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CH in Dutch - Skip General Introduction

Pronunciation: Hear for Yourself

Do take my words for it
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Pay special attention to letters, letter combinations and sounds that you don't have in your own language
These pronunciation pages are not meant for learning vocabulary. The English translations may lack in precision. But if you like, follow the occasional links ‑>> to explanation, examples of usage and/or related words.
Learning Vocabulary

Adjectives in most positions get an -E  ending ‑>>
Several words appear twice on the page. I do not have an infinite number of recordings, and some combinations of letters are rarely or never found in Dutch.

Spelling and Pronunciation

Dutch spelling/pronunciation rules say that: So (de) man click to hear 2 ('man, human adult male) has the plural mannen (man-nen) click to hear 2 while (de) maan click to hear 2 ('moon') has the plural manen (ma-nen) click to hear 2 3

'Long' and 'short' are traditional terms. The difference is actually more of tone than length
More about spelling and pronunciation - another version
Learn the Rules by Studying and Listening to Examples

Major Exceptions to the Phonetic Spelling of Dutch
- Page 1:   een   -IG   -ISCH   -LIJK  
- Page 2:   -B   -D   SCHR   -TIE   UW   WR
Hear the Dutch Letters in Hundreds of Words:
 AU/OU  CH  E  EI/IJ  EU  F  G  H  L  OE  SCH  U  UI  W  X  Y
'Master Lists' of Dutch words: Dutch to English - English to Dutch

 G and CH 
 Listen to the Examples: 

 first series: CHA-CHZ 

 second series: ACH-YCH 
 French CH list 

CH in Dutch - Hear for Yourself

(There will be a separate page for SCH - someday)

click to hear (de) CH click to hear 2
Hear a few Dutch CH's:
acht click to hear 2 '8' - achtentachtig click to hear '88'
Amsterdam tour guides sometimes come up with the Dutch tongue-twister:
"Achtentachtig prachtige grachten" click to hear 2 '88 wonderful canals' A longer variation:
"Smachtend dacht ik aan de prachtige nachten tussen d(i)e achtentachtig grachten" click to hear 2 'Filled with longing I was thinking of the wonderful nights in the city of 88 canals.' De grachtengordel click to hear 2 the Amsterdam canals belt
de Nachtwacht click to hear 2 'the Night Watch' - Rembrandt's famous painting ‑>> - 2
(de) achterdocht click to hear 2 3 suspicion, mistrust
achterdochtig click to hear 2 3 suspicious, suspecting, mistrusting
(de) tocht click to hear 2 a difficult journey or a military campaign // a 'draft,' undesirable chilling airflow in a room de Tocht der Tochten click to hear 2 'the tour of tours' - "the Mother of all Tours" = De Elfstedentocht click to hear 2 'The 11-Cities Tour' - a 200-kilometers (130 miles) national skating event - more

G and CH

The Dutch G and CH do not sound exactly the same, but the difference is small. Beginning students shouldn't worry about it.
- the G Page

Hear for yourself:
- lachen click to hear 2 ('to laugh') ‑>> - vlaggen click to hear 2 ('flags')
- vlaggen / lachen / licht / ligt click to hear 2
- [(het)] licht click to hear ('light' // 'light') - je ligt click to hear 2 3 4 5 ('you're lying down') - je licht click to hear 2 3 4 5 ('your (bike) light')
- [(de)] echt click to hear 2 3 ('real, really' // 'marriage') - je legt click to hear 2 3 4 ('you are laying down')
- wij loochenen click to hear 2 ('we deny the truth of, we disclaim') - wij logen click to hear 2 3 ('we lied')
- (de) lach click to hear ('laugh') - ik lach click to hear 2 ('I'm laughing') - ik lag click to hear 2 3 4 5 6 ('I was lying down')
- zich click to hear ('yourself, oneself') ‑>> - (de) big click to hear ('young pig')
- walgelijk click to hear 2 3 ('disgusting') - Walcheren click to hear 2 (former island in the province of Zeeland click to hear 2 ['Sea-land']

