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Identical Words in Dutch and English:
Pronunciation Exercise - Smartphones Page

The idea behind this exercise is that when you know English, you'll almost automatically pronounce these words in the English way - but that is rarely correct for the Dutch words. From the words in these lists you'll quickly see and hear the differences in Dutch and English pronunciation, and they can help you understand the (mostly phonetic) Dutch spelling.
I hope the 'False Friends' section will be somewhat entertaining.
Learn Dutch Pronunciation
Pronunciation Reference Page
Spelling and Pronunciation Rules
See also the note at the bottom of the page about Dutch sounds underrepresented on this page.

Identical Words, Similar Meaning
Almost Identical Words, Similar Meaning
False Friends:
Identical Words, Different Meaning

the: de click to hear 2 / het click to hear 2 3 - 't click to hear ->>
Plurals always take 'de'
a: (een) - 'n click to hear / one: één click to hear 2 3

Dutch and English Identical Words of Similar Meaning

a priori click to hear 2
absurd click to hear
(de) accountant click to hear 2
(het) accent click to hear 2 3
(de) adder click to hear (snake)
(de) agent click to hear 2 (the Dutch word also means 'policeman' or 'policewoman')
(de) alcohol click to hear 2
(het) alibi click to hear 2
(de) amateur click to hear
(de) angst click to hear
april click to hear
(de) architect (French CH) click to hear 2 3
(de) arm click to hear (body part)
arrogant click to hear 2
(de) atlas click to hear 2 3
(de) auto click to hear
(de) banjo click to hear 2
(de) bank click to hear
(de) barometer click to hear 2
(het) bed click to hear 2
((het) begin click to hear beginning, start)
ik begin click to hear 2 I'm beginning, I'm starting
best click to hear 2
ik bind click to hear 2 I'm binding
bitter click to hear
blind click to hear 2
(de) bus click to hear
(de) cafeine click to hear 2
(de) calorie click to hear
(het) cement click to hear (noun only)
(de) centimeter click to hear
(de) chaos click to hear
(de) cholera click to hear
(de) commentator click to hear 2
complete click to hear (compleet click to hear)
(het) concert click to hear
(het) contact click to hear 2 3
(het) contract click to
(de) crisis click to hear 2 3
(de) cylinder (cilinder) click to hear
(de) decibel click to hear
(de) deodorant click to hear
(het) dialect click to hear 2
(de) diameter click to hear 2
(de) discipline click to hear 2
(het) dogma click to hear 2
(het) drama click to hear 2
(ik) drink click to hear 2 I'm drinking
(het) duel click to hear 2
(het) duet click to hear
(het) duo click to hear 2
(de) echo click to hear 2 3
(het) ego click to hear 2 3
(de) etiquette (French) click to hear 2 3
excuses click to hear 2
(de) expert (French) click to hear (noun, person only)
(het) experiment click to hear
(de) film click to hear 2
(de) folklore click to hear 2
(het) fragment click to hear
(de) fret click to hear (on musical instruments)
(het) fruit click to hear
(het) gas click to hear 2
(de) god click to hear
(de) gorilla click to hear 2
(de) gram click to hear
half click to
(de) ham click to hear
(de) hand click to hear
hard click to hear
(de) harp click to hear 2 musical instrument
help click to hear 2 (help me!)
(de) horizon click to hear 2
(de) hut click to hear
in click to hear 2
incompetent click to hear 2
is click to hear 2 (he is etc.)
(de) joker click to hear 2 (in card games)
(de) kilometer click to hear
(het) lab click to hear (laboratory)
(de) ladder click to hear
(de) lamp click to hear
(het) land click to hear 2 3
later click to
(de) lens click to hear
(de) lip click to hear
(de) liter click to hear 2
(de) lust click to hear
(de) man click to hear 2 3 (a male; husband)
(de) marathon click to hear 2
(de) margarine click to hear 2
me click to hear 2
(het) menu (French) click to hear
(de) meter click to hear
(de) migraine (French) click to hear 3
mild click to hear
(de) mist click to hear
modern click to hear 2
(het) moment click to hear
(het) monument click to hear
(de) navel click to hear 2 (bellybutton)
open click to hear
(de) opera click to hear
(de) oven click to hear
(de) pan click to hear 2
(de) parade click to hear 2
(het) park click to hear
(de) pen click to hear
(de) piano click to hear
(het) plateau (French) click to hear 2 3
(het) platform click to hear 2
(het) plan click to hear
(de) plank click to hear 2
(de) plant click to hear (living plant)
(het) plastic (English) click to hear (noun, the material only)
(het) privilege click to hear 2
(het) project click to hear 2
(de) propaganda click to hear 2 3
(de) psalm click to hear 2
(de) radio click to hear 2
(de) rasp click to hear 2
(de) rat click to hear 2 3
(de) rebel click to hear 2
(het) referendum click to hear 2 3
(het) respect click to hear
(de) rib click to hear 2
(de) rot click to hear 2 decay
(het) rubber click to hear 2 3
(het) sacrament click to hear 2 3
(de) salamander click to hear
(de) school click to hear
(de) shampoo (~English) click to hear 2
sinister click to hear 2
(de) specialist click to hear
(de) spelling !!! click to hear 2
(de) splinters click to hear 2 3
(de) spore click to hear 2
(de) stank click to hear 2
[(de)] stop click to hear 2 (stop; stop!)
stringent click to hear 2
(het) tempo click to hear
(de) tent click to hear
(de) test click to hear 2 3
(de) tetanus click to hear 2
(de) Thai click to hear
(de) thermometer click to hear
(de) ton click to hear 2 3 (1000kg)
(de) triathlon click to hear
(het) trimester click to hear
(de) trombone click to hear
(de) tuba click to hear
(de) tunnel click to hear 2
(het) uniform click to hear (noun only, 'standard clothing')
urgent click to hear 2
[(het)] violet click to hear
(het) virus click to hear
(het) volume click to hear (amount of space, level of sound)
(de) wake click to hear 2
warm click to hear
was click to hear (I was etc.)
(het) water click to hear 2
(de) week click to hear 2
west click to hear
wild click to hear
(de) wind click to hear 2
(de) winter click to hear
(de) wolf click to hear
(de) worm click to
(ik) wring click to hear 2 (I'm wringing)

