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SCH in Dutch - Skip General Introduction

Pronunciation: Hear for Yourself

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Pay special attention to letters, letter combinations and sounds that you don't have in your own language
These pronunciation pages are not meant for learning vocabulary. The English translations may lack in precision. But if you like, follow the occasional links ‑>> to explanation, examples of usage and/or related words.
Learning Vocabulary

Adjectives in most positions get an -E  ending ‑>>
Several words appear twice on the page. I do not have an infinite number of recordings, and some combinations of letters are rarely or never found in Dutch.

Spelling and Pronunciation

Dutch spelling/pronunciation rules say that: So (de) man click to hear 2 ('man, human adult male) has the plural mannen (man-nen) click to hear 2 while (de) maan click to hear 2 ('moon') has the plural manen (ma-nen) click to hear 2 3

'Long' and 'short' are traditional terms. The difference is actually more of tone than length
More about spelling and pronunciation - another version
Learn the Rules by Studying and Listening to Examples

Major Exceptions to the Phonetic Spelling of Dutch
- Page 1:   een   -IG   -ISCH   -LIJK  
- Page 2:   -B   -D   SCHR   -TIE   UW   WR
Hear the Dutch Letters in Hundreds of Words:
 AU/OU  CH  E  EI/IJ  EU  G  H  L  OE  U  UI  V  W  X  Y
'Master Lists' of Dutch words: Dutch to English - English to Dutch

Hear the SCH in Hundreds of Dutch Words

 Hear the Examples 

 a few verbs with SCH 


click to hear 2 (de) SCH click to hear 2 3
enjoy a few Dutch SCH's:
- schimpscheuten click to hear 2 ('unpleasant remarks, mild cursing,' bad things said about someone)
- door schade en schande click to hear ([by damage and shame] 'the school of hard knocks')
- 'n scheve schaats click to hear ([a crooked skate] 'immoral behavior')
- schots en scheef click to hear ('in a jumble, not well-aligned')
Schout en schepenen click to hear the Medieval city's law-and-order agency, both police force and court of justice - (de) schaapscheerder click to hear ('sheep shearer') - (de) heggeschaar click to hear ('hedge clipper') - bergschoenen click to hear ([mountain shoes] - 'hiking boots')
When God creates the word is scheppen click to hear 2 3
- a strong verb:
to create
- schiep
- geschapen
click to hear
In het begin schiep God hemel en aarde click to hear 2 In the beginning God created heaven and earth God zag wat hij geschapen had click to hear God saw what he had made

'Scheppen' click to hear 2 3 can also mean the less exalted 'shoveling,' and then it's a weak verb:

to shovel
- schepte
- geschept
click to hear 2

Hear closely related sounds: Dutch CH page - Dutch G page

German SCH: schön click to hear 2 3 (German: 'beautiful, good')
- M.C. Escher click to hear 2 3 4 5 (a graphic artist)

Listen to the Examples

The 'first series' is grouped by the letter after the SCH's, the 'second series' is grouped by the letter before the SCH's:

first series: SCHA-SCHUI
- second series: DSCH-WSCH

the: de click to hear 2 / het click to hear 2 3 - 't click to hear ->>
Plurals always take 'de'
a: (een) - 'n click to hear / one: één click to hear 2 3

Repeat the words after me, try saying them like I do, and record yourself or ask a friend to compare how you say them with how I say them. Use as few or as many examples as you like.

