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L in Dutch - Skip General Introduction

Old L-page

Pronunciation: Hear for Yourself

Do take my words for it
Too many examples! Listen just to what looks interesting or useful to you. That's the beauty of a free website - you can just skip what you don't need without feeling bad that you paid for something that's of no use to you. Listen to as many or as few examples as you want. Look for words that may be useful to you. - Can there be too many examples for you students to listen to?
Pay special attention to letters, letter combinations and sounds that you don't have in your own language
These pronunciation pages are not meant for learning vocabulary. The English translations may lack in precision. But if you like, follow the occasional links ‑>> to explanation, examples of usage and/or related words.
Learning Vocabulary

Adjectives in most positions get an -E  ending ‑>>
Several words appear twice on the page. I do not have an infinite number of recordings, and some combinations of letters are rarely or never found in Dutch.

Spelling and Pronunciation

Dutch spelling/pronunciation rules say that: So (de) man click to hear 2 ('man, human adult male) has the plural mannen (man-nen) click to hear 2 while (de) maan click to hear 2 ('moon') has the plural manen (ma-nen) click to hear 2 3

'Long' and 'short' are traditional terms. The difference is actually more of tone than length
More about spelling and pronunciation - another version
Learn the Rules by Studying and Listening to Examples

Major Exceptions to the Phonetic Spelling of Dutch
- Page 1:   een   -IG   -ISCH   -LIJK  
- Page 2:   -B   -D   SCHR   -TIE   UW   WR

Hear the Dutch Letters in Hundreds of Words:
 AU/OU  CH  E  EI/IJ  EU  F  G  H  L  OE  SCH  U  UI  W  X  Y

'Master Lists' of Dutch words: Dutch to English - English to Dutch

Old L-page

 L in Dutch - Hear for Yourself

 Long Introduction 
 Many Examples: 
 French LL 


(de) L click to hear
L - L click to hear
Wat is er met m'n L? click to hear 2 What's (wrong) with my L? Toch iets mis met die L click to hear There is really something wrong with that L (de) el click to hear 'ell' - old length measurement. The Dutch el  is 69 cm (~27 inches) - the English ell is about 45 inches (115 cm)

Hear a few examples of Dutch L:
(het) Walhalla click to hear 2 3 4 'heaven, the afterlife' in Germanic mythology (de) alvleesklier click to hear pancreas
(de) luilak click to hear lazy person
luilekkerland click to hear 2 'The Land of Cockaigne' - mythical place of free, good food ellenlang click to hear 2 'terribly long' - length
in click to hear 2 lichterlaaie click to hear "burning hot, in full flame" Goejanverwellesluis click to hear a hamlet near Gouda - in 1787 the local militia stopped and detained the stadhouder's wife

Long ago, a student from Ukraine (Oekraïne click to hear) told me the Dutch L is difficult for her. She suggested the last five of the lines below. This page is an upgrade of the page I made then. To me, Dutch L sounds very much like English L.
When I say the proper Dutch L, I put the tip of my tongue just above the top front teeth, or a little farther up against the palate; the tongue tip is widthwise slightly curled. When I put the tip of my tongue uncurled against my top front teeth or even between my front teeth, the L will be what I'd call 'fat' or 'lazy.' (I'll spare you the examples.)

leven en laten leven click to hear 2 live and let live Lekker lezen click to hear to enjoy reading, enjoying reading lekker lui liggen lezen click to hear enjoying a [lazy] relaxed read lap en leur click to hear bad, undesirable people lief en leed click to hear [love and suffering] (sharing) good times and bad lusten en lasten click to hear pleasures and [burdens] duties lijf en leden click to hear 2 [rump and limbs] - body listen en lagen click to hear 2 3 tricks and traps, ambushes Leiden in last click to hear [Leyden in trouble] - there is trouble' - usually said about people who exaggerate their problems klip en klaar click to hear clearly understood De laatste loodjes wegen het zwaarst click to hear the final stages of a job are the hardest

Leentje leerde Lotje lopen langs de lange Lindelaan click to hear Leentje taught Lotje walking [along] on the long Linden lane De leuke lolbroek lachte luid click to hear 2 The nice fun person was laughing loudly Lies is lastig en laat alles liggen click to hear Lies is a pain-in-the-neck and doesn't clean up Lichtgeel is Joliens lievelingskleur click to hear 2 Pale yellow is Jolene's favorite color De lieve leidsters liepen langzaam langs de Lindelaan click to hear The kind (female Kindergarten) teachers walked slowly along the Linden Lane

The 'first series' is grouped by the letter after the L's, the 'second series' is grouped by the letter before the L's:

- first series: LA-LZ - second series: AL-YL

the:  de click to hear 2 / het click to hear 2 3 - 't click to hear ->>
Plurals always take 'de'
a:  (een) - 'n click to hear / one:  één click to hear 2 3

Repeat the words after me, try saying them like I do, and record yourself or ask a friend to compare how you say them with how I say them. Try to bring your pronunciation of the words closer and closer to how I say them. Use as few or as many examples as you like.

