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Verdelen = to Divide // to Distribute
Delen = to Divide, to Share - Deel = Part

Vermijden = to Avoid
(het) Principe = Principle
Dringen = to push, press, squeeze etc.
Bepalen = to Determine
Twijfel = Doubt
(de) Maat = Size // Measure // 'Comrade' - Meten - to Measure
Grootte = Size, afmetingen = Dimensions

Hoog = High
Laag = Low
Diep = Deep

Breed, wijd = Wide
Smal, nauw = Narrow
lust = desire // lust, passion // interest, joy
- lusten = to like, enjoy (food, drinks)

Kopie en Exemplaar  ~ Copy and Specimen
Zeuren = to Nag, Complain too much
(de) Regel = Rule, Regulation, Prinicple
Volgen = to Follow
Vol / leeg = Full / Empty
Hond = Dog


verdelen click to hear 2 3 to divide // to distribute

verdelen to divide // to distribute
ik verdeel I divide // distribute
wij verdelen we divide // distribute
ik verdeelde I divided // distributed
wij verdeelden we divided // distributed
ik heb verdeeld I have divided // distributed
click to hear 2

Verdeel en heers click to hear 2 3 Divide and rule, divide and conquer De meningen zijn verdeeld click to hear 2 3 Opinions [are divided] vary Geen onverdeeld genoegen click to hear 2 3 ['No unmitigated pleasure'] - something not entirely pleasing een rechtvaardige verdeling click to hear 2 a fair, just distribution herverdelen click to hear to re-distribute

[3-way adapters]
verdeelstekkers click to hear
3-way adapters

The root verb delen click to hear 2 means 'to share' or 'to divide' (in calculations) which sometimes comes down to the same thing

delen to share // to divide
ik deel I divide/share
wij delen we divide/share
ik deelde I divided/shared
wij deelden we divided/shared
ik heb gedeeld I have divided/shared
click to hear
gedeeld door click to hear 2 divided by, 'over' acht gedeeld door vier is twee click to hear 8:4=2 ... 8/4=2 ‑>> Gedeelde smart is halve smart click to hear (saying) Shared grief is halved grief

eerlijk delen click to hear 2 to share [honestly] fairly, make a fair division Eerlijk zullen we alles delen click to hear 2 We'll share everything fairly

kaarten delen click to hear to deal cards, give out playing cards

uitdelen click to hear 2 3 4 to hand out, distribute
Er staat iemand bijbels uit te delen click to hear 2 There's a [person] guy handing out bibles

meedelen click to hear 2 to announce, inform
(de) mededeling click to hear 2 announcement
Wij delen U mede dat ... click to hear 2 3 We inform you that ... (bureacratic)

(het) oordeel click to hear 2 judgement // sentence in court of law het Laatste Oordeel click to hear 2 3
the Last Judgment 't Is niet aan ons om te oordelen click to hear 2 3 4 It's not for (up to) us to judge (het) vooroordeel click to hear 2 prejudice, preconceived notion
bevooroordeeld click to hear 2 prejudiced, biased
ter dood veroordeeld click to hear 2 condemned to death

(het) deel click to hear 2 part, portion, share, volume
(de) deel click to hear 2 'threshing floor'
deels click to hear 2 3 partly, in part
gedeelte click to hear 2 part, section, segment
gedeeltelijk click to hear 2 3 (gedeeltelijke click to hear 2) partial, partly (het) onderdeel click to hear part, division, branch, unit
(het) bestanddeel click to hear 2 ingredient, element, component also:  (het) ingrediënt click to hear 't overgrote deel click to hear 2 the major part, the vast majority (de) deeltijd click to hear part-time (the English word is often used) lichaamsdelen click to hear body parts ‑>>
deelnemen click to hear 2 to take part, participate

(het) voordeel click to hear advantage
(het) nadeel click to hear disadvantage
een ernstig nadeel click to hear 2 a serious disadvantage Wat zou daar het voordeel van zijn? click to hear 2 3 4 What could be the advantage of that? Je voordeel doen met click to hear 2 3 Doing something advantageous, seize an opportunity to your advantage (het) belastingvoordeel click to hear tax benefit, fiscal advantage

(het) aandeel click to hear 2 contribution // stock (in company) plural:  aandelen click to hear 2 stock, stocks

(het) voltooid deelwoord click to hear past participle ‑>>
(het) deelaanduidend woord click to hear 2 3 'partitives,'   'partitive phrases' ‑>>

bedelen (beDElen ) click to hear to apportion, distribute bedelen (BEdelen) click to hear to beg, ask for things
(de) bedelaar click to hear 2 beggar'


