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The Small Change of Conversation
I found the phrase in a book by Henry James. It's a useful concept for
students of foreign languages. The pages in this series (and my website in
general) will help you speak with Dutch people.
I hope you have the passive vocabulary to understand what people
say or write to you - to comment on that, learn the phrases on this page that look useful to you, make them part of your active vocabulary.
Ik loop met twee stokken 2 3 I walk with two canes |
My wife says I shouldn't put sad and depressing things on the website but I think they are part of most people's lives and you students need those Dutch words
Find many more words and some more lines and phrases about the subject on the Medical and 'Life' pages
Ik ben ingeënt 2 3 slow | I've been vaccinated ‑>> |
(het) mondkapje 2 3 | [mouth cap] - 'face mask' |
Hoe voel je je? 2 3 | 'How do you feel?' - Reflexive Verbs |
Ik ben niet helemaal goed 2 3 | [I'm not entirely well] I'm a little under the weather |
Ben je moe? | Are you tired? |
Ik ben erg moe 2 | I'm very tired - more 'moe' |
Ik ben heel erg moe 2 | I'm really very tired, I'm exhausted |
Ik ben verkouden | I have a cold |
Ik heb 't koud | I am cold |
Ik voel me niet lekker | I don't feel well
'lekker' 2 3 4 usualy means 'tasting nice' or 'enjoyable' ‑>> |
Ben je ziek? 2 3 | Are you sick? |
Ik heb een kater | I have a hangover
(de) kater 2 is also 'male cat' |
Ik ben een beetje ziek 2 3 | I'm a little sick, 'under the weather' |
Ik voel me beroerd 2 | I feel miserable, pretty sick |
Ik ben ziek | I'm sick |
Ik heb verhoging | I have a temperature (~38°C) |
Heb je koorts? 2 | Do you have a fever? |
Ik heb koorts | I have a fever |
Ik heb hoge koorts | I have a high fever |
Ik voel me grieperig | I feel like I have the flu |
ik voelde me katterig | I had a hangover - also said of having the flu. Doesn't it feel about the same? |
Ik ben grieperig | I feel like I have the flu |
Ik heb griep | I have the flu |
Heb je pijn?
2 | 'Are you in pain?' - more pain |
Doet 't pijn?
2 | Does it hurt? |
Waar doet 't pijn? | Where does it hurt?' |
Ik heb pijn in m'n rug 2 3 | [I have pain in my back] My back hurts |
Ik heb hoofdpijn 2 | I have a headache |
Ik heb vandaag geen hoofdpijn 2 3 4 | I don't have a headache today |
Slikken doet pijn 2 | Swallowing hurts |
Ik ben duizelig 2 | I feel dizzy |
Heb je d'r last van? 2 3 | Does it bother you? Is it a nuisance? |
Ik had er eerder nooit last van 2 | It never bothered me before, I never noticed a problem with it before |
Ik heb last van m'n maag | My stomach is bothering me |
Ik heb veel last van m'n maag | My stomach is bothering me a lot |
Ik heb vaak hoofdpijn | I often have headaches |
Neem je d'r iets voor? 2 | 'Do you take something (medication) for (against) it?' |
Dankzij het pilletje ging de hoofdpijn over 2 3 4 | Thanks to the (little) pill the headache went away, the pill ended the headache |
Misschien is 't iets onschuldigs | Maybe it's [something innocent] harmless |
Is het erger geworden? 2 | Did it get worse? |
Als het niet vanzelf overgaat ga ik ermee naar de dokter | If it doesn't go away by itself I'll go see a doctor about it |
Ik bleek longontsteking te hebben 2 3 | [I turned out to have] It turned out that I had pneumonia ‑>> |
Ik word er misselijk van 2 3 | It makes me sick, it gives me nausea |
Ik heb overgegeven 2 | have thrown up (vomited) |
"Ik word niet goed" (2) | I'm going to throw up |
Voel je je beter? 2 | Are you (feeling) better? |
Ben je opgeknapt? 2 3 | [Did you recover?] Are you feeling better? |
Ik ben blij dat de hoofdpijn over is 2 3 | 'm glad the headache is gone |
Ik ben ziek geweest 2 3 | I've been sick |
Ik was zó ziek 2 3 | I was (so) very sick, I felt miserable |
Ik had me nog nooit zo ziek gevoeld 2 3 | I had never felt that sick before |
Ik had me nog nooit zo beroerd gevoeld 2 3 | I had never felt that miserable (sick) before |
Ik was drie dagen ziek 2 | I was sick for 3 days |
Ik voelde me de laatste dagen wat grieperig 2 | In recent days I felt like I had the flu. |
Maar vandaag voel ik me gelukkig weer een stuk beter | But luckily I feel much better today |
Ik ben aan de beterende hand 2 | I'm getting better, I'm on the mend |
'Ik ben weer de oude' 2 | ['I'm the old one again'] - 'I'm back to normal' |
Ik voel me kiplekker 2 | 'I feel great, like a million bucks, couldn't be better' |
Ik zat een uur bij de tandarts 2 3 | I was at the dentist for an hour |
| |
Hij is ziek geworden 2 3 | He's [become sick] fallen ill |
Hij heeft griep 2 | He has the flu |
Er zijn veel mensen ziek 2 | A lot of people are sick |
Hij gaat vooruit 2 | He's improving, his medical condition is improving |
Hij gaat erg achteruit 2 3 | ['He goes backward badly..'] He's quickly getting worse (health, mental state) |
Hij is ernstig ziek 2 3 | He is seriously, gravely ill |
in een ziekenhuis opgenomen 2 | admitted to a hospital |
Hij lijdt in stilte 2 | [He is suffering in silence] - He is quiet about his suffering - 'lijden' |
Hij heeft kanker 2 3 | He has cancer |
Hij is een zachte dood gestorven 2 3 | [He died a soft death] He passed away peacefully, without pain, without anguish |
Hij is aan kanker gestorven 2 3 | He died of cancer |
| |
Met de ouderdom komen de gebreken 2 | '[With] In old age defects appear' |
Ik heb een handicap 2 | I have a disability |
Ik loop met een stok 2 3 4 | I walk with a cane, I use a cane for walking |
Ik heb een rollator 2 | I have a walker, I do have a walker |
Ik loop soms met een rollator 2 3 | I sometimes [walk with] use a walker |
Ik kan er goed mee lopen 2 | I can walk well with it (I walk more safely with its assistance, I walk better with it) ‑>> |
Ik rij(d) op een driewieler | I ride a tricycle - bicycling |
Ze zit in een rolstoel 2 3 | She's in a wheelchair |
You could also have a look at the
Sad, Depressed chapter
't Is deprimerend
It's depressing
Find many more words and some more lines and phrases about the subject on the Medical and 'Life' pages
Ik zit in 't gips 2 [I'm in plaster] - I have a cast |
The Small Change of Conversation
More pages like this:
Meet and Greet
Talking about Time
Commenting on Statements and Opinions
Why? / Because / The Reason / Cause & Effect
Chance, Luck, Outcomes and Risk
Expectations and What Happens
Weather - Food - Drink - Travel - Sleep - Work - Money - Speaking Dutch
email -
Copyright © Marco Schuffelen 2021.
All rights reserved.
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'Thou shalt not steal'