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F in Dutch - Skip General Introduction

Pronunciation: Hear for Yourself

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Pay special attention to letters, letter combinations and sounds that you don't have in your own language
These pronunciation pages are not meant for learning vocabulary. The English translations may lack in precision. But if you like, follow the occasional links ‑>> to explanation, examples of usage and/or related words.
Learning Vocabulary

Adjectives in most positions get an -E  ending ‑>>
Several words appear twice on the page. I do not have an infinite number of recordings, and some combinations of letters are rarely or never found in Dutch.

Spelling and Pronunciation

Dutch spelling/pronunciation rules say that: So (de) man click to hear 2 ('man, human adult male) has the plural mannen (man-nen) click to hear 2 while (de) maan click to hear 2 ('moon') has the plural manen (ma-nen) click to hear 2 3

'Long' and 'short' are traditional terms. The difference is actually more of tone than length
More about spelling and pronunciation - another version
Learn the Rules by Studying and Listening to Examples

Major Exceptions to the Phonetic Spelling of Dutch
- Page 1:   een   -IG   -ISCH   -LIJK  
- Page 2:   -B   -D   SCHR   -TIE   UW   WR
Hear the Dutch Letters in Hundreds of Words:
 AU/OU  CH  E  EI/IJ  EU  F  G  H  L  OE  SCH  U  UI  W  X  Y
'Master Lists' of Dutch words: Dutch to English - English to Dutch

Hear the Dutch F in Hundreds of Words

(de) F click to hear 2 3
'Blowing out air, lips straight, relaxed, lower teeth lightly touching the back of the upper lips'
- (de) flits click to hear 2 3 slow ('flash')
- liflafjes click to hear 2 ('small bites of food, nice but insubstantial')
- frank en vrij click to hear (['free and frank'] - 'honest and free')
- fluiten click to hear ('flutes' // 'to whistle')
fluiten / floot / gefloten click to hear 2
('to whistle / whistled / whistled')
- treffen click to hear ('to hit, strike' // 'to meet, find')
treffen / trof / getroffen click to hear 2 3
to hit / hit / hit
to meet / met / met

The 'first series' is grouped by the letter after the F's, the 'second series' is grouped by the letter before the F's:

- first series: FA-FZ - second series: AF-WF

Introducing the Sound
(The words and names are repeated with English translation and articles in the list below)
- fakkel click to hear - alfabet click to hear 2 - Femke click to hear - fee click to hear - groffe click to hear - tafel click to hear 2 3 4 - feit click to hear / feiten click to hear - feut click to hear - fik click to hear 2 - fiets click to hear 2 - fijn click to hear 2 - fosfor click to hear - fooi click to hear - telefoon click to hear 2 - foei! click to hear 2 - foute click to hear / fout/foute click to hear 2 3 - functie click to hear 2 3 4 5 - fuut click to hear - futiliteit click to hear 2 3 - fuik click to hear 2 3
- af click to hear - Aafke click to hear - kaasschaaf click to hear ('cheese slicer') - effen click to hear 2 - Eefje click to hear - Jozef click to hear - weifelen click to hear ('to hesitate') - sleuf click to
     hear - lift click to hear - lief click to hear - vijf click to hear - of ... of click to hear 2 - doof click to hear 2 - boef click to hear 2 - duf click to hear 2 3 4 - fuif click to hear 2

the: de click to hear 2 / het click to hear 2 3 - 't click to hear ->>
Plurals always take 'de'
a: (een) - 'n click to hear / one: één click to hear 2 3

Repeat the words after me, try saying them like I do, and record yourself or ask a friend to compare how you say them with how I say them. Use as few or as many examples as you like.

