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Life - Phases | |
Life - '(het) Leven' | |
To Live, Be Alive - 'Leven' |
To Live, Reside - 'Wonen' | |
Growth, Young and Old |
Gebeuren - to Happen, Take Place | |
Proberen - to Try | |
Sickness and Death | |
Challenges |
(de) crèche (French)
/ (het) kinderdagverblijf
(de) peuterspeelzaal
'preschool, nursery school'
(de) school
childlike -/- kinderachtig
geboren worden 2 | to be born |
Hij werd geboren in Rotterdam 2 3 | He was born in Rotterdam |
Ik ben in Nederland geboren | I was born in Holland ->> 2 |
Ik ben in Nederland geboren en opgegroeid | I was born and (grew up) raised in Holland |
Ik ben in een kleine stad opgegroeid 2 3 | I've grown up, I've been brought up in a small town |
Ik ben opgegroeid in een kleine stad | I've grown up, I've been brought up in a small town |
Hij is in armoede opgegroeid 2 3 | He was brought up in poverty, He's grown up poor |
geboren en getogen 2 3 | born and bred |
ouden van dagen 2 3 4 | ['olds of days'] a polite phrase for elderly people |
Like English 'child,' Dutch kind 2 has an irregular plural: kinderen 2 ('children') - plurals ->>
Heeft-ie kinderen? 2 | Does he have children? |
Ze hebben drie kinderen | They have 3 children |
Er zijn inmiddels drie kinderen 2 | By now [there are] they have 3 children |
Hij is getrouwd en heeft twee kinderen slow | He is married with 2 children |
Hoe doen je kinderen het op school? | How are your kids doing at school? |
Ik vertelde de kinderen een verhaaltje 2 | I told the children a story |
(De) samenleving
'society' - people living together in a somewhat ordered community,
like the whole world or a country.
Also: (de) maatschappij
'society,' but this word can also mean 'company, commercial business'
'Company' as people with you is
(het) gezelschap
which, like in English, can also mean a group of people come together for
arts, making music or staging plays etc.
in goed gezelschap
in good company
Ze leidt een teruggetrokken bestaan
She leads a withdrawn, retiring [existence]
life, she keeps to herself
English 'to live' and Dutch leven 2 usually mean something like 'to be alive' or 'to exist.' Dutch (het) leven is the noun 'life.' For 'live' music Dutch uses the English word 'live.'
Leven je ouders nog? | Are your parents still alive? |
Leven en laten leven 2 | Live and let live |
De mens kan niet alleen van brood leven | Man cannot live by bread alone |
Van de hand in de tand leven | 'Living hand to [tooth] mouth' (on very little money) |
Hoop doet leven | [Hope makes you live] Hope fuels life |
We leven nog 2 3 | 'We're still alive (It was a dfficult time but we survived) |
... en ze leefden nog lang en gelukkig 2 3 | (fairy tale ending) [... and they lived still long and happily] - ... and they lived happily ever after |
Je moet ermee leren leven 2 3 | You'll have to learn to live with it (something bad or unpleasant isn't going away) |
Wie dan leeft, wie dan zorgt 2 3 | He/She who then lives, can then deal with the problems - don't worry too much about the future |
Ze leven in onmin 2 3 | They're not on good terms, they live in strife |
Ik leef in angst 2 3 | I'm living in fear, I'm always afraid |
overleven 2 3 | to survive |
We hebben 't overleefd | We have survived (it - a challenge) |
Er zouden geen overlevenden zijn 2 | It was said there were no survivors |
't Leven gaat door 2 | Life goes on (moving on after a loss) |
twee jaar van m'n leven 2 | two years of my life |
tijdens zijn leven 2 | during his life, in his lifetime |
tijdens z'n leven 2 | during his life, in his lifetime |
de mooiste tijd van m'n leven 2 | the [most beautiful] best [time] years of my life |
't Gebeurt maar eens in je leven 2 | It happens only once in your life |
't eeuwige leven 2 3 | eternal life |
