 3 boatswain |
boots 2 | boots | laarzen
'De Gelaarsde Kat' |
calf-covering footwear 'Puss in Boots' |
1. leg piece of meat (with bone) 2. bolt for nut (machine screw?) |
bout | bout |
2 aanval 2 wedstrijd 2 |
(short period) bout of activity
(attack) bout of fever, illness (match) bout of boxing |
well-behaved, harmless braaf / brave 2 |
brave 2 | brave | moedig
2 dapper krijger 2 |
courageous courageous a brave (Native American warrior) |
fire | brand | brand | merk | name on product, trademark | ||||
wide, broad breed / brede 2 |
breed | breed | ras
2 soort |
animals offspring classification | ||||
letter (mail) | brief 2 | brief | kort 2 3 | short | ||||
village square | brink | brink | op de rand
2 rand |
on the edge, in a dangerous position edge - op de rand van de afgrond 2 'on the edge of the precipice' |
bread | brood 2 | brood | gebroed *
2 broedsel * |
offspring, spawn -
adderengebroed "vipers' spawn" (pretty bad creatures) |
'Value-Added Tax' (a kind of sales tax) |
BTW 2 | BTW | trouwens 2 | by the way, 'but also' | ||||
department head |
chef |
kok | cook - chef-kok 2 ('head cook') | |||||
1. class at university 2. council of wise men |
college | college | - - - | junior university >> | ||||
business competitor concurrentie 2 competition |
concurrent |
gelijktijdig | at the same time, coincidental | |||||
(children's) daycare center also: kinderdagverblijf 2 |
crèche |
kerststal 2 |
(children's) daycare center miniature nativity scene |
vapor | damp 2 | damp | vochtig 2 | somewhat wet | ||||
vapors | dampen 2 | dampen | vochtig maken
temperen 2 |
to moisten, make slightly wet
to lessen, curb enthusiasm etc. |
thanks | dank | dank | bedompt | stuffy and humid | ||||
ik deed I did >> | deed | deed |
2 document |
official document | ||||
1. pine tree 2. old-fashioned 'the' |
den | den |
~ kamertje 2 |
animal lair cozy small room |
that, those | die | die | doodgaan
sterven dobbelsteen 2 |
to die, pass away to die, pass away gaming tool |
festive evening meal | diner
diner |
restaurant | restaurant, klein 2 'small' - goedkoop 2 'cheap' | |||||
thing | ding | ding | deuk 2 | dent (usually in a car body) | ||||
varied | divers 2 | divers | duikers | scuba men etc. | ||||
do! ik doe I do >> |
doe | doe | hinde | deer female | ||||
1. through 2. by |
door | door | deur 2 | entry to room or house | ||||
a deaf person | dove 2 | dove | duif
2 ik dook 2 |
pigeon - plural:
I dove - past tense of duiken >> 'to dive' |
boxes doos - dozen 2 |
dozen 2 | dozen | dozijn | 12 | ||||
wet sediment or murky, thick liquid (like, bad coffee) - bezinksel 2 sediment |
drab 2 | drab | saai
kleurloos 2 vaalbruin 2 3 |
boring, without excitement
'colorless' faded brown |
1. ~beverage 2. liquor | drank | drank | ik dronk 2 | I drank, I was drinking | ||||
bold, reckless doldriest beserk |
driest | driest | droogste | most dry, least wet | ||||
liquorice | drop | drop |
val druppel |
to fall a fall a very small amount of liquid |
shower | douche
douche |
(unmentionable) | ||||||
thin, skinny | dun | dun | grauw
2 grijs |
ashen | ||||
elsewhere, in another place |
elders | elders |
wise old men ('village elders') | ||||
each, every elk / elke |
elk | elk | eland | large kind of deer | ||||
1.enamel 2. email (the English word) |
email |
(the English word is used) | ||||||
envelope (mail) |
envelop |
2 omsingelen 2 |
to cover from all sides to surround (military) |
1. just a moment 2. even (numbers) |
even 2 | even |
effen 2 vlak gelijk 2 even 2 |
even: on top of that ... smooth, flat equal - gelijke 2 even (numbers) |
a dandy | fat | fat | vet
dik |
grease, greasy heavy, voluminous - dik / dikke 2 |
a fairy | fee | fee | kosten | a charge, money that needs to be paid | ||||
traffic jam | file | file |
archief archiefstuk vijl |
computer file archive archive item tool for scraping |
lightbulb socket | fitting 2 | fitting | gepast
2 passend passen 2 |
fitting, appropriate
1. fitting, appropriate 2. fitting, right size fitting, trying on clothes |
1. high-rise building 2. apartment in a high-rise also: flatje |
(English) |
flat | vlak
flat |
level and horizontal apartment |
usually: foldertje |
folder | folder | map | medium-size holder for papers | ||||
partition on the neck of a string instrument |
fret | fret | zich zorgen maken 2 fret |
to fret, to worry partition on the neck of a string instrument |