FA  - (de) fabriek click to hear 2 ('factory, plant') - (de) fakkel click to hear ('torch') - (de) familie click to hear ('family, relatives') ‑>> - (het) familielid click to hear ('relative') - Famke click to hear 2 (a girls' name) - (de) olifant click to hear ('elephant') - fantastisch click to hear 2 3 / fantastische click to hear ('fantastic') - (de) fantasie click to hear ('imagination') - gefascineerd click to hear ('fascinated') - (de) fat click to hear ('a dandy') - (het) fatsoen click to hear ('decency, good manners') - fatsoenlijk click to hear 2 ('decent, according to good manners') - [(de)] favoriet click to hear ('favorite') - (de) fazant click to hear 2 ('pheasant,' a bird)
FAA  - Agfa click to hear 2 (former German photography company) - (het) fabeltje click to hear ('fable, untrue belief') - Faber click to hear (a family name) - (het) alfabet click to hear 2 ('alphabet') ‑>> - Rafaël click to hear (a boys' name) - (de) fagot click to hear 2 ('bassoon') - Fake click to hear 2 3 (a boys' name) - falen click to hear 2 3 4 ('to fail, not succeed') - Sint Stefaan click to hear (a saint) - (de) lafaard click to hear 2 ('coward') - (de) fase click to hear ('phase') - Bonifatius click to hear (Boniface, an 8th Century saint)
FB  - (de) afbakenening click to hear 2 ('demarcation, outlining of an area, ~staking out') - strafbaar click to hear 2 3 4 ('punishable') - stoom afblazen click to hear 2 ('to blow off, release steam') - afblijven click to hear 2 3 4 ('to stay away from, do not touch!') - (de) afbraak click to hear 2 ('demolition') - afbreken click to hear 2 3 ('to break down, take down, demolish, destroy' // 'to break off, interrupt') - (de) hefboom click to hear ('lever') ‑>> - (het) opschrijfboekje click to hear ('notebook') - plural: opschrijfboekjes click to hear 2 ('notebooks') - (de) zelfbediening click to hear 2 ('self-service, supermarket') - (de) zelfbeheersing click to hear 2 ('self-control, self-possession, restraint') - (de) golfbaan click to hear ('links, golf course') - korfballen click to hear 2 3 (playing 'co-ed proto-basketball')
FC  - (de) ledenwerfcampagne click to hear ('memebership drive')
FD  - begaafd click to hear ('gifted, talented') - verslaafd click to hear 2 ('addicted') - beleefd click to hear 2 ('polite') - verliefd click to hear ('in love') ‑>> - (het) hoofd click to hear ('head') - Hoofddorp click to hear 2 (a town) - gestoofd click to hear 2 ('stewed) - bedroefd click to hear / bedroefde click to hear 2 ('sad, saddened')
- (de) afdeling click to hear 2 ('department') - schaafde click to hear 2 ('planed' - simple past singular) - hetzelfde click to hear / dezelfde click to hear ('the same') - beefde click to hear 2 ('shook' - simple past singular) - (de) liefde click to hear ('love' - the sentiment) - [(de)] geliefde click to hear ('beloved') - (de) vijfde click to hear 2 ('fifth') - beloofde click to hear 2 ('promised') - geloofde click to hear 2 ('believed' - simple past singular) - ik hoefde click to hear 2 ‑>> - hoofden click to hear 2 ('heads') - schuifdeuren click to hear ('sliding doors') - afdingen click to hear 2 3 ('to bargain' over price) ‑>> - (de) stofdoek click to hear 2 ('dusting cloth') - (het) afdruiprek click to hear ('dishes rack') - (de) afdruk click to hear 2 ('print')
FE  - (het) effect click to hear 2 3 ('effect, result') - (de) infectie click to hear ('infection') - fel click to hear ('fierce, sharp, keen') - Femke click to hear (a girls' name) - Femmetje click to hear 2 (a girls' name) - (de) lucifer click to hear ('match' - fire) - plural: - lucifers click to hear ('matches') - Ferry click to hear (a boys' name) - (de) offerte click to hear 2 3 4 ("bid") - (de) professor click to hear ('professor') ‑>>
FEE  - (de) fee click to hear (fairy') - (het) café click to hear 2 ('café') - februari click to hear - February ‑>> 2 - feliciteren click to hear 2 3 ('to congratulate') ‑>> - Felix click to hear (a boys' name) - Feenstra click to hear 2 (a family name) - (de) conifeer click to hear ('conifer, pine tree') - (de) sfeer click to hear 2 3 ('ambiance') - (de) atmosfeer click to hear 2 3 ('atmosphere' // 'ambiance') - inferieur click to hear ('inferior') - (het) feest click to hear 2 3 4 ('party, festivities') - (het) feestje click to hear 2 - small party ‑>> - (de) profeet click to hear 2 ('prophet')
FEuh  - laffe click to hear 2 ('cowardly') - effe click to hear 2 ('for a moment, for a short time' - slang) - groffe click to hear ('coarse, rude') - (de) katastrofe click to hear 2 ('catastrophe')
- (de) doffe E click to hear 2 ([dull E] - 'schwa') - (de) tafel click to hear 2 3 4 (table') - effen click to hear 2 3 4 ('solid, one color) ‑>> 2 - (de) schilfer click to hear 2 ('sliver')
FEI  - (het) feit click to hear / feiten click to hear ('fact'/ 'facts') ‑>> - 'n half ei click to hear ('half an egg') - Feyenoord click to hear 2 (Rotterdam soccer club)
Diaeresis: (äëïöü) - (de) cafeïne click to hear 2 ('caffeine') - cafeïnevrij click to hear 2 3 ('decaf') - the two dots on top of a vowel (called (het) trema click to hear ) mean there is a vocal stop before this vowel - the I is pronounced separately from the E, is not part of a diphthong EI more
See and hear also FIJ below
FEU  - (de) chauffeur click to hear 2 ('driver' - car, truck, bus - French CH and AU) - (de) buschauffeur click to hear 2 3 ('bus driver') - (de) feut click to hear ('new college student to be hazed' - slang)
French EU, pronounced as Dutch UI click to hear (de) portefeuille click to hear ('wallet') - (het) feuilleton click to hear 2 3 ('feuilleton,' - print serial)
FG  - gifgroen click to hear 2 3 4 5 ('"poison" green' - very bright) - afgevaardigden click to hear 2 ('representatives') - afgezaagd click to hear 2 3 4 5 ('sawed off, cut off' - past participle - but often figuratively: 'boring, not original, heard too often already') - (het) gifgas click to hear 2 ('poison gas') - (de) afgang click to hear 2 ('failure, flop, public failing') - afgelopen click to hear 2 ('finished, ended' // 'last, previous' - time units) - afgelasten click to hear 2 3 ('to cancel' an event or a match)
FH  - afhangen van click to hear 2 3 ('to depend, depend on') ‑>> - afhankelijk click to hear / afhankelijke click to hear ('dependent') - onafhankelijk click to hear ('independent') - onafhankelijkheid click to hear ('independence') - afhalen click to hear 2 (' to pick up, collect' // 'to strip off, remove covers' - beds, vegetables) - Wil je kaas of ham op je brood? click to hear ('Would you like cheese or ham on your bread?') - of heb ik dat verkeerd? click to hear 2 3 ('or am I wrong about that?') - (de) liefhebber click to hear 2 ('lover of things, enthusiast') - Wolfheze click to hear 2 (a town) - scheef houden click to hear 2 ('to hold at an angle, to tilt')
FI  - (de) fictie click to hear ('fiction, ~made-up') ‑>> - fictief click to hear ('fictional, not reality') - (de) fik click to hear 2 ('fire' - slang) - in de fik  steken click to hear 2 3 ('to set on fire' - slang) - Fikkie click to hear (a typical dogs' name) - fiks click to hear ('~strongly') - (de) film click to hear 2 ('film, movie') ‑>> - (de) filmster click to hear 2 ('movie star') - (de) voorfilm click to hear 2 3 ('movie trailer') - (het) filter click to hear 2 3 ('filter') - (het) finkie click to hear 2 ('bird' - slang) - (de) Fin click to hear ('Finnish person') - Finland click to hear ('Finland') - de) opheffing click to hear ('closing down, discontinuing') - fit click to hear ('in good physical shape') - (de) fitting click to hear 2 ('socket, lamp holder') ‑>>
