Do take my words for it
Too many examples! Listen just to what looks interesting or
useful to you. That's the beauty of a free website - you can just skip
what you don't need without feeling bad
that you paid for something that's of no use to you.
Listen to as many or as few examples as
you want. Look for words that may be useful to you.
- Can there be too many examples for you students to listen to?
Pay special attention to letters, letter combinations and sounds
that you don't have in your own language
These pronunciation pages are not meant for learning
vocabulary. The English translations may lack in precision. But if
you like, follow the occasional links
to explanation,
examples of usage and/or related words.
Learning Vocabulary
Adjectives in most
positions get an -E ending
‑>> Several words appear twice on the page. I do not have an
infinite number of recordings, and some combinations of letters are
rarely or never found in Dutch.
Spelling and Pronunciation
Dutch spelling/pronunciation rules say that:
a double vowel is always 'long'
(de) slaap
('sleep') -
(de) vloot2 ('fleet')
a single vowel at the end of a word is always 'long' (except E)
(de) sla
('lettuce') -
(de) vlo2
('flea') -
de2 ('the' #1)
a single vowel followed by one or more consonants at the end of
a word is 'short'
('weak') -
(het) vlot23 ('raft')
a single vowel followed by one consonant followed by another
vowel is 'long.' (The syllables split is before the single
This is somewhat like English 'silent E')
slapen (sla-pen)
('to sleep)
vloten (vlo-ten)2 ('fleets')
a single vowel followed by two or more consonants is 'short.'
(The syllable break is between the consonants)
slappe (slap-pe)
('weak') -
vlotten (vlot-ten)23 ('rafts')
This rule 'works' for double consonants, but not always when the
consonants are different
The 'voiceless, unstressed E'
(the 'schwa') is a problem
Diphthongs don't have 'short' and 'long' forms
Vowels and diphthongs are a little longer when followed by R
So (de) man2
('man, human adult male) has the plural
mannen (man-nen)2
while (de) maan2
has the plural manen (ma-nen)23
(de) W 2 Keep lips relaxed, not rounded as if for a kiss like in English W;
Dutch W starts with the top of the lower lip touching the front
upper teeth, but not clearly blowing air like for a V or F.
The sound is formed in the back of the mouth, and not in the front like
English W.
Hear my English 'weed'
- Dutch people call it wiet23
the: de 2 /
het 23
- 't
->> Plurals always take 'de'
a: (een) - 'n
/ one: één
Listen to a few examples of the Dutch W:
- (de) wigwam23456
('teepee') - (de) wipwap
('seesaw' - children's talk)
- (de) wirwar
('a jumble, things mixed up')
- (de) witwas
('"white" laundry')
- (het) winkelwagentje2
('shopping cart')
- (het) wijwater2
('holy water')
- (het) werkwoord
([work-word] - 'verb')
- welwillend
('benevolent') - (de) winterwortel
('large carrot')
- (de) windwijzer2
('windvane') - (de) wielewaal2
('golden oriole' - a bird)
- (het) gewauwel23
('annoying, boring talk')
- Wieringerwerf2
(a town) -
wijze woorden
('words of wisdom')
- van wanten weten
('being knowledgeable, knowing how to do things')
wel en wee2
([health and illness] - 'well-being')
wis en waarachtig2
('it's true') - wikken en wegen2
([deliberating and weighing] - 'pondering a decision')
- weer en wind
([weather and wind] - 'in all kinds of weather')
- (de) Wijde Wormer
(an old 'polder')
- wij willen water
('we want water')
Ik werd wakker van de wekker('I was woken up by the alarm clock') -
Wereldwijde week van de veiligheid2('global safety week'
- a company slogan I thought up) more Sayings
- more Alliterations
- more Place Names
The 'first series' is grouped by the letter after the W's, the
'second series' is grouped by the letter before the W's:
the: de 2 /
het 23
- 't
->> Plurals always take 'de'
a: (een) - 'n
/ one: één
Repeat the words after me, try saying them like I do, and record
yourself or ask a friend to compare how you say them with how I say
them. Try to bring your pronunciation of the words closer and closer to how I say them. Use as few or as many examples as you like.
