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Disambiguation: Many common words can have more than one meaning, with different translations

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Disambiguation: Dutch 'Even' - Multiple Meanings and Related Words


click to hear 2 3
  1. a moment - "wait a moment!"
  2. (even ... als) equally, just as - "I'm just as clever as you are"
  3. even numbers - "odd and even numbers"

1. even = (for) a moment
momentje, ogenblikje = a moment
2. even ... als = just as, equally
net ... als = just like, just as
gelijk = equal

gelijk hebben = to be right, correct
gelijk = immediately
3. even numbers
raar = odd, weird
4. English 'even' 1. (extreme or unexpected situations) = zelfs 2. flat ~ vlak

plat = 1.flat 2. vulgar 3. sloppy, careless Dutch

1. 'even' = '(for) a moment, a short time'

heel even click to hear 2 a very short time
Wacht even click to hear 2 Wait a moment
zoëven click to hear 2 3 a moment ago (zoeven - >>)
even zitten! click to hear 2 I need to sit down and relax for a moment
even uitrusten click to hear 2 I need to rest for a moment
Even uitblazen! click to hear I need a moment to [blow out] catch my breath
Even de ramen dichtdoen click to hear Let me [take a moment to] close the windows first
Hij is even naar buiten gegaan click to hear He stepped out for a moment
Ik ga even een blokje om click to hear 2 I'll go make a walk around the block
Hij is even weg click to hear ['He's away for a moment'] - He's not here right now
Ik ga even naar de bakker click to hear 2 I'll make a quick run to the bakery
"Even naar de bakker" click to hear Just a quick trip to the bakery
Even afkloppen click to hear 2 3 [Take a moment to, quickly] knock on wood
Daar had ik even niet aan gedacht click to hear 2 3 It had slipped my mind for a moment
't Was me even ontschoten click to hear 2 3 4 It had temporarily slipped my mind
Mag ik even? click to hear 2 [May I] allow me
Mag ik me even voorstellen? click to hear 2 Allow me to introduce myself
Kijk even achterom voordat je afslaat click to hear 2 Quickly look backward before you make a turn
't Was even droog click to hear 2 3 For a moment it was dry, it didn't rain for a short time
't Was even stil click to hear 2 3 For a moment it was quiet
Laat ik dat eerst even doen click to hear 2 Let me 'quickly' do that first
Drink eerst even rustig een kopje thee click to hear 2 First take a moment to relax and drink a cup of tea
Ga er even bij zitten click to hear 2 3 Do sit down (for it) for a moment
Ga d'r even bij zitten click to hear 2 3 4 5 Do sit down (for it) for a moment
Heb je even tijd? click to hear 2 (3) Would you have a moment?
nog even click to hear 2 [still a moment] - a little longer
Heb je nog even tijd? click to hear Do you still have a moment?
Ik wil er nog even over nadenken click to hear 2 3 I'd like (some time) to think about it
Je kunt nog even blijven liggen click to hear slow You may stay in bed a little longer
Wacht eens even click to hear 2 Now wait a moment
Hoor eens even click to hear Now listen, that's outrageous
Dat duurt nog wel even click to hear 2 3 [That's] It's still going to take a while

We zullen dat varkentje wel even wassen click to hear 2 3 ['Believe me, we'll get that piglet washed'] - 'We'll take care of it, we'll fix it, we'll sure get that job done' Ik moet even wat anders doen click to hear 2 I need to do something else for a moment, I need a moment to do something else (either a break or another task) Ik heb even de eeuwigheid mogen aanschouwen click to hear 2 3 [I have been allowed for a moment to view eternity] - I was allowed a brief glimpse of eternity

There is a kind-of diminutive eventjes click to hear 2 ('for a moment, for a short time') - but like all diminutives it doesn't have to be that very short a time.
Hij is eventjes weg click to hear 2 3 He stepped out for a moment

In slang, this 'a moment' 'even' is said as 'effen' click to hear 2 3 4 (or more likely 'effe' click to hear 2 - shorthand: "ff") - but in standard Dutch, 'effen'  means 'solid color,' no patterns -more 'effen' - below

Synomyms, Alternates and Related Words

"momentje" click to hear 2 "just a moment"
"een momentje alstublieft" click to hear "just a moment please"
"ogenblikje" click to hear 2 "just a moment" >>
"een ogenblikje" click to hear "just a moment"
"een ogenblikje alstublieft" click to hear "just a moment please"

The non-diminutives (het) ogenblik click to hear 2 and (het) moment click to hear are like English 'moment,' in the sense of 'a short period of time'

op het moment click to hear at the moment (that is, now)
op 't laatste moment click to hear At the last moment
Ik heb geen moment voor mezelf click to hear 2 3 I don't have a moment to myself (always busy for other people)
't Kan elk moment gebeuren click to hear 2 3 It can happen any moment, any time
Ik kan geen moment m'n ogen dichtdoen click to hear 2 3 I can't close my eyes for one moment (or things go wrong) - I have to stay alert all the time

