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Dutch W - Skip General Introduction

Pronunciation: Hear for Yourself

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Pay special attention to letters, letter combinations and sounds that you don't have in your own language
These pronunciation pages are not meant for learning vocabulary. The English translations may lack in precision. But if you like, follow the occasional links ‑>> to explanation, examples of usage and/or related words.
Learning Vocabulary

Adjectives in most positions get an -E  ending ‑>>
Several words appear twice on the page. I do not have an infinite number of recordings, and some combinations of letters are rarely or never found in Dutch.

Spelling and Pronunciation

Dutch spelling/pronunciation rules say that: So (de) man click to hear 2 ('man, human adult male) has the plural mannen (man-nen) click to hear 2 while (de) maan click to hear 2 ('moon') has the plural manen (ma-nen) click to hear 2 3

'Long' and 'short' are traditional terms. The difference is actually more of tone than length
More about spelling and pronunciation - another version
Learn the Rules by Studying and Listening to Examples

Major Exceptions to the Phonetic Spelling of Dutch:
- Page 1:   een   -IG   -ISCH   -LIJK  
- Page 2:   -B   -D   SCHR   -TIE   UW   WR

Hear the Dutch Letters in Hundreds of Words:
 AU/OU  CH  E  EI/IJ  EU  F  G  H  L  SCH  OE  U  UI  W  X  Y

'Master Lists' of Dutch words: Dutch to English - English to Dutch

W in Dutch - Hear for Yourself

(de) W click to hear 2
Keep lips relaxed, not rounded as if for a kiss like in English W; Dutch W starts with the top of the lower lip touching the front upper teeth, but not clearly blowing air like for a V or F. The sound is formed in the back of the mouth, and not in the front like English W.
Hear my English 'weed' click to hear 2 - Dutch people call it wiet click to hear 2 3

the: de click to hear 2 / het click to hear 2 3 - 't click to hear ->>
Plurals always take 'de'
a: (een) - 'n click to hear / one: één click to hear 2 3

Listen to a few examples of the Dutch W:
- (de) wigwam click to hear 2 3 4 5 6 ('teepee') - (de) wipwap click to hear ('seesaw' - children's talk) - (de) wirwar click to hear ('a jumble, things mixed up') - (de) witwas click to hear ('"white" laundry') - (het) winkelwagentje click to hear 2 ('shopping cart') - (het) wijwater click to hear 2 ('holy water') - (het) werkwoord click to hear ([work-word] - 'verb') - welwillend click to hear ('benevolent') - (de) winterwortel click to hear ('large carrot') - (de) windwijzer click to hear 2 ('windvane') - (de) wielewaal click to hear 2 ('golden oriole' - a bird) - (het) gewauwel click to hear 2 3 ('annoying, boring talk') - Wieringerwerf click to hear 2 (a town)
- wijze woorden click to hear ('words of wisdom') - van wanten weten click to hear ('being knowledgeable, knowing how to do things') - wel en wee click to hear 2 ([health and illness] - 'well-being') - wis en waarachtig click to hear 2 ('it's true') - wikken en wegen click to hear 2 ([deliberating and weighing] - 'pondering a decision') - weer en wind click to hear ([weather and wind] - 'in all kinds of weather') - (de) Wijde Wormer click to hear (an old 'polder')
- wij willen water click to hear ('we want water')
- Ik werd wakker van de wekker click to hear ('I was woken up by the alarm clock') - Wereldwijde week van de veiligheid click to hear 2 ('global safety week' - a company slogan I thought up)
more Sayings - more Alliterations - more Place Names

The 'first series' is grouped by the letter after the W's, the 'second series' is grouped by the letter before the W's:

- W first series: WA to WZ - W second series: AW-ZW

the: de click to hear 2 / het click to hear 2 3 - 't click to hear ->>
Plurals always take 'de'
a: (een) - 'n click to hear / one: één click to hear 2 3

Repeat the words after me, try saying them like I do, and record yourself or ask a friend to compare how you say them with how I say them. Try to bring your pronunciation of the words closer and closer to how I say them. Use as few or as many examples as you like.

