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Dutch G - Skip General Series Introduction

Pronunciation: Hear for Yourself

Do take my words for it
Too many examples! Listen just to what looks interesting or useful to you. That's the beauty of a free website - you can just skip what you don't need without feeling bad that you paid for something that's of no use to you. Listen to as many or as few examples as you want. Look for words that may be useful to you. - Can there be too many examples for you students to listen to?
Pay special attention to letters, letter combinations and sounds that you don't have in your own language
These pronunciation pages are not meant for learning vocabulary. The English translations may lack in precision. But if you like, follow the occasional links ‑>> to explanation, examples of usage and/or related words.
Learning Vocabulary

Adjectives in most positions get an -E  ending ‑>>
Several words appear twice on the page. I do not have an infinite number of recordings, and some combinations of letters are rarely or never found in Dutch.

Spelling and Pronunciation

Dutch spelling/pronunciation rules say that: So (de) man click to hear 2 ('man, human adult male) has the plural mannen (man-nen) click to hear 2 while (de) maan click to hear 2 ('moon') has the plural manen (ma-nen) click to hear 2 3

'Long' and 'short' are traditional terms. The difference is actually more of tone than length
More about spelling and pronunciation - another version
Learn the Rules by Studying and Listening to Examples

Major Exceptions to the Phonetic Spelling of Dutch:
- Page 1:   een   -IG   -ISCH   -LIJK  
- Page 2:   -B   -D   SCHR   -TIE   UW   WR

Hear the Dutch Letters in Hundreds of Words:
 AU/OU  CH  E  EI/IJ  EU  F  G  H  L  OE  SCH  U  UI  W  X  Y

'Master Lists' of Dutch words: Dutch to English - English to Dutch

G in Dutch

  Intro 1: Just Listen to a few G's  
  The Dutch G  
  G and CH  
  Intro 2: Single Examples of the Combinations  
  Hear The Many Examples  
  French G's  

Introduction 1: Just Listen to a few G's

(de) G click to hear 2 3 4
Listen to a few Dutch G's: just listen, don't worry about meaning. Worry about verbs another day.

Geen groter genoegen click to hear no greater pleasure, the greatest enjoyment Graag gedaan! click to hear ['a pleasure to have done'] - you're welcome, 'my pleasure' De gong ging click to hear 2 3 4 5 The gong [went] sounded - the program will start soon

to come I come we come I came we came I have come
to give geven ik geef wij geven ik gaf wij gaven ik heb gegeven click to hear 2 - ‑>>
to start, begin beginnen ik begin wij beginnen ik begon wij begonnen ik ben begonnen click to hear 2 3 ‑>>
to get krijgen ik krijg wij krijgen ik kreeg wij kregen ik heb gekregen click to hear 2 - ‑>>
to lie down liggen ik lig wij liggen ik lag wij lagen ik heb gelegen click to hear - ‑>>
to lay down leggen ik leg wij leggen ik legde wij legden ik heb gelegd click to hear 2 - ‑>>
to lie, say what's not liegen ik lieg wij liegen ik loog wij logen ik heb gelogen click to hear
to understand (ideas) begrijpen ik begrijp wij begrijpen ik begreep wij begrepen ik heb begrepen click to hear - ‑>>

The Dutch G

I don't have much practical advice to give on how to produce the sound of the Dutch G (clearing or scraping your throat?) but on this page you can hear hundreds of examples of the Dutch G, in combination with the other letters - try saying them after me, and record yourself or ask a friend to compare how you say it with how I say it. There are usually several sound files with small variations in pronunciation - just choose the one that sounds best to you to follow as a model.
Probably, some word combinations are more difficult than others - look for easier ones to start with.

[The Dutch Big Rivers] This page is about how the G is pronounced in the Northern part of the Netherlands  (Nederland click to hear 2 - 'Holland' ‑>>) - boven de grote rivieren click to hear 2 3 ([above] 'North of the big rivers.') In the Southern part of the country and in Dutch-speaking Belgium the G (and CH) are pronounced differently. It's called the Zachte G click to hear 2 3 ('soft G.') Hear a few of my attempts to imitate the Zachte G click to hear 2 3 on my Regional G page - see also below
larger map
There is no sound like the Dutch G in English or French, but it is like J in European Spanish, and there is a sound much like it in Hebrew and Arabic, and I'm told in Persian too. English, German and French have a different G, a 'hard G' like in English AGO and BEGIN, and French also has a second type of G - see G in Words from French below. German has a sound that is a bit like Dutch G or CH, for instance in the name 'Bach'

G and CH

The Dutch G and CH do not sound exactly the same, but the difference is small. Beginning students shouldn't worry about it.
- the CH Page

Hear for yourself:
- lachen click to hear 2 ('to laugh') ‑>> - vlaggen click to hear 2 ('flags')
- vlaggen / lachen / licht / ligt click to hear 2
- [(het)] licht click to hear ('light' // 'light') - je ligt click to hear 2 3 4 5 ('you're lying down') - je licht click to hear 2 3 4 5 ('your (bike) light')
- [(de)] echt click to hear 2 3 ('real, really' // 'marriage') - je legt click to hear 2 3 4 ('you are laying down')
- wij loochenen click to hear 2 ('we deny the truth of, we disclaim') - wij logen click to hear 2 3 ('we lied')
- (de) lach click to hear ('laugh') - ik lach click to hear 2 ('I'm laughing') - ik lag click to hear 2 3 4 5 6 ('I was lying down')
- zich click to hear ('yourself, oneself') ‑>> - (de) big click to hear ('young pig')
- walgelijk click to hear 2 3 ('disgusting') - Walcheren click to hear 2 (former island in the province of Zeeland click to hear 2 ['Sea-land']

The difference between CH and G may be more pronounced in the Limburg dialect - when I try to imitate that the CH and G seem to be more clearly different:
Standard (Northern) Dutch: zich geven click to hear 2
My attemtpts at Limburg dialect: zich geven click to hear 2
'Zich geven'  - 'giving yourself' means something like 'to dedicate yourself to a noble goal'

See also: the SCH page

Introduction 2: Single Examples of the Combinations

the: de click to hear 2 / het click to hear 2 3 - 't click to hear ->>
Plurals always take 'de'
a: (een) - 'n click to hear / one: één click to hear 2 3

Single Examples of Letters Combined with G
- gammel click to hear 2 3 ('unwell, rickety') - ga! click to hear 2 ('go!') - gauw click to hear 2 ('quick, soon') - (de) hoogbouw click to hear 2 3 4 ('high-rise buildings') - (het) wegdek click to hear 2 3 ('road surface, American pavement') - gekke click to hear 2 ('crazy, insane') - geel click to hear 2 3 4 ('yellow') - gevaar click to hear ('danger') - gezellig click to hear 2 3 (untranslatable ‑>>) 'pleasant, nice, enjoyable, gregarious, cosy') - (de) geit click to hear 2 ('goat') - (de) geur click to hear 2 3 4 ('smell, odor') - (de) ligfiets click to hear 2 3 ('recumbent bicycle') - hooghartig click to hear 2 ('haughty, arrogant') - (de) gil click to hear 2 ('shriek') - (de) gierst click to hear 2 ('millet') - gij click to hear 2 (Flemish 'you') - (het) pleegkind click to hear ('foster child') - (het) glas click to hear 2 ('glass' // 'a glass') - (het) fragment click to hear ('fragment, small piece of ...') - (de) magneet click to hear 2 ('magnet') - magnifiek (from French) click to hear ("magnificent") - golven click to hear 2 ('waves') - (de) goot click to hear 2 ('gutter') - goed click to hear 2 3 ('good, well, correct etc.) - (het) goud click to hear 2 ('gold') - (het) bergpad click to hear ('mountain') path, trail - groot click to hear 2 3 4 5 ('large, tall, big, great') - (de) oogst click to hear ('harvest') - (de) leegte click to hear 2 3 4 5 6 7 ('emptiness' - usually figuratively) - gul click to
  hear / gul/gulle click to hear ('generous, cordial') - guur click to hear 2 3 ('inclement,' 'very bad, very unpleasant, harsh' - weather) (de) guit click to hear ('rascal') - (het) vliegveld click to hear 2 ('airport') - (de) wegwijzer click to hear ('road sign' giving directions) - (de/het) gym click to hear 2 3 (1. 'gym, sports' 2. '"Latin" secondary school' 3. 'gym and sports hall' - (de) rugzak click to hear 2 ('back-[bag]-pack')