Vermijden click to hear 'to avoid' is a strong verb:
to avoid
- vermeed
- vermeden
click to hear
wij vermeden click to hear we avoided
Ik probeer stress te vermijden click to hear 2 3 I'm trying to avoid stress onvermijdelijk click to hear 2 3 unavoidable onontkoombaar click to hear 2 3 slow unavoidable, inescapable

See also: voorkomen (voorKOmen) click to hear 2 'to prevent, keep from happening'


(het) principe click to hear 2 3 principle
plural:  principes click to hear principles
in principe click to hear 2 3 in principle, theoretically principieel click to hear 2 principled
Hij is erg principieel click to hear 2 3 He is very principled, he lives by high principles


dringen click to hear to push, press, squeeze, urge, force, compel  is a strong verb:
to press etc.
- drong
pressed etc.
- gedrongen
pressed etc.
click to hear 2
De tijd dringt click to hear 2 3 ['time urges'] - Time is short, we have to act soon and quickly

The root verb dringen click to hear is not much used anymore, but several derived words are still common:
dringend click to hear 2 urgent, pressing
't Is dringend click to hear 2 It's urgent, it can't wait Ze wil je dringend spreken click to hear 2 She wants to talk to you urgently Ze moet je dringend spreken click to hear 2 She urgently wants to talk to you

(de) aandrang click to hear 2 3 urge
aandringen op click to hear 2 3 to urge, press for, insist on ergens op aandringen click to hear 2 to urge, press for something Ze drongen aan op spoed click to hear 2 3 they urged hurry, to be quick

iets opdringen click to hear 2 to thrust, press, urge something (on someone) verdringen click to hear 2 1. to push away, push aside
2. to supplant, supersede, repress
voordringen click to hear 2 3 to push forward, not awaiting your turn, 'jumping the queue'

The somewhat lookalike dwingen click to hear 2 3 means 'to force, compel, make someone do something, often with violence or a threat
It's also a strong verb, and in the same pattern as dringen  above:
dwingen - dwong - gedwongen click to hear 2

(de) dwingeland click to hear bossy child
In the later stages of the Dutch Revolt (1568-1648) ‑>> prince Frederik Hendrik click to hear liberated several cities from Spanish occupation, which earned him the nickname 'de Stedendwinger' click to hear 2 'subjugator of cities'

(de) dwang click to hear compulsion, coercion, being forced to do something (de) zetdwang click to hear 2 3 'forced move' - chess
(de) dwangbuis click to hear 2 'straitjacket' - to restrain violent or metally disturbed people

Bepalen = to Determine

bepalen click to hear 2 3 to determine, define // to determine, set, stipulate
(de) paal click to hear 2 (plural: palen click to hear 2) is 'post, pole, stake' - you could think of the verb bepalen  as staking out, defining (a piece of land)
bepaald click to hear 2 definite // specific, particular
onbepaald click to hear indefinite

(het) lidwoord click to hear 2 article ->>
bepaald lidwoord click to hear 'definite article' ('the' - de, het, 't)
onbepaald lidwoord click to hear 'indefinite article' ('a' - een, 'n)

(de) onbepaalde wijs click to hear (verb) infinitive

onder bepaalde omstandigheden click to hear 2 3 under certain (a defined set of) circumstances

Twijfel = Doubt

(de) twijfel click to hear doubt
ongetwijfeld click to hear undoubtedly, without doubt
zonder twijfel click to hear without doubt, undoubtedly
twijfelen click to hear 2 3 to doubt

Ik begin te twijfelen click to hear 2 3 I'm starting to doubt Ik begin aan alles te twijfelen click to hear 2 3 I'm starting to have doubts about everything Ik ben gaan twijfelen click to hear I've begun to have doubts Dat betwijfel ik click to hear 2 I doubt that, I have my doubts about that

(de) Maat = Size // Measure // Comrade -- Meten = to Measure

(de) maat click to hear 2 size (clothes, shoes) ‑>> // measure, time (music) ‑>> // comrade, buddy
plural:  maten click to hear measurements // measures // comrades
(de) afmetingen click to hear 2 dimensions, measurements, size - more below
[measuring cups]
maatbekers click to hear
[measuring spoons]
maatlepeltjes click to hear
[measuring glasses]
maatglazen click to hear

See also: Tools

[measuring tapes]
rolmaten click to hear
[folding ruler]
duimstokken click to hear
[Vernier caliper]
(de) schuifmaat click to hear
linialen click to hear
centimeter click to hear
(de) weegschaal click to hear
(de) weegschaal
[bathroom scale]
weegschaal click to hear
[bathroom scale]
weegschaal click to hear