- (de) zwabber
('mop,' a kind of broom)
- [(de)] wacht
('wait!' // 'guard')
- wachten
('to wait') ‑>> - (de) wachtkamer2
('waiting room')
- wadden2
('~flood plain')
- de Waddenzee
(the mostly flood-plain area between the islands in the North and the
- (de) wadjang
('wok' - a word from Malay)
- "wah"
(interjection - dialect)
- (het) wak
('hole in ice surface')
- wakker
('awake') ‑>> - (de) wal2
('a big wall,' like city walls)
- (de) Walstraat2
("Wall Street")
- Walcheren2
(former island in the province of Zeeland2
['Sea-land']) - walgelijk23
('disgusting') - (de) wals
('waltz' // 'steamroller')
- (de) walvis
('whale') - Walvisbaai2
('Whale Bay' - Namibia)
- (het) wambuis
('jerkin' - Medieval clothing)
- (de) wang
('cheek') - wangen
('cheeks') - (de) wanhoop2345
('despair') - wankel2 / wankele2
('unstable, not well balanced')
- [(de)] want2
('because, for' ‑>> // 'mitt')
- wapperen23
('snapping' - flag)
- war /
in de war
('confused') - (de) wartaal2
('gibberish, nonsense speech')
- (het) warhoofd2
('muddlehead, confused person')
- warm /
('warm, hot') - [(de)] was
(1. 'was'= simple past singular of
('to be') ‑>> 2. 'laundry' 3. 'wax')
- (het) wasbord
('washboard') - (de) wasknijpers
('clothespins') - (de) waslijn
('clothesline') - (de) wasmand
('laundry basket')
- Wassenaar
(a town) - waste2
('washed' - simple past singular of
('to wash' // 'to do
laundry' ‑>>) - wat
('what') ‑>> - watten2
('cotton wool')
- ik wou
('I wish, I wanted'
- informal ‑>>) - (het) woud2 / wouden
('forest' / 'forests')
- woudreuzen2
([giants of the forest] - very large trees)
- Wout
(a boys' name) - Wouter
(a boys' name) also hear AU above
- [(het)] blauwpaars234
violet' ‑>>) - Nieuwpoort
(a city in
Belgium ‑>>)
W before R is pronounced as
(Dutch) V - (het) wrak
('wreck') - (het) scheepswrak
('wrecked ship')
- wrang2
('sour // wry')
- (de) wrat2
('wart')(de) wraak
('revenge')wreed /
('cruel') - (de) wreedheid
('cruelty') - (de) wreef23
('arch' - foot // singular simple past tense of
'wrijven' - see below)
- wreken
('to revenge, take revenge, avenge)
- (het) gewricht2
('joint, ~connection')
- ontwrichten23
('to disrupt, disorganize, disjoint')
- wringen
('to wring, squeeze')
- ik wring2
('I'm wringing, squeezing')
(de) wrok
('grudge, rancor')
- verwrongen
('twisted, distorted')
- wrijven2
('to rub') - (de) wrijving2
('friction') - wij wreven
('we rubbed')(de) wroeging
('remorse, feeling bad about past actions)
(de) vraag2
/ (de) wraak
('revenge') - (de) vrede
('peace') / wrede
('cruel') (het) wak
('hole in the ice')
- (het) vak2
('subject // section // profession') - (het) wrak
('wreck') - weerwraak / verwrongen2
('~revenge / twisted')
... but not "VR" in compound words:
- (de) trouwring2
('wedding ring)
- (het) nieuws
('news') - het nieuws 2
('the news') - Zeeuws2
('from the province of Zeeland'2) - Middeleeuws2
('Medieval') - (de) grauwsluier
('a gray veil' - phrase from a detergent commercial)
- zenuwslopend2
('nerve-wracking') - (het) zenuwstelsel2
('(the) nervous system')
- (de) rouwstoet23
('funeral procession')
- U duwt23
('you push' - polite 'you')
- (het) touwtje23
('small piece of rope, string')
- (het) duwtje2
('small push, nudge')
- (het) leeuwtje
('small, young lion')
- dauwtrappen
(['stepping on the dew'] - a tradition of getting out
very early on Ascension day, sometimes with a bit rowdy behavior)
A few Dutch families write their name with Wte or
Wtte as the
first letters. It should be pronounced
as (Dutch) ute
- Freule Wttewaall van Stoetwegen,Wterwijck
- Joachim Wtewael
23 Some Dutchmen will assume it actually says
('white') - for instance
