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V in Dutch - Skip General Introduction

Pronunciation: Hear for Yourself

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Pay special attention to letters, letter combinations and sounds that you don't have in your own language
These pronunciation pages are not meant for learning vocabulary. The English translations may lack in precision. But if you like, follow the occasional links ‑>> to explanation, examples of usage and/or related words.
Learning Vocabulary

Adjectives in most positions get an -E  ending ‑>>
Several words appear twice on the page. I do not have an infinite number of recordings, and some combinations of letters are rarely or never found in Dutch.

Spelling and Pronunciation

Dutch spelling/pronunciation rules say that: So (de) man click to hear 2 ('man, human adult male) has the plural mannen (man-nen) click to hear 2 while (de) maan click to hear 2 ('moon') has the plural manen (ma-nen) click to hear 2 3

'Long' and 'short' are traditional terms. The difference is actually more of tone than length
More about spelling and pronunciation - another version
Learn the Rules by Studying and Listening to Examples

Major Exceptions to the Phonetic Spelling of Dutch
- Page 1:   een   -IG   -ISCH   -LIJK  
- Page 2:   -B   -D   SCHR   -TIE   UW   WR

Hear the Dutch Letters in Hundreds of Words:
 AU/OU  CH  E  EI/IJ  EU  F  G  H  L  OE  SCH  U  UI  W  X  Y
'Master Lists' of Dutch words: Dutch to English - English to Dutch

V in Dutch - Hear for Yourself

 Further Introducing the Sound 
 Single Examples of the Letter Combinations 
 Many Examples: 

(de) V click to hear 2 3
(de) T.V. click to hear ('T.V., television')
V&D ('V-en-D') click to hear 2 (former department store, closed 2016)
VOC click to hear ('Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie' - the Dutch East India Company)

Listen to a few Dutch V's:
(de) verstandsverbijstering click to hear ('brain shutdown')
vliegensvlug click to hear ([flying-fast] - 'very fast')
(de) vogelverschrikker click to hear ([bird-scsrer] - 'scarecrow')
in vogelvlucht click to hear 2 ('a bird's eye view')
voortvarend click to hear ('going ahead quickly, not hesitating')
(het) voorval click to hear 2 ('incident, occurrence')
vuurvast click to hear 2 ('fire-proof' - ceramics // 'insensitive to heat' - fingers, jocular)
(het) veevoer click to hear ('fodder,' animal food)
vieze vis click to hear ('bad-tasing fish')

in vuur en vlam click to hear ([in fire and flame} - 'full of enthusiasm')
in vliegende vaart click to hear ([at flying speed] - 'quickly, rapidly')
in volle vaart click to hear ('at full throttle, ~high speed')
in een ver verleden click to hear ('in a distant past')

vies en voos click to hear 2 ([dirty and dirty] - 'very dirty')
vis noch vlees click to
    hear 2 ('neither fish nor [meat] fowl')
vriend en vijand click to hear ('friend and foe')
vorst en vaderland click to hear 2 ('King and Country')
de vroede vaderen click to hear ('the wise fathers' - the (old) city government - or jocular) Vragen staat vrij click to hear 2 3 4 ('You're free to ask, feel free to ask') vorm of vent click to hear 2 3 4 ('structure or personality' - the shape of a narrative or the author's character - schools of literary criticism) Vrouw en vriend click to hear 2 ('Woman and Friend' - a novel by Anna Blaman)
more Dutch alliterations

You may have read about or noticed yourself that Dutch words don't end in V or Z, and that V and Z are not found before a consonant. It's an unusual mouth position for Dutch people. Dutch V and Z need to be followed by a vowel or diphthong. This means that you'll rarely (if ever) find a 'short' vowel before V or Z - but you will see the problematic 'voiceless, unstressed E' click to hear (the 'schwa') before V or Z, and occasionally a 'short' A, which is more often unexpectedly and exceptional 'short' ‑>>

