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Disambiguation: Prepositions and other common
little Words of many Meanings. Introducing ...

old version    
 Introduction 1 
 Introduction 2 
 The List 
 See English 'to' 

(het) voorzetsel click to hear 2 preposition
Ik heb moeite met de voorzetsels click to hear [I have difficulty with ...] The prepositions are difficult for me

Introduction 1
In Dutch I can say
'dorp  bij de rivier'  or equally good:
'dorp  aan de rivier,'  like you can say in English:
'village by  the river' or
'village on  the river.'
There is a small town Wijk bij Duurstede click to hear ('W near D' - more below) but you can't say 'Wijk aan Duurstede.'
Dutch says:
Ik luisterde naar de vogels click to hear 2 3 I was listening to the birds and  Ik keek naar de vogels click to hear 2 3 I was looking at the birds - both have 'naar' click to hear but English has 'to listen to'  and 'to look at.'
There is no difference in meaning, it's just another word used. Prominent writers or influential people used certain combinations and that became the common, accepted form, the 'habit.' It's of course a major problem in translations and learning foreign languages.
I don't think it's feasible, 'doable' to 'learn' the usage, commit it to memory - just look attentively and listen to the examples, repeat. Eventually you'll get a 'feel,' an intuition for it.

Follow the links ‑>> to more examples, related words and some explanation (usually a page about that word)

Be sure to study the pictorial page of the basic, physical meaning of prepositions: Desktop - Mobile
There is also a reference page about verbs and their prepositions

If you don't see the word you're looking for:
Master List of Dutch Words

Introduction 2
Like most languages, Dutch has many words that have more than one meaning. English for instance has 'broke' which is the past tense of 'to break,' but it can also mean 'out of money' (Dutch: blut click to hear) - the two meanings of 'broke' may be related. Likewise Dutch has brak click to hear 2 3 as the past tense singular of breken click to hear ‑>> ('to break')

to break
- brak
- gebroken
click to hear
- het touw brak click to hear 2 ('the rope broke') - but 'brak' can also mean 'somewhat salty,' said of water, like English 'brackish' - brak water click to hear 2

English 'back' has several meanings that have different words in Dutch:

  • a person's 'back' (the body part) is (de) rug click to hear
  • the 'back' of an item, usually a side you cannot see is (de) achterkant click to hear 2 (more 'sides')
  • 'back' like in 'going back, returning' is terug click to hear
    Ik kom nooit meer terug click to hear 2 ('I'll never come back')

English 'What is it about?' can ask for the subject of a book, a documentary or a movie. That 'about' is translated in Dutch as: over click to hear 2

gaan over click to hear 2 'to be about'
Waar gaat 't over? click to hear 2 3 What is it about? (What is the subject of a book etc.)
Het boek gaat over dolfijnen click to hear The book is about dolphins

But 'to be about' can also be a question about an argument or a fight: 'what is the important thing?' Then, 'about' is translated as: om click to hear

gaan om click to hear 2 'to be about'
Waar gaat 't om? click to hear 2 What is it about? (what's important, the bone of contention)
't Gaat om 't geld click to hear 2 It's about the money

See also: Verbs and 'their' Prepositions

'The Little Words'

DutchEnglish examples of usage

'n paar click to hear

a few,
a couple of
een paar regendruppels click to hear a few drops of rain over een paar jaar click to hear 2 3 in a few years Hij liet ons een paar foto's zien click to hear 2 He showed us a few pictures
See also: sommige click to hear 'some, a few, a small number' below
a pair een paar schoenen click to hear 2 a pair of shoes een paar handschoenen click to hear a pair of gloves

aan click to hear

Aan de ene kant ... click to hear 2 3 On the one [side] hand ... Zet je de vuilnisbak aan de straat? click to hear Will you put the garbage can [on the street] on the curb, to the side of the street? Harder werken aan Nederlands leren click to hear Work harder on learning Dutch
not off
Doe 't licht aan click to hear 2 3 Turn on the light Doe laarzen aan click to hear 2 3 Put on boots Wat doe je me aan! click to hear 2 [What are you doing to me!] - You're causing me much grief
to Aan tafel! click to hear 2 [Come] to the table! (food is served) Aan alles komt een eind click to hear 2 There's an end to everything (nothing lasts forever) Laat het aan de vakman over click to hear Leave it to the professionals
at Hij zat aan tafel click to hear He was sitting at the table Aan het eind van de straat gaan we rechtsaf click to hear At the end of the street we'll go right
of een teveel aan informatie click to hear 2 an overabundance, overload of information (het) gebrek aan fantasie click to hear 2 3 lack of imagination
for de behoefte aan rust click to hear 2 3 the need for quiet, rest 't Is niet aan ons om te oordelen click to hear 2 3 4 It's not for (up to) us to judge
Geen wolkje aan de lucht click to hear 2 (saying) [Not a cloud in the sky] No problems are expected
from Ze lijden aan geheugenverlies click to hear 2 'They are suffering from memory loss' - usually said when people ignore inconvenient history
by Ik herkende hem aan z'n stem click to hear 2 I recognized him by his voice zich ergeren aan click to hear 2 3 4 to be annoyed by (at, with)
about Je moet er wat aan doen click to hear 2 3 4 You have to do something about it Ik kan er niks aan doen click to hear ['I can't do anything about it']
1. 'I can't help it,'
2. I can't fix it

achter click to hear 2

behind achter 't huis click to hear behind the house twee dagen achter elkaar click to hear 2 3 4 Two days [after each other] in a row
achter in de kerk click to hear 2 3 in the back of the church (de) achterdeur click to hear back door
(de) achterhoede click to hear 2 rear guard
opposite: voor click to hear 2 'in front of' below