The difference between CH and G may be more pronounced in the Limburg dialect - when I try to imitate that the CH and G seem to be more clearly different:
Standard (Northern) Dutch: zich geven click to hear 2
My attemtpts at Limburg dialect: zich geven click to hear 2
'Zich geven'  - 'giving yourself' means something like 'to dedicate yourself to a noble goal'

- (de) achtergrond click to hear 2 ('background') - achterdochtig click to hear 2 3 ('suspicious, suspecting, mistrusting') - (de) nachtegaal click to hear 2 ('nightingale' - a bird) - (het) luchtgat click to hear 2 ('vetilation opening') - (het) daglicht click to hear 2 ('daylight')

Hear the Examples

Many words from French in Dutch have kept the French pronunciation of the CH (said like English SH) for instance: - champignons click to hear ('"button" mushrooms') - ik douche click to hear 2 ('I'm showering') - (het) chocolaatje click to hear 2 ('piece of chocolate.') Some common words from French are in the examples below, and there is a focused list at the bottom of the page

The 'first series' is grouped by the letter after the CH's, the 'second series' is grouped by the letter before the CH's:

- first series: CHA-CHZ - second series: ACH-YCH

the: de click to hear 2 / het click to hear 2 3 - 't click to hear ->>
Plurals always take 'de'
a: (een) - 'n click to hear / one: één click to hear 2 3

Repeat the words after me, try saying them like I do, and record yourself or ask a friend to compare how you say them with how I say them.Try to bring your pronunciation of the words closer and closer to how I say them. Use as few or as many examples as you like.

