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Drie Sinterklaasliedjes - Three Dutch Santa Claus Songs

In Dutch folklore, each year in November Sinterklaas click to hear 2 ('Santa Claus') and his helpers arrive by steamboat from Spain. In the following weeks, little children may put out a shoe (with a carrot for Santa's horse) at a fireplace (or a central heating radiator) and receive small presents. The big night is December 5 with presents for the whole family, often accompanied by funny poems, and there may be some joke presents (surprises (Fr.) click to hear)

Zie Ginds Komt de Stoomboot
Zie ginds komt de stoomboot uit Spanje weer aan
Hij brengt ons Sint Nicolaas, ik zie hem al staan
Hoe huppelt zijn paardje het dek op en neer
Hoe waaien de wimpels al heen en al weer
click to hear 2
Look, yonder comes the steamboat from Spain
It bring us Saint Nicholas, I already see him standing there
His dear horse is prancing around on the deck
The banners are blown left and right
Sinterklaas Kapoentje
Sinterklaas kapoentje,
gooi wat in m'n schoentje,
gooi wat in m'n laarsje,
dank u Sinterklaasje.
click to hear 2
Santa Claus ... ('rooster' - meaningless word, just something to rhyme with 'schoentje')
put something in my (little) shoe
put something in my (little) boot
thank you (little) Santa Claus
Zie de Maan Schijnt door de Bomen
Zie de maan schijnt door de bomen
Makkers staakt Uw wild geraas
't Heerlijk avondje is gekomen
't Avondje van Sinterklaas
Vol verwachting klopt ons hart,
Wie de koek krijgt, wie de gard
Vol verwachting klopt ons hart,
Wie de koek krijgt, wie de gard
click to hear 2
See the moonlight through the trees,
Comrades stop that wild noise (be quiet)
The great night has arrived
Santa Claus's night
Our heart(s) are beating expectantly
Who'll get cake and who'll be punished
Our heart(s) are beating expectantly
Who'll get cake and who'll be punished

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A similar page: Dutch Birthday Songs

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