'Hij wil z'n leven beteren' 2 3 | does not mean simply 'He wants to improve his life' or 'He wants to do better' but it specifically means 'he' wants to move his life away from crime and/or bad behavior towards a more decent, moral attitude |
Ik word geleefd | ['I'm being lived'] - I'm so busy with other things there's no time for myself |
Tijd van leven 2 3 | 'Time to live' - the time to enjoy life, doing your own thing |
wonen to reside, 'live' | - | ik woon I 'reside' | - | wij wonen we 'reside' | - | ik woonde I 'resided' | - | wij woonden we 'resided' | - | ik heb gewoond
I have 'resided' |
(de) woning 2 3 | official, bookish word for 'house' - 'dwelling, residence' |
'onbewoonbaar verklaarde woning' 2 3 | [house declared unlivable] condemned building, officially declared unfit for habitation |
Ik woon in Amerika | I live in the US |
Hij woont ergens achteraf 2 3 | He lives [somewhere remote] in the countryside |
samenwonen 2 | (a couple) living together (without being married) |
Woon je ver van je werk? | Do you live far from your work? |
Hij woont dicht bij het museum | He lives close to the museum |
Ik heb tot m'n 37ste in Nederland gewoond
(zevenendertigste) |
I lived in Holland till age 37 |
De mensen die naast ons wonen | The people (who live) next door (to us) |
We wonen nog maar kort hier 2 | We've only been living here or a short time |
Hij woont thuis 2 | "He lives at home" - said of adults living with their parents |
Likewise: Bij ons thuis 2 | ['At our home'] - it usually refers to the parents' home when the speaker was a child |
Ze blijft in Nederland wonen 2 3 | [She'll continue living in The Netherlands] - She'll stay in Holland |
(het) woonerf 2 | residential area with limited car access |
(de) woonboot 2 3 4 | [boat for living] - houseboat |
usually means 'to move house,' go live in another house, in another
place or country. Occasionally it can mean to help someone move
house, either as a friend or professionally. In the perfect tense
there is a clear difference:
Ik ben verhuisd
I have moved (I live in another house, place, country now)
Ik heb verhuisd
I have helped someone move
verhuizen to move | - | ik verhuis I'm moving | - | wij verhuizen we're moving | - | ik verhuisde I moved | - | wij verhuisden we moved | 2 |
Lang nadat we verhuisd waren 2 | Long after we had moved |
"Die man gaat verhuizen" 2 | That guy is going to move |
(Hij heeft z'n hand al ingepakt | He's already packed his hand)
- Jokey coment on a guy with a hand in his pocket |
Otherwise, English 'to move' is bewegen 2 3 - with 'moving your body' often the reflexive zich bewegen 2 - like for (mild) exercise. It's a strong verb:
bewegen to move |
- | bewoog moved |
- | bewogen moved |
bewegen to move | - | ik beweeg I'm moving | - | wij bewegen we're moving | - | ik bewoog I moved | - | wij bewogen we moved | - | ik heb bewogen
I have moved |
(de) lichaamsbeweging 2 3 | [body movement] ~exercise, ~fitness |
(de) leermeester bewegingsleer 2 | ~mobility teacher |
meer bewegen! | do more exercise |
Beweeg je niet! | Do not move! Freeze! |
Er zit geen beweging in 2 3 | [There is no movement to it] - It is stuck, it is not going to budge (literally or figuratively) |
Er zit beweging in 2 3 4 | [There is movement to it] - It's becoming unstuck, things are moving (literally and figuratively) |
also: Er zit geen schot in 2 3 | It is stuck, things are not going forward (figuratively) |
Er zit schot in 2 | It's becoming unstuck, things are moving (literally and figuratively) |
De minuutwijzer beweegt bijna niet meer slow | The minutes hand hardly moves anymore ‑>> |
Wat beweegt die mensen? 2 3 | [What 'moves' those people?] - What is their motivation? (to do something commonly considered unpleasant, horrible) |
(de) groei | growth | groeien 2 | to grow | ||
jong | young | jong/jonge 2 | jonge 2 3 | ||
oud 2 | old | oud/oude | oude 2 |
een jonge hond 2 | a young dog |
het jonge gras 2 | the young (fresh) grass |