- (de) dag click to hear 2 ('day') - (de) dagen click to hear 2 ('days') - (de) augurk click to hear 2 ('pickle') - ik heb gegeten click to hear ('I have eaten') - (het) aardgas click to hear 2 ('natural gas') - (de) heg click to hear ('hedge') - (het) deeg click to hear ('dough') - (het) begin click to hear ('start, beginning') - (het) eigeel click to hear ([egg-yellow] 'egg yolk') - (de) jeugd click to hear 2 ('youth') - gifgroen click to hear 2 3 4 5 ('"poison" green' - very bright) - romig click to hear 2 3 4 ('creamy') - (de) big click to hear ('young pig') - (de) spiegel click to hear 2 ('mirror') - krijgen click to hear ('to get, receive' - without effort ‑>> - (de) buikgriep click to hear 2 ('stomach flu, food poioning') - (het) gevolg click to hear ('result, effect, consequence') - (de) omgeving click to hear ('environment') - (de) ringvinger click to hear ('ring finger') - ongeluk click to hear 2 ('accident') - de oorlog click to hear ('the war') - (het) oog click to hear 2 ('eye') - genoeg click to hear ('enough') - opgelet! click to hear 2 3 4 ('pay attention!') - erg click to hear ('very' // 'bad') - (het) knoopsgat click to hear ('buttonhole') - (de) uitgang click to hear 2 ('exit') - (de) rug click to hear ('back' - body part) - spugen click to hear 2 ('to spit,' // 'to vomit, throw up') - (de) getuige click to hear ('witness') - (de) hygiëne click to hear 2 3 ('hygiene')

Two types of French G:
- (de) energie click to hear 2 ('energy') - (de) guerilla click to hear 2 ('guerilla')

Hear Many Words with G

The 'first series' is grouped by the letter after the G's, the 'second series' is grouped by the letter before the G's:

- G first series: GA-GZ - G second series: AG-YG

the: de click to hear 2 / het click to hear 2 3 - 't click to hear ->>
Plurals always take 'de'
a: (een) - 'n click to hear / one: één click to hear 2 3

Repeat the words after me, try saying them like I do, and record yourself or ask a friend to compare how you say them with how I say them.Try to bring your pronunciation of the words closer and closer to how I say them. Use as few or as many examples as you like.

