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The Small Change of Conversation
I found the phrase in a book by Henry James. It's a useful concept for students of foreign languages. The pages in this series (and my website in general) will help you speak with Dutch people.
I hope you have the passive vocabulary to understand what people say or write to you - to comment on that, learn the phrases on this page that look useful to you, make them part of your active vocabulary.

Talking about Chance, Luck, Outcomes and Risk

 kans - chance 
 mogelijk - possible 
 geluk - luck 
 lukken - to succeed 
 slagen - to be successful 
 ongeluk - accident 
 pech - bad luck 
 expres, met opzet - deliberate 
 resultaat - result, outcome 
 doen - to do 
 risico - risk 
 veilig - safe 

English 'chance' and its Dutch equivalent (de) kans click to hear can mean both 'a possibility or probability of something happening' and 'an opportunity to do or achieve something' - the meanings are related, can come down to the same thing

Grijp je kans! click to hear 2 3 'Grab your chance!' Make use of the opportunity kans op onweer click to hear 2 3 a chance of a thunderstorm

(de) kans click to hear chance, possibility, occurrence // opportunity
kansen click to hear 2 chances, opportunities
(de) pakkans click to hear 2 3 the chance (of a criminal) being caught

dit is de enige kans click to hear This is the only chance Is er enige kans? click to hear 2 3 Is there any chance? ‑>> Grijp je kans! click to hear 2 3 'Grab your chance!' Make use of the opportunity Sla je slag click to hear 2 3 4 Seize the opportunity, grab your chance Ergens een slaatje uit slaan click to hear 2 3 Taking advantage of an opportunity, making (good) use of something Je voordeel doen met click to hear 2 3 Doing something advantageous, seize an opportunity to your advantage Hij heeft weinig kans click to hear He has little chance (de) gemiste kans click to hear 2 3 missed chance, missed opportunity gemiste kansen click to hear 2 3 missed chances, missed opportunities (de) herkansing click to hear 2 [re-chance] - a new chance, like a rematch de laatste kans click to hear 2 3 4 the last chance
(de) gelegenheid click to hear 2 opportunity, ~chance een goede gelegenheid click to hear 2 3 a good opportunity een mooie gelegenheid click to hear 2 a [beautiful] good, fitting opportunity 't Is een unieke gelegenheid click to hear 2 3 4 5 It's a unique opportunity, ~a rare chance ongelegen click to hear 2 inconvenient, 'not a good time'

kans op onweer click to hear 2 3 a chance of a thunderstorm een kans van één op tien click to hear 2 a chance of 1 in 10, a 10% chance kleine kans click to hear 2 3 a small chance "dikke kans!" click to hear 2 "fat chance!" (often ironic, meaning: zero chance!) een reële kans click to hear 2 3 a real chance, a good chance, it could really happen

mogelijk click to hear 2 (mogelijke click to
 hear) 'possible' - or sometimes English uses the verb 'can.'
(de) mogelijkheid click to hear 2 3 'possibility'
onmogelijk click to hear 2 'impossible'
Hoe is 't mogelijk? click to hear 2 3 4 5 6 How is it possible? How can it be? zo mogelijk click to hear 2 'if possible'
zo lang mogelijk click to hear 2 as long as possible zo spoedig mogelijk click to hear 2 as soon as possible zo weinig mogelijk click to hear 2 3 as little as possible met alle mogelijke middelen click to hear 2 with all possible means 't Is haast onmogelijk click to hear 2 3 It's almost impossible 't Zou kunnen click to hear 2 It could be, It's possible more kunnen

gebeuren click to hear to happen, occur, take place ‑>> 't Kan gebeuren click to hear 2 It [can] may happen - Things like that happen 't Kan elk moment gebeuren click to hear 2 3 It can happen any moment, anytime

See also (het) toeval click to hear ('chance, coincidence, random event') and (het) lot click to hear 2 3 / het noodlot click to hear 2 ('fate') ‑>>