WA  - (de) zwabber click to hear ('mop,' a kind of broom) - [(de)] wacht click to hear ('wait!' // 'guard') - wachten click to hear ('to wait') ‑>> - (de) wachtkamer click to hear 2 ('waiting room') - wadden click to hear 2 ('~flood plain') - de Waddenzee click to hear (the mostly flood-plain area between the islands in the North and the mainland) - (de) wadjang click to hear ('wok' - a word from Malay) - "wah" click to hear (interjection - dialect) - (het) wak click to hear ('hole in ice surface') - wakker click to hear ('awake') ‑>> - (de) wal click to hear 2 ('a big wall,' like city walls) - (de) Walstraat click to hear 2 ("Wall Street") - Walcheren click to hear 2 (former island in the province of Zeeland click to hear 2 ['Sea-land']) - walgelijk click to hear 2 3 ('disgusting') - (de) wals click to hear ('waltz' // 'steamroller') - (de) walvis click to hear ('whale') - Walvisbaai click to hear 2 ('Whale Bay' - Namibia) - (het) wambuis click to hear ('jerkin' - Medieval clothing) - (de) wang click to hear ('cheek') - wangen click to hear ('cheeks') - (de) wanhoop click to hear 2 3 4 5 ('despair') - wankel click to hear 2 / wankele click to hear 2 ('unstable, not well balanced') - [(de)] want click to hear 2 ('because, for' ‑>> // 'mitt') - wapperen click to hear 2 3 ('snapping' - flag) - war click to hear / in de war click to hear ('confused') - (de) wartaal click to hear 2 ('gibberish, nonsense speech') - (het) warhoofd click to hear 2 ('muddlehead, confused person') - warm click to hear / warme click to hear 2 ('warm, hot') - [(de)] was click to hear (1. 'was'= simple past singular of zijn click to hear ('to be') ‑>> 2. 'laundry' 3. 'wax') - (het) wasbord click to hear ('washboard') - (de) wasknijpers click to hear ('clothespins') - (de) waslijn click to hear ('clothesline') - (de) wasmand click to hear ('laundry basket') - Wassenaar click to hear (a town) - waste click to hear 2 ('washed' - simple past singular of wassen click to hear 2 ('to wash' // 'to do laundry' ‑>>) - wat click to hear ('what') ‑>> - watten click to hear 2 ('cotton wool')
WAA  - waden click to hear 2 ('to wade') - [(het)] kwaad click to hear 2 / [(het)] kwade click to hear 2 3 ('angry' // '(the) evil') - (de) wafel click to hear 2 ('waffle') - wagen click to hear 2 ('cart' // 'to dare') - (het) wagentje click to hear ('small cart' // 'car' - jocular) - (de) waaghals click to hear 2 ('daredevil') - waaien click to hear 2 ('to blow' - wind) - (de) wajangpoppen click to hear 2 ('wayang dolls' - Malay theater) - (de) wake click to hear 2 3 ('wake' - vigil for the dead) - waken click to hear 2 3 ('keeping watch') - de Waal click to hear 2 (a river) - (de) waan click to hear 2 ('delusion') - (de) waanzin click to hear 2 ('madness, insanity') - (het) wapen click to hear ('arm, weapon' // 'emblem') - wapens click to hear 2 ('arms, weapons') - waar click to hear ('where' // 'true') ‑>> - (de) waarheid click to hear 2 ('truth') - [(de)] waren click to hear 2 ('were' - plural // 'merchandise') - waarom? click to hear 2 ('why?') ‑>> - (de) waas click to hear 2 ('haze') - (het) water click to hear 2 ('water') - (het) zwavel click to hear ('sulphur') - dwaze click to hear 2 ('silly') - wazig click to hear 2 ('vague,' not seen clearly)
WAU  - wauwelen click to hear 2 3 ('talking in an irritating manner') - (het) gewauwel click to hear 2 3 ('annoying, boring talk')
WB  - betrouwbaar click to hear 2 ('reliable, trustworthy') - (de) duwboot click to hear 2 3 ('push-boat' - opposite of - (de) sleepboot click to hear 2 ([drag-] - 'tugboat') - (de) schouwburg click to hear 2 ('theatre' - old-fashioned)
WC  - ((de) WC click to hear ('toilet, bathroom' ))
WD  - benauwd click to hear / benauwd/benauwde click to hear (difficulty breathing // 'afraid, hesitating') - (de) blauwdruk click to hear ('blueprint') - (de) trouwdag click to hear 2 ('wedding day' // 'anniversary') - (de) houwdegen click to hear 2 3 (['chopping sword'] - 'tough old no-nonsense soldier') - gehuwd click to hear 2 ('married')
WE  - (het) spinneweb click to hear ('spiderweb') - (de) wedde click to hear ('a soldier's wages') - wedden click to hear 2 ('to bet') - [(de)] weg click to hear ('way, road' // 'away') ‑>> - wekken click to hear 2 ('to wake someone up') - (de) wekker click to hear ('alarm clock') - wel click to hear (affirmative amplifier) ‑>> - welk click to hear 2 / welke click to hear 2 ('which') - welkom click to hear 2 ('welcome') - wennen click to hear ('to get used to') ‑>> - (de) wens click to hear / wensen click to hear 2 ('wish' / 'wishes // to wish') - (het) werk click to hear ('work') - wervelen click to hear 2 ('to whirl, spin') - wervels click to hear ('vertebrae' - backbone disks) - (de) wesp click to hear 2 ('wasp') - west click to hear ('West') - (de) wet click to hear ('law')
WEE  - (de) wee click to hear - (de) weeën click to hear ('contraction' - birth // 'contractions') - [(de)] twee click to hear ('2' ‑>>) - (het) weefgetouw click to hear 2 ('loom' -weaving) - wegen click to hear 2 ('ways, roads' // 'to weigh') - (de) week click to hear 2 ('week') - (de) weelde click to hear 2 ('luxury') - [(het)] weer click to hear 2 ('again' // ' weather') - (de) wereld click to hear 2 ('world') - [(de)] wees click to hear 2 ('orphan' // imperative of zijn  'to be') - weet je wat? click to hear 2 (['Do you know something?'] - 'Let me tell you something, I have an idea ...') - weet jij ...? click to hear 2 ('Do you know ...?' - something) - [(het)] wezen click to hear 2 ('orphans' // 'essence')
WE‑uh   - we click to hear ('we' ‑>>) - blauwe click to hear 2 3 ('blue') - bouwen click to hear ('to build') - (de) bouwerij click to hear 2 ('farm' - very old-fashioned - the origin of New York's 'Bowery' - (de) sjouwer click to hear ('a worker carrying building material') - (de) weduwe click to hear 2 ('widow')
- also hear - WU below
WEI  - (de) wei click to hear 2 / (de) weide click to hear 2 / (het) weiland click to hear 2 ('meadow') ‑>> - (het) gewei click to hear ('antlers') - (het) karwei click to hear ('job, task, piece of work') - weigeren click to hear 2 ('to refuse') - (de) dweil click to hear 2 (rag for wet-cleaning floors) - weinig click to hear 2 3 4 ('little, few' ‑>>) - (het) boekweit click to hear 2 ('buckwheat') - wijde weiden click to hear ([wide] 'large meadows')
WF  - (de) vouwfiets click to hear ('folding bicycle')
WG  - (de/het) kauwgom click to hear 2 3 ('chewing gum')