GA  - (de) gabber click to hear ('friend, comrade' - slang) - gaf click to hear ('gave' singular simple past of 'geven') - (het) gajes click to hear ('bad people' - slang) - (de) gal click to hear 2 ('gall') - (de) galg click to hear 2 3 4 ('gallows') - (het) gambiet click to hear ('gambit' - chess etc.) - gammel click to hear 2 3 ('unwell, rickety') - (de) gang click to hear ('corridor // movement') - gangbaar click to hear 2 3 ('valid, current, accepted') - (de) gans click to hear ('goose') - (de) garage click to hear (2nd G French - 'car housing // car repair workshop') - (de) garantie click to hear ('warranty') - (de) garde click to hear ('whisk' // 'guard') - (de) garnaal click to hear ('shrimp, lobster') - (het) gas click to hear 2 ('gas' - not a solid, not a liquid) - (de) gast click to hear 2 ('guest') - (het) gat click to hear ('hole') - (de) gazelle click to hear 2 ('gazelle' - also a Dutch bicycle brand)
GAA  - ga! click to hear 2 ('go!') - gaaf click to hear 2 3 / gaaf/gave click to hear 2 3 4 ('undamaged, unblemished, perfect, flawless') - [(de)] gave click to hear 2 ('undamaged' etc. // 'gift, talent') - gaan click to hear ('to go') ‑>> - ga jij? click to hear 2 ('are you going?' - to an event etc.) - gaar click to
  hear / gare click to hear 2 ('ready' - cooked) - (het) garen click to hear ('thread') - (het) gaas click to hear ('wire netting') - (het) gaatje click to hear ('small hole, cavity') - gaten click to hear 2 3 ('holes')
- Gabriël click to hear 2 (a boys' name)
GAU  - gauw click to hear 2 ('quick, soon') - Tot gauw! click to hear ('See you soon!') - Kom gauw! click to hear 2 3 ('Come quick!') - in de gauwigheid click to hear ('in the rush of things, because I had to act quickly')
also hear GOU - below
GB  - (het) ligbad click to hear 2 3 ([lying-down bath] - 'bathtub') - (het) dagboek click to hear 2 ('diary') - (de) slagboom click to hear 2 3 ('barrier, gate' - at borders and railroad crossings) - (de) dreigbrief click to hear 2 3 ('threatening letter') - (de) hoogbouw click to hear 2 3 4 ('high-rise buildings') - terugbrengen click to hear 2 (to bring back - 'to return')
- Egbert click to hear (a boys' name) - Egberts click to hear (a family name) - Wigbold click to hear (a boys' name) - Wigbout click to hear (a boys' name)
GD  - afgevaardigden click to hear 2 ('representatives') - afgezaagd click to hear 2 3 4 5 ('sawed off, cut off' - past participle - but often figuratively: 'boring, not original, heard too often already') - jaagde click to hear 2 (simple past tense singular of jagen  'to hunt' // 'to hurry' - vehicular) - geslaagd click to hear 2 / geslaagde click to hear ('succesfull' // past participle of slagen  'to pass an exam' // 'to succeed, have success' ‑>> - (het) wegdek click to hear 2 3 ('road surface, American pavement') - "Ik heb gezegd" click to hear 2 ('I have spoken' - I'm done speaking // 'I have said') - (het) gezegde click to hear ('saying' ‑>> // 'the predicate' - grammar) - (de) jeugd click to hear 2 ('youth') - (de) voogd click to hear 2 ('guardian' of a child) - (het) zoogdier click to hear ('mammal')
- Magda click to hear 2 (a girls' name)
GE  - [(de)] gek click to hear ('crazy, insane' // 'crazy person') - gekke click to hear 2 / gek/gekke click to hear 2 ('crazy, insane') - (de) gekkigheid click to hear 2 3 ('silliness, craziness') - (het) geld click to hear ('money') - gelden click to hear 2 ('to count as, weigh // - to be applicable') - geldig click to hear 2 ('valid') - (de) gember click to hear ('ginger') - (het) gen click to hear ('gene') - Germaans click to hear 2 3 ('Germanic') ‑>> - (de) gerst click to hear 2 ('barley')
- Ger click to hear (a boys' name) - Gerben click to hear (a boys' name) - Gert click to hear (a boys' name)
- Zottegem click to hear (a town in Belgium)
GEE  - geel click to hear 2 3 4 - gele click to hear 2 ('yellow') - geen click to hear ('no,' - not any, zero quantity) ‑>> - (de) geest click to hear ('spirit, ghost') - (de) geeuw click to hear ('yawn') - genen click to hear ('genes') - (de) generaal click to hear 2 ('general') - (de) geoloog click to hear ('geologist') - geven click to hear 2 ('to give')
- click to hear (a boys' name) - Geert click to hear (a boys' name) - Gerard click to hear (a boys' name) - Geesje click to hear (a girls' name) - Geeske click to hear 2 (a girls' name)
GE (uh)  - ge click to hear ('Flemish 'you'') - geavanceerd click to hear 2 ('advanced') - (het) gebak click to hear ('pastry') - (het) gebakje click to hear ('piece of pastry') - (het) gebaar click to hear ('gesture') - (het) gebed click to hear 2 3 ('prayer') - gebeden click to hear 2 ('prayers') - (het) gebit click to hear 2 3 ('teeth') - (het) gebied click to hear 2 ('area') - (het) gebod click to hear 2 ('commandment') - geboden click to hear 2 3 ('commandments') - (het) gebouw click to hear 2 ('building') - (het) gebrek click to hear 2 ('lack, shortage') - gecompliceerd click to hear 2 3 ('complicated') - (het) gedrag click to hear 2 3 ('behavior') - geëerd click to hear 2 ('honored, respected') - gefeliciteerd! click to hear 2 ('congratulations!') - (het) gegeven click to hear 2 ('given, fact, information') - gegevens click to hear 2 ('data') - gegleden click to hear ('slid' - past participle of - glijden click to hear 2 - 'to slide') - (het) gehakt click to hear ('ground beef or pork') - gehaast click to hear 2 3 ('hurried') - [(het)] geheel click to hear ('entirely, completely' // 'entirety') - [(het)] geheim click to hear 2 ('secret') - (het) geheugen click to hear 2 3 ('memory' - the brain faculty) - (het) gehoor click to hear ('hearing,' the sense of hearing // 'audience') - geïnteresseerd click to hear ('interested') - gekneusd click to hear 2 3 ('bruised') - gekookt click to hear 2 ('boiled, cooked') - gelaten click to hear 2 ('resigned' // past participle of laten click to hear - 'to allow, let') ‑>> - (het) geluid click to hear ('sound') - gelukkig click to hear 2 / gelukkige click to hear 2 ('lucky, luckily' // 'happy' - old-fashioned) - (de) gemeenschap click to hear 2 ('community, society') - (de) genade click to hear 2 ('mercy') - geopend click to hear ('opened, open') - gepast geld click to hear 2 ([fitting money] 'exact change') - geregeld click to hear 2 3 ('regular, regularly' // past participle of regelen click to hear 2 'to arrange') - (het) gerucht click to hear 2 ('rumor') - (het) geschenk click to hear 2 ('gift, present') - gescheurd click to hear ('ripped, torn') - (de) geschiedenis click to hear ('hostory') - geschokt click to hear 2 ('shocked') - geslaagd click to hear 2 ('passed an exam' // 'successfull, met expectations') - [(het]) geslacht click to hear ('gender, sex' // 'butchered') - (het) getal click to hear 2 ('number') - (het) getij click to hear 2 3 ('tide') - (de) getuige click to hear 2 ('witness') - geuit (ge-uit) click to hear 2 ('expressed, voiced') - (het) gevecht click to hear 2 3 ('fight' - physical) - (het) gevolg click to hear ('result, consequence') - (het) gewicht click to hear ('weight') - gewichtig click to hear ('self-important') - (het) gewricht click to hear 2 ('joint' - bones connection point) - (het) gezag click to hear 2 3 ('authority') - (het) gezegde click to hear ('saying' ‑>> // 'the predicate,' - what is said in a sentence about the subject) - gezellig click to hear 2 3 (untranslatable ‑>>) 'pleasant, nice, enjoyable, gregarious, cosy') - (het) gezelschap click to hear 2 ('company') - (het) gezicht click to hear 2 ('face' // 'view')
GEI  also hear GIJ below - (de) gein click to hear ('fun' - slang) - (het) geintje click to hear ('practical joke, something funny') - geinig click to hear 2 ('funny, entertaining') - (de) geit click to hear 2 ('goat')
GEU  - (de) geul click to hear 2 3 4 ('channel, groove, trench') - (de) geur click to hear 2 3 4 ('smell, odor') - geurig click to hear 2 ('having a noticeable nice smell') - (het) geurtje click to hear 2 3 ([little] 'smell, scent,' usually perfume, cologne) - (de) Geus click to hear ('Dutch 16th Century rebel against Spanish rule) - Geuzen click to hear 2 (Dutch 'minutemen, revolutionaries')
- Geurt click to hear (a boys' name)
GF  - (de) ligfiets click to hear 2 3 ('recumbent bicycle') - Agfa click to hear 2 (former? German photography brand) - ragfijn click to hear 2 3 ([fine like a spider's web] - 'very subtle')
GH  - (de) waaghals click to hear 2 ('daredevil') - gezaghebbend click to hear ('authoritative, carrying authority') - leeghalen click to hear 2 3 ('to empty') - (de) gekkigheid click to hear 2 3 ('silliness, craziness') - (de) narigheid click to hear 2 3 ('unpleasantness, trouble') - (het) kleinigheidje click to hear 2 3 ('little thing' - usually a small gift) - hooghartig click to hear 2 ('haughty, arrogant') - terughoudend click to hear 2 3 ([holding back] - 'reserved, aloof, detached')
- Hooghoudt click to hear 2 3 4 (a family name) - Willighagen click to hear 2 (a family name)
GI  - (de) gids click to hear ('guide') - (het) vergif click to hear 2 ('poison') - (het) gifgas click to hear 2 ('poison gas') - gifgroen click to hear 2 3 4 5 ('"poison" green' - very bright) - (de) gil click to hear 2 ('shriek') - gillen click to hear 2 3 ('to shriek, ~yell') - ginnegappen click to hear ('to giggle, snigger') - gissen click to hear 2 ('to guess') - gisteren click to hear ('yesterday')
GIE  - giechelen click to hear 2 ('to giggle') - gigantisch click to hear 2 ('gigantic') - (de) giek click to hear 2 ('boom' - sailboat part) - (de) gier click to hear 2 3 4 ('vulture' - a bird) - (de) gierst click to hear 2 ('millet') - (de) gitaar click to hear ('guitar') - gieten click to hear 2 ('to pour') - (de) gieter click to hear ('watering can')
- De Straat van Gibraltar click to hear 2 ('The Straits of Gibraltar')
GIJ  also hear GEI above - gij click to hear 2 (Flemish 'you') - Gijs click to hear 2 (a boys' name)
GK  - (het) pleegkind click to hear ('foster child') - (de) verpleegkundige click to hear ('nurse' - formal) - (de) brugklas click to hear ('bridging grade' - first year of secondary school) - terugkomen click to hear 2 ('to return, come back') - enig kind click to hear ('only child')
GL  - glad click to hear / gladde click to hear ('slippery') - (de) gladiool/gladiolen click to hear ('gladiolus/gladioli' - a flower) - (het) glas click to hear 2 ('glass' // 'a glass') - glazen click to hear ('glasses' - for drinking // 'made of glass') - glas / glazen click to hear ('glass' / 'glasses') - (het) glaasje click to hear ('small glass') - glibberig click to hear 2 3 4 ('slippery') - (het) ooglid click to hear 2 3 ('eyelid') - (de) glimlach click to hear 2 3 ('smile') - (de) glijbaan click to hear ('slide') - glijden click to hear 2 ('to slide') - gloednieuw click to hear 2 3 ([glowing-] 'brand-new') - gluren click to hear 2 ('to leer,' watch secretly)
