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Major Exceptions to the Phonetic Spelling of Dutch:
- Page 1:   een   -IG   -ISCH   -LIJK  
- Page 2:   -B   -D   SCHR   -TIE   UW   WR
Hear the Dutch Letters in Hundreds of Words:
 AU/OU  CH  EU  F  G  H  L  OE  SCH  U  UI  W  X  Y
'Master Lists' of Dutch words: Dutch to English - English to Dutch

E in Dutch - Three Dutch E's

 Why is E different? 
 Three E's 

 The Apostrophe, Contractions, Personal Pronouns 
 About Pronunciation 
 Introducing the Sounds 1 
 Combining E's 
 Hear Many Examples: AE-ZE 
 Bonus Words 
 E Compared with the Other
  Vowels and the Diphthongs 

(de) E click to hear
Why is E different?

The sound of some Dutch letters (like for instance G and CH) is hard to reproduce for people who are not native speakers - but the E has another problem that must be difficult for foreign students. I think it's one of the great problems of Dutch pronunciation.
The other vowels have 'long' and 'short' versions and generally follow the spelling and pronunciations rules - you can usually tell from the spelling if a vowel is 'long' or 'short,' and from hearing the word you'll know how it's written.

a click to hear
aa/a click to hear
i click to hear
ie / i click to hear
o click to hear
oo/o click to hear
u click to hear
uu/u click to hear

(-ii- - 'long' I is written as 'IE,' never as 'II')

'Long' and 'short' are traditional terms. The difference is actually more of tone than length. Syllables ending in a vowel are called 'open' (open click to hear) and syllables ending in a consonant are called 'closed' (gesloten click to hear) - hence some linguists call 'long' vowels vrij click to hear ('free') and 'short' vowels gedekt click to hear 2 3 ('~covered, checked?')
(de) lettergreep click to hear) ('syllable') - plural: lettergrepen click to hear / let-ter-gre-pen click to hear 2

Dutch spelling/pronunciation rules say that:

So (de) man click to hear 2 ('man, human adult male) has the plural mannen (man-nen) click to hear 2 while (de) maan click to hear 2 ('moon') has the plural manen (ma-nen) click to hear 2 3

More about spelling and pronunciation - another version
Learn the Rules by Studying and Listening to Examples

E is not like the other vowels because next to 'short' E click to hear and 'long' E click to hear there is a third E, the 'voiceless, unstressed E' click to hear (the 'schwa.')

e click to hear ee/e click to hear e ("uh") click to hear

This 'third E' is outside the 'long' and 'short' spelling and pronunciation rules. A single E in a word can be 'long,'  'short' or 'voiceless, unstressed.' Dutch people will have heard the words pronounced correctly many times and generally have no trouble when to use which E, but it must be a problem for foreign students. There are good, simple rules, but they do not cover all cases and there are (of course!) exceptions to the rules.

In Dutch, the 'voiceless, unstressed E' is called 'stomme E' click to hear 2 or 'toonloze E' click to hear though I'd rather call it 'niet-beklemtoonde E' click to hear ('unstressed E') or 'doffe E' click to hear 2 ('dull E')

Hear the three E's in a few Dutch words:
'short' E click to hear : è - 'long' E click to hear : é
voiceless, unstressed E click to hear : uh

de lege zee click to hear
duh léguh zé
the empty sea
het hele meer click to hear
hèt héluh mér
the entire lake
spelregel click to hear 2
a game rule
veldleger click to hear
army in the field
berenvel click to hear
a bear skin
medemens click to hear
a fellow human
reserveren click to hear
to reserve
reservedeken click to hear
a spare blanket
vegeteren click to hear 2 3
to vegetate
presteren click to hear 2 3
to achieve, perform
terdege click to hear 2
zelfklevend click to hear 2 3
to achieve, perform
beken click to hear
small streams
beken! click to hear 2 3
't regent click to hear
uht réguhnt
it is raining
de regent click to hear
duh ruhgènt
the governor of
the Dutch Indies

The syllables with 'stress' in the word don't have voiceless, unstressed E's - more examples
(de) klemtoon click to hear 2 'stress, emphasis' in words

Suggesting What to Do
Beginners: Read the Introductory chapters, listen to the 'Introducing the Sounds' examples
Intermediate students: Study the Introduction, listen closely to the 'Introducing the Sounds' examples, repeat them after me
Advanced students: Read the Introduction again and listen to and repeat as many of the examples as you like

E Rules

The rules do not cover all cases, and there are exceptions, but I think they're useful. I'll give a few examples with each rule - many more examples further below.

Single E at the end of a word
Single E after a consonant at the end of a word is almost always pronounced as voiceless, unstressed E: click to hear (one exception below)
- alle click to hear ('all') - (de) aarde click to hear ('the earth // soil, dirt') - witte click to hear 2 3 ('white') ‑>> - lieve click to hear ('dear') - (het) kopje click to hear ('cup, small cup') - rode click to hear ('red') ‑>> - (het) zusje click to hear ('sister') dure click to hear 2 3 4 ('expensive')
exception: The single E at the end of the city name Enschede click to hear is a 'long' E click to hear

The Dutch article #1 de click to hear 2 ('the') - and also several pronouns and a few other common words end in voiceless, unstressed E:
- je click to hear ('you') - ge click to hear 2 (Flemish 'you') - me click to hear 2 ('me') - we click to hear ('we') - ze click to hear ('she // they')
A few more one-syllable words with voiceless, unstressed E: - m'n click to hear ('my') - z'n click to hear ('his')
- 'n click to hear ('a') - 't click to hear ('the' // 'it') - te click to hear ('too' - excess) ‑>> - 'r click to hear ('her; ~there') - d'r click to hear ('her; ~there') - note that these are about all the Dutch one-syllable words with voiceless, unstressed E
more personal pronouns
- also see note about the IJ and E versions of personal pronouns below

BE-, GE-, TE- and VER- Prefixes
word beginnings be-, ge-, te-  and ver- click to hear have voiceless, unstressed E:
begroot gekort tekort vergroot click to hear
- belet gered terecht verlet click to hear
- bepaald click to hear 2 ('specific, certain') - (het) beton click to hear 2 ('concrete')
- (het) gebit click to hear 2 3 ('teeth,' "teeth") - (het) gedoe click to hear 2 ('fuss')
- (het) tekort click to hear 2 ('shortage, lack') - terug click to hear ('back' - going, coming)
- verdacht click to hear 2 3 ('suspect, suspicious') - (het) verdriet click to hear 2 ('grief, sadness')
VER- exceptions compound words with ver click to hear 2 3 4 ('far') ‑>> and the verb vergelijken click to hear 2 ('to compare') ‑>>

-EN, -ER and -EL suffixes
word endings -en, -er  and -el click to hear have voiceless, unstressed E:
- planten winter wortel click to
- boven click to hear 2 ('up, upstairs; over') - binnen click to hear 2 ('inside')
- ander click to hear ('other') - (de) boter click to hear ('butter')
- (de) appel click to hear ('apple') - (de) borstel click to hear ('brush')
wekken wekker wikkel click to hear 2

Prefixes and suffixes may also appear in the middle of compound words, for example:
- begeleiden click to hear 2 ('to accompany' - as a friend - as a counsel ('to guide, counsel, support') - or as a musician) - (de) begeleider click to hear 2 ('companion' // 'counselor, supervisor' // 'accompanist') - tegelijk click to hear 2 ('at the same time') - tevergeefs click to hear 2 3 ('in vain' - no success, no results) - blikopeners click to hear 2 '(can openers') - smokkelen click to hear 2 ('to smuggle')

But unfortunately, not all these letter combinations be-, ge-,  and te-  and -e, -el, -en  and -er  are prefixes and suffixes. Above is a list of all the one-syllable words with 'voiceless, unstressed E' click to hear but there are many other one-syllable words with a single E that's pronounced as 'short E' click to hear - a few examples:
- en click to hear 2 ('and') - er click to hear ('~there') - ik ben click to hear ('I am') - ver click to hear 2 3 4 ('far') - den click to hear ('pine tree; old definite article') - het click to hear 2 3 ('the' #2 // 'it') - hem click to hear ('him')

And you'll see words that look like a combinations of a prefix and a suffix, but that cannot be, a word cannot be only a suffix and a prefix. And there are no words with only voiceless, unstressed E's as vowels, except the ten or so one-syllable words with voiceless, unstressed E mentioned above
Listen to the next group of words:
- beter click to hear 2 ('better') ‑>> - geven click to hear 2 ('to give') ‑>> - (het) teken click to hear 2 3 ('sign') ‑>> - (de) verte click to hear 2 ('~distance') - vertel! click to hear ('tell me/us!')
You can safely assume that the -E and -EN ending are 'voiceless, unstressed E' click to hear because it's extremely rare that those E's are not 'voiceless, unstressed.' The only exceptions I can think of are the city name Enschede click to hear that I mentioned before and somewhat unusual words like (het) geren click to hear 2 3 ("running around," 'hurry, haste') and beken! click to hear 2 3 ('confess!')
But with the other prefixes and suffixes of the rules there may be a problem, you may have to remember pronunciation.

Many plurals and verb infinitives are in the pattern
prefix - stressed syllable with long or short vowel - EN
For example:
bedenken click to hear 2 3 ('to think up, ~invent') - beheersen click to hear ('to control') - genezen click to hear 2 3 ('to cure,'  "heal") - gebeuren click to hear ('to happen') - geloven click to hear 2 ('to believe') - vergeten click to hear 2 3 ('to forget') - verklaren click to hear 2 ('to explain')
But there are exceptions - try to memorize the exceptions as you come across them

Some words sound like they have two voiceless, unstressed E's, but that's because 'short U' click to hear sounds just like voiceless, unstressed E
- tussen click to hear ('between, among') - (de) kunde click to hear 2 3 ('~learned skill') ‑>>
the U-page

HER- and -TER Prefixes
The word beginnings her- click to hear (meaning: 're-') and ter- click to hear have 'short' E click to
- (het) herstel click to hear ('reparation, rebuilding') ‑>> - hervormd click to hear (a protestant denomination)
- terloops click to hear ('in passing, casually') - terwijl click to hear 2 ('while') ‑>>
But again, not all ter- and her- are prefixes: - tere click to hear ('fragile') - de Here click to hear ('the Lord, God' - old-fashioned)

The -ET Suffix
The-ET ending (-et click to hear 2) has 'short' E click to hear
- (de) servet click to hear 2 ('napkin') - (het) toilet click to hear ('bathroom, toilet' - French OI) - (het) banket click to hear ('pastry')

The -ES endings
Nouns ending in single E (voiceless, unstressed E) usually add an -S for the plural (more / exceptions) resulting in an ending with voiceless, unstressed E: -es click to hear - for instance:
- (de) dame click to hear / dames click to hear ('lady' / 'ladies') - (het) meisje click to hear / meisjes click to hear ('girl' / 'girls') - (de) machine click to hear 2 / machines click to hear 2 ('machine' / 'machines') - (het) koekje click to hear / koekjes click to hear ('cookie' / 'cookies')
But some job titles and words describing people ending in -R have a female form with an -es click to hear 2 ending with 'short' E, for instance:
- (de) onderwijzer click to hear / (de) onderwijzeres click to hear ('elementary school teacher, male/female')
- (de) leraar click to hear / (de) lerares click to hear ('secondary, 'high' school teacher, male/ female')
- leraren click to hear / leraressen click to hear ('secondary, 'high' school teachers, male/female')

This page is not a complete list of all words with E that I have recorded. Use the 'search' function top left on the page when you're looking for for other words
Many words are used twice as examples

The Apostrophe, Contractions, Personal Pronouns

The apostrophe often stands for 'voiceless, unstressed E' click to hear - like in the common abbreviations
- 't click to hear for - het click to hear 2 3 ('the; it')
- m'n click to hear for - mijn click to hear ('my')
- z'n click to hear for - zijn click to hear ('his')
and the colloquial - 'r click to hear ('her; ~there') for haar click to hear ('her') more haar and for er click to hear ('~there') more er
You may hear Dutch people also say - d'r click to hear for haar  'her' or er  '~there' - but it's tending to slang, substandard, and is rarely written
- more about insertions

The abbreviation - 'n click to hear ('a' - the indefinite article) stands for een  - but unlike the previous abbreviated words, een  is an exception to phonetic pronunciation, not said with the 'long E' click to hear you'd expect but with 'voiceless, unstressed E' click to hear - so: een click to hear
The number 'one' is één click to hear 2 3

The apostrophe in the time indication 's ...s  is not  pronounced with a 'voiceless, unstressed E.' Its first S is just said as an S:
's winters click to hear ('in Winter') and 's zomers click to hear ('in Summer')
's morgens click to hear ('in the morning') - 's middags click to hear ('in the afternoon') - 's avonds click to hear ('in the evening') - 's nachts click to hear 2 3 ('at night')
It is of limited use, cannot be used with all 'time' words
's Avonds ging de zon onder click to hear 2 In the evening the sun went down 's Woensdags eten we vaak linzen click to hear 2 3 On wednesdays we often [eat] have lentils more 'Time' words and phrases
See also 'eens'  below

You may have noticed that several personal pronouns come in a 'IJ'  and an 'E'  ('voiceless, unstressed E') version. Next to m'n click to hear / mijn click to hear ('my') and z'n click to hear / zijn click to hear ('his') mentioned above:

mij click to    hear 2
me click to hear
jij click to hear
je click to hear
zij click to hear
ze click to hear
she / they
wij click to hear
we click to hear
more personal pronouns

'Je' click to hear ('you' - singular, informal) can be used in all positions: subject, possessive and objects. 'Mij'  and 'me'  are third or fourth person (objects, dative, accusative) - but the other IJ-versions are only used as the first person (subject, nominative) - but generally you can also use the E-version, there is not much difference, though when said with stress the IJ-version refers more pointedly to individuals, like in these examples:

We zijn de dupe click to hear 2 3 We are the victims, we pay the price, we've been had Wij zijn de dupe click to hear 2 3 We are the ones paying the price, it's us who are the victims Weet je waar de sleutel is? click to hear Do you know where the key is? - Do you happen to know? Weet jij waar de sleutel is? click to hear 2 Do you know where the key is? - Are you the one who knows? Weet jij hoe je 't moet uitspreken? click to hear 2 3 Do you know how to pronounce it? (can you tell me?) Weet je hoe je 't moet uitspreken? click to hear 2 Do you know how to pronounce it? (if not, I can tell you) more examples of personal pronouns usage

Pronunciation: Hear for Yourself

Do take my words for it
Too many examples! Listen just to what looks interesting or useful to you. That's the beauty of a free website - you can just skip what you don't need without feeling bad that you paid for something that's of no use to you. Listen to as many or as few examples as you want. Look for words that may be useful to you. - Can there be too many examples for you students to listen to?
Pay special attention to letters, letter combinations and sounds that you don't have in your own language
These pronunciation pages are not meant for learning vocabulary. The English translations may lack in precision. But if you like, follow the occasional links ‑>> to explanation, examples of usage and/or related words.
Learning Vocabulary

The 'first series' is grouped by the letter before the E's, the 'second series' is grouped by the letter after the E's:

- first series: AE-ZE - second series: EA-EZ

the: de click to hear 2 / het click to hear 2 3 - 't click to hear ->>
Plurals always take 'de'
a: (een) - 'n click to hear / one: één click to hear 2 3

Repeat the words after me, try saying them like I do, and record yourself or ask a friend to compare how you say them with how I say them. Try to bring your pronunciation of the words closer and closer to how I say them. Use as few or as many examples as you like.