Further Introducing the Sound

- (het) vat click to hear ('barrel, cask, drum') - vaten click to hear 2 3 ('barrels, casks, drums') - (het) vet click to hear ('fat' - (de) veter click to hear 2 ('shoestring, shoelace') - vertellen click to hear 2 ('to tell') - veulen click to hear ('a foal, young horse') - vitten click to hear 2 ('to complain about, find fault with someone') - vitaal click to hear 2 ('vital') - vijfvoud click to hear 2 3 ('five-fold') - (het) vod click to hear 2 3 4 ('rag') - -voorde click to hear 2 (place name ending, like English '‑ford') - voedzaam click to hear 2 3 ('nutritious') - (de) vouw click to hear ('fold') - (de) vut click to hear (early retirement program - originally V.U.T.) - (het) vulles click to hear ('garbage' - slang) - (het) vuur click to hear 2 ('fire') - (de) vuist click to hear 2 ('fist')

- (het) avontuur click to hear 2 ('adventure') - (de) avond click to hear ('evening') - even click to hear 2 3 ('a moment' // 'equally, just as' // 'even' - numbers) - mevrouw click to hear 2 3 ('Mrs.' // "Ma'am") - (de) heuvel click to hear / heuvels click to hear 2 ('hill/hills') - (het) ivoor click to hear ('ivory') - ijverig click to hear 2 3 4 5 ('hard-working, diligent, industrious') - over click to hear 2 (many meanings!) - boeven click to hear 2 ('criminals' - often jocular) - Duvel click to hear (a Belgian beer brand) - snuiven click to hear 2 3 ('to sniff, sniffle')

Single Examples of the Letter Combinations

Repeat the words after me, try saying them like I do, and record yourself or ask a friend to compare how you say them with how I say them. Use as few or as many examples as you like.

the: de click to hear 2 / het click to hear 2 3 - 't click to hear ->>
Plurals always take 'de'
a: (een) - 'n click to hear / one: één click to hear 2 3

- (het) vakje click to hear 2 3 ('pigeonhole, compartment') - vaag click to hear 2 / vaag/vage click to hear 2 ('vague') - vechten click to hear 2 ('to fight') - afvegen click to hear 2 3 ('to wipe off') - een verzetje click to hear 2 ('an amusement, a welcome interruption') - veilig click to hear 2 / veilig/veilige click to hear 2 ('safe, secure') - nerveus click to hear 2 ('nervous') - vinden click to hear 2 ('to find' // '~to think') - (het) individu click to hear 2 ('individual') - na vijven click to hear 2 ('after 5PM') - Vlaams click to hear / Vlaamse click to hear 2 ('Flemish') - vol click to hear / volle click to hear 2 ('full') - (de) vogel click to hear 2 ('bird') - plural: - vogels click to hear 2 3 4 5 ('birds') - (de) voeding click to hear 2 ('nutrition') - eenvoudig click to hear / eenvoudige click to hear 2 / eenvoudig/eenvoudige click to hear 2 ('simple, easy to solve') - (de) vraag click to hear 2 ('question') - vragen click to hear 2 ('to ask') - (de) vulkaan click to hear ('volcano') - (de) vuurdoop click to hear 2 ("baptism by fire") [(het)] vuil click to hear 2 ('dirt, garbage' // 'dirty') - vuile click to hear ('dirty') - vuil / vuile click to hear 2 ('dirty')