GM  - (het) magma click to hear 2 3 ('hot, liquid rock') - (het) fragment click to hear ('fragment, small piece of ...') - leegmaken click to hear 2 ('to empty') - (het) dogma click to hear 2 ('dogma') - dogmatisch click to hear ('dogmatic') - graag mogen click to hear 2 3 ('to like' - people, 'get on well with' ‑>> - weg met ...! click to hear 2 3 4 ('down with ...! do away with ...! kick out ...!') ‑>>
- Egmond click to hear 2 (a town // Dutch revolutionary, executed by the Spanish) - (het) Wogmeer click to hear 2 ('an old polder') - Brugman click to hear 2 (16th Century motivational speaker')
GN  - (de) gnoe click to hear 2 ('gnu,' "wildebeest") - (de) magneet click to hear 2 ('magnet') - (het) magnesium click to hear ('magnesium, Mg' - a metal) - (de) magnetron click to hear ('microwave oven') - (de) magnolia click to hear 2 ('magnolia' - a tree) - (de) zuignap click to hear ('suction cup') - nog niet click to hear 2 3 ('not yet') - nog nooit click to hear 2 ('never yet, still not') - vraag niet waarom click to hear 2 ('do not ask why') - onderweg naar click to hear 2 3 ('on the way to') - op weg naar click to hear 2 3 ('on the way to')
- Agnes click to hear (a girls' name) - Digna click to hear (a girls' name)
French GN
In a few words from French GN is pronounced as N-Consonant-Y, Dutch NJ like in (de) franje click to hear 2 3 ('ornamental fringe' - also figuratively) ('Franje' is one of the very few words ending in -JE that is not a 'het'-word. It's not a diminutive.) - signaal click to hear 2 ('a signal') - signaleren click to hear 2 ('to notice') - magnifiek click to hear ("magnificent") - vignet click to hear 2 ("certificate") - appelbeignet click to hear ('a type of apple cake')
The pronunciation of the word for the common mushrooms that you buy in a store was simplified (like in French) champignons click to hear ('button mushrooms') With some difficulty I can say champiGNons click to hear (exaggerated!)
GO  - (de) god click to hear ('god') ‑>> - gokken click to hear ('to gamble') - (gold click to hear 2) - 't gold click to hear 2 3 ('it was valid, it counted, it counted as') - (de) golf click to hear 2 ('wave') - golven click to hear 2 ('waves') - (het) gordijn click to hear 2 3 ('curtain') - gorgelen click to hear 2 3 ('to gargle')
- Godfried click to hear (a boys' name) - Gonnie click to hear (a girls' name) - Hillegom click to hear 2 (a town)
GOO  - goden click to hear 2 3 ('gods') - (de) godin click to hear ('goddess') - (de) goochelaar click to hear 2 ('magician' - entertainer) - goochem click to hear ('smart' - slang) - gooien click to hear ('to throw') - (de) goot click to hear 2 ('gutter') - (de) gootsteen click to hear ('kitchen sink') - (het) ego click to hear 2 3 ('ego')
- Govert click to hear (a boys' name)
GOE  - goed click to hear 2 3 / goede click to hear / goedgoede click to hear ('good, well, correct etc.) ‑>> - goedkoop click to hear 2 3 / goedkope click to hear 2 3 ('cheap, not expensive') ‑>> - goede gaven click to hear ([good] 'kind, welcome gifts') - goed genoeg click to hear 2 3 ('good enough') - 'n goede gelegenheid click to hear 2 3 ('a good opportunity') - Bargoens click to hear 2 ('~slang')
- Goes click to hear (a town)
GOU  also hear AU above - (het) goud click to hear 2 ('gold') ‑>> 2 - gouden click to hear ('golden') - (de) goudmijn click to hear 2 ('goldmine') - (de) pleegouders click to hear ('foster parents')
- Gouke click to hear (a boys' name) - Gouda click to hear 2 ('a city') - Goudse kaas click to hear ('Gouda cheese')
- De Gouw click to hear 2 (a family name) - Henegouwen click to hear (Belgian province)
GP  - (het) bergpad click to hear ('mountain') path, trail - (de) opslagplaats click to hear 2 3 ('storage area') - Dag Peter click to hear 2 ('Goodbye/Hello Peter') - Zalig Pasen! click to hear 2 3 ('Blessed Easter!')
GR  - graag click to hear 2 ("~I'd like that") - ja graag! click to hear 2 ('yes, please!') - grachten click to hear 2 3 ('city canals') - (het) grapje click to hear 2 3 ('joke') - (het) gras click to hear 2 ('grass') - (de) graad click to hear 2 3 4 ('degree') / graden click to hear ('degrees') - (de) graat click to hear 2 ('fish bone') / graten click to hear 2 3 ('fish bones') - (de) grafiek click to hear 2 3 ('graph' - math) - graven click to hear 2 3 ('to dig' // 'graves') - grazen click to hear 2 ('to graze,' - cows, sheep eating grass) - (de) grens click to hear ('border') - (de) grensrechter click to hear 2 ('side ref' - soccer) - (de) greep click to hear 2 3 ('grip, hold, grasp, grab') - gretig click to hear 2 3 ('eager') - Greuze click to hear (tulip name - in the name of the French painter the G is different) - grillig click to hear ('whimsical, unpredictable' // of irregular shape) - grimmig click to hear 2 ('grisly, grim') - (het) grind click to hear ('gravel, pebbles') - Griekenland click to hear ('Greece') - (de) griep click to hear 2 ('the flu, influenza') - griezelig click to hear 2 3 4 ('scary, frightening, spine-chilling') - grijnzen click to hear 2 ('to grin') - grijpen click to hear ('to grab, catch, get hold of') ‑>> - grijs click to hear 2 / grijze click to hear 2 ('grey, gray') - (de) grond click to hear 2 3 ('soil, ground, earth' // 'floor, bottom') - (de) groei click to hear 2 ('growth') - groeien click to hear 2 3 ('to grow') - groen click to hear 2 3 / groene click to hear 2 3 4 ('green') - (de) groente click to hear ('vegetables') ‑>> - grommen click to hear 2 ('to growl' // 'to grumble') - (de) grot click to hear ('cave') - grotten click to hear ('caves') - grof click to hear ('coarse+') / grove click to hear 2 3 4 ('coarse+') - groot click to hear 2 3 4 5 / grote click to hear 2 / groot/grote click to hear 2) ('large, tall, big, great') ‑>> - (de) grootgrutter click to hear 2 (large grocery chain store - jocular) - grote grutten! click to hear 2 3 ('good grief!') - (de) slagroom click to hear 2 3 4 5 6 ('whipping cream, whipped cream') - (het) grut click to hear ('small children' - jocular) - (de) grutter click to hear 2 ('grocer, grocery store' - jocular) - gruwelen click to hear ('horrors // to be horrified') - gruwelijk click to hear ('gruesome, horrible') - gruzelementen click to hear ('smithereens')
- (de) visgraat click to hear 2 3 4 ('fish bone') - muisgrijs click to hear 2 3 ('mouse-grey')
- grijs en grauw click to hear ('colorless, not bright')
- grillen en grollen click to hear (a person's "peculiarities," odd behavior)
- Greetje click to hear (a girls' name) - Grietje click to hear (a girls' name)
GS  - 's middags click to hear ('in the afternoon') - hedendaags click to hear 2 ('modern, of the present') - (de) krijgsgevangene click to hear 2 ('prisoner-of-war') - (de) krijgsraad click to hear 2 (1. 'military court of justice' 2. 'wartime top military council') - (de) weegschaal click to hear ('scale') - (de) boogschutter click to hear 2 ('archer, Sagittarius') - (de) oogst click to hear ('harvest') - hoogstens click to hear 2 ('at most') - (de) verpleegster click to hear 2 3 ('nurse' - female) - (de) draagstoel click to hear ([carried-] 'sedan chair') - in oorlogstijd click to hear 2 ('during wartime') - enigszins click to hear 2 3 4 ('somewhat')
- nog steeds click to hear 2 3 ('still')
- Krijgsman click to hear 2 (a family name)
GT  - m'n vrouw zegt dat ... click to hear ('my wife says that ...') - hij zegt maar wat click to hear 2 3 4 ('he says just something' - he doesn't know what he's talking about) - (de) leegte click to hear 2 3 4 5 6 7 ('emptiness' - usually figuratively) - (de) hoogte click to hear 2 ('height') - (het) hoogtepunt click to hear 2 3 ('high point, summit, zenith') - (de) hoogtevrees click to hear 2 ('fear of heighths') - hoogtijdagen click to hear 2 ([days of high tide] - 'heyday') - (het) gebergte click to hear 2 ('mountains, mountain range') - (de) terugtraprem click to hear 2 3 4 ('backpedal brake') - terugtrekken click to hear 2 3 ('to pull back, retreat') - (het) vliegtuig click to hear 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ('airplane')
- 't Is hoog tijd click to hear 2 ('It is [high] about time') - Zegt 't voort click to hear 2 ('Everybody - pass it on' - the word - a plural imperative) ‑>> - Wat zegt U? click to hear 2 3 ('What [do] did you say?' - poliote 'you')
GU  - gul click to
  hear / gul/gulle click to hear ('generous, cordial') - (de) gulden click to hear ('guilder,' pre-Euro Dutch monetary unit and coin) - (de) gulp click to hear ('fly, zipper') - (het) gum click to hear ('eraser') - gunnen click to hear 2 ('to grant, allow') - ik gun click to hear 2 ('~I don't begrudge') - (de) gunst click to hear ('favor') - (de) augurk click to hear 2 ('pickle') - (de) yoghurt click to hear 2 ('yogurt') - augustus click to hear ('August') - (de) guts click to hear ('gouge' - woodworking tool
GUU  - guur click to hear 2 3 ('inclement,' 'very bad, very unpleasant, harsh' - weather) - onguur click to hear 2 3 ('unsavory,' making a very unpleasant impression - said of people) - (de/het) figuur click to hear ('figure' - graphic representation // 'person')
- Guus click to hear (a boys' name)
GUI  (de) guit click to hear ('rascal') - Guis click to hear 2 3 4 (a family name)
GV  - (het) vliegveld click to hear 2 ('airport') - erg veel click to hear 2 ('very much, really much, a lot') - (de) gezagvoerder click to hear 2 3 4 ('leading officer, officer in charge' - especially on an airplane) - bang voor click to hear 2 ('afraid of')
GW  - (de) wigwam click to hear 2 3 4 5 6 ('teepee') - (de) argwaan click to hear ('suspicion, mistrust') - (de) wegwijzer click to hear ('road sign' giving directions) - (het) vliegwiel click to hear 2 ('flywheel')
GY  - (het) gymnasium click to hear (secondary school type, 'Latin school') - (de) gymnastiek click to hear 2 ('PE, gymnastics') - (de/het) gym click to hear 2 3 (short for both previous words, and a school hall for gymnastics or sports)
GZ  - zigzag click to hear 2 ('zigzag') - (de) rugzak click to hear 2 ('back-[bag]-pack') - aardig zijn click to hear ('be kind')
Hear also NG below - (de) kledingzaak click to hear 2 3 ([clothing shop] 'fashion shop' - usually for men, "men's store") - langzaam click to hear 2 3 - langzame click to hear 2 3 - langzaam/langzame click to hear 2 3 ('slow') (I often pronounce the Z in langzaam  as an S) - bang zijn click to hear 2 ('to be afraid')