FIE  - (de) koffie click to hear ('coffee') - een kopje koffie click to hear 2 3 ('a cup of coffee') - Sofie click to hear (a girls' name) - Sofietje click to hear (a girls' name) - (het) fiat click to hear 2 ('fiat, permission, approval') - (het) fiasco click to hear 2 ('fiasco, total failure') - (de) amfibie click to hear 2 ('amphibian') - (de) officier click to hear 2 3 4 ('officer' - u sually military) - (het) figuur click to hear ('figure') - figuurlijk click to hear 2 3 ('figuratively') - (de) figurant click to hear 2 3 ("extra," 'background actor or actress') - (de) grafiek click to hear 2 3 ('graph') - magnifiek click to hear ("magnificent") - (de) file click to hear ('traffic jam') - Fien click to hear (a girls' name) - fier click to hear ('proud, brave' - old-fashioned)
- (de) fiets click to hear 2 ('bicycle') - fietsen click to hear 2 ‑>> ('bicycles// 'to ride a bicyle') ‑>> - (de) omafiets click to hear ('grandma bicycle' - a bike type)) - "op die fiets!" click to hear 2 3 ("Oh, you mean in that way" - standard phrase) - (de) ligfiets click to hear 2 3 ('recumbent bicycle') - (de) bakfiets click to hear 2 ('cargo bike') - (de) bromfiets click to hear 2 ('small motorcycle' - 50cc combustion engine) - mijn fiets click to hear 2 3 ('my bike') - (de) loopfiets click to hear ('walker bike'- no pedals, no chain etc.) - (de) transportfiets click to hear 2 3 4 5 ('cargo bike') - (de) vouwfiets click to hear ('folding bike')
more bicycles and bicyling
FIJ  - fijn click to hear 2 / fijne click to hear 2 ('nice, pleasant' // 'fine, small') - ragfijn click to hear 2 3 ([fine like a spider's web] - 'very subtle') - (de) dolfijn click to hear 2 ('dolphin') - (de) fijnproever click to hear 2 ('gourmet') - (het) hoefijzer click to hear 2 ('horseshoe' - ['hoof iron'])
FIJ also see and hear EI above
FJ  - liflafjes click to hear 2 ('small bites of food, nice but insubstantial') - (het) voorafje click to hear ('appetizer') - Eefje click to hear (a girls' name) - (het) neefje click to hear ('nephew') - (het) theezeefje click to hear 2 ('tea strainer') - madeliefjes click to hear ('daisies') - (het) briefje click to hear ('small note' // 'banknote' - colloquial) - (het) spiekbriefje click to hear 2 3 ('cheat sheet') - vijf jaar click to hear 2 ('5 years') - 'n half jaar click to hear ('6 months, half a year') - (het) kalfje click to hear 2 ('calf') - (het) hofje click to hear (courtyard with small houses) - (het) boefje click to hear 2 ('little rascal' - endearment for a somewhat naughty boy) - (het) proefje click to hear 2 ('experiment' - chemistry) - (het) voorproefje click to hear 2 3 4 ('foretaste' - figuratively) - Kuifje click to hear 2 ('TinTin' - [little quiff])
FK  - (de) afkeer click to hear 2 ('strong dislike, distaste') - afknippen click to hear 2 3 ('to cut off' - with scissors) ‑>> - (de) afkomst click to hear 2 ('descent') - (de) mafkees click to hear ('a guy deliberately behaving in an odd way, a goofball') - Aafke click to hear (a girls' name) - (de) briefkaart click to hear ('postcard') - (de) huifkar click to hear ('covered wagon') - zelfklevend click to hear 2 3 ('self-adhesive') - op dreef komen click to hear 2 3 ('to get going, on a roll, hit your stride')
FL  - (de) flapdrol click to hear ('jerk' - [whopping turd]) - (de) flater click to hear 2 3 ('a glaring mistake' - public, embarassing) - Delfland click to hear 2 3 (the area around the city of Delft click to hear 2) - Hofland click to hear (a family name) - Lijfland click to hear 2 ('Livonia,' - Medieval name, ~Latvia & Estonia) - liflafjes click to hear 2 ('small bites of food, nice but insubstantial') - (de) inflatie click to hear 2 3 (inflation) - flauw click to hear / flauwe click to hear 2 ('weak of taste' - not enough salt? // '~not funny') - flauwvallen click to hear 2 ('to faint') - (de) fles click to hear ('bottle') - (het) flesje click to hear 2 ('small bottle') - (de) flat click to hear ('high-rise building' // 'apartment in a high-rise building' - English A) - flats click to hear 2 ('high-rise buildings' - English A) - (het) flatje click to hear ('apartment in a high-rise building' - English A) - (de) reflex click to hear 2 ('reflex') - flexibel click to hear / flexibele click to hear 2 ('flexible') - Flevoland click to hear 2 ('Flevoland' - the new province of reclaimed land) - (de) souffleur click to hear ('stage whisperer' - French OU) - (het) conflict click to hear 2 ('conflict') - flink click to hear 2 3 (firm, robust') - Flip click to hear (a boys' name) - (de) flits click to hear 2 3 ('flash') - (de) losse flodder click to hear 2 ('blank' - gunshot) - Floor click to hear (a girls' name) - (de) Florijn click to hear 2 ('Florin,' a Medieval gold coin) - floep! click to hear (exclamation about a quick movement or rapid development) - (het) fluor click to hear 2 3 ('fluoride, F') - (het) fluweel click to hear ('velvet') - (de) fluit click to hear ('flute, whistle') ‑>>
fluiten - floot - gefloten click to hear 2
to whistle - whistled - whistled
FM  - afmaken click to hear 2 ('to finish' (a job, work, a creation) // 'to murder' (in a gruesome way) - 'to off') - afmetingen click to hear 2 ('measurements, dimensions, size') - (de) schuifmaat click to hear ('Vernier caliper' - a measuring tool) - (de) stiefmoeder click to hear ('stepmother') - stofmaskers click to hear ('dust masks') - (het) stuifmeel click to hear ('pollen') - (het) turfmolm click to hear ('peat dust') - (de) zweefmolen click to hear 2 ('whirligig')
- Kop of munt? click to hear / Kruis of munt? click to hear 2 ('Heads or tails?' - coin toss) - meer of minder click to hear ('more or less' - amount, literally) - min of meer click to hear 2 ([less or more] 'more or less,' - meaning 'about, roughly') - vandaag of morgen click to hear ('today or tomorrow' - 'someday soon') - vanaf morgen click to hear 2 3 ('from tomorrow, starting tomorrow') - Geef maar hier click to hear 2 ('You may hand it to me' - 'I'll take care of it') - vijf minuten click to hear 2 ('5 minutes')
FN  - fnuiken click to hear ('to thwart') - (de) afname click to hear 2 3 (decrease, lessening') - afnemen click to hear 2 ('to take away' // 'to decrease, become less'') - Dymfna click to hear (a girls' name) - (de) hofnar click to hear 2 ('court jester') - nu of nooit click to hear 2 ('now or never') - 't initiatief nemen click to hear 2 ('taking the initiative')
FO  - Fokker click to hear 2 (a family name and an airplane brand) - (de) fokker click to hear 2 ('breeder' - horses etc.) - (de) folder click to hear ('brochure') - (het) foldertje click to hear ('flyer') - Folkert click to hear (a boys' name) - (de) folklore click to hear 2 ('folklore') - comfortabel click to hear 2 ('comfortable') - (de) kaasfondue click to hear 2 3 ('cheese fondue' ‑>> - Alfons click to hear (a boys' name) - Fongers click to hear 2 (a family name and a bicycle brand) - (het) uniform click to hear ('uniform') - (het) platform click to hear 2 ('platform') - (de) transformator click to hear 2 ('transformer' - current) - (de) formateur click to hear 2 ('coalition cabinet builder') ‑>> - (het) fornuis click to hear ('stove' - kitchen) - (het) fosfor click to hear ('phosphorus')
FOO  - (de) fobie click to hear 2 ('phobia') - (de) fooi click to hear ('tip' - to server) - (de) telefoon click to hear 2 ('telephone') - (de) symfonie click to hear ('symphony') - (de) xylofoon click to hear ('xylophone') - (de) grammofoon click to hear ('gramophone,' vinyl records player) - (de) microfoon click to hear ('microphone') - (de) saxofoon click to hear 2 ('saxophone') - (de) olijfolie click to hear ('olive oil') - (de) forel click to hear ('trout' - a fish) - Amersfoort click to hear (a city) - (de) foto click to hear ('picture, photograph') - plural: - foto's click to hear - (de) Röntgenfoto click to hear ('X-ray picture') - (de) roofoverval click to hear 2 ('robbery' - violent)
FOE  - (het) foedraal click to hear ('leather bag' for a tool) - foei! click to hear 2 ('bad!' - disapproval) - (de) foelie click to hear ('mace,' a spice)
