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Adjectives in most
positions get an -E ending
Several words appear twice on the page. I do not have an
infinite number of recordings, and some combinations of letters are
rarely or never found in Dutch.
'Long' and 'short' are traditional terms. The difference is actually
more of tone than length
More about spelling and pronunciation -
another version
Learn the Rules by Studying and Listening to Examples
Major Exceptions to the Phonetic Spelling of Dutch:
- Page 1:
- Page 2:
Hear the Dutch Letters in Hundreds of Words:
'Master Lists' of Dutch words: Dutch to English - English to Dutch
Introduction | |
French OU | |
Greek OE | |
French OEU | |
OE Compared with Vowels and Other Diphthongs | |
(de) oe
The Dutch OE is like English OO in BOOK, French OU in TOUS and
German U in GUT, though probably generally a little longer or shorter
- (het) boek
- toe!
~towards // - come on! // - other
- goed
- goed/goede
('good, well, correct etc.)
Dutch has many words from French with OU pronounced as Dutch
OE. There will be a paragraph with examples at the bottom of the
page, and I will use one or two in the main list.
Hear a few examples with Dutch OE:
koeien loeien: "boe"
cows moo: 'moo'
de koekoek zegt: 'Koekoek'
the cuckoo says: 'cuckoo
(de) koekoek
(het) boegeroep
'booing,' - audience shouting disapproval or contempt
(de) bloedgroep
blood group, blood type
(het) groenvoer
[green food] ~vegetables
(de) doelgroep
[goal group] target audience
(het) snoepgoed
candy, sweet-snack-stuff
(de) toevoer
supply, provisioning
(het) toedoen
[doings with a certain
direction] ~action, ~involvement
In the examples you'll see the F-V and S-Z shift a few times. Dutch
words 'cannot' end in V or Z, that's an unusual sound for the Dutch
mouth. V and Z need to be followed by a vowel of diphthong. V or Z at
the end of a word or before a consonant will change
to F or S ‑>>
- (de) boef
/ boeven
('criminal'/'criminals' - often jocular)
- (de) poes
The 'first series' is grouped by the letter before the OE's, the
'second series' is grouped by the letter after the OE's:
- OE first series: OE0-OEZ
- OE second series: 0OE-ZOE
the: de
2 /
- 't
Plurals always take 'de'
a: (een) - 'n
/ one: één
Look for letters or letter combinations that are difficult for you. Repeat words after me, try saying them like I do, and record yourself or ask a friend or fellow student to compare how you say them with how I say them. Try to bring your pronunciation of the words closer and closer to how I say them. Use as few or as many examples as you like.
OE | - (de) klamboe ('mosquito net' - from Malay) - (de) rimboe 2 ('jungle' - from Malay) - doe! ('do!') - ik doe 2 ('I do, I'm doing') - (het) gedoe 2 ('fuss, hassle') - (de) koe ('cow') - moe 2 3 4 ('tired') ‑>> - "opoe" 2 ('great- grandmother' - children's language) |
OEA | - zouaaf / zouaven ('zouave'/'zouaves' - Papal soldier) |
OEB | - troebel ('murky') |
OED | - (het) foedraal ('leather bag' for a tool) - goed 2 / goede / goed/goede ('good, well, correct etc.) ‑>> - goedkoop 2 3 / goedkope 2 3 ('cheap, not expensive') ‑>> - een goed mens 2 3 ('a good person') - (de) hoed 2 ('hat') ‑>> - (de) voorhoede 2 3 ('vanguard') ‑>> - (de) achterhoede 2 ('rearguard') - gloednieuw 2 3 ([glowing-] 'brand-new') - (de) vloed ('high tide') ‑>> - (de) invloed 2 ('influence') - (de) moed ('courage') - moedig 2 ('brave, courageous') - (de) moeder ('mother') ‑>> - moedwillig 2 ('deliberate') - (het) poeder ('powder') - [(de)] spoed ('urgent,' // 'urgency') - (de) broeder ('friar' - lower clergy // 'male nurse' // 'brother' - all old-fashioned) - (de) gebroeders 2 ('brothers' - old-fashioned) values' ‑>>) - (de) vroedvrouw 2 3 ('midwife') - (de) voedingswaarde 2 ('nutritional - voedzaam 2 3 ('nutritious') ‑>> - (de) woede 2 ('anger') |