2. 'even (als)' = 'just as, just like, equally'

Dutch 'even' can also mean something like 'equally' - it is usually found as 'even ... als' click to hear - English 'just as.'
Hij is even oud als jij click to hear 2 ['He's as old as you'] - He's your age
We zijn even oud click to hear 2 ['We are equally old'] - 'We are the same age'
Piet is even groot als Klaas click to hear 2 3 Piet is just as tall as Klaas
Piet en Klaas zijn even groot click to hear 2 3 [Piet and Klaas are equally tall] - Piet and Klaas are the same length, Piet is just as tall as Klaas
Even zacht als boter click to hear 2 As soft as butter
Zacht als boter click to hear 2 Soft as butter
bijna even goed als ... click to hear 2 3 almost as gooyd as ...
evenwijdig click to hear / evenwijdige click to hear 2 [equal-width] - parallel
de Evenaar click to hear the Equator

Synomyms, Alternates and Related Words

There is also the somewhat similar but not identical net als click to hear 2 and net zo ... als click to hear 2 See Disambiguation: 'net'
Net als vroeger click to hear 2 3 Just like before, just as in the past
Ik ben net als m'n moeder click to hear I'm just like my mom
M'n zoon is net zo mager als ik click to hear My son is just as skinny as I
Hij is net zo slim als z'n moeder click to hear 2 He's just as clever as his mom

'Equal' is 'gelijk' click to hear 2 (gelijke click to hear 2) in Dutch

(de) gelijkheid click to hear equality
gelijkwaardig click to hear of equal value or quality
soortgelijk click to hear similar
(de) gelijke rechten click to hear equal rights
gelijktijdig click to hear at the same time, concurrent
(de) gelijkstroom click to hear DC, direct current ->>
Alle mensen zijn gelijk click to hear All people are equal
Alle mensen zijn gelijk, maar sommige zijn meer gelijk click to hear 2 All people are equal, but some are more equal *
Zulke dingen als vrijheid en gelijkheid click to hear Such things as freedom and equality
Hij legde de nadruk op gelijkheid click to hear 2 3 4 He focused on equality, his main point was equality
Weg met ongelijkheid! click to hear 2 3 4 [Away with ] Down with inequality!
Strijden tegen ongelijkheid click to hear 2 Fighting inequality
Strijden voor gelijkheid click to hear 2 3 Fighting for equality
(de) apartheid click to hear 2 'separateness' (South-African)

'Vergelijken' click to hear 2 is 'to compare. It's a strong verb:

to compare
- vergeleek
- vergeleken
click to hear 2 3
wij vergeleken click to hear 2 3 we compared
Vergeleken met Rusland ... click to hear 2 Compared to Russia ...
(de) vergelijking click to hear comparison // equation (math) ‑>>
(het) vergelijkingsmateriaal click to hear 2 3 material for comparison, reference material
See also: Change and Difference

But 'gelijk hebben' click to hear 2 means 'to be right, to be correct.'

groot gelijk click to hear 2 "absolutely right"
Je hebt gelijk click to hear You are right (informal, singular 'you')
Je hebt gelijk gekregen click to hear It turns out you were right
je hebt helemaal gelijk click to hear 2 You're absolutely right
U heeft helemaal gelijk click to hear You're absolutely right (polite 'you')
Daar heb je gelijk mee click to hear 2 3 You're right about that
Hij heeft ergens wel gelijk click to hear 2 3 4 He is partly right, he's correct in some aspects
Ik blijf erbij dat hij gelijk heeft click to hear 2 3 4 [I remain of the opinion] - I am still convinced that he is right
overtuigd van hun gelijk click to hear 2 convinced, certain, absolutely sure of their being right
Je hebt niet altijd gelijk click to hear 2 3 You're not always right
Ik geef je geen ongelijk click to hear I'm not saying you're wrong (you're right)

Interestingly, 'gelijk'  occasionally can mean 'immediately, right away'

Ik ga er gelijk mee aan de gang click to hear I'll start on it right away ->>

Tegelijk click to hear 2 'at the same time'
Ze kwamen tegelijk aan click to hear 2 They arrived together, at the same time Je kunt niet twee dingen tegelijk doen click to hear 2 3 4 You can't do two things at the same time Alles komt tegelijk click to hear 2 3 4 [All things coming together] Lamenting a flood of problems arriving at the same time

3. 'even' = 'even' (numbers)

Dutch 'even' click to hear may also mean 'even' like in English, 'numbers divisible by 2' - even getallen click to hear 2 ('even numbers.') 'Odd' meaning 'numbers not divisible by 2' is oneven click to hear 2 in Dutch.
even en oneven getallen click to hear even and odd numbers

Synomyms, Alternates and Related Words

'Odd' meaning 'weird, strange' is raar click to hear 2 (raar/rare click to hear 2)
Wat een rare naam! click to hear 2 3 [What] Such an odd name!
Wat een rare man! click to hear 2 3 [What] Such an odd fellow!
Een rare kwibus click to hear 2 An odd fellow, a weird, idiosyncratic person
rare lui click to hear 2 weird people, queer customers
Dat was een raar gezicht click to hear 2 3 That was a weird sight, quite a spectacle
Ik vind 't heel raar click to hear 2 I think it's very strange, really odd
Raar maar waar click to hear 2 3 Strange but true
Doe niet zo raar! click to hear 2 Don't act that silly, behave!