- (de) chaos click to hear ('chaos') - chaotisch click to hear 2 ('chaotic') - (de) chemicus click to hear 2 ('chemist,' scientist working in chemistry) - (de) chemie click to hear 2 ('chemistry') ‑>> - (het) chloor click to hear ('chlorine, Cl') - chroom click to hear ('chrome') - chromatisch click to hear ('chromatic') - music - (het) chromosoom click to hear ('chromosome')
French CH: - (de) chantage click to hear 2 ('blackmail') - champignons click to hear ('"button" mushrooms') - (de) chef click to hear 2 ('boss, manager, supervisor') - chef-kok click to hear 2 ('chef') - China click to hear ('China' - the country) - (het) machientje click to hear 2 3 4 ('small machine, gadget') - (het) chocolaatje click to hear 2 ('piece of chocolate - (de) chocolademelk click to hear 2 3 ('chocolate milk')
CHA  only with French CH, pronounced like English SH: - chagerijnig click to hear 2 - also said as: - sagerijnig click to hear 2 ('in a bad mood') - (de) chantage click to hear 2 ('blackmail') - chanteren click to hear 2 ('to blackmail') - Richard click to hear 2 (a boys' name) - (de) charme click to hear ('charm') - charmant click to hear ('charming') - Charlot click to hear / Charlotte click to hear (girls' names)
In the often-used, common word champignons click to hear ('"button" mushrooms') the NG has disappeared. (With difficulty I say (exaggerated!) champiGNons click to hear) - champignons bakken click to hear 2 3 ('baking, sautéing mushrooms') - gebakken champignons click to hear 2 3 ('baked, sautéed mushrooms')
CHAA  - Zacharias click to hear ('biblical name') - Michaël click to hear 2 (a boys' name) - (het) lichaam click to hear ('body') - lichamelijk click to hear / lichamelijke click to hear 2 ('bodily, physical') - lichaamsdelen click to hear ('body parts) ‑>> - (de) lichaamsbeweging click to hear 2 3 (['body movement'] - 'exercise') - mechanisch click to hear 2 ('mechanical') - (de) chaos click to hear ('chaos') - chaotisch click to hear 2 ('chaotic')
CHAU  only with French CH: - (de) chauffeur click to hear 2 ('driver' - car, bus, truck) - (de) buschauffeur click to hear 2 3 ('bus driver') - (de) marechaussee click to hear 2 ('military police') - de marechaussee werd ingezet click to hear 2 3 4 ('the military police was deployed')
CHB  - zich bewegen click to hear 2 ('to move' - your body) - zich branden click to hear 2 3 ('to burn oneself,' to get burned') - zich bemoeien met click to hear ('to meddle with, getting involved with something where you're not wanted') - zich beheersen click to hear 2 3 ('to control yourself, have a grip on your emotions')
reflexive verbs exmples
CHE  - Doetinchem click to hear (a town) - zich ergeren click to hear 2 ('to be annoyed') ‑>>
French CH: - (het) cachet click to hear 2 ('~class') - manchet click to hear ('cuff') - manchetknopen click to hear ('cufflinks') - (de) chef click to hear 2 ('boss, manager, supervisor') - chef-kok click to hear 2 ('chef') - cheque click to hear ('check' - money transfer)
The king-castle move rokeren  in chess is sometimes written as rocheren  but not pronounced with CH, and its O is variously pronounced 'long' or 'short:' rokeren click to hear / click to hear
CHEE  - (de) chemie click to hear 2 ('chemistry') ‑>> - (de) chemicus click to hear 2 ('chemist,' scientist working in chemistry) - chemisch click to hear / chemische click to hear 2 ('chemical')
CHEuh  - (het) lachebekje click to hear 2 ('a person, usually a girl, with a quick laugh') - lachen click to hear 2 ('to laugh') ‑>> - (de) kachel click to hear ('heater, stove') - Mechelen click to hear (a city in Belgium) - giechelen click to hear 2 ('to giggle') - Walcheren click to hear 2 (former island in the province of Zeeland click to hear 2 ['Sea-land']) - Lochem click to hear (a town) - (de) goochelaar click to hear ('magician,' performer of magic tricks) - Barchem click to hear 2 (a village) - kuchen click to hear 2 3 ('to cough') - juichen click to hear ('to cheer')
German SCH: - M.C. Escher click to hear 2 3 4 5 (a graphic artist)
CHF  - Ga toch fietsen! click to hear 2 3 4 (['go ride a bike!'] - usually an exclamation of frustration with someone, like 'I don't believe you, stop bothering me, go take a hike')
CHG  - (het) lachgas click to hear 2 ('laughing gas' - nitrous oxide) - god noch gebod click to hear ([recognizing] 'neither god nor commandment'] - 'lawless') - zich gedragen click to hear 2 3 ('to behave') - zich geven click to hear 2 ('giving yourself' - means something like 'to dedicate yourself to a noble goal'