(de) driekwartsmaat click to hear three-four (3/4) time - more Music

'Meten'   click to hear 'to measure' is a strong verb:

to measure
- mat
- gemeten
click to hear
Like almost all strong verbs with an A in the past tense, that A is 'short' in the singular, but 'long' in the plural
Wij maten click to hear we measured

to measure
- ik meet
I measure
- wij meten
we measure
- ik mat
I measured
- wij maten
we measured
- ik heb gemeten
I have measured
click to hear
ik meet click to hear 2 I'm measuring
wij maten click to hear we measured

(de) meting click to hear 2 3 1. measurement 2. taking a measurement
(de) meter click to hear meter (~3 feet, ~39¼ inches)
Recommended: Units, Dimensions and the Metric System

(de) thermometer click to hear
thermometers click to hear 2
curvimeter click to hear
(de) barometer click to hear 2
ride the wheel of the curvometer on a map to measure distances
(de) snelheidsmeter click to hear 2 speedometer
(de) diameter click to hear 2 diameter

(mate click to hear 2)
met mate click to hear in moderation
mate van click to hear level of, degree

(de) maatregel click to hear measure (action taken) - more below
(de) maatschappij click to hear corporation // society, community

het) vergelijkingsmateriaal click to hear 2 3 material for comparison, reference material ‑>>

't Irriteert me mateloos click to hear 2 It annoys me beyond measure - I'm very annoyed by it met twee maten meten click to hear 2 'Using two measuring systems (yardsticks)' - applying double standards, a biased approach Alles met mate click to hear Everything in moderation drinken met mate click to hear drink (alcohol) [with] in moderation Jan Rap en z'n maat click to hear ['John "Wastewood" and his comrade'] 'Bad people, punks'

more 'meten'

Grootte = Size - afmetingen = Dimensions

(de) grootte click to hear size 'grootte' sounds the same as  'grote' click to hear 2 (large)  - groot-te, gro-te ‑>> afmetingen click to hear 2 dimensions, measurements, size

groot click to hear 2 3 4 5
large; big; tall; great
klein click to hear 2 3 4 5
small, little

(de) lengte click to hear 2 length
lang click to hear long, tall ‑>>
kort click to hear short ‑>>
breedte click to hear width
breed click to hear wide ↓↓ wijd click to hear wide ↓↓
smal click to hear narrow ↓↓   nauw click to hear 2 3 narrow ↓↓
(de) hoogte click to hear 2 height
hoog click to hear 2 3 high ↓↓
laag click to hear 2 3 4 low ↓↓

(de) diepte click to hear 2 depth (de) dikte click to hear 2 thickness (de) afstand click to hear distance
diep click to hear 2 deep ↓↓ dik click to hear fat, thick ↓↓ ver click to hear 2 3 far / ver weg click to hear 2 3 far away ‑>>
ondiep click to hear 2 dun click to hear thin, slender ↓↓
mager click to hear thin, skinny ↓↓
dichtbij click to
    hear close by ‑>>

The Dutch word (de) dimensie click to hear 2 3 does not mean 'size' or 'measurements' like the English plural 'dimensions.' It's a mostly scientific term, for instance about defining locations in space: length, breadth and heigth. The fourth dimension de vierde dimensie click to hear 2 3 has to with time (if I understand it correctly.)

Hoog = High

hoog click to hear 2 3 (hoge click to hear hoog/hoge click to hear) high
hoger click to hear higher
hoogste click to hear 2 3 highest

(de) hoogte click to hear 2 height

hoge kosten click to hear 2 3 high cost[s] (de) hoge snelheid click to hear 2 3 4 high speed met hoge snelheid click to hear 2 at high speed (de) hoge vlucht click to hear 2 boom, expansion (great success, rapid growth) Ik heb hoge koorts click to hear I have a high fever geen hoge verwachtingen click to hear 2 3 no [high] great expectations een hoge katterug click to hear a cat's [high] arched back hoge schoenen click to hear 2 3 ['high shoes'] (laced) boots, ankle boots Hoge bomen vangen veel wind click to hear ['Tall trees catch much wind'] - The high, mighty and famous catch much flak, get a lot of criticism Veel vraag en weinig aanbod betekent hoge prijzen click to hear 2 [Much] High demand and [little] low supply means high prices

(het) hogedrukgebied click to hear 2 3 high-pressure area
(de) hogeschool click to hear 2 ~college // one-field university (engineering or agriculture) (de) landbouwhogeschool click to hear 2 3 4 agriculture college and university

hoogstens click to hear 2 at most
't Is hoogstens een uur werk click to hear 2 It's at most an hour of work\
minstens click to hear 2 at least ‑>>