af click to hear

off, away
van me af click to hear 2 3 away from me van nu af aan click to hear 2 from now on, starting now, in the future ...
finished Is 't af? click to hear 2 3 4 Is it finished? Is it ready? Are you done with it? Mijn werk is nooit af click to hear 2 3 4 My work is never done, never finished
see also: klaar click to hear 'ready, finished' below

al click to hear 2

already Zijn de perziken al rijp? click to hear 2 Are the peaches ripe already? 't Is al over elven click to hear 2 It's already past 11 Zoals ik al zei click to hear 2 3 As I already said, as I said before
even if Al kost 't me jaren click to hear 2 3 Even if it's going to take (me) years Al zeg ik 't zelf click to hear 2 3 [Even if I say so] If I may say so myself

al click to hear 2
alle click to hear
al/alle click to hear

Al die dingen doen dat nou click to hear 2 3 4 [All those things do that now] - All those devices now have that feature Eind goed, al goed click to hear 2 3 All's well that ends well Alle beetjes helpen click to hear [All little bits help] - Every little bit helps 'n Dag als alle andere click to hear 2 3 A day like all others, just another day

alleen click to hear

alleen melk click to hear 2 milk only, just milk (cream for coffee is called 'melk') Alleen op zondag click to hear 2 3 Only on Sundays Hij dronk alleen water click to hear He only drank water, all he drank was water De mens kan niet alleen van brood leven click to hear Man cannot live by bread alone
by yourself,
on your own
alleen thuis click to hear 2 home alone 'Eenzaam maar niet Alleen' click to hear Lonely but not Alone (Queen Wilhelmina's autobiography) je staat er alleen voor click to hear 2 You're on your own, you're by yourself

als click to hear

if, when
't IJzer smeden als het heet is click to hear 2 3 Forge the iron when it's hot Doe je het licht uit als je weggaat? click to hear Will you turn off the light when you leave? Als 't hard regent blijf ik thuis click to hear 2 If it's raining hard I'll stay home Als je 't nu niet doet, wanneer dan wel? click to hear 2 [If you don't do it now, when are you?] - If not now, when?
as, like
Ze ziet er uit als een filmster click to hear She looks like a movie star 't Is niet zo erg als 't lijkt click to hear 2 3 It's not as bad as it looks Als een kip zonder >kop click to hear 2 3'Like a chicken without its head' - acting irrationally
'as a'
Als voorbeeld click to hear 2 As an example Als Nederlander zou ik zeggen: "ja" click to hear As a Dutchman I'd say: "Yes!" Als gehandicapte heb ik soms hulp nodig click to hear 2 3 As a person with a disability I sometimes need help

beneden click to hear

Ga je naar beneden? click to hear 2 Are you going down? (usually: downstairs) Er is beneden ook een slaapkamer click to hear There's [also a] another bedroom downstairs benedenburen click to hear 2 downstairs neighbors
opposite: boven click to hear 2 'over, upstairs' below

bij click to hear

close to,
at, with,
by, in
bijeen click to hear 2 3 together
bij elkaar click to hear 2 3 4 5 [near each other, with each other] - together Hij zat bij 't raam click to hear He was sitting at the window Kom je een keer bij ons eten? click to hear 2 3 Would you like to come for dinner with us, at our house sometime? Ik was bij de opening click to hear 2 3 I was at the opening, I was present at the formal opening Een koekje bij de thee click to hear A cookie with [the] your tea Bij 't ontbijt drink ik thee click to hear 2 At breakfast I drink tea Hij is bij de marine click to hear 2 He is [with] in the navy

bij- click to hear

'added' (de) bijdrage click to hear 2 ['added carry, support'] contribution (de) eigen bijdrage click to hear 2 ['own contribution'] co-payment (de) bijsluiter click to hear 2 [added insert] ~ medication information (de) bijstand click to hear 2 3 support, 'help,' assistance, 'Welfare' (het) bijwoord click to hear 2 3 ['added word'] adverb
(het) bijgerecht click to hear 2 3 side dish bijwerkingen click to hear 2 side effects (medication) (de) bijnier click to hear 2 ['kidney annex'] ('adrenal gland') (de) bijzin click to hear 2 [sub-sentence] subordinate clause (het) bijbaantje click to hear 2 (small) second job (het) bijgebouw click to hear 2 3 side building, annex

bijna click to hear 2

bijna net zo leuk click to hear 2 3 4 Almost as nice (funny, entertaining) Het is bijna klaar click to hear It's almost ready Ik viel bijna click to hear 2 I almost fell, I came close to falling
See also: 'haast' click to hear 'almost' below

binnen click to hear 2

in, into,
Ik ben de hele dag binnen gebleven click to hear 2 3 I've [stayed, remained] been inside all day Hij ging het huis binnen click to hear He went into the house, he went inside the house binnen een uur click to hear 2 [in, inside of] within an hour
See also: 'in' click to hear 2 'in, into, inside' below
opposite: buiten click to hear 2 'outside' below

boven click to hear 2

on top of,
[right arrow] over
boven de partijen click to hear 2 3 'above the parties' - impartial, not taking sides Er is boven een atelier click to hear 2 There's an artist's studio upstairs de laag erboven click to hear 2 the layer over it, the layer on top of it (de) bovenkaak click to hear 2 3 upper jaw Vliegende schotels boven Zwitserland click to hear 2 3 Flying saucers (UFO's) over Switzerland
opposites: onder click to hear below
- beneden click to hear 'below, downstairs' above

buiten click to hear 2

outside, out,
't Is koud buiten click to hear It's cold outside Hij is even naar buiten gegaan click to hear He went out for a moment buiten adem click to hear 2 out of breath
See also: 'uit' click to hear 2 'out, out of' below
opposite: binnen click to hear 2 'inside' above

