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The Small Change of Conversation
I found the phrase in a book by Henry James. It's a useful concept for students of foreign languages. The pages in this series (and my website in general) will help you speak with Dutch people.
I hope you have the passive vocabulary to understand what people say or write to you - to comment on that, learn the phrases on this page that look useful to you, make them part of your active vocabulary.

Commenting on Statements and Opinions

to Say and to Think
to Ask
to Wonder
to Know
to Understand
to Agree
to Disagree
changes =
"I don't care" - "Never mind"
[smal change, coins]  [smal change, coins]
(het) kleingeld click to hear 2 small change


the: de click to hear 2 / het click to hear 2 3 - 't click to hear ->>
Plurals always take 'de'
a: (een) - 'n click to hear / one: één click to hear 2 3

(het) commentaar click to hear 2 comment
(de) commentator click to hear 2 (professional) commentator
(de) mening click to hear opinion
meningen click to hear 2 opinions
(de) opinie click to hear 2 opinion
(het) standpunt click to hear viewpoint, position

commentaar geven click to hear 2 3 to comment more formal:  commentaar leveren click to hear 2 (leveren click to hear 2 to supply, deliver) je mening geven click to hear 2 3 stating your opinion De meningen zijn verdeeld click to hear 2 3 Opinions [are divided] vary

(het) feit click to hear fact
feiten click to hear facts
(de) waarheid click to hear 2 truth
(het) verzinsel click to hear fiction, something made up
(de) leugen click to hear lie, untruth
leugens click to hear 2 lies
betrouwbaar click to hear 2 reliable, trustworthy
geloofwaardig click to hear ['belief-worthy'] - credible
eerlijk click to hear honest
objectief click to hear 2 objective, impartial
niet objectief click to hear 2 3 subjective, biased
eenzijdig click to hear 2 one-sided
(het) vooroordeel click to hear 2 prejudice, preconceived notion
bevooroordeeld click to hear 2 prejudiced, biased
See also: Using Words: The News

(de) reactie click to hear reaction
reageren click to hear 2 3 to react
reageren op click to hear 2 3 to react to
(de) uitspraak click to hear 1. pronunciation 2. statement
uitspraken doen click to hear 2 3 making statements
zich uitspreken click to hear 2 3 to speak out, stating an opinion
reflexive verbs
(het) verslag click to hear report, account
verslag doen click to hear 2 3 4 to report
rapporteren click to hear 2 3 to report
(de) stelling click to hear 2 1. military position 2 ~statement
stellingen click to hear 2 3 statements, propositions, theorems, theses
- more below
Ik zoek een uitspraak van de koning click to hear I'm looking for a statement by the king Ik zoek naar een uitspraak van de koning click to hear 2 3 I'm searching for a statement by the king

Zeggen  'to Say,'
Denken  and Vinden  'to Think'

Zeggen click to hear 2 3 is 'to say'
- and the verbs denken click to hear 2 ('to think') and vinden click to hear 2 ('to find') are often used to state opinions

Men zegt dat ... click to hear ['People say that ...'] - usually translated as: 'It is said that ...' Ik denk dat het te laat is click to hear I think it's too late Ik vind 't te duur click to hear 2 3 I [find] think it's too expensive

Wat zegt U ervan? click to hear 2 What do you say (of/about it)? (polite, formal 'you') Wat zegt U d'rvan? click to hear 2 3 4 What do you say (of/about it)? (polite, formal 'you') - that D Wat zeg jij d'r van? click to hear 2 3 What do you say (of it)? (informal 'you') Wat denk jij? click to hear 2 3 What do you think (of it)? - What's your opinion (on this)? Wat denk jij d'r van? click to hear 2 What do you think (of it)? Wat vind jij ervan? click to hear 2 What do you think (of it)? Wat heb je daarop te zeggen? click to hear 2 What do you say about that? What's your reaction to that? Denk je ook niet dat ...? click to hear 2 3 [Don't] Do you also think that ...? Do you agree that ...? Vind je ook niet? click to hear 2 3 Don't you think so too? Don't you agree?