OEE | Doe even serieus! 2 Be serious 'for a moment' - stop the joking around, it's no joke, it's a serious matter Doe een beetje normaal! 2 Act normally! Behave! Doe er een postzegel op 2 3 Put a stamp on it - mail |
OEF | - (de) oefening 2 ('exercise') ->> - oefenen 2 ('to practice') ‑>> - (de) boef 2 ('criminal' - also jocular) - (het) boefje 2 ('naughty boy') - (de) hoef ('hoof' - horn on horse feet) - (het) hoefijzer 2 ('hoof iron' - horseshoe) - (de) hoefsmid 2 3 ([hoof smith] - 'farrier') - bedroefd / bedroefde 2 ('sad, sorrowful') - (de) behoefte ('need, want') - (de) proef 2 ('experiment') - (het) proefje 2 ('small experiment,' usually chemistry practice) - (de) drukproef 2 3 ('galley,' test run of print) - (de) vuurproef ('trial by fire, a serious challenge') - stroef ('stiff - with difficulty, not easy' - not lubricated) |
OEG | - (de) ploeg ('plow' // 'team' - old-fashioned) - hij vroeg 2 3 ('he asked') ‑>> - (de) toegang 2 3 ('entry, entrance' // 'access') - Hoegaarden (a town in Belgium and a beer brand) - genoeg ('enough') ‑>> - goed genoeg 2 3 ('good enough') - (het) genoegen ('pleasure, satisfaction' - old-fashioned) - (de) kroeg ('~bar, ~café') - vroeg / vroege ) ('early') - 'vroeger' ('earlier, sooner' // 'in the past') - (de) toegift 2 ('encore' - music performance) - (de) wroeging ('remorse, feeling bad about past actions) - (de) vervoeging 2 ('conjugation') - Joegoslavië (the former country of Yugoslavia) - Oegstgeest 2 (a town) |
- (de) metaaalmoeheid
('metal fatigue')
- (de) aardappelmoeheid
('potato fatigue' - a plant disease, actually a nutrition deficiency)
Hoe heet je? What's your name? |
OEI | The I
in OEI is pronounced as Consonant-Y, Dutch J
- (de) boei 2 ('buoy') - boeiend 2 3 ('fascinating, gripping') - doei! ('bye!' - slang) - foei! 2 ('bad!' - disapproval) - Goeie gunst! 2 ('Good grief!') - Hoei (a town in Belgium) - vloeibaar 2 3 ('liquid') - bloeien ('to bloom, flower') - gloeiend heet 2 3 ([glowing -] 'red-hot') - (de) moeite 2 ('difficulty, exertion') - moeilijk / moeilijke ('difficult') - vermoeid / vermoeide ('tired') - (de) vermoeidheid 2 3 4 ('fatigue, tiredness') - knoeien 2 ('to spill' // 'to swindle, cheat') - (de) snoeischaar ('pruning clippers') - (de) roeiboot ('rowboat') - roeien 2 ('to row') - (de) sproeier ('sprinkler') - (de) broeikas 2 ('hothouse') - (de) groei 2 ('growth') ‑>> Al wat groeit en bloeit en ons telkens weer boeit 2 'All things that grow and flower and fascinate us time and again' - title of the nature segment of a popular radio program by Dr. Fop I. Brouwer - boeien 2 is literally 'to shackle, to handcuff,' but is often used figuratively, 'to captivate, to be fascinating' Het boeide me niet 'It was not really interesting, I was bored by it' |
OEIE | - doe-ie! ('goodbye' - slang) |
See also OEI above
- Goejanverwellesluis a hamlet near Gouda 2 - in 1787 a local militia stopped and detained the stadhouder's wife, the sister of the king of Prussia Wat doe je nou? 2 What in heaven's name are you doing? (it looks stupid or questionable) Wat doe je me aan! 2 The things you do to me! You're causing me much grief Doe je best! 2 [Do your best] - Give it your best! Waarom doe je dat? 2 3 Why do you do that? Why are you doing that? Zó doe je dat! 2 3 That's the way to do it |
