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Dutch EU click to hear - Skip General Series Introduction

Pronunciation: Hear for Yourself

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Pay special attention to letters, letter combinations and sounds that you don't have in your own language
These pronunciation pages are not meant for learning vocabulary. The English translations may lack in precision. But if you like, follow the occasional links ‑>> to explanation, examples of usage and/or related words.
Learning Vocabulary

Adjectives in most positions get an -E  ending ‑>>
Several words appear twice on the page. I do not have an infinite number of recordings, and some combinations of letters are rarely or never found in Dutch.

Spelling and Pronunciation

Dutch spelling/pronunciation rules say that: So (de) man click to hear 2 ('man, human adult male) has the plural mannen (man-nen) click to hear 2 while (de) maan click to hear 2 ('moon') has the plural manen (ma-nen) click to hear 2 3

'Long' and 'short' are traditional terms. The difference is actually more of tone than length
More about spelling and pronunciation - another version
Learn the Rules by Studying and Listening to Examples

Major Exceptions to the Phonetic Spelling of Dutch:
- Page 1:   een   -IG   -ISCH   -LIJK  
- Page 2:   -B   -D   SCHR   -TIE   UW   WR

Hear the Dutch Letters in Hundreds of Words:
 AU/OU  CH  E  EI/IJ  EU  F  G  H  L  OE  SCH  U  UI  W  X  Y

'Master Lists' of Dutch words: Dutch to English - English to Dutch

the: de click to hear 2 / het click to hear 2 3 - 't click to hear ->>
Plurals always take 'de'
a: (een) - 'n click to hear / one: één click to hear 2 3

EU in Dutch

(de) eu click to hear
in geuren en kleuren click to hear 2 (3) (['with smells and colors'] - 'a lively, extensive description')
tegen heug en meug click to hear ('under protest' - being forced to do something, like having to eat something you really don't like)
- (de) speurneus click to hear 2 3 ('[~search-nose] sleuth, investigating person')
- (de) neusbreuk click to hear 2 3 ('nose crack,' 'broken nose' - a made-up word - Dutchmen can do that)
Ik ben 't beu click to hear I'm sick of it, I'm tired of it, I've had enough, I can't stand it anymore
Wat sneu! click to hear 2 Such a pity! (I'm sorry it ended that way)
English does not have a sound like Dutch EU, but French has a sound like Dutch EU in words like deux click to hear (French: '2') and German has a sound like it in some words with Ö or OE like Gödel click to hear (a mathematician) - schön click to hear 2 3 (German: 'beautiful, good') and Goethe click to

 EU- to ZEU- 
 -EU to -EUZ 
 Compared to Other Vowels and Diphthongs 

The 'first series' is grouped by the letter before the EU's, the 'second series' is grouped by the letter after the EU's:

- first series: EU to ZEU - second series: -EU to EUZ

Repeat the words after me, try saying them like I do, and record yourself or ask a friend to compare how you say them with how I say them. Try to bring your pronunciation of the words closer and closer to how I say them. Use as few or as many examples as you like.