daar click to hear

in that
Daar is de uitgang! click to hear Over there is the exit Dat huis daar click to hear That house (over) there Daar ben je! click to hear 2 (Ah!) There you are! (Now I see you, I found you)
Ben je daar zeker van? click to hear 2 3 4 Are you sure (of that)? Are you certain? Daar moet je mee ophouden click to hear 2 You should stop doing that / Stop that! Daar krijg je last van click to hear 2 3 That's going to bother you, that's going to cause you trouble
Daar er geen bewijs is ... click to hear 2 3 Because there is no proof ...
see also: omdat click to hear 'because' below and
want click to hear 'because' below

dan click to hear 2

than Twee is groter dan één click to hear 2 is larger than 1 (2>1) Beter laat dan nooit click to hear Better late than never
... en dan wordt 't spannend click to hear ... and then it'll get exciting Wie dan leeft, wie dan zorgt click to hear 2 3 [He/She who then lives, can then deal with the problems] - don't worry too much about the future Als de lente komt, dan stuur ik jou tulpen uit Amsterdam click to hear 2 [When Spring comes, then ...] - Come Spring I'll send you tulips from Amsterdam

... dan ook click to hear 2

-ever hoe dan ook click to hear 2 3 however, in whatever way possible Neem welke dan ook click to hear Take [whichever] any

'Dat boek zegt dat hij dat gedaan heeft' click to hear 2 3 That book says that he did that

dat click to hear

Ik ken dat woord niet click to hear I don't know, I'm not familiar with that word
Ik hoop dat het op tijd is click to hear I hope that it's in time
Hoorde ik dat goed? click to hear 2 Did I hear that correctly?
Het meisje dat dat zei click to hear 2 3 The girl who said that Het enige boek dat dit goed beschrijft click to hear 2 3 The only book that/which describes this well

dicht click to hear

closed de deur is dicht click to hear 2 the door is closed de dichte deur click to hear 2 the closed door Even de ramen dichtdoen click to hear Let me [take a moment to] close the windows first dichtbij click to hear close by, close to (place)
opposite: open click to hear below
'dense' de) dichtheid click to hear density
(de) bevolkingsdichtheid click to hear 2 population density (how many people per km²?)

door click to hear

because of
Bent U gebeten door Uw hond? click to hear 2 3 Were you bitten by your dog? Ik werd verrast door onweer click to hear 2 I was unpleasantly surprised by, 'caught in a thunderstorm' acht gedeeld door vier is twee click to hear 8 : 4 = 2 (8 divided by ("over") 4 equals 2) 't Komt door de regen click to hear 2 3 It is because of the rain, it is caused by the rain
through Als een mes door de boter click to hear Like a knife through (the) butter (very easily) Ze kwam binnen door 't raam van de badkamer click to
   hear She came in through the bathroom window (de) doordeweekse dag click to hear 2 ['through-the-week-day'] weekday

dus click to hear

so drawing a conclusion: 'I gather, I get the impression, in conclusion, I understand'
Dus je wilt Nederlands leren? click to hear So you want to learn Dutch? 't Was dus allemaal gelogen click to hear 2 So it was all [lied] lies, It turned out to be all lies Fietspad click to hear - Dus niet brommen click to hear Bike path - So no [small motorcyle riding] motorcycles

click to hear / click to hear / click to hear

once Er was eens ... click to hear 2 3
Er was er eens ... click to hear 2 Once upon a time there was ...
'sometime' Kom eens langs! click to hear 2 3 Do come visit sometime! Zeg eens wat click to hear Say something!
eens click to hear
one time only
// someday in
the future
Eens maar nooit weer click to hear 2 3 4 Once, but never again (an experience not to be repeated) Eens zul je begrijpen ... click to hear 2 There'll come a day that you'll understand ...
't eens
zijn met
to agree
't eens zijn met click to hear 2 3 to agree with Ik ben het met je eens click to hear 2 I agree with you, I think you're right Helemaal mee eens! click to hear 2 3 I fully agree

elk click to hear
elke click to hear
elk / elke click to hear

Ik sta elke dag vroeg op click to hear 2 I get up early every day Elk woord was waar click to hear Every word was true Elk pondje gaat door 't mondje click to hear Each pound goes through the mouth (dieting slogan) Elk vogeltje zingt zoals 't gebekt is click to hear Each bird sings as its beak is (you can't change a leopard's spots)
any 't Kan elk moment gebeuren click to hear 2 3 It can happen any moment Elke dag is goed click to hear any day [is good] suits me
See also 'ieder' click to hear 'every, each' below

en click to hear 2

and peper en zout click to hear 2 3 slow pepper and salt "Dames en Heren ..." click to hear 2 "Ladies and Gentlemen ..." (addressing a group) een kunst en een kunde click to hear 2 an art and a skill

enig click to hear

onlyonly, single, unique, one-time, one-and-only
Dit is de enige kans click to hear this is the only chance Het enige voorbeeld dat ik kan bedenken click to hear The only example (that) I can think of
anyIs er enige kans? click to hear 2 3 Is there any chance? Is er enig verband? click to hear 2 Is there any connection?

click to hear / click to hear

~there We zijn er bijna click to hear 2 We're almost there We zijn er click to hear 2 3 [We are 'there'] We have arrived at our (travel) destination
there is,
there are
Er is een koude wind click to hear 2 There's a cold wind Is er genoeg brood? click to hear 2 3 Is there enough bread? Er zijn geen aardappels click to hear 2 There are no potatoes
Je moet er wat aan doen click to hear 2 3 4 You should do something about it Ben je er klaar voor? click to hear 2 3 Are you ready (prepared) for it?