Vragen  'to Ask'

Vragen click to hear 2 'to ask'

Vraag niet waarom click to hear 2 Do not ask why Mag ik U iets vragen? click to hear 2 3 [May I ...] Could I ask you something?
(de) vraag click to hear 2 'question'
- plural: vragen click to hear 2 'questions'
Dat is een goede vraag click to hear 2 3 That's a good question Ik heb een heleboel vragen click to hear 2 3 I have a great many questions

Zich Afvragen  'to Wonder'

zich afvragen click to hear [to ask yourself] - to wonder

Ik vraag me wel eens af ... click to hear 2 (3 4) Sometimes I wonder ... Ik vraag me af hoe 't komt click to hear 2 I wonder [how it comes] what's causing it, why it is

Weten  'to Know'

weten click to hear 'to know'

Ik weet 't niet click to hear 2 I don't know Dat wist ik niet click to hear 2 I didn't know that Ik weet er niks van click to hear 2 I know nothing about it (either general knowledge or familiarity with an event or incident) Daar weet ik niks van click to hear 2 I know nothing about that (either general knowledge or familiarity with an event or incident) Er is mij niets van bekend click to hear 2 I know nothing about it, I have no knowlewdge of it

Dat weet ik niet click to hear 2 I don't know (about) that Ik wist 't wel click to hear 2 I knew it! Ik wil 't weten click to hear 2 I want to know (it) Ik zou wel eens willen weten ... click to hear 2 I would like to know ...

Ze weten 't niet click to hear 2 They don't know [it]

Ik weet 't eigenlijk niet click to hear 2 3 4 I actually don't know, I'm not sure

't Is niet iets waar ik veel van weet click to hear 2 3 4 It's not something I know [much] a lot about Hoe weinig we weten click to hear 2 How little we know, our knowledge is limited

Hij weet waar-(d)ie 't over heeft click to hear 2 He knows what he's talking about Wat weet hij ervan? click to hear 2 3 slow What does he know about it? (implying: not much!)

Begrijpen  'to Understand'

Begrijpen click to hear 'to understand' - know the how or why of something

Ik begrijp wat je bedoelt click to hear 2 I [understand] see what you mean Ik begrijp niet wat je bedoelt click to hear 2 I don't understand what you mean Nou begrijp ik 't click to hear 2 Now I understand (it) Nou begrijp ik waarom click to hear 2 3 4 Now I understand why Het is me een raadsel click to hear 2 It's a [riddle] mystery to me Hoezo? click to hear 2 3 [how so?] What do you mean?

Verwachten  'to expect'

(de) verwachting click to hear expectation
plural:  verwachtingen click to hear 2 3 expectations
verwachten click to hear 2 to expect
(het) verwachtingspatroon click to hear 2 [pattern] set of expectations
geen hoge verwachtingen click to hear 2 3 no [high] great expectations de verwachtingen overtreffen click to hear 2 3 to [exceed] beat expectations

Zoals je zou verwachten click to hear 2 3 As you would expect, as expected Niet zoals je zou verwachten click to hear 2 Not as you would expect, not as expected Niet wat je zou verwachten click to hear Not what you would expect Dat had ik niet verwacht click to hear 2 3 I had not expected that

Zich Verbazen  'to Be Surprised, Amazed'

zich verbazen click to hear 2 to be surprised, amazed
(de) verbazing click to hear 2 3 amazement, surprise
verbazingwekkend click to hear 2 3 surprising, amazing

't Verbaast me click to hear 2 3 I'm surprised 't Verbaast me niet click to hear 2 3 I'm not surprised 't Verbaast me niks click to hear 2 'I'm not surprised at all' Het zou me niet verbazen click to hear 2 'I would not be surprised'