in m'n jonge jaren 2 3 | 'in my younger years, when I was younger' |
twintig lentes jong 2 | 'twenty springtimes young' (said by slimeballs about young women) |
Als ik wat jonger was ... 2 | If I were a little younger ... |
de jeugd van tegenwoordig 2 | the young people of today |
Jong geleerd, oud gedaan 2 3 4 | ['learned young, still doing it at old age'] what's learned young will still be easy at old age | Hoe oud ben je? 2 3 | 'How old are you? What is your age?' |
Hoe oud ben je geworden? 2 | 'How old [have you become] are you now?' Birthday |
Hij is even oud als jij 2 | ['He's as old as you'] - He's your age |
We zijn even oud 2 | ['We are equally old'] - 'We are the same age' |
Ik word oud 2 | I'm getting old |
Hij is oud geworden 2 3 | He's gotten old - this usually means he's come to look old or his mental ability has diminished, or it could be said of a person who passed away at a respectable age |
Ik ben wel oud, maar toch niet zo oud 2 | I may be old, but I'm not that old |
Daar ben ik te oud voor 2 | I'm too old for that |
Het houten huis is heel oud | The wooden house is very old |
Op m'n oude dag 2 | in my old [day] age |
een onbezorgde oude dag 2 3 | a worry-free, carefree old [day] age |
De Oude Garde | The Old Guard |
ouden van dagen 2 3 4 | ['olds of days'] a polite phrase for elderly people |
wijze oude mannen 2 | wise old men ('village elders') |
Ouder, maar niet wijzer | Older, but not wiser |
(de) levensavond 2 | [life's evening] old age |
verouderd 2 3 | antiquated, old-fashioned, obsolete |
De tijd zal 't leren 2 | Time will [teach] tell |
De tand des tijds 2 3 4 | 'The tooth of time'] - decay due to age (human and general) |
Met de ouderdom komen de gebreken 2 | '[With] In old age defects appear' |
Daar ben ik te oud voor 2 | I'm too old for that |
Oud en de dagen zat 2 3 | Old and tired of the days |
But: 'Ik ben weer de oude' 2 | ['I'm the old one again'] - 'I'm back to normal' |
de jongste dag 2 | the ["youngest"] last day, doomsday - the day of: |
het laatste oordeel 2 3 | the [last] final judgement - religion |
Waldhoorns schallen voor jong en voor oud | French horns ring out for young and for old |
'schallen' 2 3 4 | to ring out, peal, blare |
het jongste kind 2 3 4 | the youngest child |
de oudste zoon van de oudste zoon 2 3 | the eldest son of the eldest son |
Jonge kaas
'young cheese' has matured ('fermented') for one or two months, while
oude kaas
'old cheese' has matured for 10 months or even years. In between is
- belegen kaas
has 'aged' four to eight months
See also: dairy
gebeuren | to happen, occur, take place |
't gebeurt | it happens (unfortunately) |
't gebeurde | it happened |
Wat er gebeurt 2 3 | What happens |
Wat er gebeurde 2 3 | What happened, how it ended up |
't Is gebeurd 2 | [It has happened] - usually this means: 'The job is done' |
(de) gebeurtenis | event, incident |
(het) voorval 2 | event, incident (old-fashioned) |
(het) incident 2 | incident |
't Is net gebeurd 2 3 | It happened, came about just a moment ago |
Zulke dingen gebeuren | Things like that happen (unfortunately) |
't Kan gebeuren 2 | It [can] may happen, things like that happen |
't Zit er niet in 2 3 4 | It's not going to happen |
Wat is er gebeurd? 2 3 | What [has] happened? |
Er is een ongeluk gebeurd 2 3 4 | [An accident happened] - There has been an accident (usually in traffic) |
Er hoeft maar iets te gebeuren of 't gaat helemaal mis 2 3 4 | [It only needs a little something to happen and it'll go completely wrong] - Any little thing can offset the precarious balance and lead to disaster |
Wat gebeurde er toen je twintig was? | What happened when you were 20? (talking about an important event) |
Hij vertelde mij wat er gebeurd was | He told me what [had] happened |
Hij vertelde hun wat er gebeurd was 2 | He told them what [had] happened |
Ik wil weten wat er gebeurd is 2 3 | I want to know what [has] happened |
