Do take my words for it
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that you paid for something that's of no use to you.
Listen to as many or as few examples as
you want. Look for words that may be useful to you.
- Can there be too many examples for you students to listen to?
Pay special attention to letters, letter combinations and sounds
that you don't have in your own language
These pronunciation pages are not meant for learning
vocabulary. The English translations may lack in precision. But if
you like, follow the occasional links
to explanation,
examples of usage and/or related words.
Learning Vocabulary
Adjectives in most
positions get an -E ending
‑>> Several words appear twice on the page. I do not have an
infinite number of recordings, and some combinations of letters are
rarely or never found in Dutch.
Spelling and Pronunciation
Dutch spelling/pronunciation rules say that:
a double vowel is always 'long'
(de) slaap
('sleep') -
(de) vloot2 ('fleet')
a single vowel at the end of a word is always 'long' (except E)
(de) sla
('lettuce') -
(de) vlo2
('flea') -
de2 ('the' #1)
a single vowel followed by one or more consonants at the end of
a word is 'short'
('weak') -
(het) vlot23 ('raft')
a single vowel followed by one consonant followed by another
vowel is 'long.' (The syllables split is before the single
This is somewhat like English 'silent E')
slapen (sla-pen)
('to sleep)
vloten (vlo-ten)2 ('fleets')
a single vowel followed by two or more consonants is 'short.'
(The syllable break is between the consonants)
slappe (slap-pe)
('weak') -
vlotten (vlot-ten)23 ('rafts')
This rule 'works' for double consonants, but not always when the
consonants are different
Diphthongs don't have 'short' and 'long' forms
So (de) man2
('man, human adult male) has the plural
mannen (man-nen)2
while (de) maan2
has the plural manen (ma-nen)23
the: de 2 /
het 23
- 't
->> Plurals always take 'de'
a: (een) - 'n
/ one: één
EU in Dutch
(de) eu in geuren en kleuren2
(['with smells and colors'] - 'a lively, extensive description')
tegen heug en meug
('under protest' - being forced to do something,
like having to eat something you really don't like)
- (de) speurneus23
('[~search-nose] sleuth,
investigating person')
- (de) neusbreuk23
('nose crack,' 'broken nose'
- a made-up word - Dutchmen can do that)
Ik ben 't beu
I'm sick of it, I'm tired of it, I've had enough,
I can't stand it anymore Wat sneu! 2Such a pity! (I'm sorry it ended that way) English does not have a sound like Dutch EU, but French has a sound like
Dutch EU in words like
(French: '2')
and German has a sound
like it in some words with Ö or OE like
(a mathematician)
(German: 'beautiful, good')
and Goethe
Repeat the words after me, try saying them like I do, and record
yourself or ask a friend to compare how you say them with how I say
them. Try to bring your pronunciation of the words closer and closer
to how I say them. Use as few or as many examples as you like.
- (de) spreeuw2
('starling' - a bird) see EEUW in U
for more
- (de) chauffeur2
('driver' - car, truck, bus - French AU)
- (de) buschauffeur23
('bus driver')
- (de) feut
('new college student to be hazed' - slang)
- (de) geur234
('smell, odor')
- geurig2
('having a noticeable nice smell')
- (het) geurtje23
([little] 'smell, scent,' usually of perfume or cologne)
- geul
('ditch, channel')
- (de) geus
('Dutch 16th Century rebel against Spanish rule)
- geuzen2
(Dutch 'minutemen, revolutionaries')
- Geurt
(a boys' name) - De Geus23
(a family name)
- (het) geheugen23
('memory' - the brain faculty)
- (de) heup
('hip') - heus
('really' - children's talk)
- (de) heuvel / heuvels2
('hill/hills') - Verheul23
(a family name) - Opheusden
(a village) - Van Heusden2
(a family name)
- modieus
('fashionable') - mysterieus23
('mysterious, enigmatic')
- IEU under U has more
The I in the word from French
- (het) milieu2
