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Easy Dutch: Recognizable Words - Pronunciation and Vocabulary

More Easy Dutch: Recognizable Words by Subject - Recognizable Verbs: Common Activities

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A collection of Dutch words that are easily recognizable or similar to English words, to help you build vocabulary.
By comparing Dutch and English words that are recognizable or look similar you'll also quickly come to understand the differences between Dutch and English pronunciation and spelling.
A companion page shows Dutch and English False Friends, words that look identical but have a different meaning - also in a shorter version.

The page has both basic and specialized words, for students at many levels. See and hear the words that don't look useful to you just as spelling and pronunciation examples. You can always come back again later.
The words on these pages are not a complete basic vocabulary - but a good and easy start.
If the approach on this page doesn't appeal to you, there are many other pages on my site you might like better: site map.

The Common Roots of Dutch and English
Dutch and English
Recognizable Words
'Long' and 'Short' Vowels
Letters Rarely Dropped
Voiceless (Unstressed) E - the 'schwa'
Common Word Endings
Short A
Long A
AU and OU
End-of-Word B
CH and G
End-of-Word D Short E
Long E
the 'schwa' E
short I
Long I
I After a Vowel
-IG Ending
-ISCH Ending
Dutch J
-LIJK Ending
Short O
Long O
OU and AU
TJ, TS, TSJ and English CH
Short U
Long U
Dimensions and Units of the Metric System
No Translation Necessary
Special Mention
Dutch and English 2

The Common Roots of Dutch and English

Dutch and English both developed from the language of the Germanic tribes that lived thousands of years ago in Southern Scandinavia and in the North of what's now Germany. About 2300 years ago those tribes started to expand into a wider area and internal contacts became less intense, changes were no longer shared while settling in new environments and ('boldly') meeting other civilisations brought new words. Over the years, local dialects became separate languages.
The Germanic tribes are the ancestors of most of the present-day Norwegians, Swedes, Danes, Germans, Austrians, Swiss, Flemish, Dutch and English people. 'Germanic' is not the same as 'German.' Germans are only a part of that group. The Dutch word for the 'Germanic' people is Germanen click to hear and the Indo-European culture and languages are often called Indogermaans click to hear. The Dutch word for 'Germans' is Duitsers click to hear ‑>>.

Dutch and English

Looking at a Dutch text, you'll notice a few words that are similar to English, for instance basic verb forms like is, was and had, and common words like in, wind, warm and water. But only a few - it was with some difficulty that I thought up this contrived and a bit silly Dutch sentence that looks very much like English, and has the same meaning:
Het water in de tent was warm.
The water in the tent was warm.
(The line already shows one of the the basic problems with Dutch for foreign students: the definite article ('the') has two forms: de and het. A majority of Dutch words are de-words, but there are few good rules. You'll have to memorize the het-words ‑>>.)
Unfortunately, when you hear the line, it doesn't sound as familiar as it looked.
Het water in de tent was warm. click to hear 2
In English, most of the vowels and some of the consonants are not represented by the same letters as in Dutch, and some Dutch sounds are not found in English. But still, when you hear Dutch you may recognize some words by their sound, even if they don't look the same in writing, like in these lines:
De beer dronk bier. click to hear
The bear drank beer.
Alle hens aan dek! click to hear 2
All hands on deck!
Het is niet ver. click to hear 2
It's not far.
Het is laat. click to hear
It is late.
De zon scheen de hele dag. click to hear
The sun [shone] was shining
[the whole] all day.
Dat is goed nieuws! click to hear
That is good news!
Even words that mean about the same may sound rather different, and many words that sound familiar look different. It is unfortunate that when people started writing there was no international conference over which letters should represent which sounds in all languages.
Words from a common root sometimes changed meaning, while staying in the same area, like Dutch poort click to hear is not a harbor but a 'gate,' like in 'city gate,' and Dutch penseel click to hear 2 is not a 'pencil' but a small paintbrush. ('Pencil' is potlood click to hear - lood click to hear 2 is the metal 'lead.')

Recognizable Words: Cognates and Shared Loan Words

Some of the words that look or sound similar in Dutch and English come from words already used by the Germanic tribes of 2000 years ago - those are called 'cognates.' ‑>> Many other words that look familiar are shared loan words (leenwoorden click
to hear.) A large number of the shared words come from Latin, both from the time as part of the Roman Empire - for instance tafel click to hear ('table') - and later from the Medieval Roman Catholic Church, like the names of the months. ‑>>
French also had a massive influence on both English and Dutch, though at different times and not always in the same spheres. More foreign languages also provided some words, like jakhals click to hear 2 ('jackall') from Persian; and last but not least there are English words in Dutch and also a few Dutch words in English.
Some of the recognizable words may just look alike by coincidence, or just in my mind.
My short translations may also not do justice to the full meaning of the words.

'Long' and 'Short' Vowels

Before we start on the words I have to explain something about how Dutch spelling shows the pronunciation of vowels.
Dutch vowels have two forms, traditionally called 'long' and 'short' - though the difference is actually more of tone.
short: click to hear
long: click to hear
short: click to hear
long: click to hear
voiceless, unstressed: click to hear
short: click to hear
long: click to hear
short: click to hear
long: click to hear
short: click to hear
long: click to hear

There is no sound in English like Dutch 'long U.'
zoon click to hear ('son') Double vowels (aa, ee, oo, uu and 'long i,' written as IE) are always 'long.'
zo click to hear ('so' *)
zonen (zo-nen) click to hear ('sons')
Single vowels at the end of the word or syllable are 'long' - except E at the end of a word, which is almost always 'voiceless' (unstressed): click to hear.
zon click to hear ('sun')
zonnen (zon-nen) click to hear ('suns')
Single vowels followed by a consonant at the end of the word or syllable are short.
Simpler Rule
The problem is of course: Where to divide syllables? You may read the complete rules - but a simple (though incomplete) version is that in the middle of a word a single vowel is long when followed by a single consonant and another vowel, and short when followed by two or more consonants. It's a bit like the English 'silent E' (can/cane, pin/pine, hug/huge) - but in Dutch the E or other following vowel is not silent. Many final E's are voiceless ('unstressed.')
Double consonants are pronounced the same as single consonants - they're not 'longer,' and there's no pause in between.

Letters Rarely Dropped

Unlike in English, almost all letters in Dutch are pronounced. There are no silent E's in Dutch.
alle click to hear 'all, every' heel click to hear 2
heel / hele click to hear 2
'whole' lengte click to hear 'length' wake click to hear 2 'wake' kalf / kalveren click to hear 2 'calf/calves' palm click to hear 2 'palm'
palmen click to hear 2 'palms'

Voiceless (Unstressed) E click to hear - also called: 'schwa'

Like in English, many E's in Dutch are 'voiceless' ('unstressed.') -E and -EN at the end of words of more than one syllable are almost always 'voiceless,' but there are unfortunately no other good rules that could tell you which E's are 'voiceless' - I'm afraid this is one of the most difficult points of Dutch pronunciation for foreign students. more - 2 - 3
de click to hear 2 'the' (1) ‑>> 't click to hear 'the' (2)
'it' -‑>>
ossen click to hear 2 'oxen' vinden click to hear 2 'to find' ‑>> jongen click to hear 'boy'
think of: young 'un

Common Word Endings

Many of the Dutch plurals and almost all verb infinitives have an -EN click to hear (voiceless E + N) ending: plurals - verbs
Many Dutchmen (maybe even a majority of the population) do not pronounce those N's at the end of plurals and verb infinitives, but I advise students not to drop those N's. Because they are always written, not pronouncing them adds a rule; and pronouncing those N's is still standard Dutch and I think it sounds better.
In most positions, Dutch adjectives end in -E ('voiceless, unstressed' E click to hear): adjectives
But there is not something like the -LY ending of English adverbs.