AG  - (de) agenda click to hear 2 3 ('agenda') - (de) agent click to hear 2 ('police officer' // "officer" // 'agent') - (de) bagage click to hear 2 ('baggage, luggage' - second G French) - (de) dag click to hear 2 ('day') - (het) beslag click to hear 2 ('batter' - for baking) - (de) opslag click to hear 2 ('storage') - (het) fragment click to hear ('fragment') - (de) agrariër click to hear ('farmer' - formal) - (het) gezag click to hear 2 3 ('authority') - (het) ontzag click to hear 2 3 ('awe, great respect')
- Agaath click to hear 2 (a girls' name) - Agnes click to hear (a girls' name)
AAG  - behaaglijk click to hear 2 3 4 ('comfortable, pleasant, enjoyable' - temperature) - [(de)] laag click to hear 2 3 4 ('low' // 'layer') - (de) kraag click to hear ('collar') - (de) vraag click to hear 2 ('question') ‑>> - vragen click to hear 2 ('to ask') ‑>> - (de) dagen click to hear 2 ('days') - (de) hagedis click to hear 2 ('lizard') - (de) hagel click to hear ('hail,' ice-rain) - (de) jager click to hear ('hunter') - fragiel click to hear 2 ('fragile, vulnerable') - [(de)] wagen click to hear 2 ('car, cart' - old-fashioned // to risk, dare, chance) ‑>>
- Aagje click to hear (a girls' name)
AUG  - (de) augurk click to hear 2 ('pickle') - augustus click to hear ('August')
BG  - ik heb gegeten click to hear ('I have eaten') - ik heb gegeven click to hear ('I have given') - ik heb gegraven click to hear ('I have dug') - ik heb gegrepen click to hear ('I have grabbed, I have gripped')
CHG  - (het) lachgas click to hear 2 ('laughing gas,' nitrous oxide) - zich gedragen click to hear 2 3 ('to behave')
DG  - (het) aardgas click to hear 2 ('natural gas') - doodgaan click to hear ('to die') - (de) hoofdgedachte click to hear 2 3 ('main, most important idea') - hardgekookt ei click to hear 2 3 ('hard-boiled egg') - (de) tijdgenoot click to hear 2 ('contemporary,' person of your time') - (het) hoofdgerecht click to hear ('main dish') - (het) spoedgeval click to hear 2 3 ('urgent case, urgent matter') - noodgevallen click to hear 2 ('emergencies') - doodgewoon click to hear 2 3 ('very common, not unusual') - (de) loodgieter click to hear 2 ('plumber') - (het) brandglas click to hear (large magnifying glass that can be used to start a fire) - (het) bladgoud click to hear 2 ('gold leaf') - (de) handgranaat click to hear 2 ('hand grenade') - (de) bloedgroep click to hear 2 3 ('blood group, blood type')
EG  - (de) eg click to hear ('harrow' - agriculture tool) - (de) heg click to hear ('hedge') - weggaan click to hear ('to leave') - (het) beleg click to hear ('siege' // 'bread covering, sandwich fillling') - beleggen click to hear 2 ('to invest' - money) - leggen click to hear ('to lay' - down ‑>> - (het) overleg click to hear 2 ('consultation, meeting') - (de) overweg click to hear 2 3 ('railroad crossing') - (de) dievegge click to hear 2 ('thief' - female) - (de) weg click to hear ('way, road') - (het) weggetje click to hear 2 ('small road') - zeggen click to hear 2 3 ('to say') ‑>> - (de) oomzegger click to hear ([uncle-sayer] - 'niece' or 'nephew') - (het) zegje click to hear 2 ("say," - 'forceful' opinion statement) - (de) belegging click to hear 2 ('investment') - weggooien click to hear 2 3 ('to throw away')
- Egbert click to hear (a boys' name) - Egberts click to hear (a family name) - Egmond click to hear 2 (a town // Dutch revolutionary, executed by the Spanish)
EEG  - (het) deeg click to hear ('dough') - leeg click to
  hear / lege click to hear 2 / leeg/lege click to hear ('empty') - [(het)] negatief click to hear 2 3 ('negative') - (de) egel click to hear ('hedgehog') - (de) kegel click to hear 2 3 (1. 'cone' 2. 'bowling pin' 3. 'alcohol breath') - (de) regel click to hear 2 3 4 (1. 'rule' 2. 'line' - of text) - (de) tegel click to hear ('tile') - gedegen click to hear 2 ('thorough') - belegen click to hear 2 ('mature' - cheese) - raadplegen click to hear ('to consult, ask an expert') - negen click to hear ('9') - (de) negende click to hear 2 3 ('ninth') - (de) regen click to hear 2 ('rain') ‑>> - tegen click to hear ('against' ‑>> // ~to ) ‑>> 2 - wegen click to hear 2 ('roads' // 'to weigh') - wegens click to hear 2 ('because of') - (de) zegen click to hear 2 ('blessing') - (de) afweging click to hear ('consideraation') - regisseren click to hear 2 3 ('to direct' - a play, TV series or a movie) - (de) strategie click to hear 2 ('strategy') - (het) steegje click to hear 2 ('narrow city street) - (de) leegte click to hear 2 3 4 5 6 7 ('emptiness' - usually figuratively) - (het) leger click to hear ('army') - (de) veger click to hear ('broom') - (het) ego click to hear 2 3 ('ego') - Lego click to hear 2 3 ('Lego' - the construction toys)
- Regina click to hear (a girls' name) - Nijmegen click to hear ('a city') - Noorwegen click to hear ('Norway')
E(uh)G  - elegant click to hear 2 ('graceful') - begaafd click to hear ('gifted, very talented - (de) legende click to hear 2 ('legend') - (de) begeerte click to hear 2 ('desire') - begeleiden click to hear 2 ('to accompany') ‑>> - (het) begin click to hear ('start, beginning') ‑>> - (de) bruidegom click to hear ('groom') - wij begonnen click to hear 2 ('we started') - gegorgeld click to hear 2 ('gargled') - weggegooid geld click to hear 2 ('money thrown away, wasted') - begraven click to hear ('to bury') - goeie gunst! click to hear 2 ('good grief!')
- De Geus click to hear 2 3 (a family name) - De Goede click to hear (a family name) - De Gouw click to hear 2 (a family name) - De Graaf(f) click to hear 2 3 (a family name) - De Groot click to hear 2 (a family name) - De Gruyter click to hear (a family name) - Elegast click to hear (character from a Charlemagne story) - Cannegieter click to hear 2 3 4 (a family name) - Izegem click to hear (a town in Belgium)
EIG  - (de) dreigbrief click to hear 2 3 ('threatening letter') - (het) eigeel click to hear ([egg-yellow] 'egg yolk') - eigen click to hear ('~own, ~personal, ~private') ‑>> - (de) eigenaar click to hear ('owner') - eigenlijk click to hear 2 ("actually") ‑>> - dreigen click to hear ('to threaten') - (de) reiger click to hear 2 ('heron' - a bird) - weigeren click to hear 2 ('to refuse') - (de) dreiging click to hear 2 3 ('threat')
EUG  - (de) deugd click to hear 2 ('virtue') - (de) jeugd click to hear 2 ('youth') - (de) vreugde click to hear ('joy') - (de) teugel click to hear 2 ('rein' - horse management) - (het) geheugen click to hear 2 3 ('memory' - the brain faculty) - ondeugend click to hear 2 3 4 ('naughty') - (de) leugens click to hear 2 ('lies') - (het) vleugje click to hear 2 ('whiff' - of perfume, for instance) - Tegen heug en meug click to hear (saying - 'Doing something under strong protest, like having to eat something you really don't like')
FG  - (de) afgang click to hear 2 ('failure, flop, public failing') - (het) gifgas click to hear 2 ('poison gas') - afgelopen click to hear 2 ('finished, ended' // 'last, previous' - time units) - afgezaagd click to hear 2 3 4 5 ('sawed off, cut off' - past participle - but often figuratively: 'boring, not original, heard too often already') - gifgroen click to hear 2 3 4 5 ('"poison" green' - very bright)
IG  The I in the -IG ending click to hear is pronounced as 'voiceless, unstressed E' click to hear (the 'schwa')