LA  - (het) lab click to hear / (het) laboratorium click to hear ('lab, laboratory') - (de) lach click to hear ('laugh') - (de) ladder click to hear ('ladder') - laf click to hear 2 ('cowardly') - lag click to hear 2 3 ('lay' singular simple past tense of liggen click to hear 2 ('to lie down') ‑>> - (de) lak click to hear ('lacquer' - paint) - [(het)] lam click to hear ('lamb' // 'lame') - (het) land click to hear 2 3 4 ('country, land') - (de) lap click to hear ('piece' - of fabric or land) - (de) last click to hear 2 ('burden' // 'bother') - (de) lat click to hear ('slat' - small piece of wood) - (het) lawaai click to hear 2 ('noise') ‑>>
LAA  - (de) la click to hear / (de) lade click to hear 2 ('drawer') - (de) slaaf click to hear 2 ('slave') - [(de)] laag click to hear 2 3 4 ('low' // 'layer') - (het) laken click to hear 2 ('bedsheet') - Vlaams click to hear / Vlaamse click to hear 2 ('Flemish') - (de) laan click to hear 2 3 ('lane') - (de) slaap click to hear 2 ('sleep') ‑>> - Laren click to hear (a town) - (de) laars click to hear ('boot') - klaar click to hear ('ready') ‑>> - Klaas click to hear (a boys' name) - laat click to hear ('late, not in time') - (de) lava click to hear 2 3 4 ('lava,' molten rock from a volcano) - slaven click to hear 2 ('slaves') - wij lazen click to hear ('we were reading')
LAU  - (de) laurierblaadjes click to hear ('Bay leaves') - lauw click to hear 2 / lauw/lauwe click to hear 2 ('tepid,' - between cold and warm) - lauweren click to hear 2 ('laurels') - [(het)] blauw click to hear 2 3 ('blue') - blauwe click to hear 2 3 / blauw/blauwe click to hear 2 3 ('blue') - (de) blauwdruk click to hear ('blueprint') - (de) blauwe boon click to hear 2 ([blue bean] - crime fiction 'bullet') - (de) blauweregen click to hear ([blue rain] - blue-flower tree, looks like wisteria) - blauwkous click to hear 2 ('bluestocking') - blauw oog click to hear 2 ([blue] - 'black eye' - injury) - [(het)] blauwpaars click to hear 2 3 4 ('blue-purple, violet') - blauw zout click to hear ('blue salt') - flauw click to hear / flauwe click to hear 2 ('weak taste' - not enough salt? // '~not funny') - (de) flauwekul click to hear 2 ('nonsense') - flauwvallen click to hear 2 ('to faint') - klauw click to hear 2 ('claw') - bont en blauw click to hear 2 ([multicolored] - 'black and blue') - (de) Clauwaerts (Klauwaards) click to hear 2 (Medieval Flemish-independence group) - Laura click to hear (a girls' name) - Laurens click to hear (a boys' name)
LB  - (de) afvalbak click to hear ('garbage can') - haalbaar click to hear 2 ('feasible, can be done') - (de) ophaalbrug click to hear 2 ('drawbridge') - Elburg click to hear 2 (a town) - onvoorspelbaar click to hear 2 3 ('unpredictable') - heel binnenkort click to hear 2 3 ('very soon') - veelbelovend click to hear 2 3 4 5 6 ('promising, raising expectations') - prikkelbaar click to hear 2 ('irritable') - (de) adelborst click to hear ('navy cadet officer') - (de) appelboom click to hear 2 ('apple tree') - (de) zeilboot click to hear 2 ('sailboat') - Hilbrand click to hear (a boys' name) - Tilburg click to hear (a town) - ik viel bijna click to hear 2 ('I almost fell') - Alblasserdam click to hear (a town) - galblaas click to hear ('gall bladder') - (het) struikelblok click to hear 2 ('stumbling block') - (het) colbert click to hear 2 ('formal jacket for men - French, T not pronounced) - doelbewust click to hear 2 ('purposeful,' focused on goals) - (de) tulband click to hear ('turban')
LC  - (het) winkelcentrum click to hear ('shopping center, mall') - Walcheren click to hear 2 (former island in the province of Zeeland click to hear 2 ['Sea-land']) - (het) calcium click to hear ('calcium, Ca') - (de) alcohol click to hear 2 ('alcohol') - Eelco click to hear (a boys' name)
See and hear K, S and G for similar sounds
LD  - (de) waldhoorn click to hear 2 3 4 ('French horn') - (het) saldo click to hear ('balance' - money) - aldus click to hear 2 ('so, thus') - (de) baaldag click to hear ('mental health sick day') - (de) daalder click to hear 2 3 (an old coin, f1,50) - (de) naald click to hear ('needle') - (de) naaldboom click to hear ('pine tree') - (het) staaldraad click to hear ('steel wire') - (het) geld click to hear ('money') - (het) geweld click to hear 2 ('violence') - de Schelde click to hear 2 (a river in Belgium) - helder click to hear / heldere click to hear 2 3 ('clear') - elders click to hear ('elsewhere') - (de) melding click to hear 2 3 ('report, reporting') - (de) selderie click to hear ('celery' - a bunch of leaves like parsley) - (het) beeld click to hear 2 ('statue' // 'image') - (het) voorbeeld click to hear ('example') - gedeeld door click to hear 2 ('divided by') - (de) wereld click to hear 2 ('world') - gemiddeld click to hear 2 ('average') - (het) gemiddelde click to hear 2 ('average') - geregeld click to hear 2 3 ('regular') - (de) dubbeldekker click to hear 2 ('double-decker' - bus, airplane) - ik metselde click to hear ('I was laying bricks') - (het) prikkeldraad click to hear ('electric wire') - (het) schild click to hear 2 ('shield') - (de) schilder click to hear 2 ('painter') - schilderen click to hear 2 3 ('to paint') - (het) schilderij click to hear 2 ('painting') - (de) schildpad click to hear ('turtle, tortoise') - (de) schildwacht click to hear 2 3 ('sentry') - gilden click to hear 2 ('guilds') - mild click to hear ('mild') - wild click to hear ('wild') - ik hield click to hear ('I held') - (het) veldleger click to hear ('field army') - 't gold click to hear 2 3 ('it was valid, it counted, it counted as') - (gold click to hear 2) - (de) soldaat click to hear ('soldier') - (de) polder click to hear 2 3 4 ('polder,' reclaimed land) - (de) zolder click to hear ('attic') - (het) foldertje click to hear ('flyer, small brochure') - doldriest click to hear ([crazy-bold] - 'beserk') - (het) kooldioxide click to hear ('carbon dioxide') - ik voelde de aarde beven click to hear 2 3 ('I felt the trembling of the earth') - ik voelde me katterig click to hear ([I felt] it felt like a hangover or the flu) - (de) schuld click to hear ('debt' // '~blame, ~fault') ‑>> - schuldig click to hear 2 3 ('guilty' // '~indebted') - (de) hulde click to hear 2 ('homage, praise, tribute') - (de) gulden click to hear ('guilder,' pre-Euro Dutch monetary unit and coin) - zorgvuldig click to hear 2 ('careful, with care and precision, meticulous') - (het) muildier click to hear 2 ('mule' - horse/donkey hybrid)
LE  - slecht click to hear / slechte click to hear 2 ('bad') ‑>> - (het) dialect click to hear 2 ('dialect') - (de) electriciteit click to hear 2 3 4 ('electricity') - (het) lef click to hear 2 ('courage,' "guts" - slang) - leggen click to hear ('to lay down') ‑>> - (het) beleg click to hear ('bread covering, sandwich filling' // 'siege') - de Lek click to hear 2 (a part of the River Rhine) - lekker click to hear 2 3 4 / lekker/lekkere click to hear 2 ('enjoyable, nice, delicious' or simply 'good' or 'well') - Lemmer click to hear (a town) - Haarlem click to hear (a town) - (de) lens click to hear 2 ('lens') - (de) lente click to hear ('Spring') - (de) klep click to hear 2 ('valve, flap, bill') - allergisch click to hear 2 ('allergic') - (de) les click to hear ('lesson') - lessen click to hear 2 ('lessons' // 'to slake' - thirst) - (de) Let click to hear 2 ('a Latvian')
LEE  - (het) leed click to hear ('suffering') - beleefd click to hear 2 ('polite, well-mannered') - leeg click to hear / lege click to hear 2 ('empty') - (de) leegte click to hear 2 3 4 5 6 ('emptiness') - (de) leek click to hear ('layman') - (de) lelie click to hear 2 ('lily') - lelijk click to hear 2 / lelijke click to hear 2 3 ('ugly') - (het) leem click to hear 2 ('loam') - Leen click to hear (a boys' name) - lenen click to hear 2 ('to borrow' // 'to loan') ‑>> - alleen click to hear ('only,' // 'alone') ‑>> - lepel click to hear ('spoon') - ik sleep click to hear ('I'm dragging, towing') - leer click to hear 2 ('leather' // 'doctrine') - (de) leest click to hear ('last,' shoemaker's tool) - (de) lever click to hear ('liver') - leven click to hear 2 ('to live, be alive') - Flevoland click to hear 2 (the new province of reclaimed land) - lezen click to hear 2 3 ('to read') ‑>>
LEuh  - stille click to hear ('silent') ‑>> - Vrouw Holle click to hear 2 (fairy tale character) - Holle Bolle Gijs click to hear 2 (fairy tale character) - (het) molecuul click to hear ('molecule') - (de) telefoon click to hear 2 ('telephone') - Hillegom click to hear 2 (a town) - Hilleke click to hear (a girls' name) - (de) handel click to hear 2 ('trade, commerce') - Willem click to hear (a boys' name) - willen click to hear ('to want, wish, desire, would like to') ‑>> - Heerlen click to hear (a town) - (de) dubbelepunt click to hear 2 ('colon,' " : ") - aller- click to hear 2 ('of all') ‑>> - alles click to hear 2 ('everything') ‑>> - (het) gilletje click to hear 2 3 ('little shriek') - (de) televisie click to hear ('television') - (de) wielewaal click to hear 2 ('golden oriole' - a bird) - in volle vaart click to hear ('at full throttle, ~high speed') - Holleweg click to hear 2 (a street name, 'Sunken Road') - de lege zee click to hear ('the empty sea') - alle hens aan dek! click to hear 2 3 ('all hands on deck!')
LEI  - (het/de) lei click to hear ('slate' // 'writing board') - (het) leitje click to hear ('old-fashioned slate writing board, writing with chalk, easily erased') - van een leien dakje click to hear / 't Gaat van een leien dakje click to hear ([Like a slate roof?] 'The job is going smoothly' (Maybe slate roofs were a radical improvement?) - (de) vallei click to hear ('valley') - allerlei click to hear 2 ('all kinds of things // all kinds of ..., various, miscellaneous') - de Leie click to hear (a river in Belgium - leiden click to hear ('to lead') ‑>> - (de) leiding click to hear ('leadership' // 'tube for liquid') - (het) porselein click to hear 2 ('porcelain, china') - klein click to hear 2 3 4 5 / kleine click to hear ('small, little') - leip click to hear ('cool, ~clever' - slang)
LEU  - (de) sleuf click to hear ('a dry ditch') - (de) vleugel click to hear ('wing' // 'grand piano') - (het) vleugje click to hear 2 ('whiff' - of perfume, for instance) - (de) leugen click to hear ('a lie') - leugens click to hear 2 ('lies') - leuk click to hear 2 3 4 5 / leuke click to hear / leuk/leuke click to hear 2 3 ('enjoyable, nice, pleasant, entertaining' // 'funny, amusing' // 'pretty, attractive') - (de) kleun click to hear ('a punch, a hit') - (de) souffleur click to hear ('stage whisperer' - French OU) - (de) kleur click to hear 2 / kleuren click to hear ('color'/'colors') ‑>> - kleurloos click to hear 2 ('colorless, pale, drab, bland') - (de) sleur click to hear 2 3 ('rut' - boring, bad routine) - Etten-Leur click to hear ('a village') - teleurgesteld click to hear 2 3 ('disappointed') - teleurstellend click to hear ('disappointing') - (de) teleurstelling click to hear 2 ('disapppointment') - (de) sleutel click to hear ('key' - lock/wrench/music - 'clef') - sleutels click to hear ('keys') - (de) kleuter click to hear ('a small child' - 4-6 yrs) - (de) leuze click to hear ('slogan')