gall | gal 2 | gal | meisje | girl | ||||
corridor, hallway | gang | gang | bende | bunch of bad guys | ||||
1. gift 2. whole, undamaged gaaf / gave 2 |
gave 2 | gave | ik gaf 2 >> | I donated - past tense of geven 2 'to give' | ||||
'validity,' 'applicability' | gelding
gelding |
ruin 2 | a castrated horse | |||||
'those yonder' | gene * | gene | gen | plural:
(note vowel lengthening)
chromosome building blocks |
1. genius (person) 2. army corps of engineers |
genie * 2 | genie | djinn
geest in de fles 2 |
'spirit in the bottle' | ||||
zij gilt
'she shrieks, cries out' |
gilt 2 | gilt | bladgoud
2 goudverf 2 |
a very thin layer of gold gold paint |
1. yeast 2. het gist 2 it is fermenting >> 3. de mens gist 2 Man guesses |
gist | gist | essentie
2 hoofdgedachte 2 3 |
the essence, the main idea | ||||
past tense of gelden
>> 't gold it was valid, it counted (as) |
gold 2 | gold | goud 2 | the valuable yellow metal | ||||
1. slippery 2. smooth |
glad | glad | blij | happy, joyful | ||||
gravel | grind | grind | ik maal | I pulverize - malen 'to grind' | ||||
grof / grove
coarse: 1. not fine 2. rude |
grove | grove | bosje 2 | a small group of trees | ||||
fly, pants zipper | gulp | gulp | slok | mouthful of drink | ||||
eraser usually: gummetje 2 |
gum | gum | kauwgom
tandvlees 2 |
chewing gum gums, what's around the sockets of teeth |
ik gun
I grant gunnen 2 to grant |
gun | gun | geweer 2 | rifle | ||||
woodcarving tool | guts | guts |
2 lef |
intestines daring, bravery - from Hebrew lev 'heart' |
secondary ('high') school type, 'Latin stream' |
gymnasium |
gymzaal 2 | gymnastics (PE) classroom | |||||
1. not soft 2. fast, not slow |
hard | hard | hard
moeilijk |
not soft difficult |
1. rake (gardening tool) 2. a clumsy boy or man |
hark | hark | hoor
luister |
hear! listen! |
(moveable) property (i.e. cattle) |
have * | have | hebben | to have = to own and auxiliary verb
for the perfect tense >> |
port, harbour | haven | haven | toevluchtsoord | place of refuge | ||||
2. very |
heel | heel | hiel
kapje 2 |
tendon at the back of the foot end piece of a loaf of bread |
hero heldhaftig 2 heroic |
held 2 | held | ik hield | I held, I was holding
- past tense of: houden 2 'to hold' >> |
helmet | helm | helm | roer
stuurwiel |
rudder steering wheel |
him | hem | hem | zoom 2 3 | finished edge of fabric | ||||
how? | hoe | hoe | hak
2 schoffel 2 |
hoe scuffle hoe, Dutch hoe | ||||
the North-West part of the country >> |
Holland |
Nederland 2 | Don't say 'Holland' when speaking Dutch | |||||
honey | honing
honing |
slijpen | sharpening, to sharpen | |||||
1. hope 2. heap, load |
hoop 2 | hoop | hoepel | large ring | ||||
it's a pity | jammer
jammer |
stoorzender | broadcasting station interfering with
reception of another radio station |
bald kaal / kale 2 |
kale | kale | kool 2 | cabbage | ||||
throat | keel | keel | kiel | ship bottom | ||||
chillier, colder kil chilly, cold |
killer 2 | killer | moordenaar 2 3 | murderer - (de) moord 2 'murder' | ||||
chin | kin 2 | kin | familie | relatives | ||||
child | kind 2 | kind | aardig
soort |
friendly, caring - also:
type |
senile | kinds 2 | kinds | soorten 2 | types | ||||
skein, ball 'n knot wol a skein of wool |
knot | knot | knoop
2 knoest |
fastened or tangled string irreglarity in wood |
ik lag
>> I was lying down |
lag 2 | lag | vertraging
2 achterblijven 2 |
delay to lag behind |
lower | lager | lager | bier | beer (Pilsen-type) | ||||
1. lamb 2. lame, paralyzed |
lam | lam | op de vlucht 2 | on the lam, on the run | ||||
late (not early) laat / late 2 |
late | late | late
wijlen |
late (not early) the deceased |
burden | last 2 | last | laatste
2 leest |
latest, newest; end of the line
foot model, shoemaker's tool |
'piece' - a surface 'unit' 'n lap stof 2 a piece of fabric 'n lap grond a piece of land |
lap | lap | schoot
~ rondje baantje 2 |
('lap dog')
one circuit of race track or sports field swimming one length of swimming pool |
1. layman 2. 't leek 2 (it) looked like |
leek | leek | prei | soup vegetable, stalk from onion family | ||||
1. leather 2. teachings, doctrine 3. ik leer 2 I am learning |
leer 2 | leer | loeren
gluren 2 |
to leer, 'to look lasciviously' | ||||
1. ik leg
I lay 2. chickens' egg-laying |
leg | leg | been | the body part | ||||
1. lessons 2. dorst lessen 2 to slake thirst |
lessen 2 | lessen | verminderen 2 | to decrease | ||||
let op!