Short A click to hear

(Scroll Up for page introduction - top)

Similar to English A in FATHER and DARK but a little shorter, hear Dutch mast click to hear 2 'mast'

arm click to hear 2 'arm' (body part)
kar click to hear 2 'cart'
park click to hear 'park'
markt click to hear 'market'
hard click to hear 'hard' (not soft)
'fast' (not slow)
harp click to hear 2 'harp'
half click to hear
halve click to hear
vast click to hear 'fast' (not loose)
kalm click to hear 2 'calm'
kasteel click to hear 'castle'
hart click to hear 'heart'
kat click to hear 'cat'
rat click to hear 'rat'
pak click to hear 'pack, packet'
pan click to hear 2 'pan, pot'
bank click to hear 'bank'
stap click to hear 'step'
dans click to hear 2
dansen click to hear 2
'to dance'
plant click to hear '(living) plant'
lamp click to hear lamp
gras click to hear 2 'grass'
appel click to hear 'apple'
zalm click to hear 'salmon'
plan click to hear 'plan'
plank click to hear 'plank. board'
rasp click to hear 2 'rasp'
stank click to hear 2 'stench, stink,
bad smell'
atlas click to hear 2 3 atlas
abstrakt click to hear abstract

barsten click to hear 'to burst'

kam click to hear 2 'comb'
val click to hear 'fall, drop'
alle click to hear 'all, every'
alles click to hear 2 'all, everything'
bal click to hear
ballen click to hear
vals click to
vals /valse click to hear 2
vlam click to hear 'flame'
bas click to hear 2 'bass' (music)
april click to hear 'April' ‑>>
hark click to hear 'rake'
stal click to hear 2 'stable, pen'
bakker click to hear 2
bakken click to hear
'to bake'
akker click to hear 'agriculture field'
think of: 'acre'
smal click to hear 'narrow'
think small
varken click to hear 2 'pig'
think of: 'pork'
zak click to hear 2 'bag' - 'pocket'
think of: 'sack'
blad click to hear 'leaf'
think of: 'blade'
zalf click to hear cream, ointment
zalven click to hear 2 to anoint; to apply a cream
think of: 'salve'
krat click to hear 2 'special type of box for (beer) bottles,
think of: 'crate'
krant click to hear 'newspaper'
think of: 'current (events)'
dal click to hear 2 'valley'
think of: 'dale'

Long A click to hear

The only place in English where I can find a sound like Dutch long A is in the town of Chicago. Hear: Robert Johnson - Paul Butterfield - Barry Goldberg
slaap click to hear 2
slapen click to hear
'sleep' ‑>>
'to sleep' ‑>>
straat click to hear 'street' ‑>>
zaad click to hear 'seed'
baard click to hear 2 'beard'
staal click to hear 'steel'
baken click to hear 'beacon'
avond click to hear 'evening'
tafel click to hear 2 3 4 'table'
kabel click to hear 'cable'
maken click to hear 'to make'
naam click to hear 2 'name' ‑>>
navel click to hear 2 'navel, bellybutton'
laat click to hear 'late, not in time'
haat click to hear 'hate'
haast click to hear 'haste, hurry'
maat click to hear 2 'mate, comrade'
also: 'size, measure'
later click to hear 'later'
krater click to hear 'crater'
kraan click to hear 2 'crane'
also: 'faucet'
haar click to hear 'her' ‑>>
'hair' ‑>>
aarde click to hear 'earth'
normaal click to hear 'normal'
parel click to
parels click to hear
varen click to hear 2 'fern'
'to sail'
sandalen click to hear 2 'sandals'
loyaal click to hear 2 'loyal'

maan click to hear 'moon' ‑>>
haak click to hear 'hook'
draak click to hear 2 'dragon'
haring click to hear 'herring' ‑>>
haar click to hear 'hair'
paar click to hear 2 'pair'
wapen click to hear
wapens click to hear 2
'weapons, arms'
Vlaming click to hear 2 'Fleming'

havik click to hear 2 'hawk'
wafel click to hear 2 'waffle'

raadsel click to hear 2 'riddle'
vader click to hear 'father' ‑>>
laatste click to hear 2 'last, final'
maart click to hear 'March'
drama click to hear 2 'drama'

klaver click to hear 2 'clover'
'clubs' (cards)
kraken click to hear 2 'to creak' - also: 1. 'to break, crack' (a safe); 2. to open up a building for squatters
daad click to hear 'action'
dader click to hear 2 'perpetrator'
(think of: 'deed')
kamer click to hear 'room'
think of: 'chamber'
aap click to hear 2 'monkey'
think of: 'ape'
graad click to hear 'degree'
graden click to hear 'degrees'
(think of: 'grade')
royaal click to hear 2 'generous, ample'
think of: 'royal'

AU/OU click to

see after W

End-of-Word B

B at the end of a word or before T is pronounced as P
rib click to hear 2 'rib' krab click to hear 2 'crab' eb click to hear 2 'ebb, low tide' lab click to hear 'lab(oratory)' Job click to hear (a Biblical and boys' name) je hebt click to hear 2 'you have'
But at the beginning or in the middle of words, B is pronounced like English B
ribben click to hear 2 'ribs' krabben click to hear 'crabs' - 'to scratch' (an itch) baas click to hear 'boss' bubbelbad click to hear 'bubble bath, jacuzzi'
dubbel click to hear 'double' Bob click to hear (a boys' name)

CH/G click to hear

There is no sound like Dutch CH and G in English, but it's similar to J in European Spanish, and something like it is found in Hebrew. It's like (softly) clearing your throat.
To native speakers of Dutch, there is a slight difference between CH and G, they are not exactly the same, but students shouldn't worry about it.
lach click to hear 'laugh'
lachen click to hear 2 'to laugh' ‑>>
zacht click to hear 'soft'
vlag click to hear 'flag'
vlaggen click to hear 2 'flags'
echo click to hear 'echo'
god click to hear 'god'
gas click to hear 'gas' (gas)
gast click to hear 2 'guest'
glas click to hear 2 'glass'
gras click to hear 'grass'
begin click to hear
beginnen click to hear
'start, beginning'
'to start, begin' ‑>>
fragment click to hear 'fragment'
galg click to hear 2 3 'gallows'
gorgelen click to hear 2 'to gargle' ( click to hear )
nacht click to hear 'night'
acht click to hear '8'
licht click to hear 'light'
vechten click to hear 2 'to fight' ‑>>
gevecht click to hear 'fight'
vlucht click to hear 'flight'
rechts click to hear 'right' (not left)
rechten click to hear 2 'rights'
dag click to hear 2 'day'
gisteren click to hear
gister click to hear 2
macht click to hear 'might, power'
zeggen click to hear 'to say' ‑>>
gedachte click to hear 'thought'
vrucht click to hear 'fruit'
morgen click to hear 2 'morning' (morn)
liggen click to hear 'to lie down' ‑>>
merg click to hear 'marrow'
gaan click to hear 'to go' ‑>> graan click to hear 'grain, cereal' chaos click to hear 'chaos' nagel click to hear 'nail'
(human or animal)
hagel click to hear 'hail'
(ice rain)
laag click to hear 2 'low'
vaag click to hear 2
vaag / vage click to hear 2
'vague' zagen click to hear 2 'to saw, cut wood'
zaag click to hear 'saw' (tool)
maag click to hear 'stomach'
achter click to hear 'behind'
think of: 'after'
zicht click to hear 'visibility' - 'view'
think of: 'sight'
vracht click to hear 2 2 'load, cargo'
think of: 'freight'
weg click to hear 'road' - think of: 'way'
weg click to hear 'gone' - think of: 'away'
bedrog click to hear 2 3 'deceit, deception'
think of: 'betray'
slachten click to hear 2 'to butcher'
slager click to hear 2 'butcher'
think of: 'slaughter'
gillen click to hear 2 'to shriek'
gil click to hear 2 'shriek'
think of: 'to yell'
bocht click to hear 2 'turn' (in road)
think of: 'bight'