WH  - (de) klauwhamer click to hear ('clawhammer') - (het) bouwhout click to hear ('construction wood' - a word I made up) - (de) ruwheid click to hear ('roughness')
WI  - (de) wichelroede click to hear ('divining rod') - (de) wig click to hear 2 ('wedge') - wikkelen click to hear 2 ('to wrap' by winding around) - wild click to hear / wild/wilde click to hear ('wild') - Wim click to hear (a boys' name ‑>>) - wind click to hear 2 ('wind') - winden click to hear 2 3 ('to wind, twist' // 'winds') - (de) winkel click to hear 2 ('shop, store') - winkels click to hear 2 ('shops, stores') - (de) lijkschouwing click to hear 2 3 ('autopsy' - [dead-body viewing]) - (de) wipwap click to hear ('seesaw' - children's talk) - (de) wirwar click to hear ('a jumble, things mixed up') - (de) wissel click to hear 2 ('switch' - railroad, team sports) - (het) wissewasje click to hear ('an easy and quick job') - wit click to hear 2 / witte click to hear 2 3 / wit/witte click to hear 2 3 ('white')
WIE  - wie? click to hear 2 ('who?' ‑>>) - Wiebe click to hear (a boys' name) - onkruid wieden click to hear ('weeding weeds') - (de) wieg click to hear 2 ('cradle') - (de) wiek click to hear ('wing, vane,' - windmill) - (het) wiel click to hear 2 / wielen click to hear ('wheel/wheels') - Wiepke click to hear (a boys' name) - (het) zeewier click to hear 2 3 ('seaweed') - (de) Wieringermeer click to hear (a 'polder') ‑>> - (de) wierook click to hear 2 ('incense') - (de) wiet click to hear 2 3 ("weed")
WIJ  - wij click to hear 2 ('we') ‑>> - wijd click to hear / wijd/wijde click to hear ('wide') - (de) wijk click to hear ('neigborhood' city district, subdivision) - wijlen click to hear ('the late' - deceased) - (de) wijn click to hear 2 ('wine') - wijs click to hear ('wise') - (de) wijsheid click to hear 2 ('wisdom') - wijten click to hear 2 ('to blame,' see as the cause of) ‑>> - (het) wijwater click to hear 2 ('holy water') - (het) wijwaterbakje click to hear ('holy water bowl') - wijze click to hear 2 ('wise') - wijzen click to hear 2 ('wise men // 'to point at')
Also hear EI above
WJ  - (de) nieuwjaarsdag click to hear 2 ('new years' day,' January 1st) - Gelukkig Nieuwjaar! click to hear 2 ('Happy New Year!' ‑>>)
WK  - nauwkeurig click to hear ('precise') - (de) blauwkous click to hear 2 ('bluestocking') - Nieuwkerke click to hear 2 (a city in Belgium)
WM  - Bouwman click to hear (a family name ‑>>)
WN  - (de) clown click to hear ('clown' - O pronounced as Dutch AU/OU) - (de) weduwnaar click to hear 2 ('widower')
WO  - (het) Wogmeer click to hear 2 (an old 'polder') - (de) wok click to hear ('wok') - (de) wol click to hear ('wool') - (de) wolf click to hear ('wolf') - wolven click to hear ('wolves') - (de) wolk click to hear 2 3 ('cloud') - (de) wond click to hear ('wound') - worden click to hear 2 ('to become' // 'to be' as auxiliary verb for the passive voice) ‑>> - 'ik word oud' click to hear 2 ("I'm getting old") - (de) worm click to hear / wormen click to hear ('worm'/ 'worms') - (de) worst click to hear ('sausage')
WOO  - Wodan click to hear (Wotan, the Germanic chief god) - wij wogen click to hear ('we weighed') - blauw oog click to hear 2 ([blue] 'black eye' - injury) - wonen click to hear 2 ('to live, reside' ‑>>) - (de) woning click to hear 2 3 ('house' - bureaucratic) - (het) woonerf click to hear 2 (city area with reduced or no car traffic) - (het) woord click to hear / woorden click to hear ('word/words') ‑>>
WOE  - (de) woede click to hear 2 ('anger') - woelen click to hear 2 ('to toss, turn about' // 'to churn, turn up' - soil) - (de) woelwater click to hear 2 ('fidget,' hyperactive child or person) - (de) woensdag click to hear ('wednesday') ‑>> - Woerden click to hear 2 ('a town') - (de) woestijn click to hear ('desert')
WOU  - ik wou click to hear ('I wish, I wanted' - informal ‑>>) - (het) woud click to hear 2 / wouden click to hear ('forest' / 'forests') - woudreuzen click to hear 2 ([giants of the forest] - very large trees) - Wout click to hear (a boys' name) - Wouter click to hear (a boys' name)
also hear AU above
WP  - [(het)] blauwpaars click to hear 2 3 4 ('blue-purple, violet' ‑>>) - Nieuwpoort click to hear (a city in Belgium ‑>>)
WR  W before R is pronounced as (Dutch) V
- (het) wrak click to hear ('wreck') - (het) scheepswrak click to hear ('wrecked ship') - wrang click to hear 2 ('sour // wry') - (de) wrat click to hear 2 ('wart') (de) wraak click to hear ('revenge') wreed click to hear / wrede click to hear ('cruel') - (de) wreedheid click to hear ('cruelty') - (de) wreef click to hear 2 3 ('arch' - foot // singular simple past tense of 'wrijven'  - see below) - wreken click to hear ('to revenge, take revenge, avenge) - (het) gewricht click to hear 2 ('joint, ~connection') - ontwrichten click to hear 2 3 ('to disrupt, disorganize, disjoint') - wringen click to hear ('to wring, squeeze') - ik wring click to hear 2 ('I'm wringing, squeezing') (de) wrok click to hear ('grudge, rancor') - verwrongen click to hear ('twisted, distorted') - wrijven click to hear 2 ('to rub') - (de) wrijving click to hear 2 ('friction') - wij wreven click to hear ('we rubbed') (de) wroeging click to hear ('remorse, feeling bad about past actions)
(de) vraag click to hear 2 ('question') / (de) wraak click to hear ('revenge')
- (de) vrede click to hear ('peace') / wrede click to hear ('cruel')
(het) wak click to hear ('hole in the ice') - (het) vak click to hear 2 ('subject // section // profession') - (het) wrak click to hear ('wreck')
- weerwraak / verwrongen click to hear 2 ('~revenge / twisted')
... but not "VR" in compound words: - (de) trouwring click to hear 2 ('wedding ring)
WS  - (het) nieuws click to hear ('news') - het nieuws click to hear 2 ('the news') - Zeeuws click to hear 2 ('from the province of Zeeland' click to hear 2) - Middeleeuws click to hear 2 ('Medieval') - (de) grauwsluier click to hear ('a gray veil' - phrase from a detergent commercial) - zenuwslopend click to hear 2 ('nerve-wracking') - (het) zenuwstelsel click to hear 2 ('(the) nervous system') - (de) rouwstoet click to hear 2 3 ('funeral procession')
WT  - U duwt click to hear 2 3 ('you push' - polite 'you') - (het) touwtje click to hear 2 3 ('small piece of rope, string') - (het) duwtje click to hear 2 ('small push, nudge') - (het) leeuwtje click to hear ('small, young lion') - dauwtrappen click to hear (['stepping on the dew'] - a tradition of getting out very early on Ascension day, sometimes with a bit rowdy behavior)