(het) hoogtepunt click to hear 2 3 high point, 'zenith'
(de) hoogtevrees click to hear 2 fear of heights
hooghartig click to hear 2 arrogant, 'haughty'
uit de hoogte click to hear 2 3 4 5 'from a height' - arrogantly, feeling superior, 'haughty' ‑>> 'Hoogachtend, ...' click to hear 2 'Yours Truly, ...' - traditional ending of formal letter (de) hoogleraar click to hear 2 formal job title of a professor
"professor" click to hear
(de) hoogspanning click to hear 2 high [tension] voltage ‑>>
(de) hoogspanningsmast click to hear power pylon
huizenhoog click to hear 2 3 4 [high as houses] - very high, usually figuratively

omhoog click to hear 2 3 up, upwards We klommen omhoog click to hear We climbed up ‑>>

hoogste tijd click to hear high time, very urgent 't Is hoog tijd click to hear 2 It's high time (action is urgent) hoogst zelden click to hear 2 [highest seldom] very rarely, almost never hoogstwaarschijnlijk click to hear 2 most likely ‑>>

hoogtijdagen click to hear 2 ['Days of high tide'] - heyday, the high point, prime, 'when they were at their best'
((de) vloed click to hear 'flow, high tide'

Laag = Low

laag click to hear 2 3 4 (lage click to hear laag/lage click to hear 2) low lager click to hear lower

op een laag pitje click to hear [on a low burner] on the back burner - something given low priority, not pursued vigorously We waren vergeten de verwarming laag te zetten click to hear 2 We had forgotten to turn the heater [low] down (de) lage prijs click to hear 2 3 4 low price Een lage olieprijs betekent minder elektrische auto's click to hear 2 A low oil price means fewer electric cars lage snelheden click to hear 2 3 low speeds

(de) lagere school click to hear 2 [lower] elementary school Hij zit op de lagere school click to hear 2 3 He's in elementary school

omlaag click to hear 2 down, downwards We gleden omlaag click to hear 2 We slid down ‑>>

(de) laag click to hear 2 3 4 layer
plural:  lagen click to hear 2 layers
(het) laagje click to hear 2 thin layer

de laag erboven click to hear 2 the layer above vier lagen verf click to hear 4 layers of paint een dun laagje sneeuw click to hear 2 3 a thin layer of snow (de) hinderlaag click to hear 2 ambush
lagen leggen click to hear to prepare (figurative) ambushes listen en lagen click to hear 2 3 tricks and traps, ambushes (de) nederlaag click to hear defeat

wij lagen click to hear we were lying down Ze lagen te slapen click to hear They were sleeping

Diep = Deep

Diep click to hear 2 (diepe click to hear - diep / diepe click to hear) 'deep'
ondiep click to hear 2 ['undeep'] - shallow, not deep (literally)
't diepe click to hear 'the deep' - the deep part of a swimming pool

(de) diepte click to hear 2 'depth'

diepgang click to hear 2 'depth' 1. literally: draught (how deep is a ship in the water?)
2. figuratively: profundity, ~seriousness
diepgaand click to hear 2 3 in-depth, profound, thorough diepzinnig click to hear 2 [deep-thinking] - profound diepvries click to hear 2 3 freezer (het) dieptepunt click to hear 2 low point, lowest point, 'nadir,' 'rock bottom'

diep ademhalen click to hear breathe deep
Haal diep adem click to hear 2 Take a deep breath -or- take deep breaths Doe het brood in de diepvries click to hear 2 3 Put the bread in the freezer Uit 't diepst van m'n hart click to hear 2 'From the [deepest] bottom of my heart'

(de) verdieping click to hear 'floor,' storey
plural: verdiepingen click to hear 2 'floors' ‑>>
(1e) eerste verdieping click to hear (2nd) second floor (2e) tweede verdieping click to hear 2 (3rd) third floor (de) begane grond click to hear (1st) first (ground) floor de verdieping eronder click to hear 2 the floor [under it] below

Breed, wijd = Wide

breed click to hear (brede click to hear 2 - breed / brede click to hear 2) wide

(de) breedte click to hear width

de Brede Weg click to hear 2 Broadway - in Dutch New York
(de) Breedstraat click to hear a street name
De rivier was te breed om over te zwemmen click to hear 2 3 The river was too wide to swim across hemelsbreed click to hear 2 1. distance measured as a straight line, 'as a bird flies,' not measured as roads distance
2. very large, enormous

wijd click to hear (wijde click to hear 2 - wijd / wijde click to hear 2) - 'wide' is less common
evenwijdig click to hear / evenwijdige click to hear 2 [equal-width] - parallel
(de) reikwijdte click to hear 2 'reach,' extent
(de) Wijde Wormer click to hear a 1626 polder
Wereldwijde week van de veiligheid click to hear 2 'Global safety week' - a company slogan I thought up wijd en zijd click to hear 2 far and wide