End-of-Word D

D at the end of a word is pronounced as T:
bed click to hear 2 'bed' vriend click to hear 2 'friend' hand click to hear 'hand' land click to hear 2 3 'land, country' mild click to hear 'mild' zand click to hear 2 'sand' naald click to hear 'needle' ‑>> stad click to hear 'city'
But D at the beginning or in the middle of a word is pronounced as English D
bedden click to hear 'beds' vrienden click to hear 'friends' adder click to hear 'adder'
kelder click to hear 2 'cellar' donder click to hear 'thunder' dubbeldekker click to hear 2 'double decker, biplane'

Voiceless, Unstressed E, schwa click to hear

- see above

Short E click to hear

Very similar to E in English words like TEST and NECK.
nek click to hear 'neck'
pen click to hear 'pen' (writing)
test click to hear 2 3 'test'
best click to hear 2
best / beste click to hear 2
zelf click to hear 2 'self'
help! click to hear 2 'help me!' ‑>>
les click to hear
lessen click to hear 2
vers click to hear 2
vers / verse click to hear 2 3
tent click to hear 'tent'
lens click to hear 'lens'
lengte click to hear 2 'length' ‑>>
smelten click to hear 2 'to melt' ‑>>
respect click to hear 'respect'
vertellen click to hear 'to tell'
zelden click to hear 'seldom'

vet click to hear 1. 'fat, grease' 2. 'greasy'
mens click to hear 2 '(man) human'
rek click to hear 'rack'
ik heb click to hear 'I have' ‑>>
enkel click to hear 1. 'ankle' 2. '~single'
hengelen click to hear 2
hengel click to hear
'to angle' (fishing)
'fishing (angling) rod'
hendel click to hear 2 'handle'
merrie click to hear 2 3 'mare'
Henk click to hear 2 'Hank'
Els click to hear 'Alice'
veld click to hear 'field'
lek click to hear 'leak; leaking'
pellen click to hear 2 'to peel'

melk click to hear 2 'milk' ‑>>
trekker click to hear 'trigger'

rechts click to hear 'right' (not left)

schep click to hear 'scoop; spoonful'

engel click to hear 'angel'
rennen click to hear 2 'to run' ‑>>
recept click to hear 2 1. 'recipe' ‑>>
2. 'prescription' ‑>>
berk click to hear 2 'birch' ‑>>

slenteren click to hear 2 'to saunter'

ster click to hear 'star'
ver click to hear 'far'
scherp click to hear 'sharp'
herfst click to hear 'Fall, Autumn' ‑>>
think of: 'harvest'
lente click to hear 'Spring'
think of: 'Lent'
lekker click to hear 2 'enjoyable, very good'
(food, activity) - think of: 'to like'
bek click to hear 'animal mouth'
think of: 'beak'
spel click to hear 'game'
think of: 'to play'
fles click to hear 'bottle'
think of: 'flask'
rente click to hear 2 'interest, return'
think of: 'rent'
trekken click to hear 2 'to pull' ‑>>
think of: 'to drag'
sterven click to hear 'to die' ‑>>
think of: 'to starve'

Long E click to hear

Very much like English 'long A' in words like MALE and DANE
beer click to hear 'bear'
peer click to hear 'pear'
slee click to hear 2 'sleigh, sled'
Deen click to hear 'Dane'
eerste click to hear 2 'first'
wereld click to hear 2 'world'
heet click to hear 'hot'
meester click to hear 'master'
beter click to hear 'better' ‑>>
neef click to hear 'nephew' ‑>>
'cousin' (male)
peper click to hear 'pepper' ‑>>
leer click to hear 2 'leather'
veer click to hear 1. 'feather' 2. 'ferry'
3. 'spring' (tensile)
vergeten click to hear 'to forget' ‑>>
zweren click to hear 2 'to swear' (oaths) ‑>>
eten click to hear 'to eat' ‑>> ‑>>
spreken click to hear 'to speak' ‑>>
zee click to hear 'sea'
stelen click to hear 2 'to steal' ‑>>
gemeen click to hear 2 'mean'
(evil, unfair)
beest click to hear 'beast'
zeef click to hear 'sieve, strainer'
speer click to hear 'spear'

nee click to hear 'no'
steen click to hear 2 'stone'
zeep click to hear 'soap' ‑>>
meer click to hear 2 'more' ‑>>
meest click to hear
meest / meeste click to hear
heel click to hear
heel / hele click to hear 2
lening click to hear
lenen click to hear 2
to lend, to loan
hees click to hear 'hoarse'
geven click to hear 2 'to give' ‑>>
greep click to hear 2 'grip'
teek click to hear 'tick' (bug)
leven click to hear 2 'to live'

kreet click to hear 2 'cry, shout'

twee click to hear '2'

teer click to hear
teer click to hear / teder click to hear
'tender, fragile'
regen click to hear 2 'rain'
regenboog click to hear 'rainbow'
regel click to hear 2 'rule' - 'line, sentence' Nederland click to hear 2 'Holland, The Netherlands'
mening click to hear 'opinion'
think of: 'meaning'
beker click to hear 2 'mug, large cup'
think of: 'beaker'
feest click to hear 2 'party'
think of: 'feast'
vlees click to hear 'meat'
think of: 'flesh'
zetel click to hear 'seat of power,'
like in parliament - think of: 'seat'
steels click to hear 'furtively'
think of: 'stealth, stealthily'
breed click to hear 'wide'
think of: 'broad'

EI/IJ click to hear

EI and IJ represent the same sound, somewhere between FATE and FIGHT - hear Dutch: feit click to hear ('fact.')
There is no sound like Dutch EI/IJ in English, but it's very similar to French EI, like in soleil click to hear 2 ('sun') or Marseille click to hear
When you can't say the Dutch IJ, it is not a good idea to say these words with English A like in FATE. It's better to say these words with English I like in FIGHT. There are many Dutch words with a sound like A in FATE ('Dutch long E') that have a different meaning from words with EI or IJ.
mijn click to hear 2 'mine' (of me)
'mine' (dig)
dijk click to hear 2 'dike, levee'
lijn click to hear 'line'
prijs click to hear 2 'price'
ijs click to hear 'ice'
ijsberg click to hear 2 'iceberg'
ijzer click to hear 2 2 'iron'
rijst click to hear 'rice'
bijbel click to hear 'bible'
vijf click to hear '5'
eiland click to hear 2 'island'
stijl click to hear 'style'
rijp click to hear 2
rijp / rijpe click to hear 2
vijl click to hear 'file' (tool)
rijden click to hear 2 'to ride' ‑>>
'to drive'

ei click to hear 'egg'
eind click to hear 2
einde click to hear 2
feit click to hear 'fact'
grijpen click to hear 'to grab' ‑>>
pijn click to hear 'pain'
trein click to hear 'train'
brein click to hear 2 'brain'
grijs click to hear 2
grijs / grijze click to hear
zeil click to hear 'sail'
zeilen click to hear 'to sail'
zeilboot click to hear 'sailboat'

bij click to hear 'bee'
('at, near')
vrij click to hear 'free'
leiden click to hear
leider click to hear
'to lead' ‑>>
partij click to hear '(political) party' ‑>>
zij click to hear
hij click to hear
'she' ‑>>
vallei click to hear 'valley'
geit click to hear 2 'goat'
eik click to hear 'oak'
rij click to hear 2 'row, line'

rijk click to hear 'rich'
lijst click to hear 'list'
'picture frame'
stijf click to hear 'stiff, not flexible'
grijns click to hear
grijnzen click to hear 2
'to grin'
tijger click to hear 'tiger' vijg click to hear 2
vijgen click to hear
gordijn click to hear 2 curtain Changed
fijn click to hear 2 'pleasant'
think of: 'fine'
spijker click to hear 'carpentry nail'
think of: 'spike'
meisje click to hear 'girl'
think of: 'maiden, maid'
sein click to hear 'signal'
think of: 'sign'
vijand click to hear 2 'enemy'
think of: 'fiend'
smijten click to hear 2 'to throw angrily' ‑>>
think of: 'to smite'
kandij click to hear 2 'sugar crystals'
think of: 'candy'
meid click to hear 2 is a slang word for 'teenage girl' - plural: meiden click to hear 2
Zijde click to hear for 'side' is a bit old-fashioned, but will be understood. The common word is kant click to hear.