Wat is er aan de hand? click to hear What's going on? 't Ziet er vies uit click to hear 2 It looks unappetizing

erg click to hear

very Hij is erg blij click to hear He's very happy Hij kan erg hard fietsen click to hear 2 He can ride a bike very fast, he's a fast biker
very bad,
Is het echt zo erg? click to hear 2 3 4 5 Is it really that bad? Ik heb erge pijn click to hear 2 3 I'm in bad, serious pain

even click to hear 2 3

'a moment' Wacht even click to hear Wait a moment Ik ga even een blokje om click to hear 2 I'll go make [a walk around the block] a little walk
just as
We zijn even oud click to hear 2 [We're equally old] - We're the same age bijna even goed als ... click to hear 2 3 almost as good as ...
even en oneven getallen click to hear even and odd numbers

geen click to hear

(zero quantity)
not any
Er zijn geen bergen in Nederland click to hear There are no mountains in Holland Ik heb geen hoofdpijn click to hear I do not have a headache Ik heb geen honger click to hear 2 3 4 [I have no hunger] I'm not hungry

haast click to hear

Er is haast bij click to hear 2 3 4 'It is urgent' Ik zal me haasten click to hear 2 3 4 I'll hurry
almost Er is haast geen geld click to hear 2 3 There is [almost no, hardly any] very little money Dat is haast niet te doen click to hear 2 3 That's almost impossible (to do) - it's going to be very difficult
See also 'bijna' click to hear 2 'almost' above

heel click to hear 2 3

Het houten huis is heel oud click to
    hear The wooden house is very old Een heel klein beetje click to hear 2 A very small amount, very little 't Betekent heel iets anders click to hear 2 It means something [very] completely different Heel veel click to hear 2 Really a lot, very many things
see also erg click to hear 'very' above

heel click to hear 2 3
hele click to hear
heel / hele click to hear 2

full, all
't hele verhaal click to hear 2 the whole (full, complete) story een heel verhaal click to hear 2 3 quite a long story We hebben de hele wereld afgezocht click to hear 2 3 4 We have searched the whole world over

het click to hear 2 3
/ 't click to hear

the (#2) het gras is groen - het groene gras click to hear the grass is green - the green grass 't Kaf van 't koren scheiden click to hear Separating the chaff from the wheat (men from boys, sheep from goats)
't Eten - 't was lekker click to hear The food - it was (tasty) good
it Is 't 't geld waard? click to hear 2 3 Is it worth the money?
het is click to hear / 't is click to hear it's, it is We hebben 't niet gedaan click to hear We have not done it

ieder click to hear
iedere click to hear 2 3
ieder / iedere click to hear 2

De zon komt iedere dag op click to hear The sun comes up every day Iedere soldaat heeft een moeder click to hear Every soldier has a mother
See also 'elk' click to hear 'each, every' above

in click to hear 2

in Hij lag in bed click to hear 2 He was lying in bed Was ik maar in Den Haag! click to hear 2 I wish I was in ..., If only I was The Hague!
into De kou in click to hear 2 3 (Going) Into the cold Doe 't terug in de doos click to hear 2 3 Put it back into the box Ik zag de zon in de zee zinken click to hear (2) I saw the sun sink into the sea
to Ik ben nog nooit in Rome geweest click to hear I've never been to Rome Welkom in mijn nederige stulp click to hear 2 Welcome to my humble dwelling
opposite: uit click to hear 2 3 4 'out' below

klaar click to hear

Ik ben zo klaar click to hear 2 I'll be ready (finished) in a moment Ik ben ermee klaar click to hear 2 3
= Ik ben er klaar mee click to hear 2 3 I'm done with it, I finished the task
See also: af click to hear 'finished, done' above
Klaar ... af! click to hear Ready ... set ... go! Ik ben er klaar voor click to hear 2
= Ik ben ervoor klaar click to hear 2 I'm ready for it, I'm (well-) prepared (for it)

laat click to hear

't Is nog niet te laat click to hear 2 3 It's not too late (yet) laat op de avond click to hear 2 late in the evening, late at night
opposite: vroeg click to hear 'early' below
Laat maar click to
  hear Let it be, don't bother, no need for action Laat de boel de boel click to hear 'Let things be, leave things as they are' - stop worrying, take a break

liever click to hear 2 3

liever niet click to hear 2 'rather not' - "I'd prefer not to" Ik wil liever geen vlees eten click to hear 2 3 I'd rather not eat meat Wat wil je liever? click to hear 2 3 What would you rather have (or do)? What would you prefer?

maar click to hear

but Raar maar waar click to hear 2 3 Strange but true Langzaam maar zeker click to hear 2 3 Slow but [certain] steady, slowly but steadily
Er is maar één oplossing click to hear 2 There's only one solution 't Is maar een verhaaltje click to hear It's just a story 't Water blijft maar stijgen click to hear The water just keeps rising