Smal, nauw = Narrow

smal click to hear 2 (smalle click to hear - smal / smalle click to hear) narrow
'n smalle deur click to hear 2 3 a narrow door
Holland op z'n smalst click to hear 2 'Holland at its most narrow'
- in Dutch,
  'Holland' click to hear 2 means only a part of the country of The Netherlands - more. Before the great land reclamations, there used to be a narrow strip of land North-West of Amsterdam connecting two parts of the county of Holland. Later, the expression came to mean 'Dutchmen in their most narrow-minded attitude.'
English 'small, little' is klein click to hear 2 3 4 5 ‑>>

nauw click to hear 2 3 (nauwe click to hear 2) narrow
nauwe pijpen click to hear 2 3 narrow pant legs, 'skinny pants' 't Komt niet zo nauw click to hear 2 'There is no need for much precision or strictness, there is a lot of leeway, a wide margin' (de) speling click to hear 2 margin, 'give'
Het Nauw van Calais click to hear 2 The Narrows of Calais, The Straits of Dover benauwd click to hear 2 (benauwde click to hear - benauwd / benauwde click to hear) difficulty breathing // afraid, anxious // stuffy (room) nauwelijks click to hear 2 barely, almost no, narrowly ‑>>
nauwkeurig click to hear careful, precise

strak click to hear 2 tight-fitting (clothes)

Dik = Fat, thick - Dun, Mager = Thin, Skinny, Slender

dik click to hear (dikke click to hear 2 - dik / dikke click to hear 2 3) fat, thick, heavy, plump

(de) dikte click to hear 2 - [thickness] depth, girth (fatness)

'door dik en dun' click to hear 'through thick and thin'
De dikke en de dunne click to hear 2 'the fat one and the skinny one' - Laurel & Hardy "dikke kans!" click to hear 2 a good chance // "fat chance!" (ironic, meaning: zero chance!) (de) dikdoener click to hear [(fat) big-doer, person pretending to be important] - big-mouth 't Is dik aan click to hear 2 (slang) [It's on thick] - They're deeply in love, they're very much attracted to each other koffiedik kijken click to hear 2 3 [looking at coffee dregs, wet coffee grounds] - 'reading tea leaves' - to foretell, predicting the future Is het ijs dik genoeg? click to hear 2 3 4 Is the ice thick enough? ‑>>

dun click to hear (dunne click to hear 2 - dun / dunne click to hear 2) - thin, skinny
'door dik en dun' click to hear 'through thick and thin'
De dikke en de dunne click to hear 2 the fat one and the skinny one' - Laurel & Hardy verdunnen click to hear 2 3 to dilute

mager click to hear (magere click to hear 2 - mager / magere click to hear 2) skinny, 'thin' - think of: 'meager' M'n zoon is net zo mager als ik click to hear My son is just as skinny as I broodmager click to hear very skinny (only eating bread?)
magere melk click to hear 2 ['skinny'] nonfat, skim milk
een mager zonnetje click to hear 2 a pale, powerless sun
Magere Hein click to hear 'Skinny Henry' - the Grim Reaper

Lust = desire // lust, passion // delight, interest, joy

(de) lust click to hear desire // lust, passion // delight, interest, joy lusten click to hear to like, enjoy (food or drinks)
(also the rarely seen plural of
( hij lust click to hear 2 3 he likes ... (food, drink) )

(de) eetlust click to hear 2 'appetite'
't Bederft m'n eetlust click to hear 2 It [ruins] spoils my appetite

lusteloos click to hear 2 3 'listless,' - "not interested in anything, doesn't feel like doing anything"

lusten en lasten click to hear pleasures and duties z'n lust en z'n leven click to hear [his joy and his life] - the joy of his life, the most important things for him

" Da' lus' ik nie' " click to hear
'Dat lust ik niet' click to hear 'I don't like that, I don't want to eat it' (not a polite thing to say) Hij lust geen spruitjes click to hear 2 He doesn't like Brussels sprouts

Hij lust er wel pap van click to hear 2 3 ['~he would really like it as porridge'- -> he would like it for dessert too, he likes it as much as the dessert] - A food or pleasant activity he can't get enough of
Margreet Hirs told me the meaning of the saying and gave an explanation

Wat de boer niet kent dat lust-ie niet click to hear 2 3 4 ['What the peasant doesn't know he doesn't like'] - 'The peasant doesn't like the unfamiliar' - commenting on a reluctance to even taste unfamiliar food

onlusten click to hear 2 riots, disturbances

Exemplaar  and Kopie

Dutch (de) kopie click to hear (plural: kopieën click to hear) is a copy, xerox, not an original. Talking about an 'original' of an item that is made in some quantity like a book or a CD or vinyl record the Dutch word is (het) exemplaar click to hear 2 3 4 - English can say 'specimen'
kopiëren click to hear 2 to copy