FOU  - [(de)] fout click to hear ('mistake' // 'wrong') ‑>> - foute click to hear / fout/foute click to hear 2 3 ('wrong') - "foutje!" click to hear 2 3 ('I made a mistake!')
French OU, pronpounced like Dutch 'OE' click to hear - fouilleren click to hear 2 ('to frisk, body-search, pat down')
FP  - afpakken click to hear 2 3 ('to take away' - violently) ‑>>
FR  - (de) fractie click to hear 2 3 ('fraction') ‑>> - (het) fragment click to hear ('fragment,' a very small piece of ... - (de) framboos click to hear 2 ('raspberry') - (de) franje click to hear 2 3 ('frill, decoration') - Frank click to hear (a boys' name) - Frankrijk click to hear ('France') - Frans click to hear (a boys' name // 'French') - Frans Hals click to hear 2 3 (painter, ~1582-1666) - fraai click to hear ('beautiful' // 'splendid') - Franeker click to hear (a town) - Van Fraassen click to hear 2 3 (a family name) - (de) fraude click to hear ('fraud') - Fred click to hear 2 (a boys' name) - (de) fret click to hear ('fret,' bar on the neck of a string instrument) - Freek click to hear (a boys' name) - Freerk click to hear 2 (a boys' name) - (de) frequentie click to hear 2 3 ('frequency') - Freya click to hear 2 ('Mrs Wotan') - frictie click to hear 2 ('friction') ‑>> - fris click to hear 2 / fris/frisse click to hear ('fresh, refreshing ‑>> // 'chilly') ‑>> - Afrika click to hear 2 ('Africa') - Afrikaans click to hear 2 ('African' // 'South-African' - a Dutch-rooted language of South Africa) - Zuid-Afrika click to hear 2 3 ('South-Africa') - Friesland click to hear 2 3 ('Friesland') ‑>> - a province of The Netherlands - (de) friet click to hear 2 3 ('French fries' ‑>> - also: - frietjes click to hear and - (de) patat-friet click to hear 2 3 - gefrituurd click to hear 2 ('deep-fried') - (het) fruit click to hear ('fruits')
FS  - afslaan click to hear 2 3 (1. 'to turn,' change direction // 2. 'to turn down, decline' // 3. 'to repulse, drive back' - by force) - afsnijden click to hear 2 ('to cut off' - with a knife - and also figuratively) - (de) afspraak click to hear ('appointment' // 'agreement' - informal) - afspreken click to hear 2 (1. 'setting up an appointment' (2. 'reaching an (informal) agreement') - afstammelingen click to hear ('descendants') - (de) afstand click to hear ('distance') - tevergeefs click to hear 2 3 ('in vain' - no success, no results) - (de) vergeefse moeite click to hear 2 3 ('wasted trouble,' effort without success) - (de) diefstal click to hear ('theft') - liefste click to hear 2 3 ("dearest" // 'most preferred') - (het) archiefstuk click to hear 2 ('archival item, document') - zelfs click to hear ('even') ‑>> - vanzelfsprekend click to hear ('obvious') - zelfstandig click to hear 2 ('independent') - Delfshaven click to hear 2 (formerly the sea harbor of the city of - Delft click to hear 2 but now part of the city of - Rotterdam click to hear ) - delfstoffen click to hear 2 ('minerals, mineral resources') - (de) verblijfsvergunning click to hear 2 ('residence permit') - Hofstra click to hear 2 3 (a family name) - doofstom click to hear ('deaf-mute') - (de) hoefsmid click to hear 2 3 ('farrier,' horseshoes installer) - (de) herfst click to hear ('Fall, Autumn') ‑>>
FSCH  - (het) afscheid click to hear ('goodbye, leave-taking') - afscheid nemen click to hear 2 ('to take your leave,' say goodbye) - (de) afschuw click to hear 2 ('horror, disgust, loathing') - afschuwelijk click to hear 2 ('awful, horrible') - de Graafschap click to hear (another name for de Achterhoek click to hear - an area in the East of the Country) - ofschoon click to hear ('although' - old-fashioned) - 't kofschip click to hear (old ship type // grammar rule) - (het) proefschrift click to hear 2 ('PhD thesis') - 'n brief schrijven click to hear ('writing a letter') ‑>>
- een groffe belediging click to hear 2 a grave insult - 't Is een grof schandaal click to hear 2 3 It's a [coarse scandal] crying shame, a major deplorable thing
FT  - aftrekken click to hear 2 ('to subtract') - de Efteling click to hear 2 (an amusement park) - Schaft click to hear 2 3 (a family name) - draaft click to hear 2 ('trots') - het paard draaft click to hear 2 ('the horse trots') - heftig click to hear 2 3 / heftige click to hear 2 3 ('violent, vehement, fierce, emotional') - hij heeft click to hear 2 ('he has') - heeft-ie click to hear 2 ('does he have ..? - colloquial) - (de) leeftijd click to hear 2 3 ('age') ‑>> - (de) difterie click to hear 2 ('diphteria') - (de) gift click to hear ('donation') - (de) toegift click to hear 2 ('encore' - music performance) - liften click to hear 2 3 ('elevators' // 'to hitch-hike') - viltstiften click to hear ('felt-tip pens') - (het) schrift click to hear ('notebook') - De Schrift click to hear ('the Bible' - old-fashioned) - alsjeblieft click to hear 2 ('please') ‑>> - (het) elftal click to hear / 'n enlftal click to hear ('team of eleven' - soccer) - Delft click to hear 2 (a town) - (de) helft click to hear ('half') ‑>> 2 - (de) bruiloft click to hear ('wedding') - (de) belofte click to hear 2 ('promise') ‑>> - slofte click to hear 2 ('shuffled,'  'walked tiredly' - single simple past) - (de) behoefte click to hear ('need (for)' - 'want (of)') ‑>> - (de) proeftijd click to hear 2 3 ('trial period') - (de) zwerftocht click to hear 2 ('ramble, trek') - (de) schurft click to hear 2 (a skin disease) - wuft click to hear 2 3 ('frivolous, fickle' - old-fashioned)
FU  - (de) fut click to hear ('energy, strength,' "vim") - (de) functie click to hear 2 3 4 5 ('position // function') - (de/het) parfum click to hear ('perfume')
FUU  - (de) fuut click to hear ('grebe' - a bird ) - furieus click to hear ('furious, very angry') - (het) infuus click to hear ('IV') - (de) fusie click to hear ('fusion, merger') - (de) futiliteit click to hear 2 3 ('futility')
FUI  (de) fuif click to hear 2 ('party' - slang) - (de) fuik click to hear 2 3 ('fyke' - a fish trap)
FV  - (het) afval click to hear 2 ('garbage') - afvegen click to hear 2 3 ('to wipe') - (de) afvoer click to hear 2 ('drain') - vijfvoud click to hear 2 3 ('five-fold') - (het) zelfvertrouwen click to hear 2 ('self-confidence') - zelfverzekerd click to hear 2 ('self-assured, very self-confident') - vorm of vent click to hear 2 3 4 ([structure or personality - the shape of a narrative or the author's character] - schools of literary criticism)
FW  - afwachten click to hear 2 3 ('to wait for,'   "~wait and see") - (de) lijfwacht click to hear 2 ('bodyguard') - (de) afwas click to hear (dishes etc. to be washed) - afwassen click to hear 2 3 ('doing' the dishes) - Halfweg click to hear 2 ('Halfway' - a small town between Amsterdam and Haarlem) - (het) proefwerk click to hear 2 3 ('written test' - in secondary school) - (de) afweging click to hear ('consideration,' ["weighing"]) - afwisselen click to hear 2 ('to alternate, take turns, vary') - (de) afwisseling click to hear 2 3 ('change, variety') - afwijken click to hear ('to deviate, differ')
FY  - (de) fysicus click to hear 2 ('physicist,' physics scientist - also: (de) natuurkundige click to hear - (de) kernfysica click to hear 2 ('nuclear physics')
FZ  - afzagen click to hear 2 3 ('to cut off' - with a saw) ‑>> - (de) afzetter click to hear 2 3 (seller whose prices are too high, swindler, cheater) - afzien click to hear 2 3 ('to give up, abandon, renounce, forego' // 'making a great and exhausting effort,' like in sports or exercise ‑>> - afzonderlijk click to hear / afzonderlijke click to hear 2 ('separate, special, apart') - Delfzijl click to hear (a town) - zichzelf zien click to hear 2 3 ('to see yourself' ‑>> - stofzuiger click to hear 2 ('vacuum cleaner' [dust-sucker]) - ik stofzuigde click to hear ('I was vacuuming') - (de) stuifzwam click to hear 2 3 ('puffball mushroom')