A few Dutch families write their name with Wte  or Wtte  as the first letters. It should be pronounced as (Dutch) ute click to hear - Freule Wttewaall van Stoetwegen, Wterwijck click to hear - Joachim Wtewael click to hear 2 3
Some Dutchmen will assume it actually says witte click to hear 2 ('white') - for instance "Wittewaal" click to hear or uite click to hear 2 3 (~'out of, from') - for instance Uitewaal (Uytewael) click to hear 2 3

WU  - Wubbo click to hear (a boys' name) - wuft click to hear 2 3 ('frivolous, fickle' - old-fashioned) - wulps click to hear 2 3 ('voluptuous, sexy, seductive' - said of women) - bewust click to hear ('conscious') - (de) oorwurm click to hear ('earwig')
WUI  - wuiven click to hear 2 ('to wave')
WV  - bouwvakkers click to hear 2 ('construction workers' ‑>>) - "de Bouwvak" click to hear ('construction workers vacation, holiday') - (de) bouwval click to hear 2 ('ruin, dilapidated building') - flauwvallen click to hear 2 ('to faint')
WY  - Wychert click to hear (a boys' name)
also hear WI and WIE above
WZ  - blauw zout click to hear ('blue salt') - Nieuw Zeeland click to hear ('New Zealand' ‑>>)