2 - pay
attention! (person from Latvia Letland ) |
let | let | laten
verhuren 2 |
to let, allow
to rent out |
alphabet character | letter 2 | letter | letter
2 brief |
letter, character mail message |
liver | lever | lever | hefboom
hendel 2 |
a bar to asymmetrically apply force a handle to control machinery |
dragonfly | libel 2 3 | libel | smaad 2 3 | ~ slander | ||||
member | lid 2 | lid | deksel | pan cover | ||||
song usually: liedje |
lied | lied |
hij loog
ze hebben gelogen |
he lied they have lied, were lying >> |
groin, where the leg joins the body |
lies 2 | lies | leugens 2 | untruths - singular: (de) leugen | ||||
dangerous (slang) | link 2 | link | verbinding | connection - also: doorverbinding | ||||
left (not right) | links | links |
golfbaan |
- doorverbindingen
golf course |
ceremonial tape | lint 2 | lint | stof 2 | dust | ||||
ruse, trick | list 2 | list | lijst | a summing-up of items | ||||
hard to move, not nimble | log | log | blok hout
verslag |
block of wood report, record |
harder to move (comparative degree of log) |
logger 2 | logger | houthakker 2 3 | ['wood chopper'] lumberjack | ||||
lung plural: longen |
long | long | lang
/ lang lange |
de lange mars
'the long march' een lang verhaal 'a long story' |
slow, languid | loom 2 | loom |
2 opdoemen |
fabric production machine
to loom, threateningly appear |
1. ik loop
I walk
>> 2. gunbarrel |
loop 2 | loop | lus 2 | circle of string; repeating process | ||||
new, young branch | loot | loot | buit | plunder, booty | ||||
leaves, foliage | lover * | lover | minnaar
2 maîtresse 2 3 liefhebber 2 |
(male) illicit lover of women mistress, secret lover (female) lover of things |
engineer, engine driver (trains, ships engines) |
machinist |
machine- bankwerker 2 monteur 2 |
lathe operator (working in metal) mechanic |
maggot usually plural: maden |
made | made | gemaakt | manufactured, fabricated | ||||
1. a male of the human species 2. husband |
man 2 | man | man
2 mens 2 de mensheid 2 |
a male of the human species
a human being humankind, mankind |
holder for papers | map | map | kaart 2 | geographical representation, drawing of an area | ||||
1. report 2. rumor 3. story, legend |
mare * 2 | mare | merrie 2 3 | female horse | ||||
1. mate van
level of, degree 2. met mate in moderation |
mate 2 | mate | makker
paren huisgenoot |
mate, friend (see also under 'pal')
to mate, to couple roommate (literally: 'housemate') |
ik meet
I take measurements |
meet | meet |
2 ontmoeten 2 bijeenkomen 2 |
sports competition
to meet someone (for the first time) to gather, get together - also: bij elkaar komen 2 |
a kind of 'they' men zegt dat ... 'it is said that ...' |
men | men | mannen 2 | human males | ||||
brass (a copper/zinc mixture) |
messing |
rotzooien | engaging in trouble | |||||
with | met | met |
ik ontmoette
2 ontmoet ik heb ontmoet 2 |
I met met - past participle of ontmoeten 2 'to meet' I have met |
spleen (body organ) | milt 2 3 | milt | hom 2 | fish sperm | ||||
less, fewer | minder | minder | oppasser
oppas |
'a person watching over you' - the less authoritarian
counselor 'guiding' you is (de) begeleider 2 |
cabinet minister | minister
minister |
minister 2 |
minister (religion) - address: dominee
('reverend') cabinet minister |
fashion | mode | mode |
2 stand houding |
manner, way of doing like in 'sleep mode' attitude, like in 'survival mode' - also: instelling 2 |
hij molt
he breaks, destroys mollen 2 to break, destroy |
molt 2 | molt | rui 2 3 | birds' changing of feathers | ||||
a piece (of fish) | moot | moot | achterhaald | overtaken (a moot point) - also: niet meer belangrijk 2 'no longer important' |