LF  - half click to hear ('half') ‑>> - (de) zalf click to hear ('ointment, cream') - (het) kalf click to hear 2 3 ('calf') - (het) alfabet click to hear 2 ('alphabet') ‑>> - (het) kalfje click to hear 2 ('young calf') - twaalf click to hear ('12') - [(de)] elf click to hear ('11' // 'elf') - hetzelfde click to hear / (dezelfde click to hear) ('the same') ‑>> - Delfland click to hear 2 3 (the area around the city of Delft click to hear 2) - (de) spelfout click to hear 2 3 ('typo, spelling mistake') - zelfs click to hear ('even') ‑>> - Delfshaven click to hear 2 ('Delft Harbor' - now part of Rotterdam click to hear) - delfstoffen click to hear 2 ('minerals, mineral resources') - Delft click to hear 2 (a town) - (de) helft click to hear ('half') ‑>> - (het) elftal click to hear (sports team of 11 - for instance soccer) - zichzelf zien click to hear 2 3 ('seeing yourself') - veel fietsen click to hear ('do a lot of bicycling') - (de) schilfer click to hear 2 ('sliver') - (de/het) golf click to hear 2 ('wave' // 'golf' - the sport/pastime) - (de) wolf click to hear ('wolf') - Wolfheze click to hear 2 (a town) - (de) dolfijn click to hear 2 ('dolphin') - (het) wolfraam click to hear 2 ('wolfram, tungsten' - a rare metal)
LG  - (de) velg click to hear 2 ('rim' of a wheel) - zwelgen click to hear 2 ('to wallow, live immersed in dirt and misery' // 'to guzzle') - (de) wilg click to hear 2 ('willow' - a tree) - (het) gevolg click to hear ('result, effect, consequence') - edelgassen click to hear ('noble gases' - chemistry) - vulgair click to hear 2 ('vulgar' - French AI) - (het) wisselgeld click to hear ('small change') - (het) taalgebruik click to hear 2 ('usage, language use') - walgelijk click to hear 2 3 ('disgusting') - algemeen click to
  hear / algemene click to hear 2 3 ('general') - (de) volgeling click to hear 2 ('follower, disciple') - volgen click to hear 2 3 ('to follow') - volgend click to hear 2 ('next') - (de) opvolger click to hear ('successor') - (het) taalgevoel click to hear 2 3 ('linguistic sense, intuitive understanding of languages') - Belgisch click to hear 2 3 4 ('Belgian') - (het) speelgoed click to hear ('toys') - (de) doelgroep click to hear 2 ('target audience') - Helga click to hear (a girls' name') - Olga click to hear (a girls' name') - Bulgarije click to hear ('Bulgaria')
LH  - (het) Walhalla click to hear 2 3 4 ('heaven, the afterlife' in Germanic mythology) - winkelhaken click to hear ('carpenter's squares') - kielhalen click to hear 2 ('to keelhaul') - Rem Koolhaas click to hear (an architect) - welhaast click to hear 2 3 ('almost, well nigh' - old-fashioned) - Wilhelmina click to hear (a girls' name - also a former queen) - snelheden click to hear 2 3 ('speeds') - hoeveelheden click to hear 2 ('amounts') - (de) snelheid click to hear 2 ('speed') - (de) veelheid click to hear (['muchness'] - 'large amount, large number of') - (de) hoeveelheid click to hear ('amount') - (de) hondsdolheid click to hear ([dogs' craziness] - 'rabies') - koolhydraten click to hear 2 3 ('carbohydrates') - (het) doolhof click to hear ('maze, labyrinth') - volhouden click to hear 2 ('to persevere, carry on, insist') - (het) vogelhuisje click to hear 2 ('birds feeder')
LI  - (het) lichaam click to hear ('body') ‑>> - (het) licht click to hear ('light') ‑>> - licht click to hear / lichte click to hear 2 3 ('light' - not heavy // well-lighted) - (het) lid click to hear 2 ('member') - liflafjes click to hear 2 ('small, insubstantial pieces of food') - (de) lift click to hear ('elevator') - ik lig click to hear ('I'm lying down') - (de) ligging click to hear ('location, position') - likken click to hear 2 ('to lick' - tongue action) - Limburg click to hear (a province) - (het) linnen click to hear ('linen') - linker- click to hear 2 3 ('left-') - (de) straling click to hear ('radiation') - (de) leerling click to hear 2 ('student' - not at university) - de Linge click to hear (a river in Belgium) - Kralingen click to hear (a village) - (de) lip click to hear / lippen click to hear ('lip/lips') - (de) list click to hear 2 ('ruse, ~trick') - Lisse click to hear 2 (a town) - (het) litteken click to hear 2 3 ('scar, mark') - splitsen click to hear 2 3 ('to split, divide')
LIE  - (de) tralie click to hear ('bar' - on prison cell window) - (de) lelie click to hear ('lily') - (de) familie click to hear ('family, relatives') - (de) olie click to hear 2 ('oil') - jullie click to hear ('you/your' - plural informal) ‑>> - juli click to hear ('July') - (de) magnolia click to hear 2 ('magnolia, tulips tree?') ‑>> - leliaards click to hear 2 (pro-French Medieval fraction in Flanders) - (de) libel click to hear 2 3 ('dragonfly') ‑>> - [(de)] liberaal click to hear ('liberal' - classical) - (het) alibi click to hear 2 ('alibi') - (het) silicagel click to hear ('silicagel') - (het) silicium click to hear ('silicon, Si') - (het) sollicitatiegesprek click to hear 2 ('job interview') - Lida click to hear (a girls' name) - lieden click to hear 2 ('~guys') - (het) liedje click to hear 2 ('song') - maliën click to hear ('mail' - a type of Medieval armor) - oliën click to hear ('to oil, grease') - lief click to hear ('sweet, dear, kind') ‑>> - madeliefjes click to hear ('daisies') - (de) olifant click to hear ('elephant') - (de) vlieg click to hear ('fly') - liegen click to hear ('to lie, tell lies') - katholiek click to hear 2 ('catholic' - Roman) - kliekjes click to hear (saved leftover food) - (de) helikopter click to hear 2 ('helicopter') - [(het)] lila click to hear ('lila') - (de) milliliter click to hear ('milliliter, cc') - subliem click to hear 2 3 ('sublime, exalted, fantastic') - (de) alimentatie click to hear ('alimony') - (de) limiet click to hear 2 3 4 5 ('limit') - (de) limonade click to hear 2 3 ('lemonade') - (de) alinea click to hear 2 ('paragraph') - (de) liniaal click to hear ('ruler' - for straight lines) - (de) mandoline click to hear ('mandolin') - sliep click to hear ('slept' - simple past tense singular) - (de) scharensliep click to hear 2 ('knives and scissors sharpener' - old-fashioned) - (de) klier click to hear 2 3 ('gland' // 'annoying, disruptive person') - (het) formulier click to hear 2 ('form' - to fill out) - (de) vliering click to hear 2 ('attic' - with no walkable floor) - Lies click to hear 2 (a girls' name) - (de) zilvervliesrijst click to hear 2 ([silver husk] - 'brown rice') - (de) liter click to hear ('liter,' ~quart, ~4 cups) - (het) lithium click to hear ('Lithium, Li,' an element) - (de) vliet click to hear (a small stream) - lieve click to hear ('sweet, dear, kind') ‑>> - liever click to hear 2 3 ('dearer, sweeter' // 'rather' - preference) ‑>> - verliezen click to hear 2 ('to lose' - items or matches) ‑>> - wij bliezen click to hear 2 3 ('we blew' - air)
In colloquial speech, the L of - (de) bibliotheek click to hear ('library') is not pronounced.
-LIG  The I of the ending -IG click to hear is pronounced as 'voiceless, unstressed E' click to hear (the 'schwa')
- zalig click to hear ('blessed' // 'heavenly, delicious') - gelig click to hear ('yellowish') ‑>> - zielig click to hear 2 ('pitiable, to be pitied, sorry') - duizelig click to hear 2 ('dizzy') - gezellig click to hear 2 3 4 5 (untranslatable: '~pleasant, ~nice, ~enjoyable, ~gregarious, ~cosy') ‑>>
more -IG examples
LIJ  - (de) glijbaan click to hear ('slide' - playground) - lijden click to hear 2 ('to suffer') ‑>> - blij click to hear / blije click to hear ('glad') ‑>> - (het) lijf click to hear ('human body' - slang) - vrijheid blijheid click to hear 2 ('freedom brings along, creates happiness') - gelijk click to hear 2 ('equal' ‑>> - vrijelijk click to hear ('freely, liberally') - see also LIJK and -LIJK below - (de) lijm click to hear ('glue') - (de) lijn click to hear ('line') - slijpen click to hear ('to hone' - knives) - lijst click to hear ('list' // 'picture frame') - (de) lijster click to hear ('thrush' - a bird) - slijten click to hear 2 ('to wear out' // 'to sell' // 'to pass the time') - lijven click to hear 2 ('bodies' - slang)
LIJ see and hear also EI above
‑LIJK  In the ending -LIJK click to
   hear IJ is 'voiceless, unstressed E' click to hear (the 'schwa') - like A in AGO
rijkelijk click to hear ([richly] 'abundantly') - verrukkelijk click to
     hear ('delicious') - ijselijk click to hear ([icely] 'dreadful, frightening') - gemakkelijk click to hear ('easy') - mogelijk click to hear 2 ('possible') - billijk click to hear ('reasonable' - bookish) - olijk click to hear ('droll, funny') - belachelijk click to hear 2 ('ridiculous') - walgelijk click to hear 2 ('disgusting')
more words with the -LIJK ending
LIJK  Note that a few short words end in 'regular' LIJK with IJ-sound click to hear :
- lijk click to hear ('dead body') - (het) blijk click to hear ('mark, evidence') - (het) slijk click to hear 2 ('mire, sludge') - gelijk click to hear 2 ('equal' - voiceless E 'ge-' prefix) - (de) gelijkheid click to hear ('equality') - gelijkwaardig click to hear ('of equal value') - soortgelijk click to hear ('similar') - more 'gelijk'
LJ  - (het) miljard click to hear ('billion') ‑>> - (de) straaljager click to hear 2 ('jet fighter') - (de) kabeljauw click to hear 2 ('cod' - a fish) - (het) bankbiljet click to hear ('banknote, bill' - paper money) ‑>> - (de) kornoelje click to hear ('cornel' - a tree) - stel je voor ... click to hear 2 ('imagine ...') ‑>> - zal jij ...? click to hear 2 3 4 ('will you ...') ‑>> - (het) miljoen click to hear 2 ('million') - (de) baljuw click to hear 2 ('bailiff' - Medieval law court official)
LK  - (de) balk click to hear / balken click to hear ('beam'/'beams' - wood) - elk click to hear / elke click to hear ('each') - (de) melk click to hear 2 ('milk') - (het) geelkoper click to hear 2 ('brass, yellow copper') - Eelke click to hear (a boys' name) - (de) veelkleurige roos click to hear 2 ('many-colored rose') - (de) Vogelkop click to hear 2 ('bird's head' - Western New Guinea) - (de) krielkip click to hear (a small chicken type) - Hielke click to hear (a boys' name) - tolk click to hear 2 ('interpreter') - (de) wolk click to hear 2 3 / wolken click to hear ('cloud'/'clouds') - (de) folklore click to hear 2 ('folklore') - (de) koelkast click to hear ('fridge, refrigerator') - zulk click to hear / zulke click to hear / zulk/zulke click to hear ('such') ‑>> - (de) schuilkelder click to hear 2 ([cellar-] 'bomb shelter')
LM  - (de) kalmte click to hear 2 3 (quiet, calm, serenity') ‑>> - (de) palm click to hear 2 3 / palmen click to hear 2 ('palm tree'/ 'palm trees') - (de) psalm click to hear 2 ('psalm') - (de) zalm click to hear 2 ('salmon') - (de) helm click to hear ('helmet') - Helmond click to hear (a town) - (de) edelman click to hear 2 ('nobleman') - (de) film click to hear 2 ('movie, film') - (het) schilmesje click to hear ('peeling, paring knife') - 't viel me niet op click to hear 2 3 ('I didn't notice it') - (de) Bijlmermeer click to hear 2 (Amsterdam neighborhood - originally a 'polder') - (de) olm click to hear 2 ('elm' - a tree - old-fashioned word) - volmaakt click to hear 2 ('~perfect') - (de) rolmops click to hear (a herring in vinegar wound around a pickle) - (de) doelman click to hear ('goalkeeper' - usually the English word 'keeper' is used)
LN  - walnoten click to hear 2 ('walnuts') - helemaal niet! click to hear 2 3 ('not at all!') - (de) kelner click to hear 2 ('waiter') - deelnemen click to hear 2 ('to take part, participate') - (het) vogelnestje click to hear 2 ('birds' nest') - (de) verzamelnaam click to hear 2 ('collective word') - hazelnoten click to hear 2 ('hazelnuts, filiberts') - ik wil niet meer click to hear 2 ('I don't want more' - food, drink // 'I don't want to go on') - (het) vuilnis click to hear ('garbage, refuse')