- romig click to hear 2 3 4 ('creamy') ‑>> - enig click to hear ('only, unique // any') ‑>> - groenig click to hear 2 ('greenish') ‑>> - krachtig click to hear 2 3 / krachtige click to hear 2 ('powerful, strong') ‑>> - schichtig click to hear 2 3 ('skittish, nervous, shy') - spichtig click to hear 2 3 ('wispy, spidery') - oorlogszuchtig click to hear 2 3 ('craving war, warlike') - goedgelovig click to hear 2 3 ('credulous, quick to believe') more -IG endings
Of course, one-syllable words don't have suffixes:
- (de) big click to hear ('young pig') - (het) biggetje click to hear 2 3 4 ('very young, small pig - piglet') - ik lig click to hear ('I'm lying down') - (de) tegenligger click to hear 2 3 4 5 (['lying-against'] - 'oncoming traffic') - (de) wig click to hear ('wedge')
- and another exception: (de) vaandrig click to hear 2 ('army cadet officer')
IEG  - (de) vlieg click to hear ('house fly') - (de) wieg click to hear 2 ('cradle') - wiegedrukken click to hear 2 ('incunables,' the very first printed books) - kriegel click to hear 2 3 4 ('testy, easily irritated') - (de) spiegel click to hear 2 ('mirror') - liegen click to hear ('to lie,' say what is not) ‑>> - vliegen click to hear ('to fly' // 'flies') - (de) vlieger click to hear 2 ('kite')
IJG  IJ also hear EI - above
- (de) vijg click to hear 2 ('fig') - zwijg! click to hear 2 ('shut up! keep your mouth shut!' - (het) bijgebouw click to hear 2 3 ('annex,' side building) - vijgen click to hear ('figs') - krijgen click to hear ('to get, receive' - without effort ‑>> - zwijgen click to hear 2 3 ('to be silent, not speak') - (de) krijger click to hear 2 ('brave,' native American warrior) - (de) tijger click to hear ('tiger') - (het) bijgerecht click to hear 2 3 ('side dish') - (de) vrijgezel click to hear ('bachelor')
KG  - ik gaf click to hear 2 ('I gave') - (het) plankgas click to hear 2 ("pedal to the metal," max pushing in the car gas pedal) - ik ga weg click to hear 2 3 ('I'm [going away] leaving') - (het) spraakgebrek click to hear 2 ('speech impediment') - (het) stuk gereedschap click to hear 2 3 ('tool,' ['piece of gear']) - (de) werkgever click to hear ('employer') - (het) struikgewas click to hear ('bush, bushes') - ik ging click to hear 2 3 ('I want') - spekglad click to hear 2 3 4 ('very slippery' - "like bacon") - (de) dakgoot click to hear 2 ('raingutter') - (de) buikgriep click to hear 2 ('stomach flu, food poioning')
- Dijkgraaf click to hear 2 (a family name)
LG  - (de) velg click to hear 2 ('rim' of a wheel) - (de) wilg click to hear 2 ('willow' - a tree) - (het) gevolg click to hear ('result, effect, consequence') - edelgassen click to hear ('noble gases' - chemistry) - vulgair click to hear 2 ('vulgar') - (het) wisselgeld click to hear ('small change') - (het) taalgebruik click to hear 2 ('usage, language use') - walgelijk click to hear 2 3 ('disgusting') - algemeen click to
  hear / algemene click to hear 2 3 ('general') - (de) volgeling click to hear 2 ('follower') - zwelgen click to hear 2 ('to wallow, guzzle') - volgen click to hear 2 3 ('to follow') - volgend click to hear 2 ('next') - (de) opvolger click to hear ('successor') - (het) taalgevoel click to hear 2 3 ('linguistic feeling, intuitive understanding of languages') - Belgisch click to hear 2 3 4 ('Belgian') - (het) speelgoed click to hear ('toys') - (de) doelgroep click to hear 2 ('target audience')
- Helga click to hear (a girls' name') - Olga click to hear (a girls' name') - Bulgarije click to hear ('Bulgaria')
MG  - (de) omgang click to hear 2 ('contact' // 'procession') - (de) omgeving click to hear ('environment') - Kom gauw! click to hear 2 3 ('Come quick!')
NG  In Dutch, NG in the ‑ANG, ‑ENG, ‑ING and ‑ONG endings is always said like NG in English SINGER ('vocalist') or HANGER, NEVER  like in English LINGER or DANGER
- (het) ding click to hear ('thing') - dingen click to hear 2 ('things') - ding/dingen click to hear - (de) kring click to hear 2 ('circle') - kringen click to hear 2 ('circles') - (de) ringvinger click to hear ('ring finger') - (de) aandrang click to hear 2 3 ('urge') - bang click to hear ('afraid') - lang click to hear ('long, tall') - (de) slang click to hear ('snake // hose') - (de) zang click to hear 2 3 ('singing, song') - (het) belang click to hear ('interest') - belangrijk click to hear 2 ('important') - (de) belangstelling click to hear ('interest') - (de) angst click to hear ('fear, dread') - eng click to hear ('scary, creepy') - gemengd click to hear 2 3 ('mixed') - (de) bengel click to hear ('naughty boy') - brengen click to hear 2 3 4 ('to bring') ‑>> - (de) engerd click to hear ('a creep') - vingers click to hear ('fingers') - (de) helling click to hear ('slope, incline') - (de) honing click to hear 2 ('honey') - (de) botsing click to hear 2 ('crash, collision') - (de) koningin click to hear 2 ('queen') - (de) sprong click to hear ('a jump') - (de) tong click to hear 2 ('tongue' - in mouth) - jong click to
    hear ('young') - (de) jongen click to hear ('boy') - (de) honger click to hear ('hunger') - tongstrelend click to hear 2 ([tongue-caressing] 'delicious, very good-tasting')
- als de dagen lengen, gaan de nachten strengen click to hear ('when the days get longer, the nights get more severe' - i.e. colder)
- Inge click to hear 2 (a girls' name)
When compound words connect between N and G, the N still has a faint NG-sound but the G is clear, like for instance: - aangeven click to hear 2 ('to hand, pass,' put something into someone else's hands // 'to indicate, signal' // 'to register,' file an official report ‑>> - ingewikkeld click to hear / ingewikkelde click to hear 2 3 ('complicated') - ongerust click to hear 2 3 ("uneasy," 'worried') - ongeluk click to hear 2 ('accident') - ongeveer click to hear 2 ('about, roughly') more 'on-'
- (het) mangaan click to hear ('manganese, Mn')
OG  - log click to hear ('not nimble, hard to move') - de oorlog click to hear ('the war') - (de) oorlog click to hear ('war') - nog click to hear ('still, yet' // 'rather, quite') ‑>> - (het) bedrog click to hear 2 3 ('deceit') - (de) trog click to hear 2 ('manger,' animal food 'plate') - (het) kielzog click to hear 2 3 4 5 6 7 ('wake,' whitewater 'trail' of a boat or ship) - arrogant click to hear 2 ('arrogant') - (de) arrogantie click to hear 2 ('arrogance') - (de) rogge click to hear 2 ('rye' - grain, cereal) - (de) Doggersbank click to hear ('Dogger Bank' - large sandbank in the North Sea - (het) Wogmeer click to hear 2 ('an old polder')
OOG  - (het) oog click to hear 2 ('eye') - (de) oogarts click to hear ('eye doctor') - (het) oogje click to hear 2 3 4 ('small, little eye') - (de) boog click to hear ('arch' //) 'bow' - for shooting arrows) - hoog click to hear 2 3 - hoge click to hear - hoog/hoge click to hear ('high') ‑>> - ogen click to hear ('eyes') - (het) hoogtepunt click to hear 2 3 ('high point, summit, zenith') - droog click to hear / droge click to hear 2 3 / droogdroge click to hear ('dry') - hij loog click to hear 2 ('he lied') - mogen click to hear 2 ("may," 'to be allowed to') ‑>> - (de) hoogleraar click to hear 2 ('professor' - job title) - (de) oogst click to hear ('harvest') - hoogste click to hear 2 3 ('highest') - (de) oogsttijd click to hear 2 3 ('harvest time') - oogverblindend click to hear 2 ([eye-blinding] 'very bright' - light)
