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Disambiguation: Many common words can have more than one meaning, with different translations

List of Prepositions and Other 'Little Words' — Pages: - Aan - Achter - Af - Al - Als - Binnen/Buiten - Daar - Dan - Dat - Door - Eens - Er - Erg - Even - Haast - Het - In - Laat - Maar - Na - Naar - Net - Nog - Of - Om - Onder/Boven - Op - Over - Toen - Uit - Van - Voor - Vroeg - Waar - Wat - Weg - Zo - more

Dutch 'In' - In, Into, To, other

Like English 'in,'  Dutch 'in' click to hear 2 usually indicates a location, a place, a mood or a situation, a time, or content or something contained
Dutch does not have a separate word for 'into' - maybe I overdo the use of 'into'
in 't huis click to hear in the house
't huis in click to hear 2 into the house
hij ging het huis in click to hear he went into the house
in de kamer click to hear 2 in the room ['chamber' ‑>> ]
de kamer in click to hear into the room
de kamer uit click to hear out of the room

'In'  = Into
In:  'General Locations'
Cities, Towns and Villages
Countries, Areas, World
Mental States
Time Periods
Contents, Containing, Things Inside
Other 'In'
Standard Phrases
'In' = To
Other Translations
Words with 'In'
'In'  Words from Latin

'In'  = Into

De kou in click to hear 2 3 (Going) Into the cold Ik zag de zon in de zee zinken click to hear (2) I saw the sun sink into the sea Doe de aardappels in de pan click to hear 2 3 Put the potatoes into the pan Doe het brood in de diepvries click to hear 2 3 Put the bread into the freezer Doe het in een zakje click to hear 2 3 Put it into a (small) bag Doe 't terug in de doos click to hear 2 3 Put it back into the box Zet je je bord in de afwasmachine? click to hear 2 3 4 Will you put your plate into the dishwasher? Please put your plate in the dishwasher Je moet een gegeven paard niet in de bek kijken click to hear 2 3 'You shouldn't look into the mouth of a gift horse' - don't criticize a present Kijk in 't dal click to hear 2 Look into the valley, a view into the valley Kijk eens in de spiegel click to hear 2 Look in the mirror [sometime]!
En wat zie je dan? click to hear 2 3 And what do you see [then]?
Een blik in de toekomst click to hear 2 A look into the future De bal werd door Jan in het doel geschopt click to hear 2 The ball was kicked into the goal by Jan
(M'n vrouw zegt dat de bal niet in het doel wordt geschopt maar geschoten click to hear My wife says the ball is not 'kicked' into the goal but 'shot.')
(het) schot in eigen doel click to hear shot into your own goal, 'own goal' in 't verkeerde keelgat click to hear 'into the wrong throathole' - the airpipe in 't verkeerde keelgat schieten click to hear (food) [shooting] going into the [wrong throathole] airpipe - also figuratively, resulting in an angry reaction, 'it did not go down well' Met de deur in huis vallen click to hear (saying) ['falling into the house, taking the door with you' - 'storming into the house, flattening the door'] - to come straight to the point, without delay or hesitation Van de regen in de drup click to hear 2 3 4 ['From the rain into a drip'] 'From the frying pan into the fire' - a move that didn't improve your already bad situation Hij veranderde in een monster click to hear 2 He changed into a monster Hij mocht er niet in click to hear 2 He was not allowed [into it] in - he was denied entrance in zichzelf gekeerd click to hear 2 [directed inward] introvert Alles grijpt in elkaar click to hear 2 ['All things grip (into) each other'] - Everything hangs together, everything is connected,

Gij zult de meerderheid in het kwade niet volgen click to hear 2 3 (Exodus 23:2) ['Thou shalt not follow the majority into evil'] Do not follow the majority when they do wrong

In:  General Locations

in het water click to hear in the water in de lucht click to hear in the air Hij lag in bed click to hear 2 He was lying in bed lezen in bed click to hear 2 reading in bed Ik heb een uur in de tuin gewerkt click to hear I was working in the yard for an hour ‑>> Er loopt een kat in de tuin click to hear 2 There's a cat in the yard ‑>> We wandelden in het park click to hear 2 3 We were walking in the park ‑>> Ik zocht hem op in het bejaardenhuis click to hear 2 3 4 I looked him up, I visited him in the old folks' home tussen de bomen in het bos click to hear among the trees in the forest ‑>> 2 't huis ertussenin click to hear 2 3 the house in between ‑>>

't Staat in de Bijbel click to hear 2 It says so in the Bible

Er stonden een paar mensen in de rij voor het loket click to hear There were a few people in line at the counter window in die volgorde click to hear 2 3 in that order, in that sequence (de) hulp-in-de-huishouding click to hear 2 [helper in the household] - domestic help, 'maid'