The Dutch word (het) geluk click to hear 2 can mean both 'luck,' fate favoring you, and 'happiness,' a lasting state of good feeling - but 'geluk' as 'happiness' is a bit old-fashioned. Most people will use the English word 'happy' (as an adverb or adjective) instead ‑>>

Ik had geluk click to hear 2 I was lucky Als je geluk hebt ... click to hear 2 3 If you're lucky ... Je hebt geluk gehad click to hear 2 3 You [have been] were lucky Gelukkig maar! click to hear 2 3 Lucky indeed! We're lucky Vroeger was geluk heel gewoon click to hear 2 3 In the past, happiness was quite common (Carmiggelt)

The Dutch verb lukken click to hear 2 means 'to succeed' (in something) or 'to be successful' (in something)
Dat lukt je nooit click to hear 2 You'll never succeed in that, you'll never be able to do that, you'll never pull that off Dat lukt me nooit click to hear I'll never succeed in that, I'll never be able to do that, I'll never pull that off Zou 't lukken? click to hear 2 Is it going to work out? 't Wil maar niet lukken click to hear 2 3 I can't get it right (said after many failed attempts) "Lukt 't een beetje?" click to hear 2 3 [Are you somewhat succeeding?] - How is it going? (inquiring with doubts about how a job is going)

slagen click to hear 2 3 4 ('to succeed // to pass a test')

slagen to succeed //
pass a test
ik slaag I succeed
wij slagen we succeed
ik slaagde I succeeded
wij slaagden we succeeded
ik ben geslaagd I have succeeded
click to hear 2 3 4
see also: slaan click to hear 2 (' to hit, slap')

Ik ben geslaagd click to hear 2 1. I have succeeded, I was successful
2. I passed the exam (or test)
Ben je geslaagd? click to hear 2 3 1. Did you pass the exam (or test)
usually: 2. Did you get what you wanted?
We slaagden er niet in click to hear 2 We did not succeed (in it) - we were not successful

(Het) ongeluk click to hear 2 is 'accident,' something bad happening inadvertently. In traffic it's often better to call it a 'crash' - (de) botsing click to hear 2 ->>
Ik werk me een ('n) ongeluk click to hear 2 3 (4 5) (saying) I'm working ["myself an accident"] very hard' Een ongeluk zit in een klein hoekje click to hear (saying) ['an accident is in a small corner'] - accidents can happen in unexpected places (and unexpectedly) Een geluk bij een ongeluk click to hear 2 ['Some luck in an accident'] - A bright spot in a bad situation het ongeluksgetal click to hear - dertien click to hear the unlucky number - 13

'Bad luck' is (de) pech click to hear 2
(de) pechvogel click to hear 2 (bad-luck bird) a person who has much bad luck domme pech click to hear 2 3 [mindless] random bad luck Je hebt pech click to hear 2 You're not lucky, you're having bad luck Hadden jullie pech? click to hear Did you guys have bad luck? - usually this means: Did you guys have car trouble? Wat 'n pech! click to hear 2 Such bad luck! Hij heeft te veel pech click to hear 2 'He has too much bad luck' - he's accident-prone

Per ongeluk click to hear 2 is 'by accident, inadvertently' - its opposite, 'deliberately' (often negative, malicious) is:
expres click to hear 2 3 on purpose, deliberately, intentionally ik doe 't niet expres click to hear 2 3 I'm not doing it on purpose, it was not the intended outcome, I can't help it met opzet click to hear 2 3 on purpose, deliberately, intentionally (de) bedoeling click to hear 2 'purpose, intention, aim') ‑>> Dat is niet de bedoeling click to hear 2 3 That's not what I had in mind; that's not what it's for Dat was niet de bedoeling click to hear 2 That was not what I had in mind, that was not the intention, that was not supposed to happen More formal words for 'deliberate:'
doelbewust click to hear 2 ['goal-conscious] or
moedwillig click to hear 2