OEK | - Oekraïne ('Ukraine') - (het) boek 2 3 ('book') - (het) boekje 2 ('"small, little" book') - (het) boekweit 2 ('buckwheat') - (de) boekwinkel 2 3 ('bookstore') - (de) doek 2 ('cloth,' piece of fabric) - (de) handdoek 2 ('towel') - Doeke (a boys' name) - (de) hoek ('corner // angle') - Hoeks 2 (a family name) - om de hoek 2 3 ('around the corner') - driehoeken ('triangles') ‑>> - (de) eethoek 2 ('dining area') - rechthoekig 2 / rechthoekige 2 ('rectangular') - (de) koek 2 ('~cake') - (het) koekje ('cookie') - (de) kruidkoek 2 3 ('spice cake') - (de) koekoek 2 3 4 ('cuckoo') - Loek (a boys' name) - (de) vloek ('curse') - (de) snoek 2 ('pike' - a fish) - (de) roek ('rook' - a bird) - (de) broek 2 ('pants, trousers') ‑>> - zoek 2 ('gone, lost, not to be found, missing') - zoeken 2 ('to search, to seek') ‑>> |
OEL | - 'n boel 2 (much, many, a lot') - 'n heleboel 2 (very much, very many, really a lot') - doel ('goal, objective') - (de) doelgroep 2 ('target audience') - doelbewust 2 ('purposeful,' focused on goals) - (de) foelie ('mace,' a spice) - krioelen 2 3 ('teeming, swarming, crawling') - sjoelen 2 3 ('playing ~shuffleboard' - a game) - koel 2 3 4 5 6 ('cool' - temperature only) - (de) koelkast ('fridge, refrigerator') - (de) poel 2 ('puddle') - (de) spoel 2 3 4 ('spool' - for winding string etc.) - Roel (a boys' name) - Roelof (a boys' name) - (de) stoel ('chair') - voelen 2 ('to feel') ‑>> - (het) gevoel / gevoelens 2 ('feeling'/'feelings' - irregular plural) - zwoel 2 / zwoele / zwoel/zwoele 2 ('sultry, sensual') |
OEM | - (de) doem ('doom') - (de) bloem 2 3 ('flower' ‑>> // 'flour') - (het) bloemetje 2 ('small flower' // 'bouquet,' a bunch of cut flowers) - Bloemfontein / Bloemhof 2 (towns in South Africa) - (de) bloemkool 2 ('cauliflower') - (het) bloempje 2 ('small flower') - noemen 2 ('to call, name') - (de) poema ('puma, mountain lion') - (de) roem 2 3 4 ('fame') - beroemd ('famous') - Roemenië ('Rumania') - roemloos ('inglorious, no fame or renown') - toe maar! 2 ('don't exaggerate' // 'go ahead') - (de) ketoembar ('coriander' - a spice, a word from Malay) |
- (de) oen
('a stupid guy,' a person who habitually acts in a stupid way)
Hij is een oen He is stupid - (de) boenwas ('polishing wax' for wooden floors) - doen 2 3 ('to do') ‑>> - uitdoen 2 3 (1. 'to turn off' - lights etc. 2. 'to take off' - clothes) - Bargoens 2 ('~slang') ‑>> - (de) hoen ('chicken') - (de) kampioen 2 ('champion') - (het) miljoen 2 ('million') - Koen 2 (a boys' name) - (de) watermeloen ('watermelon') - limoenen ('limes' - actually an old word for 'lemons') - (de) poen ('money' - slang) - (de) harpoen ('harpoon') - groen 2 3 / groene 2 3 4 ('green') - (de) groente ('vegetables') ‑>> - Groenland 2 (Greenland) - (het) fatsoen ('decency, good manners') - (de) schoenmaker 2 3 ([shoe repairman] - 'cobbler') - (de) schoen / schoenen ('shoe'/'shoes') - (het) schoentje 2 ('small, little shoe') - toen 2 3 ('then' // 'when') ‑>> - (het) katoen ('cotton') - (de) toename 2 ('increase') - (de) woensdag ('wednesday') ‑>> - (de) zoen ('kiss') |
OEO | geen boe of bah 2 ['neither boo nor yuck'] - 'without a word'' Veel gedoe om niks 'Much ado about nothing' |
OEOU | Hoe oud ben je? 2 3 'How old are you? What is your age?' Hoe oud ben je geworden? 2 'How old [have you become] are you now?' - Birthday |