- (het) avontuur click to hear 2 ('adventure') - (de) lava click to hear 2 3 4 ('lava,' molten rock from a volcano) - ik heb veel geleerd click to hear 2 3 ('I have learned many things') - (de) pechvogel click to hear 2 ([bad-luck bird] 'a person who has much bad luck') - (de) goudverf click to hear 2 3 4 ('gold paint') - meevallen click to hear 2 ('turning out not to be as bad as expected') - (het) gevalletje click to hear 2 ('vey minor incident' // 'small contraption') - zeuven click to hear ('7' - old-fashioned) - (het) afval click to hear 2 ('garbage') - (het) vliegveld click to hear 2 ('airport') - (het) privilege click to hear 2 ('privilege') - (de) bijval click to hear 2 3 ('~support') - smaakvol click to hear ('tasteful, in good taste') - alvast click to hear 2 3 4 5 (~already, in advance, ~meanwhile') - (de) omvang click to hear 2 ('extent') - tegenvallen click to hear 2 3 4 ('to be worse than expected, to disappoint') - zoveel click to hear 2 3 4 ('so much, so many') - bedroevend click to hear 2 ('saddening') - (het) houvast click to hear 2 3 ('hold, grip,' "fixed point") - (het) soepvlees click to hear 2 ([soup meat] - 'stew beef') - vervelend click to hear ('annoying, irritating') - [(de)] reserve click to hear 2 3 ('spare') - (het) vriesvak click to hear 2 3 (freezer part of refrigerator) - (de) grootvader click to hear ('grandfather') - huiveren click to hear (2) ('to shiver, shudder from fear') - bouwvakkers click to hear 2 ('construction workers')

Many Examples

The 'first series' is grouped by the letter after the V's, the 'second series' is grouped by the letter before the V's:

- first series: VA-VUI - second series: AV-ZV

the: de click to hear 2 / het click to hear 2 3 - 't click to hear ->>
Plurals always take 'de'
a: (een) - 'n click to hear / one: één click to hear 2 3

Repeat the words after me, try saying them like I do, and record yourself or ask a friend to compare how you say them with how I say them. Use as few or as many examples as you like.