joke also: mopje |
mop 2 | mop | dweil
2 zwabber |
wet-cleaning cloth raghead on a stick |
old measurement (100 liters) |
mud * 2 | mud | modder | very wet soil | ||||
mosquito | mug | mug | beker
mok 2 |
large cup | ||||
laminated board (more than 3 layers) |
multiplex |
bioscopencomplex 2 | a cluster of cinemas | |||||
small wooden bowl zuignap 'suction cup' |
nap * | nap | dutje | short sleep | ||||
prison (slang) | nor * | nor | noch 2 | neither ... nor | ||||
usefulness, use | nut | nut | noot | type of tree fruit, usually in wooden shell | ||||
secondhand car for sale ('at a good price') |
occasion |
2 aanleiding gebeurtenis |
opportunity reason for, cause of (often seemingly) event, incident - also voorval 2 |
or | of | of | van | indicating origin or ownership | ||||
sacrifice | offer 2 | offer | aanbod
aanbieden voorstel |
can I get you something? // I'll do this for $X
to offer proposal |
1. order (buying) 2. order (command) |
order | order |
order orde 2 |
order (buying) order (command) also: bevel order (discipline) // order (group) |
1. (het) pad
2 path plural: paden 2 2. (de) pad 2 toad plural: padden 2 |
pad 2 | pad | kussentje
bloknoot 2 platform 2 opvullen 2 |
a small or very small cushion
notepad like, a helipad to pad: to cushion, or to fill with irrelevant material |
(standing) firm ->> | pal | pal | vriend
maat maatje makker |
friend, comrade | ||||
a knight's servant | page (Fr.) | page | bladzijde | in a book | ||||
1. mating 2. pairing |
paring 2 | paring |
afsnijden 2 |
peeling, cutting off skin -
(de) schil
'peel, skin, outer layer' (het) schilmesje 'paring knife' cutting off |
't past 2 'it fits' | past 2 | past | voorbij
het verleden |
over the past |
het paste
it fit (past tense) zij paste 2 she tried on (clothes) |
paste 2 | paste | plakken | to paste, to glue - also: lijmen
(de) lijm glue, paste |
stalemate (chess) | pat | pat | kloppen
klopje 2 |
to strike lightly - kloppen also means 'to knock'
a gentle slap - also: schouderklopje 2 pat-on-the-[shoulder]-back |
solitaire (card game) |
patience |
geduld 2 | geduldig 2 3 patient | |||||
pear | peer 2 3 | peer | gelijke | an equal, like in 'jury of his peers' | ||||
medal, coin (think of: 'penny') |
penning |
aan 't schrijven 2 3 | writing | |||||
1. tripe (organ meat) 2. paunch |
pens 2 | pens | pennen 2 | ink writing instruments - singular: (de) pen | ||||
boarding house | pension
pension |
pensioen | income after retirement | |||||
1. baseball cap 2. rotten, not good |
pet 2 | pet | huisdier
favoriet |
domestic animal favorite |
little finger, 'pinky' | pink | pink | roze | 'white' skin color | ||||
1. small seed in fruit 2. energy (human) |
pit 2 | pit | kuil
mijn 2 pit |
large hole in the ground mine (like, coal mine) stone (seed in fruit) |
living plant | plant | plant |
fabriek 2 |
living plant factory |
(slang) loot, criminal gain | poet 2 | poet | dichter 2 | writer of verses - diminutive: dichtertje | ||||
1. practical joke, trick 2. ik poets 2 I am polishing, shining >> |
poets 2 | poets | dichters 2 | writers of verses - also: poëten 2 | ||||
(~pound) 1.1 Lb ½ kilogram, 500 grams |
pond | pond | vijver
plas 2 |
a very small body of water, usually in a garden
a small lake |
pole, like in: de noordpool 2 the North Pole de zuidpool the South Pole |
pool | pool |
pot samendoen 2 biljart poel |
swimming pool
money wagered in gambling game to pool, share resources - gezamenlijk 'shared' billiards, a game of ivory balls on a green table a small body of water, usually murky - poel van verderf 2 'pool of vice' |
doll | pop 2 | pop |
schot 2 pa 2, vader popmuziek |