We deden 't in opslag click to hear 2 We put it in storage

in de verte click to hear 2 in the [farness] distance, far away "Spiegeltje, spiegeltje aan de wand, wie is de mooiste in het land?" click to hear 'Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the prettiest [in the land] of them all?' "Wie is de mooiste in het land?" click to hear 'Who is the prettiest in the land?' "Sneeuwwitje is de mooiste in het land" click to hear 'Snow White is the prettiest in the land' ‑>> een roepende in de woestijn click to hear 2 'a [caller] voice crying out in the wilderness' - from Mark 1:3, John the Baptist, a voice ignored, not heard
- in modern Dutch,
(de) woestijn click to hear means 'desert'
Je zult branden in de hel click to hear You'll burn in hell In de hemel zijn alleen goede mensen click to hear In heaven there are only good people Adam en Eva spraken Nederlands in het Paradijs click to hear Adam and Eve were speaking Dutch in Paradise

Ik zit in de trein click to hear 2 3 4 I'm on a train

Specific Locations: Cities, Towns and Villages

Ik ben in Schiedam click to hear 2 3 I'm in Schiedam Ik was in Oosterbeek click to hear 2 I was in Oosterbeek Was ik maar in Den Haag! click to hear 2 I wish I was in The Hague! Heb je 't leuk gehad in Brussel? click to hear Did you enjoy yourself in Brussels? Ik ga morgen in Ede een huis verven click to hear Tomorrow I'm going to paint a house in Ede Ik ga overmorgen een schuur bouwen in Barneveld click to hear The day after tomorrow I'm going to build a (large) shed in Barneveld Gisteren heb ik een muurtje gemetseld in Renkum click to hear 2 3 Yesterday I put up a (small) brick wall in Renkum Vandaag moet ik een boom omzagen in Heelsum click to hear 2 3 Today I have to cut down a tree in Heelsum See also: Word Order 'Time' and 'Place' - Sentences Starting with a 'Time' Statement
Hij heeft gisteren in Almelo een fiets gekocht click to hear He's bought a bike in Almelo yesterday Ze heeft gisteren een auto gekocht in Hoenderloo click to hear 2 3 She's bought a car in Hoenderloo yesterday Ik heb in Deventer geleerd koek te bakken click to hear 2 3 I have learned to bake 'cake' in Deventer
(de) koek click to hear 2 - 'cake'
Ik zal Jan morgen in Amsterdam geld geven click to hear Tomorrow in Amsterdam I'll give money to Jan Ik ga morgen in Amsterdam proberen een visum te krijgen click to hear 2 3 Tomorrow I'll try to get a visa in Amsterdam Volgende week ga ik Elly in Edam bloemen geven click to hear 2 Next week in Edam I'll give Elly flowers Hij wil mij morgen in Gouda een boek geven click to hear 2 Tomorrow in Gouda he wants to give me a book, he's planning to give me a book in Gouda tomorrow Ik heb gisteren in Assen Piet een cadeau gegeven. click to hear 2 Yesterday in Assen I gave Piet a present) - many variations! Ze keek alsof ze 't in Keulen hoorde donderen click to hear 2 3 4 5 (saying) 'She looked (the look on her face was) as if she heard [it] thunder rumbling in Cologne' - great surprise at hearing something completely unexpected Ik heb nog een koffer in Berlijn (staan) click to hear 2 3 I still have a suitcase (standing around) in Berlin (Hildegard Knef) Ben je ooit in Memphis geweest? click to hear Have you ever been to Memphis? Ik ben nog nooit in Rome geweest click to hear I've never been to Rome ‑>> Ik liet hem achter in Babylon click to hear 2 3 I left him behind in Babylon - Place Names