CHH  - zich haasten click to hear ('to hurry') - zich hechten aan click to hear 2 ('to become emotionally attached to') - zich herinneren click to hear ('to remember') ‑>>
CHI  - Joachim Gijsen click to hear 2 (17th Century sailor/pirate) - Joachim Patinir click to hear 2 (painter ~1480-1524) - Joachim Wtewael click to hear 2 3 (painter 1566‑1638) ‑>>
French CH: - (de) chimpanzee click to hear ('chimpanzee')
CHIE  - (de) parochie click to hear 2 ('parish') - (de) psychiater (psy-chi-) click to hear ('psychiatrist') - (het) parochieblaadje click to hear 2 ('parish newsletter') - Tsjechië click to hear ('The Czech Republic') - (het) archief click to hear ('archive') - Michiel click to hear (a boys' name) - Annechien click to hear 2 / Lammechien click to hear 2 3 (girls' names) - (de) archipel click to hear 2 ('archipelago') - psychisch click to hear 2 3 4 ('psychological, mental')
French CH: - China click to hear ('China' - the country) - (de) Chinees click to hear 2 ('Chinese person') - (de) machine click to hear 2 ('machine') - (de) boormachine click to hear ('electric drill') - (de) grasmachine click to hear 2 ('lawn mower') - nietmachines click to hear ('staplers') - (de) afwasmachine click to hear 2 ('dishwasher') - (het) machientje click to hear 2 3 4 ('small machine, gadget') - (de) chirurg click to hear ('surgeon') - (de) kaakchirurg click to hear 2 ([jaw] 'oral surgeon') - (de) architect click to hear 2 3 ('architect')
CHJ  - (het) lachje click to hear 2 ('small laugh, smile') - (het) kuchje click to hear 2 3 ('small cough')
French CH: - (het) sketchje click to hear 2 ('short comedy piece, skit')
CHK  - kind noch kraai click to hear (saying) ['neither child nor crow'] - 'having neither family ties nor possessions, very poor'
- Toch konden ze goed samenwerken click to hear ('Still - despite something mentioned before - they were able to work together well')
CHL  - (het) chloor click to hear ('chlorine, Cl')
CHN  - (de) technicus click to hear 2 3 ('technician, engineer') - technici click to hear 2 3 ('technicians, engineers') - technisch inzicht click to hear 2 3 4 ([technical insight] - a good understanding of technology, how mechanical things work, how to handle tools)
- Dat kan toch niet! click to hear 2 3 y[That cannot be!] How can it be? It shouldn't be possible!
CHO  - zich omdraaien click to hear 2 3 4 ('to turn around' - standing up // 'to turn over' - lying down, like in bed) - zich omkleden click to hear ('to change' - clothes)
- Hou toch op! click to hear 2 Now stop that nonsense! Shut up! I'm sick and tired or your talking French CH: - (de) capuchon click to hear ('hood')
CHOO  - (de) echo click to hear 2 3 ('echo') - (de) cholera click to hear 2 ('cholera') - melancholiek click to hear 2 ('melancholic') - (de) psycholoog click to hear 2 ('psychologist') - Tsjechoslowakije click to hear ('Czechoslovakia') - psychosomatisch click to hear 2 ('psychosomatic') - zich overgeven click to hear 2 ('to surrender')
French CH: - (de) chocola click to hear ('chocolate') - (het) chocolaatje click to hear 2 ('piece of chocolate - (de) chocolademelk click to hear 2 3 ('chocolate milk') - (de) warme chocola click to hear 2 3 4 5 ('hot chocolate')
CHP  English CH: - (de) luchchpauze click to hear 2 ('luchch break')
CHR  - chromatisch click to hear ('chromatic') - music - (het) chromosoom click to hear ('chromosome') - chronisch click to hear ('chronical') - 't Is chronisch click to hear 2 ('It's chronical') - chroom click to hear ('chrome') - chrysanten click to hear ('chrysanthemums')
Most Dutch people say a K for the CH in Christus click to hear ('Christ') and related names and words: christelijk click to hear ("christian") - Christien click to hear ('girls' name') - Chris click to hear ('boys' name')
But a small group of very orthodox protestants say these words and names with Dutch CH: christelijk click to hear ("christian")
CHS  - zich schamen click to hear 2 3 ('to be ashamed') - Baruch Spinoza click to hear 2 3 4 ('Spinoza') - Joost Cornelisz Droochsloot click to hear 2 3 (painter, ~1585-1666)