the sound of a small explosion
a shot Dad pop music |
Portuguese sweet, strong wine |
port | port | haven | harbor | ||||
ill-mannered young man |
pummel |
beuken | to pummel, to hit hard | |||||
well, waterhole | put 2 | put | zetten | to put | ||||
spiderweb material also: spinrag 2 |
rag | rag | vod 2 | worn-out clothing item, plural:
also: lompen 'rags' |
craze, fad | rage (Fr.) | rage | woede- uitbarsting |
a fit ('eruption') of anger - woede 'anger' | ||||
disaster rampzalig 2 disastrous |
ramp | ramp |
oprit 2 |
slope | ||||
1. slender 2. tendril, vine: wijnrank |
rank 2 | rank |
2 smerig 2 bedorven 2 te sterk 2 |
position in hierarchy
foul spoiled, rotten - cf: ranzig 2 'rancid' too strong (bad taste or smell) |
quickly | rap * | rap |
kloppen |
to rap, to talk, to chat - also:
2 to knock |
1. 'official' report (bureaucratic) 2. schoolchildren's grades sheet |
rapport |
2 contact 2 |
relation, mutual understanding connection, communication |
strange, weird, odd raar / rare 2 |
rare | rare |
2 kort gebakken 2 |
uncommon, unusual
- also: ongebruikelijk
'sautéed shortly,' underdone meat - rood van binnen 2 ('red inside') |
ravens | raven 2 | raven | raaf | The English singular is the Dutch plural | ||||
ik red 2 I rescue, save | red 2 | red | rood 2 | the color of blood | ||||
ik reed
2 I drove, I rode >> |
reed | reed | riet | yellow stalks at waterside | ||||
pure, clean | rein * 2 | rein | teugel 2 | (horse) control - plural: teugels | ||||
remainder, remnant | rest 2 | rest | rust 2 | a time of quiet, relaxation, low activity | ||||
ring (on finger) | ring 2 | ring |
2 geluid klok luiden |
ring (on finger) sound (nice ring to it) to ring a church bell |
red -
rood / rode
rode rozen red roses |
rode | rode | ik reed 2 | I rode; I drove >> | ||||
(bundle of twigs, for punishment) |
roe 2 | roe |
2 kuit 2 ree 2 |
fish eggs (soft) fish eggs (hard) a type of small deer |
robbery, theft | roof 2 | roof | dak 2 | top cover of building or structure | ||||
smoke | rook | rook | toren
roek |
castle (chess) - the Dutch word 'toren' also means 'tower' a crow-like bird |
cream | room | room | kamer | zitkamer
('living room') -
klaslokaal ('classroom' >>) - De Tweede Kamer 2 ('The Second Chamber,' the Dutch House of Representatives >>) |
1. grate 2. schedule, roster |
rooster |
haan 2 | chicken male | |||||
robber, mugger | rover | rover |
rover |
wanderer robber - zeerover 'pirate' |
back (body part) | rug | rug |
tapijt 2 |
carpet, tapestry | ||||
a gelding, a castrated horse |
ruin 2 | ruin | ruïne
2 vernietigen 2 vernietiging |
dilapidated building to ruin, to destroy - also: ruïneren 2 destruction - also: instorting 2 'collapse' |
a time of quiet, low activity | rust 2 | rust | roest | iron oxidation rust roest low activity leads to stagnation |
sine (trigoniometry) | sinus | sinus | voorhoofdsholte | 'brow cavity' - voorhoofdsholteontsteking 2 3 'sinus infection' | ||||
glum, unhappy | sip 2 | sip | slokje | a very small gulp met kleine slokjes drinken 2 - 'to sip, drinking small amounts' |
cister (medieval string instrument) | sister 2 * | sister | zusje
zuster |
female sibling
- zus and zuster are a bit old-fashioned
zuster can also mean 'nurse' or 'nun' |
bib usually: slabbetje 2 |
slab 2 | slab |
vlak stuk
2 plaat 2 plak 2 |
flat piece (meat, marble) - also:
plat stuk
sheet (of metal) - plaatstaal 2 (plate steel) flat piece of cheese, or a slice of something baked - een plakje cake 2 |
1. blow 2. battle | slag | slag | slakken | molten debris of ore extraction - singular: slak (which also means 'snail' or 'slug') |
1. snake 2. hose |
slang 2 | slang |
'slang' (Engl.)