0EU  - (de) euro click to hear 2 ('euro') - Europa click to hear ('Europe')
BEU  - (de) beugel click to hear 2 ('brace') - beuk click to hear ('beech (a tree)') - beuken click to hear ('beeches' - trees // 'to batter, pound') - (de) beul click to hear ('hangman, executioner') - (de) beunhaas click to hear 2 3 4 ('unlicensed worker') - gebeuren click to hear ('to happen' ‑>>) - (de) beurs click to hear ('purse' - old-fashioned) // 'scholarship' // 'exchange, market') - (de) beurt click to hear ('turn - oportunity, obligation' - in a game, in a queue) - (de) gebeurtenis click to hear ('event, happening')
- Beumer click to hear 2 3 ('a family name')
DEU  - (de) deugd click to hear 2 3 ('virtue,' 'good' behavior) - ondeugend click to hear 2 3 4 ('naughty, misbehaving' - children) - (de) deuk click to hear 2 ('dent') - (het) deukje click to hear 2 ('small dent') - (het) deuntje click to hear ('a ditty,' [little tune]) - deur click to hear 2 ('door') - deuvels click to hear ('dowels' - carpentry)
- Deurne click to hear (a village)
EEU  - (de) spreeuw click to hear 2 ('starling' - a bird) see EEUW in U for more
FEU  - (de) chauffeur click to hear 2 ('driver' - car, truck, bus - French AU) - (de) buschauffeur click to hear 2 3 ('bus driver') - (de) feut click to hear ('new college student to be hazed' - slang)
GEU  - (de) geur click to hear 2 3 4 ('smell, odor') - geurig click to hear 2 ('having a noticeable nice smell') - (het) geurtje click to hear 2 3 ([little] 'smell, scent,' usually of perfume or cologne) - geul click to hear ('ditch, channel') - (de) geus click to hear ('Dutch 16th Century rebel against Spanish rule) - geuzen click to hear 2 (Dutch 'minutemen, revolutionaries')
- Geurt click to hear (a boys' name) - De Geus click to hear 2 3 (a family name)
HEU  - (het) geheugen click to hear 2 3 ('memory' - the brain faculty) - (de) heup click to hear ('hip') - heus click to hear ('really' - children's talk) - (de) heuvel click to hear / heuvels click to hear 2 ('hill/hills')
- Verheul click to hear 2 3 (a family name) - Opheusden click to hear (a village) - Van Heusden click to hear 2 (a family name)
IEU  - modieus click to hear ('fashionable') - mysterieus click to hear 2 3 ('mysterious, enigmatic') - IEU under U has more
JEU  The I in the word from French - (het) milieu click to hear 2 ('the Environment') is pronounced as Dutch J.
- (de) jeugd click to hear 2 ('youth') - (de) jeuk click to hear ('an itch') - jeuken click to hear 2 ('to itch') - (de) mitrailleur click to hear 2 ('machine gun' - French LL sounds like Dutch J) - majeur  (French J) click to hear 2 3 (4) ('major' - music)
- (het) Tjeukemeer click to hear (a lake)
KEU  - (de) keuken click to hear 2 ('kitchen') - (de) keur click to hear ('~choice') - (de) likeur click to hear 2 ('sweet liquor') - keurig click to hear ('neat, tidy, proper, nice') - nauwkeurig click to hear ('precise') - (de) keuring click to hear 2 ('inspection, testing') - (de) bekeuring click to hear 2 ('fine, ticket') - (de) keus click to hear / (de) keuze click to hear ('choice')
- Keulen click to hear ('Köln, Cologne')
LEU  - sleuf click to hear ('a dry ditch') - (de) vleugel click to hear ('wing' // 'grand piano') - (het) vleugje click to hear 2 ('whiff' - of perfume, for instance) - (de) leugen click to hear ('a lie') - leugens click to hear 2 ('lies') - leuk click to hear 2 3 4 5 / leuke click to hear / leuk/leuke click to hear 2 3 ('enjoyable, nice, pleasant, entertaining' // 'funny, amusing' // 'pretty, attractive') - (de) souffleur click to hear ('stage whisperer' - French OU) - (de) kleun click to hear ('a punch, a hit') - (de) kleur click to hear 2 / kleuren click to hear ('color'/'colors') ‑>> - kleurloos click to hear 2 ('colorless, pale, drab, bland') - (de) sleur click to hear 2 3 ('rut' - boring, bad routine) - teleurgesteld click to hear 2 3 ('disappointed') - teleurstellend click to hear ('disappointing') - (de) teleurstelling click to hear 2 ('disapppointment') - (de) sleutel click to hear ('key' - lock/wrench/music - 'clef') - sleutels click to hear ('keys') - (de) kleuter click to hear ('a small child' - 4-6 yrs) - (de) leuze click to hear ('slogan')