Introducing the Sounds 1
E - (de) eb click to hear 2 ('ebb, ebb tide') - (de) echo click to hear 2 ('echo') - echt click to hear 2 3 ('real') - Ed click to hear (a boys' name) - effe click to hear 2 ('quickly, in a moment' - slang) - effen click to hear 2 3 4 ('solid' - color) - (de) eg click to hear ('harrow' - agriculture tool) - (de) ekster click to hear 2 ('magpie') - a bird ‑>> - (de) el click to hear ('old length measurement, 69cm') - Emma click to hear (a girls' name) - emmers click to hear 2 3 ('buckets') - en click to hear 2 ('and') ‑>> - en dan ... click to hear 2 ('and then ...') - eng click to hear ('frightening, scary') - [(het)] Engels click to hear / Engelse click to hear 2 3 ('English') - er click to hear ('there' // '~it') ‑>> - (het) erf click to hear 2 3 ('~lot, ~premises' - the area around a farmhouse and its side buildings, not the agriculture land) - (de) es click to hear 2 ('ash' - a tree) - (de) essentie click to hear 2 ('essence') - (het) etmaal click to hear 2 ('24 hours' - formal) - ex click to hear ('ex') - (het) examen click to hear 2 3 ('exam, test')
EE - (de) eed click to hear 2 3 ('oath') - Edam click to hear 2 (a town) - Ede click to hear 2 (a town) - gedwee / gedweeë click to hear 2 ('docile, pliable') - Eef click to hear (a girls' name) - (de) egel click to hear ('hedgehog') - (het) ego click to hear 2 3 ('ego') - (de) eekhoorn click to hear 2 ('squirrel') - Eelde click to hear 2 3 (a town) - (het) eelt click to hear 2 3 4 ('hardened skin, calluses') - Eemnes click to hear 2 (a town) - emotioneel click to hear 2 ('emotional') - één (een) click to hear 2 ('1, one') - enig click to hear / enige click to hear 2 / enig/enige click to hear ('only, single, unique' // 'any' ‑>> - (de) energie click to hear 2 ('energy') - (de) eer click to hear 2 ('honor') - eerst click to hear 2 / eerste click to hear 2 ('first') - eet! click to hear 2 ('eat!') - [(het)] eten click to hear ('food' // 'to eat' ‑>> - even click to hear 2 3 ('a moment' // '~just as' // 'even' - numbers) ‑>> - (de) evolutie click to hear 2 ('evolution') - (de) ezel click to hear 2 ('donkey, ass')
uh - 'n (een) click to hear ('a' - the indefinite article) ‑>> - 't (het) click to hear ('#2 the' // 'it') ‑>> - 'r click to hear (short for: er  ('there' // '~it') ‑>> or for haar  ('her') ‑>> - 's click to hear (colloquial eens) ‑>>

Introducing the Sounds 2
E - bèè click to hear (sheep bleating) - (de) cel click to hear 2 ('cell') - French CH: - (de) chef click to hear 2 ('boss, manager, supervisor') - (de) delta click to hear 2 3 ('delta') - fel click to hear ('fierce, sharp, keen') - (het) gen click to hear ('gene') - click to hear ("isn't it?") ‑>> // '~bummer!' (disappointment) ‑>> - Jet click to hear (a girls' name) - ken click to hear 2 3 ('know' - simple present tense singular or imperative) - (het) lef click to hear 2 ('courage,' "guts" - slang) - (het) mes click to hear 2 3 ('knife') - plural: - messen click to hear 2 3 ('knives') - nep- click to hear 2 3 ('fake') - nou en? click to hear 2 ('so what?' [now and?]) - (de/het) pek click to hear 2 3 ('pitch') - [(het)] recht click to hear 2 ('straight' // 'right, being entitled to') - (de) sectie click to hear ('autopsy' // 'section, department') - (de) tel click to hear ('~count') - tellen click to hear 2 ('to count') - ver click to hear 2 3 ('far, distant') - [(de)] weg click to hear ('way, road' // 'away') - zelf click to hear 2 ('self')
EE - B click to hear ('letter B') - (de) ceder click to hear ('cedar' - a tree) - (de) chemie click to hear 2 ('chemistry') ‑>> - (het) deel click to hear 2 ('part') - (de) fee click to hear ('fairy') - (de) G click to hear 2 3 4 - click to hear ('hey!' // surprise) ‑>> - jeetje click to hear 2 3 4 (mild curse or expression of surprise) - Kees click to hear 2 (a boys' name) - (het) leem click to hear 2 ('loam') - mee click to hear ('~with, ~along, ~along with) - nee! click to hear ('no!') zoëven * click to hear 2 3 ('a moment ago') - (de) pekel click to hear 2 3 ('brine,' very salty water) - (de) queeste click to hear ('quest') - (de) ree click to hear 2 ('roe,' a deer type) - sedert click to hear 2 ('since' - after a certain point in time) - (de) teek click to hear ('tick' - a parasitic bug) - (het) vee click to hear 2 3 ('cattle') - (de) wee click to hear / (de) weeën click to hear ('contraction' - birth / 'contractions') - (het) xenon click to hear 2 3 ('xenon,' a gas) - (de) zee click to hear ('sea')
uh - bederf click to hear 2 ('spoilage,'  "rot") - (het) cement click to hear ('mortar') - de click to hear 2 ('#1 the') ‑>> - eieren click to hear ('eggs') - ge click to hear ('Flemish 'you'') - vrij click to hear / vrije click to hear 2 / vrij/vrije click to hear 2 3 4 ('free') - je click to hear 2 ('you' - singular, informal) - (de) ketoembar click to hear ('coriander' - from Malay) - Holle Bolle Gijs click to hear 2 (fairy tale character) - (het) pedaal click to hear 2 ('pedal') - recent click to hear 2 ('recent,' not so long ago) - (de) seconde click to hear 2 ('second' - 1/60th minute) - te click to hear ('too' - excess // 'to' - with verb infinitives) - (de) gave click to hear 2 ('gift, donation' // 'gift, talent') - we click to hear ('we') - ze click to hear ('she' // 'they')

Combining E's
I have not been able to find examples of all possible E-combinations. Maybe those words don't exist
uh_E  - (de) doffe ellende click to hear ('hopeless misery') - zwakke enkels click to hear 2 ('weak ankles') - rede en gevoel click to hear 2 3 ('reason and feeling, 'heart and mind'') - Kun je er wat aan doen? click to hear 2 3 ('Can you do something about it?') - Heb je er spijt van? click to hear 2 3 ('Are you sorry about it? Do you regret it?') - Ik ben ingeënt click to hear 2 3 slow (I've been vaccinated')
EE‑EE  - (de) meeëter click to hear ('acne pimple') - helemaal mee eens click to hear 2 3 ("I completely agree, you're absolutely right")
EE-uh  - (de) onderzeeër click to hear ('submarine') - weeën click to
 hear ('contractions' - birth) - naweeën click to hear 2 3 ('contractions after a birth' - but usually figuratively: 'later effects of an event, aftermath') - zeeën en meren click to hear ('seas and lakes') - de zeven zeeën click to hear 2 ("the seven seas") - twee zeeën click to hear ('two seas') - ideeën click to hear 2 ('ideas')
'En' click to hear 2 ('and') by itself is with 'short E' but when it's in the middle of numbers it's usually pronounced with voiceless, unstressed E. - tweeëntwinig click to hear ('22') - tweeëndertig click to hear 2 ('32') - één tweeëndertigste click to hear ('1/32')
uh-EE  - geëerd click to hear 2 ('honored, respected') - de lelijke eend click to hear ('the ugly duckling') - 'n lelijke eend click to hear ('an ugly duckling') - de eerste bus click to hear 2 ('the first, earliest bus' - of the day) - de eerste keer click to hear 2 3 4 ('the first time') - de eerste vogels click to hear 2 3 4 ('the first birds') - ik ben het met je eens click to hear 2 ('I agree with you')
uh-uh  - heb je 'n auto? click to hear ('do you have a car?') - heb je 'n fiets? click to hear 2 ('do you have a bicycle?') - Wil je 'n kopje thee click to hear 2 ('Would you like a cup of tea?') - 't is me 'n raadsel click to hear ('it is a [riddle] mystery to me')