AW  - (het) lawaai click to hear 2 ('noise') - lawaaiïg click to hear 2 / lawaaiïge click to hear ('noisy' ‑>>)
AAW  - naweeën click to hear 2 3 ('after-birth contractions' - but usually figuratively: 'aftereffects') - (het) nawoord click to hear 2 ('afterword')
AUW  - lauw click to hear 2 / lauw/lauwe click to hear 2 ('tepid,' between cold and warm) - [(het)] blauw click to hear 2 3 ('blue') - blauwe click to hear 2 3 ('blue') - (de) dauw click to hear ('dew') - miauw! click to hear 2 ('meow!' - cat) - (de) knauw click to hear 2 3 4 5 6 ('animal bite' // psychological setback, loss of self-confidence) - rauw click to hear ('raw') - benauwd click to hear / benauwd/benauwde click to hear (difficulty breathing // 'afraid, hesitating') - (de) flauwekul click to hear 2 ('nonsense') - (het) gewauwel click to hear 2 3 ('annoying, boring talk') - kauwen click to hear 2 ('to chew') - (de/het) kauwgom click to hear 2 3 ('chewing gum') - nauwkeurig click to hear ('precise')
CHW  - zich wassen click to hear 2 ('to wash up, wash yourself') ‑>>
DW  - (de) schildwacht click to hear 2 3 ('sentry') - (de) veldwachter click to hear 2 ('rural policeman' - old-fashioned) - (de) dwang click to hear ('compulsion, coercion') - dwars click to hear 2 3 ('diagonal' // 'contrary') - (de) dwaling click to hear 2 3 ('aberration, error') - verdwaald click to hear ('lost,' not knowing where you are and where to go) - [(de)] dwaas click to hear ('silly' // 'silly person') - dwaas / dwaze click to hear 2 3 ('silly') - (de) zuidwester click to hear ('sou'wester' - rain hat) - (de) dwerg click to hear ('dwarf') - dwepen click to hear 2 ('to be fanatical about') - (de) brandweer click to hear 2 ('fire brigade, fire department') - (de/het) noodweer click to hear 2 ('violent self-defense' // 'very bad weather') - (de) dweil click to hear 2 ('rag, mop' for wet-cleaning floors - moedwillig click to hear 2 ('deliberate') - (het) tandwiel click to hear 2 3 ('cogwheel') - verdwijnen click to hear 2 ('to disappear') - (het) lidwoord click to hear 2 ('article' - 'the, a' ‑>>) - dwingen click to hear 2 3 ('to force, compel)
dwingen - dwong - gedwongen click to hear 2
('to force - forced - forced')
EEW  - (het) zeewater click to hear 2 ('sea water') - meewerken click to hear 2 ('to co-operate') - (het) meewerkend voorwerp click to hear ([cooperating item] - 'indirect object, dative') - (het) zeewier click to hear 2 3 ('seaweed') - Zeewolde click to hear (a town)
E‑uhW  - (het) gewas click to hear ('crop') ‑>> - (het) gewaad click to hear 2 3 4 (ceremonial robe for priests) - (de) bewaker click to hear 2 ('guard') - de Waal click to hear 2 (a river) - (het) gewauwel click to hear 2 3 ('irritating, annoying talk') - (het) geweld click to hear 2 ('violence') - bewegen click to hear 2 3 ('to move' - body movements) - (de) medewerking click to hear 2 ('co-operation') - je wilt click to hear 2 ('you want to, you wish') - geweigerd click to hear 2 ('refused' - past participle) - (het) bewijs click to hear 2 ('proof') - geworden click to hear 2 ('become' - past participle) - gewoon click to hear / gewone click to hear 2 3 ('common, usual') - bewust click to hear ('conscious')
EIW  - (het) eiwit click to hear / eiwitten click to hear ('protein' / 'proteins' ‑>>)
IEUW  Dutch IEUW click to hear 2 sounds very much like EW in English NEW: Dutch long I (IE) click to hear + Dutch UW: click to hear
- nieuw click to hear / nieuwe click to hear 2 ('new') - (het) nieuws click to hear ('news') - het nieuws click to hear 2 ('the news') - (de) kieuw click to hear 2 3 ('gill' - fish breathing)
- see IEU in U for more
EEUW  - (de) eeuw click to hear 2 3 ('century') / eeuwen click to hear 2 ('centuries') - eeuwig click to hear 2 ('eternal') - (de) spreeuw click to hear 2 ('starling' - a bird)
see EEUW in U for much more
FW  - afwachten click to hear 2 3 ('to wait for,'   "~wait and see") - (de) lijfwacht click to hear 2 ('bodyguard') - (de) afwas click to hear (dishes etc. to be washed) - afwassen click to hear 2 3 ('doing' the dishes) - Halfweg click to hear 2 ('Halfway' - a small town between Amsterdam and Haarlem) - (het) proefwerk click to hear 2 3 ('written test' - in secondary school) - (de) afweging click to hear ('consideration,' ["weighing"]) - afwisselen click to hear 2 ('to alternate, take turns, vary') - (de) afwisseling click to hear 2 3 ('change, variety') - afwijken click to hear ('to deviate, differ')
GW  - (de) wigwam click to hear 2 3 4 5 6 ('teepee') - (de) argwaan click to hear ('suspicion, mistrust') - (het) leidingwater click to hear ('tap water') - verbazingwekkend click to hear 2 3 ('amazing') - toevallig wel! click to hear 2 ("Just by accident" 'I happen to be right') - (het) slagwerk click to hear ('percussion') - langwerpig click to hear ('rectangular') - 'n vlaag wind click to hear ('a gust of wind') - (het) vliegwiel click to hear 2 ('flywheel') - (de) wegwijzer click to hear ('road sign' giving directions) - Borgworm click to hear 2 (Dutch name of the town of Waremme  in Walloon Belgium ‑>>)
IW  - (de) hooiwagen click to hear 2 ('hay cart' - Daddy Longlegs spider) - this I is a 'consonant I' pronounced as consonant Y - (Dutch J)
IEW  - (de) driewieler click to hear 2 ('tricycle') - (de) driewielrijder click to hear 2 3 ('tricyclist, tricycle rider' - a word I made up) - wie weet ...? click to hear 2 3 ('who knows ...?)
IJW  - (het) wijwater click to hear 2 ('holy water') - vrijwel click to hear 2 ('almost, nearly') - bijwerkingen click to hear 2 ('side effects' - of medicine) - vrijwillig click to hear ('voluntarily') - (de) vrijwilliger click to hear 2 ('volunteer') - (het) rijwiel click to hear ('bicycle' - bureaucratic) ‑>> - (het) bijwoord click to hear 2 3 ('adverb' ‑>>)
Also hear and see EI above
JW  see hooiwagen under IW above