LO  - Arie Slob click to hear 2 (a politician) - (de) losse flodder click to hear 2 ('blank' - gunshot) - ploffen click to hear 2 3 ('to plop' // 'to pop, bang') - log click to hear ('hard to move, not nimble, cumbersome, sluggish') - (de) oorlog click to hear ('war') - (de) lok click to hear ('lock' - hair) - alom click to hear 2 ('all around, everywhere') - (de) ballon click to hear 2 3 ('balloon') - (de) long click to hear ('lung') - kloppen click to hear 2 ('to knock') - slordig click to hear 2 ('sloppy, careless' // '~good') - los click to hear / losse click to hear / los/losse click to hear 2 ('loose,' untethered, not connected) - (het) lot click to hear 2 3 ('lottery ticket' // 'fate') ‑>>
LOO  - Lobith click to hear (a town) - wij loochenen click to hear 2 ('we deny the truth of, we disclaim') - (het) lood click to hear 2 ('lead, Pb' - a metal) - (de) loodlijn click to hear ('perpendicular line,' "plumb") - (het) geloof click to hear 2 3 ('belief, religion') - (het) loog click to hear ('alkali, base') - wij logen click to hear 2 3 ('we lied') - analoog click to hear 2 ('analog') - vlooien click to hear 2 3 ('fleas') - (de/het) knoflook click to hear ('garlic') - sloom click to hear 2 3 / sloom/slome click to hear 2 ('lethargic, slow') - (het) loon click to hear 2 3 4 ('wages') - (de) loop click to hear 2 ('barrel' - of a gun // 'course' // 'run') - lopen click to hear 2 ('to walk') ‑>> - (de) looplamp click to hear ('mobile cabled light') - Floor click to hear (a girls' name) - (het) chloor click to hear ('chlorine, Cl' - an element) - draadloos click to hear 2 ('wireless') - loos alarm click to hear 2 ('false alarm') - (de) loot click to hear ('shoot' - new plant growth) - (de) sloot click to hear ('ditch') - (het) lover click to hear ('leaves, foliage' - old-fashioned) - beloven click to hear 2 3 4 ('to promise') ‑>> - Slowakije click to hear ('Slovakia' a country) - loyaal click to hear 2 ('loyal') - blozen click to hear ('to blush') - (de) 'toonloze E' click to hear ( 'toneless E' - the 'schwa' click to hear - what I usually call 'voiceless, unstressed E' ‑>> )
LOE  - (het) bloed click to hear ('blood') - (de) ploeg click to hear ('plow' // 'team') - vloeibaar click to hear 2 3 ('liquid') - bloeien click to hear ('to bloom, flower') - [(de)] kloek click to hear 2 ('sturdy' // 'alert' // 'brave' // 'mother hen') - (de) bloem click to hear 2 3 ('flower' ‑>> // 'flour') - lou loene click to hear 2 ('no result,' 'fuhgeddaboudit' - slang) - (de) sloep click to hear 2 3 ('sloop' - small rowboat) - (de) vloer click to hear ('floor, ~bottom') - (de) bloesem click to hear ('bloom, blossom')
LOU  - Jan Terlouw click to hear 2 (politician and author) - lou loene click to hear 2 ('no result,' 'fuhgeddaboudit' - slang) - Lilianne Ploumen click to hear 2 (a politician) - louter click to hear 2 ('~pure,' '~only')
OU also see and hear AU above
LP  - balpennen click to hear ('ballpoint pens') - (de) staalplaat click to hear 2 3 ('steel plate') - helpen click to hear 2 ('to help, assist') - (het) knelpunt click to hear 2 3 ('bottleneck, chokepoint') - veel plezier! click to hear 2 ('have fun! enjoy yourself') - (de) langspeelplaat click to hear ('LP, long-playing vinyl record') - (de) orgelpijp click to hear 2 (pipe of organ) - (het) mantelpakje click to hear ('ladies' formal suit') - tsjilpen click to hear ('to chirp' - bird sound) - (de) mijlpaal click to hear 2 ('milestone') - (het) nijlpaard click to hear 2 ('hippo, hippopotamus' - [river Nile-horse]) - ik heb geholpen click to hear 2 ('I have helped') - (het) schoolplein click to hear ('schoolyard') - (het) doelpunt click to hear ('goal' - scored, in sports) - (de) tulp click to hear / tulpen click to hear ('tulip/tulips') - (de) vulpen click to hear 2 ('fountain pen') - (het) nulpunt click to hear 2 ('zero, zero point' // 'rock bottom') - (de) schuilplaats click to hear 2 3 ('hiding place')
LR  - alreeds click to hear 2 3 ('already' - old-fashioned) - Walraven click to hear 2 (a family name) - Waalre click to hear (a town) - Gelre click to hear 2 (old name of the province of Gelderland click to hear) - (de) spelregel click to hear 2 ('game rule') - (de) zegelring click to hear 2 ('signet ring') - (de) trommelrem click to hear 2 3 ('drum brake') - (de) wichelroede click to hear ('divining rod') - wielrennen click to hear 2 ('bicycle racing') - (de) driewielrijder click to hear 2 3 ('tricyclist') - (de) koolrabi click to hear ('kohlrabi') ‑>>
LS  - als click to hear ('if' // 'when' // 'as a ...') ‑>> - vals click to hear / valse click to hear 2 ('false' // 'mean' - dog // 'off-key' - music) - (de) wals click to hear ('waltz' // 'steamroller') - Vaals click to hear (a town) - (de) Waalse Kerk click to hear 2 ('Walloon Church') - 't hiernamaals click to hear 2 3 ('the hereafter') - Els click to hear (a girls' name) - Elsloo click to hear (a town) - deels click to hear 2 3 ('partly, in part') - luidkeels click to hear 2 3 ([loud-throated] ' loudly, shouting, at the top of your voice') - (de) edelsteen click to hear ('precious stone') - [(het)] Engels click to hear / Engelse click to hear 2 3 ('English') - onheilspellend click to hear 2 ('ominous, presaging disaster') - (het) zeilschip click to hear ('saling, tall ship') - (de) stilstand click to hear 2 ('stagnation, stop') - (de) wilskracht click to hear 2 3 ('willpower') - (de) biels click to hear 2 3 ('railroad tie') - dikwijls click to hear 2 3 ('often' - old-fashioned) - Zijlstra click to hear 2 (a family name) - Bols click to hear 2 3 (a family name and a liquor brand) - (de) pols click to hear ('wrist') - Zwolse click to hear 2 (of the town of Zwolle click to hear 2 3 - (de) molshoop click to hear 2 3 ('molehill') - de Poolster click to hear 2 ('the North Star') - (de) koolstof click to hear ('carbon, C') - Spoelstra click to hear 2 (a family name) - (de) huls click to hear 2 ('casing, cover')
LT  - (de) alt click to hear 2 ('voice type') - altijd click to hear ('always') ‑>> - (de) maaltijd click to hear ('meal') - (het) verhaaltje click to hear 2 3 4 ('"little" story') - hij belt click to hear 2 3 ('he's ringing a bell' // 'he's on the phone') - smelten click to hear 2 ('to melt') - (het) eelt click to hear 2 3 4 ('callous, callusses' - hardened skin) - Neeltje click to hear (a girls' name) - (de) veeteelt click to hear 2 3 ('animal husbandry' - raising cattle) - Hasselt click to hear 2 (a town in Belgium) - (het) tegeltje click to hear 2 ('small tile') - (het) teiltje click to hear ('small zinc basin') - stil click to hear 2 / stille click to hear ('silent, quiet, no sound') - (de) stilte click to hear 2 ('silence') ‑>> - Tielt click to hear 2 (a town in Belgium) - (het) mobieltje click to hear 2 3 ('cell phone') - (het) bijltje click to hear ('small axe') - (de) volt click to hear 2 ('volt' - electricity unit) - (de) coltrui click to hear 2 ('turtleneck shirt or sweater') - (het) viooltje click to hear ('violet' - a flowering plant // 'small violin') - (de) koelte click to hear ('coolth') - doeltreffend click to hear 2 ([goal-scoring] - 'effective') - (het) multiplex click to hear 2 ('laminated board,' >5 layers) - (het) tumult click to hear ('tumult, disturbance, commotion') - (het) resultaat click to hear 2 3 ('result, consequence') - (het) vuiltje click to hear 2 3 ('speck of dirt')
LU  - (de) lucht click to hear ('air' // 'smell') - (het) luchtje click to hear ('bad smell' // '~something fishy') - vlucht click to hear ('flight // escape') - vluchten click to hear ('to flee // to escape') - bluffen click to hear 2 3 ('to bluff') - (het) geluk click to hear 2 ('luck' // 'happiness' - old-fashioned) - lukken click to hear 2 ('to succeed, be successful') - slurpen click to hear 2 ('to slurp, drink noisily') - (de) lus click to hear 2 ('loop') - blussen click to hear 2 ('to extinguish fire') - (de) lust click to hear ('lust, desire') - blut click to hear ('broke, out of money' - slang) - pietluttig click to hear 2 3 ('petty,' exaggerated attention to irrelevant details)
LUU  - (de) paraplu click to hear ('umbrella') - Lucas click to hear (a boys' name) - Lucie click to hear (a girls' name) - (de) lucifer click to hear ('match' - for fire) - lucifers click to hear ('matches') - ludiek click to hear 2 3 4 ('playful' - usually said about somewhat disruptive protests or actions) - Luuk click to hear (a boys' name) - (het) volume click to hear ('content,' 'capacity, volume') - (de) fluor click to hear ('fluorine') - (het) fluoride click to hear ('fluoride') - gluren click to hear ('to peek, leer,' watch secretly) - absoluut click to hear ('absolutely') - (het) plutonium click to hear ('plutonium') - (de) illusie click to hear 2 3 ('illusion') - (de) evolutie click to hear 2 ('evolution') - (de) revolutie click to hear 2 ('revolution') - (de) luxe click to hear ('luxury') - (de) luxaflex click to hear 2 ('miniblinds')
LUI  - [(de)] lui click to hear ('people' - slang // 'lazy') - luid click to hear ('loud') ‑>> - (de) kluif click to hear 2 ('bone' - for dog // 'a big job') - (de) luilak click to hear ('lazy person') - (de) pluim click to hear 2 ('plume') - (de) luis click to hear ('louse') - luisteren click to hear ('to listen') ‑>> - fluisteren click to hear 2 3 ('to whisper') - fluit click to hear ('whistle, // flute') - (de) kluit click to hear 2 ('clod,' a lump of earth) - (de) kluizenaar click to hear 2 3 ('hermit')
LV  - alvast click to hear 2 3 4 5 (~already, in advance, ~meanwhile') ‑>> - Alva click to hear 2 (Spanish governor of The Low Countries at the start of the Dutch Revolt) - behalve click to hear ('except for') - alvleesklier click to hear ('pancreas') - (de) welvaart click to hear ('prosperity') - delven click to hear ('to dig, to mine') - heel veel click to hear 2 3 ('very much, a lot') - (het) veelvlak click to hear 2 ('polygon') - (het) zilver click to hear 2 3 ('silver') - Hilversum click to hear (a town) - golven click to hear 2 ('waves') - wolven click to hear ('wolves') - (de) peulvrucht click to hear 2 3 ([pod-fruit] - 'legume, bean') - Sylvia click to hear (a girls' name)
delven - dolf - gedolven click to hear 2
('to dig - dug - dug')
LW  - volwassen click to hear ('adult, grown-up' ) - (de) volwassene click to hear 2 ('adult, grown-up person') - (de) wandelwagen click to hear 2 ('stroller' - carrying small children) - (de) bestelwagen click to hear 2 ('small delivery van') - (de) winkelwagentje click to hear 2 ('shopping cart') - (de) zeilwagen click to hear ('sailing cart') - koolwaterstoffen click to hear ('carbohydrates') ‑>> - (de) snelweg click to hear ('highway') - (het) bolwerk click to hear 2 3 ('stronghold,' - think of: 'bulwark' - also figuratively) - welwillend click to hear ('benevolent') - hagelwit click to hear 2 ('very white' - like hail) - (het) koolwitje click to hear 2 (a white butterfly) - Waalwijk click to hear 2 ('a town') - Muijlwijk click to hear (a family name)
LY  - (het) lyceum click to hear ('old secondary school type') - polypiep click to hear (["polysqueak"] - a fun word for styrofoam) - (de) katalysator click to hear 2 ('catalyst') analyseren click to hear 2 3 ('to analyze') - lyrisch click to hear 2 ('lyrical') - Lelystad click to hear ('a city')
LZ  - (de) balzaal click to hear 2 3 4 ('ballroom') - halzen click to hear 2 ('necks, throats') - alzo click to hear 2 ('in this way') - (de) omhelzing click to hear 2 3 ('embrace, hug') - veelzijdig click to hear ([many-sided - 'versatile') - veelzeggend click to hear 2 ([much-] 'telling') - (het) zwavelzuur click to hear ('sulphuric acid') - (de) doedelzak click to hear ('bagpipes') - heilzaam click to hear 2 3 ('beneficial') - stilzitten click to hear 2 3 ('to sit still' - immobile or idle) - (het) kielzog click to hear 2 3 4 5 6 7 ('wake,' whitewater "trail" of a boat or ship) - gulzig click to hear 2 ('feeling an eager, almost compulsive urge to eat')