AF  - af click to hear ('off' // 'away from' // other meanings - (het) café click to hear 2 ('café') - (de) Daf click to hear (1950s/60s Dutch car brand) - gaf click to hear ('gave' - simple past singular) - ik gaf click to hear 2 ('I gave') - heldhaftig click to hear 2 3 ('heroic') - laf click to hear 2 / laf/laffe click to hear 2 ('cowardly') - (de) komaf click to hear 2 ('descent, origin, parentage, heritage') - onaf click to hear 2 3 ('unfinished' - colloquial) - (de) giraf click to hear 2 ('giraffe' - French G) - (het) graf click to hear ('grave') - (de) straf click to hear ('punishment') - Schaft click to hear 2 3 (a family name) - is 't af? click to hear 2 3 4 ('is it done, finished?')
AAF  - Aafke click to hear (a girls' name) - gaaf click to hear 2 3 ('undamaged, whole' // "cool") - begaafd click to hear ('gifted, talented') - (de) slaaf click to hear 2 ('slave') - verslaafd click to hear 2 ('addicted') - (de) raaf click to hear ('raven' a bird) - braaf click to hear 2 ('well-ehaved, obedient') - (de) graaf click to hear ('count') - (de) kaasschaaf click to hear ('cheese slicer') - schaafde click to hear 2 ('planed' - simple past singular) - (de) tafel click to hear 2 3 4 (table') - (de) staaf click to hear 2 ('bar, stick') - (het) octaaf click to hear ('octave' - music) - Gustaaf click to hear 2 (a boys' name) - (de) wafel click to hear 2 ('waffle')
AUF  French CH, and French AU (pronoounced as Dutch 'long O' click to hear) - (de) chauffeur click to hear 2 ('driver' - car, truck, bus - (de) buschauffeur click to hear 2 3 ('bus driver')
BF  - (het) ribfluweel click to hear 2 corduroy
CHF  - Ga toch fietsen! click to hear 2 3 4 (['go ride a bike!'] - usually an exclamation of frustration with someone, like 'I don't believe you, stop bothering me, go take a hike')
DF  - Godfried click to hear (a boys' name) - Godfried van Bouillon click to hear 2 3 (Godfrey of Bouillon - a crusader)
EF  - (het) effect click to hear 2 3 ('effect, result') - effen click to hear 2 ('in a moment' - slang / 'solid' - color) - effe click to hear 2 ('in a moment' - slang "ff") - efficiënt click to hear ('efficient') - efficiënter click to hear 2 ('more efficient') - de Efteling click to hear 2 (an amusement park) - (de) hefboom click to hear ('lever') ‑>> - (de) ophef click to hear ('commotion') - de) opheffing click to hear ('closing down, discontinuing') - heftig click to hear 2 3 / heftige click to hear 2 3 ('violent, vehement, fierce, emotional') - (het) lef click to hear 2 ('courage' - colloquial) - treffen click to hear ('to hit, strike' // 'to meet, find') - Stef click to hear (a boys' name)
French CH: - (de) chef click to hear 2 ('boss, manager, supervisor') - chef-kok click to hear 2 ('chef')
EEF  - Eefje click to hear (a girls' name) - beef click to hear 2 ('tremble, shake' - simple present tense singular) - ik beef click to hear 2 ('I'm shaking, trembling') - beefde click to hear 2 ('trembled, shaked' - simple past tense singular) - from the verb - beven click to hear 2 ('to tremble, shake') - geef 't aan click to hear 2 3 ('give it to ...//' 'mark it') ‑>> - 't geeft niet click to hear 2 3 4 ('it doesn't matter, never mind') - hij heeft click to hear 2 ('he has') - heeft-ie click to hear 2 ('does he have ..? - colloquial) - U heeft click to hear 2 3 ('you have' - polite 'you') - (de) leeftijd click to hear 2 3 ('age') ‑>> - Kleef click to hear (a city in Germany) - beleefd click to hear 2 ('polite') - (de) neef click to hear ('cousin' - male // 'nephew') - (het) neefje click to hear ('nephew' // 'cousin' - male) - (de) kreeft click to hear 2 ('lobster, crayfish') - ik schreef click to hear ('I wrote') - (de) wreef click to hear 2 3 ('instep, arch' - foot) - scheef click to hear ('skewed') - scheef houden click to hear 2 ('to hold at an angle, to tilt') - (het) weefgetouw click to hear 2 ('loom') - (de) zweefmolen click to hear 2 ('whirligig') - (de) zeef click to hear ('strainer, sieve') - (het) theezeefje click to hear 2 ('tea strainer')
EuhF  - gefascineerd click to hear ('fascinated' - past participle) - gefeliciteerd click to hear 2 ('congratulations!' // 'congratulated' - past participle) - gefrituurd click to hear 2 ('deep-fried' - past participle) - (de) reflex click to hear 2 ('reflex') - (het) refrein click to hear ('chorus' - song) - Jozef click to hear (a boys' name) - Jozefien click to hear (a girls' name)
EIF  - weifelen click to hear ('to hesitate')
EUF  - sleuf click to hear ('a dry ditch')
Greek EU, pronounced as Dutch UI click to hear - (het) eufemisme click to hear 2 ('euphemism')
GF  - (de) ligfiets click to hear 2 3 ('recumbent bicycle') - Agfa click to hear 2 (former German photography brand) - ragfijn click to hear 2 3 ([fine like a spider's web] - 'very subtle')
IF  - (de) difterie click to hear 2 ('diphteria') - (het) vergif click to hear 2 ('poison') - (de) vergiftiging click to hear 2 3 ('poisoning') - de) vergiffenis click to hear 2 ('absolution, forgiveness') - (het) gifgas click to hear 2 ('poison gas') click to hear 2 3 4 5 ('"poison" green' - very bright) - (de) gift click to hear ('donation') - (de) toegift click to hear 2 ('encore' - music performance) - liflafjes click to hear 2 ('small bites of food, nice but insubstantial') - (de) lift click to hear ('elevator') - liften click to hear 2 3 ('elevators' // 'to hitch-hike') - viltstiften click to hear ('felt-tip pens') - (het) schrift click to hear ('notebook') - De Schrift click to hear ('the Bible' - old-fashioned) - (de) lippenstift click to hear 2 ('lipstick') - Swifterbant click to hear 2 (a town)