Ik wil precies weten wat er gebeurd is 2 3 | I want to know exactly what happened |
Ik wil weten wat er precies gebeurd is 2 3 | I want to know what exactly happened |
Ik moet toch weten wat er gebeurt in de wereld 2 3 | I [have to] want to know what's happening, going on in the world (following the news) |
Weet je al wanneer 't gaat gebeuren? 2 3 | Do you (already) know when it's going to happen? (a big event like a move or a sugery) |
Zij denkt dat 't nog gaat gebeuren | She thinks it's still going to happen |
't Kan elk moment gebeuren 2 3 | It can happen any moment, anytime |
't Gebeurt maar eens in je leven 2 | It happens just once in your life(time) |
Er schijnt iets gebeurd te zijn 2 3 4 | It looks like something happened |
Er is iets heel ergs gebeurd 2 3 4 | Something [very] really bad happened |
Er moet nog zoveel gebeuren! 2 3 | There's still so much that needs to [happen] be done! |
Also: Er moet nog zoveel gedaan worden! 2 | There's still so much that needs to be done! |
Hoe kan 't gebeuren? 2 | How can it happen, how is it possible? (puzzled, frustrated) |
Hoe kan 't gebeuren? 2 3 4 | How can it happen? How is it possible that things like that happen? (lamenting too much bad luck) |
't Mag nooit meer gebeuren 2 3 | We can't allow it to ever happen again, never again! |
't Had niet mogen gebeuren 2 | It shouldn't have happened |
't Zal niet meer gebeuren 2 3 4 | It won't happen again (promising better behavior) |
Dat gaat me niet nog een keer gebeuren 2 3 | That's nog going to happen to me again |
Wat zou er gebeuren? 2 | What would happen? |
Ik wilde dat 't nooit gebeurd was | I wish it had never happened |
Ik wou dat 't nooit gebeurd was 2 | I wish it had never happened |
'happen to' - something happens to you
't Ergste dat je kan overkomen
The worst that can happen to you (this can be
serious, but usually it's said to tell you
there is no great risk)
't Is niet de eerste keer dat me dit overkomt
It's not the first time
that this happens to me
Dat kan alleen mij overkomen
[That can only happen to me] - Things like
that only happen to me (I have way too much bad luck)
Dat kan iedereen overkomen
That can happen to anybody
(De) beurt
is usually a person's 'turn' in a game (or in a line)
Wie is er aan de beurt?
Whose turn is it? Who's Next?
is a bit hard to translate. It means 'to experience, to be present
at, take part in, to witness' but those are not
common word in English. I translate it here as 'happen to you,'
or 'to see'
Heb je wel eens zo-iets meegemaakt?
Heb je zo-iets wel eens meegemaakt?
Have you ever experienced something like
that? Has it ever happened to you?
Dat heb ik nog nooit meegemaakt
That has never happened to me
Dat ik dit nog mee mag maken
[That I still can see this] - Amazing (or
unexpected) that I still came to this experience, that I lived to see
Wat is er aan de hand? 'What's going on? What's happening?' Wat is hier aan de hand? 2 3 4 5 What's going on (here)? Wat is er hier aan de hand? 2 What's going on here? more 'aan de hand'
(de) ervaring experience - like in English, both an (for you) important event that you witnessed or were part of, and also a skill or knowledge you've gotten because you've often done or experienced something. een nare ervaring 2 3 a very unpleasant, upsetting experience Ik heb er slechte ervaringen mee 2 3 I have bad experiences with it - it's not something I'd recommend Hij heeft veel ervaring 2 3 He has much experience, he's very experienced - he's often done a certain thing and is good at it or he has often been in a certain event Hij heeft vaker met dat bijltje gehakt 2 3 (saying) ['he has wielded that (little) axe before'] - 'He has done that before, he has the experience' (usually in a somewhat unpleasant task)
(de) toestand
situation; bad situation
(de) noodtoestand
emergency situation; state of siege
Wat een toestand!
Such a situation! What a mess!