- Etten-Leur click to hear ('a village')
MEU  - meubels click to hear ('furniture') - smeuïg click to hear 2 (appetizing food or a story that goes down easily) - smeulen click to hear 2 ('to smolder' - fire) - (het) humeur click to hear 2 3 ('mood') - (de) programmeur click to hear 2 ('programmer')
- Meulebeke click to hear (a town in Belgium)
NEU  - sneu click to hear 2 3 ('a pity') - mineur click to hear ('minor' - music) - neuriën click to hear 2 3 ('to hum') - neus click to hear ('nose') - gekneusd click to hear 2 3 ('bruised') - (de) neut click to hear ('glass of liquor' - slang) - neutraal click to hear 2 ('neutral') - (de) kneuterigheid click to hear ('small-mindedness') - neuzen click to hear 2 ('noses')
- Terneuzen click to hear (a village)
PEU  - peul click to hear 2 ('a pod' - peas, beans) - (de) peulvrucht click to hear 2 3 ('[pod- fruit] - 'legume, ~bean') - (het) gepeupel click to hear 2 ('rabble, mob, riff-raff') - (de) peut click to hear ('gasoline, gas' - slang) - (de) peuter click to hear 2 ('a small child' - 2-3 yrs)
REU  - (de) vreugde click to hear ('joy') - breuk click to hear 2 ('crack, breach; fraction') - onkreukbaar click to hear 2 ('incorruptible, cannot be bribed') - kreukels click to hear 2 ('creases' in fabric) - (de) spreuk click to hear ('a saying, stock expression') - (het) reuma click to hear 3 4 ('~arthritis') - (de) dreumes click to hear ('a small child' - affectionately) - (de) dreun click to hear ('a thud, a whack') - kreunen click to hear ('to moan, to groan') - kreupel click to hear 2 ('crippled, lame') - (de) coureur click to hear ('racer' - car, motorcycle - French OU) - betreuren click to hear 2 ('to regret, lament') - treurig click to hear / treurige click to hear) ('sad, melancholy, tragic, unfortunate') - (de) treurnis click to hear ('sorrow, sadness, melancholy - deplorable, depressing circumstances) - preuts click to hear ('prudish') - (de) reus click to hear / reuzen click to hear ('giant/giants') - reuze! click to hear ('great!') - (de) reuzel click to hear ('lard, pork fat') - reuzen click to hear ('giants')
- Breukelen click to hear 2 (a town - became 'Brooklyn' in America) - Kreuk click to hear 2 (a family name)
SEU  - (de) regisseur click to hear 2 3 ('director' - movie, stage play)
SCHEU  - (de) scheur click to hear ('a tear, a rip') - gescheurd click to hear ('torn, ripped') - scheuren click to hear 2 ('to tear, rip') - (de) scheut click to hear 2 ('shoot, sprout' - new growth on plant or tree // 'jab' - of pain // 'dash, splash' - of liquid)
TEU  - (de) teugel click to hear 2 / teugels click to hear ('rein'/'reins' - horse mangagement) - (de) steun click to hear ('support') - (de) amateur click to hear 2 ('amateur,' not a professional) - (de) formateur click to hear 2 / (de) informateur click to hear 2 (politician involved in cabinet formation) - (de) acteur click to hear 2 ('actor') - (de) directeur click to hear 2 ('manager, director') - (de) conducteur click to hear ('conductor' - train, tram) - (de) monteur click to hear 2 ('mechanic')
- Teun click to hear 2 (boys' name) - Teunis click to hear (boys' name)
UEU  - majestueus click to hear 2 ('majestic')
VEU  - veulen click to hear ('a foal, young horse') - nerveus click to hear 2 ('nervous')
- Veurne click to hear (a city in Belgium)
ZEU  - (de) zeug click to hear ('sow' - lady pig) - zeulen click to hear ('to carry with difficulty or displeasure') - (de) adviseur click to hear 2 ('advisor' - S pronounced as Z) - zeuren click to hear 2 3 ('to nag') - (de) zeurpiet click to hear ( a person who nags a lot, complains about everything) - zeuven click to hear ('7' - old-fashioned)

