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Common Dutch Phrases - Smartphone Version

Not just what you can say yourself, but also to better understand what Dutch people may say to you - if they're willing to speak Dutch to you. I'm afraid Dutch people often would rather talk in English to foreigners.
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Hello / Goodbye
How are you?
Mrs / Ma'am - Mr / Sir
Please / Thank You
You're Welcome
Excuse me
Best Wishes
Hallo click to hear Hello
Goedemorgen click to hear Good morning
Morgen! click to hear 2 Morning! // morning // tomorrow
Goedemiddag click to hear Good afternoon
Goedenavond click to hear Good evening
Tot ziens click to hear Goodbye, See you
- more below
Dag click to hear 2 Goodbye // Hello // day the day - days

Hoe maakt U het? click to hear How are you? (polite)
Hoe gaat 't? click to hear How are you? (informal)
Hoe is 't ermee? click to hear How are you? (informal)
Gaat 't wel? click to hear 2 Are you all right? (the person looks troubled or unwell)
In Holland, people don't say something like "How are you?" to about everyone you come across, like in America. Just say it to people you already know.
Possible answers:
Heel goed, dank je click to
      hear 2 Very good, thank you
Uitstekend click to hear 2 3 [excellent] - very good
goed click to hear 2 good
redelijk click to hear reasonably, relatively well
't Gaat wel click to hear 2 3 not so bad, hanging in there
niet zo goed click to hear not so good
belabberd click to hear 2 pretty bad, miserable
En met jou? click to hear And you? How about yourself?
Men sleept zich voort click to hear 2 3 Struggling ... just hanging in there
Ik heet ... click to hear My name is ...
Mijn naam is ... click to hear My name is ...
- Dutch First Names
Hallo, ik ben Marco click to hear Hi - I am Marco
Hallo, ik heet Marco click to hear Hi - my name is Marco
Mijn naam is Daniël click to hear My name is Daniel
Wat is Uw naam? click to hear 2 What's your name? (polite)
Hoe heet je? click to hear What's your name? (informal)
Mevrouw click to hear Mrs. and Ma'am
Mevrouw Jansen click to
      hear Mrs. Jansen
- Dutch Last Names
Meneer ('Mijnheer') click to hear Mr. and Sir
Meneer van Dijk click to
      hear Mr. van Dijk
Juffrouw click to
Miss (old-fashioned)
Juffrouw de Jong click to hear Miss de Jong
Dames en Heren ... click to
      hear 2 Ladies and Gentlemen ... (addressing a group)
"Mag ik me even voorstellen?" click to hear 2 Allow me to introduce myself ...

Dank U wel click to hear Thank you (polite)
Dank je wel click to hear Thank you (informal)
Bedankt! click to hear Thanks! ‑>>
Alstublieft click to hear Please (polite)
Alsjeblieft click to hear 2 Please (informal)
Alstublieft and alsjeblieft can be used in three ways, meaning:
  1. 'please' like in 'yes please,' or 'two coffee, please.'
  2. 'here you are' or 'here you go,' like when you hand someone something
  3. 'you're welcome, my pleasure' in reply to a thank-you (this is a bit unusual.)
The use of the Dutch 'please' is not as common as in English, because Dutch people often use the polite 'U' when asking for things. It took me a while to make 'please' a habit in English.
When someone wishes you well, you could reply:
Bedankt en van hetzelfde click to hear 2 Thank you, and the same to you
Graag gedaan click to hear You're welcome, My pleasure
Geen dank click to hear Don't mention it
('no reason to thank me')
Kleine moeite click to hear ['Minimal effort'] - No Problem

Pardon (French) click to hear Excuse me
Sorry (English) click to hear (I'm) sorry ‑>>
Het spijt me click to
      hear 2 I'm sorry
't Geeft niet click to
      hear 2 It doesn't matter

Het beste ermee click to hear Best wishes
Veel plezier click to
      hear Have fun
Een prettige dag nog click to
      hear Have a nice day
Prettig weekend click to
      hear 2 Have a nice weekend
Goede reis click to hear Have a safe & pleasant trip ‑>>

Eet smakelijk click to hear Bon Appetit (Enjoy your meal) meals ‑>>
Proost! click to hear 2 Cheers!
Welterusten click to hear Sleep well, Happy dreams ‑>>

ogenblikje ... click to hear 2 just a moment ...
Een momentje, alstublieft click to hear Just a moment, please
Wacht even ... click to hear 2 Wait a moment ...
Wat is er aan de hand? click to
      hear What's going on?
Hoe duur is het? click to hear 2 3 What's the price?
Wat is de prijs? click to hear 2 What's the price?

Au! click to hear Ouch! (hurting)
Gezondheid! click to hear Bless you! (Gesundheit!) click to hear
Beterschap click to hear Get well (Wishing you a speedy recovery) ‑>>
Help! click to hear 2 Help me!
- Emergencies
Pas op! click to hear Be careful!
Kijk uit! click to hear 2 Look out!
Voorzichtig! click to hear Careful!
Opgelet! click to hear Pay attention!

Waar is de WC? click to hear 2 Where is the bathroom?
Dames = Ladies He(e)ren = Gents

vraag click to
      hear question ‑>>
antwoord click to
      hear answer
ja click to
      hear yes
nee click to
      hear no
misschien click to
      hear maybe, perhaps

Tot zo click to hear 2 See you in a moment
Tot straks click to hear 2 See you later
Tot vanmiddag click to hear See you this afternoon
Tot vanavond click to hear See you this evening
Tot morgen click to hear 2 See you tomorrow
Tot maandag click to hear See you Monday

First Words (with pictures)
Breakfast, Lunch, Treats and Snacks
Vegetables - Fruits - Meals
1000 Basic Dutch Words
Master Lists of Common Dutch Words:
English to Dutch - Dutch to English
lookalike Dutch and English words
Special Days and Holiday Greetings
Easy Dutch (not a smartphone page)

More Good Dutch Smartphone Pages

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