de toestand in de wereld
'the state of the world,' what's going on
in the world
Ik word droevig
van de toestand in de wereld
I'm saddened by
what's going on in the world
circumstances, situation
de huidige omstandigheden
the present circumstances
onder bepaalde omstandigheden
under certain circumstances
onder welke omstandigheden
under which circumstances
wegens omstandigheden gesloten
closed due to (unexpected) circumstances
(often meaning: an unexpected death)
(de) samenloop van omstandigheden
[running together of circumstances]
- coincidence
(de) omgeving
surroundings, environment - both literally and
proberen to try | - | ik probeer I'm trying | - | wij proberen we are trying | - | ik probeerde I tried | - | wij probeerden we tried | - | ik heb geprobeerd
I have tried |
2 |
Ik probeer Nederlands te leren | I'm trying to learn Dutch |
Ik heb geprobeerd Nederlands te leren 2 3 | I have tried to learn Dutch |
Ik probeer stress te vermijden 2 3 | I'm trying to avoid stress |
Ik probeer om tien uur in bed te liggen 2 | I try to [lie down in] be in bed by 10 O'clock |
Ik probeer te begrijpen wat ... 2 | I'm trying to understand what ... |
Hij probeert grappig te zijn 2 | He's trying to be funny |
Probeer niet te hoesten 2 | Try not to cough |
Probeer niet te vloeken 2 | Try not to curse |
Probeer wakker te blijven | Try to stay awake |
Probeer 't eenvoudig te houden 2 | Try to keep it simple |
Probeer 't eens 2 3 | Do try it, give it a try |
Probeer 't nog eens 2 3 | [Try it one more time] - Try it again |
Probeer eens wat anders 2 3 (4) | Do try something different sometime |
Probeer eens wat nieuws | Try something new for a change |
Ik probeerde te fluiten 2 3 | I tried to whistle |
Ik heb geprobeerd te fluiten 2 3 | I have tried to whistle |
Hij probeerde de kist op te tillen 2 3 | He tried to lift the wooden box |
Ik heb geprobeerd te helpen 2 | I have tried to help |
Ik heb geprobeerd te zwijgen | I have tried to stay silent, not to speak up |
Ik heb geprobeerd de vogels te horen 2 3 | I have tried to hear the birds |
Ik heb gisteren in Amsterdam geprobeerd een visum te krijgen 2 3 | Yesterday I've tried to get a visa in Amsterdam |
Ik ga morgen in Amsterdam proberen een visum te krijgen 2 3 | Tomorrow I'll try to get a visa in Amsterdam |
Hij gaat 't proberen | He's going to try [it] |
Ik blijf 't proberen 2 3 4 | I keep trying [it] |
Blijf 't proberen! 2 3 | Keep trying [it]! |
Ik heb 't geprobeerd 2 3 | I tried [it]! |
(de) poging 2 | attempt, try |
Dit is de derde poging 2 | This is the 3rd attempt, 3rd try |
See also: 'Medical' for many more words and lines about health and illness
(de) Dodenherdenking 2 | Remembrance of the Dead - specifically the May 4th ceremonies honoring those that died in the Second World War |
Gij zult niet doden | Thou shalt not kill ->> |
De hond van de buren is doodgegaan 2 3 4 | The neighbors' dog died |
M'n vader is veertig jaar geleden overleden 2 | My Dad passed away 40 years ago |
Mijn moeder zou dit jaar honderd geworden zijn 2 | My mother would have turned 100 years old this year |
Hij is in de oorlog omgekomen 2 3 | He died in the war |
Hij is in Indië gesneuveld | He fell, was killed in action in the Dutch Indies (a military man) |
Hij is bij een auto-ongeluk omgekomen | He died in a car crash |
Als ik er niet meer ben ... 2 3 | When I'm no [more] longer around, when I'm gone (have died) |
condoleren 2 3 (met ) | to condole, offer condolence (on) |
"gecondoleerd" 2 | "my condolences" |
(het) medeleven | [shared suffering, feeling] sympathy |
medeleven betuigen | offering sympathy |
"We leven met je mee" 2 3 | 'You are in our thoughts' |
Magere Hein | ['Skinny Henry'] 'The Grim Reaper' |
De pijp aan Maarten geven 2 | (saying) ['Give] Hand the pipe to Maarten' - to pass away, die |
Het moede hoofd neerleggen 2 3 | 'laying down the weary head' - to die, after a life of much worry |
stoffelijke resten 2 3 | [physical] 'mortal' remains, the dead body of a human being |
(de) euthanasie 2 3 4 5 | euthanasia |
verrekken 2 3 | 1. to overstretch, strain, pull a muscle or tendon
2. to die miserably |
creperen 2 3 | to die miserably |
ter dood veroordeeld 2 | condemned to death |
dode bladeren | dead, fallen leaves ‑>> |
dooie blâren | dead, fallen leaves (poetic) |
dodelijk ernstig 3 4 | deathly (very) serious (mood, attitude) ‑>> |
dodelijke ernst 2 | [deathly seriousness] ~ death-serious mood, attitude |