Almost Identical, Similar Meaning

(de) abortus
click to hear 2
(het) advies click to hear 2
(de) adviseur click to hear 2
(het) alfabet click to hear 2
(de) ambitie click to hear
ambitieus click to hear
analoog click to hear 2
(de) anatomie click to hear
(de) arrogantie click to hear 2
(de) bakkerij click to hear 2
bizar click to
(de) circulatie click to hear 2
(de) combinatie click to hear 2
complicaties click to hear 2
conservatief click to hear 2
(de) creatie click to hear 2
[(de)] crimineel click to hear 2 3
(het) debuut click to hear 2
(de) democratie click to hear
diagonaal click to hear 2
(de) diamant click to hear
(het) dieet click to hear 2
(de) dinosaurus click to hear 2
dogmatisch click to hear
(de) dolfijn click to hear 2
efficiënt click to hear
(de) electriciteit click to hear 2 ‑>>
emotioneel click to hear 2
(de) energie click to hear 2
(de) explosie click to
(de) euthanasie click to hear 2 3 4 5
(de) formule click to hear 2 3
(de) futiliteit click to hear
gigantisch click to hear 2
(de) gitaar click to hear
(de) gnoe click to hear 2
(de) gymnastiek click to hear 2 (3 4)
(de) hygiëne click to hear 2 3
hygiënisch click to hear 2
(de) hypothese click to hear
inferieur click to hear
(het) ingrediënt click to hear
(het) initiatief click to hear 2
(de) irritatie click to hear 2
(de) kalender click to hear 2
(het) karakter click to hear 2 2
(de) katastrofe click to hear 2
(de) komeet click to hear
(de) krokodil click to hear
(de) legende click to hear 2
(de) limonade click to hear 2 3
(de) loterij click to hear 2
melancholiek click to hear 2
(de) methode click to hear 2
minuscuul click to hear 2 3
miserabel click to hear 2
(de) monnik click to hear 2
(de) mutatie click to hear
mysterie click to hear 2
mysterieus click to hear 2 3
(de) mythe click to hear
neutraal click to hear 2
(het) obstakel click to hear 2 3
(de) olifant click to hear
(de) oppositie click to hear 2 3 4
(de) orangoetang click to hear
[(het)] origineel click to hear 2
(de) paniek click to hear
(de) paragraaf click to hear 2
(het) paspoort click to hear
(de) patiënt click to hear
(het) perspectief click to hear 2 3
(de) planeet click to hear 2
(de) politiek click to hear ‑>>
(de) positie click to hear 2 3 4
pretentieus click to hear 2
(het) probleem click to hear 2 3
problematisch click to hear 2
(de) programmeur click to hear 2
progressief click to hear 2 ('left-wing,' US 'liberal')
(de) poema click to hear
realistisch click to hear
religieus click to hear
(de) remedie click to hear 2
(het) residu click to hear 2
(de) revolutie click to hear 2
(de) ringvinger click to hear
sentimenteel click to hear 2
serieus click to hear
(het) signaal click to hear 2
(de) situatie click to hear 2
solidariteit click to hear 2 3
steriel click to hear 2
(de) strategie click to hear 2
suggestief click to hear 2
superieur click to hear
(het) symptoom click to hear 2
(het) syndroom click to hear 2
(het) systeem click to hear
systematisch click to hear 2
(de) taktiek click to hear 2
(de) telefoon click to hear 2
(de) televisie click to hear
(de) temperatuur click to hear 2 (NOT: a light fever)
tjokvol click to hear
(de) tolerantie click to hear
(de) toorts click to hear 2 3
traditioneel click to hear 2
(de) tragedie click to hear 2 3
(de) universiteit click to hear
(de) urgentie click to hear
(het) vacuüm click to hear 2
(de) vegetariër click to hear person
vegetarisch click to hear adjective
(de) xylofoon click to hear