Bargoens 2 |
subgroup jargon | ||||
weak | slap | slap | klap 2 | a hit in the face; setback | ||||
1. train (of a dress) 2. ik sleep I drag, I tow |
sleep 2 | sleep | slaap 2 | resting unconsciously - (de) slaapkamer 2 'bedroom' >> | ||||
1. het sleet
('it wore out/off') 2. ik sleet 2 ('~I passed the time') - past tense of slijten 2 ->> |
sleet 2 | sleet | natte sneeuw
2 ijzel 2 |
'wet snow' rain that freezes when it hits the ground |
bright, intelligent | slim | slim | slank
klein 2 |
slender - also:
thin, or:
skinny small: kleine kans 2 'slim chance' (dikke kans 2 'fat chance') |
more clever | slimmer
slimmer |
slanker 2 | more slender | |||||
devious, cunning, secretly | slinks 2 | slinks | sluipt 2 | hij sluipt weg 'he slinks away' - wegsluipen 'to slink away' | ||||
1. pillowcase 2. (cars) wrecking place |
sloop 2 | sloop | sloep 2 | small boat | ||||
1. lock 2. end 3. castle |
slot 2 | slot | plaats | (fitting, right) place | ||||
pain, hurt |
smart |
intelligent 2 pijn hebben lijden 2 |
bright, intelligent bright, intelligent to smart, be in pain to smart, suffer |
tension (physical and psychological) hoogspanning 2 high voltage |
spanning |
~zich uitstrekken over 2 3 ~omvang 2 ~reikwijdte 2 |
to extend extent, magnitude range, scope |
skewer, pin for roasting |
spies | spies | spionnen 2 | covert gatherers of information - singular: (de) spion 2 | ||||
spider | spin | spin | draai | turn // perception control | ||||
1. stick for roasting meat 2. a backache 3. ik spit I'm digging with a shovel |
spit | spit |
speeksel 2 ik spuug 2 |
stick for holding meat over a fire
saliva - also: spuug 2 I'm spitting out saliva |
ghost | spook 2 | spook | bang maken
2 bang voor 2 |
to spook, to scare, frighten
spooked by |
ridicule, derision spotten met 2 to make fun of; to defy |
spot 2 | spot | plaats
vlek 2 smet 2 |
place - also: plek
stain, a small dirty or discolored area stain, disgrace, something to be ashamed of, a moral failure |
ik spring 2 I jump | spring | spring |
veer bron |
season between Winter and Summer
tensile device water source |
stage, phase | stadium
stadium |
stadion 2 | sports arena | |||||
internship | stage
stage |
stadium |
performance place -
Dutch often uses German
phase, point in progression |
setting | stand | stand | standaard
2 kraampje standje |
like, a music stand market stand stand at exhibition (Dutchified English) |
inflexible | star | star | ster | distant sun // great performer | ||||
1. stick (on large tools) bezemsteel 'broomstick' 2. stem (plants) |
steel 2 | steel | staal | improved iron | ||||
1. voice 2. vote |
stem | stem | steel 2 | stalk of plants | ||||
children's scooter | step 2 | step | stap | a move, by feet or figuratively | ||||
dull, not sharp punch, hit stub, stump - stompje 2 |
stomp 2 | stomp | stampen 2 | to stomp, slamming feet on the floor
or a machine making that kind of noise |
interruption | storing
storing |
opslaan 2 | putting things in storage | |||||
high winds, gale ~orkaan 2 hurricane |
storm 2 | storm | onweer
erg slecht weer 2 |
electrical storm, thunderstorm:
bliksem 'lightning' & donder 'thunder' very bad weather - also: noodweer 2 |
naughty | stout | stout |
dapper moedig 2 |
heavy, sturdily built (people)
brave, courageous (obsolete meaning in Dutch, Karel de Stoute 'Charles the Bold') |
beach | strand | strand | draad | thread, string, wire | ||||
jokey present at Sinterklaas ->> |
surprise |
verrassing | something unexpected | |||||
tasks singular: taak 2 |
taken | taken | genomen 2 | past participle of nemen
'to take' ik heb genomen 'I have taken' |
baby powder usually: talkpoeder 2 |
talk | talk |
2 praten gepraat 2 |
a chat to talk empty talk |
pliers | tang 2 | tang |
~ sterke smaak
~ scherpe geur ~ typische geur |
strong taste sharp smell characteristic smell |
toe | teen | teen | tiener | the English word 'teenager' is more often used | ||||
