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First Words (1) - Smartphone Pictures Dictionary of Everyday Dutch Words - 2 - 3

The House
Living Room
Yard, Garden
The The
Dutch has two words for the article: 'de' and 'het.' About a third of Dutch words have the article 'het,' but there are not many good rules. You'll just have to memorize which words take 'het.'
the: de click to hear 2 / het click to hear 2 3
'Het' is often shortened to: 't click to hear ->> (note the sound change)
Plurals always take 'de'
a: (een) - 'n click to hear / one: één click to hear 2 3
You'll need to know if words take 'de' or 'het' for the correct use of adjectives ->>

(het) huis click to hear house ->>
[front door]
(de) voordeur click to hear
front door
[a door]
(de) deur click to hear - 2
[old, old-fshioned, antique keys]
click to hear keys
[a modern, hi-tech key]
(de) sleutel
click to hear key
[a door lock]
slot click to hear - 2 lock
[a livingroom]
(de) zitkamer click to hear /or/ (de) woonkamer click to hear
living room ->>
[a livingroom]
(de) zitkamer click to hear /or/ (de) woonkamer click to hear 2 3
living room
[a table]
(het) tafeltje click to hear small table, 'coffee table'
[easy chair]
(de) luie stoel click to hear
'easy, lazy chair'
[easy chair]
(de) luie stoel click to hear
'easy, lazy chair'
[a sofa]
(de) bank click to hear sofa
[a window]
(het) raam click to hear
(het) gordijn click to hear 2 3
(het) boek click to hear book ->>
[two old books]
boeken click to hear boeken
a [bookcase] [a bookcase]
(de) boekenkast click to hear bookcase
[a small stack of newspapers]
kranten click to hear newspapers
[a few magazines]
tijdschriften click to hear magazines, periodicals
[reading glasses]
(de) leesbril click to hear reading glasses
[a small television set]
(de) televisie click to hear = (de) TV click to hear Television, TV
[a remote control unit]
(de) afstandsbediening click to hear remote (control)
[a DVD ]
(de) DVD click to hear 2
(de) film click to hear 2 movie
[a picture, photograph lying on a table]
(de) foto click to hear picture, photograph
foto's click to hear 2 pictures, photographs
[vase with cut flowers] [vase with cut flowers]
snijbloemen click to hear ('cut flowers')
een bos bloemen click to hear a bouquet of flowers
[a living room plant]
(de) plant click to hear plant
[watering can]
(de) gieter click to hear watering can
[stove, heater]
(de) kachel click to
  hear stove, heater
(het) vuur click to hear fire ->>
open haard click to hear - 2 'fireplace'
[central heating radiator]
(de) verwarming click to hear 'heating' - (de) radiator click to hear
(de) centrale verwarming click to hear 'central heating'
[light switch]
(het) lichtknopje click to
light switch
[light switch]
(het) lichtknopje click to
light switch
(de) schakelaar click to hear (power) switch
[power outlet]
(het) stopcontact click to hear - 2 power outlet ->>
[lamp, light]
(de) lamp click to hear lamp
[lamp, light]
(de) lamp click to hear lamp
gloeilampen click to hear light bulbs
[a clock]
(de) klok click to hear clock - mobile ->>
(de) telefoon
click to hear 2 telephone ->>
(de) prullenbak click to hear - 2 wastebasket
[a desk]
bureau (French) click to hear desk ->>
(het) potlood click to hear pencil
(de) pen click to hear pen
(het) papier click to hear 2 paper
[one pair of scissors]
(de) schaar click to hear
(de) computer click to hear
(de) keuken
click to hear - 2 kitchen >>
(de/het) aanrecht click to hear kitchen countertop
[kitchen sink]
(de) gootsteen click to hear kitchen sink
(de) kraan click to hear faucet
[stove, kitchen range]
(het) fornuis click to hear stove, kitchen range
(de) oven click to hear
[gas burner]
(het) gaspitje click to hear
gas burner
lucifers click to hear
[gas flame]
(de) gasvlam click to hear gas flame
[coooking pots]
pannen click to hear pans, cooking pots
singular: (de) pan click to hear pan
[pot holders]
pannenlappen click to hear pot holders
(de/het) vergiet click to hear colander
(de) zeef click to hear strainer, sieve
[kitchen timers]
click to hear 2 keukenwekkers click to hear (kitchen) timers
singular: (de) keukenwekker click to hear 2 'kitchen timer'
weegschaal click to hear
weegschaal - 'scale'
[tea kettle]
(de) fluitketel click to hear tea kettle (for boiling water)
[electric kettle]
(de) waterkoker click to hear 2 [water boiler] electric kettle
[refrigerator, fridge]
(de) ijskast click to hear (= (de) koelkast click to hear )
refrigerator, fridge
[small garbage can]
(de) afvalbak click to hear = (de) vuilnisbak click to hear
garbage can
[a table]
(de) tafel
click to hear 2 3 table
(de) tafel click to hear 2 3 table
[a chair]
(de) stoel click to hear chair
(het) mes click to hear knife
plural: messen click to hear 2
(de) vork click to hear fork
plural: vorken click to hear
(de) lepel click to hear spoon
plural: lepels click to hear
[forks, knives, spoons]
(het) bestek click to hear utensils, 'silverware'
(het) bord click to hear plate
plural: borden click to hear
(het) kopje click to hear cup, small cup
(het) glas click to hear glass
[Brussels sprouts] [red cabbage] [a bunch of parsley]
[one onion][a red bell pepper][a head of lettuce]
(de) groente click to hear vegetables - mobile
(de) verse groente click to hear fresh vegetables