Zeg maar niks tegen Piet click to hear 2 3 4 [Just] Please [say nothing] don't say anything about it to Piet Hij zegt maar wat click to hear 2 3 4 [He's just saying something at random] - He's not serious, what he says is of no value Zeg 't maar click to hear 2 3 You can say it, Feel free to speak up

mee click to hear
mede- click to hear 2

'along with' wind mee click to hear 2 3 wind in your back (helping you) - tailwind (on a bicycle) met de klok mee click to hear 2 3 'along with the clock, in the direction of the clock' - clockwise bonnetje mee? click to hear 2 3 [receipt along with it?] Do you want a receipt? (in a store) Neem 'n boek mee click to hear 2 3 4 [Take along a book] Bring a book (het) medelijden click to hear [co-suffering] pity (de) medewerking click to hear 2 cooperation
opposite: tegen click to hear 'against' below

met click to hear

with koffie met melk en suiker click to hear coffee with cream and sugar Ik loop met een stok click to hear 2 3 4 I walk with a [stick] cane Ik heb een lang gesprek met m'n baas gehad click to hear I had a long talk with my boss Wat is er met Jan? click to hear 2 3 What's [going on] with Jan?
opposite: zonder click to hear 'without' below

na click to hear

after na de lunch click to hear after lunch na vijf uur click to hear 2 after 5 o'clock // after 5 hours, 5 hours later na vijven click to hear 2 after 5 o'clock nadenken click to hear 2 3 (4) to think over, considering something carefully - this is the real 'denken' to think - use the brain
opposite: voor click to hear 2 'before' below

naar click to hear

Ik ga naar Parijs click to hear 2 I'm going to Paris Ik ga naar huis click to hear I'm going home Ik luisterde naar de vogels click to hear 2 3 I was listening to the birds
at Ik keek naar de vogels click to hear 2 3 I was looking at the birds
sick, upset,
Ik werd er helemaal naar van click to hear It (fear or other emotion) made me miserable all over een nare ervaring click to hear 2 3 a very unpleasant experience

net click to hear

just like 't Is net echt click to hear 2 [It's just like real] - It's almost real, it looks very real Ik ben net als m'n moeder click to hear I'm just like my mom
1. barely
2. a short
 time ago
We waren net op tijd voor de pont click to hear We were just in time for the ferry De pont is net weg click to hear 2 The ferry just left, a moment ago Net voordat 't begon te regenen click to hear 2 3 Just before it [started to rain] rained 't Is net gebeurd click to hear 2 3 It happened, came about just a moment ago
Net wat ik zocht click to hear 2 Just what I was looking for 't Is net goed click to hear 2 3 4 It's exactly right (usually said of things like taste or temperature that are within a narrow range of good)
It can also mean 'they deserved that punishment'
neat een net handschrift click to hear 2 neat handwriting
Achter 't net vissen click to hear 2 ['Fishing behind the net'] - Not getting what you want, not being successful

niet click to hear 2

did/does not
't Regent niet click to hear It's not raining Ik heb 't niet gedaan click to hear I have not done it, I did not do it Ik ben niet ziek click to hear 2 3 I am not sick
see also: strong opposite wel click to hear below

nog click to hear

still, yet,
Het is nog vroeg click to hear It's still early Hoeveel tijd is er nog? click to hear 2 3 How much time is [there still] left? Ik heb nog niet gegeten click to hear have not eaten yet
even, still
t Was nog erger dan ik dacht click to hear 2 3 It was even worse than I had thought Dat is nog beter! click to hear 2 3 That's even better!

nogal click to hear 2


in a large
Het is nogal ver click to hear It is quite far Dat is nogal logisch click to hear 2 3 4 That's rather logical, that's self-evident (I see that)

of click to hear

or alles of niets click to hear all or nothing vandaag of morgen click to hear today or tomorrow - someday soon Wil je koffie of thee of iets anders? click to hear 2 Would you like coffee or tea or something else?
Ik vraag me wel eens af of ... click to hear Sometimes I wonder if ... Ik weet niet of dat echt zo is click to hear I don't know, I'm not sure if it's really like that

om click to hear

Ik ga om acht uur weg click to hear 2 3 I'm leaving at 8
around bomen om het huis click to hear trees around the house Ik ga even een blokje om click to hear 2 I'm going for a little walk around the block
om ... te click to hear
to, for
for, aim)
Om te beginnen ... click to hear 2 To start with, For starters Het is niet om te lachen click to hear 2 3 4 [It's not for laughing] It's not funny, no laughing matter Dingen om over te praten click to hear 2 Things to talk about
because of
Waar gaat 't om? click to hear 2 What is it about? om gezondheidsredenen click to hear 2 for reasons of health, because of health concerns

om de dag click to hear every other day om en om click to hear 2 3 'alternating'
for instance:
omhoog click to hear 2 3 'up'
omlaag click to hear 2 'down'

omdat click to hear

because ... omdat er geen bewijs is click to hear 2 3 ... because there is no proof Hij was blij omdat 't mooi weer was click to hear He was happy because the weather was nice Omdat het niet anders kan click to hear 2 3 [Because it can't be (done) differently] - Because there is no other way Omdat ik het zeg click to hear 2 3 4 [Because I say it] - Because I say so (an authoritarian statement)
See also: want click to hear 'because' below

onder click to hear

onder 't huis click to hear under, below the house onder bepaalde omstandigheden click to hear 2 3 under (in) certain circumstances onder leiding van click to hear 2 3 under the leadership of, led by
opposite: boven click to hear 2 above
among onder andere click to hear 2 3 among other things mannen onder elkaar click to hear 2 3 'men among each other' - men without women, occasionally misbehaving

ook click to hear

Dat is ook goed click to hear 2 That's also good, that's OK too Dat zou je ook kunnen doen click to hear 2 3 You could do that too, it's OK to do that instead Zo gaat 't ook click to hear 2 3 4 5 This works too, you can also do it this way

