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Disambiguation: Many common words can have more than one meaning, with different translations
List of Prepositions and Other 'Little Words' — Pages: - Aan - Achter - Af - Al - Als - Binnen/Buiten - Daar - Dan - Dat - Door - Eens - Er - Erg - Even - Haast - Het - In - Laat - Maar - Na - Naar - Net - Nog - Of - Om - Onder/Boven - Op - Over - Toen - Uit - Van - Voor - Vroeg - Waar - Wat - Weg - Zo - more
Daar |
1. daar = (over) there | |
hier = here | |
2. daar = that (placeholder - with preposition) |
3. daar = because (old-fashioned) | |
omdat = because | |
want = because, for | |
Daar is een brievenbus! | Over there is a mailbox! |
Daar is de uitgang! | Over there is the exit |
De uitgang is daar | The exit is over there |
Dat huis daar | That house (over) there |
Die auto daar | That car (over) there - see also: 'This' and 'That' |
Daar ben je! 2 | (Ah!) There you are! (Now I see you, I found you) |
Hé jij daar | Hey you! (not a friendly form of address, limited use) |
Daar ga je! 2 3 | There you go! - a toast * |
Hier en daar | Here and there |
Hier is 't warm, daar is 't koud | Here it's warm, over there it's cold |
Daar is de Engelse schroevendraaier gebruikt | In that spot ['the English screwdriver was used'] a screw was hammered in |
Deze auto hier | This car here |
Hier is de ingang | Over here is the entrance |
't Is hier erg warm | It's very hot (in) here |
Wie heeft er hier de leiding? | Who is in charge here? |
Hier ziet men de gevolgen 2 3 4 | Here you see the consequences |
Hier is alvast 'n voorschot 2 | Here is already a prepayment, an advance payment |
Hier hoort men goed Nederlands | Here you (can) hear good Dutch |
Hier zijn veel schepen vergaan 2 | Here, in this area many ships were wrecked |
We wonen nog maar kort hier 2 | We've only been living here for a short time |
Hierheen! 2 3 | (Come) this way! |
Daar weet ik niks van 2 | I know nothing about that, I don't know anything about that |
Ik weet er niks van 2 | I know nothing about it, I don't know anything about it |
Daar had ik niet aan gedacht 2 3 | I had not thought of that |
Daar had je aan moeten denken 2 (3 4) | You should have thought of that |
Daar kun je je geen buil aan vallen | (expression) 'You won't fall and get a bump of that' (said when someone is deliberating for a long time about a small expense) |
Kom daar nou nog eens om! 2 | ['Come for that nowadays again'] - It's not possible to find something like that anymore - an item (or an attitude) that went out of fashion |
Daar heeft niemand wat aan 2 3 4 | That's of use to nobody, that's not of use to anybody |
Daar zit wat in 2 3 | There is something in there -or usually: There is something to that, it's a good point |
Brood - daar zit wat in 2 | Bread - there's something (good) in that (a commercial slogan) - more 'bread' |
Daar moet je mee oppassen 2 3 | You have to be careful with that, it could be dangerous |
Daar moet je mee ophouden 2 | You should stop doing that / Stop that! |
Maar als ik heel snel praat, daar heeft niemand wat aan very slow ->> | But when I talk very fast, [that's of use to no-one] that's not useful to anyone |
Wat zou daar het voordeel van zijn? 2 3 4 | What could be the advantage of that? |
Daarna ben jij aan de beurt 2 3 | After that it's your turn |
Daar heb ik niet over nagedacht 2 | I have not thought about that, I didn't think about that |
Waarom? Daarom! | Why? Because (of that)! ‑>> |
Wat heb je daarop te zeggen? 2 | What do you have to say on that? What's your reaction/answer to that? |
daarentegen 2 3 | [and against it] on the other hand |
Ben je daar zeker van? 2 3 4 | Are you sure (of that)? Are you certain? |
Daar krijg je last van 2 3 | That's going to bother you, that's going to cause you trouble |
Daar weet ik niks van 2 | I know nothing about that |
Daar houd ik niet van 2 3 4 | I don't like that |
Daar was ik al bang voor 2 | I was already afraid of that, I was already afraid that was going to happen |
Daar heb ik geen tijd voor 2 | I don't have time for that |
Daar ben ik te oud voor 2 | I'm too old for that |
Daar heb ik een mannetje voor 2 3 4 | (jocular) I (have) know a guy for that (special job) |
Also compare with the similar 'Er' for 'it' and 'Waar' for 'what' and see Common Problems with Dutch
Daar de verwachte groei uitbleef, werd de fabriek weer gesloten 2 | Because the expected growth didn't materialize the factory was closed (again) |
Aan de grens lette iemand op wie vertrok. "Heer, daar ik zie dat U weggaat, bid ik U: schrijf een boek voor mij ..." | At the border, an attendant watched who was leaving. 'Lord, as I see that you're leaving, I pray: Please write a book for me ...' |
'Daar' in the sense of 'because' is a bit old-fashioned, formal and bookish, like English 'as.' The common word for 'because' is 'omdat'
Omdat er zoveel te zien was | Because there was so much to see |
Omdat ik Nederlands ben | Because I am Dutch |
Hij was blij omdat 't mooi weer was | He was happy because the weather was nice |
Ik was kwaad omdat ik weer voor m'n rijexamen gezakt was 2 | I was angry because I had failed the driving test again |
Omdat ik het niet verstond 2 | Because I didn't understand (it) - could not hear what was said |
Omdat ik het niet begreep 2 3 | Because I didn't understand (it) - the how or why, the idea |
Omdat ik het zeg 2 3 4 | Because I say [it] so (an authoritarian statement) |
Omdat het niet anders kan 2 3 | [Because it can't be (done) differently] - Because there is no other way |
'Because' ('for') can also be translated as 'want' 2 but only at the start of a subsentence giving a reason, usually halfway a sentence.
Ik eet geen witlof meer want het is te duur 2 | I don't eat Belgian endives anymore because [it's] they're too expensive |
... want de mens gaat naar z'n eeuwig huis en de rouwklagers gaan rond op de straat | ... because Man goes to his eternal home and the mourners go about in the streets ->> |
Ze bleven een week in Delft ... | They stayed in Delft for a week ... |
... want er was zoveel te zien 2 | ... because there was so much to see |
Note the word order changes in the sub-sentence after 'daar' and 'omdat:' object and complement are placed between subject and verb ->> and compound verbs re-attach ->> - but 'want' does not change the word order.
Er is geen bewijs 2 3 | There is no proof |
... omdat er geen bewijs is 2 3 | ... because there is no proof |
Daar er geen bewijs is ... 2 3 | Because there is no proof ... |
... want er is geen bewijs 2 slow | ... because there is no proof |
'Wegens' 2 is 'because of, due to'
Wegens omstandigheden gesloten 2 3 | Closed because of circumstances |
Wegens verbouwing gesloten 2 3 | Closed due to remodeling |
'Daarom' 2 can be translated as 'because of that, that's why'
Waarom? Daarom! | Why? [That's why!] Because! |
... en daarom ben ik weggegaan 2 3 | .. and that's why I left |
... en daarom wil ik geen elektrische fiets 2 3 | ... and because of that I don't want an electric bicycle |
(de) oorzaak cause / (het) gevolg effect ‑>>
The Dutch noun
(de) want
2 is the
'mitt,' a glove without separate fingers. Plural:
The English noun 'want' can be
(de) behoefte
('need') ‑>>
or (het) gebrek aan
('lack of')
- see also: False Friends
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