'at' | ten * | ten | tien | 10 | ||||
tea | thee | thee |
gij 2 |
old-fashioned, respectful 'you' | ||||
hij tilde
3 1. he lifted see also 2. he swindled |
tilde 2 3 | tilde | tilde 2 3 | ~ | ||||
hij tilt 2 3 'he lifts' | tilt 2 | tilt | voorkeur
2 neiging scheef / schuin 2 scheef houden 2 |
preference tendency not horizontal (scheef/scheve ) to tilt, hold at an angle |
tin (Sn, the metal) | tin | tin | blikje
2 tin |
tin can tin (the metal) - blik 'tinplate' |
suggestion | tip | tip |
fooi |
suggestion gratuity, extra payment |
1. naar ... toe
to 2. come on! |
toe 2 | toe | teen | foot finger | ||||
till, to | tot | tot | peuter
2 dreumes |
a small child | ||||
stairs | trap | trap | val | device or trick to catch an animal or person | ||||
bike pedal | trapper 2 | trapper | (vallenzetter
3 pelsjager 2 3 4 |
hunter setting traps) hunter of furry animals (de) pels 2 fleece, fur | ||||
stairs step also: trede |
tree | tree | boom 2 | main forest element | ||||
1. ik trek
2 I pull, I drag 2. hunger, an appetite 3. journey |
trek 2 | trek | trek 2 | journey | ||||
a trembling, a shaking, vibration | trilling
trilling |
~vibrato 2 | producing a 'vibrato' sound, two rapidly alternating tones | |||||
1. pride 2. proud | trots 2 | trots | draaft 2 | het paard draaft 2 the horse trots - draven 2 to trot | ||||
(toothpaste etc.) container | tube 2 | tube |
binnenband |
pipe rubber 'inner' tire |
peat | turf | turf | grasveld | lawn | ||||
ik turn
type of gymnastics |
turn 2 | turn | beurt
draai draaien |
whose turn is it? a twist to turn, to spin |
quarrel | twist * | twist | draai | a spin | ||||
discolored, washed out, faded - vaal |
vale | vale | vallei | valley | ||||
of (origin or ownership) | van | van | caravan
~ busje 2 |
detachable camper, trailer large car type |
fast, firmly connected, not loose |
vast | vast |
heel groot
gigantisch 2 |
very large | ||||
1. spring (tensile device)
2. feather 3. ferry |
veer | veer | afwijken | to veer, move from target | ||||
auction | veiling | veiling | versluieren
2 versluiering 2 |
covering, hiding - (de) sluier ('veil') | ||||
a guy, a bloke, a man (somewhat unfavorable) |
vent | vent |
2 ontluchten 2 stoom afblazen 2 |
opening to let gas (air) out
to let gas (air) out to blow off steam, relieve pressure (literally and figuratively) |
fresh (vers / verse 2 3) | verse 2 | verse | vers / verzen | poem/poems, poetry - (verzen is the plural of vers) | ||||
wool cardigan or fleece jacket | vest | vest | vestje | vest (sleeveless, over-a-shirt garment with zipper or buttons) >> | ||||
1. fat, greasy
(vet / vette
2) 2. fat, grease |
vet | vet | veteraan
2 dierenarts |
veteran veterinarian, animals doctor |
violet (blue purple) | violet | violet | viooltje
violet |
a small, flowering plant blue purple - also: blauwpaars 2 |
wake, vigil | wake 2 3 | wake | (het) kielzog
2 3 4 5 6 7 |
whitewater 'trail' of a boat or ship | ||||
wall (of a room) | wand | wand | toverstokje | a magician's or wizard's stick | ||||
1. mitt 2. for, because |
want 2 | want | behoefte
gebrek aan verlangen 2 |
a need lack of to desire |
in de war
confused, in confusion |
war | war | oorlog | violent struggle between groups | ||||
1. ik was
I was
>> 2a. laundry 2b. (I) wash 3. wax |
was | was | ik was | I was | ||||
ik waste
>> 1. I washed up 2. I did laundry |
waste 2 | waste |
2 verspillen verspilling |
scraps, leavings, garbage to waste, not put to good use not using good material and letting it go to waste |
1. contraction (birth) 2. woe to ... 3. heimwee 2 homesickness |
wee | wee | klein 2 | small, little | ||||
't went
'you get used to it' alles went 2 3 'you get used to [everything] anything' |
went 2 | went | ik ging
3 wij gingen 2 |
I went we went >> |
law | wet | wet | nat | water-drenched | ||||
wedge | wig 2 | wig | pruik | not your own hair | ||||
white | wit 2 | wit |
geestig iemand
2 scherpzinnigheid 2 te weten ... 2 |