- (de/het) schap click to hear ('shelf' - in a shop) - (het) schaap click to hear ('sheep' - 1) - (de) schep click to hear ('shovel, spade // scoop') - (het) scheepje click to hear ('small ship') - (het) schip click to hear ('ship') - schier click to hear 2 3 4 5 ('almost' - old-fashioned) - (de) schop click to hear ('shovel, spade // a kick') - (de) school click to hear ('school') - (de) schurk click to hear 2 3 ('rogue') - (de) schuur click to hear 2 ('large shed,' like on a farm) - (de) schout click to hear 2 (Medieval city official: judge & police chief) - (de) scheiding click to hear ('separation, divorce') - (de) scheur click to hear ('a tear, a rip') - (de) schoen click to hear ('shoe') - schuin click to hear 2 ('diagonally, slanted')
SCHA  - Schaft click to hear 2 3 (a family name) - Goedschalk click to hear 2 3 (a family name) - schallen click to hear 2 3 4 ('to ring out, peal, blare' - trumpets, for instance) - (de) schande click to hear ('shame') ‑>> - (de/het) schap click to hear ('shelf' - in a shop) - (de) boodschap click to hear 2 3 ('message' // 'shopping item') - boodschappen click to hear 2 ('shopping') - (het) gereedschap click to hear ('tools') - (de) broederschap click to hear ('brotherhood') - beterschap! click to hear ('get well!') - scharlaken click to hear 2 3 ('scarlet') - (de) schat click to hear 2 ('treasure' // "dear") - schatten click to hear ('treasures' // 'to estimate') - bodemschatten click to hear 2 ('mineral resources') - (de) schavuit click to hear 2 3 ('rogue,' semi-criminal)
SCHAA  - Appelscha click to hear (a town) - (de) schade click to hear 2 3 ('damage') - overdaad schaadt click to hear 2 ('overabundance, excess is harmful') - beschadigd click to hear 2 ('damaged') - (de) schaduw click to hear ('shadow') - ik schaaf click to hear ('I'm planing') - (de) kaasschaaf click to hear ('cheese slicer') - beschaafd click to hear ('civilized, cultured') - (de) beschaving click to hear ('civilization') - schaven click to hear ('to plane' - smoothing wood etc.) - schaafde click to hear 2 ('planed,' smoothed wood, simple past tense singular) - schaken click to hear ('to play chess') - schaakstukken click to hear ('chess pieces') ‑>> (de) schaal click to hear 2 3 ('shallow bowl; scale') - (de) schaamte click to hear ('shame, ashamedness') - zich schamen click to hear 2 3 ('to be ashamed') ‑>> - (het) schaap click to hear ('sheep' - one) - schapen click to hear 2 ('sheep' - plural) - (de) schaar click to hear ('scissors') - plural: - scharen click to hear
SCHAU  see and hear SCHOU below
SCHE  - schel click to hear 2 3 ('harsh' - sound, light) - de Schelde click to hear 2 (a river in Belgium) - Terschelling click to hear 2 (an island) - (de) schelp click to hear 2 3 ('shell') - schenken click to hear 2 ('to pour drinks' // 'to give, donate') - (het) geschenk click to hear 2 ('gift, present' - old-fashioned) - (de) schep click to hear ('shovel, spade // scoop') - (het) schepje click to hear ('small scoop // 'spoonful') - scheppen click to hear ('to shovel, ladle' // 'to create' - like God) - (het) scherm click to hear ('screen') - (het) beeldscherm click to hear 2 ('screen' - computer, TV) - (de) Schermer click to hear 2 (a 'polder') - scherp click to hear 2 3 4 5 / scherpe click to hear 2 ('sharp // spicy') - (de) scherts click to hear 2 ('humor, jest') - (het) schetsje click to hear ('sketch, rough drawing')
German SCH: - M.C. Escher click to hear 2 3 4 5 (a graphic artist)
SCHEE  - (de) schedel click to hear ('skull') - scheef click to hear / (scheef/scheve click to hear ('slanted, not horizontal') - scheef houden click to hear 2 ('to tilt,' hold at an angle) - (de) schemering click to hear 2 ('twilight') - schenen click to hear ('shins') - (het) scheepje click to hear ('small ship') - schepen click to hear ('ships') - scheren click to hear 2 3 ('to shave') - (de) scheerkwast click to hear ('shaving brush') ‑>> - Scheveningen click to hear (a town)
SCHEuh  - Enschede click to hear (a city) - note that the single E at the end of the city name is a long E click to
   hear - a rare exception
SCHEI  - (het) afscheid click to hear ('goodbye, leave-taking') - (de) scheiding click to hear ('separation, divorce') - (de) scheikundige click to hear 2 3 ('chemist, expert in chemistry') - (de) scheikunde click to hear ('chemistry') ‑>>