Specific Locations: Countries, Areas, World

Hij is in België click to hear He's in Belgium Ik was in Friesland click to hear 2 3 I was in Friesland Ik ben in Nederland geboren click to hear I was born in Holland
- The Netherlands / Holland
Ik heb tot m'n zevenendertigste in Nederland gewoond click to hear 2 I lived in Holland till age 37 Ze blijft in Nederland wonen click to hear 2 3 She'll stay in Holland, she'll remain in Holland, she'll keep on living in Holland Hij leerde fietsen in Nederland click to hear 2 3 He learned to ride a bike in Holland Er zijn geen bergen in Nederland click to hear There are no mountains in Holland Als ik in Nederland zo (langzaam) zou praten, zouden de mensen zeggen:
'Wat is er aan de hand?' click to hear 2 3 If I were to talk like this (this slow) in Holland, people would say:
'What's the matter?'
- more Slow Dutch
't Is meestal bewolkt in Nederland click to hear 2 It's usually overcast in Holland Het heeft gisteren in Nederland hard geregend click to hear Yesterday it rained hard in Holland. - more rain Vorig jaar zijn we in Duitsland op vakantie geweest click to hear Last year we were on vacation in Germany Ben je wel eens in Denemarken geweest? click to hear Have you ever been to Denmark?
See also below
Hij woont in Engeland click to hear He lives in England Ik woon in Amerika click to hear I live in the US ('America') In Kentucky is het gras blauw click to hear In Kentucky the grass is blue Men zegt dat in Kentucky het gras blauw is click to hear 2
Men zegt dat het gras blauw is in Kentucky click to hear It is said that the grass is blue in Kentucky Ik heb wel eens gehoord dat het in het zuiden van Californië nooit regent click to hear
Ik heb wel eens gehoord dat het nooit regent in het zuiden van Californië click to hear 2 I've heard, I've been told that it never rains in Southern California Hij is in Indië gesneuveld click to hear He fell, was killed in action in the Dutch Indies (a military man) in het westen (or: Westen) click to hear 2 in the West de toestand in de wereld click to hear 2 3 the situation in the world, what's going on in the world Ik word droevig van de toestand in de wereld click to hear 2 I'm saddened by what's going on in the world Ik moet toch weten wat er gebeurt in de wereld click to hear 2 3 I [have to] want to know what's going on in the world Alsof er geen groter problemen in de wereld zijn click to hear As if there are no bigger problems in the world midden in de wereld click to hear 2 in the middle of [the world] nowhere ‑>> - Dutch Names of Foreign Countries

Body Parts

Kikker in de keel click to hear [frog in the throat] - difficlty speaking, hoarse Met de handen in het haar click to hear 2 despairing, don't know what to do Ik heb kramp in m'n kaak click to hear I have cramps in my jaw Ik ben Nederlands in hart en nieren click to hear 2 3 I'm Dutch [in heart and kidneys] through and through, to the backbone, heart and soul De getijden hebben we in ons bloed click to hear 2 [we have the tides in our blood] - The tides are in our veins (Robinson Jeffers, 1924) Baas in eigen buik! click to hear 2 3 Master [in] of my own belly! (Women rights slogan) But: In de benen! click to hear 2 On your legs! Get busy, take action Je hebt 't zelf in de hand click to hear 2 3 It's in your own hands (figuratively) - you're in control (of it) Ik heb m'n gehoorapparaat niet in click to hear 2 I don't have my hearing aid in

'In Mental States'

Hij is in een slecht humeur click to hear He is in a bad mood in de war click to hear in a state of confusion, a very confused state of mind Hij is in de war click to hear slow He is very confused Hij was in alle staten click to hear 2 3 He was frantic, in a frenzy ['in all modes simultaneously'] Je zit in een sleur click to hear 2 3 You're in a rut (a hard to change pattern of bad habits) Hij lijdt in stilte click to hear 2 [He is suffering in silence] - He is quiet about his suffering in gedachten verzonken click to hear 2 3 4 [sunk deep into thoughts] - deep in thought

in verlegenheid brengen click to hear 2 3 4 5 to put (someone) in a quandary, in a mental conflict
Dictionary says 'to embarrass' but there is usually no shame involved; it can be that you feel inadequate, but it's ususally that you don't know what to do or say, everything looks wrong or has a bad side
verlegen click to hear 2 3 4 is 'shy' and (de) verlegenheid click to hear 2 3 is 'shyness, being shy'
Dutch has the related-to-shy schuw click to hear (schuw / schuwe click to hear 2) but that's only said of animals or very shy people
zich schamen click to hear 2 3 'to be ashamed'
Je moest je schamen click to hear 2 You ought to, should be ashamed of yourself (de) schaamte click to hear shame


in verwachting click to hear 2 [in expectation] - 'expecting' - pregnant 'in blijde verwachting' click to hear '(happily) expecting' ‑>>

in de gauwigheid click to hear 2 3 in the rush of things, because I had to act quickly
gauw click to hear 2 quick, soon

in 't openbaar click to hear 2 3 in public

in geval van nood click to hear 2 3 in case of an emergency, in an emergency

in verband met click to hear 2 in connection with, because of

in goed gezelschap click to hear in good company

in werkelijkheid click to hear 2 3 in reality (contrasting with ideals or fiction) in 't echt click to hear 2 [in the real] - in reality, the real thing ‑>> in grote lijnen click to hear 2 [in broad outlines] - a rough sketch of the most important points

Hij is bang in het donker click to hear 2 He's afraid in the dark ‑>> We tasten in het duister click to hear 2 ['We feel around in the dark'] - 'We are in the dark' - we don't understand, we can't explain ‑>> geheel in 't zwart click to hear completely in black (black clothes)