Many Examples 1: AE-ZE
In names and words from Latin, AE is pronounced as 'long E' click to hear
Caesar click to hear 2 - laesie click to hear 2 ('lesion' - medical jargon) - (het) caesium click to hear ('cesium' - a chemical element) praeses / quaestor click to
  hear ('president / treasurer' - university students clubs)
In old-spelling Dutch words and names AE is said as 'long A' click to hear
(de/het) aes click to hear 2 ('a jeweler's measurement - 1 aes = 0.048 grams - about 4 asen in a carat - the plural is not with AE)
- Kersemaeker click to hear 2 - Bogaerts click to hear 2 3 4 - Van Rensselaer click to hear
BE  E - bèè click to hear (sheep bleating) - (het) bed click to hear 2 ('bed') - plural: - bedden click to hear ('beds') ‑>> - (de) bef click to hear 2 ('jabot,' collar type) - (de) bek click to hear ('animal mouth') - (de) bel click to hear ('bell' - not church bell) - ik ben click to hear 2 ('I am') - bengelen click to hear 2 3 ('to dangle') - (de) berg click to hear ('mountain') - plural: - bergen click to hear 2 3 ('mountains') - (de) bes click to hear ('berry') - plural: - bessen click to hear 2 ('berries') - (de) betweter click to hear 2 3 ([know-better] - 'know-it-all')
EE - B click to hear - Bea click to hear (a girls' name) - (de) bedelaar click to hear 2 ('beggar') - ik beef click to hear 2 ('I'm shaking, trembling') - (de) B.H. click to hear 2 ('bra' - also written as 'beha') - (de) beek click to hear ('brook,' small stream) - plural: - beken click to hear ('brooks') - (het) beeld click to hear 2 ('image' // 'statue') - (de) Beemster click to hear 2 (an old polder) - (het) been click to hear 2 3 ('leg') - plural: - benen click to hear ('legs') - (de) beer click to hear 2 ('bear') - (het) beest click to hear ('beast') - (de) beet click to hear ('animal bite') - beter click to hear 2 ('better') - beven click to hear 2 ('to tremble, shake') - (de) bezem click to hear ('broom') - plural: - bezems click to hear 2 ('brooms')
uh - (de) beambte click to hear ('official') - beangstigend click to hear 2 ('frightening, scary') - beboeten click to hear ('to fine') - (de) bebouwing click to hear 2 ('building,' buildings constructed in an area) - bederf click to hear 2 ('spoilage,'  "rot") - beëindigen click to hear 2 ('put an end to') - begaafd click to hear ('gifted, talented') - behalve click to hear ('except') - bejaard click to hear 2 ('elderly,' ~over 65) - bekakt click to hear 2 ('posh') - bekeren click to hear 2 ('to convert' - religion) - (de) belofte click to hear 2 ('promise') - (de) bemiddelaar click to hear 2 ('mediator, intermediary') - benauwd click to hear 2 (difficulty breathing // 'afraid, hesitating') - bepaald click to hear 2 ('definite' // specific, particular) - (het) beroep click to hear 2 3 4 ('job, occupation') - (het) beslag click to hear 2 ('batter') - (de) beschuit click to hear 2 3 ('rusk, crispbake') - (het) beton click to hear 2 ('concrete') - (het) bevel click to hear ('order, command') - bewegen click to hear 2 3 ('to move' - bodies, things) - bezet click to hear 2 ('occupied')
CE  E - (de) cel click to hear 2 ('cell') - (de) cent click to hear 2 ('cent, penny') - (de) cervelaatworst click to hear (a Dutch deli sausage, like a mild salami)
EE - (de) ceder click to hear ('cedar' - a tree)
uh - Ceciel click to hear / Cecilia click to hear (girls' names) - (het) cement click to hear ('mortar')
CHE  E - Doetinchem click to hear (a town)
French CH: - (de) chef click to hear 2 ('boss, manager, supervisor') - chef-kok click to hear 2 ('chef') - cheque click to hear ('check' - money transfer)
EE - (de) chemie click to hear 2 ('chemistry') ‑>> - chemisch click to hear / chemische click to hear 2 ('chemical')
uh - (de) kachel click to hear ('heater, stove') - Barchem click to hear 2 (a village) - Walcheren click to hear 2 (former island in the province of Zeeland click to hear 2 ['Sea-land'])
DE  E - (het) dek click to hear 2 ('covering' // 'deck') - (de) delta click to hear 2 3 ('delta') - (de) den click to hear ('pine tree' // old-fashioned article 'the') - dennen click to hear 2 ('pine trees') - der click to hear ('of the' - old-fashioned) - (de) derde click to hear 2 3 ('third') - des click to hear ('D flat' - music // 'of the' - old-fashioned)
EE - december click to hear ('December') - ik deed click to hear 2 ('I did') - (het) deeg click to hear ('dough') - (de) deken click to hear ('blanket') - (het) deel click to hear 2 ('part') - (de) democratie click to hear ('democracy') - (de) Deen click to hear ('Dane, Danish person') - (de) deodorant click to hear ('deodorant') - (de) depressie click to hear 2 3 ('depression') - deerlijk click to hear 2 3 4 ('pitiful, sorely') - Desiree click to hear (a girls' name) - Deterding click to hear 2 3 (a family name) - deze click to hear ('this') ‑>>
uh - de click to hear 2 ('#1 the') ‑>> - de armen click to hear 2 3 ('the poor') - (het) debacle click to hear 2 ('debacle,' spectacular failure) - de bof click to hear 2 ('mumps' - a childhood disease) - De Compagnie van Verre click to hear 2 3 ('the Company of Faraway' - a 17th Century trading company) - De Dreijen click to hear (a university area in the city of Wageningen click to hear) - De Eng click to hear 2 (an area in the city of Wageningen) - de auto's click to hear ('the cars') - de eerste keer click to hear 2 3 4 ('the first time') - De Filippijnen click to hear ('the Philippines') - De Geer click to hear 2 (a family name) - De Haan click to hear 2 3 4 (a family name) - de inkt is zwart click to hear 2 ('the ink is black') - de Illegaliteit click to hear 2 ('the Illegality' - the Dutch resistance movement against the WWII German occupation) - de IJssel click to hear (a river) - De Jager click to hear (a family name) - De Kaag click to hear 2 (an area near the city of Leiden click to hear) - De Lek click to hear 2 (a river - part of the Rhine) - de man click to hear 2 3 ('the man, the male human') - de naaste click to hear 2 3 ('a fellow human,' the 'neigbor' of the Bible) - de onbekende soldaat click to hear 2 ('the unknown soldier') - de Oostzee click to hear 2 ([The Eastern Sea] - 'the Baltic Sea') - de Oudheid click to hear ('Antiquity') - de Peel click to hear 2 (an area in the South-East of The Netherlands) - de Randstad click to hear 2 (the urban area in the West of Holland, encompassing the big cities of Amsterdam, The Hague, Rotterdam and Utrecht) - de Senaat click to hear 2 ("the Senate" - another name for the de Eerste Kamer click to hear - 'The First Chamber' of the Dutch parliament) - de tijd click to hear ('time, the time') ‑>> - de toekomst click to hear ('the future') - De Uitvreter click to hear ('The Scrounger' - novella by Nescio) - de Vasten click to hear 2 3 ('Lent' - the 40 days of fasting before Easter) - de Waal click to hear 2 (a river) - de zon click to hear ('the sun')
EIE  uh - de Leie click to hear (a river in Belgium - aardbeien click to hear ('strawberries') - breien click to hear ('to knit') - heien click to hear 2 ('to drive piles into the ground' - for a building foundation on soft soil) - keien click to hear 2 ('rocks, boulders') - eieren click to hear ('eggs') - Meier/Meijer/Meyer click to hear (a family name)
See and hear also IJE below for a similar sound
FE  E - fel click to hear ('fierce, sharp, keen') - Femke click to hear (a girls' name) - Ferry click to hear (a boys' name)
EE - (de) fee click to hear ('fairy') - februari click to hear ('February') - Felix click to hear (a boys' name) - Feenstra click to hear 2 (a family name) - feodaal click to hear ('feudal') - (het) feest click to hear 2 ('party, festivity') - (de) profeet click to hear 2 ('prophet')
GE  E - [(de)] gek click to hear ('crazy, insane' // 'crazy person') - gekke click to hear 2 / gek/gekke click to hear 2 ('crazy, insane') - (het) geld click to hear ('money') - (de) gember click to hear ('ginger') - (het) gen click to hear ('gene') - Ger click to hear (a boys' name)
EE - (de) G click to hear 2 3 4 - click to hear (a boys' name) - geel click to hear 2 3 4 - gele click to hear 2 ('yellow') - geen click to hear ('no,' - not any, zero quantity') ‑>> - Geert click to hear (a boys' name) - (de) geest click to hear ('spirit, ghost') - Geesje click to hear (a girls' name) - (de) geeuw click to hear ('yawn') - genen click to hear ('genes') - (de) generaal click to hear 2 ('general') - (de) geoloog click to hear ('geologist') - geven click to hear 2 ('to give')
uh - ge click to hear ('Flemish 'you'') - geavanceerd click to hear 2 ('advanced') - (het) gebaar click to hear ('gesture') - (het) gebed click to hear 2 3 ('prayer') - gecompliceerd click to hear 2 3 / gecompliceerde click to hear 2 ('complicated') gedekt click to hear 2 3 ('covered') - (het) gedrag click to hear 2 3 ('behavior') - geëerd click to hear 2 ('honored, respected') - gefeliciteerd! click to hear 2 ('congratulations!') - (het) gegeven click to hear 2 ('given, fact, information') - gegevens click to hear 2 ('data') - gehaast click to hear 2 3 ('hurried') - gekneusd click to hear 2 3 ('bruised') - gekookt click to hear 2 ('boiled, cooked') - gelaten click to hear 2 ('resigned' // past participle of laten click to hear - 'to allow, let') ‑>> - (de) gemeenschap click to hear 2 ('community, society') - (de) genade click to hear 2 ('mercy') - geopend click to hear ('opened, open') - gepast geld click to hear 2 ([fitting money] 'exact change') - geregeld click to hear 2 3 ('regular, regularly' // past participle of regelen click to hear 2 'to arrange') - (het) gerucht click to hear 2 ('rumor') - geschokt click to hear 2 ('shocked') - geslaagd click to hear 2 ('passed an exam' // 'successfull, met expectations') - (het) getal click to hear 2 ('number') - (het) getij click to hear 2 3 ('tide') - geuit (ge-uit) click to hear 2 ('expressed, voiced') - (het) gevolg click to hear ('result, consequence') - (het) gewicht click to hear ('weight') - (het) gezag click to hear 2 3 ('authority')
HE  E - click to hear ("isn't it?") ‑>> // '~bummer!' (disappointment) ‑>> - hèhè click to hear 2 can be said after finishing some tiring or boring work, but also when you're annoyed that someone says something that you think is stupid or obvious - hebben click to hear ('to have') ‑>> - heb jij? click to hear 2 ('do you have?') hechtingen click to
      hear 2 3 ('sutures, medical stitches') ‑>> - heftig click to hear 2 3 ('violent, vehement, fierce, emotional') - (de) heg click to hear ('hedge') ‑>> - (het) hek click to hear ('fence') - (de) heks click to hear ('witch') - (de) hel click to hear ('hell') - help! click to hear 2 ('help me!' - 'I need help' emergencies - hem click to hear ('him') ‑>> 2 - hen click to hear 2 ('them' ‑>> 2 // 'chicken') - (de) herfst click to hear ('Fall, Autumn') ‑>> 2 - (de) herrie click to hear ('noise') ‑>> - Hester click to hear (a girls' name) - het click to hear 2 // 'the' (#2) ‑>>> // 'it') ‑>> 2 - hexagonaal click to hear ('hexagonal, six-sided')
EE - click to hear ('hey!' // surprise) ‑>> - heden click to hear ('today, at present') ‑>> - heeft-ie ...? click to hear ('does he have ...?') - colloquial Dutch - (de) spreektaal click to hear 2 3 'spoken language') - hij heeft click to hear 2 ('he has') ‑>> - (de) hekel click to hear ('strong dislike') - heel click to hear ('very' ‑>> 2 // 'whole') ‑>> - hele click to hear ('whole') ‑>> - Heemstede click to hear (a town) - heen click to hear ('~to (direction)' ‑>> // 'gone') - (de) heer click to hear 2 3 ('gentleman' // king - cards) - plural: heren click to
hear - hees click to hear ('hoarse, husky') - heet click to hear 2 3 /hete click to hear 2 3 / heet/hete click to hear 2 ('hot') - hevig click to hear 2 / hevige click to hear 2 ('intense, fierce, serious' [think of 'heavy' and 'hefty'])
IE is 'long i' click to hear
IE  E - Ik zie er niks aan click to hear ([I see nothing on it] - 'I'm not noticing anything unusual about it') - drieëneenhalf click to hear 2 ('3 1/2')
EE - (de) Drieenheid click to hear 2 ('Trinity') - definiëren click to hear 2 ('to define')
- reëel click to hear 2 / - reële click to hear 2 3 ('realistic' // 'real, actual') - first E's pronounced as EE, (Dutch IE) - 'n reële kans click to hear 2 3 ('a real chance, a good chance,' it could really happen)
'Creëren' is a somewhat pompous word for 'to create' (its first E is pronounced as EE, Dutch IE - though the related word - (de) creatie click to hear 2 slow ('creation') is with Dutch 'long E.'
creëren to create
ik creëer I'm creating
ik creëerde I created
ik heb gecreëerd I have created
click to hear
uh - kopieën click to hear ('copies, xeroxes, not original items) - knieën click to hear 2 ('knees') - calorieën click to hear 2 ('calories') - drieëntwintig click to hear ('23') - drieëndertig click to hear ('33')
IJE  E - (het) rijexamen click to hear 2 ('driving test')
EE - bijeen click to hear 2 3 ('together ~gathered') - bijeenkomen click to hear 2 ('to meet, congregate') - (de) bijeenkomst click to hear 2 ('meeting, assembly')
uh - bijen click to hear 2 ('bees') - nabije click to hear 2 ('near' - in time) - dijen click to hear 2 ('thighs') - jijen en jouwen click to hear 2 3 (being on a first-name basis, addressing each other as jij and jou) - blij click to hear / blije click to hear / blij/blije click to hear ('happy, glad') - Nijenrode click to hear 2 (a business school) - vrij click to hear / vrije click to hear 2 / vrij/vrije click to hear 2 3 4 ('free') - specerijen click to hear 2 ('spices') ‑>> - De Dreijen (EIJ pronounced as EI) click to hear (a university area in the city of Wageningen click to hear) - partijen click to hear ('political parties' // '~batches')
JE  E - Jelle click to hear (a boys' name) - Jesse Klaver click to hear 2 (a 'politician') - Jet click to hear (a girls' name)
EE - de Jeker click to hear (a small stream in the city of Maastricht click to hear 2 - jeetje click to hear 2 3 4 (mild curse or expression of surprise) - Jezus click to hear ('Jesus')
uh - je click to hear 2 ('you' - singular, informal) - je bent click to hear 2 ('you are') - je gaat weg click to hear 2 ('you're leaving') - je hebt click to hear 2 ('you have') - je komt er langs click to hear 2 ('you pass by it, it's on your way') - je legt click to hear 2 3 4 ('you're laying down') - je licht click to hear 2 3 ('your light ') - je ligt click to hear 2 3 4 ('you're lying down') - je moet wat drinken click to hear 2 3 ('you need to drink something') - (de) jenever click to hear 2 (a Dutch liquor') - je ouwelui click to hear 2 ('your [old folks] parents' - slang, jocular) - je proeft 't niet click to hear 2 3 ('you don't taste, notice it') - Jeroen click to hear (a boys' name) - je wilt click to hear 2 ('you want to') - jezelf click to hear ('yourself')