groen click to hear green
[a basket of fruits]
(het) fruit click to hear fruits - mobile
(de) appel click to hear apple
(de) sinaasappel click to hear orange
[a few potatoes]
aardappels click to hear potatoes
[a handful of rice]
(de) rijst click to hear (white) rice
[a piece of meat]
(het) vlees click to hear meat - mobile
(de) kip click to hear chicken
[one egg]
(het) ei click to hear egg
eieren click to hear eggs - irregular plural
[a loaf of bread]
een brood click to hear a loaf of bread - mobile
(het) brood click to hear 'bread; a loaf of bread'
broden click to hear 2 'loaves of bread' - Plurals
- Talking about Food
[slices of bread]
sneetjes brood click to hear slices of bread
[a mug of milk]
een glas melk click to hear a glass of milk
(de) melk click to hear 2 milk >>
(de) trap click to hear stairs
(de) ladder click to hear
(de) slaapkamer click to
  hear - 2 bedroom ->>
(het) bed click to hear 2 bed
lakens click to hear sheets, bedsheets
(de) deken click to hear blanket
[down comforter]
(het) dekbed click to hear down comforter
kussens click to hear pillows
[an alarm clock]
click to hear (de) wekker click to hear alarm clock
[radio alarm clock]
(de) wekradio click to hear radio alarm clock
(de) badkamer click to hear bathroom ->>
[a toilet]
(de) WC click to hear = (het) toilet (French) click to hear
toilet, bathroom
Waar is de WC? click to hear 2 Where is the bathroom?
[a roll of toilet tissue]
WC papier click to hear
[a wash stand]
(de) wastafel click to hear wash stand
[a wash stand faucet]
(de) kraan click to hear faucet
[a bar of soap]
een stuk zeep click to hear a bar of soap
[washing hands]
(de) zeep click to hear soap
handen wassen click to hear washing hands
[a pump bottle of liquid soap]
(het) zeepflesje click to hear a bottle of liquid soap
[some liquid soap on my hand]
(de) vloeibare zeep click to hear 2 liquid soap
[a towel]
(de) handdoek click to hear towel
[shower] [a shower, me taking a shower]
(de) douche (French) click to hear shower
ik douche (~French) click to hear 2 I'm taking a shower
[some shampoo on a hand]
(de) shampoo (~English) click to hear
[shampooing my hair]
(de) shampoo click to hear - haar wassen click to hear washing hair
[a toothbrush]
(de) tandenborstel click to hear - 2 toothbrush
[two tubes of 'Zendium'  toothpaste]
(de) tandpasta click to hear 2 toothpaste
[some toothpaste on a brush]
(de) tandpasta click to hear 2 toothpaste
[brushing teeth]
tanden poetsen click to hear rushing teeth
[curls (curly hair)]
(het) haar click to hear hair
(krullen click to hear curls)
[a hairbrush]
(de) borstel click to hear = (de) haarborstel click to hear
brush, hairbrush
[a comb]
kam click to hear
[a mirror, showing me and my camera taking the picture]
(de) spiegel click to hear 2 mirror
[nail scissors]
(het) nagelschaartje click to hear 2 nail scissors
[nail clipper]
(de) nagelknipper click to hear 2 nail clipper
[nail file]
(de) nagelvijl click to hear 2 nail file
[bathroom scale]
(de) weegschaal click to hear
[bathroom scale]
weegschaal - 'scale'
[perfume (bottles)]
(de/het) parfum click to hear
(de) lippenstift click to hear 2 3
[a 'Philips'  electric shaver]
(het) scheerapparaat click to hear
[yard, garden]
(de) tuin click to hear - 2 yard, garden ->>
['small garden,' flowerbed]
(het) tuintje click to hear - 2 'small garden,' flowerbed
[a rose]
(de) bloem click to hear 2 3 flower ->>
((de) roos click to hear - 2 rose)
[pink rose]
(de) bloem click to hear 2 3 flower
(roze roos click to hear - 2 pink rose)
[a purple, almost black tulip and a pink tulip]
click to hear tulips ->>
[orange-colored roses]
bloemen click to hear 2 flowers
(oranje rozen click to hear 2 3 orange roses)
(het) platje click to
  hear patio
(de) kerk click to hear church >>
[apartment building]
(het) flatgebouw (½English) click to hear
= (de) flat (English) click to hear
high-rise apartment complex
also: (de) flat (English) click to hear apartment
[a balcony]
(het) balkon click to hear balcony
[Albert Heijn, a supermarket]
(de) winkel click to hear 2 shop, store
(de) supermarkt click to hear 2 supermarket
Albert Heijn click to hear 2 more shopping

next >>

vegetables - fruits - meals
breakfast, lunch, drinks and snacks

See and Hear also: Basic Dutch Words List (for mobile, 1000 words, no pictures)
and: More Good Dutch Smartphone Pages

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Gij zult niet stelen click to hear 'Thou shalt not steal'