Ik sta nergens meer van te kijken click to hear 2 Nothing surprises me anymore Daar kijkt niemand meer van op click to hear 2 3 Nobody is surprised, impressed by that anymore

to Agree

Precies! click to hear 2 Exactly! That's what it is, you're absolutely right
more  'precies'

Dat is zo click to hear 2 3 It's like that, That is true, There is that, You're right Dat is wel zo, maar ... click to hear 2 3 4 That is true, but ... There is that, but ...

het eens zijn (met) click to hear 2 3 ('to agree, ~to be on one page with') Ik ben het met je eens click to hear 2 I agree with you, I think you're right Helemaal mee eens! click to hear 2 3 I fully agree other meanings of  'eens'

gelijk hebben click to hear 2 means 'to be right, to be correct' groot gelijk click to hear 2 "absolutely right" Je hebt gelijk click to hear You are right (informal, singular 'you') Je hebt gelijk gekregen click to hear It turns out you were right je hebt helemaal gelijk click to hear 2 You're absolutely right U heeft helemaal gelijk click to hear You're absolutely right (polite 'you') Daar heb je gelijk mee click to hear 2 3 You're right about that Hij heeft ergens wel gelijk click to hear 2 3 4 He is partly right, he's correct in some aspects Ik blijf erbij dat hij gelijk heeft click to hear 2 3 4 [I remain of the opinion] - I am still convinced that he is right overtuigd van hun gelijk click to hear 2 convinced, certain, absolutely sure of their being right Je hebt niet altijd gelijk click to hear 2 3 You're not always right Ik geef je geen ongelijk click to hear I'm not saying you're wrong (you're right) other meanings of  'gelijk'

Er is wat voor te zeggen click to hear 2 3 Something can be said in favor of it (cautious approval) Daar is wat voor te zeggen click to hear 2 3 Something can be said in favor of that (cautious approval) Dat voel je goed aan click to hear You have a good sense of it (understanding the subconscious signals)

Er zit wat in click to hear 2 3 4 5
Daar zit wat in click to hear 2 3 literally: there's something in it, it contains something - or figuratively: there's something to it, there's a good idea in it, there's some truth in it Misschien zit er wat in click to hear 2 3 Maybe it contains something // Maybe there is something to it

Net goed! click to hear 2 1. Just right! (Just as it should be -or- the right amount)
2. (in a vengeful mood:) the right comeuppance, deserved punishment)
Goed zo! click to hear 2 3 1. you're doing well, you've done well
2. serves them right! the right comeuppance

Dat is ook zo click to hear 2 3 [That what you're saying is also like that] - it is like that, that is also true, "you are right"


(de) twijfel click to hear doubt
twijfelen click to hear 2 3 to doubt

Ik begin te twijfelen click to hear 2 3 I'm starting to doubt Ik ben gaan twijfelen click to hear I've begun to have doubts Dat betwijfel ik click to hear 2 I doubt that, I have my doubts about that

geloven click to hear 2 'to believe'

Ik geloof niet dat dat zo is click to hear 2 3 4 I don't [believe] think it's like that Dat geloof ik niet click to hear I don't believe that, I don't think it's like that Ik geloof er niks van click to hear 2 3 [I believe nothing of it] - I don't believe a word of it En jij gelooft dat? click to hear 2 And you believe that? Geloof jij erin? click to hear 2 Do you believe (in) it? Do you think it's true? Geloof je 't zelf? click to hear 2 Do you believe so yourself? (Are you kidding me or are you trying to fool me?)

waar click to hear true
other meanings of   'waar'

Echt waar? click to hear 2 [Really true?] Really? 't Kan wel waar zijn click to hear 2 It may be true (but ...) 't Kan best wel waar zijn click to hear 2 3 It may well be true, it's possible that that is the truth Wat is er van waar? click to hear 2 3 4 What (part) of it is true? Ik weet niet wat er van waar is click to hear 2 ['I don't know what of it is true'] - I'm not sure in how far it's true, how much of it is true