KW  - twee kwadraat click to hear 2 3 ('2 squared, 2 to the power 2' ‑>>) - (de) kwal click to hear ('jellyfish') - (het) kwart click to hear ('a quarter' of something) - (het) kwartier click to hear ('a quarter of an hour,' 15 minutes) - (het) kwartje click to hear ([a quarter of a guilder] - pre-Euro 25¢ coin) - (de) kwast click to hear 2 ('brush' - mostly for paint) - (de) kwelling click to hear 2 ('torment, agony, worry') - kwetsen click to hear 2 ('to injure' // 'to offend') - (de) kweekschool click to hear ('teaching academy') - kwelen click to hear 2 3 4 ('ugly, amateur singing') - (de) kwibus click to hear ('weird, idiosyncratic person') - (het) kwik click to hear ('mercury, quicksilver' ‑>>) - (de) boekwinkel click to hear 2 3 ('bookstore') - (de) kwinkslag click to hear ('funny remark') - (de) kwis click to hear ('quiz') - kwiek click to hear 2 ('lively') - (de) kwitantie click to hear 2 ('proof of payment') - kwijt click to hear 2 ('lost, cannot be found' ) - (de) rookworst click to hear 2 ('smoked sausage')
LW  - volwassen click to hear ('adult, grown-up' ) - (de) volwassene click to hear 2 ('adult, grown-up person') - (de) wandelwagen click to hear 2 ('stroller' - carrying small children) - (de) bestelwagen click to hear 2 ('small delivery van') - (de) winkelwagentje click to hear 2 ('shopping cart') - (de) zeilwagen click to hear ('sailing cart') - koolwaterstoffen click to hear ('carbohydrates' ‑>>) - (de) snelweg click to hear ('highway') - (het) bolwerk click to hear 2 3 ('stronghold,' - think of: 'bulwark' - also figuratively) - welwillend click to hear ('benevolent') - hagelwit click to hear 2 ('very white' - like hail) - (het) koolwitje click to hear 2 (a white butterfly) - Waalwijk click to hear 2 ('a town') - Muijlwijk click to hear (a family name)
MW  - (de) heimwee click to hear 2 ('homesickness' - German: Heimweh) - (de) omweg click to hear 2 ('detour') - (de) omwenteling click to hear 2 3 ('rotation // upheaval, turnaround') - (de) stoomwals click to hear 2 3 ('steamroller')
NW  - (de) boenwas click to hear ('polishing wax' for wooden floors) - (de) glazenwasser click to hear 2 ([glass] 'windows washer') - (de) kraanwagen click to hear 2 ([crane car] - 'tow truck') - (de) boevenwagen click to hear 2 ("Black Maria" - transporting prisoners) - (het) kraanwater click to hear 2 ('tap water') - kernwapens click to hear 2 ('nuclear weapons' - onwaar click to hear 2 ('untrue') - Galgenwaard click to hear 2 ('Gallows Island' - a neigborhood in the city of Utrecht click to hear 2 3) - (de) middenweg click to hear 2 ("middle way" - 'compromise') - (de) keukenwekker click to hear 2 3 4 5 ('kitchen [alarm clock] timer') - weerzinwekkend click to hear 2 ('revolting, disgusting, loathsome') - (de) mijnwerker click to hear ('miner') - (de) samenwerking click to hear ('cooperation, collaboration') - (de) tegenwerking click to hear 2 3 ('opposition, obstruction') - (de) bommenwerper click to hear 2 ('bomber' - airplane) - aanwezig click to hear / aanwezige click to hear 2 ('present, available, "here") - (het) onweer click to hear ('thunderstorm') - (het) evenwicht click to hear 2 3 ('balance') - (de) tegenwind click to hear ([wind-against] - 'headwind') - (de) fietsenwinkel click to hear 2 ('bicycle shop') - (de) ruitenwisser click to hear ('window wiper' - car) - evenwijdig click to hear / evenwijdige click to hear 2 ([equal-width] 'parallel') - Steenwijk click to hear 2 3 (a city) - (de) buitenwijk click to hear 2 3 4 ('suburb') - eigenwijs click to hear 2 ('self-willed, contrary') - (de) gebruiksaanwijzing click to hear 2 ('manual,' instructions for use) - 'geen wonder' click to hear 2 3 4 5 ([not a miracle] - "I'm not surprised") - leenwoorden click to hear ('loan words') - regenwormen click to hear ('rainworms') - samenwonen click to hear 2 ('living together,' a couple sharing a dwelling without being married) - tegenwoordig click to hear 2 3 ('at present, nowadays') - (de) vertegenwoordiger click to hear 2 ('representative' // 'traveling salesman') - verkleinwoorden click to hear 2 ('diminutives') - verkleinwoordjes click to hear 2 3 4 ('diminutives' - 'minimutives?' ‑>>)
OW  - Slowakije click to hear Slovakia ‑>> - Tsjechoslowakije click to hear the former country of Czechoslovakia - zowaar click to hear 2 3 ('right!' // 'actually') - zowel click to hear 2 ('both, as well as')
OEW  - hoewel click to hear ('although') - hoe werkt 't? click to hear 2 ('how does it work, how does it go, what's the mechanism?') - hoe weinig we weten click to hear 2 ('how little we know')
OUW  OU also hear - AU above
- bouwen click to hear ('to build') - (de) houweel click to hear ('pickaxe') - jouw click to hear ('your' - singular informal)
PW  - (de) wipwap click to hear ('seesaw' - childrens' language) - (de) stroopwafel click to hear 2 (a cookie of crystallized syrup between two very thin waffles) - (de) koopwaar click to hear ('merchandise') - op weg naar ... click to hear 2 3 ('on the way to ...') - op weg naar huis click to hear 2 3 4 ('on the way home, homeward bound') - (de) opwelling click to hear 2 ('sudden impulse') - "Hup Willem!" click to hear 2 (sports encouragement: 'William - do your best, go for it!') - opwindend click to hear 2 3 ('exciting')
RW  - onverwacht click to hear ('unexpected') - verwachten click to hear 2 ('to expect') - (de) verwachting click to hear 2 / verwachtingen click to hear 2 3 ('expectation'/ 'expectations') - in verwachting click to hear 2 (pregnant,' "expecting") - klaarwakker click to hear ('wide awake') - [(de)] verwant click to hear 2 ('relative' - related) - (de) wirwar click to hear ('a jumble, things mixed up') - verward click to hear ('confused') - lekker warm click to hear 2 3 ('comfortably warm') - (de) verwarming click to hear ('heating') - (de) verwarring click to hear 2 3 4 ('confusion') - haar wassen click to hear ('washing hair - (de) kinderwagen click to hear ('baby carriage') - verwaand click to hear 2 ('arrogant, too high an opinion of yourself') - (het) vuurwapen click to hear ('firearm') - (de) voorwaarde click to hear / voorwaarden click to hear 2 ('pre-condition' / 'pre-conditions') - (het) vaarwater click to hear ('waterway') - onder water click to hear 2 3 4 ('under water, flooded') - ver weg click to hear 2 3 ('far away') - onderweg click to hear 2 ('on the way') - (de) spoorweg click to hear 2 ('railroad') - (de) overweg click to hear 2 3 ('railroad crossing') - vaarwel