EU0  - (het) milieu click to hear 2 ('the Environment' - this French I is pronounced as Dutch J) - sneu click to hear 2 3 ('a pity')
- André Rieu click to
     hear (a musician and music director)
EUB  - meubels click to hear ('furniture')
EUF  - sleuf click to hear ('a dry ditch')
EUG  - (de) zeug click to hear ('sow' - lady pig) - (de) deugd click to hear 2 3 ('virtue,' 'good' behavior) - ondeugend click to hear 2 3 4 ('naughty, misbehaving' - children) - (de) jeugd click to hear 2 ('youth') - (de) vreugde click to hear ('joy') - (de) beugel click to hear 2 ('brace') - (de) vleugel click to hear ('wing' // 'grand piano') - (de) teugel click to hear 2 / teugels click to hear ('rein'/'reins' - horse mangagement) - (het) vleugje click to hear 2 ('whiff' - of perfume, for instance) - (de) leugen click to hear ('a lie') - leugens click to hear 2 ('lies') - (het) geheugen click to hear 2 3 ('memory' - the brain faculty) Tegen heug en meug click to hear (saying - 'Doing something under strong protest, like having to eat something you really don't like')
EUI  - smeuïg click to hear 2 (appetizing food or a story that goes down easily)
EUK  - beuk click to hear ('beech (a tree)') - beuken click to hear ('beeches' - trees // 'to batter, pound') - (de) deuk click to hear 2 ('dent') - (het) deukje click to hear 2 ('small dent') - (de) jeuk click to hear ('an itch') - jeuken click to hear 2 ('to itch') - (de) keuken click to hear 2 ('kitchen') - leuk click to hear 2 3 4 5 / leuke click to hear / leuk/leuke click to hear 2 3 ('enjoyable, nice, pleasant, entertaining' // 'funny, amusing' // 'pretty, attractive') - breuk click to hear 2 ('crack, breach; fraction') - onkreukbaar click to hear 2 ('incorruptible, cannot be bribed') - kreukels click to hear 2 ('creases' in fabric) - (de) spreuk click to hear ('a saying, stock expression')
- (het) Tjeukemeer click to hear (a lake) - Breukelen click to hear 2 (a town - became 'Brooklyn' in America) - Kreuk click to hear 2 (a family name)
EUL  - (de) beul click to hear ('hangman, executioner') - geul click to hear ('ditch, channel') - smeulen click to hear 2 ('to smolder, burn slowly' - fire) - peul click to hear 2 ('a pod' - peas, beans) - (de) peulvrucht click to hear 2 3 ('[pod- fruit] - 'legume, ~bean') - veulen click to hear ('a foal, young horse') - zeulen click to hear ('to carry with difficulty or displeasure')
- Verheul click to hear 2 3 (a family name) - Keulen click to hear ('Köln, Cologne') - Meulebeke click to hear (a town in Belgium)
EUM  - (het) reuma click to hear 3 4 ('~arthritis') - (de) dreumes click to hear ('a small child' - affectionately)
- Beumer click to hear 2 3 ('a family name')
EUN  - (de) kleun click to hear ('a punch, a hit') - (de) steun click to hear ('support') - (de) beunhaas click to hear 2 3 4 ('unlicensed worker') - (het) deuntje click to hear ('a ditty,' [little tune]) - (de) dreun click to hear ('a thud, a whack') - kreunen click to hear ('to moan, to groan')
- Teun click to hear 2 (boys' name) - Teunis click to hear (boys' name)
EUP  - (de) heup click to hear ('hip') - (het) gepeupel click to hear 2 ('rabble, mob, riff-raff') - kreupel click to hear 2 ('crippled, lame')
EUR  - deur click to hear 2 ('door') - (de) chauffeur click to hear 2 ('driver' - car, truck, bus - French AU) - (de) buschauffeur click to hear 2 3 ('bus driver') - (de) geur click to hear 2 3 4 ('smell, odor') - (de) keur click to hear ('~choice') - (de) likeur click to hear 2 ('sweet liquor') - (de) souffleur click to hear ('stage whisperer' - French OU) - (de) kleur click to hear 2 ('color') ‑>> - (de) souffleur click to hear ('stage whisperer' - French OU) - (de) mitrailleur click to hear 2 ('machine gun' - French LL sounds like Dutch J) - majeur  (French J) click to hear 2 3 (4) ('major' - music) - (de) sleur click to hear 2 3 ('rut' - boring, bad routine) - (het) humeur click to hear 2 3 ('mood') - (de) programmeur click to hear 2 ('programmer') - mineur click to hear ('minor' - music) - (de) coureur click to hear ('racer' - car, motorcycle - French OU) - (de) regisseur click to hear 2 3 ('director' - movie, stage play) - (de) scheur click to hear ('a tear, a rip') - (de) amateur click to hear 2 ('amateur,' not a professional) - (de) formateur click to hear 2 / (de) informateur click to hear 2 (politician involved in cabinet formation) - (de) acteur click to hear 2 ('actor') - (de) directeur click to hear 2 ('manager, director') - (de) conducteur click to hear ('conductor' - train, tram) - (de) monteur click to hear 2 ('mechanic') - (de) adviseur click to hear 2 ('advisor' - S pronounced as Z)