AL  - al click to hear 2 / alle click to hear ('all, every') ‑>> - als click to hear ('if/when') ‑>> - (de/het) bal click to hear ('ball') - (het) calcium click to hear 2 ('Calcium, Ca') - calorieën click to hear 2 ('calories') ‑>> - (de) gal click to hear 2 ('gall') - nogal click to hear 2 ('rather, quite') - (de) hal click to hear 2 ('hall') - (het) halletje click to hear 2 ('hallway' - a very small room between the front door and the rest of the house) - jaloers click to hear 2 ('jealous') - sjalotjes click to hear 2 ('shallots') - (de) kalk click to hear 2 3 ('plaster, lime, chalk, Calcium') - (de) kalkoen click to hear 2 3 4 ('turkey') - 't heelal click to hear 2 3 ('the universe') - [(de)] mal click to hear ('template' // 'crazy, silly' - old-fashioned) - smal click to hear 2 / smalle click to hear / smal/smalle click to hear ('narrow') - Ronald click to hear (a boys' name) - knallen click to hear 2 ('to bang,' - make that noise) - zoals click to hear 2 ('like, as') ‑>> - pal click to hear ('firm, steady' - standing, holding) - overal click to hear 2 ('everywhere') ‑>> - vooral click to hear ('especially') - (de) salamander click to hear ('salamander') - (de) salade click to hear ('salad') - (de) psalm click to hear 2 ('psalm') - (het) getal click to hear 2 3 / getallen click to hear 2 ('number/numbers') - (de) stal click to hear 2 ('stable, pen'- animal housing) - (de) val click to hear ('a trap' // 'a fall') - vallen click to hear ('to fall') ‑>> - vals click to hear ('false' // 'mean' - dogs) // 'off-key' - music) - (de) wals click to hear ('waltz' // 'steamroller' - (de) wal click to hear 2 ('big wall' // 'quay') - zal click to hear 2 ('shall/ will' - singular) - (de) zalf click to hear ('cream, ointment') - zalven click to hear 2 ('to apply cream' // 'to anoint')
AAL  - (de) aal click to hear ('eel' - a snake-like fish) - Aalst click to hear (a town in Belgium) - (de) baal click to hear 2 ('bale' - hay) - (het) kabaal click to hear 2 ('noise') - (de) baaldag click to hear (mental health sick day) - dalen click to hear ('valleys' // 'to descend') - (het) schandaal click to hear 2 3 4 ('scandal') - (de) daalder click to hear 2 3 (an old coin - f1.50) - falen click to hear 2 3 4 ('to fail, not succeed') - (het) verhaal click to hear 2 ('story') - haalbaar click to hear 2 ('feasible, really possible') - asociaal click to hear ('anti-social, ~egocentric') - (het) socialisme click to hear ('socialism') - (het) dialect click to hear 2 ('dialect' - regional speech) - kaal click to hear / kaal/kale click to hear ('bald') - (het) maal click to hear 2 ('meal' // 'x - times') ‑>> - (het) kanaal click to hear ('channel') - Het Kanaal click to hear 2 ('The Channel') - (de) naald click to hear ('needle') - (de) coalitie click to hear 2 3 ('coalition') - (de) paal click to hear 2 ('pole, large stick, stake') - (de) palet click to hear 2 3 ('palette') - (de) admiraal click to hear 2 ('admiral') - (de) salie click to hear ('sage,' a mild herb) - Jan Salie click to hear 2 (a person without initiative or energy - old-fashioned) - (de) taal click to hear 2 3 / talen click to hear ('language'/'languages') - (het/de) staal click to hear ('steel' // 'fabric sample') - vaal click to hear ('faded, dull, drab') - Transvaal click to hear (an area in South Africa) - Vaals click to hear (a town) - Waal click to hear 2 / de Waal click to hear 2 (a river) - (de) zaal click to hear ('hall, large room') - (de) eetzaal click to hear 2 3 ('dining hall')
AUL  - Paul click to hear 2 (a boys' name) - Paula click to hear (a girls' name') - Paulette click to hear (a girls' name') - Paulien click to hear (a girls' name') - Paulus click to hear (a boys' name)
BL  - blauw click to hear 2 3 ('blue') - blad click to hear ('leaf') ‑>> - blaffen click to hear 2 ('to bark' - dogs) - (de) blaar click to hear 2 ('blister') - blèren click to hear 2 ('ugly singing') - bleek click to hear 2 ('pale') - (het) probleem click to hear 2 3 ('problem') - (de/het) blik click to hear ('tin, tinplate' // 'a tin can' // 'a look') - alstublieft click to hear ('please' a.o.) ‑>> - (de) republiek click to hear 2 ('republic') - subliem click to hear 2 3 ('sublime') - (het) blijk click to hear ('mark, evidence') - blondine click to hear 2 ('blonde' - girl) - bloosde click to hear ('blushed' - simple past tense singular) - (de) bloem click to hear 2 3 ('flower' // 'flour') - bluffen click to hear 2 3 ('to bluff')
exception: the L in (de) bibliotheek click to hear ('library') is usually dropped (and the H of its TH is never pronounced)
CL  - (de) reclame click to hear 2 ('advertizing') - Clauwaerts (Klauwaards) click to hear 2 (Medieval pro-independence Flemish fraction) - (de) Inclenberg click to hear (a hill in old New York - now Murray's Hill) - (de) cliënt click to hear ('client, customer') - Clovis click to hear (a boys' name, Frankish king) - (de) club click to hear 2 3 ('club, association') - (het) chloor click to hear ('chlorine, Cl')
DL  - (het) veldleger click to hear ('field army') - (de) hoofdletter click to hear ('capital, uppercase letter') - (de) grondligging click to hear 2 ('root position' - music) - loodlijn click to hear ('perpendicular line') - draadloos click to hear 2 ('wireless') - hardlopen click to hear 2 3 ('to run') ‑>>
EL  - (de) el click to hear ('old length measurement, 69cm') - Ellen click to hear (a girls' name) - elleboog click to hear 2 ('elbow') - (de) ellende click to hear ('misery') - ellenlang click to
      hear ('terribly long' - length) - (de) bel click to hear ('bell' - not church) - (de) tabel click to hear 2 ('table' - lists in columns) - (de) cel click to hear 2 ('cell') - Celsius click to hear ‑>> - Delft click to hear 2 (a town) - (de) delta click to hear 2 3 ('delta') - fel click to hear ('fierce, energetic') - (de/het) gel (French G) click to hear ('gel') - (het) geld click to hear ('money') - [(de)] hel click to hear ('hell' // 'very bright' - light) - (de) helm click to hear ('helmet') - help! click to hear 2 ('help me!') - (de) kelder click to hear 2 ('cellar') - melk click to hear 2 ('milk') ‑>> - (de) melding click to hear 2 3 ('report, reporting') - Nel click to hear (a girls' name) - (het) knelpunt click to hear 2 3 ('bottleneck, chokepoint') - (de) pels click to hear 2 ('fur') - (het) spel click to hear ('game') - speld click to hear ('pin') - (de) rel click to hear ('row, disturbance') - (de) forel click to hear ('trout') - Selma click to hear 2 3 (a girls' name) - (het) hotel click to hear ('hotel') - vertel! click to hear ('do tell!') - tellen click to hear 2 ('to count') - (het) velletje click to hear 2 ('skin' - thin, like on milk or around sausage) - (het) vel click to hear ('skin') - vervellen click to hear 2 ('to shed skin') - (het) veld click to hear ('field') - wel click to hear (positive amplifier) ‑>> - (het) geweld click to hear 2 ('violence') - welk click to hear 2 / welke click to hear 2 ('which') ‑>> - zelf click to hear ('self') - (de) gezel click to hear ('companion, assistant')
EEL  - Eelde click to hear 2 3 (a town) - (het) eelt click to hear 2 3 4 ('callous, callusses' - hardened skin) - (het) beeld click to hear 2 ('statue' // 'image') - (het) deel click to hear 2 ('part') - [(het)] geel click to hear 2 3 ('yellow') - heel click to hear 2 ('very' ‑>> // 'whole' // 'heal') - (de) keel click to hear ('throat') - (het) meel click to hear 2 ('flour') - Neeltje click to hear (a girls' name) - (de/het) kaneel click to hear ('cinnamon') ‑>> - de Peel click to hear 2 (an area in the South of The Netherlands) - (de) minstreel click to hear 2 3 4 ('troubadour') ‑>> - (de) penseel click to hear 2 ('small paintbrush') - (het) kasteel click to hear 2 3 ('castle') - (de) veeteelt click to hear 2 3 ('animal husbandry' - raising cattle) - veel click to hear 2 3 ('much/many') ‑>> - (de) weelde click to hear 2 ('luxury') - Scherpenzeel click to hear (a town)
EuhL  - (de) heibel click to hear ('trouble, fuss, strife' - slang) - dubbel click to hear ('double') - (de) kachel click to hear ('heater') - (het) zadel click to hear 2 ('seat' - on bike or horse) - (de) tafel click to hear 2 3 4 ('table' - to sit at) - (de) egel click to hear ('hedgehog') - (de) engel click to hear ('angel') - [(de)] enkel click to hear ('ankle' // 'only, single' ‑>> - (de) hemel click to hear ('heaven' // 'sky') - Remmelt click to hear (a boys' name) - (de) tunnel click to hear 2 3 4 ('tunnel') - (de) drempel click to hear ('threshold') - (de) lepel click to hear ('spoon') - (de) deksel click to hear ('lid') - (de) gesel click to hear ('whip, scourge') - (het) mengsel click to hear ('mixture') - (de) zetel click to hear ('big chair' - old-fashioned // 'seat' - in parliament) - wervels click to hear ('disks' - backbone) - (de) gevel click to hear 2 ('gable' - house front top) - (het) gewauwel click to hear 2 3 ('annoying, boring talk') - (de) ezel click to hear 2 ('donkey') - (de) ijzel click to hear 2 ('rain that freezes when it hits the ground')
EIL  - (het) onheil click to hear 2 3 ('disaster, doom,' bad things) - heilzaam click to hear 2 3 ('beneficial,' good for health) - (het) peil click to hear ('level') - (de) teil click to hear ('zinc basin') - (het) teiltje click to hear ('small zinc basin') - veil click to hear ('of no value' - very old-fashioned) - (de) dweil click to hear 2 ('rag for wet-cleaning floors') ‑>> - (het) zeil click to hear ('sail, tarp' // 'linoleum') - (de) zeilboot click to hear 2 ('sailboat') - (het) zeilschip click to hear ('sailing ship,' "tall ship")
EUL  - (de) beul click to hear ('hangman, executioner') - geul click to hear ('ditch, channel') - Verheul click to hear 2 3 (a family name) - Meulebeke click to hear (a town in Belgium) - Keulen click to hear ('Köln, Cologne') - smeulen click to hear 2 ('to smolder, burn slowly' - fire) - peul click to hear 2 ('a pod' - peas, beans) - (de) peulvrucht click to hear 2 3 ('[pod- fruit] - 'legume, ~bean') - veulen click to hear ('a foal, young horse') - zeulen click to hear ('to carry with difficulty or displeasure')
FL  - Delfland click to hear 2 3 (the area around the city of Delft click to hear 2) - Hofland click to hear (a family name) - Lijfland click to hear 2 ('Livonia,' - Medieval name, ~Latvia & Estonia) - (de) inflatie click to hear 2 3 (inflation) - flauw click to hear / flauwe click to hear 2 ('weak of taste' - not enough salt? // '~not funny') - flauwvallen click to hear 2 ('to faint') - (de) fles click to hear ('bottle') - (het) flesje click to hear 2 ('small bottle') - (de) reflex click to hear 2 ('reflex') - Flevoland click to hear 2 ('Flevoland' - the new province of reclaimed land) - (de) souffleur click to hear ('stage whisperer' - French OU) - (het) conflict click to hear 2 ('conflict') - flink click to hear 2 3 (firm, robust') - Flip click to hear (a boys' name) - (de) losse flodder click to hear 2 ('blank' - gunshot) - Floor click to hear (a girls' name) - (de) Florijn click to hear 2 ('Florin,' a Medieval gold coin) - floep! click to hear (exclamation about a quick movement or rapid development) - (het) fluor click to hear 2 3 ('fluoride, F') - (het) fluweel click to hear ('velvet') - (de) fluit click to hear ('flute, whistle') ‑>>
fluiten - floot - gefloten click to hear 2
to whistle - whistled - whistled
