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Losse Woorden 2

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'Disambiguation Remainders' - Losse Woorden 1

 Vrij - Free 
 Gek - Crazy 
 Gemengd - Mixed 
 Droog - Dry / Nat - Wet 
 Gezond - Healthy 
 Ziek - Sick, Ill 
 Stof - Dust, Fabric, Material, Subject Matter, 'Stuff' 
 Apart - apart, separate // peculiar 
 (het) Ding, dingen - thing, things 
 Roepen - to call, shout, summon 

Vrij - Free

vrij click to hear - vrije click to hear 2 - vrij / vrije click to hear 2 3 4 free
(de) vrijen click to hear 2 3 'free' people (not slaves)
vrijen click to hear 2 3 to make love (Gothic  frijoon)
vrij / vrijer click to hear free / more free
vrijelijk click to hear 'freely, liberally'
vrijwillig click to hear voluntarily
(de) vrijwilliger click to hear 2 volunteer
vrijblijvend click to hear [remaining free] without obligations, no consequences // without commitment (het) ijsvrij click to hear 2 ['ice-free'] - school closing on a very cold day so kids can go skating de vrije wereld click to hear 2 the free world
Vragen staat vrij click to hear 2 3 4 'You're free to ask, feel free to ask' frank en vrij click to hear
'free and frank' - honest and free

(de) vrije tijd click to hear 2 leisure time, time off
(de) vrije dag click to hear 2 day off (from work)
also:  (de) snipperdag click to hear 2 a single day off
Ik wil een vrije dag click to hear 2
Ik wil een dag vrij click to hear 2 [I want a free day, a day free] - I want a day off

(de) bevrijding click to hear liberation
(de) Bevrijdingsdag click to hear Liberation Day - Celebration of the end of the Second World War, 1945.
The German forces surrendered May 5th

5 Mei click to hear

(de) vrijheid click to hear liberty, freedom
meer vrijheid click to hear 2 more freedom
vrijheid blijheid click to hear 2 'freedom brings along, creates happiness' Er werd veel gesproken over vrijheid click to hear 2 There was much [spoken] talk about freedom

Vechten voor vrijheid click to hear 2 3 Fighting for freedom, fighting to be free de Amerikaanse Vrijheidsoorlog click to hear 2 the American Revolution - ("war of liberation") (de) vrijheidsstrijder click to hear freedom fighter

Important Freedoms, Important Liberties:
(de) vrijheid van meningsuiting click to hear freedom of [expressing opinions] expression (de) persvrijheid click to hear 2 freedom of the press (de) vrijheid van vergadering click to hear 2 freedom to meet and discuss any issues (de) godsdienstvrijheid click to hear freedom of religion (de) gewetensvrijheid click to hear 'freedom of conscience' - freedom to decide for yourself, like the freedom to leave or change your religion

dichterlijke vrijheid click to hear 2 poets' freedom - poetic license

gastvrij click to hear hospitable, welcoming
(de) gastvrijheid click to hear 2 3 4 5 6 7 'hospitality' - the friendly and generous reception and entertainment of guests, visitors, or strangers

(de) vrijgezel click to hear bachelor
(de) vrijgestelde click to hear 2 labor union employee (old-fashioned) vrij spel click to hear 2 3 hebben click to hear ~having no limitations, no restraints in action Hij heeft vrij spel click to hear 2 3 ~He can do as he pleases, no limitations

-vrij - -free = no
vetvrij papier click to hear 2 3 4 5 [fat-free paper] - wax paper roestvrij staal click to hear 2 [rust-free steel] - stainless steel cafeïnevrij click to hear 2 3 [caffein-free] decaf - it sounds a bit bookish
zonder cafeïne click to hear 2 [without caffein] decaf - this sounds more 'natural'
Heeft U cafeïnevrij? click to hear 'Do you have decaf?' Heeft U zonder cafeïne? click to hear 'Do you have decaf?' Mag ik zonder cafeïne? click to hear 'Could I (May I?) have decaf?'