IEF  - naïef click to hear 2 ('naive, naïve') - (de) lucifer click to hear ('match' - for fire) - plural: - lucifers click to hear ('matches') - (het) archief click to hear ('archive') - (de) dief click to hear 2 ('thief') - (de) diefstal click to hear ('theft') - "op die fiets!" click to hear 2 3 ("Oh, you mean in that way" - standard phrase) - lief click to hear ('dear, sweet') ‑>> - verliefd click to hear ('in love') - (de) liefdadigheid click to hear ('charity') - (de) liefde click to hear ('love' - the sentiment) - [(de)] geliefde click to hear ('beloved') - liefste click to hear 2 3 ("dearest" // 'most preferred') - alsjeblieft click to hear 2 ('please') ‑>> - Californië click to hear 2 ('California') - (de) olifant click to hear ('elephant') - (de) conifeer click to hear ('conifer, pine tree') - (het) uniform click to hear ('uniform') - (de) brief click to hear 2 ('letter') - (het) briefje click to hear ('small note' // 'banknote' - colloquial) - (de) briefkaart click to hear ('postcard') - (de) briefwisseling click to hear 2 ('correspondence' [exchange of letters]) - massief click to hear ('massive, solid, not hollow') - depressief click to hear 2 3 4 ('depressed') - cursief click to hear 2 ('italic' - typeface, writing) - lucratief click to hear 2 ('lucrative, profitable') - (het) initiatief click to hear 2 ('initiative') - actief click to hear 2 3 4 5 ('active') - subjectief click to hear 2 ('subjective, biased') ‑>> - (het) motief click to hear 2 3 ('motive') - suggestief click to hear 2 ('suggestive')
IJF  - (het) lijf click to hear ('human body' - slang, impolite) - (het) verblijf click to hear 2 ('stay' // 'residence, place to stay') - (de) olijf click to hear 2 ('olive') - IJslijf click to hear 2 3 ('ice body' - a historical tulip) - stijf click to hear ('stiff, inflexible') - (het) bedrijf click to hear 2 ('business, company') - (de) schijf click to hear ('disk') - vijf click to hear ('5') - (de) vijfde click to hear 2 ('fifth') - (de) twijfel click to hear ('doubt') - twijfelen click to hear 2 3 ('to doubt') - (het) cijfer click to hear / cijfers click to hear ('number'/'numbers') ‑>> - lijfeigenen click to hear 2 ('serfs' - almost slaves) ‑>> - Lijfland click to hear 2 ('Livonia,' - Medieval name, ~Latvia & Estonia) - (de) olijfolie click to hear ('olive oil') - (de) schijfrem click to hear 2 ('disk brake') - vijfvoud click to hear 2 3 ('five-fold,' - 5 copies) - (de) lijfwacht click to hear 2 ('bodyguard') - Leendert Knijff click to hear 2 3 (painter, 17th Century) - (het) misdrijf click to hear 2 3 ('crime') ‑>> - (het) tijdverdrijf click to hear 2 ('pastime') - (de) schijfrem click to hear 2 ('disk brake') - (het) vijfvoud click to hear 2 3 ('five-fold, five copies')
Wie schrijft, die blijft click to hear [he who writes, remains] - 'the person writing down the scores always remains in the game'
IJF also hear - EIF above
KF  - (de) bakfiets click to hear 2 ([box-bike] - 'cargo bike') - (het) kraakfestijn click to hear 2 3 4 5 6 ('croakfest, croaking festival') - ik fiets click to hear 2 3 ('I'm riding a bicycle') ‑>> - (de) blokfluit click to hear ('recorder' - flute)
LF  - half click to hear ('half') ‑>> 2 - (de) zalf click to hear ('ointment, cream') - (het) kalf click to hear 2 3 ('calf') - (het) alfabet click to hear 2 ('alphabet') ‑>> - (het) kalfje click to hear 2 ('young calf') - twaalf click to hear ('12') - [(de)] elf click to hear ('11' // 'elf') - hetzelfde click to hear / dezelfde click to hear ('the same') ‑>> - Delfland click to hear 2 3 (the area around the city of Delft click to hear 2) - (de) spelfout click to hear 2 3 ('typo, spelling mistake') - zelfs click to hear ('even') ‑>> - Delfshaven click to hear 2 ('Delft Harbor' - now part of Rotterdam click to hear) - delfstoffen click to hear 2 ('minerals, mineral resources') - Delft click to hear 2 (a town) - (de) helft click to hear ('half') ‑>> - (het) elftal click to hear (sports team of 11 - for instance soccer) - zichzelf zien click to hear 2 3 ('seeing yourself') - veel fietsen click to hear ('do a lot of bicycling') - (de) schilfer click to hear 2 ('sliver') - (de/het) golf click to hear 2 ('wave' // 'golf' - the sport/pastime) - (de) wolf click to hear ('wolf') - Wolfheze click to hear 2 (a town) - (de) dolfijn click to hear 2 ('dolphin') - (het) wolfraam click to hear 2 ('wolfram, tungsten' - a rare metal)
MF  - (de) amfibie click to hear 2 ('amphibian') - (de) triomf click to hear 2 3 4 ('triumph') - triomfantelijk click to hear 2 3 ('triumphant') - (de) bromfiets click to hear 2 ('small motorcycle' - 50cc combustion engine) - comfortabel click to hear 2 ('comfortable') - Bloemfontein click to hear (a town in South-Africa) - Dymfna click to hear (a girls' name) - (de) symfonie click to hear ('symphony')
- de triomf der rede click to hear 2 3 ('the triumph of reason' - old-fashioned)
NF  - (de) infectie click to hear ('infection') - inferieur click to hear ('inferior') - n flesje water click to hear ('a bottle of water' -small) - n fles wijn click to hear ('a bottle of wine') - 'n fout antwoord click to hear 2 ('a wrong answer') - (de) inflatie click to hear 2 3 (inflation) - mijn fiets click to hear 2 3 ('my bike') - (het) ziekenfonds click to hear (former health insurance system) - (de) informateur click to hear 2 ('coalition cabinet building scout') ‑>> - (het) conflict click to hear 2 ('conflict') - (het) infuus click to hear ('IV') - (de) kernfysica click to hear 2 ('nuclear physics')
- 'n fractie van 'n seconde click to hear 2 [a fraction of a second] - a very short time, 'a split second' - Een frisse neus halen click to hear '(going outside) to get [a fresh nose] some fresh air'
OF  - of click to hear ('or' // '~if') ‑>> - of ... of click to hear 2 ('either ... or') - alsof click to hear ('as if') ‑>> - de bof click to hear 2 ('mumps' - a childhood disease) - dof/doffe click to hear ('dull, muffled; not shiny') - (de) doffe E click to hear 2 ([dull E] - 'schwa') - (het) hof click to hear ('court') - (de) hofnar click to hear 2 ('court jester') - Hofstra click to hear 2 3 (a family name) - (de) koffer click to hear 2 ('suitcase') - (de) belofte click to hear 2 ('promise') ‑>> - Roelof click to hear 2 (a boys' name) - ploffen click to hear 2 3 ('to plop' // 'to pop, bang') - (de) ontploffing click to hear ('explosion') - (de/het) witlof click to hear 2 3 ('Belgian endives') - (de) knoflook click to hear ('garlic') - opofferen click to hear 2 ('to sacrifice') - grof click to hear 2 3 / groffe click to hear ('coarse, rude') - tof click to hear ("cool," 'likable' - slang) - (het//de) stof click to hear 2 3 4 ('dust' // '~material') ‑>> - Stoffel click to hear (a boys' name) - (de) troffel click to hear 2 ('trowel' - bricklaying tool) - (de) katastrofe click to hear 2 ('catastrophe')