OEG  - (de) ploeg click to hear ('plow') - genoeg click to hear ('enough') ‑>> - goed genoeg click to hear 2 3 ('good enough') - (het) genoegen click to hear ('pleasure') - (de) kroeg click to hear ('~bar, ~café') - (het) boegeroep click to hear 2 ('booing,' - audience shouting disapproval or contempt) - (de) wroeging click to hear ('remorse') - Hoe gaat 't? click to hear ('How are you doing?')
- Joegoslavië click to hear (the former country of Yugoslavia)
OUG  hear AUG - above
PG  - diepgaand click to hear 2 3 ('in-depth,' profound) - diepgang click to hear 2 ('profundity' // 'how deep a ship is in the water') - (de) zonsopgang click to hear ('sunrise ') - (de) prijsopgave click to hear 2 3 ('offer, bid, estimate' - of price) - opgelet! click to hear 2 3 4 ('pay attention!') - opgelucht click to hear ('relieved') - opgeven click to hear 2 3 ('to give up') - opgewekt click to hear 2 ('cheerful, positive') - opgewonden click to hear 2 ('excited' // 'heated, frenzied') - (de) loopgraaf click to hear 2 ('trench' - WWI) - (het) snoepgoed click to hear ('candy')
RG  - Bargoens click to hear 2 ('~slang') ‑>> - (de) argwaan click to hear ('suspicion, mistrust') - daar ga je! click to hear 2 3 ([there you go!] 'cheers, prosit!') - (het) jaargetijde click to hear ('season') - naargeestig click to hear 2 3 4 ('gloomy, dreary, depressing') - erg click to hear ('very' // 'bad') ‑>> - (de) berg click to hear ('mountain') - (het) merg click to hear ('marrow') - (het) beenmerg click to hear 2 3 ('bone marrow') - bergaf click to hear 2 ('downhill') - (het) hergebruik click to hear 2 ('re-use, recycling') - ergens click to hear 2 ('somewhere' // 'something') ‑>> - erger click to hear 2 3 ('worse') - (de) herbergier click to hear ('innkeeper' - Medieval) - allergisch click to hear 2 ('allergic') - (het) bergje click to hear 2 3 ("small mountain" - 'hill') - (de) bergschoenen click to hear ([mountain shoes] - 'hiking boots') - [(het)] ergste click to hear ('worst') - (het) gebergte click to hear 2 ('mountains, mountain range') - (de) weerga click to hear 2 3 ('~return, reprise') - (de) neergang click to hear 2 3 ('downturn, fall') - (het) smeergeld click to hear ([grease-money] - 'bribe') - (het) bierglas click to hear 2 ('beerglass') - (de) ondergang click to hear 2 3 4 ('downfall, decline') - vergeten click to hear 2 3 ('to forget') ‑>> - overgeven click to hear 2 ('to vomit, throw up') - (het) ondergoed click to hear 2 3 4 5 ('underwear') ‑>> - (de) achtergrond click to hear 2 ('background') - vergroten click to hear 2 ('to enlarge') - (de) vergroting click to hear 2 ('enlargement') - (de) orgaan click to hear 2 ('organ' - body part) - georganiseerd click to hear 2 3 ('organized') - (het) voorgeborchte click to hear ('limbo,' heaven waiting room) - (het) orgel click to hear ('organ' - music) - [(de)] morgen click to hear 2 ('tomorrow' // 'morning' // "mawning!") - zorgen click to hear 2 ('worries' // 'to take care (of)') - bezorgen click to hear 2 3 ('to deliver') - doorgaan click to hear 2 ('to continue') - (het) voorgevoel click to hear 2 ('premonition') - voorgoed click to hear 2 ('~forever,' "once and for all") - (de) schouwburg click to hear 2 ('theatre' - old-fashioned) - urgent click to hear 2 ('urgent, requiring prompt action') - (de) urgentie click to hear ('urgency') - (de) burgemeester click to hear 2 3 ('mayor') - (de) burger click to hear 2 ('citizen, civilian,' Medieval "townsman")
- Marga click to hear (a girls' name) - Margreet click to hear (a girls' name) - Margriet click to hear (a girls' name) - Jurgen click to hear 2 (a boys' name) - Limburg click to hear ('a province') - Aardenburg click to hear 2 (a town) - Argentinië click to hear 2
SG  - (het) knoopsgat click to hear ('buttonhole') - (het) losgeld click to hear 2 ([release-money] 'ransom') - disgenoten click to hear 2 3 ('people sharing a [dish] meal or dining table') - (de) krijgsgevangene click to hear 2 ('prisoner-of-war') - levensgevaarlijk click to hear 2 ('very dangerous, life-endangering') - (het) richtingsgevoel click to hear 2 ('sense of direction, orientation') - doopsgezind click to hear 2 (a protestant denomination, moderate continuation of Anabaptism) - (de) visgraat click to hear 2 3 4 ('fish bone') - (de) staatsgreep click to hear ('coup') - muisgrijs click to hear 2 3 ('mouse-grey')
- onwijs gaaf! click to hear 2 ('very cool' - 1990s teenagers slang) - "Dit is gekkenwerk!" click to hear 2 3 4 ('This is a [madmen's] crazy way of doing things! - Er is geen bewijs click to hear 2 3 ('There is no proof') - de mens gist click to hear 2 3 ('Man guesses')
- Edsger click to hear (a boys' name) - Edsger Dijkstra click to hear 2 (famous computer scientist)‑>>
TG  - (de) uitgang click to hear 2 ('exit') - (de) voetganger click to hear 2 3 ('pedestrian') - uitgaan click to hear 2 3 (1. 'to go out, go off' (lights etc.) 2. 'to go out for entertainment' 3. 'romantic relations ending') ‑>> - zachtgekookt ei click to hear 2 3 ('soft-boiled egg') - (de) echtgenote click to hear ([marriage partner, female] 'spouse, wife') - (de) echtgenoot click to hear ([marriage partner, male] 'spouse, husband') - lichtgewicht click to hear 2 ('lightweight') - (het) luchtgat click to hear 2 ([air hole] - 'ventilation opening') - (het) schietgebedje click to hear 2 ('a quick prayer in a moment of peril') - (het) flatgebouw click to hear ('high-rise building - vetgedrukt click to hear ('in bold print') - lotgenoten click to hear 2 3 4 ('people sharing a fate') - (het) rotgezicht click to hear 2 3 4 5 ('unpleasant sight' // 'unpleasant face') - (het) vergrootglas click to hear 2 ('magnifying glass') - soortgelijk click to hear / soortgelijke click to hear 2 ('of a similar kind') - (de) kunstgras click to hear 2 ('artificial turf, grass')
UG  - (de) mug click to hear ('mosquito') - (de) rug click to hear ('back' - body part) - ruggen click to hear 2 ('backs') - (de) brug click to hear ('bridge') - terug click to hear (going 'back, ~returning') - (de) suggestie click to hear ('suggestion') - suggestief click to hear 2 ('suggestive') - (de) rugzak click to hear 2 ('back-[bag]-pack')
- Vught click to hear (a city)
UUG  - (het) spuug click to hear 2 3 4 ('saliva, spittle' - children's language) - spugen click to hear 2 ('to spit,' // 'to vomit, throw up') - ik spuug click to hear 2 ('I'm spitting' // 'I'm throwing up')
- Hugo click to hear (a boys' name) - Portugal click to hear ('Portugal')
UIG  - (de) huig click to hear ('uvula,' a part of the throat) - ruig click to hear ('rough') - (het) tuig click to hear 2 3 ('~gear' // 'bad people') - (het) vaartuig click to hear ('vessel' ~boat, ~ship) - (het) rijtuig click to hear ('horse-drawn carriage') - (het) vliegtuig click to hear 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ('airplane') - (het) werktuig click to hear 2 ('instrument, tool') - (het) zintuig click to hear ('sense, sensory organ') - (de) getuige click to hear ('witness') - buigen click to hear 2 3 ('to bend') - zuigen click to hear ('to suck') - (de) stofzuiger click to hear 2 ('vacuum cleaner') - (de) buiging click to hear 2 ('polite bow') - (de) verbuiging click to hear 2 3 ('declension' - changes in nouns, adjectives, pronouns) - (de) zuigling click to hear 2 3 ('suckling,' baby or young animal drinking mother's milk) - (de) zuignap click to hear ('suction cup')
- Huygens click to hear 2 (a family name)
YG also hear IG and IEG above
- (de) hygiëne click to hear 2 3 ('hygiene') - (de) hygiënisch click to hear 2 ('hygienic')