EU click to hear

There is no sound like Dutch EU in English, but French has a sound like it in words like deux click to hear ('2') and German has a sound like Dutch EU in some words with Ö or OE like Gödel click to hear and Goethe click to hear or schön click to hear 2 3 and you may have heard of the city of Göteborg click to hear in Sweden.
deur click to hear 2 'door' ‑>>
neus click to hear 'nose' ‑>>
kreunen click to hear 'to groan'
veulen click to hear foal (young horse)
heup click to hear 'hip' (body part)
heuvel click to hear 'hill'
serieus click to hear
serieus / serieuze click to hear
nerveus click to hear 2 'nervous'
kleur click to hear 2 'color' ‑>>
smeulen click to hear 2 'to smolder'

breuk click to hear 2 'break, crack'
leunen click to hear 2 'to lean'

preuts click to hear 'prudish'
deuntje click to hear 'a tune'
keus click to
keuze click to hear
'choice' Double
leugen click to hear 'lie, untruth' Changed
gepeupel click to hear 2 'rabble, mob'
think of: 'people'
kreupel click to hear 2 'lamed, crippled,
not walking comfortably' - think of: 'cripple'


see CH/G

short I click to hear

Very similar to I in English DIM and HIT
in click to hear 2 'in; into'
is click to hear 2 'is'
vis click to hear 'fish' ‑>>
lip click to hear
lippen click to hear
mist click to hear 'mist, fog'
inkt click to hear 'ink'
vernis click to hear 2 3 'varnish'
simpel click to hear 2 'simple'
zilver click to hear 2 'silver'
bitter click to hear 'bitter'
drinken click to hear 'to drink' ‑>>
zitten click to hear 'to sit' ‑>>
zinken click to hear 2 'to sink' ‑>>
film click to hear 2 'film, movie'
ik click to hear 2 'I'
blind click to hear 2 'blind'
mild click to hear 'mild'
vinden click to hear 2 'to find' ‑>>
cirkel click to hear 'circle'

hitte click to hear 2 'heat'
gist click to hear 'yeast'

fris click to hear 2 'fresh'
stil click to hear 2 1. 'quiet' 2. 'motionless'
think of: 'still'
gemiddeld click to hear 2 'average'
think of: 'middle'
plicht click to hear 2 'duty'
think of: 'plight'
binden click to hear 2 'to tie' ‑>>
think of: 'to bind'
verspilling click to hear 'waste'
verspillen click to hear 'to waste'
think of: 'spoil'

Long I click to hear (often written as IE)

Very much like EE in English STEEL or EA in English BEAT
hier click to hear 2 'here'
zie click to hear
zien click to hear
'to see' ‑>>
bier click to hear 'beer'
biet click to hear
bietjes click to hear
'red beets'
diep click to hear 2
diepte click to hear 2
niezen click to hear 2 'to sneeze'
briesje click to hear 'breeze'
koffie click to hear 'coffee' ‑>>
riet click to hear 2 'reed'
Piet click to hear 2
Pieter click to hear

tien click to hear 2 '10'
ziek click to hear 'sick' ‑>>
risico click to hear 2 risk
crimineel click to hear 2 'criminal' *
bandiet click to hear 2
bandieten click to hear 2
papier click to hear 2 'paper'
manier click to hear 2 'manner, way of'
rivier click to hear 'river'
flexibel click to hear 2 'flexible'

verlies click to hear
verliezen click to hear 2
'to lose' ‑>>
vier click to hear '4'
ziel click to hear 'soul'

idee click to hear 'idea'
virus click to hear 'virus'
friet click to hear 2 3
frietjes click to hear
'French fries'
vlieg click to
 hear '(house) fly' vliegen click to hear 1. 'flies' 2. 'to fly' ‑>> liegen click to hear 'to lie, speak untruth' archief click to hear 'archive'
dier click to hear 2 '(any) animal'
think of: 'deer'
stier click to hear 2 'bull'
think of: 'steer'
lief click to hear (lief / lieve click to hear) 'dear'
think of: 'love'
massief click to hear 'solid'
think of: 'massive'
Dutch Spelling not Phonetic (first E's pronunced as EE, Dutch IE)
reëel click to hear 2 / reële click to hear 2 3 realistic // real, actual
to create
ik creëer
I'm creating
ik creëerde
I created
ik heb gecreëerd
I have created
click to hear
but:  (de) creatie click to hear 2 slow creation - with Dutch 'long E.'

-IG Ending click to hear

The I of the -IG word ending is pronounced like 'voiceless (unstressed) E' click to hear
mistig click to hear 2 'misty, foggy' zonnig click to hear 'sunny' dorstig click to hear 2 'thirsty' bezig click to hear 2 'busy (with)'
plezierig click to hear 2 'pleasant' zondig click to hear 'sinful' zompig click to hear 'swampy, marshy'
heilig click to hear 'holy' heiïg click to hear 'hazy' grijzig click to hear 2 'greyish' grimmig click to hear 2 'grim'
prettig click to hear 'pleasant'
think of: 'pretty'
gretig click to hear 2 'eager'
think of: 'greedy'
enig click to hear 'single, singular, unique'
think of: 'only'


click to hear see EI/IJ

-ISCH Ending click to hear

The I of the Dutch -ISCH ending is a 'long I' click to hear and the CH of SCH is not pronounced. -ISCH sounds like EESE in English CHEESE. A more phonetic Dutch spelling would be -IES.
kritisch click to hear 2 'critical' (having comments) komisch click to hear 2 'comical, funny' elektrisch click to hear 'electrical' medisch click to hear 'medical' ‑>>
logisch click to hear 'logical' tragisch click to hear 2 'tragical' chemisch click to hear 'chemical' ‑>> mechanisch click to hear 2 'mechanical' chaotisch click to hear 'chaotic'
gigantisch click to hear 2 'gigantic'

Dutch J

Dutch J is like English 'consonant Y' - except in the diphthong IJ (see under EI/IJ. A sound like English J is only found in foreign loanwords and may be written as 'DJ.'
English 'jam' is actually pronounced with a French J: jam click to hear - but 'jeep' has the English J: jeep click to hear
je click to hear 2 'you; your' ‑>> jouw click to hear 'your' joker click to hear 2 'joker' (in card games) jakkes! click to hear 'yikes, yuck!' juk click to hear 'yoke' Jan click to hear 'John'
ja click to hear 'yes' jaar click to hear 'year' jarig click to hear 'having a birthday' ‑>>
think of: 'year'
jij click to hear 'you' ‑>> jolig click to hear 2 '~jolly'


In Dutch, K before N is pronounced
knie click to hear
knokkel click to hear
kneden click to hear 2
'to knead' (like, bread)
knabbelen click to hear 2
'to nibble'
deurknop click to hear
'door knob'
knoop click to hear 2 'knot'
knauw click to hear 2 3 4 5 6
'amimal bite; setback' - think of: 'to gnaw'
knagen click to hear 2 3 to gnaw
knecht click to hear 2
'servant' (male) - think of: 'knight'