monddood | [mouth-dead] - silenced, not allowed to speak up or no longer able to speak freely |
(de) dooddoener 2 3 4 | [death-doer] - remark that stops the discussion |
doodeenvoudig 2 3 | [dead-] very simple ‑>> |
doodgewoon 2 | [dead-] very common ‑>> |
(de) doodlopende weg 2 | dead-end street ‑>> |
"Ik wil niet dood" | 'I don't want to die' (crime fiction) |
Like English, Dutch has a few somewhat humorous, exaggerating phrases referring to death:
Ik ben doodop 2 | I'm dead-tired |
Ik word er doodmoe van 2 | I get dead-tired of it, I'm sick of it |
Zo dood als een pier | Dead as a [rainworm] doornail, dead like disco |
Ik verveel me te pletter 2 3 | ['I'm crushed by boredom'] - I'm bored to death |
Ik erger me dood 2 3 | I'm annoyed to death, I'm very annoyed |
Als blikken konden doden ... 2 | If looks could kill ... |
"Ik ga liever gewoon dood!" 2 3 4 | 'I'd rather die in the regular way' - when mock-protesting or trying to refuse something slightly risky, but more commonly commenting on an unpleasant task or given food you really don't like |
Ik kom om van de honger 2 3 | ['I'm dying of hunger, I'm starving'] - I'm very hungry |
Ik sterf van de honger 2 3 | ['I'm dying of hunger, I'm starving'] - I'm very hungry |
op sterven na dood 2 3 4 5 | 'dead except for the dying' - feeling very tired or very sick |
sterven to die |
- | stierf died |
- | gestorven died |
Hij is een zachte dood gestorven 2 3 | [He died a soft death] He passed away peacefully, without pain, without anguish |
Hij is aan kanker gestorven 2 3 | He died of cancer |
De Neanderthalers zijn uitgestorven 2 3 | The Neanderthalers died out |
De sabeltandtijger is uitgestorven | The sabre tooth tiger died out |
De straten waren uitgestorven 2 | The streets [had died out] were deserted (very quiet) |
(het) testament 2 | will, last will, testament |
(de) erfenis 2 | inheritance, |
(de) nalatenschap 2 | legacy, inheritance, heritage, estate |
nalaten 2 | 1. to leave behind, to bequeath (when you die)
2. failing to do, refraining from - a bit old-fashioned |
In speaking, the 'D' in oude
- 'old') is often 'softened to a W-sound:
oude / ouwe
oude man
/ oude baas
/ ouwe baas
('old man') -
'je ouwelui'
('your old folks,' that is: 'your parents')
Less commonly, the second D in 'dode' ('dead') sometimes
is said as consonant Y (Dutch J, here written as 'I') -
dode / dooie
- dode bladeren
/ dooie blâren
('[dead] fallen leaves')
't Leven na de dood 2 3 Life after death, the afterlife ->>
from Ecclesiastes 12 (Prediker
2 )
... want de mens gaat naar zijn eeuwig huis en de rouwklagers gaan rond op
straat ...
... because man goes to his eternal home,
and the (professional)
mourners go about in the street ...
See also: Words of Time and Words of Change
Met de ouderdom komen de gebreken 2 | '[With] In old age defects, infirmities appear' |
Ik loop met een stok 2 3 slow |
Ik loop met twee stokken 2 3 |
Ik rij(d) op een driewieler "(de) driewielrijder" 2 3 tricyclist |
Heb je al een rollator? 2 3 | Do you already have a walker? |
Ik heb geen rollator 2 3 | I don't have a walker |
Ik heb nog geen rollator | I don't have a walker yet |
Ik heb nog steeds geen rollator 2 3 | I still don't have a walker |
Ik heb inmiddels een rollator 2 3 | By now I do have a rollator walker |
Ik heb een rollator 2 | I have a walker, I do have a walker |
Ik loop soms met een rollator 2 3 | I sometimes [walk with] use a walker |
Ik kan er goed mee lopen 2 | With it I can walk well (I walk more safely with its assistance, I walk better with it) ‑>> |
Ik kan er ver mee lopen 2 | I can walk far with it, I can walk good distances with it |
Ik loop er elke dag mee 2 3 | I walk with it every day, I use it every day for walking |
slecht ter been 2 3 | [bad on the leg] - having difficulty walking |
Ik heb m'n gehoorapparaat niet in 2 | I don't have my hearing aid (in) |
Ik heb een handicap 2 | I have a disability |
Als gehandicapte ... 2 | As a person with a disability ... |
Als gehandicapte heb ik soms hulp nodig 2 3 | As a person with a disability I sometimes need help |
See also: | Medical |
(het) looprekje 2 3 |
(de) rollator |
(de) driewieler 2 |
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Copyright © Marco Schuffelen 2015.
All rights reserved.
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Don't be a
dief (thief) /
dievegge (female thief) -
diefstal (theft) -
stelen (to steal) -
heler (dealer in stolen goods) -
hear Dutch -