OEP | - (de) hoepel ('hoop') - (de) loupe (loep) ('magnifying glass') - floep! (exclamation about a quick movement or rapid development) - (de) sloep 2 3 ('sloop' - small rowboat) - (het) snoep ('candy') - (het) snoepje ('piece of candy') - (de) roep ('call, cry, shout') - roepen 2 3 ('to call' - by voice) - (de) roeping 2 3 ('calling, mission, vocation') - (het) beroep 2 3 4 ('job, occupation') - (de) groep ('group') - troepen 2 ('soldiers, military units') - (de) soep ('soup') - (de) stoep 2 3 4 ('sidewalk' - "stoop") - (de) Koepoort ('Cow Gate' - in city wall) - (het) soepvlees 2 ([soup meat] - 'stew beef') |
OER | - oerdom 2 ('very stupid') - (het) oerwoud 2 3 ([primeval forest] - 'jungle') - (de) boer ('farmer') - (de) boerderij ('farm') - hoera! 2 ('hurrah, hurray, hooray') - (de) koers 2 ('course, direction, course') - (de) vloer ('floor, ~bottom') - loeren ('to leer') - jaloers 2 ('jealous') - (de) moer ('nut' - for bolt) - (het) moeras ('swamp') - (het) rumoer 2 3 4 ('hubbub' - many people shouting or muttering) - (het) snoer 2 ('cable, string') - (het) roer 2 ('rudder' - ship steering) - (de) broer 2 ('brother') - (het) broertje ('little brother') - beroerd 2 3 ('miserable, sick') - (de) beroerte 2 ('stroke' - old-fashioned - a more modern word is - (de) hersenbloeding 2 ('brain-hemorhage') - roeren 2 3 ('to stir, mix') - (het) roerei 2 ('scrambled eggs') - roerloos ('motionless' - living beings) - Roermond (a town) - Toerkonje (a town in Belgium - (het) toertje ('very small trip') - (het) voer / (het) veevoer ('feed, fodder' - food for animals) - Woerden 2 ('a town') |
OES | - Does (a boys' name) - Doesburg (a town) - Goes (a town) - (de) hoes ('cover, sleeve') - (de) hoest ('cough') - Loesje 2 (a girls' name) - (de) bloesem ('bloom, blossom') - (de) moes ('pulp,' mashed food) - (de) smoes 2 3 ('fake excuse') - (het) smoesje ('fake excuse') - (de) poes ('cat') - (de) roes ('high,' intoxication) - (de) toeslag 2 3 ('premium, surcharge, extra payment') - (de) toespraak 2 ('speech, address') - (de) roest ('rust') - roestig 2 3 ('rusty') - Soest (a town) - (het) toestel ('machine, apparatus') - (de) woestijn ('desert') |
OET | - Oeteldonk (Carnival name of the city of Den Bosch ) - (de) boete ('fine,' money punishment) - Doetinchem (a town) - (het) koetje 2 ('little cow') - (de) koets ('stagecoach') - (de) moet 2 3 ('dent,' - impression of print in paper) - hij moet 2 ('he has to, he should') - (de) snoet ('face' - snout) - (de) poet 2 3 ('loot' - slang) - (de) poets 2 ('practical joke, trick') - (het) roet 2 ('soot') - (de) groet 2 3 ('greeting') - [(het)] bankroet 2 ('bankrupt') - (het) toetje ('dessert') - (de) toets 2 3 ('key' of keyboard // 'test') - (het) toetsenbord 2 ('keyboard') - (de) voet 2 / voeten 2 ('foot'/'feet') - (het/de) voetbal ('soccer' // 'soccer ball') - zoet / zoete 2 3 / zoet/zoete 2 ('sweet') - (de) zoetigheid 2 3 ('sweets, candy'- sweet stuff') - (de) zoetwatervis ([sweet-] 'freshwater fish') - zoetzuur 2 3 ('sweet-sour' - pickles taste variety) |
OEU | See French OEU - below |
OEUI | Hij zie er moe uit He looks tired |
OEV | - (de) rivieroever ('river bank') - boeven 2 ('criminals' - often jocular) - (de) hoeveelheid / hoeveelheden 2 ('amount'/'amounts') - hoeven ('hooves' // ‑>>) - droevig / droevige ('sad') - (de) steengroeve ('stone quarry') - proeven 2 ('to taste' // 'experiments') - schroeven ('screws' // 'to screw screws') - (het) toeval ('chance, coincidence') - toevoegen 2 ('to add') - zoeven 2 ('~to move quickly, to zoom, swish') |
- hoewel
Hoe werkt 't? 2 How does it work, how does it go, what's the mechanism? Hoe weinig we weten 2 How little we know |
OEY | - Adriaan Boeyens 2 3 (Adrian VI, the first Dutch pope 1522-23) |
- (de) boezem
- doezelen
('to snooze,' half-sleep)
- hoezee!
('hurrah!' - old-fashioned, formal)
- hoezo?
('How so? What do you mean?')