more: Easy Dutch - 2 - 3

False Friends: Identical Dutch and English Words of Different Meaning

An click to hear - a girls' name
Ad click to
    hear - a boys' name
Age click to hear - a Frisian boys' name
(de) arm click to
    hear - 1. arm (body part) 2. poor
(de) arts click to hear 2 - Medical Doctor
(de) as click to hear - 1. ashes 2. axle, axis
at click to hear 2 (ik at click to hear 2 - I ate, I was eating)
(het) bad click to hear - bath (ik bad click to hear - I was praying)
(de) baker click to hear (obsolete) - nanny
(de) balk click to hear - a beam (wood)
(de) band click to hear - 1. tire, tube 2. bond, tie, tape
bang click to hear - afraid, scared
(de) bank click to hear - 1. money services 2. bench
[(de)] bar click to hear 2 - 1. drinks place 2. harsh, bleak
(het) been click to hear - leg
beef click to hear 2 (ik beef click to hear 2 - I tremble)
(de) beer click to hear - bear
(de) beet click to hear - 1. bite 2. gotcha!
belt click to hear 2 (hij belt click to hear 2 - he is on the phone)
bent click to hear 2 (jij bent click to hear 2 - (you) are)
(het) bevel click to hear - order, command
bid click to hear 2 (ik bid click to hear - I pray, I am praying)
(de) big click to hear - pig
blank click to hear 2 - white (pink) skin
(de) bond click to hear 2 union, association, federation
(de) boom click to hear 2 - tree
(de) boon click to hear - bean
boos click to hear - angry
(de) boot click to hear - boat
boots click to hear 2 (ik boots na click to hear 2 - I imitate, mimic)
bots click to hear 2 3 (ik bots click to hear 2 I collide, crash into)
(de) bout click to hear - 1. leg meat 2. bolt for nut
(de) brand click to hear - fire
(de) branding click to  hear 2 - breakers, waves on a beach
brave click to hear 2 - well-behaved, harmless
breed click to hear - wide, broad
(de) brief click to hear 2 - letter (mail)
(de) brink click to hear - village square
(het) brood click to hear 2 - bread
chef (French) click to hear 2 - department head
Co click to
   hear - a boys' name
(het) college French G) click to hear - 1. university class 2. council
concrete click to hear 2 - physical, solid, real (not talk)
(de) concurrent click to hear 2 - business competitor
(de) crèche (French) click to hear - children's daycare center
(de) damp click to hear 2 - vapor
(de) dank click to hear - thanks
deed click to hear (ik deed click to hear - I did)
[(de)] den click to hear - 1. pine tree 2. old-fashioned 'the'
die click to hear - that, those ->>
(het) diner (French) click to hear - festive evening meal
(het) ding click to hear - thing
direct click to hear 2 - immediately; straightaway
divers click to hear 2 - varied
doe click to hear (ik doe click to hear - I do)
door click to hear - 1. through 2. by ->>
dove click to hear 2 - a deaf person
dozen click to hear 2 - boxes
(het) drab click to hear 2 - thick, murky liquid
(de) drank click to hear - beverage; liquor
driest click to hear - bold, reckless
(het) drop click to hear - liquorice (the black candy)
(de) douche (French) click to hear - shower
dun click to hear - thin, skinny
elders click to hear - elsewhere, in another place
elk click to hear - each, every
(het) email (French) click to hear - enamel / English: email
even click to hear 2 - 1. just a moment 2. even numbers ->>
(de) fat click to hear - a dandy
(de) fee click to hear - a fairy
Ferry click to
   hear - a boys' name
(de) file click to hear - traffic jam
(de) fitting click to hear 2 - lightbulb socket
Flip click to
   hear - a boys' name
Floor click to
   hear - a girls' name
(de) folder click to hear - brochure
(de) fret click to
   hear - partition on string instrument neck
Greet click to hear - a girls' name
(de) gal click to hear - gall
(de) gang click to hear - corridor, hallway
[(de)] gave click to hear 2 - 1. gift 2. whole, undamaged
(gaaf/ gave click to hear 2)