op click to hear

up op en neer click to hear 2 up and down (repeatedly, like for instance a seesaw, physical exercise or stocks) Ben je op? click to hear 2 Did you get up? (from your bed) Ik sta elke dag vroeg op click to hear 2 I get up early every day
on op het strand click to hear 2 3 on the beach op de nuchtere maag click to hear 2 on [the] an empty stomach op de vlucht click to hear 2 on the run, fleeing, escaping
in op deze plaats click to hear 2 in this spot op klaarlichte dag click to hear 3 [in the clear light of day] - in broad daylight 't huis op de foto click to hear 2 3 the house in the picture
in time, on time  |  op tijd click to hear 2 3 in time // on time
at op mijn leeftijd click to hear 2 at my age op zee click to hear 2 English says: 'on the sea,' or 'at sea' op het eerste gezicht click to hear 2 3 at first sight
to Het antwoord op Uw vraag ... click to hear The answer to your question ... een uitzondering op de regel click to hear 2 3 4 an exception to the rule Het viel op de grond click to hear 2 3 It fell to the [ground] floor
for jagen op koopjes click to hear 2 3 hunting for bargains op alles voorbereid click to hear 2 prepared, ready for [everything] anything Wees verdacht op windstoten click to hear Expect, watch out for, be prepared for sudden gusts of wind
of kans op onweer click to hear 2 3 chance of thunderstorms negen op de tien keer click to hear 2 3 4 9 (out) of 10 times Gezicht op Delft click to hear View of Delft, Looking at Delft (a Vermeer painting)
out of
De benzine is op click to hear The gasoline is finished, we're out of gas Dat moet eerst op click to hear 2 3 4 That needs to be finished, consumed first Heb je je koffie op? click to hear 2 3 Did you finish your coffee? (Is your cup empty?) 't Geld is op click to hear 2 3 The money is gone, there's no money left

open click to hear

open de deur is open click to hear 2 the door is open de open deur click to hear 2 3 the open door Doe de deur open click to hear 2 open the door
opposite: dicht click to hear 'closed' above

over click to hear 2

in amount of time until
over een paar jaar click to hear 2 3 in a [couple of] few years Uiterlijk over twee weken click to hear Absolutely within two weeks
past past hours on the clock
vijf over drie click to hear 5 past 3, 3:05 kwart over zes click to hear a quarter past 6, 6:15
een brug over de gracht click to hear 2 a bridge across the city canal Vel over been click to hear 2 3 4 ['skin over bones'] - skin and bones - said of a very thin person over de hele wereld click to hear 2 all over the world
about Het boek gaat over dolfijnen click to hear The book is about dolphins Hij heeft 't er vaak over click to hear 2 3 He often talks about it
Er zijn weinig walvissen over click to hear There are few whales left De worst is over click to hear 2 The sausage was left over, there was leftover sausage
Laat het aan de vakman over click to hear Leave it to the professionals overweldigend click to hear 2 overwhelming overmorgen click to hear 2 the day after tomorrow

sommige click to hear

a few,
a small
Sommige dagen gaat alles mis click to hear 2 On some days everything goes wrong Sommige dieren zijn meer gelijk click to hear Some animals are more equal Op sommige stranden heeft niemand wat aan click to hear 2 3 4 On some beaches, nobody is wearing anything
See also: 'n paar click to hear 'a few, some, a couple of' above

te click to hear

te veel van 't goede click to hear 2 too much of [the] a good thing Beter te veel dan te weinig click to hear 2 3 Better too much than too little Te veel mensen met te veel geld click to hear 2 Too many people with too much money ->>
with verb
't Hoeft niet grappig te zijn click to hear 2 3 4 It doesn't have to be funny Is er wat te eten? click to hear 2 3 4 Is there something to eat? Ik probeer Nederlands te leren click to hear I'm trying to learn Dutch - more about those verbs
see also om te click to hear 'for' above
in, at
... huisarts te 's-Gravenhage click to hear 2 3 ... family doctor in The Hague

tegen click to hear

Tegen een boom click to hear Against a tree Ben je voor of tegen? click to hear Are you for or against? Er is niks op tegen click to hear 2 There's nothing against it Tegen beter weten in click to hear 2 3 Against my (your/his/her) better judgement (de) tegenstander click to hear 2 3 4 opponent, adversary
opposite: voor click to hear 2 'in favor of' below

terug click to hear

terugbrengen click to hear to return, bring back terugkeren click to hear 2 to return, come back, go back de weg terug click to hear 2 3 the way back, the road back heen en terug click to hear 2 3 there and back (again) Kom terug! click to hear 2 Come back!

toch click to hear

still, yet,
Toch konden ze goed samenwerken click to hear Still (despite something mentioned before) they were able to work together well Hoewel de proef mislukte, hebben we toch veel geleerd click to hear Although the experiment failed, we still learned a lot Ondanks de regen hadden we toch een leuke dag click to hear 2 Despite the rain we still had a nice day
what in
the world?

Ga toch fietsen! click to hear 2 3 [Go ride your bike!] - 'Take a hike! Go away! Get lost!' (I don't believe what you're saying and you're wasting my time.) 't Heeft toch geen zin click to hear It's no use anyway (Whatever you do ...) Er is toch niks aan te doen click to hear 2 3 Nothing can be done about it anyway Dat kan toch niet? click to hear 2 3 [That cannot be - that shouldn't be possible] - How in the world can that be? Nee toch! click to hear 2 Oh no! (Said when something horrible happened or you just received bad news) Say it ain't so! I hope that it's not true!