-LIJK Ending click to hear 2

The IJ in the -LIJK ending sounds like 'voiceless (unstressed) E'
vriendelijk click to hear 'friendly, kind' persoonlijk click to hear 'personally' natuurlijk click to hear 'naturally'
'of course'
vrijelijk click to hear 'freely, liberally'
belachelijk click to hear 2 'ridiculous'
think of: 'laugh, laughable'
eindelijk click to hear 'finally, at last'
think of: 'end'


NG in Dutch is always pronounced like in English SINGER and HANGER, never like in CHANGE, DANGER or LINGER.
vingers click to hear 'fingers'
ringvinger click to hear 'ring finger'
honger click to hear 'hunger'
zingen click to hear 2 'to sing' ‑>>
zanger click to hear 'singer' - male
zangeres click to hear 2 'singer' - female
ding click to hear 'thing'
dingen click to hear 2 'things'
dingetje click to hear 2 'thingy'
lang click to hear 'long'
jong click to hear 'young'
long click to hear 'lung'
brengen click to hear 2 'to bring' ‑>>
hangen click to hear 'to hang' (things) ‑>>
angst click to hear 'fear'
hongerig click to hear 2 'hungry' Changed
penning click to hear 2 'medal; coin'
think of: 'penny'

Short O click to hear

Very much like O in English SHORT
vork click to hear 'fork' ‑>>
kort click to hear 2 3
kort / korte click to hear
vorst click to hear 2 'frost'
spons click to hear 'sponge'

kop click to hear 'cup'
'animal head'
kopje click to hear 'cup'
mok click to hear 2 'mug'
zon click to hear 'sun'
onder click to hear 'under, below'
pomp click to hear 'pump'
honderd click to hear 'hundred'
modder click to hear 'mud'
tobbe click to hear 'tub'
borstel click to hear 'brush'
korst click to hear 2 'crust'
smokkelen click to hear 2 'to smuggle'
strompelen click to hear 2 'to stumble, hobble'
(walk with difficulty)
sok click to hear
sokken click to hear 2
vos click to hear 'fox'
rot click to hear 2 'rotten'
rots click to hear 2 'rock'
pot click to hear 'pot, jar'
monster click to hear 'monster'
also: 'sample'
bom click to hear 2 'bomb'
hol click to hear 'hollow'
stop! click to hear 2 'stop!'
lok click to hear 'lock' (hair)
los click to hear 'loose' (not fast)
vol click to hear 'full'
rond click to hear 2 'round'

stok click to hear 'stick'

donker click to hear 2 'dark'

borst click to hear 'breast'
volk click to hear 2 'nation, people'
think of: 'folk'
zorgen click to hear 2 'worries'
think of: 'sorrows'
bos click to hear 'small forest'
think of: 'bush'
hol click to hear 'lair'
think of: 'hall' and 'hole'
vlot click to hear 2 3 'raft'
think of: 'to float'
hond click to hear 'dog'
think of: 'hound'
pols click to hear 'wrist'
think of: 'pulse, heart rate'
bol click to hear 'sphere, round object'
think of: 'ball'
plural: bollen click to hear grof / grove click to hear (note vowel lengthening)
'rude, coarse, very impolite' - think of: 'gruff'
dochter click to hear 'daughter' zonneschijn click to hear 2 'sunshine'

Long O click to hear

Very much like O in HOPE, TONE and OE in TOE
open click to hear 'open'
hoop click to hear 2 'hope'
hopen click to hear 2 'to hope'
hopeloos click to hear 2 'hopeless, desperate'
foto click to hear 'picture, photograph'
toon click to hear 2 'tone'
troon click to hear 'throne'
pook click to hear 2 'poker' (fire-raking rod)
kool click to hear 2 'coal'
'cabbage, kale'
pool click to hear 'pole' (North-, South-)
zool click to hear 'sole' (shoe bottom)
roos click to hear 2
rozen click to hear 2
'roses' ‑>>
noord click to hear 'North'
de Noordpool click to hear 2 'the North Pole'
koper click to hear 'copper' ‑>>
oven click to hear 'oven'
stro click to hear 2 'straw'
oranje click to hear 2 'orange' (color)
probleem click to hear 2 'problem'
boven click to hear 2 'above; upstairs'
gewoonte click to hear habit, custom

kroon click to hear 'crown'
hoofd click to hear 'head'
rood click to hear 2
rood / rode click to hear
brood click to hear 2 'bread' ‑>>
lood click to hear 2 'lead' (metal)
doof click to hear 2 'deaf'
dood click to hear 'dead'

koken click to hear 2 'to boil'
'to cook'
stoven click to hear 2 'to stew'

stoom click to hear 'steam'
stroom click to hear 'stream'
oost click to hear 'East'
droom click to hear 2 'dream'
vlo click to hear 2 'flea'
oor click to hear
oren click to hear
vloot click to hear 2 'a fleet'

koning click to hear 'king'
zoon click to hear 'son'
zomer click to hear 'Summer'
komen click to hear 'to come' ‑>>
blozen click to hear 'to blush'
boter click to hear 'butter'
honing click to hear 2 ''honey
stroop click to hear 2 'syrup'

olie click to hear 2 'oil'
dozijn click to hear 'dozen' hoog click to hear
hoog / hoge click to hear
'high' hoogte click to hear 2 'height' oog click to hear 'eye' boog click to hear 'bow'
for shooting arrows ‑>>
gebroken click to hear 'broken' (in pieces)
groot click to hear 'big' - 'tall' - 'large' - 'great'
think of: 'great'
poort click to hear 'gate'
think of: 'port'
vogel click to hear 2 'bird'
think of: 'fowl'
doop click to hear 'baptism'
think of: 'dip'
dopen click to hear 2 'to baptize'
'to dip'
verboden click to hear 2 'not allowed'
think of: 'forbidden'
boom click to hear 'tree'
think of: 'boom'
lopen click to hear 2 'to walk'
think of: 'to leap'
vrolijk click to hear 'cheerful, merry'
think of: 'frolic'

OE click to hear

Very much like OO in English FOOT, FOOD and OE in SHOE
voet click to hear 2
voeten click to hear 2
voedsel click to hear 'food' ‑>>
koekoek click to hear 'cuckoo'
boek click to hear 'book' ‑>>
boezem click to hear 2 'bosom'
troepen click to hear 2 'troops' (soldiers) ‑>>
hoef / hoeven click to hear 2 'hoof/hooves'
invloed click to hear 2 'influence'
doen click to hear 2 'to do' ‑>>
koel click to hear 2 'cool' (not warm)
poedel click to hear 2 'poodle'
soep click to hear 'soup'
sloep click to hear 2 'sloop'
stoep click to hear 2 'stoop, porch'
koekje click to hear 'cookie'
roet click to hear 2 'soot'
harpoen click to hear 'harpoon'
bloesem click to hear 'blossom'
katoen click to hear 'cotton'
moeras click to hear 'marsh, swamp'
voer click to hear
voederen click to hear 2
'fodder, animal feed'
'feeding animals'

koe click to hear 'cow'
hoe? click to hear 'how?'
poeder click to hear 'powder'
snoet click to hear snout

groen click to hear 'green'
groet click to hear
groeten click to
'to greet'
bloeden click to hear 2 'to bleed'
voelen click to hear 2
gevoel click to hear
'to feel'
loeren click to hear 'to leer'

vloer click to hear 'floor, ground'
bloed click to hear 'blood'
vloed click to hear 'flood; high tide'
moeder click to hear 'mother' ‑>>
broer click to hear 2 'brother'
roest click to hear
roestig click to hear 2 3

hoera! click to hear 2 'hurrah!'