gene click to hear (obsolete) - 'those yonder'
gilt click to hear 2 (zij gilt click to hear 2 - she shrieks)
(de) gist click to hear - yeast
gold click to hear 2 ('t gold click to hear 2 - ~it counted as)
glad click to
   hear - 1. slippery 2. smooth
(het) grind click to hear - gravel, pebbles
grove click to hear (grof/grove click to hear) coarse
(de) gulp click to hear - fly, pants zipper
(het) gum click to hear - eraser
gun click to hear (ik gun click to hear 2 - I grant)
(de) guts click to hear - a woodcarving tool
(het) gymnasium click to hear secondary school with Latin
hard click to hear - 1. not soft 2. fast, not slow
(de) hark click to hear - 1. rake (garden) 2. a clumsy male
Harm click to
    hear - a boys' name
(de) have click to hear (obsolete) - (moveable) property
(de) haven click to hear - port, harbor
heel click to hear 2 - 1. whole 2. very
(de) held click to hear - hero
(de) helm click to hear - helmet
hem click to hear - him
hoe click to hear - how?
(de) honing click to hear 2 - honey
(de) hoop click to hear 2 - 1. hope 2. heap, load
jammer click to hear 2 - it's a pity
Joke click to
    hear - a girls' name
kale click to hear (kaal/kale click to hear 2) - bald
(de) keel click to hear - throat
(de) kin click to hear 2 - chin
(het) kind click to hear 2 - child
kinds click to hear 2 - senile
(de) knot click to hear - skein, ball (of wool)
lag click to hear 2 (ik lag click to hear 2 3 - I was lying down)
lager click to hear - lower
[(het)] lam click to hear - 1. lamb 2. lame, paralyzed
late click to hear (laat/late click to hear 2) - late (not early)
(de) last click to hear - burden
(de) lap click to hear - a piece of fabric
(de) leek click to hear - layman
('t leek click to hear 2 - it looked like)
(het/de) leer click to hear 2 - 1. leather 2. teachings
leg click to hear (ik leg click to hear - I lay down)
[(de)] lessen click to hear 2 - 1. lessons 2. to slake
(2. dorst lessen click to hear 2 - to slake thirst)
let click to hear (let op! click to hear 2 - pay attention!)
(de) letter click to hear 2 - alphabet character
(de) lever click to hear - liver
(de) libel click to hear 2 3 - dragonfly
(het) lid click to hear 2 - member
(het) lied click to hear - song
Lies click to
   hear - a girls' name
(de) lies click to
   hear - groin, where the leg joins the body
link click to hear 2 (slang) - dangerous
links click to hear - left (not right)
(het) lint click to hear 2 - ceremonial tape
(de) list click to hear 2 - ruse, trick
log click to hear - hard to move, not nimble
logger click to hear 2 - harder to move
(de) long click to hear - lung
loom click to hear 2 - slow, languid
(de) loop click to hear 2 - 1. gunbarrel 2. course
(ik loop click to hear - I walk)
(de) loot click to hear - new, young branch
Lot click to hear 2 - a girls' name
(het) lot click to hear 2 - 1. a lottery ticket 2. fate
(het) lover click to hear (obsolete) - leaves, foliage
(de) machinist (French) click to hear 2 - engineer, engine driver
(de) made click to hear - maggot
(de) man click to hear 2 - 1. adult male human 2. husband
(de) map click to hear - holder for papers, folder
(de) mare click to hear 2 (old-fashioned) - report; rumor; story, legend
(de) marine click to
   hear - the navy
(de) mate click to hear 2 - 1. mate van click to hear - level of, degree
(de) mate click to hear 2 - 2. met mate click to hear - in moderation
meet click to hear (ik meet click to hear - I take measurements)
men click to hear - an informal 'they'
(het) messing click to hear 2 - brass (copper/zinc)
met click to hear - with
Mien click to hear 2 3 - a girls' name
milt click to hear 2 3 - spleen (organ)
minder click to hear - less, fewer
(de) minister click to hear 2 - cabinet minister, secretary
(de) mode click to hear - fashion
molt click to hear 2 (hij molt click to hear 2 - he breaks, destroys)
(de) moot click to hear - a fish steak