VA  - (het) vaccin click to hear 2 ('vaccin' - French I) - (de) vacht click to hear 2 ('fur') - (het) vak click to hear 2 ('section, area // compartment // trade, profession // subject of study') - (het) vakje click to hear 2 3 ('pigeonhole, compartment') - (de) val click to hear ('fall' // 'trap') - vallen click to hear ('to fall') ‑>> - (het) afval click to hear 2 ('garbage, trash, refuse') - (de) inval click to hear 2 '(violent) incursion' (like by military or police) - (de) gevangene click to hear 2 ('prisoner') - (de) visvangst click to hear ("catch" of fish) - (het) aardvarken click to hear 2 3 ('aardvark') - (het) varken click to hear 2 3 ('pig') - vast click to hear / vaste click to hear 2 ('firmly fixed or attached, strongly connected') ‑>> - alvast click to hear 2 3 4 ('already, meanwhile') ‑>> - (het) vat click to hear ('barrel, cask, drum') - (het) handvat click to hear ('hand grip') - samenvatting click to hear 2 3 ('summary, abstract, synopsis') - van click to hear 2 ('of' // 'from' // 'by' ‑>> - vanavond click to hear 2 ('this evening' //'tonight')
VAA  - (de) lava click to hear 2 3 4 ('lava,' molten rock') - Eva click to hear 2 (a girls' name) - Alva click to hear 2 ('Spanish governor of The Low Countries at the start of the Dutch Revolt (1568-1648)) - (het) vacuüm click to hear 2 ('vacuum') - (de) vadem click to hear (old water depth measure) - (de) vader click to hear ('father') - vaag click to hear 2 / vaag/vage click to hear 2 ('vague') - vaak click to hear 2 3 ('often') ‑>> - hoe vaak? click to hear 2 ('how often?') - vaal click to hear / vale click to hear ('faded' - color) - (de) ovaal click to hear ('oval') - Vaals click to hear (a town) - (de) vaan click to hear ('banner' - old-fashioned) - (de) vaandrig click to hear 2 (army cadet officer) - (de) vaas click to hear 2 3 ('vase') - (het) gevaar click to hear ('danger') ‑>> - (de) ooievaar click to hear ('stork') - plural: - ooievaars click to hear 2 ('storks') - (de) vaart click to hear 2 ('momentum,' built-up speed) ‑>> - vaten click to hear 2 3 ('barrels, casks, drums') - (het) vaatje click to hear 2 ('small barrel, cask, keg') - vazen click to hear ('vases')
VAU  VAU hear VOU below
VE  - de Vecht click to hear 2 (a small river near Amsterdam) - vechten click to hear 2 ('to fight') ‑>> - Veghel click to hear (a town) - (het) vel click to hear ('skin') - (het) bevel click to hear ('command, order') - vervellen click to hear 2 ('to shed skin') - (het) veld click to hear ('field') - (het) veldje click to hear ('small field') - (de) velg click to hear 2 ('rim' of a wheel) - november click to hear ('November') - (het) ven click to hear ('mere,' small lake) - (de) venkel click to hear ('fennel' - a herb) - (het) venster click to hear ('window' - old-fashioned) - (de) vent click to hear ('guy' - slightly negative) - (het) ventje click to hear 2 3 ("little guy") - ver click to hear 2 3 / verre click to hear 2 3 ('far, distant') - (de) verf click to hear ('paint') - verven click to hear 2 ('to paint') - vergelijken click to hear 2 ('to compare') ‑>> - (de) verkoop click to hear ('selling, sale') - veruit click to hear 2 3 ('by far') - (het) vest click to hear 2 ('cardigan, wool or fleece jacket') - vet click to hear / vet/vette click to hear 2 ('fatty, greasy') - (het) vet click to hear ('fat' - vetten click to hear ('fats') - (de) servet click to hear 2 ('napkin') - (het) servetje click to hear 2 3 ('small napkin') niveau
VEE  - (het) vee click to hear 2 3 4 - (het) pluimvee click to hear 2 ([plumed cattle] - 'poultry, farm birds') - (de) veger click to hear ('broom') - vegetarisch click to hear 2 ('vegetarian') - vegeteren click to hear 2 3 ('to vegetate') - afvegen click to hear 2 3 ('to wipe off') - veel click to hear 2 3 / vele click to hear ('much, many') ‑>> - (het) veen click to hear ('peat land') - Veendam click to hear 2 (a town) - Veenstra click to hear 2 3 (a family name) - (de) veter click to hear 2 ('shoestring, shoelace') - plural: - veters click to hear 2 ('shoelaces') - (de/het) veer click to hear ('feather' // 'ferry' // 'spring' - tensile) - Veere click to hear (a town) - (de) veeteelt click to hear 2 3 ('animal husbandry,' cattle raising) - (het) veevoer click to hear ('fodder,' animal food) - vezels click to hear ('fibers, fiber')