- gescheurd click to hear ('torn, ripped') - gebeuren click to hear ('to happen' ‑>>) - betreuren click to hear 2 ('to regret, lament') - kleuren click to hear ('colors') - scheuren click to hear 2 ('to tear, rip') - zeuren click to hear 2 3 ('to nag') - teleurgesteld click to hear 2 3 ('disappointed') - geurig click to hear 2 ('having a noticeable nice smell') - keurig click to hear ('neat, tidy, proper, nice') - nauwkeurig click to hear ('precise') - (de) keuring click to hear 2 ('inspection, testing') - (de) bekeuring click to hear 2 ('fine, ticket') - treurig click to hear / treurige click to hear) ('sad, melancholy, tragic, unfortunate') - neuriën click to hear 2 3 ('to hum') - (de) zeurkous click to hear ('an annoying talker') - kleurloos click to hear 2 ('colorless, pale, drab, bland') - (de) treurnis click to hear ('sorrow, sadness, melancholy - deplorable, depressing circumstances) - (de) zeurpiet click to hear ( a person who nags a lot, complains about everything) - (de) beurs click to hear ('purse' - old-fashioned) // 'scholarship' // 'exchange, market') - teleurstellend click to hear ('disappointing') - (de) teleurstelling click to hear 2 ('disapppointment') - (de) beurt click to hear ('turn - oportunity, obligation' - in a game, in a queue) - (het) geurtje click to hear 2 3 ([little] 'smell, scent,' usually of perfume or cologne) - (de) gebeurtenis click to hear ('event, happening')
- in geuren en kleuren click to hear 2 (3) (['with smells and colors'] - 'a lively, extensive description')
- Etten-Leur click to hear ('a village') - Deurne click to hear (a village) - Veurne click to hear (a city in Belgium)
EUS  - (de) geus click to hear ('Dutch 16th Century rebel against Spanish rule) - heus click to hear ('really' - children's talk) - modieus click to hear ('fashionable') - mysterieus click to hear 2 3 ('mysterious, enigmatic') - IEU under U has more - (de) keus click to hear ('choice') - neus click to hear ('nose') - gekneusd click to hear 2 3 ('bruised') - (de) reus click to hear ('giant') - majestueus click to hear 2 ('majestic') - nerveus click to hear 2 ('nervous')
- De Geus click to hear 2 3 (a family name) - Opheusden click to hear (a village) - Van Heusden click to hear 2 (a family name)
EUT  - (de) feut click to hear ('new college student to be hazed' - slang) - (de) neut click to hear ('glass of liquor' - slang) - (de) scheut click to hear 2 ('shoot, sprout' - new growth on plant or tree // 'jab' - of pain // 'dash, splash' - of liquid) - (de) sleutel click to hear ('key' - lock/wrench/music - 'clef') - sleutels click to hear ('keys') - (de) kleuter click to hear ('a small child' - 4-6 yrs) - neutraal click to hear 2 ('neutral') - (de) kneuterigheid click to hear ('small-mindedness') - (de) peut click to hear ('gasoline, gas' - slang) - (de) peuter click to hear 2 ('a small child' - 2-3 yrs) - preuts click to hear ('prudish')
EUV  - deuvels click to hear ('dowels' - carpentry) - (de) heuvel click to hear / heuvels click to hear 2 ('hill/hills')
EUW  - (de) eeuw click to hear 2 3 ('century') / eeuwen click to hear 2 ('centuries') - eeuwig click to hear 2 ('eternal') see EEUW in U for more
EUZ  - (de) keuze click to hear ('choice') - reuze! click to hear ('great!') - (de) reuzel click to hear ('lard, pork fat') - geuzen click to hear 2 (Dutch 'minutemen, revolutionaries') - neuzen click to hear 2 ('noses') - reuzen click to hear ('giants')
- Terneuzen click to hear (a village)