(de) mop click to hear 2 - a joke
(de/het) mud click to hear 2 (obsolete) - 100 liters measure
(de) mug click to hear - mosquito
(het) multiplex click to hear 2 - laminated board (>3 layers)
(de) nap click to hear (obsolete) - small wooden bowl
(de) nor click to hear (slang) - prison
(het) nut click to hear - usefulness, use
(de) occasion click to hear 2 - secondhand car for sale
of click to hear - or ->>
(het) offer click to hear 2 - sacrifice
(de) order click to hear - order (buying / command)
(het) pad click to hear 2 - 1. path 2. toad
(de) page (French) click to hear - a knight's servant
pal click to hear - (standing) firm
(de) paring click to hear 2 - 1. mating 2. pairing
past click to hear 2 ('t past click to hear - it fits)
paste click to hear 2 (het paste click to hear - it fit - past tense)
(het) pat click to hear - stalemate (chess)
(de) peer click to hear 2 3 - pear
(de) pees click to hear 2 - tendon
(de) penning click to hear 2 - medal, coin
(de) pens click to hear 2 - 1. tripe 2. paunch
(het) pension click to hear - boarding house
[(de)] pet click to hear 2 - 1. baseball cap 2. rotten, not good
(de) pink click to hear - little finger, 'pinky'
(de) pit click to hear 2 - 1. small fruit seed 2. human energy
(de) plant click to hear - living plant
(de) poet click to hear 2 - loot, criminal gain (slang)
(de) poets click to hear 2 1. practical joke, trick
2. ik poets click to hear 2 - I am polishing, shining
(het) pond click to hear - 500 grams, ~ pound
(de) pool click to hear - pole (North, South)
(de) pop click to hear 2 - doll
(de) port click to hear - Portuguese sweet, strong wine
prompt click to hear - responding quickly
(de) pummel click to hear - ill-mannered young man
(de) put click to hear 2 - well, waterhole
(het) rag click to hear - spiderweb material, also: (het) spinrag click to hear 2
(de) rage French G) click to hear - craze, fad
(de) ramp click to hear - disaster
(de) rang click to
      hear 2 - rank in hierarchy
[(de)] rank click to hear 2 - 1. slender 2. tendril, vine
rap click to hear (obsolete) - quickly
(het) rapport click to hear 2 - official report; grades sheet
rare click to hear (raar/rare click to hear 2) - strange, weird, odd
(de) raven click to hear 2 - ravens
red click to hear 2 (ik red click to hear 2 - I rescue, save)
reed click to hear (ik reed click to hear 2 - I rode, I drove)
rein click to hear 2 - pure, clean (old-fashioned)
(de) rest click to hear 2 - remainder, remnant
(de) ring click to hear 2 - ring (on finger)
rode click to hear (rood / rode click to hear ) - red
(de) roe click to hear 2 - (bundle of twigs, for punishment)
(de) romp click to hear 2 - trunk, body w/o head, arms and legs
(de) roof click to hear 2 - robbery, theft
(de) rook click to hear - smoke
(de) room click to hear - cream
(het) rooster click to hear 2 - 1. grate 2. schedule, roster
(de) rover click to hear - robber, mugger
(de) rug click to hear - back (body part)
(de) rust click to hear 2 - rest, a time of quiet
(de) sinus click to hear - sine (trigoniometry)
sip click to hear 2 - glum, unhappy
(de) sister click to hear 2 - medieval string instrument
(de) slab click to hear 2 - bib
(de) slag click to hear - blow; battle
(de) slang click to hear 2 - 1. snake 2. hose
slap click to hear - weak
sleep click to hear 2 (ik sleep click to hear - I drag, I tow)
sleet click to hear 2 (ik sleet click to hear 2 - ~I spent my time)
slim click to hear - bright, intelligent
slimmer click to hear 2 - more clever
slinks click to hear 2 - devious, cunning, secretly
(de) sloop click to hear 2 - 1. pillowcase 2. wrecking, e.g. cars
(het) slot click to hear 2 - 1. lock 2. end 3. castle
smart click to hear 2 (obsolete) - pain, hurt
snap click to hear 2 3 (ik snap 't click to hear 2 3 - I understand [it])
(de) spanning click to hear 2 3 tension (both physical and psychological)