SCHEU  - (de) scheur click to hear ('a tear, a rip') - (de) scheurbuik click to hear 2 3 ([rip-belly] - 'scurvy' vitamin C deficiency) - gescheurd click to hear ('torn, ripped') - scheuren click to hear 2 ('to tear, rip') - hartverscheurend click to hear 2 ([heart- rending] - 'agonizing, major distressing') - (de) scheut click to hear 2 ('shoot, sprout' - new growth on plant or tree // 'jab' - of pain // 'dash, splash' - of liquid) - een scheutje melk click to hear ('a splash of milk') - schimpscheuten click to hear 2 ('curses,' bad things said about someone)
SCHG  The CH in the family name Witschge click to hear 2 3 is not pronounced
SCHI  - schichtig click to hear 2 3 ('skittish, nervous, shy') - ondergeschikt click to hear 2 3 ('subordinate, ~minor') - (de) schil click to hear ('peel, fruit/vegetable skin') - plural: - schillen click to hear 2 - geschilde aardappels click to hear ('peeled potatoes') - (het) schild click to hear 2 ('shield') - (de) schilder click to hear 2 ('painter') ‑>> - schilderen click to hear 2 3 ('to paint') - (het) verschil click to hear ('difference') ‑>> - verschillen click to hear 2 ('differences' // 'to differ') - verschillend click to hear / verschillende click to hear 2 ('different') - onverschillig click to hear 2 ('indifferent') - sinaasappelschillen click to hear ('orange peels') - (de) schim click to hear 2 3 ('ghost, vague apparition, phantom, wraith') - (de) schimmel click to hear 2 ('fungus' // 'white horse') - (het) schip click to hear ('ship') - (de) schipper click to hear 2 ('skipper, captain') - Schiphol click to hear (Amsterdam airport) - (het) vliegdekschip click to hear 2 ('aircraft carrier') - (het) zeilschip click to hear ('saling ship, tall ship') - (de) zelfbeschikking click to hear ('independence' - self-determination) - het houten schip click to hear ('the wooden ship') - een houten schip click to hear ('a wooden ship') - het gezonken schip click to hear ('the sunken ship')
SCHIE  - Overschie click to hear (former village, now part of Rotterdam) - Schiebergen click to hear (a family name) - Schiedam click to hear (a town) - ik ben in Schiedam click to hear 2 3 ('I'm in Schiedam') - geschiedenis click to hear ('history') - misschien click to hear ('maybe, perhaps') ‑>> - schier click to hear 2 3 4 5 ('almost' - old-fashioned) - (het) schiereiland click to hear ('peninsula') - Schiermonnikoog click to hear (an island) - schieten click to hear 2 ('to shoot') - het) schietlood click to hear ('plumb line') - schiet op! click to hear 2 ('hurry! - make haste') - (de) schietvereniging click to hear ('gun lovers' club')
SCHIJ  - (de) schijf click to hear ('disk') - (de) schijfrem click to hear 2 ('disk brake') - schijnbaar click to hear 2 3 ('apparently') ‑>> - schijnheilig click to hear 2 3 ([seemingly holy] - 'sanctimonious,' pretending to be a good person)
SCHIJ also hear - SCHEI above
SCHL  - 't Groen van planten is chlorofyl click to hear 2 3 The green of plants is chlorophyll
SCHM  - Norbert Schmelzer click to hear ('a politician') - German SCH - schminken click to hear ('applying stage make-up' - German SCH
SCHO  - (de) schoffel click to hear 2 ('hoe, scuffle hoe') - onbeschoft click to hear ('rude, bad-mannered') - (de) schok click to hear ('shock') - schokken click to hear 2 3 ('shocks' // 'to shock') - Schokland click to hear (a former island) - geschokt click to hear 2 ('shocked') - schommels click to hear 2 ('swings' - playground equipment) - (de) schop click to hear ('shovel, spade // 'kick') - (de) bisschop click to hear ('bishop') - ik schopte click to hear ('I kicked') - schor click to hear 2 3 ('hoarse, husky' - voice) - (de) schorpioen click to hear 2 ('scorpion') - (de) boomschors click to hear ('bark, tree bark') - (de) schort click to hear ('apron') - (het) schot click to hear 2 ('shot') - (het) overschot click to hear 2 ('surplus') - ijsschotsen click to hear 2 ('ice floes')
SCHOO  - (de) school click to hear ('school') - schoon click to hear / schone click to hear 2 3 / - schoon/schone click to hear ('clean') ‑>> - ofschoon click to hear ('although' - old-fashioned) - (het) schorem click to hear 2 ('bad people' - slang) - Schoorl click to hear (a town) - (de) schoorsteen click to hear ('chimney') - (de) schoorsteenveger click to hear 2 3 ('chimney sweep') - (de) schoot click to hear ('lap,'  "womb") - (het) schoothondje click to hear 2 ('lap dog') - (de) schotel click to hear ('saucer') - (het) schoteltje click to hear 2 ('small saucer') - Hondschoote click to hear (a town in Belgium) - wij schoven click to hear ('we slid, ~shoved')