Zeuren = to Nag, Complain too much

zeuren click to hear 2 3 to nag, complain too much
(de) zeurpiet click to hear / (de) zeurkous click to hear a person who nags a lot, complains about everything Hij zit te zeuren click to hear 2 He is nagging, talking about irrelevant things in a very annoying way. Zit niet zo te zeuren! click to hear 2 Now stop that nagging! Om van 't gezeur af te zijn click to hear 2 To put an end to, be done with the nagging, to get rid of the hassle, the pointless, annoying comments

(de) regel  - rule, regulation, prinicple

(de) regel click to hear 2 3 4 rule, regulation, prinicple // line, sentence regels click to hear rules // lines
regelen click to hear 2 to regulare, control
geregeld click to hear 2 3 regular, steady, well-ordered
ongeregeld click to hear 2 3 4 disorderly, irregular
ontregeld click to hear 2 3 disrupted, unsettled, disordered
(de) regelmaat click to hear 2 regularity
regelmatig click to hear regelmatige click to hear regular, frequent
onregelmatig click to hear 2 irregular
(de) spelregel click to hear 2 rule of game or play
(de) versregel click to hear line of poetry
(de) vuistregel click to hear 2 rule of [fist] thumb
(de) dienstregeling click to hear 2 timetable, schedule (train, bus)

een uitzondering op de regel click to hear 2 3 4 an exception to the rule 'De uitzondering die de regel bevestigt' click to hear 2 'The exception that confirms, proves the rule' - nonsense remark: if there is one counter-example ((het) tegenvoorbeeld click to hear 2 the rule is invalid
volgens de regels click to hear 2 according to the rules Leer de regels click to hear Learn the rules Leer me de regels click to hear Teach me the rules Ik ken de regels ... click to hear 2 I know the rules ... or:  Ik weet wat de regels zijn ... click to hear 2 3 I know what the rules are ... ... maar ik heb er moeite mee ... click to hear 2 3 4 ... but I have difficulty ... ... ze toe te passen click to hear 2 3 ... applying them -or- ... ze in de praktijk te brengen click to hear 2 ... putting them into practice, applying them

'n zootje ongeregeld click to hear 2 3 a bunch of bad people // a batch of mixed junk

(de) maatregel click to hear measure, action (taken)
voorzorgsmaatregelen click to hear preventive, precautionary measures
vergaande maatregelen click to hear 2 [far-reaching] extensive, drastic measures harde maatregelen click to hear 2 tough measures
Het verzet tegen de maatregelen click to hear 2 3 The resistance against the measures, rules

Tussen de regels door lezen click to hear 2 3 'Reading between the lines' - to notice not just what's written but also what's implied and/or left out

Volgen = to follow - and related words

volgen click to hear 2 3 to follow
"Ik val aan - volg mij" click to hear I am attacking - follow me.
Ascribed to Rear Admiral Karel Doorman click to hear at the Battle of the Java Sea, 1942, his last message - but it may have been just a flag signal
Goed voorbeeld doet volgen click to hear 2 3 Good example will be followed (de) volgeling click to hear 2 follower, disciple
(de) opvolger click to hear 2 successor
vervolgens click to hear 2 3 thereafter, then, subsequently
wordt vervolgd click to hear to be continued

achtervolgen to pursue, follow
ik achtervolg I'm pursuing
ik achtervolgde I pursued
ik heb achtervolgd I have pursued
click to hear

volgend click to hear 2 / volgend/volgende click to hear 2 next vorig click to hear / vorig/vorige click to hear 2 previous, last volgend jaar click to hear 2 next year
vorig jaar click to hear last year
volgende week maandag click to hear 2 next week Monday vorige week dinsdag click to hear 2 Tuesday last week more volgend next and vorig previous,last

volgens click to hear according to
Volgens mij ... click to hear 2 3 [According to me ...] - I think ... volgens de regels click to hear 2 according to the rules Volgens Goropius spraken Adam en Eva Nederlands click to hear 2 According to Goropius, Adam and Eve spoke Dutch Volgens het weerbericht gaat het morgen regenen. td></tr click to hear According to the weather forecast it is going to rain tomorrow. Volgens 't weerbericht wordt 't vandaag zevenentwintig graden. click to hear 2 3 According to the weather forecast it's going to be 27 degrees today.