or uite23
(~'out of, from') - for instance
Uitewaal (Uytewael)
- Wubbo
(a boys' name) - wuft23
('frivolous, fickle' - old-fashioned)
- wulps23
('voluptuous, sexy, seductive' - said of women)
- bewust
('conscious') - (de) oorwurm
Dutch IEUW
sounds very much like EW in English NEW:
Dutch long I (IE)
+ Dutch UW:
- nieuw
/ nieuwe2
('new') - (het) nieuws
('news') - het nieuws 2
('the news') - (de) kieuw23
('gill' - fish breathing)
- see IEU in U
for more
- (de) eeuw23
('century') / eeuwen2
('centuries') - eeuwig2 ('eternal') - (de) spreeuw2
('starling' - a bird)
see EEUW in U
for much more
- afwachten23
('to wait for,' "~wait and see")
- (de) lijfwacht2
('bodyguard') - (de) afwas
(dishes etc. to be washed)
- afwassen23
('doing' the dishes)
- Halfweg2
('Halfway' - a small town between Amsterdam and Haarlem)
- (het) proefwerk23
('written test' - in secondary school)
- (de) afweging
('consideration,' ["weighing"])
- afwisselen2
('to alternate, take turns, vary')
- (de) afwisseling23
('change, variety')
- afwijken
('to deviate, differ')
- (de) wigwam23456
('teepee') - (de) argwaan
('suspicion, mistrust')
- (het) leidingwater
('tap water')
- verbazingwekkend23
('amazing') - toevallig wel!2
("Just by accident" 'I happen to be right')
- (het) slagwerk
('percussion') - langwerpig
('rectangular') - 'n vlaag wind
('a gust of wind')
- (het) vliegwiel2
('flywheel') - (de) wegwijzer
('road sign' giving directions)
- Borgworm2
(Dutch name of the town of Waremme
in Walloon
Belgium ‑>>)
- (de) hooiwagen2
('hay cart' - Daddy Longlegs spider) - this I is a
'consonant I' pronounced as
consonant Y -
(Dutch J)
- (de) driewieler2
('tricycle') - (de) driewielrijder23
('tricyclist, tricycle rider' - a word I made up)
- wie weet ...?23
('whoknows ...?)
- (het) wijwater2
('holy water')
- vrijwel2
('almost, nearly')
- bijwerkingen2
('side effects' - of medicine)
- vrijwillig
('voluntarily') - (de) vrijwilliger2
('volunteer') - (het) rijwiel
('bicycle' - bureaucratic) ‑>> - (het) bijwoord23
('adverb' ‑>>) Also hear and see EI above
see hooiwagen under IW above
- twee kwadraat23
('2 squared,2 to the power 2'
‑>>) - (de) kwal
('jellyfish') - (het) kwart
('a quarter' of something)
- (het) kwartier
('a quarter of an hour,' 15 minutes)
- (het) kwartje
([a quarter of a guilder] - pre-Euro 25¢ coin)
- (de) kwast2
('brush' - mostly for paint)
- (de) kwelling2
('torment, agony, worry')
- kwetsen2
('to injure' // 'to offend')
- (de) kweekschool
('teaching academy')
- kwelen234
('ugly, amateur singing')
- (de) kwibus
('weird, idiosyncratic person')
- (het) kwik
('mercury,quicksilver' ‑>>) - (de) boekwinkel23
('bookstore') - (de) kwinkslag
('funny remark')
- (de) kwis
('quiz') - kwiek2
('lively') - (de) kwitantie2
('proof of payment')
- kwijt2
('lost, cannot be
) - (de) rookworst2
('smoked sausage')
- Slowakije
Slovakia ‑>> - Tsjechoslowakije
the former country of Czechoslovakia
- zowaar23
('right!' // 'actually')
- zowel2
('both, as well as')
- hoewel
('although') - hoe werkt 't?2
('how does it work, how does it go, what's the mechanism?')
- hoe weinig we weten2
('how little we know')
OU also hear - AU above - bouwen
('to build') - (de) houweel
('pickaxe') - jouw
('your' - singular informal)
- (de) wipwap
('seesaw' - childrens' language)
- (de) stroopwafel2
(a cookie of crystallized syrup between two very thin waffles)
- (de) koopwaar
('merchandise') - op weg naar ...23
('on the way to ...')
- op weg naar huis234
('on the way home, homeward bound')
- (de) opwelling2
('sudden impulse')
- "Hup Willem!"2
(sports encouragement: 'William - do your best, go for it!')