Ik weet niet of dat zo is click to hear 2 I don't know, I'm not sure that it is like that Ik weet niet of dat echt zo is click to hear I don't know if it's really like that, I doubt that it's true
echt click to hear 2 3 'real, really' ‑>>

zeker click to hear 2 certain, sure - more
Ben je daar zeker van? click to hear 2 3 4 Are you sure (of it)? Are you certain it's like that? Ik weet 't zeker click to hear 2 3 [I know for sure] - I'm sure of it

Er klopt iets niet click to hear 2 3 4 It doesn't add up, something doesn't make sense, it's inconsistent 't Is niet logisch click to hear 2 3 It's not logical

't Is niet zo overtuigend click to hear 2 It's not very convincing

Dat is maar de vraag click to hear 2 3 4 That [is just] remains a question - there is no certainty about that, no definite answer

sterk verhaal click to hear 2 3 ['strong' story] - 'tall' (exagerrated) tale 't Lijkt me sterk dat ... click to hear 2 3 [It looks 'strong' to me that ...] - It can't be true, it's not credible Dat lijkt me sterk click to hear 2 3 4 [That looks 'strong' to me] - That can't be true, I don't believe that

Dat meen je niet! click to hear 2 3 You can't be serious! ‑>>

Laat me niet lachen click to hear 2 Don't make me laugh (What you're suggesting is ridiculous)

Zeg je echt wat je vindt? click to hear 2 3 4 5 Do you really say what you're thinking?

Ja, maar ... click to hear Yes, but ...(voicing objections, raising points-against)

to Disagree

Onzin! click to hear 2 Nonsense!
Nonsens click to hear 2 3 Nonsense!
Kletskoek! click to hear 2 3 [chat-cake] nonsense!

Wat een onzin! click to hear 2 Such nonsense! Wat een onzin allemaal! click to hear 2 3 4 All of it is nonsense! It's total nonsense

Hij zit te zwammen click to hear He's talking nonsense

Dat is helemaal niet zo click to hear 2 3 [That] It isn't like that at all

Ik denk het niet click to hear 2 3 I don't think so, I don't agree, I'm of another opinion Ik denk van niet click to hear 2 3 4 5 6 I don't think so

Je hebt niet altijd gelijk click to hear 2 3 You're not always right

Het gaat te ver click to hear 2 It goes too far

't Was dus allemaal gelogen click to hear 2 [So all of it was lied] So it were all lies
liegen click to hear 'to lie,' say what is not

tegenspreken click to hear 2 3 4 to [speak against] contradict Hij sprak hun tegen click to hear 2 He contradicted them, he said their version was untrue or not correct

Dutch blij click to hear (blije click to hear - blij / blije click to hear) usually means 'glad,' happy about something, 'pleased, delighted, contented' but it also can mean cheerful, happy, merry, 'in a good mood.' ‑>>
Ik ben er niet blij mee click to hear 2 3 1. I'm not happy with it (an item)
2. I'm not happy about it (a situatiom or an outcome)
Ben je nou blij? click to hear Are you happy now? (something happened that the addressed person wanted but that the speaker is not happy with)


Ik ben van gedachten veranderd. click to hear I changed my mind. Ik heb me bedacht click to hear 2 3 I changed my mind, I'm of another opinion now - or: I have other plans now Ik ben ervan teruggekomen click to hear 2 3 [I have come back on it] - I've changed my mind about it

 I don't Care, Never Mind etc.