OOF  - doof click to hear 2 ('deaf') - (het) hoofd click to hear ('head') - plural: - hoofden click to hear 2 ('heads') - (het) warhoofd click to hear 2 ('confused person') - 't Hooft click to hear 2 3 (a family name) - sjofel click to hear 2 ('looking poor,' especially clothes) - beloofde click to hear 2 ('promised' - adjective and simple past singular) - (het) geloof click to hear 2 3 ('belief, religion') - geloofde click to hear 2 ('believed' - simple past singular) - ongelofelijk click to hear / - ongelooflijk click to hear ('incredible, unbelievable') - (de) grammofoon click to hear ('gramophone,' vinyl records player) - (de) roof click to hear 2 3 ('robbery, theft') - (de) broodroof click to hear 2 ([bread-robbery] - stealing someone's livelihood) - (de) roofoverval click to hear 2 ('robbery' - violent) - (de) microfoon click to hear ('microphone') - (de) profeet click to hear 2 ('prophet') - (de) filosoof click to hear ('philosopher') - gestoofd click to hear 2 ('stewed') - Sofie click to hear (a girls' name) - Sofietje click to hear (a girls' name) - (de) saxofoon click to hear 2 ('saxophone')
OEF  - (de) oefening click to hear 2 ('exercise') ->> - oefenen click to hear 2 ('to practice') ‑>> - (de) boef click to hear 2 ('rogue, criminal') - (het) boefje click to hear 2 ('naughty boy') - (de) hoef click to hear ('hoof' - horn on horse feet) - (het) hoefijzer click to hear 2 ([hoof iron] - 'horseshoe') - (de) hoefsmid click to hear 2 3 ([hoof smith] - 'farrier') - bedroefd click to hear / bedroefde click to hear 2 ('sad, sorrowful') - (de) behoefte click to hear ('need, want') - (de) proef click to hear 2 ('experiment') - (het) proefje click to hear 2 ('small experiment,' usually chemistry practice) - (de) drukproef click to hear 2 3 ('galley,' test run of print) - (de) vuurproef click to hear ('trial by fire, a serious challenge') - proefwerk click to hear 2 3 ('written test in elementary and secondary school') - stroef click to hear ('stiff - with difficulty, not easy' - not lubricated) - (de) boef click to hear 2 ('criminal') - (de) schroef click to hear ('screw') - bankschroef click to hear ('vise') - proefschrift click to hear 2 ('PhD thesis') - hoefsmid click to hear 2 3 ('farrier,' installer of horseshoes) - proeftijd click to hear 2 3 ('trial period')
OUF  French OU, pronounced as Dutch OE click to hear - (de) souffleur click to hear ('stage whisperer')
PF  - (het) zeepflesje click to hear ('soap bottle' - dispenser) - (de) loopfiets click to hear ('walker bike'- early bicycle, no pedals, no chain etc.) - (de) typefout click to hear 2 3 ('typo,' typing mistake)
RF  - (het) erf click to hear 2 3 ('~lot, ~premises' - the area around a farmhouse and its side buildings, not the agriculture land) - (de) werf click to hear 2 3 ('shipyard') - erfelijk click to hear 2 3 ('hereditary, congenital' - disease) - (de) erfenis click to hear 2 ('inheritance') - (de/het) parfum click to hear ('perfume') - (het) bederf click to hear 2 ('decay,' "rot") ‑>> - bederfelijk click to hear 2 ('perishable' - food) - (de) verf click to hear ('paint') - (het) woonerf click to hear 2 ('residential area with limited car access) - perfect click to hear 2 ('perfect, flawless') - (de) waterfles click to hear - (de) erfenis click to hear 2 ('inheritance') waterfles3.MP3">2 3 ('water bottle') - (de) herfst click to hear ('Fall, Autumn') ‑>> - (de) zwerftocht click to hear 2 ('ramble, trek') - fris click to hear 2 ('fresh' // 'refreshing' // 'nippy, chilly') ‑>> - hij stierf click to hear 2 3 ('he died, passed away') - korfballen click to hear 2 3 (playing 'co-ed proto-basketball') - (de) voorfilm click to hear 2 3 ('movie trailer') - (de) durf click to hear 2 3 4 ('daring, courage') - (de) schurft click to hear 2 (a skin disease) - (de) smurf click to hear ('smurf') - (de) turf click to hear ('peat') - (het) turfmolm click to hear ('peat dust')
Vowels and diphthongs are really longer when followed by R
SF  - (de) sfeer click to hear 2 3 ('ambiance') - (de) atmosfeer click to hear 2 3 ('atmosphere' // 'ambiance') - (de) kaasfondue click to hear 2 3 ('cheese fondue' ‑>> - (het) maïsfeest click to hear 2 ('corn - maize - festival') - vogels fluiten click to hear ('birds sing') - (de) transformator click to hear 2 ('transformer' - current) - thermosflessen click to hear ('thermos bottles') - (het) fosfor click to hear ('phosphorus') - vlinders fladderen click to hear 2 ('butterflies flutter') - Amersfoort click to hear (a city) - (de) dwarsfluit click to hear 2 ('flute' - German: Querflöte)
TF  - (het) platform click to hear 2 ('platform') - (de) patat-friet click to hear 2 3 ('French fries') - West-Friesland click to hear 2 (the Northern part of the province of Noord-Holland click to hear 2 - the area around the city of Alkmaar click to hear) - (de) transportfiets click to hear 2 3 4 5 ('cargo bike')
- 't Is niet fout ... click to hear 2 3 It's not wrong ...
UF  - duf click to hear 2 3 4 ('drowsy, temporarily not very alert,' "out of it") - (de) juffrouw click to hear 2 3 4 ('Miss' -old-fashioned // female elementary school teacher') - bluffen click to hear 2 3 ('to bluff') - suffen click to hear 2 3 ('not being entirely awake and alert, not paying attention' // 'woolgathering') - (de) sufferd click to hear ('a not very bright person') - (het) tuf click to hear ('saliva' - childish // 'pumice' - volcanic rock) - wuft click to hear 2 3 ('frivolous, fickle' - old-fashioned)
UIF  - (de) fuif click to hear 2 ('party' - slang) - (de) huifkar click to hear ('covered wagon') - (de) kuif click to hear 2 3 ('quiff,' 'shock of hair') - (de) druif click to hear ('grape') - (het) struif click to hear ('egg stuff') - schuifdeuren click to hear ('sliding doors') - (de) schuifmaat click to hear ('Vernier caliper - a measuring tool') - (de) kluif click to hear 2 ('bone' - for dog // 'big job') - Kuifje click to hear 2 ('Tintin') - (de) luifel click to hear ('awning') - (het) stuifmeel click to hear ('pollen') - (de) stuifzwam click to hear 2 3 ('puffball mushroom') - (de) vetkuif click to hear 2 3 ('greased quiff' - a hairstyle like Elvis)
WF  - (de) vouwfiets click to hear ('folding bicycle')
YF  Jacob Knyff click to hear 2 3 (painter, 1640-1681) also written as: Knijff