Ik leerde hem kennen in het leger click to hear 2 3
Ik heb hem leren kennen in het leger click to hear 2 3 (4) I came to know him in the army (I first met him when I was in the army)
(In Dutch, there's not much difference between the simple past and the present perfect tense)

in het begin click to hear 2 in the beginning In 't begin was 't woord click to hear In the beginning was the word (John 1:1) In 't begin was er 't woord click to hear 2 3 In the beginning there was the word In het begin schiep God hemel en aarde click to hear 2 In the beginning God created heaven and earth in eerste instantie click to hear 2 3 'at first view, initially' Wereld in wording click to hear 2 World in development, 'in the making'

in gevaar click to hear 2 3 in danger, endangered ‑>>
in levensgevaar click to hear 2 in mortal danger in gevaar brengen click to hear 2 3 4 [to bring into danger] to endanger

in verleiding brengen click to hear 2 3 4 'to lead into temptation, to tempt' Old-fashioned words from The Lord's Prayer:
... En leid ons niet in bekoring,
maar verlos ons van het kwade. Amen click to hear
... En leid ons niet in verzoeking,
maar verlos ons van de boze click to hear And lead us not in temptation,
but deliver us from evil (Amen)
(de) verleiding click to hear 2 temptation, seduction

in de praktijk brengen click to hear 2 to put into practice
Ik ken de regels ... click to hear 2 I know the rules ... ... maar ik heb er moeite mee ... click to hear 2 3 4 ... but I have difficulty ...
... ze in de praktijk te brengen click to hear 2 ... putting them into practice, applying them

in de steek laten click to hear 2 3 'to leave in the lurch' - to abandon (people) - to desert (people) - to let (people) down Ze hebben ons in de steek gelaten click to hear 2 3 They abandoned us, They let us down, They didn't stand with us

Time Periods

in het weekend click to hear 2 in the weekend Heb je wat leuks gedaan in het weekend? click to hear Did you do something enjoyable in the weekend, did you enjoy the weekend??

dag in, dag uit click to hear 2 day in, day out - every day all day in de loop van de dag click to hear in the course of the day in de afgelopen dagen click to hear 2 3 in the past days in de komende jaren click to hear 2 in the [coming] next years in 't nieuwe jaar click to hear in the new year Ik werd midden in de nacht wakker click to hear 2 I woke up in the middle of the night

in de lente click to hear in Spring
in de herfst click to hear in Fall ‑>>

in een later stadium click to hear 2 at a later stage

Hij was fout in de oorlog click to hear 2 3 4 He was [wrong] on the wrong side in the war (collaborating with the Germans) Hij is in de oorlog omgekomen click to hear 2 3 He died in the war

in een ver verleden click to hear in a distant past, long ago in mijn tijd click to hear in my [time] day, when I was in my prime in m'n jonge jaren click to hear 2 3 in my [young] younger years in die tijd click to hear 2 at that time Er waren in die tijd geen violen click to hear 2 At that time there were no violins In die tijd hadden we allemaal lang haar click to hear At that time all of us had long hair ‑>> in tijden click to hear 2 3 4 [in many times] in a long time Ik heb in tijden niet zo goed geslapen click to hear 2 3 I haven't slept this well in [times] a long time Ik heb hem in geen jaren gezien click to hear 2 [I have seen him in no years] I haven't seen him in years 't Gebeurt maar eens in je leven click to hear 2 It happens just once in your [life] lifetime in vredestijd click to hear 2 in peacetime, in time of peace in de toekomst click to hear 2 in the future

In Years
in 1648 click to hear (zestienachtenveertig) in 1648 In 1568 begon De Tachtigjarige Oorlog click to hear
(vijftienachtenzestig) In 1568 the 80-Years War started De Tachtigjarige Oorlog begon in 1568 click to hear The 80-Years War started in 1568 Een dag als alle andere in 1692 click to hear (zestientweeënnegentig) Just another day in 1692 In 1813 werd Nederland een koninkrijk click to hear
(achttiendertien) In 1813 Holland became a kingdom Nederland werd een koninkrijk in 1813 click to hear Holland became a kingdom in 1813 In augustus 1914 click to hear 2 (negentienveertien) In august 1914 - more event placement - numbers

'In'  can also be about contents, items containing, things inside

(De) geest in de fles click to hear 2 3 4 spirit in a bottle, genie, djinn De zoutkorrels in de zandloper vallen één voor één heel langzaam naar beneden click to hear 2 3 4 The grains of salt in the hourglass fall down one by one, very slowly in 't nieuws click to hear 2 in the news ‑>> Hij is in z'n element click to hear 2 3 'He is in his element' - he's doing something he likes and that he does well Ik begrijp niet wat ze in hem ziet click to hear I don't understand what she sees in him, his value to her (why she loves him) Hij gelooft nergens in click to hear 2 3 He [believes in nothing] - He doesn't believe in anything Zal ik je een kopje thee inschenken? click to hear Shall I pour you a cup of tea?