doel click to hear 'goal'
groep click to hear 'group' ploeg click to hear 'plow' seizoen click to hear 'season' groenig click to hear 2 'greenish' jaloers click to hear 2 'jealous'
goed click to hear 2 'good; well' genoeg click to hear 'enough' goed genoeg click to hear 2 'good enough'
hoed click to hear 'hat'
think of: 'hood'
bloem click to hear 2 'flower' ‑>> think of: 'bloom'
stoel click to hear 'chair'
think of: 'stool'
troebel click to hear 'murky, opaque'
think of: 'trouble'
hoek click to hear 'corner; angle'
think of: 'hook'
zoeken click to hear 2 'to search (for?)' ‑>>
think of: 'to seek'


In Dutch, P before S is pronounced.
psalm click to hear 2 'psalm' psycholoog click to hear 2 'psychologist' psychiater click to hear 'psychiatrist' pseudoniem click to hear 'pseudonym'
(irregular Dutch EU-pronunciation)


There is no sound in English like Dutch SCH. CH is like (softly) clearing your throat.
schip click to hear 'ship'
schild click to hear 2 'shield'
scherp click to hear 2 'sharp; spicy'
schelp click to hear 2 3 '(sea-) shell'
schok click to hear 'shock'
schot click to hear 2 'shot'
schieten click to hear 2 'to shoot' ‑>>
bisschop click to hear 'bishop'
schipper click to hear 2 'skipper'
schedel click to hear 'skull'
schets click to hear 2
schetsje click to hear
schor click to hear 2 'hoarse'
schaap click to hear 'sheep' (1)
schapen click to hear 2 'sheep' (>1)
schaar click to hear 'scissors' schaats click to hear 2 2 'skate' schaatsen click to hear 'skates'
'to skate'
schaamte click to hear 'shame'
schandaal click to hear 2 'scandal' schandalig click to hear 'scandalous' school click to hear 'school' schoen click to hear 'shoe'
schoenen click to hear 'shoes'
schoffel click to hear 2 '(scuffle) hoe'
think of: 'shovel'
schavot click to hear 'scaffold'
(for executions only)


The CH in SCHR is not pronounced
schrapen click to hear 2 'to scrape' schril click to hear 2 'shrill' schroef click to hear 'screw' schroeven click to hear 'screws'
(de) schreeuw click to hear '(the) scream, shout' schreeuwen click to hear 'to scream, shout'
schroot click to hear 'scrap metal'


Almost all words in Dutch with a sound like English SH are loan words, most from Yiddish and French, and often still showing their origin in the spelling.
sjalotjes click to hear 2 'shallots' shampoo (Engl.) click to hear 2 'shampoo' sjaal click to hear 'shawl'
charme click to hear 2 'charm' charmant click to hear 2 'charming, likeable' chocola click to hear 'chocolate' chique (sjiek) click to hear 2 'chique, classy'


There is no sound in Dutch like English TH. In Dutch, TH can be said in two ways: either the H is completely dropped (it's a rare example of a letter that's not pronounced in Dutch) - or, in compound words, T and H are pronounced separately, similar to TH in English 'pothole:' witheet click to hear 2 'white-hot'
thee click to
 hear 'tea' thema click to
 hear 'theme' theorie click to hear 2 'theory' therapie click to hear 'therapy'

On the other hand, you will find many English words with TH written and spoken as D in Dutch.

dit click to hear '~this'
deze click to hear '~these'
dat click to hear '~that'
die click to hear '~those'
~difference explained
danken click to hear 2
bedanken click to hear 2
'to thank' ‑>>
denken click to hear 'to think' ‑>>
dorst click to hear 2 'thirst'
doorn click to
doornen click to hear
dun click to hear 'thin'
dief click to hear 2 'thief'
drie click to hear 'three'
draad click to hear 'thread'
kleding click to hear 'clothing' ‑>>
smid click to hear 2 '(black)smith'
smederij click to hear 'smithy'
bad click to hear 2 'bath'
pad click to hear 2 'path, way'
maand click to hear 'month'
mond click to hear 'mouth'
tand click to hear
tanden click to hear
eed click to hear 2 'oath'
dij click to hear 'thigh'
dij / dijen click to hear 'thigh/thighs'
dorstig click to hear 2 'thirsty' jeugd click to hear 2 'youth' heiden click to hear 'heathen'
dik click to hear 'fat, voluminous'
think of: 'thick'
beneden click to hear 'downstairs, below'
think of: 'beneath'
door dik en dun click to hear 'through thick and thin' hier en daar click to hear 'here and there' (at various places)

TJ, TS, TSJ and English CH

The sound of English CH is not often heard in Dutch. It's usually represented as TS, TSJ or TJ
tjirpen click to
tsjirpen click to hear
'to chirp' tjokvol click to hear 'chock-full' aartsbisschop click to hear 'archbishop' aartsvijand click to hear 2 'archenemy'
- think of: 'archfiend'
toetssteen click to hear 2 3 'touchstone'

But many English words with CH have K in Dutch:

kerk click to hear 'church'
kapel click to hear 'chapel'
kapelaan click to hear 2 'chaplain'
kans click to hear 'chance'
kiezen click to hear 'to choose'
kil click to hear 'chilly'
kers click to hear 2
kersen click to hear
kind click to hear 2
kinderen click to hear 2 2
note the similar irregular plurals

kin click to hear 2 'chin'
Karel click to hear 'Charles'
kampioen click to hear 2 'champion'
vink click to hear 'finch'
bleken click to hear 'to bleach'
bank click to hear 'bench'
kaas click to hear 'cheese' Changed
kamer click to hear 'a room'
think of: 'chamber'
bleek click to hear 2 'pale'
think of: 'bleach(ed)'
toetsen click to hear 'piano keys'
toetsenbord click to hear 2 'keyboard'
think of: 'to touch'

Short U click to hear

Short U sounds the same as 'voiceless (unstressed) E'
hut click to hear 'hut'
tunnel click to hear 2 'tunnel'
bus click to hear 'bus'
krul click to hear 'curl'
Hunnen click to hear 2 'Huns'
punt click to hear 'point'

zus click to hear
zusje click to hear
(zuster click to hear)
zuster click to hear


kurk click to hear 'cork'
cursus click to hear 'course, class'
kuch click to hear 2
kuchen click to hear 2
'(soft) cough'
'to cough (softly)'
snurken click to hear 'to snore'
zucht click to hear 2
zuchten click to hear 2
'to sigh'

kussen click to hear 'cushion, pillow'
'to kiss'
kus click to hear 'kiss'
hulp click to hear 'help' (assistance)

druppel click to hear 'drop' (liquid)

tulp click to hear 'tulip' ‑>>
nul click to hear '0, zero'
think of: 'null'

Dutch Long U click to

see after W

UI click to hear

There is no sound like Dutch UI in English, but French has it in a word like l'oeil click to hear ('the eye')
bruin click to hear 'brown'
huis click to hear 2
huizen click to hear
thuis click to hear
'house' ‑>>
at home, home
luid click to hear 'loud'
muis click to hear 'mouse'
luis click to hear 'louse'
huilen click to hear 'howl' (wolves)
'cry' (tears)
spruitjes click to hear 'Brussels sprouts'
uil click to hear 2 3 4 'owl'
duif click to hear 2 'dove, pigeon'
pruim click to hear 'plum'
duim click to hear 2 'thumb'
kruimel click to hear 2
kruimels click to hear
sluimeren click to hear 'to slumber'
tuimelen click to hear 'to tumble'
suiker click to hear 'sugar'
fruit click to hear 'fruits'
duin click to hear 'dune'
pluim click to hear 2 'plume'
luit click to hear 'lute'

zuid click to hear 2 'South'
duizend click to hear 'thousand'
bruid click to hear 'bride'

kruis click to hear 'cross'

vuist click to hear 2 'fist'
druipen click to hear 2 'to drip'
kuif click to hear 2 'quiff'
kruipen click to hear 'to crawl'

duivel click to hear 'devil'
duizelig click to hear 2 'dizzy' muiterij click to hear 'mutiny' Changed
ruimte click to hear 'space'
think of: 'room'
Duits click to hear 'German'
think of: 'Dutch'
fornuis click to hear 'stove'
think of: 'furnace'