Two French G's

1. French G in Dutch is usually a sound that in Dutch phonetically could be written as ZJ
(het) percentage click to hear (' % ') - (de) sabotage click to hear 2 3 ('sabotage') - (de) energie click to hear 2 ('energy') - (het/de) genie click to hear 2 ('genius' - person // the military corps of engineers) - (de/het) gel click to hear ('gel') - gênant click to hear ('embarrassing') - (de) gène click to hear 2 ('embarrassment') - (de) logeerkamer click to hear ('guest room') - logeren click to hear 2 3 ('to visit with overnight stay') - (de) passagier click to hear 2 3 ('passenger') - (het) passagiersschip click to hear 2 3 4 ('passenger schip, liner') - (de) slijtage click to hear 2 3 4 5 ('wear and tear') - (de) giraf click to hear ('giraffe') - corrigeren click to hear ('to correct') - (de) marge click to hear 2 ('margin') - (de) geste click to hear 2 ('gesture') - (het) college click to
       hear ('class at college or university' // 'governing council') - (het) budget click to hear 2 ('budget') - (het) privilege click to hear 2 ('privilege') - (het) horloge click to hear / horloges click to hear 2 ('watch/watches') - beige click to hear 2 ('beige' - a color) - Eugenie click to hear (a girls' name) - (de) rage click to hear 2 ('craze, rage') - (de) centrifuge click to hear 2 3 ('centrifuge, spin-dryer') - (de/het) melange click to hear 2 ('blend, mixture of teas or coffees)
First G Dutch, second G French: (de) garage click to hear ('car repair shop // car housing') - (de) bagage click to hear 2 ('luggage') - ongegeneerd click to hear 2 ('without embarrassment')
French OU: (de) bougie click to hear ('spark plug') - (de) courgette click to hear ('zucchini')
2. A very small number of not very common words in Dutch have a 'hard' French G (very similar to G in English GO or BEGIN): - (de) guerilla click to hear 2 ('guerilla') - (de) gouache click to hear ('gouache') - bigarreaux click to hear 2 ('candied cherries') - (de) guillotine click to hear 2 ('guillotine') - (het) gaullisme click to hear ('gaullism') - Grenoble click to hear ('a city in France') - (de) i-Grèc click to hear 2 (["Greek i"] - 'Y')

Hear also: 'Southern' G

Major Exceptions to the Phonetic Spelling of Dutch:
- Page 1:   een   -IG   -ISCH   -LIJK  
- Page 2:   -B   -D   SCHR   -TIE   UW   WR

Hear the Dutch Letters in Hundreds of Words:
 AU/OU  CH  E  EI/IJ  EU  F  G  H  L  OE  SCH  U  UI  W  X  Y

'Master Lists' of Dutch words: Dutch to English - English to Dutch

'Basic' Dutch Words - Pictures Dictionary - Words by Subject - Easy Dutch - Phrases and Conversation Templates - Names - Place Names - verbs

email - Copyright © Marco Schuffelen 2022. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, redistributed, or hotlinked to.
Gij zult niet stelen click to hear 'Thou shalt not steal'