Vrijdag click to hear ('Friday') has nothing to do with 'free' but is named after the Germanic goddess Freya click to hear 2 - Mrs Odin (Dutch: Wodan click to hear)
The Days of the Week

(de) vrijen click to hear 2 3 'free' people (not slaves)
(de) slaaf click to hear 2 slave
slaven click to hear 2 slaves - more
verslaafd click to hear 2 ['enslaved'] - addicted
verslavend click to hear 2 3 4 5 addictive
(de) verslaving click to hear addiction
onthoudingsverschijnselen click to hear 2
/or/ ontwenningsverschijnselen click to hear 2
withdrawal symptoms medical

Gek - Crazy

'Gek' click to hear - gekke click to hear 2 - gek / gekke click to hear 2 and the slightly more formal krankzinnig click to hear 2 can refer to mental illness, but like English 'crazy' they usually mean 'weird, not realistic, irrational, foolish, ill-advised.'
(de) gekkigheid click to hear 2 3 foolishness, silliness

Hij is gek geworden click to hear 2 3 4 He's gone crazy, he's become insane

Ik, zei de gek click to hear 2 3 "Me, the crazy man said" - self-depreciating, for instance said when listing yourself as a member of a team

Dit is gekkenwerk! click to hear 2 3 4 'This is a crazy way of doing things'
- Freule Wttewaal van Stoetwegen click to hear during a chaotic 1970 session of the Dutch House of Representatives
Ik word er gek van click to hear [I'm being driven crazy by it] - It's driving me crazy Ben je gek geworden? click to hear
Ben je helemaal gek geworden? click to hear Have you gone (completely) crazy? Are you out of your mind? Zijn ze helemaal gek geworden? click to hear 2 3 Have they gone mad completely? Are they out of their minds? They must be crazy Ik lijk wel gek! click to hear 2 3 4 It looks like I'm crazy, I must be crazy (doing something strange) Ze leken wel gek click to hear 2 [They looked like crazy] - It looked like they were crazy, they did something crazy Ben je gek! click to hear 2 3 4 'You must be kidding' - said to someone who gives a wrong (usually complicated) explanation of your actions or motivation Alle gekheid op een stokje click to hear 2 (['All the silliness on a stick'] - 'joking aside,' now let's stop the joking and get down to business. Doe maar normaal, dan doe je al gek genoeg click to hear 2 Just do like you always do, that's crazy enough already ... dan doe je al gek genoeg click to hear ... that's already enough craziness helemaal niet zo gek click to hear 2 3 not that crazy at all - a good idea Dat is helemaal niet zo gek click to hear 2 3 4 That's not crazy at all - it's a good idea

Het gekke is dat ze 't zelf geloven click to hear 2 The strange thing is that they believe it themselves - What's strange, is that ... D'r ('er') is iets geks mee click to hear 2 3 4 5 There is something weird about it Gek hè? click to hear 2 Crazy, isn't it?

Ik ben gek op drop click to hear 2 3 I'm crazy about (Dutch) liquorice, I like it very much

voor de gek houden click to hear 2 to fool (someone) - usually: play a prank, deceive (someone) for a joke Hou je jezelf voor de gek? click to hear 2 3 4 Are you fooling, deceiving yourself?

mal click to hear is an old-fashioned word for 'crazy'
We zijn nu veel wijzer, stakkerig wijs zijn we, behalve Bavink, die mal geworden is. click to hear We are much wiser now, it's pitiable how prudent we've become - except for Bavink, who's gone crazy.
from  Nescio: 'Titaantjes'
Malle Babbe click to hear 2 3 'Crazy Babbe,' a famous painting by
Frans Hals click to hear 2 3 (~1582-1666)

merkwaardig click to hear 2 3 4 peculiar, curious, odd
vreemd click to hear - vreemd/vreemde click to hear 2 strange ‑>>
(de) zonderling click to hear stange, eccentric, odd, peculiar person