(het) gevolg click to hear result, outcome, effect
oorzaak en gevolg click to hear 2 3 cause and effect (de) oorzaak click to hear cause Hier ziet men de gevolgen click to hear 2 3 4 Here [one sees] you see the results, the consequences more cause oorzaak  and effect gevolg

(de) volgorde click to hear 2 3 sequence, order
(de) woordvolgorde click to hear 2 3 4 word order, sentence structure
in die volgorde click to hear 2 3 in that order, sequence

Vol / leeg  Full / Empty

vol click to hear (volle click to hear 2) - full // whole
leeg click to hear (lege click to hear 2) - empty
(het) volume click to hear - volume, contents
(de) inhoud click to hear - contents, volume
Liters and Cups

overvol click to hear 2 3 4 5 overfull, too full
tjokvol click to hear 'chock-full:' filled to overflowing, very full (room)

't Is volle maan click to hear 2 It's a full moon, the moon is full Was 't vliegtuig vol? click to hear 2 'Was the plane full?' Ik voel me zo vol click to hear 2 I feel so full (eaten too much)

(de) vaart click to hear 2 speed // momentum, built-up speed in volle vaart click to hear at full speed, 'at full throttle,' ~high speed

(de) leegte click to hear 2 3 4 5 6 emptiness, empty spot (also figuratively) de lege zee click to hear the empty sea (no ships) met lege handen click to hear 2 3 4 'with hands empty,' not bringing anything or without results

A famous early land reclamation engineer took the name Leeghwater  ('empty-water'): Jan Adriaansz Leeghwater click to hear 2 ‑>>

leegmaken click to hear 2 to empty
leeghalen click to hear 2 3 to empty
de afwasmachine leeghalen click to hear 2 to unpack the dishwasher Kun je de afwasmachine leeghalen? click to hear 2 3 4 Could you unpack the dishwasher, please unpack the dishwasher

smaakvol click to hear tasteful, in good taste

zinvol click to hear 2 3 ['full of sense, making sense'] - sensible, useful, ~meaningful, ~advisable alleszins zinvol advies click to hear 2 3 very sensible advice

volmaakt click to hear 2 ['fully built'] - perfect Niemand is volmaakt click to hear Nobody is perfect (de) onvolkomenheid click to hear 2 3plural: onvolkomenheden click to hear 2 3 imperfection; incompleteness

hoopvol click to hear 2 3 hopeful, optimistic
Ik blijf hoopvol click to hear 2 3 I remain hopeful

volhouden click to hear 2 to persevere, carry on, insist Houd vol! click to hear 2 3 4 Carry on! Keep going! (Don't give up!)

voltooien click to hear 2 3 4 to finish, comlplete (something big) (de) voltooiïng click to hear 2 completion, finish, perfection onvoltooid click to hear 2 3 4 5 unfinished - German: 'unvollendet'

(De) Onvoltooid Tegenwoordige Tijd click to hear 2 [Unfinished Present time] - The Simple Present Tense
ik heb click to hear  I have
ik ben click to hear 2  I am
(De) Onvoltooid Verleden Tijd click to hear 2 The Simple Past Tense
ik had click to hear 2  I had
ik was click to hear  I was
(De) Voltooide Tijd click to hear 2 3 The Perfect Tense (De) Voltooid Tegenwoordige Tijd click to hear 2 The Perfect Present Tense
ik heb gehad click to hear  I have had
ik ben geweest click to hear  I have been
(De) Voltooid Verleden Tijd click to hear 2 The Perfect Past Tense
ik had gehad click to hear 2  I had had
ik was geweest click to hear 2  I had been
All about the Verb Tenses

[(het)] voldoende click to hear 2 3 sufficient // passing grade
[(het)] onvoldoende click to hear 2 3 insufficient // failing grade

vol click to hear (volle click to hear 2) is sometimes better translated as 'whole'
volkoren click to hear 2 wholewheat, whole grain
(het) volkorenmeel click to hear wholewheat flour
(het) volkorenbrood click to hear wholewheat bread
more flour and bread

(de) volle melk click to hear 2 'whole' milk (no fat removed) (de) halfvolle melk click to hear 2 ['half-full'] reduced-fat milk more milk

Compleet click to hear (complete click to hear)
and volledig click to hear 2 3 4 (volledige click to hear 2)
mean 'complete, full'
een compleet overzicht click to hear 2 3 a complete survey, overview, outline (de) volledige baan click to hear 2 3 full-time job ‑>> de volledige werken van Vondel click to hear the complete works of Vondel

My wife pointed out that 'volledig'  is actually a somewhat funny word, because ledig click to hear 2 3 is an old-fashioned word for 'empty'
ledigen click to hear 2 3 'to empty'

'Heel' click to hear 2 3 (hele click to hear / heel/hele click to hear 2) can mean 'all, complete' but usually in the sense of 'whole' ‑>>
over de hele wereld click to hear 2 all over the world We hebben de hele wereld afgezocht click to hear 2 3 4 We have searched the whole world over

op click to hear 'on top of, up' ‑>>
op zijn click to hear 2 3 4 5
combined with verbs like especially zijn click to hear ('to be') op  can also mean something like 'be finished, gone, there's nothing left'
opmaken click to hear 'to finish, use up' (something)
't Geld is op click to hear 2 3 The money is gone, there's no money left De benzine is op click to hear We're out of gas, the gasoline is finished ‑>> - more

vullen click to hear 2 to fill
(de) aanvulling click to hear supplement
opvullen click to hear 2 to fill up, fill, stuff
(het) potlood click to hear pencil
vulpotloden click to hear mechanical pencils
(de) vulpen click to hear fountain pen