- (de) jaloezie
2 ('envy') - smoezen (having informal, often somewhat questionable discussions) - snoezelen (a sensory stimulation therapy) ‑>> - poezen 2 3 ('cats') |
OE |
- oefenen
('to practice')
- (de) oefening
- Oegstgeest
(a town)
- Oekraïne
- (de) oen
('a stupid guy,' a person who habitually acts in a stupid way)
Hij is een oen He is stupid - oerdom 2 ('very stupid') - (het) oerwoud 2 3 ([primeval forest] - 'jungle') - Oeteldonk (Carnival name of the city of Den Bosch ) |
BOE | - (de) boef 2 / boeven 2 ('criminal'/'criminals' - often jocular) - (het) boefje 2 ('naughty boy') - (het) boegeroep 2 ('booing,' - audience shouting disapproval or contempt) - (de) boei 2 ('buoy') - boeiend 2 3 ('fascinating, gripping') - (het) boek ('book') - (het) boekweit 2 ('buckwheat') - (de) boekwinkel 2 3 ('bookstore') - 'n boel 2 (much, many, a lot') - 'n heleboel 2 (very much, very many, really a lot') - (de) boenwas ('polishing wax' for wooden floors) - (de) boer ('farmer') - (de) boerderij ('farm') - (de) boerenkaas (cheese made with raw milk) - (de) boete ('fine,' money punishment) - (de) boezem 2 ('bosom') |
COE | - Coevorden 2 (a town - Vancouver, Canada is named after the Englishman George Vancouver whose family originally came from Coevorden - Jan Pieterszoon Coen 2 (an early governor of the Dutch East Indies) |
DOE | - doe! ('do!') - (de) doedelzak ('bagpipes') - doe-het-zelf ('DIY, do-it-yourself') - (de) doek 2 ('cloth,' piece of fabric) - (de) handdoek 2 ('towel') - Doeke (a boys' name) - doel ('goal, objective') - (de) doelman ('goalkeeper' - usually the English word 'keeper' is used) - (het) doelpunt ('goal! // goal scored') - doeltreffend 2 ([goal-scoring] - 'effective') - (de) doem ('doom') - doen 2 3 ('to do') ‑>> - duur doen 2 ('showing off,' acting as if you're rich or important) - uitdoen 2 3 ('to turn off' - lights etc. // 'to take off' - clothes) - Does (a boys' name) - Doesburg (a town) - Doetinchem (a town) - doezelen 2 ('to slumber, half-sleep') |
FOE | - (de) foedraal ('leather bag' for a tool) - foei! 2 ('bad!' - disapproval) - (de) foelie ('mace,' a spice) |
GOE | - goed 2 / goede / goed/goede ('good, well, correct etc.) ‑>> - goedkoop 2 3 / goedkope 2 3 ('cheap, not expensive') ‑>> - Bargoens 2 ('~slang') ‑>> - Goeie gunst! 2 ('Good grief!') - goeiemorgen! 2 ('good morning! - colloquial for - goedemorgen - also: môhge 2 3 - goeie reis! 2 ('have a safe and nice trip!) - colloquial for - goede reis! - Goeree Overflakkee (an area in the province of Zuid Holland 2 - Goes (a town) - Hugo van der Goes 2 (a painter, ~1440 - ~1482) - also known as - Hugo van Goes |
- hoe?
Hoe doe je dat? How do you do that? - (de) hoed 2 ('hat') ‑>> - (de) vingerhoed (['finger-hat'] - 'thimble') - (de) voorhoede 2 3 ('vanguard') ‑>> - (de) achterhoede 2 ('rearguard') - (de) hoef / hoeven ('hoof'/'hooves' - horn on horses' feet) - see also - (het) hoefijzer 2 ('hoof iron' - horseshoe) - (de) hoefsmid 2 3 ([hoof smith] - 'farrier') - Hoegaarden (a town in Belgium and a beer brand) - Hoei (a town in Belgium) - (de) hoek ('corner // angle') ‑>> - Hoeks 2 (a family name) - (de) hoen ('chicken') - hoepla! 2 3 (an exclamation) - (de) hoest ('cough') ‑>> - (de) hoestbui 2 ('coughing fit') - hoeveel ('how much, how many?') ‑>> - (de) hoeveelheid ('amount, quantity') ‑>> - [niet/geen] hoeven ('don't need, not necessary, don't want, don't have to') ‑>> - hoewel ('although') ‑>> - hoezo? 2 3 ('How so? What do you mean?') |
The I
in IOE is pronounced as Consonant-Y, Dutch J
- (het) pensioen