CHT  - (de) acht click to hear ('8') - achtentachtig click to hear ('88') - één achtste click to hear 2 ('⅛') - (de) achtbaan click to hear ('rollercoaster') - achter click to hear ('behind, back, rear') ‑>> - (de) achtergrond click to hear 2 ('background') - (het) ambacht click to hear ('handicraft, trade') - (de) gedachte click to hear ('thought') ‑>> - verdacht click to hear 2 3 ('suspect, suspicious') - (de/het) jacht click to hear ('hunt' // 'yacht') - (de) klacht click to hear ('complaint') ‑>> - (het) slachtoffer click to hear 2 3 ('victim') - (de) macht click to hear ('power') ‑>> - (de) nacht click to hear ('night') ‑>> - prachtig click to hear 2 / prachtig/prachtige click to hear 2 ('beautiful, great, enjoyable') - tachtig click to hear ('80') - (de) vacht click to hear 2 ('fur, pelt, fleece') - (de) schildwacht click to hear 2 3 ('sentry') - (de) lijfwacht click to hear 2 ('bodyguard') - de Nachtwacht click to hear 2 'the Night Watch' - Rembrandt's famous painting ‑>> - 2 - zacht click to hear / zachte click to hear 2 / zacht/zachte click to hear ('soft') ‑>>
- echt click to hear 2 3 / echte click to hear 2 / echt/echte click to hear 2 ('real') - echter click to hear 2 3 ('however, nevertheless, but, yet') ‑>> - (de) echtgenote click to hear ('wife') - (de) echtgenooot click to hear ('husband') - (het) echtpaar click to hear ('married couple') - (de) hechting click to hear ('suture, medical stitch') - plural: - hechtingen click to hear 2 3 - (de) vlecht click to hear 2 ('braid') - amechtig click to hear ('out of breath') - (de) knecht click to hear 2 ('servant') - (de) specht click to hear 2 3 4 ('woodpecker' - a bird) - recht click to hear 2 ('straight') - rechts click to hear ('right' - not left) - (de) trechter click to hear 2 3 ('funnel') - slechtst click to hear / slechtste click to hear ('worst') - (het) gevecht click to hear 2 3 ('fight')
- dicht click to hear / dichte click to hear ('closed') ‑>> - (de) dichter click to hear 2 ('poet') - (de) jicht click to hear 2 3 ('gout') - (het) licht click to hear ('light') ‑>> - licht click to hear / lichte click to hear 2 3 ('light') ‑>> - (de) lichting click to hear 2 ('batch, class, collection') - (de) nicht click to hear / - (het) nichtje click to hear ('niece'// 'cousin' - femsle) - spichtig click to hear 2 3 ('wispy, spidery') - (het) bericht click to hear ('message') - (de) richting click to hear 2 ('direction') - (de) richtlijn click to hear 2 3 ('directive') - schichtig click to hear 2 3 ('skittish, nervous, shy') - (de) stichting click to hear 2 ('foundation, corporation' // 'founding, creation, start, establishment') - Sticht click to hear (old name for the province of - Utrecht click to hear 2 3 4 - (het) gewicht click to hear ('weight') - (het) evenwicht click to hear 2 3 ('equilibrium, balance') - (het) zicht click to hear ('view' // 'visibility, viz') - (het) gezicht click to hear 2 ('face' // 'view')
- (de) biecht click to hear ('confession' - catholic) - (de) smiecht click to hear 2 ('rogue' - Southern slang)
- Ochten click to hear 2 3 (a village) - (de) ochtend click to hear ('morning') - (de) bocht click to hear 2 3 4 ('curve' - in road) - (de) dochter click to hear ('daughter') - (de) achterdocht click to hear 2 3 ('suspicion, mistrust') - achterdochtig click to hear 2 3 ('suspicious, suspecting, mistrusting') - (het) gedrocht click to hear 2 ('misshapen animal, monster') - (de) tocht click to hear ('a difficult journey or a military campaign // a 'draft,' undesirable chilling airflow in a room') - (het) vocht click to hear 2 ('liquid, fluid, juice') - vochtig click to hear 2 ('damp')
to search,
- zocht
- gezocht
click to hear 2
- Merchtem click to hear (a town in Belgium) - (het) voorgeborchte click to hear ('limbo') ‑>> - (de) burcht click to hear 2 3 4 ('castle, stronghold')
- duchtig click to hear 2 ('thorough, sound, good') - (het) gehucht click to hear 2 ('hamlet') - (de) lucht click to hear 2 ('air' // 'sky') - nuchter click to hear 2 3 ('rational, not emotional' // 'fasting,' empty stomach) - berucht click to hear 2 3 ('infamous') - (het) gerucht click to hear 2 ('rumor') - (de) vrucht click to hear / vruchten click to hear 2 ('fruit' / 'fruits') ‑>> - (de) zucht click to hear 2 3 4 5 ('sigh')
CHU  - ((de) Christelijk-Historische Unie - CHU click to hear 2 ('a former party of protestants))
CHUI  - zich uiten click to hear 2 3 ('to express yourself, to speak up') - zich uitspreken click to hear 2 3 ('to speak out, stating an opinion') - zich uitstrekken over click to hear 2 3 ('to span, extend over')
CHV  - (de) pechvogel click to hear 2 ([bad-luck bird] 'a person who has much bad luck') - vis noch vlees click to hear 2 (saying) (['neither fish or meat'] - English says 'fish nor fowl' - 'difficult to identify') - zich vervelen click to hear 2 ('to be bored') ‑>> - zich voelen click to hear ('~to feel') ‑>>
CHW  - zich wassen click to hear 2 ('to wash yourself, wash up')
CHZ  - zichzelf click to hear 2 ('yourself, oneself') ‑>> - zich zorgen maken click to hear 2 ('to worry') ‑>>