Zitten click to hear is literally 'to sit, be sitting, be seated' but with 'in'  it often means just 'to be'
Hij zit in het leger click to hear 2 3 He's in the army, in the military
but:  Hij is bij de marine click to hear 2 He is in the navy
Hij zat in de nor click to hear (slang) He was in prison Hij zit in de bijstand click to hear 2 He's on welfare Hij zit in de tweede klas click to hear 2 He's in second grade Ze zit in een rolstoel click to hear 2 3 She's in a wheelchair Ik zit in 't gips click to hear 2 [I'm in plaster] - I'm in a cast Er zit een gat in het dak click to hear 2 There's a hole in the roof De wind is gaan liggen, maar we zitten nog steeds in het water click to hear The wind died down but we're still in the water, flooded

in de problemen click to hear [in the problems] - in trouble Hij zit in de problemen click to hear 2 3 He's in trouble Hij is op de Noordpool in moeilijkheden geraakt click to hear 2 3 4 He ran into [difficulties] trouble on the North Pole

in de weg click to hear 2 'in de way' - usually making access difficult or impossible, but also said of people blocking plans or schemes in de weg zitten click to hear 2 3 to be in the way 't Zit in de weg click to hear 2 3 4 It's in the way Also:  uit de weg click to hear 2 3 'out of the way,' - also figuratively: no longer a problem, not any obstruction anymore Dan is dat uit de weg click to hear 2 3 Then that's out of the way

Daar zit wat in click to hear 2 3
Er zit wat in click to hear 2 3 4 5 literally: there's something in it, it contains something - or figuratively: there's something to it, there's a good idea in it, there's some truth in it Misschien zit er wat in click to hear 2 3 Maybe there's something to it // Maybe there's something in it Brood, daar zit wat in click to hear 2 'Bread, there's something (good?) in it' - not entirely successful slogan after questionable ingredients were found But also:  Er zit geen brood in click to hear (saying) ['there is no bread in it'] You can't make a living from it, it doesn't generate much income Er zit geen schot in click to hear 2 3 4 5 'There is [no shot? in it] very little progress, things got stuck' 't Zit er niet in click to hear 2 3 4 It's not going to happen in de piepzak zitten click to hear (saying) ['in the squeak-bag'] - to be afraid Ik lag in een deuk click to hear [I was lying in a dent] - I was in stitches, laughing uncontrollably

60 (zestig) seconden in een minuut click to
  hear 60 seconds in a minute 60 (zestig) minuten in een uur click to hear 60 minutes in an hour 24 (vierentwintig) uren in een dag click to hear 24 hours in a day 7 (zeven) dagen in een week click to hear 7 days in a week 52 (tweeënvijftig) weken in een jaar click to hear 52 weeks in a year 28 (achtentwintig) tot 31 (éénendertig) dagen in een maand click to hear 28 to 31 days in a month 12 (twaalf) maanden in een jaar click to hear 12 months in a year 365 (driehonderdvijfenzestig) dagen in een jaar click to hear 365 days in a year 100 (honderd) jaren in een eeuw click to hear 100 years in a century - more time: short - long

Als de R in de maand zit click to hear 2 When there's an R in [the name of] the month' - the time for the daily spoonful of
(de) levertraan click to hear 2 cod-liver-oil

Other 'In'

in dezelfde trant click to hear 2 in the same manner, style, something similar in drievoud click to hear 2 in triplicate in dit opzicht click to hear 2 in this perspective, in this respect

Hoe zeg je dat in het Nederlands? click to hear 2 How do you say that in Dutch?
Hoe zeg je dat precies? click to hear 2 3 How exactly do you say that? Weet jij hoe je het moet zeggen? click to hear Do you know how to say it?
In het Nederlands zeggen we 'gezondheid!' als iemand niest click to hear click to hear In Dutch we say 'gezondheid!' when somebody sneezes
(de) gezondheid click to hear 1. health 2. Bless you!
Zeg het in je eigen woorden click to hear 2 [Say it in ...] - Use your own words (use simple words, don't quote others or official sources)

'zin in' click to hear - usually as 'zin hebben in' click to hear 2 is 'feel like' - a desire, a wish, a craving for things to eat or drink or do