VEuh  - (de) averij click to hear ('damage' - to ships) - (de) haver click to hear 2 ('oats') - even click to hear 2 3 ("a moment" // 'just as' // 'even' - numbers ‑>> - zeven click to hear ('7') - (de) heuvel click to hear ('hill') - plural: - heuvels click to hear 2 ('hills') - Leuven click to hear (a town in Belgium) - dieven click to hear 2 3 ('thieves') - liever click to hear 2 3 ('rather' - preference ‑>> - ijverig click to hear 2 3 4 5 6 ('diligent,' hard-working, industrious) - blijven click to hear 2 ('to remain, stay') ‑>> - drijven click to hear 2 3 ('to float' // 'to drive' - cattle etc.) - Nijvel click to hear 2 (a town in Belgium) - delven click to hear ('to mine, dig') - (het) zilver click to hear 2 3 ('silver') - golven click to hear 2 ('waves') - (de) envelop click to hear 2 ('envelope') - een verzetje click to hear 2 ('an amusement, a welcome interruption') - (de) oven click to hear ('oven') - over click to hear 2 (many meanings!) ‑>> - (doof click to hear 2 /) dove click to hear 2 ('deaf') - (grof click to hear 2 3) - grove click to hear 2 3 4 ('coarse, rude') - boven click to hear 2 ('above, up, on top of') ‑>> - hoven click to hear ('courts' // 'courtyards') - (het) lover click to hear ('leaves, foliage' - old-fashioned) ‑>> - (de) rover click to hear 2 3 ('robber') - (de) kervel click to hear 2 ('chervil' - a herb) - verven click to hear 2 ('to paint') - wervelen click to hear 2 ('to whirl, spin') - wervels click to hear ('vertebrae' - backbone disks) - zwerven click to hear 2 ('to roam') - (de) zwerver click to hear 2 ('tramp, hobo') - (de) curve click to hear 2 3 ('curve') - durven click to hear 2 (to dare) ‑>>
VEI  - veil click to hear ('of no value' - very old-fashioned) - veilig click to hear 2 / veilig/veilige click to hear 2 ('safe, secure') - veinzen click to hear ('to pretend' // 'to feign') - veinsde click to hear 2 ('pretended, feigned' - simple past singular)
VEU  - veulen click to hear ('a foal, young horse') - nerveus click to hear 2 ('nervous')
- Veurne click to hear (a city in Belgium)
VI  - Victor click to hear (a boys' name) - Victorien click to hear (a girls' name) - David click to hear 2 (a boys' name) - (de) havik click to hear 2 ('hawk') - (het) vilt click to hear ('felt') - Vilvoorde click to hear 2 (a town in Belgium) - (de) vin click to hear ('fin') - Vincent click to hear (a boys' name) - vinden click to hear 2 ('to find' // '~to think') ‑>> - (de) vinger click to hear ('finger') - (de) vink click to hear ('finch' - a bird) - (de) vis click to hear ('fish') - (het) visje click to hear 2 3 4 ('a small or tasty fish') - (de) visvangst click to hear ("catch" of fish) - vitten click to hear 2 ('to complain about, find fault with someone')
VIE  - via click to hear ('via, by way of') - triviaal click to hear 2 ('trivial') - Vianen click to hear 2 (a town) - (het) vibrato click to hear 2 ('vibrato, tremolo' - music) - (het) individu click to hear 2 ('individual') - Servië click to hear (Serbia) - viel click to hear ('fell' - simple past tense singular of vallen click to hear 'to fall') ‑>> - (de) curvimeter click to hear ('curvometer' - tool for measuring distances on maps) - (de) viool click to hear ('violin') - Violet click to hear (a girls' name) - violet click to hear ('blue-purple') - vier click to hear ('4') - vierde click to hear 2 ('fourth') - één vierde click to hear ('¼ - one-fourth') - (de) rivier click to hear ('river') - plural: - rivieren click to hear ('rivers') - (het) virus click to hear ('virus') - vies click to hear vieze click to hear 2 3 / vies/vieze click to hear 2 ('dirty' // 'bad-tasting') ‑>> - (het) advies click to hear 2 ('advice, recommendation') - (de) visie click to hear 2 ('view, outlook, vision') - (het) visioen click to hear 2 ('vision, mental image') - (het) servies click to hear 2 3 ('crockery, china:' plates, cups & glasses) - (de) televisie click to hear ('television') - vitaal click to hear 2 ('vital') - (de) vitamine click to hear ('vitamin') - (de) vitrine click to hear 2 ('shop window, display case') - vieze click to hear 2 3 ('dirty' also see 'vies' above)