- ach! click to hear (exclamation) - (de) pech click to hear 2 3 ('bad luck') ‑>> - zich click to hear ('yourself, oneself') ‑>> - och! click to hear ('exclamation') - toch click to hear 2 ('still, yet, nevertheless' // 'anyway') ‑>> - (de) kuch click to hear 2 ('cough')
ACH  - ach click to hear (exlamation of pity or bad luck) - (de) acht click to hear ('8') - achtentachtig click to hear ('88') - (het) ambacht click to hear ('handicraft, trade') - (de) aandacht click to hear 2 ('attention') - hachelen click to hear ('to eat' greedily - old-fashioned slang) - (de) lach click to hear ('laugh') ‑>> - (de) glimlach click to hear 2 3 ('smile') - (het) lachje click to hear 2 ("small laugh") - (de) aanklacht click to hear 2 3 4 ('indictment,' official complaint or accusation) - (de) macht click to hear ('power') ‑>> - Machteld click to hear (a girls' name) - (de) nacht click to hear ('night') ‑>> - 's nachts click to hear 2 3 ('at night') - krampachtig click to hear 2 ('forced, frantic,' "not flowing") - (de) gracht click to hear ('city canal') - plural: - grachten click to hear 2 3 ('canals') - (de) vracht click to hear 2 3 ('cargo,' "load") - Drachten click to hear (a town) - (de) vacht click to hear 2 ('fur, pelt, fleece') - [(de)] wacht click to hear ('guard' // 'wait!') - Zacharias click to hear ('biblical name') - zacht click to hear / zachte click to hear 2 / zacht/zachte click to hear ('soft') ‑>>
ECH  - (de) echo click to hear 2 3 ('echo') - echt click to hear 2 3 / echte click to hear 2 / echt/echte click to hear 2 ('real') - echter click to hear 2 3 ('however, nevertheless, but, yet') ‑>> - slecht click to hear / slechte click to hear 2 / slecht/slechte click to hear 2 ('bad') ‑>> - Mechelen click to hear (a city in Belgium) - (de) knecht click to hear 2 ('servant') - (de) pech click to hear 2 ('bad luck') ‑>> - (de) pechvogel click to hear 2 ([bad-luck bird] 'a person who has much bad luck') - recht click to hear 2 ('straight') - rechts click to hear ('right' - not left) - (de) technicus click to hear 2 3 ('technician, engineer') - technici click to hear 2 3 ('technicians, engineers') - (het) gevecht click to hear 2 3 ('fight') - vechten click to hear 2 ('to fight') ‑>>
French CH: - (de) crèche click to hear ('children's daycare center')
EuhCH  - Annechien click to hear 2 / Lammechien click to hear 2 3 (girls' names)
ICH  - dicht click to hear / dichte click to hear ('closed') ‑>> - (de) dichter click to hear 2 ('poet') - (het) dichtertje click to hear ('little poet') - (de) jicht click to hear 2 3 ('gout') - (het) lichaam click to hear ('body') - lichamelijk click to hear / lichamelijke click to hear 2 ('bodily, physical') - (het) licht click to hear ('light') ‑>> - licht click to hear / lichte click to hear 2 3 ('light') ‑>> - (de) nicht click to hear / (het) nichtje click to hear ('niece'// 'cousin' - female) - spichtig click to hear 2 3 ('wispy, spidery') - (het) bericht click to hear ('message') - (de) richting click to hear 2 ('direction') - (de) richtlijn click to hear 2 3 ('directive') - schichtig click to hear 2 3 ('skittish, nervous, shy') - (de) stichting click to hear 2 ('foundation, corporation' // 'founding, start, creation, establishment') - Sticht click to hear (old name for the province of - Utrecht click to hear 2 3 4 - (de) wichelroede click to hear ('divining rod') - (het) gewicht click to hear ('weight') - (het) evenwicht click to hear 2 3 ('equilibrium, balance') - zich click to hear ('yourself, oneself') ‑>> - (het) zicht click to hear ('view' // 'visibility, viz') - (het) gezicht click to hear 2 ('face' // 'view') - (het) inzicht click to hear ('insight, undeerstanding')
IECH  - (de) biecht click to hear ('confession' - catholic) - (de) biechtvader click to hear 2 ('father confessor'- catholic) - giechelen click to hear 2 ('to giggle') - (de) smiecht click to hear 2 ('rogue' - Southern slang)
Hear also - YCH below
IJCH  The IJ of the town of Wijchen click to hear 2 is pronounced as EE, Dutch 'long I, IE' click to hear
KCH  French CH: - (de) kaakchirurg click to hear 2 ([jaw] 'oral surgeon')
LCH  - Walcheren click to hear 2 (former island in the province of Zeeland click to hear 2 ['Sea-land']) ‑>>
NCH  - melancholiek click to hear 2 ('melancholic') - Doetinchem click to hear (a town)
OCH  - och! click to hear ('exclamation') - Ochten click to hear 2 3 (a village) - (de) bocht click to hear 2 3 4 ('curve' in road) - (de) dochter click to hear ('daughter') - (de) achterdocht click to hear 2 3 ('suspicion, mistrust') - (het) joch click to hear ('an unpleasant boy') - Jochem click to hear (a boys' name) - Lochem click to hear (a town) - noch click to hear ('nor' - old-fashioned) - (de) pocher click to hear 2 ('boastful person') - (de) parochie click to hear 2 ('parish') - (het) wangedrocht click to hear 2 ('misshapen, disgusting monster') - 's ochtends click to hear 2 3 ('in the morning') - toch click to hear 2 ('still, yet, nevertheless' // 'anyway') ‑>> - (de) tocht click to hear ('a difficult journey or a military campaign' // a 'draft,' undesirable chilling airflow in a room') - (het) vocht click to hear 2 ('liquid, fluid, juice')
Hou toch op! click to hear 2 'Now stop that nonsense! Shut up! I'm sick and tired or your talking'
OOCH  - (de) goochelaar click to hear ('magician,' performer of magic tricks) - goochem click to hear ('clever, sensible' - slang) - wij loochenen click to hear 2 ('we deny the truth of, we disclaim')
OUCH  Frech CH, French OU: - (de) douche click to hear ('shower') - ik douche click to hear 2 ('I'm showering')
PCH  French CH: - een reep chocola click to hear 2 ('a bar of chocolate')
RCH  - Barchem click to hear 2 (a village) - Merchtem click to hear (a town in Belgium) - (het) archief click to hear ('archive') - (de) archipel click to hear 2 ('archipelago') - (het) voorgeborchte click to hear ('limbo') ‑>> - (de) burcht click to hear 2 3 4 ('castle, stronghold')
French CH: - (de) architect click to hear 2 3 ('architect')
SCH  - 't Is chronisch click to hear 2 ('It's chronical')
The CH in SCHR is pronounced as H, 'an aspiration,' breathing out, for instance: - schrijven click to hear 2 3 ('to write' ‑>>)
more about SCHR