Heb je zin in een borrel? click to hear Would you like a glass of liquor? Ik heb zin in ijs click to hear 2 3 I would like ice cream now, I feel like having ice cream Ik heb zo'n zin in iets lekkers click to hear 2 I have (such) a great craving for something tasty, something really nice (usually sweet) Ik heb zo'n zin in een kopje thee click to hear 2 3 ['I have such a great desire for ...'] - What I'd really like now is a cup of tea Ik heb er zin in click to hear 2 I'm looking forward to it (for instance a holiday or starting a new job) Ik heb er geen zin in click to hear 2 3 I don't feel like it, I don't want to do, eat/drink it Ik heb nergens zin in click to hear 2 I don't feel like doing (or eating) anything ‑>>
- more zin - See also: 'What I Want'

in naam van click to hear 2 in the name of ..., on behalf of ...
also: namens' click to hear
in naam van de familie click to hear 2 on behalf of, in the name of the family
also: namens de familie click to hear 2 on behalf of the family
"In naam van Oranje!" click to hear 2 3 4 'In the name of the King' - by authority of the king in hemelsnaam! click to hear 2 in heaven's name! (emphasis) Wat in Godsnaam? click to hear 2 3 What in the name of God? (emphasis)

Je moet niet in herhaling vervallen click to hear 2 3 [Don't fall into repetitions] - Don't repeat yourself

Standard Phrases with 'In'

Roet in 't eten gooien click to hear [throwing soot on the food, putting soot in the food] - ruining plans

Je moet 't goed in de gaten houden click to hear 2 3 You have to watch it closely Hou(d) 't goed in de gaten click to hear 2 Watch it [well] closely

De wind in de zeilen hebben click to hear 2 '[Having] Catching the wind in the sails, going full sail' - making good progress, doing well in business Een oogje in het zeil houden click to hear 2 'to keep an eye on the sail' - to watch over something or someone Iemand die een oogje in het zeil houdt click to hear 2 Someone to watch over someone or something

't Heeft veel voeten in aarde click to hear 2 3 4 ['It has many feet in the soil'] - 'It's a very complicated process' (Stoett says the image is removing a tree with many roots) Een vreemde eend in de bijt click to hear [a strange duck in the hole in the ice] A stranger among us/you/them t Gaat je niet in de kouwe (koude) kleren zitten click to hear 2 ['It's not going to stay in your (cold) outer clothes' but will penetrate deeper] - it affects you, it has an impact on your mood

De hond in de pot vinden click to hear ['finding the dog in the cooking pot'] Dan vind je de hond in de pot click to hear 2 'Then you'll find the dog in the cooking pot' - - When you're very late for a meal, you may find the dog eating the leftovers - general meaning: coming late you may be left empty-handed

Het gaat de mist in click to hear 2 ['It [goes] fades into the fog'] A performance doesn't work out, ends weak - "fades" Er gaat er wel eens een de mist in click to hear 2 Occasionally, a song or a piece fails

Dan heb je 't gedonder in de glazen click to hear 2 3 4 [probably something like 'then your windows will rattle'] 'then trouble begins, things will get lively' Twee vliegen in één klap click to hear 2 3 '[two flies in one slam] to kill two birds with one stone'
I guess the English expression is disappearing because we now frown on killing birds, but flies are still a nuisance.
De morgenstond heeft goud in de mond click to hear 2 [The dawn hour has gold in its mouth] The early bird gets the worm Bitter in de mond maakt het hart gezond click to hear 2 'bitter in the mouth makes the heart healthy'
- nonsense remark about the supposed health benefits of bitter-tasting medicine or food
Een ongeluk zit in een klein hoekje click to hear ['an accident is in a small corner'] - accidents can happen in unexpected places (and unexpectedly) In de aap gelogeerd click to hear ['lodging at the Monkey's?'] - in trouble, not in a good place in geuren en kleuren click to hear 2 [in smells and colors] - said of a very vivid description, with lots of sensory details

Je moet de sokken d'r in zetten click to hear 2 3 ["You have to put the socks in it"] - 'run faster,' 'speed up' Zet de sokken erin! click to hear 2 ["Put the socks in it!"] - 'run faster,' 'speed up'

Een advies in de wind slaan click to hear 2 slow ['Throw an advice to the wind'] - ignoring sensible counsel

In een kwade reuk staan click to hear 2 3 'to have a bad reputation' - So NOT the literal meaning 'being in a place of bad smell'

in levenden lijve click to hear 2 [in alive body] - (bodily) present in vliegende vaart click to hear [at flying speed] - quickly in volle vaart click to hear [at full speed] - at full throttle in vogelvlucht click to hear 2 [in a bird's flight] - a bird's eye view in rep en roer click to hear 2 3 in an uproar een kink in de kabel click to hear 2 a kink in the cable, a problem with the plans in kannen en kruiken click to hear [in pitchers and jugs] - 'a done deal,' finished well, all set, OK dertien in een dozijn click to hear 2 'thirteen (in) a dozen' - nothing special in groten getale click to hear 2 in large numbers

More Sayings and Standard Phrases - more Alliterations

'In'  Translated as 'To'