KE  E - (de) kelder click to hear 2 ('cellar') - ken click to hear 2 3 ('know' - simple present tense singular or imperative) ‑>> - (het) keppeltje click to hear 2 ('skullcap, yarmulke') - (de) kers click to hear 2 3 ('cherry') - ketters click to hear ('heretics') - (de) ketting click to hear 2 3 ('chain' // 'necklace')
EE - (de) kegel click to hear 2 3 ('cone') - keek click to hear ('looked' - singular simple past tense) - (de) keel click to hear ('throat') - Kenau click to hear ('a girls' name' - historical) - (de) keer click to hear ('time' - repeating event) ‑>> - Kees click to hear 2 (a boys' name) - (de) keet click to hear 2 ('shed' at building site) - plural: - keten click to hear 2 3 ('shackle' // 'sheds') - (de) kever click to hear 2 ('beetle')
uh - (de) ketoembar click to hear ('coriander' - from Malay)
LE  E - (het) lef click to hear 2 ('courage,' "guts" - slang) - leggen click to hear ('to lay down') ‑>> - de Lek click to hear 2 (a part of the River Rhine) - lekker click to hear 2 3 4 / lekker/lekkere click to hear 2 ('enjoyable, nice, delicious' or simply 'good' or 'well') - Lemmer click to hear (a town) - (de) lens click to hear 2 ('lens') - (de) lente click to hear ('Spring') - (de) les click to hear ('lesson') - lessen click to hear 2 ('lessons' // 'to slake' - thirst) - (de) Let click to hear 2 ('a Latvian')
EE - (het) leed click to hear ('suffering') - leeg click to hear / lege click to hear 2 ('empty') - (de) leegte click to hear 2 3 4 5 6 ('emptiness') - (de) leek click to hear ('layman') - (de) lelie click to hear 2 ('lily') - lelijk click to hear 2 / lelijke click to hear 2 3 ('ugly') - (het) leem click to hear 2 ('loam') - Leen click to hear (a boys' name) - lenen click to hear 2 ('to borrow' // 'to lend') ‑>> - lepel click to hear ('spoon') - leer click to hear 2 ('leather' // 'doctrine') - (de) leest click to hear ('last,' shoemaker's tool) - (de) lever click to hear ('liver') - leven click to hear 2 ('to live, be alive') - lezen click to hear 2 3 ('to read') ‑>>
uh - aller- click to hear 2 ('of all') ‑>> - alles click to hear 2 ('everything') ‑>> - (de) elleboog click to hear 2 ('elbow') - (het) gilletje click to hear 2 3 ('little shriek') - Holle Bolle Gijs click to hear 2 (fairy tale character)
ME  E - Mechelen click to hear (a town in Belgium) - (de) melding click to hear 2 3 ('notification') - men click to hear ("they," 'people') ‑>> - (de) mens click to hear 2 ('man, human being') - (de) mep click to hear ('slap, blow') - (het) merg click to hear ('marrow') - merken click to hear 2 3 ('to notice') - (het) mes click to hear 2 3 ('knife') - plural: - messen click to hear 2 3 ('knives') - met click to hear ('with') ‑>>
EE - mee click to hear = mede- click to hear 2 ('~with, ~along, ~along with) ‑>> - mechanisch click to hear 2 ('mechanical, - (het) meel click to hear 2 ('flour') - meemaken click to hear 2 - to experience,'to see' 'happen to you') ‑>> - menen click to hear 2 ('to be serious' // 'to take as a fact') ‑>> - [(het)] meer click to hear 2 ('more' // 'lake') - mees click to hear 2 ('tit' - a bird - also: a boys' name) - meet click to hear 2 3 ('~measure' - single simple present of meten click to hear ('to measure') ‑>> - (het) metaal click to hear ('metal') - meevallen click to hear 2 is ('turning out not to be as bad as expected') - meewerken click to hear 2 ('to co-operate')
uh - me click to hear 2 ('me') - mekaar click to hear ('each other' - slang - proper Dutch is - elkaar click to hear ('each other') - melaatsen click to hear 2 ('lepers,' people with leprosy, Hansen's disease) - [(de)] meneer click to hear ("Sir" // 'Mr.') - [(de)] mevrouw click to hear 2 3 ("Ma'am" // 'Mrs.') - mezelf click to hear ('myself') ‑>>
NE  E - (de) nectar click to hear ('nectar' - the drink of the gods) - (de) nek click to hear ('neck') - Nel click to hear (a girls' name) - nep- click to hear 2 3 ('fake') - nergens click to hear 2 ('nowhere' // ('nothing')) ‑>> - nerveus click to hear 2 ('nervous') - (het) nest click to hear ('nest') - net click to hear (many meanings) ‑>>
EE - neder- click to hear 2 3 ('down' // 'low' - think 'nether') ‑>> - Nederland click to hear ('Holland, The Netherlands') ‑>> - nee click to hear ('no!') - (de) neef click to hear ('nephew' // 'cousin' - male) - negen click to hear ('9') - negende click to hear 2 3 ('ninth') - Neeltje click to hear (a girls' name) - neem click to hear ('take' - present simple tense singular of nemen click to hear ‑>> 'to take') - (het) neon click to hear ('neon') - (de) neet click to hear ('nit, louse egg') - neer click to hear ('~down') ‑>> - (het) neveneffect click to hear 2 ('side effect') - genezen click to hear 2 3 ('to cure,'  "heal")
  EE - poëten click to hear 2 ('poets') - more commonly: - dichters click to hear 2 ('poets') - zoeven - formerly zoëven click to hear 2 3 ('a moment ago')
uh - zo'n ("zo een" click to hear 2 ('such a') ‑>>
OE  The diphthong OE click to hear is another story
uh - Doe 'n beetje normaal! click to hear 2 ('Act normally! Behave!')
OUE  E - nou en? click to hear 2 ('so what?' [now and?])
PE  E - (de) pech click to hear 2 3 ('bad luck' // 'car trouble') - (de/het) pek click to hear 2 3 ('pitch') - pellen click to hear 2 ('to peal') - (de) pels click to hear 2 ('fur') - (de) pen click to hear 2 ('pen' - for writing) - per click to hear ('for each') ‑>> - de Pest click to hear 2 ('the Plague' - the ca. 1350 epidemic) - (de) pet click to hear 2 3 ('cap, baseball cap')
EE - (de) pekel click to hear 2 3 ('brine,' very salty water) - (de) peen click to hear ('carrot' - jocular) - (de) peper click to hear ('pepper') - (de) peer click to hear 2 3 ('pear') - (de) pees click to hear 2 ('tendon') - (de) peet click to hear ('Godfather' or 'Godmother') - Peter click to hear (a boys' name) - pezen click to hear ('tendons')
uh - (het) pedaal click to hear 2 ('pedal') - Pepijn click to hear 2 (a boys' name)
QUE  EE - (de) queeste click to hear ('quest')
RE  E - [(het)] recht click to hear 2 ('straight' // 'right, being entitled to') - redden click to hear 2 ('to save, preserve') - (het) rek click to hear ('rack') - (het) rekje click to hear 2 ('small rack') - (de) rel click to hear ('row, riot, scandal') - (de) rem click to hear 2 3 ('brake') - (het) reptiel click to hear 2 ('reptile') - (de) rest click to hear 2 ('remainder') - Rex click to hear (a boys' name)
EE - (de) ree click to hear 2 ('roe,' a deer type) - (de) reactie click to hear ('reaction') - reageren click to hear 2 3 ('to react') - realistisch click to hear ('realistic') - (de) rebus click to hear 2 (type of word puzzle) - recessief click to hear 2 3 ('recessive') - (de) rede click to hear 2 3 ('reason, rationality' // 'speech, address, presentation' // ships anchoring ('parking') area outside harbor) - (de) reden click to hear 2 ('reason, cause, motivation') ‑>> - (het) referendum click to hear 2 3 ('referendum') - (de) regel click to hear 2 3 4 ('rule' // 'line' of text) - rekenen click to hear ('to do calculations') - (de) preek click to hear 2 ('sermon') - (de) preekstoel click to hear ('pulpit') - religieus click to hear ('religious') - repareren click to hear 2 3 ('to repair') - (de) republiek click to hear ('republic') - (het) resultaat click to hear 2 3 ('result') - (de) reünie click to hear ('reunion') - (de) revolutie click to hear 2 ('revolution')
uh - (de) rebel click to hear 2 3 ('rebel') - recent click to hear 2 ('recent,' not so long ago) - (de) reclame click to hear 2 ('advertizing') - (de) reflex click to hear 2 ('reflex') - (de) regering click to hear ('government') ‑>> - (de) rekruut click to hear ('recruit') - (de) relatie click to hear 2 ('relation, connection' // 'relationship') - (de) religie click to hear 2 ('religion') - (de) remedie click to hear 2 ('remedy') - René click to hear (a boys' name) - [(de)] reserve click to hear 2 3 ('spare') - (de) revolver click to hear 2 ('revolver')
SE  E - (de) sectie click to hear ('autopsy' // 'section, department') - (de) selderie click to hear ('celery' - leaves) - Selma click to hear 2 3 (a girls' name) - sentimenteel click to hear 2 3 ('sentimental') - september click to hear ('September') - (de) sergeant click to hear ('sergeant') - (het) setje click to hear 2 3 ('set, small set')
EE - sedert click to hear 2 ('since' - after a certain point in time) - serieus click to hear / serieuze click to hear 2 ('serious')
uh - Sebastopol click to hear 2 (a city in the Crimea) - (de) seconde click to hear 2 ('second' - 1/60th minute) - -sel click to hear 2 (a suffix) - (de) selectie click to hear 2 ('selection, choice') - seniel click to hear 2 ('senile')
TE  E - (de) technicus click to hear 2 3 / technici click to hear 2 3 ('engineer/engineers') - (de) teckel click to hear 2 ('dachshund' - a dog) - (de) tel click to hear ('~count') - tellen click to hear 2 ('to count') - telkens click to hear 2 ("every time") - ten click to hear ('at' - old-fashioned) - tent click to hear ('tent') - ter click to hear ('at' - old-fashioned) - Tessa click to hear (a girls' name) - (de) test click to hear 2 3 4 ('test')
EE - teder click to hear ('tender, gentle') - (de) tegel click to hear ('tile') - plural: - tegels click to hear 2 ('tiles') - tegen click to hear ('against') ‑>> - (de) teek click to hear ('tick' - a parasitic bug) - (het) teken click to hear 2 3 ('sign')
(I pronounce words like (de) telefoon click to hear 2 ('telephone') and (de) televisie click to hear ('television') with 'short i' click to hear)
- (de) teen click to hear ('toe') - plural: - tenen click to hear ('toes') - ([de/het]) teer click to hear ('fragile' // 'tender' // 'tar') - (de) tetanus click to hear 2 ('tetanus') - tevens click to hear 2 ('also, next to that)
uh - te click to hear ('too' - excess ‑>> // 'to' - with verb infinitives) ‑>> - tegelijk click to hear 2 ('at the same time') - (het) tehuis click to hear 2 ('home' - for people needing extra or special care) - (de) temperatuur click to hear 2 ('temperature') - (de) tenor click to hear ('tenor' - singer) - terecht click to hear ('justified' // 'found, located') ‑>> - te veel click to hear 2 3 ('too much, too many') - te weten ... click to hear 2 ('to wit ...' - further specifying)
UE  E - (het) duel click to hear 2 ('duel') - (het) duet click to hear ('duet') - (het) minuet click to hear ('minuet' - a dance') - (de/het) suède click to hear 2 ('suede' - a kind of leather)
EE - actueel click to hear ('topical, current') - eventueel click to hear 2 ('possibly, in case ...) - (het) ritueel click to hear ('ritual // a ritual') - (het) fluweel click to hear ('velvet') - UUE sounds the same with or without W
UIE  uh - buien click to hear ('rainshowers') - (de) uier click to hear ('udder' - cow) - (de) luier click to hear ('diaper, nappy') - (de) sluier click to
       hear ('a veil') - (de) grauwsluier click to hear ('a gray veil' - phrase from a detergent commercial)
VE  E - vechten click to hear 2 ('to fight, struggle') ‑>> - Veghel click to hear (a town) - (het) vel click to hear ('skin') - (het) ven click to hear ('mere,' small lake) - (de) vent click to hear ('guy' - slightly negative) - ver click to hear 2 3 / verre click to hear 2 3 ('far, distant') - (het) vest click to hear 2 ('cardigan, wool or fleece jacket') - vet click to hear / vet/vette click to hear 2 ('fatty, greasy') - (het) vet click to hear ('fat') - vetten click to hear ('fats')
EE - (het) vee click to hear 2 3 ('cattle') - vegeteren click to hear 2 3 ('to vegetate') - veel click to hear 2 3 ('much, many') ‑>> - (het) veen click to hear ('peat land') - (de/het) veer click to hear ('feather' // 'ferry' // 'spring' - tensile) - (de) veter click to hear 2 ('shoestring, shoelace') - plural: - veters click to hear 2 ('shoelaces') - (de) veeteelt click to hear 2 3 ('animal husbandry,' cattle raising) - (het) veevoer click to hear ('fodder,' animal food) - vezels click to hear ('fibers, fiber')
uh - (de) have click to hear 2 ('~possessions' - old-fashioned - (de) gave click to hear 2 ('gift, donation' // 'gift, talent') - (de) navel click to hear 2 ('navel, bellybutton') - (de) haven click to hear ('harbour') - (de) haver click to hear 2 ('oats')
WE  E - (het) spinneweb click to hear ('spiderweb') - (de) wedde click to hear ('a soldier's wages') - wedden click to hear 2 ('to bet') - [(de)] weg click to hear ('way, road' // 'away') ‑>> - wekken click to hear 2 ('to wake someone up') - (de) wekker click to hear ('alarm clock') - wel click to hear (affirmative amplifier) ‑>> - wennen click to hear ('to get used to') ‑>> - (het) werk click to hear ('work') - wervels click to hear ('vertebrae' - backbone disks) - (de) wesp click to hear 2 ('wasp') - west click to hear ('West') - (de) wet click to hear ('law')
EE - (de) wee click to hear - (de) weeën click to hear ('contraction' - birth // 'contractions') - (het) weefgetouw click to hear 2 ('loom' - weaving) - wegen click to hear 2 ('ways, roads' // 'to weigh') - (de) week click to hear 2 ('week') - (de) weelde click to hear 2 ('luxury') - [(het)] weer click to hear 2 ('again' ‑>> // 'weather') ‑>> - [(de)] wees click to hear 2 ('orphan' // imperative of zijn  'to be') ‑>> - weet jij ...? click to hear 2 ('Do you know ...?' - something) - [(het)] wezen click to hear 2 ('orphans' // 'essence')
uh - we click to hear ('we') ‑>>) - bouwen click to hear ('to build') - (de) sjouwer click to hear ('a worker carrying building material')
XE  EE - (de) xenofobie click to hear ('irrational fear of strangers') - (het) xenon click to hear 2 3 ('xenon,' a gas)
ZE  E - Zef click to hear (a boys' name) - zeggen click to hear 2 3 ('to say') ‑>> - "Zeg dat wel!" click to hear 2 3 ("You can surely say that!") ‑>> - zelden click to hear ('seldom') - zelf click to hear 2 ('self') - zenden click to hear 2 ('to send') - (de) zet click to hear ('move' - in a game or competititon) - zes click to hear ('6')
EE - (de) zee click to hear ('sea') - (de) zebra click to hear ('zebra') - (de) zeef click to hear ('strainer, sieve') - (de) zege click to hear ('victory') - (de) zeehond click to hear ([sea-dog] - 'seal') - zeker click to hear 2 / zekere click to hear 2 3 ('certain, certainly, sure') ‑>> - Zeeland click to hear (a province of the Netherlands) - (de) zeem click to hear ('chamois' - for wiping wet windows) - zeentjes click to hear ('tendons, sinews') - (de) zeep click to hear ('soap') - [(het)] zeer click to hear 2 ('very' // 'hurt, pain' - both old-fashioned - (de) zeester click to hear 2 3 4 ('starfish') - zeven click to hear ('7') - (het) zeewater click to hear 2 ('seawater') - (het) zeewier click to hear 2 3 ('seaweed') - Zeewolde click to hear (a town)
uh - ze click to hear ('she' // 'they') ‑>> - ze hebben ruzie click to hear 2 3 ('they - former friends - have fallen out, they are no longer on good terms') ‑>> - ze lacht click to hear 2 3 ('she's laughing') - ze waren jaloers click to hear 2 3 ('they were jealous') - ze weten 't niet click to hear 2 ('they don't know') - ze zwemt snel click to hear ('she swims fast, she's a fast swimmer')