from the SCH page:
- (het) schap click to hear ('shelf' - in a shop) - (het) schaap click to hear ('sheep' - 1) - (de) schep click to hear ('shovel, spade // scoop') - (het) scheepje click to hear ('small ship') - (het) schip click to hear ('ship') - schier click to hear 2 3 4 5 ('almost' - old-fashioned) - (de) schop click to hear ('shovel, spade // a kick') - (de) school click to hear ('school') - (de) schurk click to hear 2 3 ('rogue') - (de) schuur click to hear 2 ('large shed,' like on a farm) - (de) schout click to hear 2 ('Medieval city official: judge & police chief) - scheiding click to hear ('separation, divorce') - (de) scheur click to hear ('a tear, a rip') - (de) schoen click to hear ('shoe') - schuin click to hear 2 ('diagonally, slanted')

TCH  - Potchefstroom click to hear (a town in South Africax) - het chemisch jaarboekje click to hear 2 ('chemical almanac')
French CH: - (het) sketchje click to hear 2 ('short comedy piece, skit')
UCH  - duchtig click to hear 2 ('thorough, sound, good') - (de) hucht click to hear 2 3 ('hill' -or- 'slope, incline' - dialect) - (het) gehucht click to hear 2 ('hamlet') - (de) kuch click to hear 2 ('cough') - (het) kuchje click to hear 2 3 ('small cough') - (de) lucht click to hear 2 ('air' // 'sky') - vlucht click to hear ('flight' // 'escape') - vluchten click to hear ('to flee // to escape') - (de) vluchteling click to hear 2 ('refugee') - nuchter click to hear 2 3 ('rational, not emotional' // 'fasting,' empty stomach) - berucht click to hear 2 3 ('infamous') - (het) gerucht click to hear 2 ('rumor') - (de) vrucht click to hear / vruchten click to hear 2 ('fruit' / 'fruits') ‑>> - (de) zucht click to hear 2 3 4 5 ('sigh')
UICH  - (de) huichelaar click to hear 2 3 ('hypocrite') - juichen click to hear ('to cheer')
all-French: - (de) quiche click to hear quiche
YCH  - (de) psychiater (psy-chi-) click to hear ('psychiatrist') - psychisch click to hear 2 3 4 ('psychological, mental') - (de) psycholoog click to hear 2 ('psychologist') - Wychert click to hear 2 (a boys' name)