- opwindend23
- onverwacht
('unexpected') - verwachten2
('to expect') - (de) verwachting2 /verwachtingen23
('expectation'/ 'expectations')
- in verwachting2
(pregnant,' "expecting")
- klaarwakker
('wide awake')
- [(de)] verwant2
('relative' - related)
- (de) wirwar
('a jumble, things mixed up')
- verward
('confused') - lekker warm23
('comfortably warm')
- (de) verwarming
('heating') - (de) verwarring234
('confusion') - haar wassen
('washing hair
- (de) kinderwagen
('baby carriage')
- verwaand2
('arrogant, too high an opinion of yourself')
- (het) vuurwapen
('firearm') - (de) voorwaarde /
('pre-condition' / 'pre-conditions')
- (het) vaarwater
('waterway') - onder water234
('under water, flooded')
- ver weg23
('far away')
- onderweg2
('on the way')
- (de) spoorweg2
('railroad') - (de) overweg23
('railroad crossing')
- vaarwel
('farewell') - overweldigend2
('overwhelming') - verwend234
('spoiled, overindulged')
- verwennen2
('to spoil, overindulge')
- (het) achterwerk
('backside, buttocks')
- (het) vuurwerk
('fireworks') - verwerken2
('to process') - (de) afvalverwerking23
('garbage processing, disposal')
- (het) voorwerp23
('item') - ouderwets /
('old-fashioned') - de Merwede
(a river) - halverwege2
('halfway') - Barwegen2
(a hamlet in the province of Friesland23) - overwegen234
('to consider') - Noorwegen
('Norway') - zwaar weer
([heavy] - 'bad weather')
- (de) tarwe
('wheat') - (de) sperwer2
('sparrowhawk' - a bird)
- (de) treurwilg
('weeping willow' - a tree)
- Neerwinden
(a town in Belgium)
- overwinnen
('to win, conquer, defeat')
- (de) overwinning
('victory') - spierwit2
('very white' [ - like muscle])
- (het) achterwiel23
('rear wheel')
- (het) stuurwiel
('steering wheel')
- (het) karwei
('job, task, piece of work')
- Beverwijk2
(a town) - Harderwijk2
(a town) - Zuiderwijk2
(a family name) - terwijl2
('while') - (het) onderwijs
('education, teaching')
- spelenderwijs2
('like play,' - 'without much effort, with much ease')
- (het) verwijt2
('reproach, recrimination')
- verwijten2
('to reproach, address blame to a person')
- onderwijzen23
('to teach') - (de) verwijzing2
('referral') - (de) weerwolf
('werewolf') - (de) verwonding
('wound, injury')
- (de) winterwortel
('large carrot')
- overwogen
('considered') - (het) voorwoord2
('preface') - (het) oerwoud23
([primeval forest] 'jungle')
- verwrongen
('twisted, distorted'
- WR = "VR") - weerwraak / verwrongen2
('~revenge / twisted')
- (de) oorwurm
('earwig') Minor Exceptions:
W in erwt is not pronounced:
(de) erwt
- erwt / erwten2
- doperwten2
('English peas')
- kikkererwten23 / kekererwten
('chickpeas, garbanzo beans')
W in murw is pronounced as F:murw
('beaten down, spirit broken')
- compare:
(de) smurf
- (de) boswachter
('forest ranger')
- (de) sluiswachter2
('sluice attendant')
- stadswallen
('city walls')
- (de) boswandeling2
(a walk in a forest)
- (de) stadswandeling2
('city walking tour')
- Bolsward
(a town) - Swarthout23
(black [wood] - a family name)
- Swartwout23
(black [forest] - a family name)
- Reimerswaal
(a 'drowned' Medieval town)
- Swanepoel
(a family name) - Valkenswaard
(a town) - (de) verhuiswagen
('moving van')
- vleeswaren2
('deli meat' - for sandwiches)
- (de) voedingswaarde2
('nutritional values' ‑>>) - weliswaar
('although') - wetenswaardigheden
('~factoids' ['things worthy to know'])
- (het) levenswerk2
('life's work,' - 'Magnum Opus')
- Swellendam
(a town) - vreeswekkend23
('frightening' [fear-creating])
- wittebroodsweken2
('a couple's first weeks of marriage')
- Sweem
(old family name - lives on in the US as 'Swaim')
- Swifterbant2
(a town) - (de) kaaswinkel2
('cheese shop')
- (de) viswinkel2
('fishmonger, fish store')
- Boswijk
(Bushwick, NY?