To me, Dutch V is fairly similar to English V, but Dutch W is different from English W. For English W the lips are round and stressed (like for a kiss) but for Dutch W the lips are more relaxed. Dutch W starts with the top of the lower lip touching the front upper teeth, but not clearly blowing out air like for a V or F. For V, it's more the back of the lower lip that touches the upper teeth.
warm click to hear
warm / warme click to hear
walvis click to hear 'whale'
wakker click to hear 'awake'
wacht click to hear 'wait!'

water click to hear 2 'water'
waard click to hear 'worth, worthy'
waarde click to hear 'worth, value'
waardeloos click to hear 2 'worthless'
werk click to hear 'work'
west click to hear 'West'
welkom click to hear 2 'welcome'
wesp click to hear 2 'wasp'
wens click to hear 'wish'

week click to hear 2 'week'
weer click to hear 2 'weather'
wegen click to hear 'to weigh' ‑>>
'roads (ways)'
wild click to hear 'wild'
wind click to hear 'wind'
winter click to hear 'Winter'
winterslaap click to hear 2 'hibernation'
wit click to hear 'white'

wiel click to hear 'wheel'
wol click to hear 'wool'
wolf click to hear 'wolf'
worm click to hear 'worm'
worstelen click to hear 2 'to wrestle'

woord click to hear 'word'
werkwoord click to hear 'verb'

weduwe click to hear 2 'widow'

wij click to hear 'we'
wijd click to hear 'wide'
wijn click to hear 2 'wine'
wijs click to hear
wijs / wijze click to hear 2
'wise, sensible'
terwijl click to hear 2 'while'
kwaliteit click to hear 2 'quality'
kwart click to hear 'quarter, ¼'
kwartje click to hear 'quarter, 25¢'
kwartier click to hear '15 minutes'
zwak click to hear 2 'weak'

zwaan click to hear 'swan' ‑>>
zwaard click to hear 'sword' ‑>>
zwellen click to hear 2 'to swell up' ‑>>
zwemmen click to hear 'to swim' ‑>>
zwendel click to hear 2 'swindle, fraud'
zwerm click to hear 2 'swarm'
zweet click to hear 2 'sweat'
zweep click to hear 2 'whip'
zwijn click to hear 2 'swine, wild boar' zweterig click to hear 'sweaty' waardig click to hear 2 'worth, worthy'? wilg click to hear 2 willow
sperwer click to hear 2 'sparrowhawk'
think of: 'sparrow'
weelde click to hear 2 'luxury, abundance'
think of: 'wealth'
weelderig click to hear 2 'luxurious, abundant, rich'
kwik click to hear 'mercury'
think of: 'quicksilver'
kwiek click to hear 'lively, brisk'
think of: 'quick'
Query Words wat? click to hear 'what?' waar? click to hear 2 'where?' wanneer? click to hear 'when?' wie? click to hear 'who?' ‑>>


W before R is pronounced as V. It is too much effort to say a W followed by an R. In English, these W's are dropped.
wrak click to hear 'wreck' scheepswrak click to hear 'sunken, wrecked ship' wrat click to hear 2 'wart' wringen click to hear 'to wring' wrijven click to hear 2 'to rub' wrijving click to hear 2 'friction'

AU/OU click to hear

AU and OU represent the same sound, similar to OU in LOUD and OW in NOW. I would say the sound always ends in a (soft) Dutch W.
au! click to hear 'ouch!'
nou click to hear 2 'now'
nauw click to hear
nauwe click to hear 2
miauw click to hear 'meow'
oud click to hear 'old'
koud click to hear
koud / koude click to hear
bout click to hear 'bolt' (w/nut)
houden click to hear 2 'to hold' -‑>>
zout click to hear 2 3
zout / zoute click to hear 2
vouw click to hear
vouwen click to hear 2
'to fold'
blauw click to hear 2 'blue'
dauw click to hear 'dew'
kauwen click to hear 2
kauwgom click to hear
'to chew'
'chewing gum'
brouwen click to hear 'to brew'

klauw click to hear 2 'claw'
saus click to hear 2 'sauce'
bouwen click to hear 'to build'
bouwers click to hear 2 'builders' ‑>>
gebouw click to hear 2
gebouwen click to hear
'buildings' ‑>>
The pronunciation of jou click to hear 2 ('you' - singular, informal) and jouw click to hear ('your' - singular, informal) is not very different, the meaning is usually clear from the context, but the W may be exaggerated for emphasis. ‑>>
goud click to hear 2 'gold' ‑>>
gouden click to hear 'golden'
Gouda click to hear 'Gouda'
(city and cheese)
schouder click to hear 'shoulder'
schouders click to hear 'shoulders'
fout click to hear 'error' - 'wrong'
think of: 'fault'
trouw click to hear 2 'faithful'
think of: 'true'
woud click to hear 2 'deep forest'
think of: 'wood'
ouders click to hear 'parents'
think of: 'elders'
touw click to hear 2 'rope, string'
think of: 'to tow'

Long U click to hear

There is no sound in English like Dutch Long U, but is is found in French, like in cru or dur click to hear and in German, like in Hügel and Muesli click to hear
UW click to hear is always long. Note the difference the W makes in pronunciation: U click to hear ('you' - polite) / Uw click to hear ('your' - polite.)
puur click to hear 2 'pure'
uniek click to hear 2 'unique'
rekruut click to hear 'recruit'
duel click to hear 2 'duel'
duet click to hear 'duet'
duo click to hear 2 'duo'
situatie click to hear 2 situation
Ruud click to hear 2 'Rudy'
vuur click to hear 2 'fire'
vuurwerk click to hear 'fireworks'
huren click to hear 'to hire, rent'
sluw click to hear 2 'sly, cunning'
nu click to hear 'now'
uur click to hear 'hour'
zuur click to hear 2
zuur / zure click to hear 2
'sour, acid'
ruw click to hear 2
ruwe click to hear
luxe click to hear 2 'luxury' *

schaduw click to hear 'shadow'
stuur click to hear 2 'steeringwheel' (car)
'handlebars' (bike)
luwte click to hear 2 'lee' (a sheltered place)
juni click to hear 'June'
juli click to hear 'July'
zwaluw click to hear 'swallow' (bird) ritueel click to hear 'ritual' juweel click to hear 2 'jewel'
juwelen click to hear 'jewels' ‑>>
juwelier click to hear 'jeweler' gruwelijk click to hear 'gruesome'
Change of
kuur click to hear 2 'course of treatment'
think of: 'cure'
brutaal click to hear 'insolent'
think of: 'brutal'
duur click to hear (duur / dure click to hear 2) 'expensive'
think of: 'dear'
schuw click to hear 'very, very shy'

EEUW click to hear 2

The sound is actually a combination of Dutch long E click to hear + Dutch UW click to hear (there is no sound in English like Dutch 'UW')
sneeuw click to hear 2 'snow' sneeuwvlokken click to hear 2 'snowflakes' leeuwerik click to hear 2 'lark' (a bird) Changed
spreeuw click to hear 2 (2) 'starling'
think of: 'sparrow'

IEUW click to hear 2

Very similar to EW in (British) English NEW
nieuw click to hear 'new' (nieuw / nieuwe click to hear 2 'new') nieuws click to hear '(the) news' Dat is goed nieuws. click to hear 'That's good news.'