('the Environment') is pronounced as
Dutch J. - (de) jeugd2
('youth') - (de) jeuk
('an itch') - jeuken2
('to itch') - (de) mitrailleur2
('machine gun' -
French LL sounds like
Dutch J) - majeur (French J)
('major' - music)
- (het) Tjeukemeer
(a lake)
- meubels
('furniture') - smeuïg2
(appetizing food or a story that goes down easily)
- smeulen2
('to smolder' - fire)
- (het) humeur23
('mood') - (de) programmeur2
('programmer') - Meulebeke
(a town in Belgium)
- veulen
('a foal, young horse') - nerveus2
('nervous') - Veurne
(a city in Belgium)
- (de) zeug
('sow' - lady pig)
- zeulen
('to carry with difficulty or displeasure')
- (de) adviseur2
('advisor' - S pronounced as Z) - zeuren23
('to nag') - (de) zeurpiet
( a person who nags a lot, complains about everything)
- zeuven
('7' - old-fashioned)
- (het) milieu2
('the Environment' - this French I
is pronounced as Dutch J) - sneu23
('a pity') - André Rieu (a musician and music director)
- meubels
- sleuf
('a dry ditch')
- (de) zeug
('sow' - lady pig)
- (de) deugd23
('virtue,' 'good' behavior)
- ondeugend234
('naughty, misbehaving' - children)
- (de) jeugd2
('youth') - (de) vreugde
('joy') - (de) beugel2
('brace') - (de) vleugel
('wing' // 'grand piano')
- (de) teugel2 / teugels
('rein'/'reins' - horse mangagement)
- (het) vleugje2
('whiff' - of perfume, for instance)
- (de) leugen
('a lie') - leugens2
('lies') - (het) geheugen23
('memory' - the brain faculty)
Tegen heug en meug
- 'Doing something under strong protest,
like having to eat something you really don't like')
- smeuïg2
(appetizing food or a story that goes down easily)
- beuk
('beech (a tree)') - beuken
('beeches' - trees // 'to batter, pound')
- (de) deuk2 ('dent') - (het) deukje2
('small dent')
- (de) jeuk
('an itch') - jeuken2
('to itch') - (de) keuken2
('kitchen') - leuk2345 / leuke / leuk/leuke23
('enjoyable, nice, pleasant, entertaining' // 'funny, amusing' // 'pretty,
attractive') - breuk2
('crack, breach; fraction') - onkreukbaar2
('incorruptible, cannot be bribed')
- kreukels2
('creases' in fabric)
- (de) spreuk
('a saying, stock expression') - (het) Tjeukemeer
(a lake) - Breukelen2
(a town - became 'Brooklyn' in America)
- Kreuk2
(a family name)
- (de) beul
('hangman, executioner') - geul
('ditch, channel')
- smeulen2
('to smolder, burn slowly' - fire)
- peul2
('a pod' - peas, beans)
- (de) peulvrucht23
('[pod- fruit] - 'legume, ~bean')
- veulen
('a foal, young horse') - zeulen
('to carry with difficulty or displeasure')
- Verheul23
(a family name) - Keulen
('Köln, Cologne')
- Meulebeke
(a town in Belgium)
- (het) reuma34
('~arthritis') - (de) dreumes
('a small child' - affectionately)
- Beumer23
('a family name')
- deur2
('door') - (de) chauffeur2
('driver' - car, truck, bus - French AU)
- (de) buschauffeur23
('bus driver')
- (de) geur234
('smell, odor')
- (de) keur
('~choice') - (de) likeur2
('sweet liquor')
- (de) souffleur
('stage whisperer' - French OU)
- (de) kleur2
‑>> - (de) souffleur
('stage whisperer' - French OU)
- (de) mitrailleur2
('machine gun' -
French LL sounds like
Dutch J) - majeur (French J)
('major' - music)
- (de) sleur23
('rut' - boring, bad routine)
- (het) humeur23
('mood') - (de) programmeur2
('programmer') - mineur
('minor' - music)
- (de) coureur
('racer' - car, motorcycle - French OU)
- (de) regisseur23
('director' - movie, stage play)
- (de) scheur
('a tear, a rip') - (de) amateur2
('amateur,' not a professional)
- (de) formateur2 / (de) informateur2
(politician involved in cabinet formation)
- (de) acteur2
('actor') - (de) directeur2
('manager, director')
- (de) conducteur
('conductor' - train, tram)
- (de) monteur2
('mechanic') - (de) adviseur2
('advisor' - S pronounced as Z) - gescheurd
('torn, ripped')
- gebeuren
('to happen' ‑>>) - betreuren2
('to regret, lament')
- kleuren
('colors') - scheuren2
('to tear, rip')
- zeuren23
('to nag') - teleurgesteld23