Many Examples 2: EA-EZ
EE EA  - Bea click to hear (a girls' name) - (de) alinea click to hear 2 ('paragraph') - (de) reactie click to hear ('reaction') - reageren click to hear 2 3 ('to react') - realistisch click to hear ('realistic') - creatie click to hear slow ('creation, design, something made')
uh - (de) beambte click to hear ('official') - beangstigend click to hear 2 ('frightening, scary')
E EB  - ik heb click to hear ('I have') - hebben click to hear ('to have') ‑>> - (de) hebzucht click to hear ('greed,' an obsession with acquiring and owning stuff') - (het) hebbeding click to hear ('a must-have item' - slang)
EE - twee ballen click to hear ('2 balls') - februari click to hear ('February') - (de) zebra click to hear ('zebra') - Zeebrugge click to hear (a town in Belgium) - (de) rebus click to hear 2 (type of word puzzle)
uh - beboeten click to hear ('to fine') - (de) bebouwing click to hear 2 ('building,' buildings constructed in an area) - (het) lachebekje click to hear 2 ('a young person, usually a girl, with a quick laugh') - (het) debacle click to hear 2 ('debacle,' spectacular failure) - (het) gebaar click to hear ('gesture') - je bent click to hear 2 ('you are' - singular informal) - lekke band click to hear 2 ([leaking] 'flat tire') - (de) zonnebloem click to hear 2 ('sunflower') - Sebastopol click to hear 2 (a city in the Crimea) - "foute boel" click to hear 2 ('there is something (very) wrong here') - 'n brave borst click to hear 2 3 4 5 ('a harmless, obedient person') - blauwe boon click to hear 2 3 ([blue bean] - 'bullet' - in crime fiction) - deze boom click to hear 2 3 ('this tree')
E EC  - Y, i-Grèc click to hear 2 3 ('Y, Greek i') - (de) teckel click to hear 2 ('dachshund' - a dog) - (de) nectar click to hear ('nectar' - the drink of the gods) - (de) rector click to hear 2 ('prinicpal' - secondary school) - (het) dialect click to hear 2 ('dialect') - perfect click to hear 2 ('perfect') - direct click to hear 2 ('directly, straight')
EE - december click to hear ('December') - (de) decibel click to hear ('decibel') - (de) economie click to hear 2 3 ('economy,' the wealth and resources of a country or region) - (de) econoom click to hear 2 3 4 5 ('economist')
uh - gecompliceerd click to hear 2 3 4 / gecompliceerde click to hear 2 ('complicated') - (het) molecuul click to hear ('molecule') - (het) recept click to hear 2 ('recipe' // 'doctor's medication prescription') - precies click to hear 2 ('precisely, exact') - (de) seconde click to hear 2 ('second' - 1/60th minute)
E ECH  - (de) echo click to hear 2 3 ('echo') - echt click to hear 2 3 / echte click to hear 2 / echt/echte click to hear 2 ('real') - echter click to hear 2 3 ('however, nevertheless, but, yet') ‑>> - slecht click to hear / slechte click to hear 2 / slecht/slechte click to hear 2 ('bad') ‑>> - Mechelen click to hear (a city in Belgium) - (de) knecht click to hear 2 ('servant' - old-fashioned) - (de) pech click to hear 2 ('bad luck') ‑>> - (de) pechvogel click to hear 2 ([bad-luck bird] 'a person who has much bad luck') - recht click to hear 2 ('straight') - rechts click to hear ('right' - not left) - (de) technicus click to hear 2 3 ('technician, engineer') - technici click to hear 2 3 ('technicians, engineers') - (het) gevecht click to hear 2 3 ('fight') - vechten click to hear 2 ('to fight') ‑>>
French CH: - (de) crèche click to hear ('children's daycare center')
uh - Annechien click to hear 2 / Lammechien click to hear 2 3 (girls' names)
E ED  - (het) bed click to hear 2 ('bed') - plural: - bedden click to hear ('beds') ‑>> - (de) wedde click to hear ('a soldier's wages') - wedden click to hear 2 ('to bet')
EE - (de) eed click to hear 2 3 ('oath') - Edam click to hear 2 (a town) - Ede click to hear 2 (a town) - (de) bedelaar click to hear 2 ('beggar') - ik deed click to hear 2 ('I did') - heden click to hear ('today, at present') ‑>> - (het) leed click to hear ('suffering') - mede- click to hear 2 ('~with, ~along, ~along with) ‑>> - (het) medium click to hear 2 ('medium' - conduit to the dead) - (het) Nederlands click to hear 2 ('Dutch,' the Dutch language) - breed click to hear / brede click to hear 2 / - breed/brede click to hear 2 ('wide') - teder click to hear ('tender, gentle') - steeds click to hear 2 ('continually," all the time, every time') - (de) Zweed click to hear 2 ('a Swedish male') - (de) weduwe click to hear 2 ('widow')
uh - bedankt! click to hear ('thanks!') - (het) bedrag click to hear 2 3 4 ('amount' - of money) - bederf click to hear 2 ('spoilage,'  "rot") - (het) pedaal click to hear 2 ('pedal')
uh  EEUW - de zeventiende eeuw click to hear 2 ('the 17th Century')
E EF  - (het) effect click to hear 2 3 ('effect, result') - effen click to hear 2 ('in a moment' - slang / 'solid' - color) - effe click to hear 2 ('in a moment' - slang "ff") - efficiënt click to hear ('efficient') - efficiënter click to hear 2 ('more efficient') - de Efteling click to hear 2 (an amusement park) - (de) hefboom click to hear ('lever') ‑>> - (de) ophef click to hear ('commotion') - de) opheffing click to hear ('closing down, discontinuing') - heftig click to hear 2 3 / heftige click to hear 2 3 ('violent, vehement, fierce, emotional') - (het) lef click to hear 2 ('courage' - colloquial) - treffen click to hear ('to hit, strike' // 'to meet, find') - Stef click to hear (a boys' name)
French CH: - (de) chef click to hear 2 ('boss, manager, supervisor') - chef-kok click to hear 2 ('chef')
EE - Eefje click to hear (a girls' name) - beef click to hear 2 ('tremble, shake' - simple present tense singular) - ik beef click to hear 2 ('I'm shaking, trembling') - beefde click to hear 2 ('trembled, shaked' - simple past tense singular) - from the verb - beven click to hear 2 ('to tremble, shake') - geef 't aan click to hear 2 3 ('give it to ...//' 'mark it') ‑>> - 't geeft niet click to hear 2 3 4 ('it doesn't matter, never mind') - hij heeft click to hear 2 ('he has') - heeft-ie click to hear 2 ('does he have ..? - colloquial) - U heeft click to hear 2 3 ('you have' - polite 'you') - (de) leeftijd click to hear 2 3 ('age') ‑>> - Kleef click to hear (a city in Germany) - beleefd click to hear 2 ('polite') - (de) neef click to hear ('cousin' - male // 'nephew') - (het) neefje click to hear ('nephew' // 'cousin' - male) - (de) kreeft click to hear 2 ('lobster, crayfish') - ik schreef click to hear ('I wrote') - (de) wreef click to hear 2 3 ('instep, arch' - foot) - scheef click to hear ('skewed') - scheef houden click to hear 2 ('to hold at an angle, to tilt') - (het) weefgetouw click to hear 2 ('loom') - (de) zweefmolen click to hear 2 ('whirligig') - (de) zeef click to hear ('strainer, sieve') - (het) theezeefje click to hear 2 ('tea strainer')
uh - gefascineerd click to hear ('fascinated' - past participle) - gefeliciteerd click to hear 2 ('congratulations!' // 'congratulated' - past participle) - gefrituurd click to hear 2 ('deep-fried' - past participle) - (de) reflex click to hear 2 ('reflex') - (het) refrein click to hear ('chorus' - song) - Jozef click to hear (a boys' name) - Jozefien click to hear (a girls' name)
E EG  - (de) eg click to hear ('harrow' - agriculture tool) - (de) heg click to hear ('hedge') - weggaan click to hear ('to leave') - (het) beleg click to hear ('siege' // 'bread covering, sandwich fillling') - beleggen click to hear 2 ('to invest' - money) - leggen click to hear ('to lay' - down) ‑>> - (het) overleg click to hear 2 ('consultation, meeting') - (de) overweg click to hear 2 3 ('railroad crossing') - (de) dievegge click to hear 2 ('thief' - female) - (de) weg click to hear ('way, road') - (het) weggetje click to hear 2 ('small road') - zeggen click to hear 2 3 ('to say') ‑>> - (de) oomzegger click to hear ([uncle-sayer] - 'niece' or 'nephew') - (het) zegje click to hear 2 ("say," - 'forceful' opinion statement) - (de) belegging click to hear 2 ('investment') - weggooien click to hear 2 3 ('to throw away')
- Egbert click to hear (a boys' name) - Egberts click to hear (a family name) - Egmond click to hear 2 (a town // Dutch revolutionary, executed by the Spanish)
EE - (het) deeg click to hear ('dough') - leeg click to
  hear / lege click to hear 2 / leeg/lege click to hear ('empty') - [(het)] negatief click to hear 2 3 ('negative') - (de) egel click to hear ('hedgehog') - (de) kegel click to hear 2 3 ('cone' // 'bowling pin' // 'alcohol breath') - (de) regel click to hear 2 3 4 ('rule' // 'line' - of text) - (de) tegel click to hear ('tile') - gedegen click to hear 2 ('thorough') - belegen click to hear 2 ('mature' - cheese) - raadplegen click to hear ('to consult, ask an expert') - negen click to hear ('9') - (de) negende click to hear 2 3 ('ninth') - (de) regen click to hear 2 ('rain') ‑>> - tegen click to hear ('against' ‑>> // ~to ) ‑>> 2 - wegen click to hear 2 ('roads' // 'to weigh') - wegens click to hear 2 ('because of') - (de) zegen click to hear 2 ('blessing') - (de) afweging click to hear ('consideraation') - regisseren click to hear 2 3 ('to direct' - a play, TV series or a movie) - (de) strategie click to hear 2 ('strategy') - (het) steegje click to hear 2 ('narrow city street) - (de) leegte click to hear 2 3 4 5 6 7 ('emptiness' - usually figuratively) - (het) leger click to hear ('army') - (de) veger click to hear ('broom') - (het) ego click to hear 2 3 ('ego') - Lego click to hear 2 3 ('Lego' - the construction toys) - Regina click to hear (a girls' name) - Nijmegen click to hear ('a city') - Noorwegen click to hear ('Norway')
uh - elegant click to hear 2 ('graceful') - begaafd click to hear ('gifted, very talented - (de) legende click to hear 2 ('legend') - (de) begeerte click to hear 2 ('desire') - begeleiden click to hear 2 ('to accompany') ‑>> - (het) begin click to hear ('start, beginning') ‑>> - (de) bruidegom click to hear ('groom') - wij begonnen click to hear 2 ('we started') - gegorgeld click to hear 2 ('gargled') - weggegooid geld click to hear 2 ('money thrown away, wasted') - begraven click to hear ('to bury') - goeie gunst! click to hear 2 ('good grief!')
- De Geus click to hear 2 3 (a family name) - De Goede click to hear (a family name) - De Gouw click to hear 2 (a family name) - De Graaf(f) click to hear 2 3 (a family name) - De Groot click to hear 2 (a family name) - De Gruyter click to hear (a family name) - Elegast click to hear (character from a Charlemagne story) - Cannegieter click to hear 2 3 4 (a family name) - Izegem click to hear (a town in Belgium)
EH EH  - hèhè click to hear 2 can be said after finishing some tiring or boring work, but also when you're annoyed that someone says something that you think is stupid or obvious
EE - (de) B.H. click to hear 2 ('bra' - the word is sometimes written as 'beha'  but 'beeha'  would be better phonetically for the Dutch because the E in the prefix BE-  is always pronounced as 'voiceless, unstressed E' click to hear (the 'schwa')
- tussen twee haakjes click to hear 2 ('between [two] parentheses') - tenzij je 'n beter idee hebt click to hear 2 3 ('unless you have a better idea') - twee halve waarheden click to hear ('two half-truths)
uh - behalve click to hear ('except') - gehakt click to hear ('ground meat') - gehaast click to hear 2 3 ('hurried') - geheel click to hear ('entirely, completely') - [(het)] geheim click to hear 2 ('secret') - geheugen click to hear 2 3 ('memory' - the brain function) - ik heb geholpen click to hear 2 ('I have helped, assisted') - ik ben geholpen click to hear 2 ('I was helped, I have been helped, I was attended to') ‑>> - ik had gehoopt ... click to hear ('I had hoped, I was hoping ...') - gehoor click to hear ('the sense of hearing' // 'audience') - gehoorzaam click to hear 2 3 ('obedient') - gehucht click to hear 2 ('hamlet') - gehuwd click to hear 2 ('married') - (de) Duitse Herder click to hear 2 ('German Shepherd' - a dog breed) - de Heer click to hear 2 3 ('the Lord' - God) - Ze hielp hem ontsnappen click to hear 2 3 ('She helped him escape') - (de) behoefte click to hear ('need for, want of') - om de hoek click to hear 2 3 ('around the corner') - behouden click to hear 2 3 ('to keep, hold on to, retain, conserve') - (het) tehuis click to hear 2 ('a home' for people needing extra or special care)
uh EI  - beëindigen click to hear 2 ('put an end to') - korte ei click to hear 2 ('short ei:' EI)
eendeëi click to hear 2 ("ducks' egg") a silly ca. 2000 spelling reform says it's now to be spelled 'eendenei.' I don't think this new N is pronounced much. ‑>>
EI  The diphthong 'ei' (='ij') click to hear by itself is really another story
uh EIJ  - lange ij click to hear 2 ('long ij:' IJ)
EE EJ  - hé jij daar! click to hear 2 3 ('hey you!' - not polite) - twee jaar geleden click to hear 2 ('2 years ago')
uh - bejaard click to hear 2 / bejaarde click to hear 2 ('elderly,' ~over 65) - (de) ware Jacob click to hear 2 ("Mr Right")
E EK  - (de) ekster click to hear 2 ('magpie') - a bird ‑>> - (de) bek click to hear ('animal mouth') - (het) dek click to hear 2 ('covering' // 'deck') - [(de)] gek click to hear ('crazy, insane' // 'crazy person') - gekke click to hear 2 / gek/gekke click to hear 2 ('crazy, insane') - (het) hek click to hear ('fence') - (de) heks click to hear ('witch') - lekker click to hear 2 3 4 / lekker/lekkere click to hear 2 ('enjoyable, nice, delicious' or simply 'good' or 'well') - (de) nek click to hear ('neck') - (de/het) pek click to hear 2 3 ('pitch') - (het) rek click to hear ('rack') - wekken click to hear 2 ('to wake someone up') - (de) wekker click to hear ('alarm clock')
EE - (de) eekhoorn click to hear 2 ('squirrel') - (de) beek click to hear ('brook,' small stream) - plural: - beken click to hear ('brooks') - (de) deken click to hear ('blanket') - (de) hekel click to hear ('strong dislike') - (de) leek click to hear ('layman') - keek click to hear ('looked' - singular simple past tense) - spreken click to hear ('to speak') ‑>> - (de) pekel click to hear 2 3 ('brine,' very salty water) - rekenen click to hear ('to do calculations') - (de) teek click to hear ('tick' - a parasitic bug) - (het) teken click to hear 2 3 ('sign') ‑>> - (de) week click to hear 2 ('week') - zeker click to hear 2 / zekere click to hear 2 3 ('certain, certainly, sure') ‑>>
uh - bekakt click to hear 2 ('posh') - bekeren click to hear 2 ('to convert' - religion) - gekneusd click to hear 2 3 ('bruised') - gekookt click to hear 2 ('boiled, cooked') - je komt er langs click to hear 2 ('you pass by it, it's on your way') - mekaar click to hear ('each other' - slang - proper Dutch is - elkaar click to hear ('each other') - (de) rekruut click to hear ('recruit') - (het) tekort click to hear 2 ('shortage, lack')
E EL  - (de) el click to hear ('old length measurement, 69cm') - Ellen click to hear (a girls' name) - elleboog click to hear 2 ('elbow') - (de) ellende click to hear ('misery') - ellenlang click to
      hear ('terribly long' - length) - (de) bel click to hear ('bell' - not church) - (de) tabel click to hear 2 ('table' - lists in columns) - (de) cel click to hear 2 ('cell') - Celsius click to hear ‑>> - Delft click to hear 2 (a town) - (de) delta click to hear 2 3 ('delta') - fel click to hear ('fierce, energetic') - (de/het) gel click to hear ('gel' - French G) - (het) geld click to hear ('money') - [(de)] hel click to hear ('hell' // 'very bright' - light) - (de) helm click to hear ('helmet') - help! click to hear 2 ('help me!') - (de) kelder click to hear 2 ('cellar') - melk click to hear 2 ('milk') ‑>> - (de) melding click to hear 2 3 ('report, reporting') - Nel click to hear (a girls' name) - (het) knelpunt click to hear 2 3 ('bottleneck, chokepoint') - (de) pels click to hear 2 ('fur') - (het) spel click to hear ('game') - speld click to hear ('pin') - (de) rel click to hear ('row, disturbance') - (de/het) aquarel click to hear 2 3 ('watercolor painting' - (de) forel click to hear ('trout') - Selma click to hear 2 3 (a girls' name) - (het) hotel click to hear ('hotel') - vertel! click to hear ('do tell!') - tellen click to hear 2 ('to count') - (het) velletje click to hear 2 ('skin' - thin, like on milk or around sausage) - (het) vel click to hear ('skin') - vervellen click to hear 2 ('to shed skin') - (het) veld click to hear ('field') - wel click to hear (positive amplifier) ‑>> - (het) geweld click to hear 2 ('violence') - welk click to hear 2 / welke click to hear 2 ('which') ‑>> - zelf click to hear ('self') - (de) gezel click to hear ('companion, assistant')