SCHOE  - (de) schoen click to hear / schoenen click to hear ('shoe'/'shoes') - (de) schoenmaker click to hear 2 3 ([shoe repairman] - 'cobbler') - (de/het) schoensmeer click to hear 2 ('shoe cream, shoe polish') - (het) schoentje click to hear 2 ('small, little shoe') - handschoenen click to hear 2 ('[hand-shoes] gloves') - hoge schoenen click to hear 2 3 ("high" shoes, 'ankle boots') - bergschoenen click to hear ([mountain shoes] - 'hiking boots') - gymschoenen click to hear ([gym shoes] - sneakers') - de leren schoenen click to hear 2 ('the leather shoes') - een paar schoenen click to hear 2 ('a pair of shoes')
SCHOU  - (de) schouder click to hear / schouders click to hear ('shoulder'/'shoulders') - (de) schout click to hear 2 ('Medieval city official: judge & police chief) - Schouten click to hear (a family name) - (de) schouwburg click to hear 2 ('theatre' - old-fashioned) - Schouwen-Duiveland click to hear ('a former island in the province of Zeeland click to hear 2 ['Sea-land']) ‑>> - toeschouwers click to hear 2 ('spectators,' audience to a live performance) - (de) lijkschouwing click to hear 2 3 ('autopsy' - [corpse viewing])
- Ik heb even de eeuwigheid mogen aanschouwen click to hear 2 3 [I have been allowed for a moment to view eternity] - I was allowed a brief glimpse of eternity
SCHR  The CH in SCHR is not pronounced as CH but more like an H 'aspiration,' breathing out, "an exhalation of breath" - listen to the examples.
- (de) schram click to hear ('scratch') - (het) schrammetje click to hear 2 ('a very small scratch') - schrander click to hear ('clever') - schragen click to hear 2 3 4 5 ('sawhorses, gantries' // 'to support, prop up') - schraal click to hear 2 ('meager, dry, scant') - ik schreef click to hear ('I wrote' ‑>> - (de) schreeuw click to hear ('cry, shout') - schreeuwen click to hear ('to shout') - schreien click to hear ('to weep, cry, shed tears' - old-fashioned) - ik schrijf click to hear ('I'm writing') ‑>> - schriel click to hear 2 3 4 5 ('lean, thin, gaunt, scawny' // 'raw, harsh' - weather) - (de) schrijver click to hear ('writer, author') ‑>> - (de) schrik click to hear ('fright') - (de) vogelverschrikker click to hear ([scare-bird] - 'scarecrow') - (de) schrobber click to hear ('hard broom') - (de) schroef click to hear ('screw') - schroeven click to hear ('screws' // 'to screw in screws') - (de) schroom click to hear ('hesitance, fearfulness')
- 'n net handschrift click to hear 2 ('neat handwriting') - (het) tijdschrift click to hear ('magazine, periodical') - plural: - tijdschriften click to hear - De Schrift click to hear ('the Bible' - old-fashioned) - (de) beschrijving click to hear 2 ('description') - (het) proefschrift click to hear 2 ('PhD thesis') - 'n brief schrijven click to hear ('writing a letter') ‑>> - wij schrokken click to hear ('we were shocked, frightened, taken aback') - (de) bankschroef click to hear ('vise') - ik zal schrijven click to hear 2 ('I'll write' - I'll stay in touch) - (het) geheimschrift click to hear 2 ('cypher,' secret writing, code) - laten schrikken click to hear 2 ('to frighten, to shock') - opschrijfboekjes click to hear 2 ('notebooks') - verschrikkelijk click to hear 2 3 4 ('terrible, horrible, very') - wortels schrapen click to hear 2 ('scraping carrots') - (ik ben) aan 't schrijven click to hear 2 3 ((I'm) 'writing') ‑>>
- Wie schrijft, die blijft click to hear He/She who writes stays (in the game) - the person who keeps score always stays in the game - jocularly said about authors
Compare SCHR-pronunciation with:
SR: - (de) asregen click to hear 2 3 ('rain of ash')
SGR: - (de) visgraat click to hear 2 3 ('fish bone') - muisgrijs click to hear 2 3 ('mouse-grey') or (de) staatsgreep click to hear ('coup')
and -S CHR: - 't Is chronisch click to hear 2 ('It's chronical')
More SCHR examples & discussion
Compare SCH and SCHR:
schaal / schraal click to hear ('~bowl / ~poor, ~dry') - schil / schril click to hear ('~skin, ~layer / shrill') - schiften / schriften click to hear ('~to separate / notebooks') - schap / schrap click to hear ('shelf / ~firmly') - schikken / schrikken click to hear 2 (-not enough space-) - schoot / schroot click to hear 2 ('lap / scrap metal') - schijven / schrijven click to hear 2 ('discs / to write')