click to hear ('farewell') - overweldigend click to hear 2 ('overwhelming') - verwend click to hear 2 3 4 ('spoiled, overindulged') - verwennen click to hear 2 ('to spoil, overindulge') - (het) achterwerk click to hear ('backside, buttocks') - (het) vuurwerk click to hear ('fireworks') - verwerken click to hear 2 ('to process') - (de) afvalverwerking click to hear 2 3 ('garbage processing, disposal') - (het) voorwerp click to hear 2 3 ('item') - ouderwets click to hear / ouderwetse click to hear 2 3 ('old-fashioned') - de Merwede click to hear (a river) - halverwege click to hear 2 ('halfway') - Barwegen click to hear 2 (a hamlet in the province of Friesland click to hear 2 3) - overwegen click to hear 2 3 4 ('to consider') - Noorwegen click to hear ('Norway') - zwaar weer click to hear ([heavy] - 'bad weather') - (de) tarwe click to hear ('wheat') - (de) sperwer click to hear 2 ('sparrowhawk' - a bird) - (de) treurwilg click to hear ('weeping willow' - a tree) - Neerwinden click to hear (a town in Belgium) - overwinnen click to hear ('to win, conquer, defeat') - (de) overwinning click to hear ('victory') - spierwit click to hear 2 ('very white' [ - like muscle]) - (het) achterwiel click to hear 2 3 ('rear wheel') - (het) stuurwiel click to hear ('steering wheel') - (het) karwei click to hear ('job, task, piece of work') - Beverwijk click to hear 2 (a town) - Harderwijk click to hear 2 (a town) - Zuiderwijk click to hear 2 (a family name) - terwijl click to hear 2 ('while') - (het) onderwijs click to hear ('education, teaching') - spelenderwijs click to hear 2 ('like play,' - 'without much effort, with much ease') - (het) verwijt click to hear 2 ('reproach, recrimination') - verwijten click to hear 2 ('to reproach, address blame to a person') - onderwijzen click to hear 2 3 ('to teach') - (de) verwijzing click to hear 2 ('referral') - (de) weerwolf click to hear ('werewolf') - (de) verwonding click to hear ('wound, injury') - (de) winterwortel click to hear ('large carrot') - overwogen click to hear ('considered') - (het) voorwoord click to hear 2 ('preface') - (het) oerwoud click to hear 2 3 ([primeval forest] 'jungle') - verwrongen click to hear ('twisted, distorted' - WR = "VR") - weerwraak / verwrongen click to hear 2 ('~revenge / twisted') - (de) oorwurm click to hear ('earwig')
Minor Exceptions: W in erwt is not pronounced: (de) erwt click to hear ('pea') - erwt / erwten click to hear 2 ('pea/peas') - doperwten click to hear 2 ('English peas') - kikkererwten click to hear 2 3 / kekererwten click to hear ('chickpeas, garbanzo beans')
W in murw  is pronounced as F: murw click to hear ('beaten down, spirit broken') - compare: (de) smurf click to hear ('smurf')
SW  - (de) boswachter click to hear ('forest ranger') - (de) sluiswachter click to hear 2 ('sluice attendant') - stadswallen click to hear ('city walls') - (de) boswandeling click to hear 2 (a walk in a forest) - (de) stadswandeling click to hear 2 ('city walking tour') - Bolsward click to hear (a town) - Swarthout click to hear 2 3 (black [wood] - a family name) - Swartwout click to hear 2 3 (black [forest] - a family name) - Reimerswaal click to hear (a 'drowned' Medieval town) - Swanepoel click to hear (a family name) - Valkenswaard click to hear (a town) - (de) verhuiswagen click to hear ('moving van') - vleeswaren click to hear 2 ('deli meat' - for sandwiches) - (de) voedingswaarde click to hear 2 ('nutritional values' ‑>>) - weliswaar click to hear ('although') - wetenswaardigheden click to hear ('~factoids' ['things worthy to know']) - (het) levenswerk click to hear 2 ('life's work,' - 'Magnum Opus') - Swellendam click to hear (a town) - vreeswekkend click to hear 2 3 ('frightening' [fear-creating]) - wittebroodsweken click to hear 2 ('a couple's first weeks of marriage') - Sweem click to hear (old family name - lives on in the US as 'Swaim') - Swifterbant click to hear 2 (a town) - (de) kaaswinkel click to hear 2 ('cheese shop') - (de) viswinkel click to hear 2 ('fishmonger, fish store') - Boswijk click to hear (Bushwick, NY? ‑>>) - Brunswijk click to hear 2 (a family name) - Molswijk click to hear (a family name) - Rijswijk click to hear (a town) - Winterswijk click to hear (a town) - Aswoensdag click to hear 2 ('Ash Wednesday,' the day after Carnival is over, the start of Lent) - (het) scheepswrak click to hear ('wrecked ship' - W before R is pronounced as V)
TW  - de Nachtwacht click to hear 2 3 4 5 (Rembrandt's famous painting 'The Night Watch' ‑>>) - (de) witwas click to hear ('"white" laundry') - ietwat click to hear 2 3 ('somewhat') - (de) vrachtwagen click to hear ('truck') - uitwaaien click to hear 2 3 4 (going outdoors for a walk to get some fresh air - and clear the mind - a.o.) - (de) nachtwaker click to hear 2 3 ('night watchman') - twaalf click to hear ('12') - na twaalven click to hear 2 ('after 12') ‑>> - nietwaar? click to hear 2 3 ([isn't it true?] 'isn't it?') - Witwatersrand click to hear 2 ([White water's ridge] - part of the town of Johannesburg, South Africa) - (de) zoetwatervis click to hear ([sweet-] 'freshwater fish') - (het) spuitwater click to hear 2 ('carbonated water') - echt waar? click to hear 2 ("is it really true?") - (de) uitweg click to hear 2 ('way out' - also figuratively) - Twente click to hear (area in the East of The Netherlands) - (de) uitwerking click to hear 2 3 ('effect, result' // 'elaboration') - (het) kunstwerk click to hear 2 ('work of art') - (het) netwerk click to hear 2 ('network') - (het) ontwerp click to hear 2 ('design') - Antwerpen click to hear ('Antwerp') - twee click to hear ('2') - tweede click to hear ('second') - tweedehands click to hear 2 3 ('secondhand') - (de) tweeling click to hear ('twins') - tweetalig click to hear 2 3 ('bilingual') - (de) betweter click to hear 2 3 ([know-better] - 'know-it-all') - slecht weer click to hear 2 ('bad weather') - 'petweer' click to hear ("miserable weather!") - (de) dienstweigeraar click to hear 2 3 ([draft-refuser] conscientious objector to military service) - ontwikkelen click to hear 2 ([to unwind] - 'to develop') - (de) ontwikkeling click to hear / (de) ontwikkelingen click to hear 2 3 ('development'/'developments') - (de) uitwisseling click to hear ('exchange') - (de) twist click to hear ('quarrel' - old-fashioned) - (de) zwart-wit foto click to hear ('black-and-white picture') - (de) twijfel click to hear ('doubt') - twijfelen click to hear 2 3 ('to doubt') - (het) antwoord click to hear 2 ('answer') - antwoorden click to hear ('to answer' // 'answers') - (de) cervelaatworst click to hear (a sausage, like a mild salami) - (de) verantwoordelijkheid click to hear ('responsibility') - verantwoordelijk click to hear / verantwoordelijke click to hear 2 ('responsible') - onverantwoordelijk click to hear 2 3 ('irresponsible') - Swartwout click to hear 2 3 (black [forest] - a family name) - ontwrichten click to hear 2 3 ('to disrupt, disorganize, disjoint' - note that Dutch WR is pronounced as VR)