GL  - glad click to hear / gladde click to hear ('slippery') - (het) glas click to hear 2 ('glass' // 'a glass') - glazen click to hear ('glasses' - for drinking // 'made of glass') - glas / glazen click to hear ('glass' / 'glasses') - (het) glaasje click to hear ('small glass') - (de) gladiool/gladiolen click to hear ('gladiolus/gladioli' - a flower) - (het) ooglid click to hear 2 3 ('eyelid') - (de) glimlach click to hear 2 3 ('smile') - (de) glijbaan click to hear ('slide') - glijden click to hear 2 ('to slide') - gloednieuw click to hear 2 3 ([glowing-] 'brand-new') - gluren click to hear 2 ('to leer,' watch secretly)
IL  - (de) bil click to hear / billen click to hear 2 ('buttock'/'buttocks') - Bilderberg click to hear (an estate near the city of Oosterbeek click to hear ) - Dillenburg click to hear 2 (a town in Germany, original home of the Dutch royal family) - (de) krokodil click to hear ('crocodile') - film click to hear 2 ('movie, film') - (de) gil click to hear 2 3 ('shriek') - Hilversum click to hear (a town) - kil click to hear ('chilly') - Kats Kill click to hear 2 ('cats' river' or: '(Mr) Kaat's creek' - old New York, now: 'the Catskills') - Schuylkill click to hear ('hidden 'river' - old New York) - mild click to hear 2 3 ('mild') - mijoen click to hear 2 ('a million') - miljard click to hear ('a billion') - (de) pil click to hear 2 3 ('pill') - (de) spil click to hear 2 3 ('pivot, axis') - april click to hear ('April') - (de) bril click to hear ('glasses, spectacles') - (de) gorilla click to hear 2 ('gorilla') - (de) schil click to hear ('peel, skin') - (het) schild click to hear 2 ('shield') - schril click to hear 2 ('shrill') - (de) tilde click to hear 2 3 ('tilde,' '~') - Tilburg click to hear (a town) - (het) vilt click to hear ('felt') - Vilvoorde click to hear 2 (a town in Belgium) - (de) wil click to hear ('will, wishes') - wild click to hear ('wild') - (de) wilg click to hear 2 ('willow') - (het) zilver click to hear 2 3 ('silver')
IEL  - iel click to hear ('small, puny, thin') - (de) biels click to hear 2 3 ('railroad tie') - stabiel click to hear 2 ('stable, constant') - Ceciel/Cecile click to hear (a girls' name) - Michiel click to hear (a boys' name) - (de) hiel click to hear ('heel' - foot tendon) - Hielke click to hear (a boys' name) - tjilpen click to hear / tsjilpen click to hear ('to chirp' - bird sound) - (de) kantjil click to hear ('miniature deer' - mythical? - Indonesia) - (de) kiel click to hear ('keel' - ship bottom) - Emiel/Emile click to hear 2 (a boys' name) - seniel click to hear 2 ('senile') - steriel click to hear 2 ('sterile') - Den Briel click to hear 2 (a town) - (de) krielkip click to hear (a small chicken type) - Tiel click to hear 2 (a town) - subtiel click to hear 2 ('subtle') - viel click to hear ('fell' - simple past singular) ‑>> - (het) wiel click to hear 2 ('wheel') - (de) ziel click to hear ('soul')
IJL  - ijl click to hear 2 3 4 ('thin' - air) - ijlen click to hear 2 3 ('to hurry' // feverish nonsense-talking) - (de) ijlbode click to hear 2 ('courier, express messenger' - old-fashioned) - IJlst click to hear 2 (a town) - (de) bijl click to hear ('axe') - (de) strijdbijl click to hear 2 ('battleaxe') - (de) mijlpaal click to hear 2 ('milestone') - (het) nijlpaard click to hear 2 ('hippo, hippopotamus' - [river Nile horse]) - (de) pijl click to hear 2 ('arrow') - (de) stijl click to hear ('style') - (de) vijl click to hear ('file' - a tool for smoothing or shaping) - terwijl click to hear 2 ('while') ‑>> - Delfzijl click to hear (a town) - Zijlstra click to hear 2 (a family name)
IJ also hear and see EI above
KL  - (de) klant click to hear ('customer') - (de) klank click to hear ('sound') - klaar click to hear 2 ('ready') ‑>> - (de) klaver click to hear 2 3 ('clover' // 'clubs' - cards) - (de) klauw click to hear 2 ('claw') - klef click to hear 2 3 / kleffe click to hear 2 3 ('sticky') - (de) klep click to hear 2 ('valve, flap') - (de) klemtoon click to hear 2 ('emphasis, stress' - in a word) - kletsnat click to hear 2 ('sopping wet') - (het) kleed click to hear ('rug') - kleren click to hear ('clothes, clothing') - kleverig click to hear / kleverige click to hear 2 ('sticky') - (de) klei click to hear ('clay') - klein click to hear 2 3 4 5 / kleine click to hear ('small, little') - (de) kleun click to hear ('punch, hit') - (de) kleur click to hear 2 ('color') - (de) veelkleurige roos click to hear 2 ('many-colored rose') - (de) klikjes click to hear ('clicks') click to hear 2 3 4 - klimmen click to hear 2 ('to climb') - (de) klinker click to hear / klinkers click to hear ('vowel'/'vowels') - kliekjes click to hear ('leftover food' - to be eaten) - (de) kliniek click to hear 2 ('clinic') - (de) klier click to hear 2 3 ('gland' // 'annoying, disruptive person') - (de) klok click to hear ('clock') ‑>> - (de) klomp click to hear 2 ('clog,' wooden shoe) - kloppen click to hear 2 ('to knock') - Eeklo click to hear (a town in Belgium) - (het) klooster click to hear ('monastery') - (de) folklore click to hear 2 ('folklore') - [(de)] kloek click to hear 2 ('sturdy' // 'alert' // 'brave' // 'mother hen') - (de) klus click to hear 2 ('job, task, piece of work') - (de) kluwen click to hear ('skein' - ball of wool thread) - (de) kluif click to hear 2 ('bone' - for dog // 'a big job') - (de) kluit click to hear 2 ('clod,' a lump of earth)
ML  - (de) glimlach click to hear 2 3 ('smile') - omlaag click to hear 2 ('down, downwards') - Hans Memling click to hear 2 (painter, c. 1439-1494) - pronounced more like in German: - Hans Memling click to hear 2 - (het) zeemleer click to hear ('chamois' - for wiping wet windows) - roemloos click to hear ('inglorious, no fame or renown') - (de) bodemloze put click to hear 2 3 ('bottomless pit')
NL  - (de) toonladder click to hear 2 ('scale' - music) - Groenland click to hear 2 (Greenland) - het buitenland click to hear 2 ("abroad" - the world outside Holland (and Belgium)) - (de) buitenlander click to hear 2 3 4 ('foreigner') - onlangs click to hear 2 3 ('not so long ago,' "the other day") - (de) samenleving click to hear 2 ('society, community') - (de) inleiding click to hear 2 ('introduction, preface') - (het) maanlicht click to hear 2 3 ('moonlight') - (de) tegenligger click to hear 2 3 4 5 (['lying-against'] - 'oncoming traffic') - (de) bovenlip click to hear 2 ('upper lip') - waarschijnlijk click to hear 2 ('probably') ‑>> - eigenlijk click to hear 2 ('~actually') ‑>> - Venlo click to hear (a town) - (de) aanloop click to hear ('run up' - before a jump) - zinloos click to hear 2 ('pointless, of no use')
OL  - Olle click to hear 2 / Ollie click to hear (boys' nicknames - short for - Olivier click to hear 2 ) - (de) bol click to hear ('globe, sphere') - (het) bolletje click to hear 2 ('small globe, small sphere' - also a rusk brand) - (de) collecte click to hear 2 3 ('collection' - money gifts gathering) - (de) dolk click to hear 2 ('dagger') - (de) folder click to hear ('brochure') - (het) foldertje click to hear ('flyer, small brochure') - (de) golf click to hear 2 / golven click to hear 2 / golf/golven click to hear 2 ('wave'/'waves') - [(het)] hol click to hear 2 ('hollow // a lair') - (de) Holleweg click to hear 2 (a street name - 'sunken road') - (de) jol click to hear ('yawl,' a ship type) - Jolke click to hear (a girls' name) - (de) draaikolk click to hear 2 ('maelstrom, vortex') - Lolle click to hear 2 (a boys' name) - (de) mol click to hear 2 3 4 ('mole'') - (de) molshoop click to hear 2 3 ('molehill') - (het) turfmolm click to hear ('peat dust') - Nol click to hear (a boys' name) - (de) knol click to hear ('tuber, turnip, root') - (het) knollenveld click to hear 2 3 ('field growing turnips') - (de) polder click to hear 2 3 4 ('polder' - reclaimed land) ‑>> - (de) pols click to hear ('wrist') - (de) rollator click to hear ('rollator walker') - (de) roltrap click to hear 2 ('escalator') - (de) soldaat click to hear ('soldier') ‑>> - (het) sollicitatiegesprek click to hear 2 ('job interview') - (de) tol click to hear 2 ('toll' // 'spinning top' - toy) - (de) tolk click to hear 2 ('interpreter' - live) - overtollig click to hear ('superfluous, surplus') - vol click to hear / volle click to hear 2 ('full') - overvol click to hear 2 3 4 5 ('overfull' - too full!) - (de) wol click to hear ('wool') - wollen click to hear 2 ('woollen,' made of wool) - wolk click to hear / wolken click to hear ('cloud'/'clouds') - (de) zolder click to hear ('attic') ‑>>
OOL  - (de) olie click to hear 2 ('oil') - (het) symbool click to hear 2 ('symbol') - (de) cholera click to hear 2 ('cholera') - (de) psycholoog click to hear 2 ('psychologist') - (de) school click to hear ('school') - (de) doolhof click to hear ('maze') - condoleren click to hear 2 3 ('to offer condolences, express sympathy') - (de) aureool click to hear ('halo, nimbus') - (de) geoloog click to hear ('geologist') - holen click to hear 2 3 ('lairs') - (de) holenmens click to hear 2 ('cave man') - (de) bioloog click to hear ('biologist') - (het) riool click to hear 2 ('sewer') - (de) viool click to hear ('violin') - Jolanda click to hear (a girls' name) - jolig click to hear 2 3 ('~jolly') - (de) kool click to hear 2 ('cabbage') ‑>> - kolen click to hear 2 ('coal') - (de) koolstof click to hear ('carbon, C') - (de) molen click to hear 2 ('windmill' // 'rotating machine') - (het) molentje click to hear 2 3 ('little mill' - things like kitchen gadgets that need to be turned) - (de) magnolia click to hear 2 ('magnolia' - a tree) - (de) pool click to hear ('pole') - de Poolster click to hear 2 ('the North Star') - de Noordpool click to hear 2 ('the North Pole') - controleren click to hear 2 3 ('to check') - (de) petroleum click to hear 2 (engineers' crude oil) - (de) petroleum "puhtroleum" click to hear 2 (the everyday cheap fuel) - vrolijk click to hear ('cheerful, merry') - (de) solist click to hear 2 3 ('soloist') - solide click to hear 2 3 ('solid' - 'firm, stable, massive') - absoluut gehoor click to hear ('perfect pitch' - hearing) - (het) pistool click to hear ('pistol') - (de) tolerantie click to hear ('tolerance') - Tholen click to hear ‑>> (a former island in the province of Zeeland click to hear 2) - (het) volume click to hear (volume') - (de) evolutie click to hear 2 ('evolution') - Flevoland click to hear 2 (the new province of reclaimed land) ‑>> - (de) zool click to hear ('sole' - bottom of shoe or foot)
verschuilen - verschool - verscholen click to hear
('~to hide - hid - hid')
OEL  - 'n boel click to hear 2 (much, many, a lot') - 'n heleboel click to hear 2 (very much, very many, really a lot') - doel click to hear ('goal, objective') - (de) foelie click to hear ('mace,' a spice) - krioelen click to hear 2 3 ('teeming, swarming, crawling') - koel click to hear 2 3 4 5 6 ('cool' - temperature only) - (de) koelkast click to hear ('fridge, refrigerator') - (de) poel click to hear 2 ('puddle') - (de) spoel click to hear 2 3 4 ('spool' - for winding string etc.) - Roel click to hear (a boys' name) - Roelof click to hear (a boys' name) - (de) stoel click to hear ('chair') - voelen click to hear 2 ('to feel') ‑>> - (het) gevoel click to hear / - gevoelens click to hear 2 ('feeling'/'feelings' - irregular plural) - zwoel click to hear 2 / zwoele click to hear / zwoel/zwoele click to hear 2 ('sultry, sensual')
OUL  - lou loene click to hear 2 ('no result,' 'fuhgeddaboudit' - slang)
OU also see and hear AU above