but is more often pronounced as English EE, Dutch Long I, IE: - krioelen 2 3 ('teeming, swarming, crawling') - (de) kampioen 2 ('champion') - (de) schorpioen 2 ('scorpion') - (het) visioen 2 ('vision') |
JOE | - Joegoslavië - sjoelen 2 3 ('playing ~shuffleboard' - a game) - (het) miljoen 2 ('million') |
KOE | (de) koe / koeien / koe/koeien 2 3 ('cow'/'cows' - irregular plural) - (de) koek 2 ('~cake') - (het) koekje ('cookie') - (de) kruidkoek 2 3 ('spice cake') - koel 2 3 4 5 6 ('cool' - temperature only) - (de) koelkast ('fridge, refrigerator') - (de) koelte ('coolth') - Koen 2 (a boys' name) - (de) Koepoort ('Cow Gate' - in city wall) - (de) koers 2 ('course, direction, course') - (de) akoestische gitaar 2 ('acoustic guitar') |
LOE | - Loe (Lou) (a boys' name) - (het) bloed ('blood') - (de) bloeddruk 2 3 ('blood pressure') - (de) bloedgroep 2 3 ('blood group, blood type') - gloednieuw 2 3 ([glowing-] 'brand-new') - (de) vloed ('high tide') - (de) ploeg ('plow // team') - sloeg ('slapped, hit' - simple past singular) - vloeibaar 2 3 ('liquid') - Loek (a boys' name) - (de) vloek ('curse') - (de) bloem 2 3 ('flower' // 'flour') - floep! (exclamation: something happening quickly) - (de) sloep 2 3 ('sloop' - small rowboat) - jaloers 2 ('jealous') - (de) vloer ('floor, surface') - (de) bloesem ('bloom, blossom') - Loesje 2 (a girls' name) |
MOE | - moe 2 3 4 ('tired') ‑>> - (de) moed ('courage') - (de) armoede 2 ('poverty') - moedwillig 2 ('deliberate') - (de) gemoedsrust 2 3 ('peace of mind') - vermoeid / vermoeide ('tired') - (het) rumoer 2 3 4 ('noise, hubbub, commotion') - moes ('something mashed') - (de) moestuin 2 ('vegetables garden, kitchen garden') - hij moet 2 ('he ~must') ‑>> - (de) mammoet ('mammoth') - smoezen (having informal, often somewhat questionable discussions) |
NOE | - (de) gnoe 2 ('gnu,' "wildebeest") - genoeg ('enough') - knoeien 2 ('to spill' // 'to swindle, cheat') - (de) snoeischaar ('pruning clippers') - (de) snoek 2 ('pike' - a fish) - (de) kornoelje ('cornel' - a tree) - noemen 2 ('to call, name') - het noenmaal ("noon meal" - 'lunch' - very old-fashioned) - (het) snoep ('candy') - (het) snoer 2 ('cable, string') - (de) knoest ('knot' - in wood) - (de) snoet ('face' - snout) |
POE | - "opoe" 2 ('great- grandmother' - children's language) - [(de)] spoed ('urgent,' 'urgency') - (de) poedel 2 ('poodle' - a dog) - (het) poeder ('powder') - (de) kroepoek ('deep- fried shrimp crackers - from Malay) - (de) poel 2 ('puddle') - (de) spoel 2 3 4 ('spool' - for winding string etc.) - Spoelstra 2 (a family name) - Swanepoel (a family name) - (de) poema ('puma, mountain lion') - (de) poen ('money' - slang) - (de) harpoen ('harpoon') - (de) poes ('cat') - poeslief 2 3 ('sweet as a cat' - insincere) - poetsen ('to polish') ‑>> - poezen 2 3 ('cats') |
- (de) roe
('rod, a bundle of small twigs' - a punishment instrument)
- troebel
- (de) gebroeders
('brothers' - old-fashioned)
- (de) wichelroede
('divining rod')
- (de) vroedvrouw
- bedroefd
('sad, sorrowful')
- (de) droefenis
('sadness, distress')
- (de) droefheid
2 ‑>> ('sorrow, sadness') - (het) proefwerk 2 3 ('written test' - in secondary school) - (de) proef 2 ('experiment') - (het) proefje 2 ('small experiment,' usually chemistry practice) - (de) schroef / schroeven ('screw'/'screws') ‑>> - stroef ('stiff' - 'with difficulty, not easy' - not lubricated) - (de) kroeg ('~bar, ~café') - vroeg / vroege ('early') - vroeger ('earlier, sooner' // 'in the past') (de) wroeging ('remorse, feeling bad about past actions) ‑>> - (de) roeiboot ('rowboat') - roeien 2 ('to row') - (de) broeikas 2 ('hothouse') - (de) groei 2 ('growth') - groeien 2 3 ('to grow') - (de) roek ('rook' - a bird) - (de) broek 2 ('pants, trousers') - Roel (a boys' name) - Roelof (a boys' name) - (de) roem 2 3 4 ('fame') - beroemd ('famous') - roemloos ('inglorious, no fame or renown') - Jeroen (a boys' name) - (de) citroen 2 ('lemon') - groen 2 3 / groene 2 3 4 ('green') - Groenland 2 (Greenland) - (de) groente ('vegetables') ‑>> - (de) roep ('call, cry, shout') - roepen 2 3 ('to call' - by voice) - (de) roeping 2 3 ('calling, mission, vocation') - (het) beroep 2 3 4 ('job, occupation') ‑>> - (de) groep ('group') - troepen 2 ('soldiers, military units') - (het) roer 2 ('rudder' - ship steering) - (de) broer 2 ('brother') - beroerd 2 3 ('miserable, sick') - (de) roes ('high,' intoxication) - Kroes 2 (a family name) - (de) roest ('rust') - roestig 2 3 ('rusty') - (het) roet 2 ('soot') - (de) groet 2 ('greeting') - [(het)] bankroet 2 ('bankrupt') - proeven 2 ('to taste' // 'experiments') - (de) beproeving 2 3 4 ('challenge, test, hardship') |
SOE | - (het) fatsoen ('decency, good manners') - fatsoenlijk 2 ('decent, according to good manners') - een kop soep 2 ('a cup of soup') - soepel 2 3 ('supple, flexible') - Soest (a town) |
SCHOE | - (de) schoen / schoenen ('shoe'/'shoes') - (het) schoentje 2 ('small, little shoe') - (de) schoenmaker 2 3 ([shoe repairman] - 'cobbler') |
TOE | - toe ('~towards // come on!') - toe nou! ('come on!') - (de) toegang 2 3 ('entry, entrance' // 'access') - stoeien 2 ('pretend-fighting with children) - (de) stoel ('chair') - toen 2 3 ('then' // 'when') ‑>> - (het) katoen ('cotton') - toepassen 2 3 ('to apply, put into practice') - stoep 2 ('sidewalk,' "stoop") - (het) toertje ('very small trip') - (de) toeslag 2 3 ('premium, surcharge, extra payment') - (de) toespraak 2 ('speech, address') - (het) toestel ('machine, apparatus') - (het) toetje ('dessert') - (de) toets 2 3 ('key' of keyboard // 'test') - (het) toeval ('chance, coincidence') - toevallig wel! 2 ("Just by accident" 'I happen to be right') - (de) toevoer 2 ('supply, provisioning') |
VOE | - ondervoed 2 3 (underfed, malnourished') - voederen 2 ('to feed - animals) - (de) voeding 2 ('nutrition') - (het) voedsel ('food') - toevoegen 2 ('to add') - (de) toevoeging 2 ('addition') - (het) voorvoegsel 2 ('prefix') - (het) achtervoegsel 2 3 ('suffix') - voelen 2 ('to feel') ‑>> - aanvoelen 2 3 ('to sense,' to notice non-verbally, intuitively) - (het) gevoel / gevoelens 2 ('feeling'/'feelings' - irregular plural) - gevoelig 2 ('sensitive') - (het) voer / (het) veevoer ('feed, fodder' - food for animals) - (de) afvoer 2 ('drain') - (het) vervoer ('transportation') - (de) woordvoerder 2 3 4 ('spokesperson') - (de) vervoering 2 3 ('extasy,' "transport") - (de) voet 2 / voeten 2 ('foot'/'feet') - stapvoets 2 3 ('step-by-step, slow, measured') |
- (de) woede
- woedend
('very angry')
- woelen
('to toss, turn about' // 'to churn, turn up' - soil)
- (de) woelwater
('fidget,' hyperactive child or person)
- (de) woensdag
- Woensdrecht
(a town)
- Woerden
('a town')
- (de) woestijn
('desert') - zwoel
2 /
('sultry, sensual')
- zweren / zwoer / gezworen ('to swear / swore / sworn') |
ZOE | - zoek 2 ('gone, lost, not to be found, missing') - zoeken 2 ('to search, to seek') ‑>> - (het) aanzoek ('marriage proposal') ‑>> - (het) bezoek 2 ('company' - one or more visitors) ‑>> - opzoeken ('to look up things, search for information' // 'to look up people, to visit') - (het) onderzoek 2 ('examination, investigation, research') - (het) verzoek 2 ('request') - (de) zoen ('kiss') - (het) seizoen ('season') ‑>> - zoet / zoete 2 3 / zoet/zoete 2 ('sweet') |
A | - hoe lang?