In 'having been to' - visited, English uses 'to,' but Dutch says 'ben geweest in'
Ben je wel eens in Denemarken geweest? click to hear Have you ever been to Denmark? Ben je ooit in Memphis geweest? click to hear Have you ever been to Memphis? Ik ben nog nooit in Rome geweest. click to hear I've never been to Rome. Vorig jaar zijn we in Duitsland op vakantie geweest. click to hear Last year we were on vacation in Germany. Also: Welkom in mijn nederige stulp click to hear 2 Welcome to my humble dwelling

But with gaan click to hear 'going to' - travel, Dutch uses naar click to hear
Dit jaar gaan we naar Frankrijk. click to hear This year we'll go to France. Volgend jaar gaan we naar Engeland. click to hear Next year we'll go to England.

Van de hand in de tand leven click to hear (saying) 'Living on very little money, without a steady source of income' - 'hand to [tooth] mouth'

Other Translations

Meester in de Rechten click to hear 2 [Master at Law] - a person with a Law degree

Ik ben in dienst van ... click to hear I work at ..., my employer is ...

De bliksem sloeg in click to hear 2 Lightning struck ‑>> Toen de bliksem insloeg ging het licht uit click to hear 2 When lightning hit the light went out ‑>> De bliksem is zeker ingeslagen click to hear 2 3 'Lightning must have struck' - said when a traffic light takes long to change

Om elf uur viel ik in slaap click to hear 2 I went to sleep at eleven, I fell asleep at eleven Hij viel als een blok in slaap click to hear 2 3 He fell asleep [like a log] very quickly Ik kon gisteren niet inslapen click to hear Yesterday I had difficulty falling asleep - more

in brand click to hear on fire ‑>>
in brand steken click to hear 2 3 to set on fire - also:  in de fik steken click to hear 2 3 (childish and slang) in brand staan click to hear 2 to be on fire
  staan / stond / gestaan click to hear 2
in brand vliegen click to hear 2 3 to catch fire
  vliegen / vloog / gevlogen click to hear 2
't Huis staat in brand click to hear 2 'The house is on fire' 't Is in brand gevlogen click to hear 2 It has caught fire Nero speelde viool terwijl Rome in brand stond click to hear 2 Nero played the violin while Rome was burning in vuur en vlam click to hear (saying) [on fire and in flames] - full of enthusiasm

Ik heb er een zwaar hoofd in click to hear 2 3 4 (saying) ['I have a heavy head about it'] - I'm not optimistic about it, I doubt that it's going to work or end well Jullie hebben je in hem vergist click to hear 2 [You made a mistake] You guys were wrong about him

in zee gaan met click to hear 2 3 [enter the sea with ...] - go into business with, work with, take as business partner ...

Ik heb er geen vertrouwen in click to hear 2 3 'I do not trust it, I'm not confident, I don't think it's going to work or end well

tegen .. click to hear .. in click to hear 2 - 'against'
tegen de klok in click to hear 2 [against the clock (direction)] - counterclockwise
met de klok mee click to hear 2 3 [with the clock] - clockwise
tegen beter weten in click to hear 2 3 against my/our/their better [knowing] judgement Ik heb geleerd tegen de stroom in te zwemmen click to hear 2 3
Ik heb tegen de stroom in leren zwemmen click to hear 2 3 4 I've learned [to swim against the current] - to go my own way, rebel, not follow current trends, fashion or popular thinking, go against the majority

goed zijn in ... click to hear 2 being good at ... Hij is goed in smoesjes verzinnen click to hear 2 3 4 He is good at making up excuses

Words with 'In'

the: de click to hear 2 / het click to hear 2 3 - 't click to hear ->>
Plurals always take 'de'
a: (een) - 'n click to hear / one: één click to hear 2 3

inbreken click to hear 2 [breaking into a house to steal stuff] - to burglarize (de) inbreker click to hear 2 burglar ‑>>
(de) inbraak click to hear 2 burglary
(de) inbreuk op privacy click to hear invasion of privacy Er is ingebroken click to hear 2 3 There has been a burglary