PL  - (het) plan click to hear / plannen click to hear 2 ('plan'/'plans') - (de) plank click to hear 2 ('board') - plat click to hear 2 / platte click to hear 2 3 ('flat' // 'vulgar') ‑>> - hoepla! click to hear 2 3 (an exclamation) - (het) plaatstaal click to hear 2 ('plate steel') - (de) staalplaat click to hear 2 3 ('steel plate') - (het) exemplaar click to hear 2 3 4 ('specimen, ~copy') ‑>> - (de) plek click to hear 2 ('spot, place') - opletten click to hear 2 3 ('to pay attention') ‑>> - (het) pleegkind click to hear ('foster child') - compleet click to hear ('complete, full') - (de) verpleegster click to hear 2 3 'nurse' - female) - (het) plezier click to hear ('fun, enjoyment') ‑>> - (het) pleidooi click to hear 2 3 ('plea speech') - (het) plein click to hear 2 ('square' - open area in a city) - (de) plicht click to hear 2 ('duty') - splinters click to hear 2 3 ('splinters') - splitsen click to hear 2 3 ('to split, divide') - splijten click to hear 2 ('to split') - (de) splijtstof click to hear 2 ('fissile material') - plotseling click to hear ('suddenly') - plotselinge click to hear 2 ('sudden') - ploffen click to hear 2 3 ('to plop' // 'to pop, bang') - (de) ontploffing click to hear ('explosion') - (de) explosie click to hear 2 ('explosion') - (het) diploma click to hear 2 ('diploma, certificate') - (de) ploeg click to hear ('plow' // 'team' - old-fashioned) - plus click to hear ('plus' - addition) - (het) plutonium click to hear ('plutonium') - (de) paraplu click to hear ('umbrella') - paraplu's click to hear 2 ('umbrellas') - (het) parapluutje click to hear 2 ('small umbrella') - (de) pluim click to hear 2 ('plume') - (het) pluimvee click to hear 2 ([plumed cattle] - 'poultry, farm birds')
RL  - (de) haarlak click to hear ('hairspray') - verlamd click to hear 2 ('paralyzed') - Nederland click to hear 2 3 ('Holland') ‑>> - (de) Nederlander click to hear 2 ('Dutchman, Dutch person') - (het) verlangen click to hear 2 ('longing, desire') - (de) overlast click to hear 2 3 4 ('inconvenience') - Carla click to hear (a girls' name) - (de) nederlaag click to hear ('defeat') - scharlaken click to hear 2 3 ('scarlet') - achterlaten click to hear 2 ('to leave behind') - Haarlem click to hear (a town) - (het) overleg click to hear 2 ('discussion, consultation') - verlengen click to hear 2 3 ('to extend' - [maker longer]) - Heiligerlee click to hear (a village - 1568 historical battle) - Marleen click to hear (a girls' name) - [(het)] verleden click to hear ('past') - verlegen click to hear 2 3 4 ('shy') - Heerlen click to hear (a town) - allerlei click to hear 2 ('all kinds of things // all kinds of ..., various, miscellaneous') - luilekkerland click to hear 2 ('Cockaigne' - mythical place of free, good food) - (de) verleiding click to hear 2 3 ('temptation') - (het) weerlicht click to hear ('distant lightning flash') - (de) verlichting click to hear 2 3 ('lighting' // 'enlightment') - (de) leerling click to hear 2 ('student' - not university) - (de) onderlip click to hear 2 ('lower lip') - Marlies click to hear 2 (a girls' name) - verliefd click to hear ('in love') ‑>> - Berlijn click to hear ('Berlin') - [(het)] overlijden click to hear 2 3 ('passing away') ‑>> - deerlijk click to hear 2 3 4 ('pitiful, sorely') ‑>> - (de) oorlog click to hear / de oorlog click to hear ('(the) war') - verlossen click to hear 2 ('to release from, deliver from') - Otterlo click to hear (a town) - (de) kleurloos click to hear 2 ('colorless, pale, drab, bland') - roerloos click to hear ('motionless' - living beings) - (de) voorloper click to hear 2 3 4 5 ('precursor') - veroorloven click to hear 2 ('to afford, to allow yourself') - (de) leerlooier click to hear ('leather preparation worker')
- verliezen - verloor - verloren click to hear
('to lose - lost - lost')
SL  - (de) slab click to hear 2 ('bib') - (het) slabbetje click to hear 2 ('small bib') - slap click to hear / slappe click to hear ('weak, limp') - slag click to hear ('a great battle') - slak click to hear ('snail, slug') - (de) slang click to hear 2 ('snake' // 'hose') - (de) sla click to hear ('lettuce') - slaan click to hear ('to slap, to hit') - slaag click to hear 2 ('blows, punishment') - 'n pak slaag click to hear ('a beating') - (de) slaap click to hear 2 ('sleep') ‑>> - slecht click to hear / slechte click to hear 2 ('bad') ‑>> - slenteren click to hear 2 ('to saunter, stroll') - (de) slee click to hear 2 ('sleigh') - (de) sleepboot click to hear 2 ('tugboat') - versleten click to hear ('worn out') - sleuf click to hear ('a dry ditch') - (de) sleur click to hear 2 3 ('rut' - boring, bad routine) - (de) sleutel click to hear ('key' - lock/wrench/music - 'clef') - sleutels click to hear ('keys') - (het) slib click to hear 2 3 ('sediment') - slim click to hear / slimme click to hear 2 3 ('clever') - (de) slinger click to hear 2 ('pendulum') - slinks click to hear 2 ('furtively, slyly') - (het) slipje click to hear 2 ('panties' - ladies' short underpants) - slissen click to hear 2 3 4 ('to lisp') - Sliedrecht click to hear (a town) - poeslief click to hear 2 3 ('sweet as a cat' - insincere) - (het) slijk click to hear 2 ('sludge, mire') - (de) slijmbal click to hear 2 3 ('slimeball') - IJslijf click to hear 2 3 ('ice body' - a special tulip) - sloffen click to hear 2 ('slippers' // 'to shuffle,' walk tiredly) - (de) slok click to hear ('sip, gulp' - a mouthful of liquid) - Elsloo click to hear (a town) - (de) sloop click to hear 2 3 ('pillowcase' // 'wrecking') - sloeg click to hear ('slapped, hit' - simple past singular) - (de) sloep click to hear 2 3 ('sloop' - small rowboat) - (de) mislukking click to hear 2 ('failure') - slurpen click to hear 2 ('to slurp, drink noisily') - sluw click to hear 2 / sluw/sluwe click to hear 2 ('sly, cunning') - (de) sluier click to hear ('a veil') - sluik click to hear ('straight and thin' - hair) - (de) sluis click to hear 2 ('sluice') - sluip click to hear / sluipt click to hear 2 conjugated forms of the verb sluipen click to hear 2 ('to sneak, crawl') - (de) sluitpost click to hear 2 3 ('balancing item' - bookkeeping)
sluipen - sloop - geslopen click to hear
('to sneak - snuck - snuck')
TL  - (de) smartlap click to hear 2 3 ('song of pain' - Dutch bad country music) - (de) straatlantaren click to hear ('street light') - 't Westland click to hear (area south of The Hague, many glass houses) - (de) atlas click to hear 2 3 ('atlas') - uitleggen click to hear 2 3 ('to explain') - (de) eetlepel click to hear ('spoon' - for eating) - (de) kantlijn click to hear 2 ('margin' - blank edge of paper) - (het) witlof click to hear 2 'Belgian endives') ‑>> - (het) schietlood click to hear ('plumb line' - showing perpendicular) - (het) potlood click to hear / potloden click to hear ('pencil'/'pencils') - (het) nachtlokaal click to hear 2 3 4 5 ('nightclub' - old-fashioned) - (de) eetlust click to hear 2 ('appetite') ‑>> - pietluttig click to hear 2 3 ('petty, niggling') - ontluchten click to hear 2 ('to ventilate,' let the air out)
UL  - (de) bul click to hear ('academic diploma') - gul click to hear / gul/gulle click to hear ('generous, cordial') - (de) flauwekul! click to hear 2 ('nonsense!') - mul click to hear ('loose' - soil, sand) - (het) multiplex click to hear 2 ('laminated board, >5 layers') - [(de)] nul click to hear ('0, zero' // 'dumb, useless person') - (het) nulpunt click to hear 2 ('point zero, nil' // 'rock bottom') - (het) spul click to hear ("stuff, things") - spullen click to hear 2 3 4 ("things, stuff") - (de) krul click to hear ('curl') - krullen click to hear ('curls') - vullen click to hear 2 ('to fill') - (het) vulles click to hear ('garbage' - slang for - (het) vuilnis click to hear ('garbage, refuse') - (de) tulband click to hear ('turban') - (de) schuld click to hear ('guilt' // 'debt' // 'blame') ‑>> - schuldig click to hear 2 3 ('guilty' // 'in debt') - (de) gulden click to hear (pre-Euro Dutch coin) - (de) hulde click to hear 2 ('homage, praise, tribute') - brullen click to hear 2 3 ('to roar, howl, bellow') - zullen click to hear ('shall/will') ‑>> - vulgair click to hear 2 (Frech AIR - 'vulgar') - Bulgarije click to hear ('Bulgaria') - jullie click to hear ('you' - plural informal, "y'all") ‑>> - (de) vulkaan click to hear ('volcano') - zulk click to hear ('such') - (de) gulp click to hear ('fly, zipper') - (de) hulp click to hear ('assistance, help') - hulpeloos click to hear 2 3 ('helpless, powerless') - (de) tulp click to hear ('tulip') - tulpen click to hear ('tulips') - (de) vulpen click to hear 2 ('fountain pen') - wulps click to hear 2 3 ('voluptuous, sexy, seductive' - said of women) - (de) schulpzaag click to hear ('saw for cutting along with the grain') - (de) huls click to hear 2 ('case, wrapping, shell') - (de) hulst click to hear ('holly' - a shrub) - (de) cultuur click to hear ('culture') - (het) tumult click to hear ('tumult, disturbance, commotion')
UUL  - (de/het) molecuul click to hear ('molecule') - minuscuul click to hear 2 3 ('miniscule') - juli click to hear ('July') - (de) ambulance click to hear (from French, 'ambulance') - (de) formule click to hear 2 3 ('formula') - (het) formulier click to hear 2 ('form' - to fill out) - [(de)] particulier click to hear 2 ('private individual // ~independent') - populair click to hear 2 (French AI - 'popular') - (de) populier click to hear ('poplar' - a tree) - Juul click to hear (a girls' name) - Ursula click to hear (a girls' name) - Julia click to hear (a girls' name) - Juliana click to hear (a girls' name, also former queen) - Julius click to hear (a boys' name)
UIL  (de) uil click to hear 2 3 4 5 ('owl') - (de) huilbui click to hear ('crying fit') - (het) muildier click to hear 2 ('mule') - huilen click to hear ('to cry,' shed tears) - ruilen click to hear 2 3 ('to exchange // to change') - schuilen click to hear 2 ('finding shelter' - from rain etc.) - (de) schuilkelder click to hear 2 ([shelter-cellar] - 'bomb shelter') - (de) bruiloft click to hear ('wedding')
VL  - (de) vlag click to hear / vlaggen click to hear 2 ('flag'/'flags') - (het) vlak click to hear ('plane') - vlak click to hear / vlakke click to hear 2 ('flat') - (de) vlam click to hear ('flame') - (de) vla click to hear ('pudding' - cold, milk) - (de) vlaag click to hear 2 ('gust') - 'n vlaag wind click to hear ('a gust of wind') - (de) vlaai click to hear ('fruit pie' - Limburg style) ‑>> - Vlaams click to hear / Vlaamse click to hear 2 ('Flemish') - Vlaardingen click to hear 2 (a town) - (de) vlecht click to hear 2 ('braid') - (de) vlek click to hear 2 ('stain, dirty spot') - (het) vlees click to hear ('meat') - (de) vleugel click to hear ('wing' // 'grand piano') - (de) vlinder click to hear ('butterfly') - de Vlist click to hear (a small river near the town of Gouda click to hear 2) - (de) vlieg click to hear ('fly') - (het) vlies click to hear ('~membrane, ~film') - (de) vliet click to hear ('small stream') - (de) vlijt click to hear ('diligence, work effort) - (de) vlok click to hear 2 / vlokken click to hear 2 ('flake'/'flakes') - (de) vlo click to hear 2 / vlooien click to hear 2 3 ('flea'/'fleas' - irregular plural) - (de) vloot click to hear 2 / vloten click to hear 2 ('fleet'/'fleets') - (de) vloed click to hear ('high tide') - vloeibaar click to hear 2 3 ('liquid') - (de) vloer click to hear ('floor, bottom') - (de) vloek click to hear ('curse') - (de) vlucht click to hear ('escape' // 'flight') - (de) vluchteling click to hear 2 ('refugee') - vlug click to hear 2 / vlug/vlugge click to hear 2 ('quick, fast, rapid') ‑>>
YL  - (de) xylofoon click to hear ('xylophone')
The Y's in the synthetic material nylon click to hear ('nylon') and its plural nylons click to hear ('sheer stockings') are pronounced as Dutch EI/IJ click to hear - maybe in some imitation of the English.