't Kan me niet schelen click to hear 2 I don't care.
'niets' click to hear is a little stronger than  'niet' click to hear 2
Ik vind 't best click to hear 2 It's OK with me (it's not important to me) - so this does NOT mean 'the best outcome' ‑>> 't Kan me geen zier schelen click to hear 2 3 I don't care at all, I don't care one whit, I couldn't care less

't Zal me worst wezen click to hear 2 (saying) '['It will be sausage to me'] - meaning 'I don't care at all'

Weet ik veel click to hear ["know I much"] - I don't know and I don't care

aantrekken click to hear 2 3 is literally 'pull towards you' or 'to attract' - and also 'putting on clothes'
'zich niets/niks aantrekken van'   means 'not care, not mind, not bother about'

Ik trek me er niks van aan click to hear 2 3 4
Ik trek me d'r niks van aan click to hear 2 3 ~It doesn't bother me, I dont't pay attention ot it, I don't care Ik lap 't aan m'n laars click to hear 2 (saying) ['I'm sticking it to my boot'] I don't care about, I'm ignoring that comment or rule Trek je er niks van aan click to hear 2 Don't pay attention to it, don't let it bother you, don't get upset over it Trek 't je niet aan click to hear 2 3 4 Don't get upset over it, don't pay attention to it, don't let it bother you Zich nergens iets van aantrekken click to hear 2 3 4 5 Not be concerned about anything, just doing, 'not give a damn'

't Spijt me, ik ben Uw naam vergeten click to hear 2 I'm sorry, I forgot your name 't Geeft niet click to hear 2 3 It doesn't matter, it's OK, never mind, don't worry about it.

Ik vind 't niet erg click to hear 2 3 4 I don't mind, it doesn't bother me Ik hoop dat je het niet erg vindt click to hear I hope you don't think it's bad, I hope you don't mind Ik vind het heel erg click to hear I think it's [very] really bad, I'm upset over it more 'erg vinden'

Wil je koffie of thee? click to hear 2 3 Would you like coffee or tea? 't Is allebei goed click to hear 2 3 [It is ...] Both are good, OK with me Wat 't makkelijkst voor je is click to hear 2 What is most easy for you

'Niet uitmaken' click to hear 2 'doesn't matter'
'Niets uitmaken' click to hear 2 'makes no difference'

't Maakt niet uit click to hear 2 It doesn't matter 't Maakt niets uit click to hear 2 3 4 It makes no difference 't Maakt me niet uit click to hear 2 3 It's the same to me, it doesn't matter to me 't Maakt toch allemaal niks uit click to hear 2 [All of it doesn't make a difference] - Whatever you do, it doesn't help Wat maakt 't uit? click to hear 2 3 What difference does it make? (None - it doesn't matter) Kwenie (Ik weet niet) of 't wat uitmaakt click to hear I dont know if it makes any difference (maybe it's pointless) Ik denk niet dat 't veel uitmaakt click to hear [I don't think that it matters much] - I think it doesn't make much difference Qua inkomen maakt 't niet veel uit click to hear 2 3 ([Regarding income ...] 'It doesn't make much difference in income' Ziet U - het maakt niets uit, het is hetzelfde click to hear See! It doesn't make [any] a difference, it [is the same] doesn''t change

Last hebben van click to hear 2 usually means 'to be bothered by, given trouble by,' but you can say:
Ik heb er geen last van click to hear 2 3 It doesn't bother me, I don't mind (usually said about an inconvenience) more 'last hebben van' and 'last krijgen van'

geven click to hear om click to hear to care about, ~find important, ~like Hij geeft er niet om click to hear 2 3 He doesn't care for it, it's of no interest to him Ze geven niet om snoep click to hear 2 3 They don't care for candy, they're not interested in candy, they don't have a great liking for candy (hypothetical children) Ik hou er niet van click to hear 2 3 I don't like it, I don't enjoy it, I don't care for it 'To care for' can also mean 'to take care of' - 'to support, help, provide with' - that is zorgen voor click to hear 2 3 - more


Dat is interessant click to hear 2 That's interesting ... maar gaat U verder click to hear 2 3 ... but please continue (polite)