French CH repeated

Some Common Dutch Words with French CH: (A sound like this French CH is found in the Dutch word - (de) sjouwer click to hear (a worker carrying building material))
- (de) architect click to hear 2 3 ('architect') - (de) broche click to hear ('brooch') - (het) cachet click to hear 2 ('~class') - (de) capuchon click to hear ('hood') - chagerijnig click to hear 2 - also said as: - sagerijnig click to hear 2 ('in a bad mood') - champignons click to hear ('"button" mushrooms') - (de) chantage click to hear 2 ('blackmail') - chanteren click to hear 2 ('to blackmail') - Charlot click to hear / Charlotte click to hear (girls' names) - (de) charme click to hear ('charm') - charmant click to hear ('charming') - (de) chauffeur click to hear 2 ('driver' - car, bus, truck) - (de) buschauffeur click to hear 2 3 ('bus driver') - (de) chef click to hear 2 ('boss, manager, supervisor') - chef-kok click to hear 2 ('chef') - cheque click to hear ('check' - money transfer) - (de) chimpanzee click to hear ('chimpanzee') - China click to hear ('China' - the country) - (de) Chinees click to hear 2 ('Chinese person') - (de) chirurg click to hear ('surgeon') - (de) chocola click to hear ('chocolate') - (het) chocolaatje click to hear 2 ('piece of chocolate') - (de) chocolademelk click to hear 2 3 ('chocolate milk') - (de) warme chocola click to hear 2 3 4 5 ('hot chocolate') - (de) crèche click to hear ('children's daycare center') - (de) douche click to hear ('shower') - ik douche click to hear 2 ('I'm showering') - (de) gouache click to hear ('gouache') - (de) kaakchirurg click to hear 2 ([jaw] 'oral surgeon') - (de) machine click to hear 2 ('machine') - (de) boormachine click to hear ('electric drill') - (de) grasmachine click to hear 2 ('lawn mower') - nietmachines click to hear ('staplers') - (de) afwasmachine click to hear 2 ('dishwasher') - (het) machientje click to hear 2 3 4 ('small machine, gadget') - manchet click to hear ('cuff') - manchetknopen click to hear ('cufflinks') - (de) marechaussee ('military police') - de marechaussee werd ingezet click to hear 2 3 4 ('the military police was deployed') - (de) quiche click to hear quiche - een reep chocola click to hear 2 ('a bar of chocolate') - Richard click to hear 2 (a boys' name) - (het) sketchje click to hear 2 ('short comedy piece, skit')

Major Exceptions to the Phonetic Spelling of Dutch:
- Page 1:   een   -IG   -ISCH   -LIJK  
- Page 2:   -B   -D   SCHR   -TIE   UW   WR

Hear the Dutch Letters in Hundreds of Words:
 AU/OU  CH  E  EI/IJ  EU  F  G  H  L  OE  SCH  U  UI  W  X  Y

'Master Lists' of Dutch words: Dutch to English - English to Dutch

'Basic' Dutch Words - Pictures Dictionary - Words by Subject - Easy Dutch - Phrases and Conversation Templates - Names - Place Names - verbs

email - Copyright © Marco Schuffelen 2022. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, redistributed, or hotlinked to.
Gij zult niet stelen click to hear 'Thou shalt not steal'