Compare the sound of Dutch F, V and W

W in murw  is pronounced as F: murw click to hear ('beaten down, spirit broken') - compare: (de) smurf click to hear ('smurf')

PH sometimes pronounced as F

PH pronounced as F is rare in modern Dutch: just in a few mostly old names. PH is usually found in compound words connecting between P and H and there pronounced separately as P and H
"F" - Philip click to hear (a boys' name) - Philips click to hear (a family name and an electronics company) - Sint-Philipsland click to hear (a former island in the province of Zeeland click to hear 2 - Sophie click to hear (a girls' name) - Zutphen click to hear 2 3 (a town) - Alphen aan de(n) Rijn click to hear 2 (a town) - Orpheus click to hear 2 (Greek mythological figure)
"P-H" - ophangen click to hear ('to hang' - items or criminals) - ophalen click to hear is literally 'to haul up,' usually 'to raise, lift up, bring up' - but it can also mean something like 'to collect, pick up' - (de) ophaalbrug click to hear 2 ('drawbridge') - (de) ophef click to hear ('fuss, ado, commotion') - (de) opheffing click to hear ('closing down, discontinuing') - (de) schaapherder click to hear ('shepherd' - [sheep-herder]) - Opheusden click to hear (a town) - Schiphol click to hear (Amsterdam airport) - ophouden click to hear 2 ('to stop, end, come to an end) - (het) koophuis click to hear 2 ('house owned by occupants' // house for sale') - (het) rasphuis click to hear 2 (16th/17th Century poorhouse or place of punishment where people ground or pulped wood)
more H

Major Exceptions to the Phonetic Spelling of Dutch:
- Page 1:   een   -IG   -ISCH   -LIJK  
- Page 2:   -B   -D   SCHR   -TIE   UW   WR

Hear the Dutch Letters in Hundreds of Words:
 AU/OU  CH  E  EI/IJ  EU  F  G  H  L  OE  SCH  U  UI  W  X  Y

'Master Lists' of Dutch words: Dutch to English - English to Dutch

'Basic' Dutch Words - Pictures Dictionary - Words by Subject - Easy Dutch - Phrases and Conversation Templates - Names - Place Names - verbs

email - Copyright © Marco Schuffelen 2022. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, redistributed, or hotlinked to.
Gij zult niet stelen click to hear 'Thou shalt not steal'