Strange as unusual, unexpected, surprising (strange-strange) is vreemd click to hear (vreemd/vreemde click to hear 2)
(De) vreemdeling click to hear - plural: vreemdelingen click to hear 2 is 'stranger' but also the bureaucrat's word for 'foreigner.'
The common word for foreigner is (de) buitenlander click to hear 2 - plural: buitenlanders click to hear ‑>>

Vreemdeling, vertel de Spartanen ... click to hear 'Stranger, tell the Spartans ...' (Thermopylae monument inscription)
Een vreemde eend in de bijt click to hear (saying) [a strange duck in the hole in the ice] A stranger among us/you/them
't Heeft een vreemd effect click to hear 2 3 It has a strange effect
Hij heeft 't niet van vreemden click to hear 2 3 4 5 [He doesn't have, get it from strangers] - He's like relatives, he takes after the family
vreemde talen click to hear 2 3 [strange] foreign languages
(de) zonderling click to hear stange, eccentric, odd, peculiar person merkwaardig click to hear 2 3 4 peculiar, curious, odd

English 'even'

English 'even' referring to extreme or unexpected situations is 'zelfs' click to hear in Dutch
Zelfs in de schaduw was het warm click to hear Even in the shade it was hot
Zelfs als hij geweten had dat het zou gaan regenen ... click to hear 2 Even if he'd known that it was going to rain ...

English 'even' can also mean 'flat (smooth, no bumps or holes) ànd horizontal.' There is no Dutch equivalent for that word. Dutch 'vlak' may be sloping.

vlak click to hear (vlak/vlakke click to hear) flat // just, shortly (before/after)
vlak stuk click to hear 2 flat piece (cheese)
horizontaal click to hear 2 3 4 horizontal
(de) horizon click to hear 2 horizon
(het) vlak click to hear plane ‑>>
(het) oppervlak click to hear ['top plane'] - surface
oppervlakkig click to hear 2 3 [surface-y] - 'superficial'
(het) veelvlak click to hear 2 ['many-plane'] - polyhedron - sides
(de) vlakte click to hear 2 plain (large flat area)
(de) oppervlakte click to hear 2 surface
De Vlakte der Kruiken click to hear The Plain of Jars (Laos)
But also:  vlak na de douche click to hear 2 3 immediately, right after the shower
't Is vlak voor drie click to hear 2 3 4 It's just before 3, It's almost 3
('der' is an old-fashioned contraction of 'van de' (of the)

vlak click to hear can also be an adverb meaning something like 'close, just, right'
't Is vlak voor drie click to hear 2 3 4 It's very close to three, it's just before 3 o'clock

(Later) Studying my Dutch dictionary I'm surprised to see that 'effen' click to hear 2 3 4 can mean a surface being 'flat, smooth, even.' I would not use it in that sense. But I do use the word (de) oneffenheid click to hear 2 'unevenness, irregularity' - a bump in the road or also figuratively, an 'irregularity, a roughness,' a problem

Dutch 'plat' click to hear 2 (platte click to hear 2 3) also means 'flat,' sometimes with a sense of 'made flat, flattened' and it has a second meaning, 'somewhat vulgar' and 'substandard or sloppy Dutch.' ('Dutch Cockney'?)

plat stuk click to hear flat piece (cheese)
vlak stuk click to hear 2 flat piece (cheese)
(het) platje click to hear patio
(het) platteland click to hear countryside (outside the cities)
(het) plateau (French) click to hear 2 3 plateau

Some people in Holland say 'plat praten' click to hear 2 3 for speaking the local dialect - (het) dialect click to hear 2 - ('regional speech') but I use the phrase for speaking sloppy, careless Dutch, like:

Is it a protest against authority or just self-importance and arrogance?

't Is een beetje plat click to hear 2 It's somewhat substandard Dutch
De mensen praten plat click to hear (2) People talk sloppily, substandard

elf click to
twaalf click to hear
half twaalf click to hear 2
(de) auto click to hear
'plat' 'elluf' click to
   hear 'twaalluf' click to
     hear 'halluf twaalluf' click to hear 2 'auwto' click to

Dutch uses the English word (de) flat click to
  hear for 'apartment,' and by extension for 'high-rise apartments building.' - See also: Buildings
(het) flatje click to hear '(small) apartment' (usually in a high-rise building)
But I digress

Dutch Vocabulary Overview - Dutch Grammar Overview - Listen to and Read Dutch

email - Copyright © Marco Schuffelen 2015. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, redistributed, or hotlinked to.
Don't be a dief (thief) / dievegge (female thief) - diefstal (theft) - stelen (to steal) - heler (dealer in stolen goods) - hear Dutch - 2