('how long?')
- hoektand
('[corner tooth] incisor')
- broeikas
('hothouse' - heated greenhouse)
- moeras
- woensdag
- dagboek ('diary') - stapvoets 2 3 ('step-by-step, slow, measured') - bankschroef ('vise') - kalkoen 2 ('turkey') - lakmoes 2 ('litmus') |
AA | - toestaan
('to allow, permit')
- toespraak
('speech, formal address to an audience')
- hoera!
('hurrah, hurray, hooray')
- bloedblaar
('blood blister')
- hoepla!
('an exclamation')
- nadoen 2 3 ('to imitate') - aanzoek ('marriage proposal') |
E |
- proefwerk
('written test in elementary and secondary school')
- hoe ver?
('how far?')
- bloemperk
('[flower area] flowerbed')
- toestel
('machine, apparatus, gear')
- hoewel
- zwembroek 2 ('swimming trunks (men)') - pensioen ('pension') |
EE | - soepvlees
('[soup meat] stew beef')
- schoensmeer
('shoe cream, shoe polish')
- hoezee!
('hurrah! - old-fashioned)
- preekstoel ([preaching, sermon chair] - 'pulpit') - veevoer ('fodder, animal feed') - smeerpoets 2 3 ('a person who's always dirty') |
E-uh |
- noemen
('to call,' give a name // 'to mention, name')
- groeten
('greetings // to greet')
- groente
- moeder
- voedsel
- beroep 2 3 ('occupation, profession, job') - gedoe 2 ('hassle, fuss, trouble,' "ado") - 'n boel 2 ('a lot, a large amount of') - beroemd ('famous') - verzoek 2 ('request') - genoeg ('enough') |
I | - proefschrift
('PhD thesis')
- roeping
('calling' - to an important task)
- hoefsmid
('farrier,' installer of horseshoes)
- plicht roept 2 3 ('duty calls') - gifgroen 2 3 4 5 ([poison green] - 'very bright green') - miljoen 2 ('(a) million') |
IE | - poeslief
('sweet 'as a cat' - insincere')
- foelie
('mace - a spice)
- koetsier
('coachman, horse carriage driver')
- citroen 2 ('lemon') - niet goed 2 3 ('not good, not well, bad') |
O | - voetvolk 2 3 ('[foot people] foot soldiers') - oerdom 2 ('very stupid') - stofdoek 2 ('dusting cloth, dusting rag') - kom soep 2 3 ('a bowl of soup') |
OO | - goed zo!
('well done!' // 'Serves them right!')
- hoezo?
('[how so?] What do you mean?')
- bloemkool
- roerloos
- goedkoop
('inexpensive, cheap')
- voordoen 2 ('to show, demonstrate something') - kookboek ('cookbook') |
U |
- (de) bloeddruk
('blood pressure')
- (het) doelpunt
('goal! // goal scored')
- (de) drukproef 2 3 ('galley,' test run of print) |
UU | - zoetzuur
('sweet-and-sour,' a taste of for instance pickles)
- (het) rumoer 2 3 4 ('hubbub' - many people shouting or muttering) - duur doen 2 ('showing off,' acting as if you're rich or important) |
AU/OU | - (het) oerwoud 2 3 ('[primeval forest] jungle') - toe nou! ('come on!') - (de) vroedvrouw 2 3 ('midwife') - (de) rouwstoet 2 3 ('[mourning] funeral procession') |
- woestijn
- roerei
('[stir- egg] scrambled eggs')
- boekweit
- proeftijd
('trial period')
- zoek zijn
('to be gone, lost, cannot be found')
- seizoen ('season') - mijn boek 2 ('my book') - hij vroeg 2 3 ('he asked') |
EU | - (de) bloedneus
- (het) kleurboek 2 ('coloring book') |
UI | - (de) hoestbui
('coughing fit')
- (de) moestuin
('vegetables garden, kitchen garden')
- (de) kruidkoek 2 3 ('~spice cake') - uitdoen 2 3 (1. 'to turn off' - lights etc. 2. 'to take off' - clothes) |
Major Exceptions to the Phonetic Spelling of Dutch:
- Page 1:
- Page 2:
Hear the Dutch Letters in Hundreds of Words:
'Master Lists' of Dutch words: Dutch to English - English to Dutch
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