French (I)LL = consonant Y (Dutch J)
- (de) taille click to hear 2 ('waist') - (de) wespentaille click to hear ('wasp's waist') - (het) braille click to hear ('braille') - (de) medaille click to hear 2 ('medal') - [(het)] failliet click to hear 2 ('bankrupt' // 'bankruptcy') - (het) faillisement click to hear 2 3 ('bankruptcy') - (de) derailleur click to hear 2 3 ('gear shifter' - bicycle) - (de) portefeuille click to hear ('wallet') - (het) feuilleton click to hear 2 3 ('print serial') - fouilleren click to hear 2 ('to frisk, pat down, body-search') - Ze zijn gebrouilleerd click to hear 2 3 ('They are not on good terms, they're not speaking to each other' - posh) - (de) bouillon click to hear 2 ('beef broth' - there's also an L in the pronunciation) - (het) bouillonblokje click to hear 2 ('beef cube') - Godfried van Bouillon click to hear 2 3 (a crusader) - (de) guillotine click to hear 2 ('guillotine') - (de) vanille click to hear 2 ('vanilla') - (het) detail click to hear ('detail' - one L) - from Spanish: - (de) guerilla click to hear 2 ('guerilla')


In rather sloppy, lazy Dutch an 'unstressed, voiceless E' click to hear is inserted between consonants. It happens often around the L
standard sloppy inserts
(de) melk click to hear 2 melluk click to hear milk
elf click to hear elluf click to hear 11
twaalf click to hear twaalluf click to hear 12
half twaalf click to hear 2 halluf twaalluf click to hear 2 11:30
help! click to hear 2 hellup! click to hear 2 help me!
(de) slang click to hear 2 suhlang click to hear snake // hose
kalm click to hear 2 kallum click to hear calm
(het) kalf click to hear 2 3 kalluf click to hear calf
(de) kalk click to hear 2 3 kalluk click to hear 2 plaster, lime, chalk, Calcium
bewolkt click to hear 2 bewollukt click to hear cloudy
(de) galg click to hear 2 3 galluhg click to hear gallows

"volluk!" click to hear 2 3 (from:  (het) volk click to hear 2 3 ('people, nation'))  ("Hello there, shop!" - slang) - said when you enter a small shop or a café and don't see staff around to help you or take your order
more about these 'inserts'

Major Exceptions to the Phonetic Spelling of Dutch:
- Page 1:   een   -IG   -ISCH   -LIJK  
- Page 2:   -B   -D   SCHR   -TIE   UW   WR

Hear the Dutch Letters in Hundreds of Words:
 AU/OU  CH  E  EI/IJ  EU  F  G  H  L  OE  SCH  U  UI  W  X  Y

'Master Lists' of Dutch words: Dutch to English - English to Dutch

'Basic' Dutch Words - Pictures Dictionary - Words by Subject - Easy Dutch - Phrases and Conversation Templates - Names - Place Names - verbs

email - Copyright © Marco Schuffelen 2022. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, redistributed, or hotlinked to.
Gij zult niet stelen click to hear 'Thou shalt not steal'