EE - Eelde click to hear 2 3 (a town) - (het) eelt click to hear 2 3 4 ('callous, callusses' - hardened skin) - (het) beeld click to hear 2 ('statue' // 'image') - (het) deel click to hear 2 ('part') - [(het)] geel click to hear 2 3 ('yellow') - heel click to hear 2 ('very' ‑>> // 'whole' // 'heal') - (de) keel click to hear ('throat') - (het) meel click to hear 2 ('flour') - Neeltje click to hear (a girls' name) - (de/het) kaneel click to hear ('cinnamon') ‑>> - de Peel click to hear 2 (an area in the South of The Netherlands) - (de) minstreel click to hear 2 3 4 ('troubadour') ‑>> - (de) penseel click to hear 2 ('small paintbrush') - (het) kasteel click to hear 2 3 ('castle') - (de) veeteelt click to hear 2 3 ('animal husbandry' - raising cattle) - veel click to hear 2 3 ('much/many') ‑>> - (de) weelde click to hear 2 ('luxury') - Scherpenzeel click to hear (a town)
uh - (de) heibel click to hear ('trouble, fuss, strife' - slang) - dubbel click to hear ('double') - (de) kachel click to hear ('heater') - (het) zadel click to hear 2 ('seat' - on bike or horse) - (de) tafel click to hear 2 3 4 ('table' - to sit at) - (de) egel click to hear ('hedgehog') - (de) engel click to hear ('angel') - [(de)] enkel click to hear ('ankle' // 'only, single' ‑>> - (de) hemel click to hear ('heaven' // 'sky') - Remmelt click to hear (a boys' name) - (de) tunnel click to hear 2 3 4 ('tunnel') - (de) drempel click to hear ('threshold') - (de) lepel click to hear ('spoon') - (de) deksel click to hear ('lid') - (de) gesel click to hear ('whip, scourge') - (het) mengsel click to hear ('mixture') - (de) zetel click to hear ('big chair' - old-fashioned // 'seat' - in parliament) - wervels click to hear ('disks' - backbone) - (de) gevel click to hear 2 ('gable' - house front top) - (het) gewauwel click to hear 2 3 ('annoying, boring talk') - (de) ezel click to hear 2 ('donkey') - (de) ijzel click to hear 2 ('rain that freezes when it hits the ground')
E EM  - Emma click to hear (a girls' name) - emmers click to hear 2 3 ('buckets') - Doetinchem click to hear (a town) - Femke click to hear (a girls' name) - (de) gember click to hear ('ginger') - hem click to hear ('him') - Lemmer click to hear (a town) - klemmetjes click to hear 2 ('small clamps') - (de) klemtoon click to hear 2 ('stress' - in a word) - (de) rem click to hear 2 3 ('brake') - (het) tempo click to hear ('tempo')
EE - Eemnes click to hear 2 (a town) - emotioneel click to hear 2 ('emotional') - (de) Beemster click to hear 2 (an old polder) - (de) chemie click to hear 2 ('chemistry') ‑>> - (de) democratie click to hear ('democracy') - Heemstede click to hear (a town) - (het) leem click to hear 2 ('loam') - meemaken click to hear 2 - to experience,'to see' 'happen to you') ‑>> - neem click to hear ('take' - present simple tense singular of nemen click to hear ‑>> 'to take') - (de) zeem click to hear ('chamois' - for wiping wet windows)
uh - (de) bemiddelaar click to hear 2 ('mediator, intermediary') - (het) cement click to hear ('mortar') - Barchem click to hear 2 (a village) - (de) adem click to hear ('breath') - de mens click to hear 2 3 ("Man, Humankind") - gemeen click to hear 2 ('mean, unfair') - (de) remedie click to hear 2 ('remedy') - (de) bloesem click to hear ('blossom, bloom') - (de) bezem click to hear ('broom') - plural: - bezems click to hear 2
E EN  - en click to hear 2 ('and') ‑>> - ik ben click to hear 2 ('I am') - (de) cent click to hear 2 ('cent, penny') - (de) den click to hear ('pine tree' // old-fashioned article 'the') - dennen click to hear 2 ('pine trees') - (het) gen click to hear ('gene') - hen click to hear 2 ('them' ‑>> 2 // 'chicken') - ken click to hear 2 3 ('know' - simple present tense singular or imperative) ‑>> - (de) lens click to hear 2 ('lens') - (de) lente click to hear ('Spring') - men click to hear ("they," 'people') ‑>> - (de) mens click to hear 2 ('man, human being') - (de) pen click to hear 2 ('pen' - for writing) - sentimenteel click to hear 2 3 ('sentimental') - ten click to hear ('at' - old-fashioned) - tent click to hear ('tent')
- eng click to hear ('frightening, scary') - De Eng click to hear 2 (an area in the city of Wageningen) - [(het)] Engels click to hear / Engelse click to hear 2 3 ('English') - bengelen click to hear 2 3 ('to dangle') - hechtingen click to
      hear 2 3 ('sutures, medical stitches') ‑>>
EE - één click to hear 2 3 ('one') been - (de) Deen click to hear ('Dane, Danish person') - Feenstra click to hear 2 (a family name) - geen click to hear ('no,' - not any, zero quantity') ‑>> - heen click to hear ('~to (direction)' ‑>> // 'gone') - Kenau click to hear ('a girls' name' - historical) - Leen click to hear (a boys' name) - lenen click to hear 2 ('to borrow' // 'to lend') ‑>> - (de) mening click to hear ('opinion, view') - plural: - meningen click to hear 2 ('opinions, views) - (de) peen click to hear ('carrot' - large or jocular) - (de) teen click to hear ('toe') - plural: - tenen click to hear ('toes') - zeentjes click to hear ('tendons, sinews')
uh - benauwd click to hear 2 (difficulty breathing // 'afraid, hesitating') - heden click to hear ('today, at present') ‑>> - de naaste click to hear 2 3 ('a fellow human,' the 'neigbor' of the Bible) - weeën click to hear ('contractions' - birth) - effen click to hear 2 3 4 ('solid' - color) - (de) genade click to hear 2 ('mercy') - (de) jenever click to hear 2 (a? the Dutch liquor') ‑>> - beken click to hear ('brooks') - pellen click to hear 2 ('to peal') - de armen click to hear 2 3 ('the poor' // 'the arms') - benen click to hear ('legs') - menen click to hear 2 ('to be serious' // 'to take as a fact') ‑>> - nou en? click to hear 2 ('so what?' [now and?]) - open click to hear ('open') ‑>> - heren click to hear ('gentlemen') - de Senaat click to hear 2 ("the Senate" - another name for the de Eerste Kamer click to hear - 'The First Chamber' of the Dutch parliament) ‑>> - wassen click to hear 2 ('to wash') - bessen click to hear 2 ('berries') - (de) tenor click to hear ('tenor' - singer) - [(de)] keten click to hear 2 3 ('shackle' // 'chain' // 'sheds') - ketenen click to hear 2 ('chains') - meten click to hear ('to measure') ‑>> - (de) haven click to hear ('harbor') - even click to hear 2 3 ('a moment' // '~just as' // 'even' - numbers) ‑>> - trouwen click to hear 2 3 ('to marry') - lezen click to hear 2 3 ('to read') ‑>> - pezen click to hear ('tendons')
EE EO  - (de/het) stereo click to hear ('stereo' // ' sound system') - feodaal click to hear ('feudal') - (de) deodorant click to hear ('deodorant') - (de) geoloog click to hear ('geologist') - (de) geograaf click to hear ('geographer') - Leo click to hear 2 (a boys' name) - (het) neon click to hear ('neon') - (de) aureool click to hear ('halo, aureole') - Theo click to hear (a boys' name) - (de) theorie click to hear 2 ('theory') - (de) meteoor click to hear 2 ('meteor')
uh - de onbekende soldaat click to hear 2 ('the unknown soldier') - de Oostzee click to hear 2 ([The Eastern Sea] - 'the Baltic Sea') - geopend click to hear ('opened, open')
E EP  - Bep click to hear (a girls' name) - (het) recept click to hear 2 ('recipe' // 'doctor's medication prescription') - (de) klep click to hear 2 ('valve') - (de) mep click to hear ('slap, blow') - Meppel click to hear (a town) - nep- click to hear 2 3 ('fake') - Van Eps click to hear 2 (a family name) - (het) reptiel click to hear 2 ('reptile') - (de) schep click to hear ('shovel' // 'scoop') - de Schepping click to hear 2 ('Creation') - (de) step click to hear 2 ('children's scooter')
EE - (de) depressie click to hear 2 3 ('depression') - (de) deprimerend click to hear 2 3 ('depressing') - (de) lepel click to hear ('spoon') - (het) lepeltje click to hear 2 3 4 ('small spoon') - wij knepen click to hear ('we squeezed') - (de) peper click to hear ('pepper') - peperduur click to hear 2 ('very expensive') - (de) greep click to hear 2 3 ('grip, catch, hold, handhold') - 'n reep chocola click to hear 2 ('a bar of chocolate - (de) streep click to hear 2 3 ('line') - schepen click to hear ('ships') - (de) theepauze click to hear 2 ('tea break') - dwepen click to hear 2 ('to be fanatical about') - (de) zweep click to hear 2 ('whip') - (de) zeep click to hear ('soap')
uh - bepaald click to hear 2 ('definite' // 'specific, particular') - beperken click to hear 2 3 ('to limit') - de Peel click to hear 2 (an area in the South-East of The Netherlands) - gepend click to hear 2 ('pinned' - chess) - Gennep click to hear 2 (a town) - (het) hoogtepunt click to hear 2 3 ('high point, zenith, climax') - Pepijn click to hear 2 (a boys' name) - creperen click to hear 2 3 ('to die miserably') - Wezep click to hear 2 (a town)
uh EQ  - (de) frequentie click to hear 2 3 ('frequency')
E ER  - er click to hear ('~there' // '~it') ‑>> - (het) erts click to hear 2 ('ore') - (de) erwt click to hear ('British pea' - W is not pronounced) - plural: - erwten click to hear 2 3 ('peas') - (de) berg click to hear ('mountain') - (het) bergje click to hear 2 3 ('small mountain') - (het) concert click to hear ('concert') - der click to hear ('of the' - old-fashioned0 - bederf click to hear 2 ('spoilage,'  "rot") - [(de)] derde click to hear 2 3 ('third') - Ik ben ingeënt click to hear 2 3 slow ('I've been vaccinated') - Ferry click to hear (a boys' name) - Ger click to hear (a boys' name) - (de) carrière click to hear 2 ('career') - Jet click to hear (a girls' name) - (de) kers click to hear 2 3 ('cherry') - blèren click to hear 2 ('bad singing') - (het) merk click to hear ('brand') - merken click to hear 2 3 ('to notice') - nergens click to hear 2 ('nowhere' // ('nothing')) ‑>> - nerveus click to hear 2 ('nervous') - per click to hear ('for each') ‑>> - (de) pers click to hear 2 3 ('press') - (de) sergeant click to hear ('sergeant') - (de) misère click to hear 2 ('misery') - scherp click to hear 2 3 4 5 ('sharp' // 'spicy') - ter click to hear ('~at, to' - old-fashioned) - (de) ster click to hear ('star') - (de) terp click to hear ("hill of refuge") - ver click to hear 2 3 / verre click to hear 2 3 ('far, distant') ‑>> - (de) verf click to hear ('paint') - vers click to hear 2 ('fresh') - (de) dwerg click to hear ('dwarf') - (het) werk click to hear ('work') - werpen click to hear 2 ('to throw') - (de) kazerne click to hear 2 ('barracks' - soldiers' housing)
EE - (de) eer click to hear 2 ('honor') - eerlijk click to hear ('honest, fair') - eerst click to hear 2 / eerste click to hear 2 ('first') - (de) beer click to hear 2 ('bear') - (de) ceder click to hear ('cedar' - a tree) - deerlijk click to hear 2 3 4 ('pitiful, sorely') - de eerste bus click to hear 2 ('the first bus') - (de) sfeer click to hear 2 3 ('atmosphere' - tone and mood of a place, event or situation) - (de) conifeer click to hear ('conifer, pine tree') - De Geer click to hear 2 (a family name) - (de) begeerte click to hear 2 ('strong desire') - (de) heer click to hear 2 3 ('gentleman' // king - cards) - beheersen click to hear 2 ('to control') - (de) keer click to hear ('time' - repeating event) - keren click to hear 2 ('times' // 'to turn') - (het/de) leer click to hear 2 ('leather' // 'doctrine, teachings') - kleren click to hear ('clothes') ‑>> - (het) meer click to hear 2 ('more' ‑>>) // 'lake') - smerig click to hear 2 3 / smerige click to hear 2 3) ('unpleasantly, disgustingly dirty, filthy, soiled') - neer click to hear ('down' - old-fashioned) - (de) neergang click to hear 2 3 ('decline, descent') - (de) peer click to hear 2 3 ('pear') - plural: - peren click to hear 2 ('pears') - serieus click to hear / serieuze click to hear 2 ('serious') - scheren click to hear 2 3 ('to shave, to shear') - ([de/het]) teer click to hear ('fragile' // 'tender' // 'tar') - (de) therapie click to hear ('tharapy') - (de/het) veer click to hear ('feather' // 'ferry' // 'spring' - tensile) - [(het)] weer click to hear 2 ('again' ‑>> // 'weather') ‑>> - zweren click to hear 2 ('to swear, take a solemn oath') - [(het)] zeer click to hear 2 ('very' // 'hurt, pain') ‑>>
uh - (het) beroep click to hear 2 3 4 ('job, occupation') - (de) ober click to hear 2 ('chief waiter') - pocher click to hear 2 ('boaster') - (de) adder click to hear ('adder' - a snake) - zonder click to hear ('without') - (de) koffer click to hear 2 ('suitcase') - (de) sufferd click to hear 2 ('a not very bright person, a muddlehead') - mager click to hear / magere click to hear 2 ('skinny') - gerust click to hear 2 3 ('~with confidence, without fear, safely') ‑>> - (de) behanger click to hear 2 ('wallpaper hanger') - zwanger click to hear 2 ('pregnant') - (de) agrariër click to hear ('farmer' - bureaucratic) - (de) zaaier click to hear 2 ('sower') ‑>> (letter I pronounced as consonant‑Y, Dutch J) - lekker click to hear 2 3 4 / lekker/lekkere click to hear 2 ('enjoyable, nice, delicious' or simply 'good' or 'well') - (de) klinker click to hear ('consonant' // old street paving stone) - aller click to hear 2 ('of all, ~very') ‑>> - jammer! click to hear 2 ('a pity!') - (de) hamer click to hear 2 ('hammer') - nergens click to hear 2 ('nowhere' // ('nothing')) ‑>> - (de) trainer click to hear 2 ('coach, trainer' - English AI) - (de) kenner click to hear 2 3 ('connoisseur') - (de) kelner click to hear 2 ('waiter') - dapper click to hear ('brave, courageous') - hyper click to hear 2 3 4 5 ('hyper') - (het) ererondje click to hear 2 ([honorary-] 'victory lap') - (de) passer click to hear 2 ('compass' - for drawing circles) ‑>> - (de) heerser click to hear 2 3 ('authoritarian ruler') - beter click to hear 2 ('better') ‑>> - (de) zetter click to hear 2 ('compositor, setter, keyboarder' - in the old days of printing, a person who puts the letters on the printing blocks) - [(de)] verwant click to hear 2 ('a relative' // 'related') - (de) lever click to hear ('liver') - (de) zwerver click to hear 2 3 ('tramp, hobo') - (de) sperwer click to hear 2 ('sparrowhawk' - a bird) - bouwers click to hear 2 ('builders') - (de) blazers click to hear 2 ('players of wood instruments') - (het) ijzer click to hear 2 3 ('iron')
‑es ES  Nouns ending in single E (voiceless, unstressed E) usually add an -S for the plural (exceptions)
- (de) dame click to hear / dames click to hear ('lady' / 'ladies') - (het) meisje click to hear / meisjes click to hear ('girl' / 'girls') - (de) machine click to hear 2 / machines click to hear 2 ('machine' / 'machines') - (het) koekje click to hear / koekjes click to hear ('cookie' / 'cookies')
Some people descriptions and job titles ending in -R add -ES click to hear 2 ('short' E) for a female version:
- onderwijzer click to hear / onderwijzeres click to hear ('elementary school teacher, male/female')
- leraar click to hear / lerares click to hear ('secondary, 'high' school teacher, male/ female')
- leraren click to hear / leraressen click to hear ('secondary, 'high' school teachers, male/female')
