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In Dutch, some vowel sounds are represented by other letters than in
English (>>);
the Dutch language has a few sounds that do not exist in English
(>>) and some sounds are rather different
(>>) from English. In Anne Frank's Diary you will find:
Anne Frank |
Kitty Margot Peter (van Daan) Pim (Anne's Dad's nickname) hear |
Van Daan Petronella (Mrs van Daan) Albert Dussel hear |
Petel (Peter Wessel's nickname?) Mansa (Anne's mother's nickname) Lotje (Mrs Dussel, not present) hear |
Miep van Santen Henk Elly* Vossen Dirk hear |
Miep Gies ('Miep van Santen') Bep Voskuijl ('Elly Vossen') hear
Travies N.V. |
Meneer (Mr) Koophuis Meneer (Mr) Kraler hear
Victor Kugler* ('Meneer Koophuis') |
Please note that P and H in Koophuis
are pronounced separately, like in English 'uphill' and NOT like an F
as in 'elephant.'
The 'Elli' of the book is a very unlikely Dutch name. It was probably 'Elly.' I assume it was a mistake in editing. 'Meneer' is Mr and Sir; 'Kugler' is a German name. |
Lies Goossens Peter Wessel hear |
Sanne Houtman Jopie de Waal hear |
Fanny* De Leur hear |
Meneer Keptor* Eva Harry Goldberg* hear |
Miep de Jong Wim Jacques* Corry hear |
Karel Samson Robby Bram hear |
'Fanny' is an English name; Mr Keptor was a schoolteacher; 'Goldberg' is a German name; 'Jacques' is a French name. |
Amsterdam Prinsengracht Jan Luykenstraat hear |
Stadstimmertuinen Jozef Israëlskade Vijzelstraat Singel hear |
De Joodse Invalide (a nursing home) De Westertoren (Anne hears its clock) hear |
Binnengasthuis (a hospital) Carlton Hotel De Bijenkorf (a department store) hear |
Dutch towns Maastricht Halfweg Schiphol (the airport) hear |
Leiden IJmuiden Beverwijk hear |
Provinces Zeeland Drente Utrecht hear |
Noord-Holland Zuid-Holland hear |
Gelderland Groningen Friesland hear |
When speaking Dutch, we call our country
- in Dutch,
is only a part of the country, albeit the most important part. Maps of Holland with More Names |
Koningin Wilhelmina (The Queen) Prinses Juliana (The Crown Princess) Prins Bernhard (Juliana's husband) hear |
Margriet Franciska (Juliana's third daughter) Prins Boudewijn (Prince Baudoin of Belgium) hear |
(royal ancestors) Jan ('the Elder') Willem Lodewijk Ernst Casimir Hendrik Casimir hear |
Gerbrandy (the prime minister of the Dutch Government-in-Exile) Bolkenstein (the education minister of the Dutch Government-in-Exile) Radio Oranje (broadcasts of the Dutch Government-in-Exile) hear |
NSB'ers (the collaborators) Mussert (their leader) hear |
Dutch books mentioned by Anne Camera Obscura Een Zomerzotheid ('A Summer Silliness') Heren, Vrouwen en Knechten ('Gentlemen, Women and Men Servants') hear |
authors Joop ter Heul Cissy van Marxveldt Koenen (a dictionary) hear |
Nico van Suchtelen Ina Boudier*-Bakker hear |
Sis Heyster Mary* Bos hear | ||
'Boudier' is a French name; 'Mary' is an English name. |
Goudsmit (the tenant at the Franks' house) Slagter (the night watchman) hear |
Van Dijk (an employee of Travies) Lewin (an employee of Mr Kraler's) hear |
Dutch Words lyceum (a type of secondary school) opklapbed (a type of folding bed) oma ("Grandma") hear |
Gelderse Worst (Gelderland Sausage) Sinterklaas (Saint Nicholas, Santa Claus) hear |
Cats Moortje Mouschi Moffie ('boche') hear |
kastanje (chestnut - both nut and tree) - kastanjeboom 2 (chestnut tree) |
Transit Camps in Holland Westerbork Vught hear |
The Death Camps (German) Auschwitz Bergen-Belsen Neuengamme hear |
Treblinka Belsec Sobibor Chelmno hear |
Recommended Reading: Marga Minco: Het Bittere Kruid (Bitter
Herbs) about a girl slightly older than Anne Frank in about the
same circumstances, but she has the opportunity to make different
choices, was lucky and does survive.
Marga Minco
- Het Bittere Kruid
A few actors have asked me for pointers about English with a Dutch accent for the Anne Frank play, but I think that would be wrong and pointlessly distract from the message. I think foreign accents should only be used on the stage or in movies when in the situation depicted the character in real life would speak a for him or her foreign language. Unfortunately Anne never came to speak with American, English or Canadian soldiers.
Source: Dutch Wikipedia: book - movie
Dutch Vowels Generally Sound Different from English Vowels
Dutch Sounds not Heard in English
Dutch Sounds Represented by Different Letters in English
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