(het) resultaat click to hear 2 3 result, outcome
succes click to hear 2 success
Veel succes ermee! click to hear 2 3 [Wishing you much success with it] - Good luck! (de) teleurstelling click to hear 2 disappointment ‑>>
teleurstellende resultaten click to hear 2 3 disappointing results 't Is één grote teleurstelling click to hear 2 3 4 {It's one big disappointment] - It's a complete disappointment (de) mislukking click to hear 2 failure
falen click to hear 2 3 4 to fail
(het) debacle click to hear 2 debacle, fiasco
(het) fiasco click to hear 2 fiasco, debacle

't Kan vriezen en 't kan dooien click to hear (saying) [It may freeze or it may thaw] - Things can go either way goed click to hear 2 3 gaan click to hear ('to go well, have the intended result')
Het gaat goed click to hear It's going well Als dat maar goed gaat! click to hear 2 3 [If only that goes right] - I'm afraid it will go wrong, end badly Dat ging maar net goed click to hear That only just went right, it could easily have ended badly Dat gaat niet goed click to hear 2 That's not going well, it's going to end badly Dat kan niet goed gaan click to hear 2 That cannot [go] end well, there is going to be a problem mis click to hear gaan click to hear ('to go wrong')
Sommige dagen gaat er van alles mis click to hear On some days all kinds of things go wrong Sommige dagen gaat alles mis click to hear 2 On some days everything goes wrong Er ging iets helemaal mis click to hear 2 3 4 5 Something went completely wrong Alles gaat mis click to hear 2 3 Everything is going wrong Waarom gaat altijd alles mis? click to hear 2 3 4 Why does everything always go wrong? more gaan - more goed - more mis

doen click to hear 2 3 to do
Zou je dat nou wel doen? click to hear 2 3 Should you do that? Are you sure it's a good idea to do that? Moet je niet doen! click to hear Don't do that! Not a good idea to do that Dat had ik niet moeten doen click to hear 2 3 4 I shouldn't have done that Ik kan er niks aan doen click to hear I can't help it /or/ it's not my fault Daar kun je niks aan doen click to hear 2 3 You can't do anything about that, it's unavoidable more doen

(Het) risico click to hear 2 'risk' - plural: risico's click to hear
een te groot risico click to hear too great a risk (het) eigen risico click to hear 2 'own risk' - in insurance, 'deductible' 'n onnodig risico click to hear 2 3 an unnecessary risk risico nemen click to hear to take [risk] risks Hij nam geen enkel risico click to hear 2 3 He didn't take any [risk] risks Ik wil geen risico lopen click to hear 2 3 I don't want to take the risk Zou je het risico nemen? click to hear 2 3 Would you take the risk? (Is it worth the risk?) nemen click to hear 'to take' ‑>>
riskant click to hear 2 3 risky
riskeren click to hear 2 3 to risk
Daar moet je mee oppassen click to hear 2 3 4 You'd better be very careful doing that ‑>> in gevaar brengen click to hear 2 3 4 to endanger Dat kan geen kwaad click to hear 2 3 (saying) ['That's not going to do damage'] - 'It's something that can be tried without risk, worth a try'

veilig click to hear 2 (veilig / veilige click to hear 2) safe, secure
veiligheidsspelden click to hear 2 safety pins
veiligheidsbrillen click to hear safety glasses
(de) veiligheid click to hear 2 3 safety, security
Wereldwijde week van de veiligheid click to hear 2
'Global safety week' - a company slogan I thought up Veiligheid vòòr alles click to hear 2 [safety before everything (else)] - Safety first (the English phrase is more common)

Hij geeft mij kracht
en leidt me langs veilige paden,
zoals hij beloofd heeft. click to hear 2 [He gives me strength
and leads me along safe paths,
like he has promised]

He restoreth my soul;
he leadeth me in the path of righteousness
for his name's sake.

Psalm 23:3 The Lord is my Shepherd

More pages like this:
Meet and Greet
Commenting on Statements and Opinions
Why? - Because - The Reason - Cause & Effect
Talking about Time
Ziek - Talking about Not Feeling Well
Expectations and What Happens

Weather - Food - Drink - Travel - Sleep - Work - Money - Speaking Dutch

email - Copyright © Marco Schuffelen 2022. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, redistributed, or hotlinked to.
Gij zult niet stelen click to hear 'Thou shalt not steal'