schreeuwen to cry, shout
ik schreeuw I'm shouting
wij schreeuwen we're shouting
ik schreeuwde I shouted
wij schreeuwden we shouted
ik heb geschreeuwd I have shouted
click to hear

to be startled:   schrikken schrok geschrokken click to hear 2
    wij schrokken click to hear
to write:   schrijven schreef geschreven click to hear
    wij schreven click to hear

schrijven to write
ik schrijf I'm writing
wij schrijven we're writing
ik schreef I wrote
wij schreven we wrote
ik heb geschreven I have written
click to hear 2 - ‑>>
SCHU  - schudden click to hear ('to shake') - (de) schuld click to hear ('guilt' // 'debt' // 'blame') - (de) onschuld click to hear 2 ('~innocence') - schuldig click to hear 2 3 ('guilty' // 'in debt') - onschuldig click to hear 2 ('innocent' // '~harmless') - beschuldigen click to hear 2 3 ('to accuse') - zich verontschuldigen click to hear 2 3 ('to apologize, offer excuses') - (de) beschuldiging click to hear 2 ('accusation') - (de) schulpzaag click to hear ('saw for cutting along with the grain') - (de) schurk click to hear 2 3 ('rogue') - (de) boogschutter click to hear 2 ('archer') - (de) scherpschutter click to hear 2 ('sharpshooter, sniper') - (de) schutterij click to hear 2 3 ('17th Century militia & club') - (de) schutkleur click to hear 2 3 ('camouflaging color') - (de) schutting click to hear ('solid wooden fence')
see and hear SCHUW below
SCHUU  - (de) schuur click to hear 2 ('large shed,' like on a farm) - (de) graanschuur click to hear ('granary, grain storage building') - ik schuur click to hear ('I'm sanding') - schuren click to hear 2 3 ('to sand') - (de) schuurdeur click to hear ('door of a large shed') - (de) schuurmachine click to hear ('sander') - (het) schuurpapier click to hear ('sandpaper') - (het) schuurtje click to hear ('small shed,' like in a yard)
SCHUW  - schuw click to hear / schuw/schuwe click to hear 2 ('very shy') - schuwer click to hear 2 ('even more shy') - (de) afschuw click to hear 2 ('horror, disgust, loathing') - afschuwelijk click to hear 2 ('awful, horrible') - waarschuwen click to hear 2 3 ('to warn') - (de) waarschuwing click to hear 2 3 ('warning') - zonder waarschuwing click to hear 2 ('without (a) warning')
SCHUI  schuifdeuren click to hear ('sliding doors') - (de) schuifmaat click to hear ('Vernier caliper - a measuring tool') - schuilen click to hear 2 ('to shelter from') - (de) schuilkelder click to hear 2 ([shelter-cellar] - 'bomb shelter') - (het) schuim click to hear ('foam') - (het) piepschuim click to hear ('[squeak-foam] - styrofoam, polystyrene' - jocular) - schuin click to hear 2 ('diagonally, slanted' // 'dirty' - jokes) - (de) schuit click to hear 2 ('ship, boat' - a bit negative) - (de) beschuit click to hear 2 3 ('crispbake, rusk') - (het) beschuitje click to hear ('an enjoyable piece of crispbake, rusk') - schuiven click to hear 2 3 ('to slide') - (het) schuivertje click to hear 2 3 ('sliding or pushing tool')