E - (de) es click to hear 2 3 4 ('ash' - a tree // 'E flat' - music) - (de) esdoorn click to hear ('maple' - a tree) - Esmée click to hear (a girls' name) - (de) essentie click to hear 2 ('essence') - Estland click to hear ('Estonia') - (de) bes click to hear ('berry' // 'E flat') - plural: - bessen click to hear 2 ('berries') - best click to hear 2 / beste click to hear / best/beste click to hear 2 ('best') ‑>> - (het) proces click to hear ('process' // 'trial, court case') - (het) succes click to hear 2 ('success,' good results') - des click to hear ('D flat' - music // 'of the' - old-fashioned) - professor click to hear ("professor") - (het) kraakfestijn click to hear 2 3 4 5 6 ('croaking voice festival') - Hester click to hear (a girls' name) - de Jessias click to hear 2 (nickname of 'politician' Jesse Klaver - hear above) - Kesteren click to hear (a small town) - (het) orkest click to hear 2 ('orchestra') - (de) les click to hear ('lesson') - (de) fles click to hear ('bottle') - (het) flesje click to hear 2 ('bottle') - (het) mes click to hear 2 3 ('knife') - plural: - messen click to hear 2 3 ('knives') - (het) nest click to hear ('nest') - (het) nestje click to hear 2 ('small nest') - (de) pessimist click to hear 2 ('pessimist') - (de) rest click to hear 2 ('remainder') - (het) adres click to hear ('address') - expres click to hear 2 3 ('on purpose, deliberately' // 'express') - (de) prinses click to hear ('princess') - (de) obsessie click to hear 2 ('obsession') - (de) test click to hear 2 3 4 ('test') - (het) vest click to hear (wool cardigan or fleece jacket) - (het) vestje click to hear ('vest' - sleeveless, over-a-shirt garment with zipper or buttons) ‑>> - (de) wesp click to hear 2 ('wasp') - het Westen click to hear 2 3 ('the West') - [(de)] zes click to hear ('6')
- (de) zangeres click to hear 2 ('lady singer') - zangeressen click to hear 2 ('lady singers') - (de) danseres click to hear 2 ('lady dancer') - (de) priesteres click to hear 2 3 ('priestess')
EE - (het) beest click to hear ('beast') - (de) decimeter click to hear ('decimeter,' - 1/10 meter, 10 cm.) - Desiree click to hear (a girls' name) - (het) feest click to hear 2 3 4 ('large party, festival') - (de) geest click to hear ('spirit' // 'ghost') - hees click to hear ('hoarse' - voice) - Kees click to hear 2 (a boys' name) - (de) Smeerkees click to hear 2 (a person who carelessly gets dirty doing a job) - (de) leest click to hear ('last,' shoemaker's tool) - (het) vlees click to hear ('meat') - mees click to hear 2 ('tit' - a bird - also: a boys' name) - meest click to hear ('most') ‑>> - geneesmiddelen click to hear 2 ('medicines') - (de) pees click to hear 2 ('tendon') - (het) resultaat click to hear 2 3 ('result, outcome') - (het) residu click to hear 2 ('residuum') - (de) vrees click to hear ('fear') - [(de)] wees click to hear 2 ('orphan' // '~be!') - (de) zeester click to hear 2 3 4 ('starfish')
uh - (het) beslag click to hear 2 ('batter') - de Schelde click to hear 2 (a river, mostly in Belgium - (de) geschiedenis click to hear ('history') - bietjes click to hear 2 ('red beets') ‑>> - jakkes! click to hear ('yuck!') - alles click to hear 2 ('everything') ‑>> - (de) dreumes click to hear ('small child,' 1-3yr) - Hannes click to hear / Jannes click to hear (boys' names) - principes click to hear 2 ('principles') - reserve click to hear 2 3 ('spare') - sores click to hear ('trouble, worries' - slang) - excuses click to hear 2 ('apologies') - kinderziektes click to hear 2 ('childhood diseases' - also: 'problems with a new product') - (het) druive(n)sap click to hear 2 ('grape juice') - Eduard Douwes Dekker click to hear 2 (real name of famous author Multatuli click to hear 2 (Latin: 'I have carried, suffered much') ‑>> - (de) Hanzestad click to hear 2 3 ('Hansa town')
In colloquial speech, the N of eens click to hear ('sometimes, sometime') is occasionally dropped, and the word can be written as 's  or es click to hear ‑>>
Ik vraag me wel 's af ... click to hear 2 Sometimes I wonder ...
uh ESCH  - beschadigen click to hear ('to damage') - beschaafd click to hear ('civilized, cultured') - beschadigd click to hear 2 ('damaged') - (de) beschaving click to hear ('civilization') - beschermen click to hear ('to protect') - (de) bescherming click to hear 2 ('protection') - bescheiden click to hear ('modest') - beschikken over click to hear 2 ('to have available' // 'to decide about') - onbeschoft click to hear ('rude, bad-mannered') - (de) beschuit click to hear 2 3 ('crispbake, rusk') - (het) beschuitje click to hear ('an enjoyable piece of crispbake, rusk') - (de) beschuldiging click to hear 2 ('accusation') - beschuldigen click to hear 2 3 ('to accuse') - de Schelde click to hear 2 (a river in Belgium) - De Schepper click to hear 2 ('The Creator, the Maker' - God) - de Schepping click to hear 2 ('Creation') - De Schilderkunst click to hear ('The Art of Painting' - a Vermeer painting) - (de) heggeschaar click to hear ('hedge clipper') ('harsh' - sound, light) - (het) geschenk click to hear 2 ('gift, present' - old-fashioned) - gescheurd click to hear ('torn, ripped') - geschiedenis click to hear ('history') - geschokt click to hear 2 ('shocked') - ongeschoren click to hear 2 ('unshaven') - (de) zonneschijn click to hear 2 3 ('sunshine') - (de) lagere school click to hear 2 ([lower] 'elementary school') ‑>>
E ET  - Betje click to hear (a girls' name) - Bleke Bet click to hear 2 3 ('a pale-faced girl) - (het) alfabet click to hear 2 ('alphabet') ‑>> - (de) pincet click to hear 2 ('tweezers, forceps, very small pliers') - (de) manchet click to hear ('cuff' - end of shirt sleeve) - (het) cachet click to hear 2 ("class") - (de) cadet click to hear 2 3 (incoming military or police officer) - (het) kadetje click to hear 2 3 ('white bread roll, like a hot dog bun) - het click to hear 2 3 ('#2 the' // 'it') ‑>> - Jet click to hear (a girls' name) - (het) loket click to hear ('counter window') - (de) ketting click to hear 2 3 ('chain' // 'necklace') - (het) ballet click to hear ('ballet') - (de) letter click to hear 2 ('letter' - alphabet) - met click to hear ('with') ‑>> - Metje click to hear 2 (a girls' name) - (de) smet click to hear 2 ('stain, spot, smudge, blemish') - [(het)] net click to hear ('just like' // 'barely' // 'exactly' //'neat' // 'net') ‑>> - knetteren click to hear 2 ('to crackle') - (de) pet click to hear 2 3 ('cap, baseball cap') - Petten click to hear (a town) - (de) sigaret click to hear 2 ('cigarette') - (de) pret click to hear 2 3 ('enjoyment, fun') - (de) pretletter click to hear 2 3 ('a cheerful, happy small child') - (het) portret click to hear 2 3 ('portrait') - (het) setje click to hear 2 3 ('set, small set') - (de) boortjesset click to hear ('a set of drills, drill bits') - (het) kwartet click to hear ('quartet') - (het) strijkkwartet click to hear ('string quartet') - (het) vet click to hear ('fat, grease') - plural: - vetten click to hear ('fats') - (het) servetje click to hear 2 3 ('small napkin') - (de) wet click to hear ('law') - plural: - wetten click to hear ('laws') - ouderwets click to hear / ouderwetse click to hear 2 3 ('old- fashioned') - (de) zet click to hear ('move' - in a game or competititon) - (het) verzet click to hear ('resistance')
EE - (de) beet click to hear ('animal bite') - (het) detail click to hear ('detail' - French AIL) - (het) ideetje click to hear 2 ('"little" idea') - Deterding click to hear 2 3 (a family name) - (de) profeet click to hear 2 ('prophet') - Ageeth click to hear 2 (a girls' name) - Van Geet click to hear (a family name) - Vergeet ik iets? click to hear 2 ('Am I forgetting something?') - heet click to hear 2 3 / hete click to hear 2 3 / heet/hete click to hear 2 ('hot') - (de) dieet click to hear 2 ('diet') - jeetje click to hear 2 3 4 (mild curse or expression of surprise) - (de) keet click to hear 2 ('shed' at building site) - plural: - [(de)] keten click to hear 2 3 ('shackle' // 'chain' // 'sheds') - ketenen click to hear 2 ('chains') - compleet click to hear / complete click to hear ('complete, ~full') - het sleet click to hear 2 ('it wore out/off') - ik sleet click to hear 2 ('~I passed the time') - sleet click to hear 2 (simple past tense singular of slijten click to hear 2 ‑>> - ik meet click to hear 2 ('I am measuring') - (de) komeet click to hear ('comet') - (de) planeet click to hear 2 ('planet') - (de) magneet click to hear 2 ('magnet') - (de) peettante click to hear 2 ('godmother') - (de) peetoom click to hear 2 3 ('godfather') - (de) kreet click to hear 2 ('shout, cry') - concreet click to hear 2 / concrete click to hear 2 ('physical, solid, real' - not just talk) - (de) tetanus click to hear 2 ('tetanus') - (de) veter click to hear 2 ('shoestring, shoelace') - plural: - veters click to hear 2 ('shoelaces') - (de) veeteelt click to hear 2 3 ('animal husbandry,' cattle raising) - weet jij? click to hear 2 ('do you know?' - informal singular 'you') - wie weet? click to hear 2 3 ('who knows?' // '~maybe') - (het) zweet click to hear 2 ('sweat') - (de) zetel click to hear ('big chair' - old-fashioned // 'seat' - in parliament or other elected body)
uh - (het) beton click to hear 2 ('concrete') - (het) aceton click to hear 2 3 ('acetone') - de tijd click to hear ('time, the time') - de Theems click to hear ('river Thames') - (het) getij click to hear 2 3 ('tide') plural: - (het) getijden click to hear 2 3 4 ('tides') ‑>> - (het) weggetje click to hear 2 ('small road') - (het) jongetje click to hear 2 3 ('little boy') - (het) ratjetoe click to hear 2 3 ('mixed dish' - ratatouille?) - (de) ketoembar click to hear ('coriander' - from Malay) - sterke thee click to hear 2 ('strong tea') - (het) spelletje click to hear 2 3 ('"little" game') - meteen click to hear 2 ('immediately, right away') - (het) vlammetje click to hear 2 ('small' flame') - het mannetje click to hear 2 ('the little man, a special worker') - (het) gezinnetje click to hear 2 ('little family, basic family') - (het) poppetje click to hear 2 ('small doll, small puppet') - slappe thee click to hear 2 ('weak tea') - (de) maretak click to hear 2 ('mistletoe') - (het) torretje click to hear 2 ('small beetle') - een zware taak click to hear 2 3 ('a serious assignment, a difficult task') - losse thee click to hear ('loose tea leaves') - (de) grote teen click to hear ('big toe') - witte tulp click to hear 2 3 ('white tulip') - "Lieve Tine," click to hear ("Dear Tina,") - onze taal click to hear 2 3 ('our language') - vieze thee click to hear ('bad-tasting tea')
EU  The diphthong 'eu' click to hear is really another story
EE EEUU  - (de) reünie click to hear 2 3 ('reunion')
uh EUI  geuit click to hear 2 ('~expressed')
EE EV  - meevallen click to hear 2 ('turning out not to be as bad as expected') ‑>> - steevast click to hear 2 3 ('regular') - Eva click to hear 2 (a girls' name) - even click to hear 2 3 ('a moment' // 'equally, just as' // 'even' - numbers) ‑>> - hevig click to hear 2 / hevige click to hear 2 ('intense, fierce, serious' [think of 'heavy' and 'hefty']) - zeven click to hear ('7') - Greven click to hear 2 3 (a family name) - kleverig click to hear / kleverige click to hear 2 ('sticky') - (de) omgeving click to hear 2 3 ('surroundings, environment') - Flevoland click to hear 2 (the new province of reclaimed land) ‑>> - (de) revolutie click to hear 2 ('revolution') - (het) veevoer click to hear ('fodder,' animal food)
uh - (het) geval click to hear ('case') - (het) gevalletje click to hear 2 ('vey minor incident' // 'small contraption') - gevaarlijk click to hear 2 3 ('dangerous') - wij bevalen click to hear ('we ordered') - (het) bevel click to hear ('command, order') - (het) gevecht click to hear 2 3 ('fight') - tevergeefs click to hear 2 3 ('in vain, without result') - bevelen click to hear 2 ('to order, to command') - een kudde vee click to hear ('a herd of cattle') - vieze vis click to hear ('bad-tasting fish') - Elsevier click to hear (a family name - also a publishing company) - (de) blinde vlek click to hear 2 3 ('blind spot' - usually in the eye) - waardevol click to hear 2 ('valuable') - (de) revolver click to hear 2 ('revolver, handgun') - (het) gevoel click to hear ('feeling') ‑>> - tevreden click to hear ('content, satisfied, ~happy') - mevrouw click to hear 2 3 ('Mrs.' // "Ma'am")
EE EW  - (het) zeewater click to hear 2 ('sea water') - meewerken click to hear 2 ('to co-operate') - (het) meewerkend voorwerp click to hear ([cooperating item] - 'indirect object, dative') - (het) zeewier click to hear 2 3 ('seaweed') - Zeewolde click to hear (a town)
uh - (het) gewas click to hear ('crop') ‑>> - (het) gewaad click to hear 2 3 4 (ceremonial robe for priests) - (de) bewaker click to hear 2 ('guard') - de Waal click to hear 2 (a river) - (het) gewauwel click to hear 2 3 ('irritating, annoying talk') - (het) geweld click to hear 2 ('violence') - bewegen click to hear 2 3 ('to move' - body movements) - (de) medewerking click to hear 2 ('co-operation') - je wilt click to hear 2 ('you want to, you wish') - geweigerd click to hear 2 ('refused' - past participle) - (het) bewijs click to hear 2 ('proof') - geworden click to hear 2 ('become' - past participle) - gewoon click to hear / gewone click to hear 2 3 ('common, usual') - bewust click to hear ('conscious')
E EX  - (de) ex click to hear ('ex') - (de) reflex click to hear 2 ('reflex') - (het) triplex click to hear 2 ('laminated board,' 3 layers) - (het) multiplex click to hear 2 ('laminated board,' >5 layers) ‑>> - (het) bioscopencomplex click to hear 2 ('multiplex,' housing several cinemas) - (het) examen click to hear 2 3 ('test, exam') - (het) eindexamen click to hear ('final exam' - at the end of secondary school) - (het) rijexamen click to hear 2 ('driving test') - hexagonaal click to hear ('hexagonal') - excentriek click to hear 2 3 ('eccentric') - (het) excuus click to hear ('apology' // 'excuse') - excuses click to hear ('apologies' // 'excuses') - (het) exemplaar click to hear 2 3 4 ('specimen, ~copy') ‑>> - exemplaren click to hear 2 ('specimens,' '~copies') - flexibel click to hear 2 / flexibele click to hear 2 ('flexible') - (het) experiment click to hear ('experiment') - (de) expert (French ert)  click to hear ('expert') - (de) explosie click to hear ('explosion') - expres click to hear 2 3 ('on purpose, deliberately' // 'express') - (de) sextant click to hear ('sextant' - sea navigation tool) - extra click to hear 2 ('extra') - (het) extract click to hear 2 ('extract, essence')
- Alex click to hear (a boys' name) - Alexander click to hear (a boys' name) - Lex click to hear ('boys' name') - Rex click to hear (a boys' name) - Exel click to hear 2 (a hamlet)
EE EZ  - (de) bezem click to hear ('broom') plural: - (de) bezems click to hear 2 ('brooms') - bezig click to hear 2 ('busy with, working on') - deze click to hear ('this, these') ‑>> - Wolfheze click to hear 2 (a town) - Jezus click to hear ('Jesus') - Chinezen click to hear 2 ('Chinese people') - lezers click to hear 2 3 ('readers') - Als 't meezit ... click to hear 2 ('If things go well, if we're lucky ...') - pezen click to hear ('tendons') - vrezen click to hear 2 3 ('to fear') - vezels click to hear ('fibers') - (de) wezel click to hear ('weasel') - wezen click to hear ('orphans' // archaic form of zijn click to hear - 'to be') ‑>> - Wezep click to hear 2 (a town) - twee zeeën click to hear ('2 seas')
uh - bezet click to hear 2 ('occupied') - (het) bezit click to hear ('property') - (het) bezoek click to hear 2 ('visitor(s)') - dezelfde click to hear ('the same') - de zon click to hear ('the sun') - De Zeeuw click to hear 2 (a family name) - gezond click to hear / gezonde click to hear ('healthy') - gezellig click to hear 2 3 4 5 (untranslatable: ~'pleasant, nice, enjoyable, gregarious, cosy') ‑>> - (het) gezicht click to hear 2 ('face' // 'view of') - jezelf click to hear ('yourself') - een snufje zout click to hear ('a pinch of salt') - (de) plunjezak click to hear 2 ('duffel bag') - (het) plezier click to hear ('fun, joy, enjoyment, pleasure') - plezierig click to hear 2 ('pleasant') - mezelf click to hear ('myself') - kromme zee click to hear 2 ("crooked sea") - (de) warme zwager click to hear ('"warm" brother-in-law,' i.e. 'husband of sister') - geduld is een schone zaak click to hear ('patience is ~good') - (de) zure zult click to hear 2 (a kind of headcheese) - (de) Engelse ziekte click to hear 2 ('rickets,' vitamin D deficiency) - Zo te zien ... click to hear 2 3 ([Seeing it this way] - 'It looks like ...') - we zijn er click to hear 2 3 ('we are -there, we have arrived at our destination') - ze zijn al twintig jaar samen click to hear 2 ('they've already been together for 20 years') - ze zwemt snel click to hear ('she's swimming fast, she's a fast swimmer') - Wat ik je zeg! click to hear 2 (It's like I say, absolutely! - I'm right)