I After a Vowel except in Diphthongs

After another vowel, I is pronounced as consonant-Y (Dutch J) - except in diphthongs EI and UI. To me, the rare Dutch AI sounds very much like English 'I.'
Thais click to hear 'Thai' Thai click to hear 'Thai' (person) Thailand click to hear 'Thailand' -‑>> maïs click to hear 2 'maize, Indian corn'
maaien click to hear 'to mow' (like, grass) zaaien click to hear 'to sow' kraai click to hear 2 'crow' boei click to hear 'buoy' groeien click to hear 2 'to grow'
roeien click to hear 2 'to row'
roeiboot click to hear 'rowboat'
vloeien click to hear 'to flow' kooi click to hear 2 'cage' hooi click to hear 'hay' prooi click to hear 2 3 'prey'

Dimensions and Units of the Metric System

lengte click to hear 2 ('length') diepte click to hear 2 ('depth') hoogte click to hear 2 ('height') dikte click to hear 2 ('thickness') diameter click to hear ('diameter')
millimeter click to hear
1mm = 1/1000 m

centimeter click to hear
1cm = 1/100 m

(decimeter click to hear)
(1dm = 1/10 m)

meter click to hear

kilometer click to hear
1km = 1000m
see also
volume click to hear ('volume') liter click to hear
milliliter click to hear = cc click to hear = cm³ 'kubieke centimeter' click to hear = 1/1000 of a liter
gewicht click to hear ('weight')
(de) massa click to hear 2 ('mass') milligram click to hear 2
1mg = 1/1000 g
gram click to hear
kilogram click to hear 2
1 kg = 1000 g
= kilo click to hear 2 ton click to hear
1 ton = 1000 kilograms
pond click to hear 500 grams, about 1.1 Lb
the Imperial Pound is 450 grams
ons click to hear 2 100 grams, about 3.3 ounces
the Imperial Weight Ounce is about 28 grams

No Need for Translation - But A Good Pronunciation Exercise

You'll recognize the written form, they don't need translation though pronunciation may differ not sound familiar (some words show English translation when you place the cursor over them.)
abrikozen click to hear 2
absurd click to hear
accountant click to hear 2
alcohol click to hear 2
alfabet click to hear 2
alibi click to hear 2
amateur click to
ambitie click to hear
ambitieus click to hear
anatomie click to hear
arrogantie click to hear 2
bakkerij click to hear 2
barometer click to hear 2
bizar click to hear
cement click to hear
cholera click to hear
combinatie click to hear 2
commentator click to hear 2
complicaties click to hear 2
concert click to hear
contact click to hear 2 3
contract click to
creatie click to hear 2
cylinder click to hear
debuut click to hear 2
decibel click to hear
democratie click to hear
deodorant click to hear
diamant click to hear
discipline click to hear 2
discussie click to hear 2
dogma click to hear 2
dogmatisch click to hear
dolfijn click to hear 2
electriciteit click to hear 2
emotioneel click to hear 2
energie click to hear 2
expert click to hear
experiment click to hear
explosie click to hear
futiliteit click to hear
gitaar click to hear
horizon click to hear 2
hygiëne click to hear 2 3
hygiënisch click to hear 2
hypothese click to hear
incompetent click to hear 2
inferieur click to hear
ingrediënt click to hear
karakter click to hear 2 2
lila click to hear
katastrofe click to hear 2
loterij click to hear 2
margarine click to hear 2
mild click to hear 2 3
miserabel click to hear 2
modern click to hear 2
moment click to hear
monnik click to hear 2
monument click to hear
olifant click to hear
opera click to hear
origineel click to hear 2
paniek click to hear
paspoort click to hear
patiënt click to hear
piano click to hear
platform click to hear 2
politiek click to hear
pretentieus click to hear 2
privilege click to hear 2
radio click to hear 2
reactie click to hear
realistisch click to hear
rebel click to hear 2
rebellen click to hear 2
religieus click to hear
revolutie click to hear 2
rubber click to hear 2
salamander click to hear
sentimenteel click to hear 2
spelling click to hear 2
specialist click to
steriel click to hear 2
strategie click to hear 2
suggestief click to hear 2
superieur click to hear
symptoom click to hear 2
syndroom click to hear 2
systeem click to hear
taktiek click to hear 2
telefoon click to hear 2
televisie click to hear
temperatuur click to hear 2
tetanus click to hear 2
theocratie click to hear
thermometer click to hear
uniform click to hear
universiteit click to hear
vegetariër click to hear
vegetarisch click to hear
violet click to hear
Brood smeren click to hear 2 - 'to smear bread' i.e. to spread butter on it and put on cheese or ham or whatever covering
De zeven dwergen click to hear 'the seven dwarves' / De zeven zeeën * click to hear 2 'the seven seas'
vloeiend click to hear 2 ~'fluent' - hij spreekt vloeiend Nederlands click to hear 'he is fluent in Dutch'
Is het ijs dik genoeg? click to hear 2 'Is the ice thick enough?'
potten en pannen click to hear 2 'pots and pans'
Haastige spoed is zelden goed click to hear slow "Hasty speed is seldom good" - 'hurry is rarely useful'
Beidt Uw tijd click to hear 2 3 'Bide your time' - be patient, wait for the right moment
De beste plaats om Nederlands te leren. click to hear 'The best place for learning Dutch'
Beter laat dan nooit click to hear 'Better late than never'
ranzig click to hear 2 ('rancid' - stale, old, off) - ranzig vet click to hear 2 ('rancid fat') - ranzige olie click to hear 2 ('rancid oil') ‑>>
stilstand click to hear 2 'standstill' - wapenstilstand click to hear 2 ['weapons shutdown'] - truce
smetteloos click to hear 2 'without a blemish, very clean' (think of: 'smutless')
broodkruimels click to hear 2 'breadcrumbs' - but to coat baking containers or meat, ask for panermeel click to hear
doe-het-zelf click to hear 'do-it-yourself'
gecompliceerd click to hear 2 slow 'complicated' - 't is te gecompliceerd click to hear 'it's too complicated'
Common Dutch Words from French
architect click to hear 2 3 (French CH)
etiquette click to hear 2 3
menu click to hear (in restaurant)
migraine click to hear 2 3 (French G and AI)
prestigieus click to hear (French G)

Special Mention

(de) doorbraak click to hear 2 breakthrough

Dutch and English 2

From 'High School' I remember some Medieval Dutch:
Het daget in het oosten,
Het lichtet overal,
Hoe luttel weet mijn liefken
Och waar ik henen sal
click to hear 2 3
It's dawning in the East,
It's getting light everywhere,
How little does my loved one know
Where I'm going
Modern Dutch only has 'luttel' and the verb 'dagen' in the phrases:
Luttele seconden later click to hear 2 Just a few seconds later
Het begint me te dagen click to hear 2 It [starts to dawn] is dawning on me, I'm beginning to understand
Of course, 'dagen' click to hear 2 is also the plural of dag click to hear 2 ('day')

More Pronunciation: Reference Page (hear about 2000 examples) - Vowels and Diphthongs Compared (hear all side by side)
The 'Reference Page' has some fine points I had to forego on this page, and things like French words in Dutch.

More Vocabulary: Pictures Dictionary - Basic Dutch - By Subject: Overview

Thank you Veronica Lewis for an instructive mistake, and thank you 'Boswachter' Forrest Stewart for email about Dutch and English sounds.

Wordt Vervolgd click to hear To Be Continued ‑>>

Site map - email - Copyright © Marco Schuffelen 2012. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, redistributed, or hotlinked to.
Don't be a dief (thief) / dievegge (female thief) - diefstal (theft) - stelen (to steal) - heler (dealer in stolen goods) - hear Dutch - 2