DSCH  - overdaad schaadt click to hear 2 ('overabundance, excess is harmful') - (het) gereedschap click to hear ('tools') - Goedschalk click to hear 2 3 (a family name) - (het) beeldscherm click to hear 2 ('screen' - computer, TV) - (de) handschoen click to hear ([hand-shoe] - 'glove') - handschoenen click to hear 2 ('[hand- shoes] gloves') - (de) vriendschap click to hear ('friendship,' being friends) - Hondschoote click to hear (a town in Belgium) - (de) boodschap click to hear 2 3 ('message' // 'shopping item') - boodschappen click to hear 2 ('shopping')
EuhSCH  - beschadigen click to hear ('to damage') - beschaafd click to hear ('civilized, cultured') - beschadigd click to hear 2 ('damaged') - (de) beschaving click to hear ('civilization') - beschermen click to hear ('to protect') - (de) bescherming click to hear 2 ('protection') - bescheiden click to hear ('modest') - beschikken over click to hear 2 ('to have available' // 'to decide about') - onbeschoft click to hear ('rude, bad-mannered') - (de) beschuit click to hear 2 3 ('crispbake, rusk') - (het) beschuitje click to hear ('an enjoyable piece of crispbake, rusk') - (de) beschuldiging click to hear 2 ('accusation') - beschuldigen click to hear 2 3 ('to accuse') - de Schelde click to hear 2 (a river in Belgium) - De Schepper click to hear 2 ('The Creator, the Maker' - God) - de Schepping click to hear 2 ('Creation') - De Schilderkunst click to hear ('The Art of Painting' - a Vermeer painting) - (de) heggeschaar click to hear ('hedge clipper') ('harsh' - sound, light) - (het) geschenk click to hear 2 ('gift, present' - old-fashioned) - gescheurd click to hear ('torn, ripped') - geschiedenis click to hear ('history') - geschokt click to hear 2 ('shocked') - ongeschoren click to hear 2 ('unshaven') - (de) zonneschijn click to hear 2 3 ('sunshine') - (de) lagere school click to hear 2 ([lower] 'elementary school') ‑>>
FSCH  - afscheid nemen click to hear 2 ('to take your leave,' say goodbye) - (de) afschuw click to hear 2 ('horror, disgust, loathing') - afschuwelijk click to hear 2 ('awful, horrible') - de Graafschap click to hear (another name for de Achterhoek click to hear - an area in the East of the Country) - ofschoon click to hear ('although' - old-fashioned) - 't kofschip click to hear (old ship type // grammar rule)
- 't Is een grof schandaal click to hear 2 3 It's a crying shame, a major deplorable thing
CHSCH  - zich schamen click to hear 2 3 ('to be ashamed') ‑>>
GSCH  - (het) slagschip click to hear ('battleship') - (de) weegschaal click to hear ('scale, balance') - (de) heiligschennis click to hear 2 ([holiness violation] - 'sacrilege') - (de) oogschaduw click to hear ('eyeshadow') - (de) boogschutter click to hear 2 ('archer' // 'Sagittarius') - bergschoenen click to hear ([mountain shoes] - 'hiking boots')
ISCH  The very common -ISCH ending click to hear is pronounced with Dutch 'long I' (IE) click to hear (English EE) and not the 'short I' click to hear you'd expect from the spelling, and the CH is dropped.
A few examples: - psychisch click to hear 2 3 4 ('psychological, mental') - tragisch click to hear 2 / tragische click to hear ('tragical') - chemisch click to hear / chemische click to hear ('chemical') ‑>> - mechanisch click to hear 2 ('mechanical') - chronisch click to hear ('chronic, chronical')
many more -ISCH examples
The I in - (de) snoeischaar click to hear ('pruning shears ') is pronounced as Consonant-Y (Dutch J)
IESCH  - (de) knieschijf click to hear 2 3 ('kneecap')
IJSCH  - hij schoot een pijl naar de boom click to hear ('he shot an arrow at the tree') - hij schopt de bal click to hear ('he kicks the ball') - wij schoren click to hear ('we shaved') - wij schoten click to hear ('we shot') - wij schoven click to hear ('we slid, we made slide, we shoved')
JSCH  The I in - (de) snoeischaar click to hear ('pruning shears ') is pronounced as Consonant-Y (Dutch J)
KSCH  - (de) pakschuit click to hear 2 / (de) trekschuit click to hear ('horse- or man-drawn barges.' 17th and 18th Century Holland had a network of ship channels for those barges. It was like a railroad system. According to Mrs Dodge ('Hans Brinker') the trekschuit  transported people, and the pakschuit  transported goods ('packages.')
- ik schaaf click to hear ('I'm planing') - (het) vliegdekschip click to hear 2 ('aircraft carrier') - (de) kweekschool click to hear ('teaching academy' - old-fashioned)) - (de) blikschade click to hear ([tin-] - 'minor car body damage') - ik schiet click to hear ('I'm shooting') - ik schopte click to hear ('I kicked') - ik schuur click to hear ('I'm sanding') - (de) lijkschouwing click to hear 2 3 ('autopsy' - [corpse viewing])
LSCH  - (het) nagelschaartje click to hear 2 ('nail clippers, small scissors) - Appelscha click to hear (a town) - sinaasappelschillen click to hear ('orange peels') - (het) gezelschap click to hear 2 ('company') - (het) zeilschip click to hear ('saling ship, tall ship')
MSCH  - bodemschatten click to hear 2 ('mineral resources') - vlijmscherp click to hear ('very sharp' - knives) - (de) boomschors click to hear ('bark, tree bark') - gymschoenen click to hear ([gym shoes] - sneakers')