(de) waanzin click to hear 2 insanity - nonsense
[(de)] idioot click to hear 2 idiot // idiotic, very stupid
gestoord click to hear 2 [disturbed] 1. crazy, psychotic 2. faulty, disturbed, interrupted

(de) beroepsverdwazing click to hear 2 'occupational mind-clouding,' a narrow-minded, distorted outlook, everything is seen as related to the job (de) verstandsverbijstering click to hear [brain function shutdown] - 'thinking paralysis, madness, of unsound mind, overwhelmed by something'

Gemengd - 'Mixed'

mengen click to hear 2 to mix
gemengd click to hear 2 3 / gemengde click to hear mixed
(het) mengsel click to hear mixture
(de) vermenging click to hear 2 mixing
gemengde gevoelens click to hear 2 mixed feelings, ambivalence

roeren click to hear 2 3 to stir, mix
(het) roerei click to hear 2 [stir-egg] - scrambled eggs
Je moet er af en toe in roeren click to hear 2 3 4 You need to stir [in] it occasionally, from time to time

Droog - Dry / Nat - Wet

droog click to hear (droge click to hear 2 3 - droog/droge click to hear) dry droogste click to hear 'driest' ‑>> nat click to hear (natte click to hear 2 3 4 - nat/natte click to hear 2) wet A written sign saying  'nat' means 'freshly painted: wet paint!' vochtig click to hear 2 'damp'

kurkdroog click to hear very dry ('like cork')
droog brood click to hear 2 'dry bread' - old, stale bread without any topping droogrekje click to hear drying rack ‑>>
droogtrommel click to hear 2 ['drying drum'] - dryer
gedroogde abrikozen click to hear dried apricots
gedroogde pruimen click to hear dried plums, prunes
(de) droogte click to hear 2 drought

natte sneeuw click to hear 2 'wet snow' - sleet
kletsnat click to hear 2 sopping wet (maybe from the slapping noise) (het) kooknat click to hear 2 3 the water used to boil vegetables etc.

(de) vochtigheid click to hear 2 humidity
vochtig maken click to hear 2 3 to damp, dampen, to make something slightly wet BUT:  hardvochtig click to hear 2 3 4 5 hard-hearted, heartless

Ik hoop dat we 't droog houden click to hear 2 3 I hope [we'll keep it dry] it will stay dry 't Was even droog click to hear 2 3 It [was dry] didn't rain for a short while 't Lijkt wel weer droog click to hear 2 [It looks like it's dry again] - the rain seems to have stopped De was hangt te drogen click to hear 2 3 4 The laundry is hanging out to dry droogleggen click to hear [to lay dry] 'to reclaim (land)' - take back (note English 're-claim.') ‑>> Ooit zullen we de Zuiderzee bedwingen en het land weer droogleggen. click to hear Someday we will [force] subdue the Zuyder Zee and reclaim the land Na elke overstroming malen de molens 't water weer weg - maar ooit zullen we de Zuiderzee bedwingen en al het verdronken land weer droogleggen. click to hear After each flooding the windmills pump the water away [again] - but someday we'll subdue the Zuyder Zee and reclaim all the drowned land. Ben je nat geworden? click to hear 2 Did you get wet? De vochtigheid heeft er ook mee te maken click to hear 2 The humidity is also involved in it

Sayings, Staqndard Phrases:
't Is allemaal één pot nat click to hear 2 3 ['It's all one jar of liquid'] - 'It's all the same, All those things are actually identical' Ik voel nattigheid click to hear 2 3 ['I feel wetness'] - There's something fishy (to it) - I don't trust it Pappen en nathouden click to hear 2 3 ['Apply paste and keep wet'] - applying and maintaining a wound dressing
- keep going in adverse circumstances, persevering in a less than ideal situation - but not looking for a radical solution
natte-vingerwerk click to hear 2 3 ['wet-finger work' - like determining wind direction by lifting a wetted finger] - an imprecise, unscientific approach to taking measurements, or a clumsy method in general