toen click to hear 2 3

then, at
that time
.. en toen werd het donker click to hear 2 3 4 ... and then it got dark Ik was toen tweeënvijftig kilo click to hear I was 52 kilos then, at the time I was 52 kilos
when, at
the time that
Toen de bliksem insloeg ging het licht uit click to hear 2 When lightning hit the light went out Ze gingen weg toen de zon onderging click to hear 2 They [went away] left when the sun went down

tussen click to hear

between tussen de huizen click to hear between the houses Tussen de buien door click to hear 2 3 In between showers (when there is/was a break in the rain) een tussenweg vinden click to hear 2 to find [an in-between solution] a compromise
among tussen de huizen click to hear among the houses tussen de bomen in het bos click to hear among the trees in the forest

uit click to hear 2 3 4

out of,
out, from
uit 't zicht click to hear 2 'out of sight,' no longer seen, hidden Ze komt uit Engeland click to hear 2 She's from England Kijk uit! click to hear 2 3 4 Watch out! Pay attention! Be careful!
(not on)
Doe het licht uit click to hear 2 Turn off the light Doe je jas uit click to hear 2 3 Take off your coat
opposite: aan click to hear 'on' above
finished Ik heb 't boek uit click to hear I finished (reading) the book En toen kwam er een olifant met een lange snuit, en die blies het (hele) verhaaltje uit click to hear 2 3 And then an elephant with a long snout appeared and [that one] it blew out the (whole) story punt - uit! click to hear 2 3 [period - finished!] that's it! (no more discussion)

van click to hear 2

of possession, association etc.
't Begin van 't einde click to hear 2 (3) The beginning of the end Het cadeau van Bob click to hear 2 Bob's present de letter van de wet click to hear 2 [The letter of the law] - a literal reading, strict interpretation of the law Willem van Oranje click to hear William of Orange
from point of origin or departure
van Den Haag naar Rotterdam click to hear 2 from The Hague to Rotterdam ver van huis click to hear 2 far from home van nu af aan click to hear 2 from now on, starting now, in the future ...
by een boek van Vestdijk click to hear 2 3 A book by Vestdijk een schilderij van Van Gogh click to hear a painting by Van Gogh Ik schrok van de prijs click to hear 2 I was [shocked] taken aback by the price
rood van binnen click to hear 2 red on the inside ('rare' meat) Hij is lang van stof click to hear 2 ['He's long on material'] ~'He talks at great length' - 'His talking drags on and on' De bal rolde van de tafel click to hear The ball rolled off the table

voor click to hear 2

- time
twee voor twaalf click to hear 2 (minutes) to 12 (o'clock) - 11:58 De stilte voor de storm click to hear The quiet before the storm (literally and figuratively) Veiligheid vòòr alles click to hear 2 Safety before everything (else) - Safety first! (the English phrase is more common)
opposite: na click to hear 'after' above
in front of

- place
een boom voor 't huis click to hear a tree in front of the house (de) voordeur click to hear front door
(de) voornaam click to hear first name, christian name (de) voorsprong click to hear 2 headstart, lead
opposite: achter click to hear 2 'behind' above
- destination
Een cadeau voor Els click to hear 2 A present for Els Er is genoeg voor iedereen click to hear 2 3 There is enough for everybody Wat kan ik voor U doen? click to hear 2 What can I do for you? Can I help you? (polite 'you')
in favor of
Ben je voor of tegen? click to hear Are you for or against? (de) voorstander click to hear 2 proponent, supporter 't Zekere voor 't onzekere nemen click to hear 2 3 '[Taking] Preferring the certain over the uncertain' (not taking risks)
opposite: tegen click to hear 'against' above
Ik ben allergisch voor eieren click to hear 2 I'm allergic to eggs Was dat duidelijk voor je? click to hear 2 Was that clear to you? Hij is nergens bang voor click to hear 2 3 [He's afraid of nothing] - He isn't afraid of anything

vroeg click to hear

early vroege vogels click to hear 2 'early birds' - people who are up early 's morgens vroeg click to hear 2 3 early in the morning Het is nog te vroeg click to hear 2 3 It's still too early
opposite: laat click to hear 'late' above
past tense
Hij vroeg waar 't station was click to hear 2 He asked where the station was Hij vroeg om water click to hear 2 He asked for water

waar click to hear

where? Waar ben je geweest? click to hear 2 Where have you been? (What places have you visited?) Waar is je boek? click to hear 2 Where is your book? Waar doet 't pijn? click to hear Where does it hurt?
the place
where, that
De plaats waar ik vandaan kom click to hear 2 The [place] town where I'm from Ik kan niet zien waar het lekt click to hear I cannot see where [it's leaking] the leak is
Waar denk je aan? click to hear What are you thinking of? Waar gaat 't om? click to hear 2 3 What is it about? What is the important thing? Waar gaat 't over? click to hear 2 3 What is it about? What is the subject?
de waarheid click to hear the truth
Elk woord was waar click to hear Every word was true Te mooi om waar te zijn click to hear 2 3 Too [beautiful] good to be true de ware toedracht click to hear 2 3 The real sequence of events, the real cause, what really happened, the facts of the matter

want click to hear 2

... want er is geen bewijs click to hear 2 slow ... because there is no proof Ik eet geen witlof meer want het is te duur click to hear 2 I don't eat Belgian endives anymore because [it's] they're too expensive
See also: omdat click to hear 'because' above

wat click to hear

what? what is? what is it?
Wat is er gebeurd? click to hear 2 3 What happened? Wat zegt U? click to hear 2 What [do] did you say? (polite 'you') Wat ben je aan het doen? click to hear What are you doing? What are you busy with?
what the thing that, the event that
Ik begrijp niet wat U zegt click to hear 2 3 I don't understand (the meaning of) what you're saying Begrijp je echt wat er staat? click to hear 2 Do you really understand what (is written) it says? Ik weet niet wat de oorzaak is click to hear I don't know what the cause is, I don't know what's causing it
what a,
such a
Wat een verschil! click to hear 2 3 What a, such a difference! Wat jammer! click to hear What a pity! Wat een onzin! click to hear 2 Such nonsense!
a little
Is er wat brood over? click to hear 2 Is there some bread left? Ik kijk wat rond click to hear 2 3 [I'm looking around some] Just browsing (in a shop) Als ik wat jonger was ... click to hear 2 If I were a little younger ...
something Heb je d'r wat van geleerd? click to hear 2 [Have you learned ...?] Did it teach you something? Wil je wat drinken? click to hear 2 Would you like something to drink? Er is wat aan de hand click to hear 2 There is something going on