(het) inzicht click to hear insight, understanding
Bij nader inzien click to hear ['Upon closer inspection'] - usually: 'After some reflection, having given it some thought' Ik zie het nut er niet van in click to hear 2 3 [I don't see the use of it] - I don't understand why it's useful, what it's good for 't Heeft me doen inzien click to hear 2 3 It made me understand, it gave me the insight

ingrijpen click to hear 2 3 to intervene, take action ingrijpende gevolgen click to hear 2 3 far-reaching consequences Het leger greep in click to hear 2 The army (the military) intervened, took action

inzetten click to hear 2 3 to deploy, put into action // to start, launch // to stake, bet, gamble De marechaussee werd ingezet click to hear 2 3 4 The military police was deployed, put into action

de verkeerde weg inslaan click to hear 2 3 4 5 [to enter the wrong road] - make a wrong turn

inderdaad click to hear 2 3 4 indeed, really, sure, you're right Er is inderdaad geen goede vertaling click to hear 2 There is indeed no good translation

indertijd click to hear 2 at that time
Dat is indertijd niet goed gedaan click to hear 2 That was not done correctly at the time

indien click to hear 2 3 if, in case that (bookish) ‑>>

(de) indruk click to hear impression
Ik heb de indruk dat ... click to hear 2 3 I have the impression that ... (I feel, I sense ...) Ik had de indruk ... click to hear 2 I had the impression ... (I felt, sensed ...) 't Maakt een slechte indruk click to hear 2 3 It makes a bad impression But:  Ik was onder de indruk click to hear I was impressed

(de) ingang click to hear 2 entrance
Hier is de ingang click to hear The entrance is here (de) zijingang click to hear 2 side entrance
Denk eraan dat de zomertijd dit weekend ingaat click to hear Keep in mind that the daylight saving time starts this weekend (de) uitgang click to hear 2 exit
Waar is de uitgang? click to hear Where is the exit?

ingewikkeld click to hear ingewikkelde click to hear 2 3 [swathed in many layers] complicated (de) inhoud click to hear content(s), table of contents

(het) initiatief click to hear 2 initiative
het initiatief nemen click to hear 2 to take the initiative

(het) inkomen click to hear 2 income
(de) inkomsten click to hear [incoming money] revenue
(de) inkoper click to hear 2 professional buyer (for companies) (de) inleiding click to hear 2 preface, introduction

inmiddels click to hear 2 meanwhile, by now (while something else was going on) Hij was inmiddels kaal geworden click to hear 2 Meanwhile he had gone bald Er zijn inmiddels drie kinderen click to hear 2 By now there are three children

(de) innerlijke rust click to hear 2 [inner quiet] - peace of mind
also: (de) gemoedsrust click to hear 2 3
(de) inspraak click to hear 2 [co-decision] involvement, participation
(de) instelling click to hear 2 1. institution, agency 2. attitude 3. setting, tuning (de) instorting click to hear 2 3 4 collapse, falling/breaking down (het) interval click to hear interval

(de) inval click to hear 2 '(violent) incursion' (like by military or police)
The word used to have a more general meaning of 'going into,' like in the name of a fictional café or it's said when you get a lot of unexpected visitors:
de zoete inval click to hear 2 (a pleasant place to go to)

(de) invloed click to hear 2 influence
onder invloed van click to hear 2 3 under influence of, influenced by

inzinking click to hear 2 slump, breakdown, collapse
zinken click to hear 2 to sink ‑>>

'In'  Words from Latin

Many of these words are from the medical world ‑>>
(de) incubatietijd click to hear 2 incubation period
(de) industrie click to hear 2 industry, manufacturing
(de) infectie click to hear infection
(de) inflatie click to hear 2 3 inflation (economy)
(de) informateur click to hear 2 Dutch government creation official ‑>> (het) infuus click to hear IV, intravenous drip
(de) ingenieur click to hear engineer
ingenieus click to hear 2 ingenious, inventive
(het) ingrediënt click to hear ingredient
(de) ingewanden click to hear 2 intestines
(de) injectienaald click to hear 2 syringe
De verpleegster gaf hem gisteren thuis een injectie click to hear Yesterday the nurse gave him a shot at home (het) insekt click to hear insect
(het) insekticide click to hear 2 insecticide
(het) instrument click to hear 2 instrument (music)
intelligent click to hear 2 intelligent, smart, bright
intens click to hear 2 intense
(het) internet click to hear 2

interessant click to hear 2 3 interesting
geïnteresseerd click to hear interested
interessante geluiden click to hear 2 3 interesting sounds
Dat is interessant click to hear 2 That's interesting Dat is niet interessant click to hear 2 3 That's not interesting, not exciting, I don't care for that

't Hoeft niet grappig te zijn click to hear 2 3 4 It doesn't have to be funny 't Moet wel interessant zijn click to hear 2 [But] it has to be interesting

'in' = not
incompetent click to hear 2 incompetent
impotent click to hear impotent (Dutch 'impotent' only refers to erectile dysfunction) machteloze woede click to hear 2 impotent, powerless anger

See also: Binnen (Inside, Indoors) and Buiten (Outside, Outdoors)

email - Copyright © Marco Schuffelen 2019. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, redistributed, or hotlinked to.
Don't be a dief (thief) / dievegge (female thief) - diefstal (theft) - stelen (to steal) - heler (dealer in stolen goods) - hear Dutch - 2