UW  Dutch spelling/pronunciation rules say a single vowel followed by one or more consonants at the end of a word is 'short' - but UW is an exception to that rule: UW click to hear is always 'long.'
Uw click to hear ('your' - polite 'you') (de) duw click to hear ('push') - (het) duwtje click to hear 2 ('small push, nudge') - duwen click to hear ('to push') - U duwt click to hear 2 3 ('you are pushing') - ik heb geduwd click to hear ('I have pushed') - (de) schaduw click to hear ('shadow, shade') - (de) weduwe click to hear 2 ('widow') - (de) weduwnaar click to hear 2 ('widower') - (het) huwelijk click to hear ('marriage') - gehuwd click to hear 2 ('married' - bureaucratic, formal) - (het) juweel click to hear ('a jewel') - juwelen click to hear ('jewels, jewelry') - (de) juwelier click to hear ('jeweler') - (de) baljuw click to hear 2 ("bailiff" - Medieval law court official) - zwaluw click to hear ('swallow' - a bird) - sluw click to hear 2 / sluw/sluwe click to hear 2 ('sly, cunning') - fluweel click to hear ('velvet') - (de) kluwen click to hear ('skein' - ball of wool thread) - (de) luwte click to hear 2 ('lee,' calm sea area - also figuratively) - zenuw click to hear ('nerve') - (de) zenuwbehandeling click to hear ([nerve treatment] - 'root canal' (treatment)) - zenuwslopend click to hear 2 ('nerve-wracking') - (het) zenuwstelsel click to hear 2 ('(the) nervous system') - ruw click to hear 2 / ruwe click to hear 2 ('rough') - ruwaard click to hear ('a medieval ruler') - ruwheid click to hear ('roughness') - ruwweg click to hear ('roughly' - estimating) - gruwelen click to hear ('horrors // to be horrified') - gruwelijk click to hear ('gruesome, horrible') - schuw click to hear / schuw/schuwe click to hear 2 ('very shy') - schuwer click to hear 2 ('even more shy') - (de) afschuw click to hear 2 ('horror, disgust, loathing') - afschuwelijk click to hear 2 ('awful, horrible') - waarschuwen click to hear 2 3 ('to warn') - (de) waarschuwing click to hear 2 3 ('warning') - zonder waarschuwing click to hear 2 ('without (a) warning') - (de) stuw click to hear ('flood-control dam')
- de Veluwe click to hear / de Betuwe click to hear (areas in the East of The Netherlands)
Compare: ritueel click to hear ('ritual // a ritual') and - fluweel click to hear ('velvet') - UEE and UWEE sound the same.
But click to hear ('you' - formal) and Uw  click to hear ('your' - formal) do sound different
ZW  - (de) zwabber click to hear ('mop' - a kind of broom) - zwak click to hear 2 / zwakke click to hear 2 / zwak/zwakke click to hear 2 3 ('weak,' not strong) - zwalken click to hear 2 ('to wander, roam') - (de) zwam click to hear 2 ('mushroom' - old-fashioned) - zwammen click to hear ('mushrooms' // 'to talk nonsense') - zwanger click to hear 2 ('pregnant') - zwart click to hear 2 3 4 ('black') - (de) zwager click to hear 2 ('brother-in-law') - zwaaien click to hear ('to wave') - (de) zwaluw click to hear ('swallow' - a bird) - (de) zwaan click to hear ('swan') - zwaar click to hear / zwaar/zware click to hear ('heavy') ‑>> - (de) zwaartekracht click to hear 2 3 ('gravity') - (de) zwavel click to hear ('sulphur') - zwelgen click to hear 2 ('to wallow, guzzle') - zwellen click to hear 2 ('to swell up') - zwemmen click to hear ('to swim') - (de) zwendel click to hear 2 ('fraud, swindle') - (de) zwengel click to hear ('handle, crank') - (de) zwerm click to hear 2 ('swarm') - zwerven click to hear 2 ('to roam') - (de) zwerver click to hear 2 ('tramp, hobo') - zwetsen click to hear ('to talk nonsense') - (de) Zweed click to hear 2 ('Swede,' Swedish male person) - Zweden click to hear ('Sweden') - (de) zweefmolen click to hear 2 ('whirligig') - (de) zweep click to hear 2 ('whip') - zweren click to hear 2 ('to swear') - (het) zweet click to hear 2 ('sweat') - zweten click to hear 2 ('to sweat') - (de) zwei click to hear ('adjustable angle tool' - carpentry) - (het) zwin click to hear ('tideway') - 't Zwin click to hear (lake and nature preserve in the province of Friesland click to hear 2 3) - Zwitserland click to hear ('Switzerland') - zwiepen click to hear 2 ('to swish' // 'to bounce') - zwijg! click to hear 2 ('don't speak!' 'Shut up!") - zwijgen click to hear 2 3 ('keeping your mouth shut, not speak') - (het) zwijn click to hear 2 3 ('swine') - zwoel click to hear 2 / zwoele click to hear / zwoel/zwoele click to hear 2 ('sultry, sensual') - Zwolle click to hear 2 (a city) - Zwolse click to hear 2 ('of Zwolle' // 'woman of Zwolle')
- zweren / zwoer / gezworen click to hear
('to swear / swore / sworn')

Compare the sound of Dutch F, V and W

Major Exceptions to the Phonetic Spelling of Dutch:
- Page 1:   een   -IG   -ISCH   -LIJK  
- Page 2:   -B   -D   SCHR   -TIE   UW   WR

Hear the Dutch Letters in Hundreds of Words:
 AU/OU  CH  E  EI/IJ  EU  F  G  H  L  OE  SCH  U  UI  W  X  Y

'Master Lists' of Dutch words: Dutch to English - English to Dutch

'Basic' Dutch Words - Pictures Dictionary - Words by Subject - Easy Dutch - Phrases and Conversation Templates - Names - Place Names - verbs

email - Copyright © Marco Schuffelen 2022. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, redistributed, or hotlinked to.
Gij zult niet stelen click to hear 'Thou shalt not steal'