Dutch [(het)] haar click to hear can mean both 'hair' and 'her' (third person female possessive, dative and accusative.) But the repetition in haar haar click to hear 2 ('her hair') sounds a bit funny, so some Dutch people use dialect forms instead: d'r haar click to hear 2 3 or heur haar click to hear 2 3
d'r click to hear 2 3 4 - heur click to hear


-EUM Ending in Words from Latin
In the -EUM ending of words from Latin, E and U pronounced separately:
(het) museum click to hear ('museum') - (de) petroleum click to hear ('petroleum' - the everyday cheap fuel) / (de) petroleum click to hear ('petroleum' - engineers' crude oil) - (het) Atheneum click to hear ('high-level High School')

EU in Words and Names from Greek
In Dutch, EU in words and names from Greek is pronounced as Dutch UI click to hear
- (de) therapeut click to hear ('therapist') - (het) pseudoniem click to hear ('pseudonym,' fictional name) - (het) eufemisme click to hear 2 ('euphemism') - (de) euthanasie click to hear 2 3 4 ('euthanasia') - (het) neutron click to hear 2 3 ('neutron') - (de) leukemie click to hear 2 3 ('leukemia') - therapeut / pseudodemocratie click to hear ('therapist / pseudo-democracy')
- Zeus click to hear 2 - Orpheus click to hear 2 - Zeus Odysseus Theseus click to hear - Prometheus click to hear 2

OE in Words and Names from Greek

But OE in words and names from Greek is in Dutch pronounced as EU click to hear
- (het) oedeem click to hear ('edema, oedema,' water retention) - oecumenisch click to hear 2 3 ('ecumenical') - Oedipus click to hear 2 3 (Greek mythological figure - 'U' is pronounced as OO, Dutch OE click to hear) - oedipaal click to hear ('like Oedipus')

French EUILLE is said in Dutch like in the original French (phonetic Dutch UI-JE)
(de) portefeuille click to hear ('wallet') - (het) feuilleton click to hear 2 3 ('feuilleton,' - print serial)

Compared with the Other Vowels and Diphthongs

(from the Hear the Vowels and Diphthongs next to Each Other page)