Een kinderhand is gauw gevuld click to hear 2 3 (saying) ['A child's hand is quickly filled'] - children don't need much to be happy

['filled cake'] ['filled cake']
(de) gevulde koek click to hear 2 3
[mechanical pencils]
vulpotloden click to hear
[a fountain pen]
(de) vulpen click to hear
The gevulde koek  (a 'filled' large cookie) from a bakery is very different from the ones made in a factory. The filling may be almond paste or an almonds-flavored beans paste.

(De) hond = Dog

[Daniel's Dog]
(de) hond click to hear (foto: Daniel Baskin)
(het) hondenhok click to
(de) wolf click to hear
[dachshund, young]
(de) teckel click to hear 2
[dachshund, old]
(de) hond click to hear (oude teckel)
(de) poedel click to hear 2
Je hond is je beste vriend click to hear Your dog is your best friend

Praising a dog, a Dutchman may say "brave hond" click to hear 2 - literally something like 'well-behaved, obedient dog' - or simply say: "braaf" click to hear 2 (while patting the dog's head.)
de hond is braaf - de brave hond click to hear The dog is well-behaved - the good dog 'Bad dog!' would be "stoute hond" click to hear 2 - literally 'disobedient, ill-behaving dog.'
A dog that cannot be trusted and could bite without provocation is called vals click to
   hear (valse click to hear 2) (literally: 'false')

honden click to hear dogs
(het) hondje click to hear small, 'little' dog
een jonge hond click to hear 2 a young dog
(het) schoothondje click to hear 2 'lapdog'
(de) blindengeleidehond click to hear 2 [steering-the-blind dog] seeing-eye dog
(de) waakhond click to hear 2 guard dog
(de) zeehond click to hear ['sea-dog'] - seal
(Het) hondenbrood click to hear 2 3 4 [dogs' bread] - store-bought dry dog food
(de) straathond click to hear ['street dog'] - ugly, mixed-breed dog, or: 'stray dog'
(de) Duitse herder click to hear 2 German shepherd

(de) bonte hond click to hear (a) notorious person
hondsbrutaal click to hear insolent, rude 'like a dog' (? are dogs insolent?)
Wat een hondeweer! click to hear Such miserable [dog's] weather!

honden blaffen — waf-waf click to hear dogs bark — raf-raf
honden grommen — grrr click to hear dogs growl

(De) hondsdolheid click to hear [dogs' craziness] 'rabies'
een dolle hond click to hear 2 a rabid dog
dolle hond click to hear rabid dog
(de) rode hond click to hear 2 ['red dog'] German measles, rubella

Het meisje en haar hondje click to hear 2 The girl and her (small) dog Het jongetje en zijn hondje click to hear 2 The little boy and his (small) dog De hond en z'n vlooien click to hear 2 3 The dog and its fleas

Jij hebt een hond click to hear You have (own) a dog
Ik was de hond click to hear 2 1. I'm washing the dog
2. I was (impersonated) the dog (in a performance)

de hond - hij blaft click to hear 2 3 the dog - it/he is barking Een hond blafte. click to hear A dog barked. D'r zit een hond te blaffen click to hear 2 3 4 A dog is barking (and you're annoyed by it)

Heb je hun hond gezien? click to hear 2 Have you seen their dog?

Heeft Uw hond U gebeten? click to hear Did your dog bite you? Bent U gebeten door Uw hond? click to hear Were you bitten by your dog?

Vergeet niet de hond uit te laten click to hear 2 Don't forget to [let out] walk the dog We moeten de hond uitlaten click to hear 2 3 We have to walk the dog We hoeven de hond niet uit te laten click to hear 2 3 4 We don't have to walk the dog

Wacht U voor de(n) hond click to hear 2 3 'Watch out for the dog!' - somewhat jocular sign on garden gates

De hond in de pot vinden click to hear ['finding the dog in the cooking pot'] Dan vind je de hond in de pot click to hear 2 'Then you'll find the dog in the cooking pot'
- When you're very late for a meal, you may find the dog eating the leftovers - general meaning: coming late there may be nothing left for you or you may be left empty-handed
De hond van de buren is doodgegaan click to hear 2 3 4 The neighbors' dog died (de) dode hond click to hear 2 3 dead dog

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'Disambiguation Remainders' - Losse Wooorden 2

email - Copyright © Marco Schuffelen 2021-2023. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, redistributed, or hotlinked to.
Gij zult niet stelen click to hear 'Thou shalt not steal'