Aan de ene kant .... click to hear 2 3 'on the one [side] hand' Aan de andere kant .... click to hear 2 3 'on the other hand'

Dat is een ander verhaal click to hear 2 That's another story

krachtige taal click to hear 2 3 [powerful language] - a powerful statement

Is dat nog steeds zo? click to hear 2 3 Is [that] it still like that?

vertellen click to hear 2 to tell'
Wie heeft je dat verteld? click to hear 2 Who told you (singular) that? Wie heeft jullie dat verteld? click to hear 2 Who told you (plural) that? Niemand heeft me iets verteld click to hear 2 Nobody told me anything Ze hebben jullie onwaarheden verteld click to hear 2 They have told you guys [untruths] lies

Ik zie het verband click to hear 2 3 I see how it's connected (the Gestalt) Alles grijpt in elkaar click to hear 'Everything is connected'

Dat is nogal logisch click to hear 2 3 4 That's rather logical, that's self-evident (I see that)

Als ik het zo hoor ... click to hear 2 [(When) As I hear it like this] - Hearing this ... I understand, I gather

Waarom is dat eigenlijk? click to hear 2 3 4 Why is that (actually)? What's the reason for it?

Ik vind het heel erg click to hear I think it's [very] really bad, I'm upset over it

Is het echt zo erg? click to hear 2 3 4 5 Is it really that bad?

't Is niet aan ons om te oordelen click to hear 2 3 4 It's not for (up to) us to judge

Er wordt al zoveel gezegd click to hear 2 So much is being said already Er is al zoveel gezegd click to hear 2 So much has been said already ->>

Als je 't vaak genoeg hoort ... click to hear 2 [When you hear it often enough] - When it's told many times ... (you may start believing it)

oud nieuws click to hear 2 old news (nothing new, not exciting, boring) niks nieuws click to hear 2 3 nothing new, not new, 'same old' Dat is oud nieuws click to hear 2 That's old news

Zit niet zo te zeuren! click to hear 2 Now stop that nagging! I'm sick of your pointless, annoying comments ‑>>

Daar heb ik niet over nagedacht click to hear 2 I have not thought it over Ik heb er niet goed over nagedacht click to hear 2 3 4 I have not thought it out well

Ik heb er m'n eigen ideeën over click to hear 2 3 4 I have my own ideas about it (I do not agree with the majority opinion)

Ben ik de enige die zo denkt? click to hear 2 3 Am I the only one who thinks that way, the only person of that opinion? Ben ik de enige die dat vindt? click to hear 2 3 Am I the only one who thinks that way, the only person of that opinion?

Wat ik je zeg click to hear 2 It's like I say, Absolutely! (I'm right) Zeg dat wel! click to hear 2 3 You can [surely] say that! (That statement is absolutely correct - and obvious) Daar kun je donder op zeggen! click to hear 2 3 It will be like that, Absolutely! (That statement is absolutely correct)

... wat ik je brom click to hear 2 said after making a somewhat controversial statement, meaning 'it will turn out I was right about this'

punt - uit! click to hear 2 3 period! - finished! that's it! (end of discussion)


A.C. Schuffelen, 1940
Rienk Baarsma, 1993
stellingen click to hear 2 3 statements, propositions, theorems, theses
In Holland, a PhD thesis ((het) proefschrift click to hear 2) usually has a list of ten to twenty 'stellingen,'  statements, most of them about the field of study, and often a few of a general or humorous nature

The Small Change of Conversation
More pages like this:
Meet and Greet
Why? / Because / The Reason / Cause & Effect
Ziek - Talking about Not Feeling Well
Chance, Luck, Outcomes and Risk
Talking about Time
Expectations and What Happens

Weather - Food - Drink - Travel - Sleep - Work - Money - Speaking Dutch

email - Copyright © Marco Schuffelen 2021. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, redistributed, or hotlinked to.
Gij zult niet stelen click to hear 'Thou shalt not steal'