Gezond - Healthy

gezond click to hear ( gezonde click to hear) healthy
(de) gezondheid click to hear health

gezonde voeding click to hear 2 healthy food, wholesome nutrition Gezond eten click to hear East healthily, eat wholesome food Lachen is gezond click to hear 2 [to laugh is healthy] laughter is good for your health "Bitter in de mond maakt het hart gezond" click to hear 2 nonsense remark about the supposed health benefits (to the heart) of food or medicine of unpleasant taste om gezondheidsredenen click to hear 2 'for reasons of health' We drinken op je gezondheid click to hear 2 3 We drink to your health (a toast) Nog vele jaren in goede gezondheid click to hear Many happy returns in good health (a congratulation, sbirthday good wish) click to hear niezen click to hear 2 3 ('to sneeze') - "Gezondheid!" click to hear ("Bless you!")
In het Nederlands zeggen we 'gezondheid!' als iemand niest click to hear In Dutch we say  'gezondheid!' when somebody sneezes See also: Medical and Talking about Health

gezond verstand click to hear 2 3 [healthy thinking, understanding] - common sense Ik vertrouw op het gezond verstand click to hear 2 3 I trust the [healthy thinking] common sense Ik vertrouw op het gezond verstand van de mensen click to hear 2 I have faith in the people's common sense

See also: Medical

Ziek - Sick, Ill

ziek click to hear (zieke click to hear 2 ziek/zieke click to hear 2) sick, ill (de) ziekte click to hear illness, disease
(de) suikerziekte click to hear [sugar-illness] - diabetes
kinderziektes click to hear 2 childhood diseases ‑>>
ziekenwagen click to hear 2 for 'ambulance' is a bit old-fashioned
(de) ambulance click to hear
(het) ziekenhuis click to hear 2 hospital
in een ziekenhuis opgenomen click to hear 2 admitted to a hospital (de) ziektekostenverzekering click to hear 2 3 ['sickness' costs insurance'] 'health insurance' - often shortened to (de) ziekteverzekering click to hear 2 3 ['sickness insurance']

Ik ben ziek click to hear I'm sick
Ben je ziek? click to hear 2 3 Are you sick?
Ik ben niet ziek click to hear 2 3 I am not sick Ik ben een beetje ziek click to hear 2 3 I'm a little sick, 'under the weather' Ik voel me niet lekker click to hear I don't feel well Ik was gisteren ziek click to hear I was sick yesterday Ik was drie dagen ziek click to hear 2 I was sick for 3 days Ik ben ziek geweest click to hear 2 3 I've been sick Ik was zó ziek click to hear 2 3 I was (so) very sick, I felt miserable Ik had me nog nooit zo ziek gevoeld click to hear 2 3 I had never felt that sick before Hij is ziek geworden click to hear 2 3 He's [become sick] fallen ill Er zijn veel mensen ziek click to hear 2 A lot of people are sick Hij is ernstig ziek click to hear 2 3 He is seriously, gravely ill

See also: Medical - Ziek - Talking about not Feeling Well

'Ziek worden van'  can mean something like for instance an allergy makes you physically ill, but usually it means (like English 'sick of') 'very annoyed' by something or by a situation, 'I've had enough of it, I can't stand it anymore, I'm fed up with it, I hate it.'