‑>>) - Brunswijk2
(a family name) - Molswijk
(a family name) - Rijswijk
(a town) - Winterswijk
(a town) - Aswoensdag2
('Ash Wednesday,' the day after Carnival is over, the start of Lent)
- (het) scheepswrak
('wrecked ship' - W before R is pronounced
as V)
- de Nachtwacht2345
(Rembrandt's famous painting 'The Night
Watch' ‑>>) - (de) witwas
('"white" laundry')
- ietwat23
('somewhat') - (de) vrachtwagen
('truck') - uitwaaien234
(going outdoors for a walk to get some fresh air
- and clear the mind - a.o.)
- (de) nachtwaker23
('night watchman')
- twaalf
('12') - na twaalven2
('after 12') ‑>> - nietwaar?23
([isn't it true?] 'isn't it?')
- Witwatersrand2
([White water's ridge] - part of the town of
Johannesburg, South Africa)
- (de) zoetwatervis
([sweet-] 'freshwater fish')
- (het) spuitwater2
('carbonated water')
- echt waar?2
("is it really true?")
- (de) uitweg2
('way out' - also figuratively)
- Twente
(area in the East of The Netherlands)
- (de) uitwerking23
('effect, result' // 'elaboration')
- (het) kunstwerk2
('work of art')
- (het) netwerk2
('network') - (het) ontwerp2
('design') - Antwerpen
('Antwerp') - twee
('2') - tweede
('second') - tweedehands23
('secondhand') - (de) tweeling
('twins') - tweetalig23
('bilingual') - (de) betweter23
([know-better] - 'know-it-all')
- slecht weer2
('bad weather') - 'petweer'
("miserable weather!")
- (de) dienstweigeraar23
([draft-refuser] conscientious objector to military service)
- ontwikkelen2
([to unwind] - 'to develop')
- (de) ontwikkeling / (de) ontwikkelingen23
- (de) uitwisseling
('exchange') - (de) twist
('quarrel' - old-fashioned)
- (de) zwart-wit foto
('black-and-white picture')
- (de) twijfel
('doubt') - twijfelen23
('to doubt') - (het) antwoord2
('answer') - antwoorden
('to answer' // 'answers')
- (de) cervelaatworst
(a sausage, like a mild salami)
- (de) verantwoordelijkheid
('responsibility') - verantwoordelijk /
('responsible') - onverantwoordelijk23
('irresponsible') - Swartwout23
(black [forest] - a family name)
- ontwrichten23
('to disrupt, disorganize, disjoint' - note that Dutch WR is
pronounced as VR)
Dutch spelling/pronunciation rules say a single vowel followed by one
or more consonants at the end of a word is 'short' - but UW is an
exception to that rule: UW
is always 'long.'
('your' - polite 'you')
(de) duw
('push')- (het) duwtje2
('small push, nudge')
- duwen
('to push') - U duwt23
('you are pushing')
- ik heb geduwd
('I have pushed')
- (de) schaduw
('shadow, shade')
- (de) weduwe2
('widow') - (de) weduwnaar2
('widower') - (het) huwelijk
('marriage') - gehuwd2
('married' - bureaucratic, formal)
- (het) juweel
('a jewel') - juwelen
('jewels, jewelry')
- (de) juwelier
('jeweler') - (de) baljuw2
("bailiff" - Medieval law court official)
- zwaluw
('swallow' - a bird)
- sluw2 / sluw/sluwe2
('sly, cunning') - fluweel
('velvet') - (de) kluwen
('skein' - ball of wool thread)
- (de) luwte2
('lee,' calm sea area - also figuratively)
- zenuw
('nerve') - (de) zenuwbehandeling
([nerve treatment] - 'root canal' (treatment))
- zenuwslopend2
('nerve-wracking') - (het) zenuwstelsel2
('(the) nervous system')
- ruw2 / ruwe2
('rough') - ruwaard
('a medieval ruler')
- ruwheid
('roughness') - ruwweg
('roughly' - estimating)
- gruwelen
('horrors // to be horrified')
- gruwelijk
('gruesome, horrible')
- schuw
/ schuw/schuwe2
('very shy') - schuwer2
('even more shy')
- (de) afschuw2
('horror, disgust, loathing')
- afschuwelijk2
('awful, horrible')
- waarschuwen23
('to warn') - (de) waarschuwing23
('warning') - zonder waarschuwing2
('without (a) warning')
- (de) stuw
('flood-control dam') - de Veluwe / de Betuwe
(areas in the East of The Netherlands)
('ritual // a ritual') and
- fluweel
('velvet') - UEE and UWEE sound the same.
But U
('you' - formal)
('your' - formal) do sound different