a wit, a witty person -
sharp-wittedness ('wit' is clever humor) to wit ... - also: namelijk ... |
miracle | wonder | wonder | zich afvragen | to wonder, to be curious | ||||
ik word
2 -
I become, I am being (the passive verb >>) |
word 2 | word | woord | woordenboek 2 'dictionary' - woordenschat 2 'vocabulary' | ||||
sausage | worst | worst | ergste
slechtste |
the most awful, the lowest quality |
helling |
nogal 2 ('rather') |
Waiting Room |
(de) wachtkamer 2 |
meaning of Dutch word | False Friend | Dutch translation of English word | ||
botsen to collide, crash into - ik bots 2 I collide, crash into | bots 2 3 | AI computers | ||
breakers, waves on a beach | branding 2 | brand name publicity; brandmerken 2 'burning a mark' | ||
physical, solid, real (not talk) - also: concreet 2 | concrete 2 | 1. beton
('the building material')
2. physical, solid, real (not talk) |
de Here 'The Lord' | Here | hier 2 ('here') | ||
directly, immediately, straightaway | direct 2 | regisseren
('to direct a movie/play') -
('movie/play director') dirigeren 2 ('to direct an orchestra') - dirigent ('music director') rechtstreeks 2 ('straightaway, without detour or intermediary') openhartig 2 3 ('speaking his or her [heart] mind openly') |
small electricity generator, like on a bicycle | dynamo 2 | |||
1. strong desire 2. hij lust
he likes (food) dat lust ik niet 'I don't want to eat that' |
lust | |||
the Navy | (de) marine | |||
notification, announcement, report | melding 2 3 | (de) vermenging 2 ('mixing') - (het) samensmelten 2 ('melting into a combination') | ||
tendon | pees 2 | urinates (slang) | ||
'right away, responding quickly' | prompt | ('') | ||
Dutch (de) prop is either 'a ball,' usually of crumpled paper: 'n prop papier 2 3 4 or in the diminutive: (het) propje 2 - 'n propje papier or something blocking a flow, like 'n bloedpropje 2 ('a blood clot') | prop | English 'prop' supporting, holding something up can be
(de) stut
2 or
(de) pijler
(think of 'pillar') the 'prop' used on movie sets or on the stage is (het) rekwisiet 2 |
trunk, the body without the head, arms and legs | romp 2 | |||
ik snap 't
'I understand [it]' ik snap 't niet 2 'I don't understand [it]' |
snap 2 3 | ('a short period of time') | ||
'strike, work stoppage' staken 2 'to be on strike' - wij staken 'we're on strike' |
staking 2 | afbakenening 2 demarcation, outlining of an area, ~staking out | ||
dirty, not clean; bad-tasting | vies | from 'to vie' - he vies 'is in de running'? 'Obama vies with nine others for title' Brooklyn vies to host Democrats in 2016 |
contents, cubic measure | volume | (het) deel 2 - part of a series of books | ||
hem, the finished edge of a piece of fabric | zoom 2 3 | I can't think of a Dutch word for 'zoom' like in 'zoom in' or 'zoom out' - vergroten 2 (general 'enlarge') and uitvergroten 2 ('to blow up a picture') are not exactly the same - vergroting 2 ('picture enlargement') |
(imaginary) shopping list: boodschappenlijstje 2 3 |
The Common Roots of English and DutchEnglish and Dutch developed from a common language of tribes that started to separate about 2300 years ago, and their languages grew apart and speech changes were no longer shared. English and Dutch still share hundreds of words, though most are no longer said in the same way, and of course spelling differs.Some words changed meaning, like English 'harvest' and Dutch herfst ('Fall, Autumn') - Dutch knecht 2 means 'male servant,' not the chivalrous horseman in shining armour knight - and Dutch smal 2 just means 'narrow,' it doesn't have the wider meaning of English 'small.' Words from a common root are called 'cognates.' I already wrote a little about them in lesson 6, and some years ago I made a page with audio of cognates in English, Dutch and German. |
colors |
Meals |
the house |
weather |
beauty |
bicycles |
>> |
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