Ik word er ziek van click to hear 2 I get sick of it, it makes me ill (literally or figuratively) Ik werd er ziek van click to hear 2 It made me ill // I got tired of it (literally or figuratively) Ik werd ziek van de herrie click to hear 2 I got sick from the loud noise, the loud noise made me sick Ik word er zo ziek van click to hear 2 I'm so sick of it, I can't stand it anymore Ik kan er niet meer tegen click to hear 2 3 I can't stand [against] it anymore Ik heb er genoeg van click to hear 2 [I have enough of it] - I'm sick of it, I'm fed up with it 'Zat' click to hear is a slang word for 'enough' (and also 'drunk')
Ik ben het zat click to hear 2 3 4 I'm sick of it, I've had enough, I don't want to go on with it de dagen zat click to hear 2 'tired of the days' - 'I've had enough' (for older people) Oud en de dagen zat click to hear 2 3 Old and tired of the days

'Moe' click to hear 2 3 4 'tired, fatigued' — 'moe van'  can also be used figuratively, 'very annoyed by, hate it'
Ik ben er nog moe van click to hear 2 3 4 I'm still tired, fatigued of it' Ik word er doodmoe van click to hear 2 [It makes me dead-tired] - it's exhausting // (or usually) it's extremely annoying more moe

Stof - Dust, Fabric, Material, Subject Matter, 'Stuff'

Stof click to hear 2 3 4
'het stof' is 'dust,' while  'de stof' is 'fabric' or 'material, subject material' - 'stuff' - or figuratively, 'subject matter'

Voel hoe zacht de stof is! click to hear 2 3 Do feel how soft the fabric is! Hij is lang van stof click to hear 2 'He always talks at great length' stoffelijk click to hear / stoffelijke click to hear material, physical
stoffelijke resten click to hear 2 3 [physical] 'mortal' remains, the dead body of a human being

(de) stofzuiger click to hear 2 ['dust-sucker'] vacuum cleaner
ik stofzuigde click to hear 2 I vacuumed
(de) stofdoek click to hear 2 dusting cloth
stoffer en blik click to hear 2 [brush and dustpan] - dustpan and brush
stofmaskers click to hear dust masks
een lap stof click to hear 2 a (largish) piece of fabric
(de) spijkerstof click to hear 2 denim
(de) badstof click to hear terrycloth, towels fabric
various fabrics
(de) brandstof click to hear 2 (['burning stuff'] - 'fuel')
(de) splijtstof click to hear 2 'fissile material'
(de) springstof click to hear 2 'explosives'
delfstoffen click to hear 2 minerals, mineral resources
(de) waterstof click to hear 2 hydrogen H
(de) koolstof click to hear carbon C
(de) stikstof click to hear nitrogen N
(de) zuurstof click to hear oxygen O
see also: The Periodic Table of The Elements
koolwaterstoffen click to hear hydrocarbons (C-H compounds)
(de) vloeistof click to hear a liquid
(de) vaste stof click to hear a solid

from Ecclesiastes 12  'Prediker' click to hear 2
... voordat het zilveren koord losgemaakt en de gouden lamp gebroken wordt; voordat de kruik bij de bron verbrijzeld en het scheprad bij de put verbroken wordt, en het stof wederkeert tot de aarde, zoals het geweest is. click to hear ... or even the silver cord be loosed, or the golden bowl be broken, or the pitcher be broken at the fountain, or the wheel broken at the cistern; then shall the dust return to the earth as it was.

Apart - apart, separate // peculiar

apart click to hear 2 3 separate // peculiar
een geval apart click to hear 2 3 4 [a separate] an unusual case
(a rare example of an adjective after a noun)
een aparte afdeling click to hear 2 3 a separate department een aparte vermelding click to hear 2 3 a separate, special mention (de) apartheid click to hear 2 'separateness' (South-African) the former white supremacist rule in South Africa

(het) appartement click to hear 2 apartment - note Dutch double P
Dutch also uses the English word (de) flat click to
  hear for 'apartment,' and by extension for 'high-rise apartments building.' - See also: Buildings
(het) flatje click to hear '(small) apartment' (usually in a high-rise building)