A click to hear - (de) deurmat click to hear 2 3 ('door mat') - (de) geurvlag click to hear 2 3 ('smell flag' - scent marker) - (de) acteur click to hear 2 ('actor') - wat sneu! click to hear ('how sad, such a pity!')
AA click to hear - (het) reuma click to hear 2 3 ('~arthritis') - neutraal click to hear 2 ('neutral') - (de) beunhaas click to hear 2 3 4 (not properly qualified and/or tax-dodging 'black' worker, usually in contruction) - (de) vaargeul click to hear ('ship channel')
E click to hear - (de) deurbel click to hear 2 3 ('doorbell') - nerveus click to hear 2 ('nervous') - (de) terreur click to hear ('terror, terrorism')
EE click to hear - (de) breukstreep click to hear 2 3 ('fraction bar') - (de) spreekbeurt click to hear 2 3 ('speaking engagement,' lecture, speech, talk // presentation by student in school)
E-uh click to hear - (de) keuken click to hear 2 ('kitchen') - (het) geurtje click to hear 2 3 ([little] 'smell, scent,' usually of perfume or cologne) - meubels click to hear ('furniture') - (de) kleuter click to hear ('a small child' - 4-6 yrs) - (de) dreumes click to hear ('a small child' - affectionately) - jeuken click to hear 2 ('to itch') - geuzen click to hear 2 (Dutch 'minutemen, 16th Century revolutionaries') - smeulen click to hear 2 ('to smolder, burn slowly' - fire) - (de) beugel click to hear 2 ('brace') - (de) vleugel click to hear ('wing' // 'grand piano') - gekneusd click to hear 2 3 ('bruised')
I click to hear - (de) keuring click to hear 2 ('testing, test, examination, inspection') - (de) reukzin click to hear 2 ('the sense of smel') - (de) treurnis click to hear ('sorrow, sadness, melancholy' - deplorable, depressing circumstances) - (de) treurwilg click to hear ('weeping willow') - (de) schipbreuk click to hear 2 3 4 ('shipwreck, destruction of a ship')
IE click to hear - (de) zeurpiet click to hear ( a person who nags a lot, complains about everything) - niet leuk click to hear 2 3 ('not amusing, not funny, unpleasant') - (de) likeur click to hear 2 ('sweet liquor') - mineur click to hear ('minor' - music)
O click to hear - (de) deurknop click to hear ('door knob') - (de) wolkbreuk click to hear ('cloud-[break]-burst,' very heavy rain) - (de) snotneus click to hear 2 3 ('[snotty nose] 'whippersnapper,' a guy too young for his position') - (de) monteur click to hear 2 ('mechanic')
OO click to hear - (de) neushoorn click to hear 2 ('[nose-horn] rhino, rhinoceros') - kleurloos click to hear 2 ('colorless, bland') - (de) euro click to hear 2 ('euro') - (de) voordeur click to hear ('front door') - (de) voorkeur click to hear 2 ('preference')
U click to hear - (de) peulvrucht click to hear 2 ([pod-fruit] 'legume' (~bean)") - (de) schutkleur click to hear 2 3 ('camouflage color')
UU click to hear - (het) humeur click to hear 2 3 ('mood') - (de) schuurdeur click to hear ('barn door') - (de) steunmuur click to hear ('[supporting] retaining wal')
AU/OU click to hear - (de) zeurkous click to hear ('an annoying talker') - (de) houtgeur click to hear 2 3 ('wood-smell, smell of wood')
EI/IJ click to hear - kleurrijk click to hear ('[color-rich] colorful') - (het) Beursplein click to hear 2 ('the square of the Amsterdam stock exchang') - (de) breuklijn click to hear 2 (1. 'line of break, crack' 2. 'fault line') - (de) wijsneus click to hear 2 ([wise nose] a person who thinks he's wise/clever/intelligent - but who is not) - (de) reisbeurs click to hear 2 ('travel grant, traveling scholarship')
EU click to hear - (de) speurneus click to hear 2 3 ('[~search-nose] sleuth, investigating person') - (de) neusbreuk click to hear 2 3 ('nose crack,' 'broken nose' - a made-up word)
OE click to hear - (het) kleurboek click to hear 2 ('coloring book') - (de) bloedneus click to hear 2 ('nosebleed')
UI click to hear - (de) scheurbuik click to hear 2 3 ([rip-belly] 'scurvy' vitamin C deficiency) - (de) huidskleur click to hear 2 ('skin color') - (de) huisdeur click to hear 2 door')

Major Exceptions to the Phonetic Spelling of Dutch:
- Page 1:   een   -IG   -ISCH   -LIJK  
- Page 2:   -B   -D   SCHR   -TIE   UW   WR

Hear the Dutch Letters in Hundreds of Words:
 AU/OU  CH  E  EI/IJ  EU  F  G  H  L  OE  SCH  U  UI  W  X  Y

'Master Lists' of Dutch words: Dutch to English - English to Dutch

'Basic' Dutch Words - Pictures Dictionary - Words by Subject - Easy Dutch - Phrases and Conversation Templates - Names - Place Names - verbs

email - Copyright © Marco Schuffelen 2022. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, redistributed, or hotlinked to.
Gij zult niet stelen click to hear 'Thou shalt not steal'