NSCH  - Van Schaik click to hear (a family name) - Van Schijndel click to hear 2 (a family name) - Van Schuppen click to hear 2 (a family name) - (de) graanschuur click to hear ('granary, grain storage building') - Enschede click to hear (a city) - the single E at the end of the city name is a long E - a rare exception - een schepje suiker click to hear ('a small spooonful of sugar') - een scheutje melk click to hear ('a splash of milk') - 'n scheve schaats click to hear ([a crooked skate] 'immoral behavior') - een schilderij van Van Gogh click to hear ('a painting by Van Gogh) - (de) woordenschat click to hear 2 ('vocabulary') - eigenschappen click to hear 2 ('qualities, properties, characteristics') - (de) graanschuur click to hear ('granary, grain storage building') - de koperen schaal click to hear ('the copper bowl') - flessenscheepjes click to hear 2 ('small ships in bottles') - (de) hersenschudding click to hear 2 ('consussion' - [brain-shaking]) - (de) nalatenschap click to hear 2 ('legacy, inheritance') - (de) wetenschap click to hear ('science') - een houten schip click to hear ('a wooden ship') - (de) ovenschaal click to hear ('oven dish') - Winschoten click to hear 2 (a town) - de zon scheen de hele dag click to hear ('the sun was shining all day') - de zon schijnt click to hear 2 ('the sun is shining') - (de) onschuld click to hear 2 ('~innocence') - onschuldig click to hear 2 ('innocent' // '~harmless')
- eigen schuld! click to hear 2 ('It's your own fault, you only have yourself to blame')
OSCH  SCH in the middle or at the end of family- or place-names is often not pronounced. It's a remnant of old spelling.
- Bosch click to hear (a family name) - Doornbosch click to hear 2 3 (a family name) - Den Bosch) click to hear - Den Bosch / (official name:) 's-Hertogenbosch click to hear 2 (a city - French name: 'Bois-le-Duc') - de Biesbosch click to hear (a watery area in the West of the country)
- Hieronymus Bosch click to hear 2 (painter, ca. 1450-1516) also known as: Jeroen Bosch click to hear 2
OOSCH  - hallo schoonheid click to hear 2 3 ('hello, beauty') ‑>>
OESCH  toeschouwers - Ryan ten Doeschate click to hear 2 (cricket player) - toeschouwers click to hear 2 ('spectators,' audience to a live performance)
PSCH  - (de) schaapscheerder click to hear ('sheep shearer') - (de) scherpschutter click to hear 2 ('sharpshooter, sniper') - schimpscheuten click to hear 2 ('curses,' bad things said about someone) - (het) piepschuim click to hear ('[squeak-foam] - styrofoam, polystyrene' - jocular) - opscheppen click to hear 2 ('to boast' // 'to serve, ladle out') - (de) opschepper click to hear ('boastful person' // 'food server') - opscheplepels click to hear ('serving spoons') - opschieten click to hear 2 3 ('to hurry, make haste') - hij is op school click to hear 2 3 ('he's at school')
RSCH  - Aarschot click to hear (a town in Belgium) - (de) maarschalk click to hear 2 ('marshall') - een paar schoenen click to hear 2 ('a pair of shoes') - waarschijnlijk click to hear 2 ('probably') - waarschuwen click to hear 2 3 ('to warn') - (de) waarschuwing click to hear 2 3 ('warning') - Terschelling click to hear 2 (an island) - (de) zwangerschap click to hear ('pregnancy') - Zomerschoon click to hear 2 (a tulip name) - (de) waterschade click to hear 2 ('damage by water') - beterschap! click to hear ('get well!') - waterschappen click to hear ('water boards' - water regulation bodies) ‑>> - (het) verschil click to hear ('difference') ‑>> - verschillen click to hear 2 ('differences' // 'to differ') - verschillend click to hear / verschillende click to hear 2 ('different') - onverschillig click to hear 2 ('indifferent') - hartverscheurend click to hear 2 ([heart- rending] - 'agonizing, major distressing') - Overschie click to hear (former village, now part of Rotterdam) - (het) overschot click to hear 2 ('surplus') - Zilverschoon click to hear (a tulip name) - Voorschoten click to hear (a town)
SSCH  - (de) kaasschaaf click to hear ('cheese slicer') - kaas schaven click to hear 2 3 ('slicing cheese' // 'cheese slicers') - misschien click to hear ('maybe, perhaps') ‑>> - (de) basisschool click to hear ('elementary school') ‑>> - (de) bisschop click to hear ('bishop') - (de) kiesschijf click to hear ('rotary dial' - old telephone') ‑>> - (de) ijsschep click to hear ('ice cream serving spoon') - ijsschotsen click to hear 2 ('ice floes') - (het) passagiersschip click to hear 2 3 4 ('passenger schip, liner' - French G) - aardappels schillen click to hear 2 ('peeling potatoes')
TSCH  - (de) maatschappij click to hear 2 ('society' // 'company') - (de) taartschep click to hear ('cake serving tool') - uitschakelen click to hear 2 ('to switch off' // 'to eliminate' - competition) - zich verontschuldigen click to hear 2 3 ('to apologize, offer excuses') - keet schoppen click to hear ([to kick up fun] - 'to have rowdy fun' - children's slang)
- 't Schiet op click to hear 2 It's progressing nicely, it's almost done - Er zit schot in click to hear 2 It's becoming unstuck, things are moving (literally and figuratively)
UISCH  SCH in the middle or at the end of family- or place-names is often not pronounced. It's a remnant of old spelling.
- Rachel Ruysch click to hear 2 3 (painter, 1664-1750)
WSCH  - 't Is jouw schuld! click to hear ('It's your fault, you are to blame')