(het) ding, dingen - thing, things

(het) ding click to hear thing
dingen click to hear 2 things
ding/dingen click to hear thing/things
Like English 'thing,'  Dutch (het) ding  can be any physical object, but also an event, an action or a piece of work, and also an idea, a thought, a fact

(het) dingetje click to hear 2 small item or small event
(het) onding click to hear 2 3 4 5 an annoying tool or gadget (clumsy, not working well) 't Is een onding click to hear 2 3 4 "I hate this tool" Dom ding! click to hear 2 3 [Stupid thing!'] - Cursing a bad, failing or inconvenient tool or appliance (het) hebbeding click to hear a must-have (item)
"dinges" click to hear 'What's his/her name?' (you've forgotten the name) / 'Whatchamacallit, whatd'youcallit' (you've forgotten the word) de gewone dingen click to hear 2 3 4 the common things
alledaagse dingen click to hear 2 everyday things, items, events, trivial matters, commonplace things

ik koop soms dingen die ik niet nodig heb click to hear 2 I sometimes buy things I don't need Al die dingen doen dat nou click to hear 2 3 4 ['All those things do that now'] -That feature is now on all those devices Zulke dingen als sterke drank click to hear Such things as [strong drink] liquor Wat doe je, als je dingen ziet die niemand ooit heeft gezien? click to hear 2 What do you do, when you see things no-one has ever seen before? >>

Doe geen domme dingen! click to hear 2 3 Don't do [stupid things] anything stupid Al de domme dingen die ik gedaan heb! click to hear 2 3 All the stupid things I've done! Je kunt niet twee dingen tegelijk doen click to hear 2 3 4 You can't do two things at the same time Zulke dingen gebeuren click to hear Such things, things like that happen

Dingen om over te praten click to hear 2 Things to talk about De dingen bij hun naam noemen click to hear 2 3 ['Calling things by their name'] - Calling things as you see them, calling things as they are - speaking bluntly, not sugarcoating your speech Zulke dingen als vrijheid, en gelijkheid click to hear Such things as freedom, and equality Zoveel dingen om aan te denken! click to hear 2 So many things to keep in mind! Dingen waar ik niet aan dacht click to hear 2 3 Things I didn't think of, t hings I forgot about

Roepen - to Call, Shout, Summon

roepen click to hear 2 3 'to call, shout, summon' is a strong verb:
to call
- riep
- geroepen
click to hear

plicht roept click to hear 2 3 'duty calls')
Uilen roepen 'oe-hoe' click to hear [Owls call out: 'oo-hoo'] - Owls hoot Ik wilde je net roepen click to hear 2 3 I was about to, I was going to call you (call out your name, contact you) Velen worden geroepen, maar weinigen worden uitgekozen click to hear Many are called, but (only a) few are chosen 'een roepende in de woestijn' click to hear a voice crying out in the wilderness (Mark1:3, John the Baptist)
- in modern Dutch, (de) woestijn click to hear means 'desert'

'To call,' using the telephone, is bellen click to hear 2 3 4 5 6 or 'to call up, start a call, to ring' is opbellen click to hear 2 3
Hij belt click to hear 2 3 - he is calling
Wie belde d'r? click to hear 2 3 - Who called?
Wie belde er? click to hear - Who called?
more telephone

(de) roep click to hear call, cry, shout, summons
(het) boegeroep click to hear 2 'booing,' - audience shouting disapproval or contempt (de) roeping click to hear 2 3 calling (like for the priesthood) - mission, vocation (het) uitroepteken click to hear exclamation mark

(de) stadsomroeper click to hear medieval 'town crier'
omroepverenigingen click to hear broadcasting organisations ‑>>

maybe related: (het) beroep click to hear 2 job, occupation, the work you do - jobs

More pages like this:
'Disambiguation Remainders' - Losse Woorden 1

email - Copyright © Marco Schuffelen 2024. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, redistributed, or hotlinked to.
Gij zult niet stelen click to hear 'Thou shalt not steal'