weer click to hear 2

again 't Is weer slecht weer click to hear 2 It's bad weather again, the bad weather returned ('like so often') Ik ben weer de oude click to hear 2 ['I'm the old me again'] - I'm back to normal (after a bad time) De motor loopt weer! click to hear 2 The engine is running again! Ik ben er weer click to hear 2 3 ['I'm ~here again'] - I'm back

weg click to hear

(de) weg
Ga je eigen weg click to hear 2 [Go your own way] - Choose yourself what you want to do, make your own choices (de) snelweg click to hear [fast road] highway uit de weg click to hear 2 3 4 1. get out of the way, make way!
2. out of the way, not a problem anymore
away ver weg click to hear 2 3 far away ik moet om acht uur weg click to hear 2 I have to leave at 8 Ik wil weg uit Amsterdam click to hear 2 3 4 [I want to get out of A.] - I want to leave Amsterdam
De sleutel is weg click to hear 2 'The key is gone, lost' De pont is al weg click to hear 'The ferry has already [gone] left'

wel click to hear

'but ...'
Ik heb het wel gedaan click to hear I did do it (Er zijn geen aardappels click to hear 2 There are no potatoes) Er is wel rijst click to hear 2 3 But there is rice, we do have rice
strong opposite of niet click to hear 2 'not' above

welk click to hear 2
welke click to hear 2
welk/welke click to hear 2

which welk huis? click to hear 2 3 which house? Welke kant op? click to hear 2 Which way? Which direction? Welke dag komt je het beste uit? click to hear [Which] What day would suit you best?

zo click to hear

a high
degree of
so Dat is zo ouderwets! click to hear That's so old-fashioned! Ik voel me zo vol click to hear 2 I feel so full (I've eaten too much) Je lacht zo lief click to hear 2 3 You [laugh] smile so sweetly
thàt niet zo vaak click to hear 2 3 not that often 't Is niet zo duur click to hear 2 3 It's not that expensive 't Is niet zò duur click to hear 2 3 4 5 It's not thàt expensive
such a,
a very
zo'n click to hear 2 3
= zo een click to hear 2 3 'such a' zo'n mooie dag click to hear 2 such a beautiful day Hij is zo'n goede kok click to hear He's such a good cook Ik heb zo'n zin in een kopje thee click to hear 2 3 ['I have such a great desire for ...'] - What I'd really like now is a cup of tea
this way,
that way
We kunnen niet zo doorgaan click to hear 2 3 4 We can't go on like this, We can't go on this way 't Lijkt maar zo click to hear It only looks that way Waarom is dat zo? click to hear 2 3 Why is that so? Why is it that way? Why is it like that?
in a moment,
Ik kom zo bij U click to hear 2 I'll [come to you] be with you in a moment Tot zo! click to hear 2 3 ['Till in a moment'] - See you soon! We gaan zo eten click to hear 2 3 We'll [eat] have dinner (or lunch) in a few minutes

zonder click to hear

without zonder cafeïne click to hear 2 without caffeine, decaf zonder veel moeite click to hear 2 3 4 5 without much effort, without much trouble Automatisch, zonder erover na te denken click to hear 2 3 4 automatically, without thinking [it over]
opposite: met click to hear 'with' above

zulk click to hear

such Zulke grote voeten! click to hear 2 Such big feet! 't Is zulk mooi weer buiten click to hear It's such nice weather outside, It's so nice outside

For Comparison: English 'To'

EnglishDutch examples of usage


te click to hear
't Hoeft niet grappig te zijn click to hear 2 3 4 It doesn't have to be funny
naar click to hear
Ik ga naar Parijs click to hear 2 I'm going to Paris
voor click to hear 2
Twee voor twaalf click to hear two to twelve (11:58) Was dat duidelijk voor je? click to hear 2 Was that clear to you?
aan click to hear
Aan de kant! click to hear 2 3 4 To the side! Get out of the way! Jan geeft een boek aan Piet click to hear Jan gives a book to Piet
in click to hear 2
Ik ben nog nooit in Rome geweest. click to hear I've never been to Rome. Welkom in mijn nederige stulp click to hear 2 Welcome to my humble dwelling
om ... te click to hear
Om te beginnen ... click to hear 2 To start with ..., For starters ... Om 't af te leren click to hear 2 3 'to unlearn it,' 'to break the habit' - said when you take one too many drinks or snacks
tot click to hear
28 tot 31 dagen in een maand click to hear
(achtentwintig tot éénendertig) 28 to 31 days in a month van Gouda tot Schoonhoven click to hear 2 from Gouda to Schoonhoven (the area, or the distance)
op click to hear
van de ene dag op de andere click to hear 2 3 [from, between one day to [another] the next] - suddenly, unexpectedly Het viel op de grond click to hear 2 3 It fell to the [ground] floor het antwoord op Uw vraag ... click to hear the answer to your question ...
tegen click to hear
Hij loog tegen mij click to hear 2 He lied to me Er is geen enkel bezwaar tegen click to hear 2 There is [not any] no objection to it
met click to hear
Hij stond te praten met Piet click to hear He was talking [with] to Piet Vergeleken met Rusland ... click to hear 2 Compared to Russia ...
Neem de tweede weg links en dan de derde weg rechts click to hear take the 2nd road to the left and then the 3rd to the left Van de hand in de tand leven click to hear [Existing from the hand into the tooth] - living hand to mouth

email - Copyright © Marco Schuffelen 2023. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, redistributed, or hotlinked to.
Gij zult niet stelen click to hear 'Thou shalt not steal'