Hear a few verbs with SCH

See also: Strong Verbs
to plane:     schaven ik schaaf ik schaafde ik heb geschaafd click to hear
to shave:     scheren schoor geschoren click to hear
    wij schoren click to hear alternate simple past: 'scheerde' click to hear
to donate // to pour drinks:     schenken schonk geschonken click to hear 2
to create (like God):   scheppen schiep geschapen click to hear
to shoot:     schieten schoot geschoten click to hear
    wij schoten click to hear
voorschieten to advance (money)
ik schoot voor I advanced (money)
ik heb voorgeschoten I have advanced (money)
click to hear
to shine // to appear,
'it looks like ...':
  schijnen scheen geschenen click to hear
    wij schenen click to hear

schijnen 'seem'
't schijnt it seems
ze schijnen they seem
't scheen it seemed
ze schenen they seemed
click to hear 2
schoppen to kick
ik schop I kick
wij schoppen we kick
ik schopte I kicked
wij schopten we kicked
ik heb ge schopt I have kicked
click to hear - ‑>>
schudden to shake
ik schud I shake
wij schudden we shake
ik schudde I shook
wij schudden we shook
ik heb geschud I have shaken
click to hear
to shove, make slide:     schuiven schoof geschoven click to hear
    wij schoven click to hear
to hide, conceal:     verschuilen
verschool verscholen click to hear

Major Exceptions to the Phonetic Spelling of Dutch:
- Page 1:   een   -IG   -ISCH   -LIJK  
- Page 2:   -B   -D   SCHR   -TIE   UW   WR

Hear the Dutch Letters in Hundreds of Words:
 AU/OU  CH  E  EI/IJ  EU  G  H  L  OE  U  UI  V  W  X  Y

'Master Lists' of Dutch words: Dutch to English - English to Dutch

'Basic' Dutch Words - Pictures Dictionary - Words by Subject - Easy Dutch - Phrases and Conversation Templates - Names - Place Names - verbs

email - Copyright © Marco Schuffelen 2022. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, redistributed, or hotlinked to.
Gij zult niet stelen click to hear 'Thou shalt not steal'