Bonus Words

verrekenen click to hear 2 3 ('to account for, adjust' // 'to miscalculate')
verrekken click to hear 2 3 ('to overstretch, strain' - a muscle)
verrek! click to hear 2 3 (exlamation of disappointment or a mild curse)
(de) verrekijker click to hear ([far-seer] - telescope or binoculars)

bedelen click to hear "beDElen - buhdéluhn" ('to apportion, distribute')
bedelen click to hear "BEdelen - béduhluhn" ('to beg, ask for things') (de) bedelaar click to hear 2 ('beggar') sterkers click to hear "STERkers - stèrkuhrs" ('[something] stronger')
(de) sterkers click to hear "sterKERS - stèr-kèrs" (a kind of bean sprouts)
kantelen click to hear "KANtelen - kàntuhluhn" ('to cant, tilt, tip over')
kantelen click to hear ("kanTElen - kantéluhn" ('battlements,' the blocks atop medieval castle walls and towers) ->>
(de) legering click to hear "LEgering - léguhring" ('encampment,' the housing of an army)
(de) legering click to hear 2 "leGEring - luhgéring" ('a mixture of metals')
also with other vowels

Compared with the Other Vowels and the Diphthongs

(from the Hear the Vowels and Diphthongs next to Each Other page)

click to hear
E - (het) palet click to hear 2 3 ('palette' - paint board) - (het) accent click to hear 2 3 ('accent') - (de) handrem click to hear ([hand-] 'parking brake') - en dan ... click to hear 2 ('and then ...' -
net als ... click to hear 2 ('just
like ...') - kletsnat click to hear 2 ('sopping wet') - (de) werkdag click to hear ('workday') - bergaf click to hear 2 ('[mountain-] downhill')
EE - (het) standbeeld click to hear 2 3 ('statue') - (het) kasteel click to hear 2 3 ('castle') - (de) brandweer click to hear ('fire brigade') - (de) mafkees click to hear ('goofball,' person deliberately behaving oddly - (de) handzeep click to hear 2 3 4 ([hand-] 'soap')
- (de) zeeman click to hear 2 ('sailor,' worker on a ship') - steevast click to hear 2 3 ('invariable, regular') - (de) neerslag click to hear 2 3 ('precipitation, rain') - (het) heelal click to hear 2 3 ('universe') - (de) weekdag click to hear 2 ('weekday' - Mon-Fri)
uharme click to hear 2 3 4 ('~poor') - grachten click to hear 2 3 ('city canals') - lachen click to hear 2 ('to laugh') - (het) varken click to hear 2 ('pig' - think of: 'pork') - karren click to hear ('carts' // 'to drive' - jocular) - (de) warmte click to hear 2 ('warmth')
- (het) bedrag click to hear 2 3 ('sum, amount of money') - (het) getal click to hear 2 ('number') - (het) behang click to hear ('wallpaper') - bedankt click to hear ('thanks!') - (het) verstand click to hear ('mind' brains, intelligence')
click to hear
E - (de/het) aanrecht click to hear ('kitchen counter') - (de) laadklep click to hear 2 ('tailgate' - truck // loading ramp - ship) - (het) kaarsvet click to hear 2 ('[candle-grease] wax, paraffin, tallow) - ga weg! click to hear 2 ('go away! get lost! get out of my sight! scram!") - ga weg! click to hear 2 3 ('go away! come on! You can't be serious!')
- denk na! click to hear 2 3 ('Think! - Use the brain!) - Germaans click to hear 2 3 ('Germanic') - extra click to hear 2 ('extra') - erna click to hear 2 3 ('after it') - zeldzaam click to hear 2 ('rare, not often found')
EE - (de) spreektaal click to hear 2 3 ('spoken language, colloquial') - (de) B.H. (beha) click to hear 2 ('bra') - leerzaam click to hear 2 3 ('instructive, educational') - (het) metaal click to hear ('metal') - eenzaam click to hear ('lonely') -
uh - (de) tafel click to hear 2 3 ('table') - (de) ader click to hear 2 ('vein, blood vessel') - (de) adem click to hear ('breath') - (de) kamer click to hear ('room' - in a house - think of: 'chamber') - (het) zwavel click to hear ('sulphur') - (de) arend click to hear ('eagle')
- (het) gevaar click to hear ('danger') - (het) gebaar click to hear ('gesture') - gehaast click to hear 2 3 ('hurried, hurriedly') - 'n paar click to hear ('a few, a couple') - (de/het) pedaal click to hear 2 ('pedal')
click to hear
E - (het) effect click to hear 2 3 ('effect, result, outcome') - weg met ...! click to hear 2 3 4 ('away with, down with ...!') - (het) servet click to hear ('napkin') - (het) dekbed click to hear ('down comforter') - (het) stemrecht click to hear 2 ('the right to vote') - (het) respect click to hear ('respect')
EE - ver heen click to hear 2 ('far gone') - (het) penseel click to hear 2 ('small paintbrush') - (de) bedstee click to hear 2 ('alcove,' small side room with just a bed) - (de) werkweek click to hear ('work-week' - Mon-Fri)
uh - brengen click to hear 2 3 4 ('to bring') - (het) flesje click to hear 2 ('small bottle) - (de) drempel click to hear ('treshold') - (de/het) deksel click to hear ('lid' of pan or jar) - (de) bengel click to hear ('naughty boy') - lekker click to hear 2 ('enjoyable - food, drink or activity')
click to hear
E - (de) zeester click to hear 2 3 ('starfish') - heel erg click to hear 2 ('really very,' seriously, terribly // 'very bad') - (het) beenmerg click to hear 2 ('bone marrow') - (het) smeegeld click to hear ([greasing money] - 'bribe')
EE - (de) veeteelt click to hear 2 3 ('cattle raising, animal husbandry) - (de) smeerkees click to hear 2 ('a person who carelessly gets dirty doing a job) - heel veel click to hear 2 3 ('very much, a lot') - (de) scheerzeep click to hear ('shaving [soap] cream')
uh - (de) reden click to hear 2 ('reason, cause, motivation') - weten click to hear ('to know' - things) - eerder click to hear ('earlier:' before, before now or before a certain point in time) - (de) bezem click to hear ('broom') - (de) hemel click to hear ('heaven' // 'sky' - (de) vrede click to hear ('peace') - (de) meester click to hear ('master')
click to hear
E - (de) reflex click to hear 2 ('reflex') - (het) gebed click to hear 2 3 ('prayer') - bretels click to hear 2 ('suspenders') - (het) verzet click to hear ('resistance') - (het) geschenk click to hear 2 ('gift, present')
EE - beleefd click to hear 2 ('polite') - meteen click to hear 2 ('right away, immediately') - [(de)] meneer click to hear ('Mr' // 'Sir')
uh - (no words with two voiceless, unstressed E's)
click to hear
E - intens click to hear 2 ('intense') - (de/het) pincet click to hear 2 ('tweezers, forceps' - delicate gripping instrument) - (de) prinses click to hear ('princess')
- (de) helling click to hear ('slope, incline') - (de) melding click to hear 2 3 ('report, reporting, official announcement') - (de) berging click to hear 2 ('storage space' // 'shipwreck recovery') - (de) spelling click to hear 2 ('spelling')
EE - wind mee click to hear 2 3 ('[wind with you] - wind in your back, 'tailwind') - witheet click to hear 2 ('[white-] red-hot - (het) dictee click to hear ('listening and spelling test')
- (de) speling click to hear 2 ('tolerance,'  'give,' imprecise fit) - (de) meting click to hear 2 3 ('measurement' // 'taking a measurement') - (de) mening click to hear ('opinion') - (de) weerzin click to hear 2 ('reluctance, aversion, disgust') - (de) leesbril click to hear ('reading glasses')
uh - winkels click to hear 2 ('shops, stores') - (de) vinger click to hear ('finger') - minder click to hear ('less' // 'fewer') - bliksems click to hear 2 3 ('flashes of lightning' // a very mild curse) - (de) dichter click to hear 2 ('poet')
- verblind click to hear 2 ('blinded') - (het) gemis click to hear 2 ('lack of, want of') - (het) gebit click to hear 2 3 ('teeth') - (de) begin click to hear ('beginning, start') - verplicht click to hear 2 ('obligatory, required')
click to hear
E - (de) fietsbel click to hear 2 ('bicycle bell') - (de) fietshelm click to hear ('bicycle helmet') - direct click to hear 2 ('immediate')
- (de) kwestie click to hear ('~question, matter, issue') - (het) servies click to hear 2 3 ('crockery, china') - (de) herrie click to hear ('noise') - (het) rendier click to hear 2 ('reindeer')
EE - (het) dieet click to hear 2 ('diet') - (het) idee click to hear ('idea') - hierheen click to hear 2 3 ('this way!')
- (het) zeewier click to hear 2 3 ('seaweed') - (de) eerbied click to hear ('respect, esteem') - veertien click to hear ('14')
uh - liever click to hear 2 3 ('rather, prefer to') - (de) gieter click to hear ('watering can') - (de) file click to hear ('traffic jam') - (de) spiegel click to hear 2 ('mirror') - (de) diesel click to hear 2 ('diesel') - vrienden click to hear ('friends') - (de) priester click to hear ('priest')
- (het) krediet click to hear 2 ('credit, trust' - moneywise) - (het) gebied click to hear 2 ('area,' 'field') - (het) plezier click to hear ('fun') - verliefd click to hear ('in love')
click to hear
E - (het) portret click to hear 2 3 ('portrait') - oprecht click to hear 2 ('sincere') - (de) stopverf click to hear 2 ('putty') - (het) losgeld click to hear 2 ([release- money] - 'ransom') - (de) omtrek click to hear 2 ('circumference') - (het) orkest click to hear 2 ('orchestra')
- (de) herkomst click to hear 2 3 ('~origin') - en/of click to hear 2 3 ('and/or') - (de) stemvork click to hear 2 ('tuning fork')
EE - opeens click to hear 2 ('suddenly, unexpectedly' - no cause seen) - (het) onweer click to hear ('thunderstorm') - compleet click to hear ('complete, fully')
- nee toch! click to hear 2 ('Oh no! Say it ain't so!') - (de) weerwolf click to hear ('werewolf')
uh - [(de)] nonsens click to hear 2 ('nonsense') - (de) donder click to hear 2 ('thunder') - (de) rommel click to hear ('junk, unorganized stuff, garbage') - jongens click to hear ('boys')
- (het) tekort click to hear 2 ('shortage, lack of') - bewolkt click to hear 2 ('cloudy') - gezond click to hear ('healthy') - verzorgd click to hear ('well cared for, taken care of)
click to hear
E - (het) voorwerp click to hear 2 3 ('object, item') - (het) project click to hear 2 ('project') - loodrecht click to hear ('perpendicular,' at a 90 degrees angle)
- (de) mesthoop click to hear 2 3 ('dung [heap] hill - erg groot click to hear 2 3 4 5 6 ('very large') - (de) hefboom click to hear ('lever, handle') - netto click to hear 2 3 ('net' - financial or weight) - ervoor click to hear ('before it' // 'in front of it')
EE - zoveel click to hear 2 ('so much, so many' // 'so many things' - zo ... veel click to hear 2 ('so much, so many' // 'so many things') - (het) oordeel click to hear 2 ('judgement, opinion') - (de) komeet click to hear ('comet') - (de) gootsteen click to hear ('kitchen sink')
- (het) ego click to hear 2 3 ('ego') - (de) eekhoorn click to hear 2 ('squirrel') - weerloos click to hear ('defenseless, without defense, ~helpless') - (de) sleepboot click to hear 2 ('tugboat') - (de) kweekschool click to hear ('teaching academy' - old-fashioned)
uh - (het) koopje click to hear 2 3 ('bargain,' good item at low price - grote click to hear 2 ('large, big, tall, great' - declined form) - (de) grootte click to hear ('size, dimensions') - (de) code click to hear 2 ('code') - jofel click to hear ('very good' - old-fashioned slang) - (de) moker click to hear ('sledgehammer')
- (het) geloof click to hear 2 ('belief, religion') - gekookt click to hear 2 ('boiled') - 'n brood click to hear ('a loaf of bread') - (de) persoon click to hear 2 ('person, individual')
click to hear
E - (de) kunstmest click to hear 2 ('[artificial dung] fertilizer') - urgent click to hear 2 ('urgent, requiring prompt action')
- (het) geldstuk click to hear ([piece of money] - 'coin') - per stuk click to hear 2 ('for each, each, apiece') - (de) stembus click to hear ('[vote-] 'ballot box')
EE - (het) vruchtvlees click to hear 2 ('[fruit meat] fruit pulp') - (het) rundvlees click to hear ('beef') - (een) stuk zeep click to hear ('[piece] bar of soap')
- (het) keerpunt click to hear ('turning point') - (de) eetlust click to hear ('appetite')
uh - (het) kuchje click to hear 2 3 4 ('" small" cough') - (de) kunde click to hear 2 3 ('~learned skill') - smullen click to hear 2 ('eating with great enjoyment') - (de) bunker click to hear 2 ('bunker, pillbox, blockhouse') - (de) unster click to hear ('pocket scale') - (de) tunnel click to hear 2 ('tunnel')
- (het) geluk click to hear 2 (1. 'luck' 2. 'happiness' (old-fashioned) - bewust click to hear ('conscious') - berucht click to hear 2 ('infamous') - terug click to hear ('back' - returning
click to hear
E - Uzelf click to hear 2 ('yourself' - polite 'you') - (het) vuurwerk click to hear ('fireworks') - (de) student click to hear ('student' - college or university)
- (het) excuus click to hear ('apology // excuse') - bent U ...? click to hear 2 ('are you ...?')
EE - (het) juweel click to hear 2 ('jewel') - (het) fluweel click to hear ('velvet') - (de) vuursteen click to hear 2 ([fire-stone] 'flint')
- (het) spreekuur click to hear 2 3 ('walk-in office hours') - (de) zenuw click to hear ('nerve')
uh - (het) vuurtje click to hear 2 ('[little fire] light for a cigarette or cigar') - (de) luwte click to hear 2 ('lee' - calm area at sea, or also figuratively) - (de) muze click to hear ('muse')
- (het) debuut click to hear 2 ('debut, first appearance') - gehuwd click to hear 2 ('married' - bureacratese) - (het) menu click to hear ('menu, bill of fare')

click to hear
E - (de) goudverf click to hear 2 3 4 ('gold paint') - nou en? click to hear ('[now and?] so what?') - rauw spek click to hear ('raw (uncooked) bacon')
EE - (de) houweel click to hear ('pickaxe') - oud zeer click to hear ([old wounds] - 'historical grievances') - (de) eenvoud click to hear 2 ('simplicity') - (het) meervoud click to hear 2 ('plural')
uh - (het) touwtje click to hear 2 3 ('small piece of rope or string') - (de) foutje! click to hear 2 3 ('Oops! - I made a mistake') - (het) sausje click to hear 2 ('sauce') - (de) pauze click to hear 2 3 4 ('pause') - (de) schouder click to hear ('shoulder') - (het) berouw click to hear ('remorse, repentance')
- benauwd click to hear ('short of breath // stuffy // afraid, anxious') - (het) gebouw click to hear 2 ('building') - Mevrouw click to hear 2 3 ('Ma'am // Mrs.')
click to hear
E - (het) tijdperk click to hear 2 ('[time period] era') - vlijmscherp click to hear ('very sharp' - knife) - (de) ijsberg click to hear 2 ('iceberg') - vrijwel click to hear 2 ('almost') - (de) knijprem click to hear 2 3 ('[squeeze brake] - 'rim friction brake' - bicycle) - (de) schijfrem click to hear 2 ('disk brake') - (de) kleingeld click to hear 2 ('small change, spare change') - (de) lijmknecht click to hear ('glue assistant' - woodworking tool)
- tenzij click to hear 2 ('unless') - (de) sneltrein click to hear ('express train') - (de) wedstrijd click to hear 2 ('match, competition')
EE - lijkbleek click to hear 2 3 ('very pale' - like a corpse) - (het) eigeel click to hear ('egg yellow, egg yolk') - (de) strijdkreet click to hear 2 ('battle-cry') - bijeen click to hear 2 3 ('together' - people gathered) - (de) wijnsteen click to hear 2 ('tartar')
- (het) meelij click to hear 2 - pity, compassion - poetic, short for 'medelijden' click to
  hear ['co-suffering'] - (de) deeltijd click to hear ('part-time') - (de) eenheid click to hear 2 ('unit' // 'unity') - (de) veelheid click to hear ([many-ness] - 'multiplicity, multitude, abundance')
uh - (de) spijker click to hear ('nail' - carpentry) - (de) reizen click to hear 2 3 ('to travel' // 'travels, trips') - eigen click to hear ('~own, ~personal, ~private') - (het) geintje click to hear ('little joke, something funny')
- (het) getij click to hear 2 3 ('tide') - [(het)] geheim click to hear 2 ('secret') - (het) bewijs click to hear 2 ('proof') - gelijk click to hear 2 ('equal' // '~right, correct')
click to hear
E - (de) deurbel click to hear 2 3 ('doorbell') - nerveus click to hear 2 ('nervous') - (de) terreur click to hear ('terror, terrorism')
EE - (de) breukstreep click to hear 2 3 ('fraction bar') - (de) spreekbeurt click to hear 2 3 ('speaking engagement,' lecture, speech, talk // presentation by student in school)
uh - (de) keuken click to hear 2 ('kitchen') - (het) geurtje click to hear 2 3 ([little] 'smell, scent,' usually of perfume or cologne) - meubels click to hear ('furniture') - (de) kleuter click to hear ('a small child' - 4-6 yrs) - (de) dreumes click to hear ('a small child' - affectionately) - jeuken click to hear 2 ('to itch') - geuzen click to hear 2 (Dutch 'minutemen, 16th Century revolutionaries') - smeulen click to hear 2 ('to smolder, burn slowly' - fire) - (de) beugel click to hear 2 ('brace') - (de) vleugel click to hear ('wing' // 'grand piano') - gekneusd click to hear 2 3 ('bruised')
click to hear
E - (het) proefwerk click to hear 2 3 ('written test in elementary and secondary school') - hoe ver? click to hear ('how far?') - (het) bloemperk click to hear 2 3 ('[flower area] flowerbed') - (het) toestel click to hear ('machine, apparatus, gear') - hoewel click to hear ('although')
- (de) zwembroek click to hear 2 ('swimming trunks (men)') - (het) pensioen click to hear ('pension')
EE - (het) soepvlees click to hear 2 ('[soup meat] stew beef') - (de/het) schoensmeer click to hear 2 ('shoe cream, shoe polish') - hoezee! click to hear 2 ('hurrah! - old-fashioned)
- (de) preekstoel click to hear ([preaching, sermon chair] - 'pulpit') - (het) veevoer click to hear ('fodder, animal feed') - (de) smeerpoets click to hear 2 3 ('a person who's always dirty')
uh - noemen click to hear 2 ('to call,' give a name // 'to mention, name') - groeten click to hear ('greetings // to greet') - (de) groente click to hear ('vegetables') - (de) moeder click to hear ('mother') - (het) voedsel click to hear ('food')
span class="nowrap"> - (het) beroep click to hear 2 3 ('occupation, profession, job') - (het) gedoe click to hear 2 ('hassle, fuss, trouble,' "ado") - 'n boel click to hear 2 ('a lot, a large amount of') - beroemd click to hear ('famous') - (het) verzoek click to hear 2 ('request') - genoeg click to hear ('enough')
click to hear
E - (het) uitstel click to hear ('postponement, delay') - (het) huiswerk click to hear 2 ('homework' - from school) - (de) uitweg click to hear 2 ('way out')
- (het) werktuig click to hear 2 ('instrument, tool') - veruit click to hear 2 3 ('by far') - (de) vetkuif click to hear 2 3 ('greased quiff' - a hairstyle like Elvis)
EE - (het) pluimvee click to hear 2 ([plumed cattle] 'poultry, farm birds') - (het) kruisbeeld click to hear 2 ('crucifix') - (het) stuifmeel click to hear ([blow-flour] - 'pollen') - luidkeels click to hear 2 3 ([loud-throated] - 'loudly' - shouting)
- (de) speeltuin click to hear 2 ('playground') - zeelui click to hear 2 ('sailors, ship workers')
uh - (het) vuiltje click to hear 2 3 ('speck of dirt, very small piece of garbage') - juichen click to hear ('to cheer, shouting happily') - (de) zuivel click to hear ('dairy') - (de) ruiker click to hear ('[smeller] 'flowers bouquet') - duizend click to hear ('a thousand')
- (het) geluid click to hear ('sound') - vervuild click to hear 2 ('polluted, 'dirtied') - (de) beschuit click to hear 2 ('rusk, crispbake')

Major Exceptions to the Phonetic Spelling of Dutch:
- Page 1:   een   -IG   -ISCH   -LIJK  
- Page 2:   -B   -D   SCHR   -TIE   UW   WR

Hear the Dutch Letters in Hundreds of Words:
 AU/OU  CH  EU  F  G  H  L  OE  SCH  U  UI  W  X  Y

'Master Lists' of Dutch words: Dutch to English - English to Dutch

'Basic' Dutch Words - Pictures Dictionary - Words by Subject - Easy Dutch - Phrases and Conversation Templates - Names - Place Names - verbs

email - Copyright © Marco Schuffelen 2022. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, redistributed, or hotlinked to.
Gij zult niet stelen click to hear 'Thou shalt not steal'