('disappointed') - geurig2
('having a noticeable nice smell')
- keurig
('neat, tidy, proper, nice')
- nauwkeurig
('precise') - (de) keuring2
('inspection, testing')
- (de) bekeuring2
('fine, ticket')
- treurig / treurige)
('sad, melancholy, tragic, unfortunate')
- neuriën23
('to hum') - (de) zeurkous
('an annoying talker')
- kleurloos2
('colorless, pale, drab, bland')
- (de) treurnis
('sorrow, sadness, melancholy - deplorable, depressing
- (de) zeurpiet
( a person who nags a lot, complains about everything)
- (de) beurs
('purse' - old-fashioned) // 'scholarship' // 'exchange, market')
- teleurstellend
('disappointing') - (de) teleurstelling2
('disapppointment') - (de) beurt
('turn - oportunity, obligation' - in a game, in a queue)
- (het) geurtje23
([little] 'smell, scent,' usually of perfume or cologne)
- (de) gebeurtenis
('event, happening')
- in geuren en kleuren2
(['with smells and colors'] - 'a lively, extensive description')
- Etten-Leur
('a village') - Deurne
(a village) - Veurne
(a city in Belgium)
- (de) geus
('Dutch 16th Century rebel against Spanish rule)
- heus
('really' - children's talk)
- modieus
('fashionable') - mysterieus23
('mysterious, enigmatic')
- IEU under U has more - (de) keus
('choice') - neus
('nose') - gekneusd23
('bruised') - (de) reus
('giant') - majestueus2
('majestic') - nerveus2
('nervous') - De Geus23
(a family name) - Opheusden
(a village) - Van Heusden2
(a family name)
- (de) feut
('new college student to be hazed' - slang)
- (de) neut
('glass of liquor' - slang)
- (de) scheut2
('shoot, sprout' - new growth on plant or tree // 'jab' - of
pain // 'dash, splash' - of liquid)
- (de) sleutel
('key' - lock/wrench/music - 'clef')
- sleutels
('keys') - (de) kleuter
('a small child' - 4-6 yrs)
- neutraal2
('neutral') - (de) kneuterigheid
- (de) peut
('gasoline, gas' - slang)
- (de) peuter2
('a small child' - 2-3 yrs) - preuts
Dutch [(het)] haar
can mean both 'hair' and 'her' (third person female possessive, dative
and accusative.)
But the repetition in haar haar2
('her hair') sounds a bit funny, so some Dutch people use
dialect forms instead: d'r haar23
heur haar23 d'r234
- heur
-EUM Ending in Words from Latin In the -EUM ending of
words from Latin, E and U pronounced
(het) museum
('museum') - (de) petroleum
- the everyday cheap fuel)
/ (de) petroleum
- engineers' crude oil)
- (het) Atheneum
('high-level High School')
EU in Words and Names from Greek
In Dutch, EU in words and names from Greek is pronounced as
Dutch UI - (de) therapeut
('therapist') - (het) pseudoniem
('pseudonym,' fictional name)
- (het) eufemisme2
- (de) euthanasie234
- (het) neutron23
('neutron') - (de) leukemie23
('leukemia') - therapeut / pseudodemocratie
('therapist / pseudo-democracy')
- Zeus2 - Orpheus2 - Zeus Odysseus Theseus - Prometheus2
OE in Words and Names from Greek
But OE in words and names from Greek is in Dutch pronounced as
EU - (het) oedeem
('edema, oedema,' water retention)
- oecumenisch23
('ecumenical') - Oedipus23
(Greek mythological figure - 'U' is pronounced
as OO,Dutch OE
) - oedipaal
('like Oedipus')
French EUILLE French EUILLE is said in Dutch like in the
original French (phonetic Dutch UI-JE) (de) portefeuille
('wallet') - (het) feuilleton23
('feuilleton,' - print serial)
- (de) keuring2
('testing, test, examination, inspection')
- (de) reukzin2
('the sense of smel')
- (de) treurnis
('sorrow, sadness, melancholy' - deplorable, depressing circumstances)
- (de) treurwilg
('weeping willow')
- (de) schipbreuk234
('shipwreck, destruction of a ship')
- (de) zeurpiet
( a person who nags a lot, complains about everything)
- niet leuk23
('not amusing, not funny,
- (de) likeur2
('sweet liquor')
- mineur
('minor' - music)
- (de) deurknop
('door knob')
- (de) wolkbreuk
('cloud-[break]-burst,' very heavy rain)
- (de) snotneus23
('[snotty nose] 'whippersnapper,'
a guy too young for his position')
- (de) monteur2