(de) spies click to hear skewer, metal pin for roasting
(de) spin click to hear - spider
(het) spook click to hear 2 - ghost
(de) spot click to hear 2 - ridicule, derision
spring click to hear (ik spring click to hear 2 - I jump)
(het) stadium click to hear 2 - stage, phase
(de) stage (French G) click to hear - internship
(de) staking click to hear 2 - strike, work stoppage
(de) stand click to hear - setting
star click to hear - rigid, inflexible
(de) steel click to hear 2 - 1. large tools stick 2. stem (plants)
(de) stem click to hear - 1. voice 2. vote
(de) step click to hear 2 - children's scooter
[(de)] stomp click to hear 2 - 1. not sharp 2. punch, hit 3. stub
(de) storing click to hear 2 - interruption
(de) storm click to hear 2 - high winds, gale
stout click to hear - naughty
(het) strand click to hear - beach
(de) student click to hear - college & university student only
(de) taken click to hear - tasks
(de) talk click to hear - baby powder
(de) tang click to hear 2 - pliers
(de) teen click to hear - toe
ten click to hear (old-fashioned) - 'at'
(de) thee click to hear - tea
tilde click to hear 2 3 (hij tilde click to hear 2 3 - he lifted)
(het) tin click to hear - tin (the metal, Sn)
Tine click to
   hear - a girls' name
(de) tip click to hear - suggestion
toe click to hear 2 - 1. come on! 2 ~direction
Ton click to
   hear - a boys' name
tot click to hear - till
(de) trap click to hear - stairs
(de) tree click to hear - stairs step
(de) trek click to hear 2 - 1. hunger, an appetite 2. epic journey
(ik trek click to hear 2 - I pull, I drag)
(de) trilling click to hear 2 - vibration, trembling
(de) trots click to hear 2 - pride; proud
(de) tube click to hear 2 - (toothpaste etc.) container
(de) turf click to hear - peat
turn click to hear 2 (ik turn click to hear 2 - type of gymnastics)
(de) twist click to hear - quarrel
vale click to hear - discolored, faded
van click to hear - of ->>
vast click to hear - fast, firmly connected, not loose
(de) veer click to hear - 1. spring (tensile) 2. feather 3. ferry
(de) veiling click to hear - auction
(de) vent click to hear - a guy, a bloke (somewhat unfavorable)
verse click to hear 2 (vers/verse click to hear 2 3) - fresh
(het) vest click to hear 'cardigan, fleece jacket'
[(het)] vet click to hear - 1. fat, grease 2. fat, greasy
vies click to hear - dirty, not clean; bad-tasting
violet click to hear - 1. a flower 2. blue purple
(de) wand click to hear - wall (of a room)
[(de)] want click to hear 2 - 1. mitt 2. for, because
war click to hear (in de war click to hear - confused)
[(de)] was click to hear - 1. laundry 2. wax
(ik was click to hear - 1. I was 2. I'm washing/doing laundry)
waste click to hear (ik waste click to hear - 1. I washed up 2. I was doing laundry)
[(de)] wee click to hear - 1. contraction (birth) 2. woe to ...
went click to hear 2 ('t went click to hear 2 - you get used to it)
(de) wet click to hear - law
(de) wig click to hear 2 - wedge
wit click to hear 2 - white
(het) wonder click to hear - miracle
word click to hear 2 (ik word click to hear 2 - I become, I am being) ->>
(de) worst click to hear - sausage
(de) zoom click to hear 2 3 - hem, finished fabric edge


The Dutch sounds that are not found in English are underrepresented on this page. Find more: Dutch Summary - Easy Dutch and:
 CH  EI/IJ  EU  G  SCH  U  UI  W  X  Y

Find the Dutch translation of the English words on the full False Friends Page

Master Lists of Common Dutch Words - with pronunciation and links to explanation, examples of usage, pictures and/or related words: Dutch to English - English to Dutch

Major Exceptions to the Phonetic Spelling of Dutch:
- Page 1:   een   -IG   -ISCH   -LIJK  
- Page 2:   -B   -D   SCHR   -TIE   UW   WR

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Gij zult niet stelen click to hear 'Thou shalt not steal'