VIJ  - (de) vijand click to hear 2 ('enemy') - vijf click to hear ('5') - vijfde click to hear 2 ('fifth') - (de) vijg click to hear 2 ('fig') - (de) vijl click to hear (tool for shaping and smoothing) - na vijven click to hear 2 ('after 5PM') - (de) vijver click to hear ('pond') - (de) vijzel click to hear 2 ('mortar' - grinding bowl)
VIJ also hear VEI above
VJ  - de Sovjetunie click to hear ('the Soviet Union, the USSR')
VL  - (de) vlag click to hear / vlaggen click to hear 2 ('flag'/'flags') - (het) vlak click to hear ('plane') - vlak click to hear / vlakke click to hear 2 ('flat') - (het) veelvlak click to hear 2 ('polygon') - (de) vlam click to hear ('flame') - (de) vla click to hear ('pudding' - cold, milk) - (de) vlaag click to hear 2 ('gust') - (de) vlaai click to hear ('fruit pie' - Limburg style) ‑>> - Vlaams click to hear / Vlaamse click to hear 2 ('Flemish') - Vlaardingen click to hear 2 (a town) - (de) vlecht click to hear 2 ('braid') - (de) vlek click to hear 2 ('stain, dirty spot') - (het) vlees click to hear ('meat') - (de) alvleesklier click to hear ('pancreas') - (de) vleugel click to hear ('wing' // 'grand piano') - (het) vleugje click to hear 2 ('whiff' - of perfume, for instance) - (de) vlinder click to hear ('butterfly') - de Vlist click to hear (a small river near the town of Gouda click to hear 2) - (de) vlieg click to hear ('fly') - vliegensvlug click to hear ([at flying speed] - 'very quick, very fast') - (de) vliering click to hear 2 ('attic' - with no walkable floor) - (het) vlies click to hear ('~membrane, ~film') - (de) vliet click to hear ('small stream') - (de) vlijt click to hear ('diligence, work effort) - (de) vlok click to hear 2 / vlokken click to hear 2 ('flake'/'flakes') - (het) vlot click to hear 2 3 ('raft') - vlotten click to hear 2 3 ('rafts') - (de) vlo click to hear 2 / vlooien click to hear 2 3 ('flea'/'fleas' - irregular plural) - (de) vloot click to hear 2 / vloten click to hear 2 ('fleet'/'fleets') - (de) vloed click to hear ('high tide') - vloeibaar click to hear 2 3 ('liquid') - (de) vloer click to hear ('floor, bottom') - (de) vloek click to hear ('curse') - (de) vlucht click to hear ('escape' // 'flight') - (de) vluchteling click to hear 2 ('refugee') - vlug click to hear 2 / vlug/vlugge click to hear 2 ('quick, fast, rapid') ‑>>
VO  - (het) vocht click to hear 2 ('liquid, fluid, juice') - vochtig click to hear 2 ('damp') - (het) vod click to hear 2 3 4 ('rag') - pural - vodden click to hear ('rags') - vol click to hear / volle click to hear 2 ('full') - volgen click to hear ('to follow') - (het) gevolg click to hear ('result') - "volluk!" click to hear 2 3 ("Hello) there, shop!" - slang) - from (het) volk click to hear 2 3 ('people, nation') - (de) revolver click to hear 2 ('revolver, handgun') - Vondel click to hear (Dutch 17th Century author) - (de) avond click to hear ('evening') - Yvonne click to hear (a girls' name) - (het) vonnis click to hear 2 ('sentence, judgement') - (de) vonk click to hear ('spark') - plural: - vonken click to hear 2 3 ('sparks') - Vorden click to hear (a town) - (de) vork click to hear ('fork') - (de) grondvorm click to hear 2 3 ('basic, "root" form, shape') - (de) duurvorm click to hear 2 ('the continuous, the progressive') ‑>> - (de) kikvors click to hear 2 ('frog') - also: - (de) kikker click to hear 2 3 ('frog') - (de) vorst click to hear 2 ('frost' // 'king') - (de) vos click to hear ('fox') - vos/vossen click to hear 2 ('fox/foxes')
VOO  - Ivo click to hear (a boys' name) - (de) avocado click to hear ('avocado') ‑>> - (de) advocaat click to hear 2 ('lawyer' // 'eggnog') - (de) voogd click to hear 2 ('guardian' - children's) - (de) vogel click to hear 2 ('bird') - plural: - vogels click to hear 2 3 4 5 ('birds') ‑>> - (de) evolutie click to hear 2 ('evolution') - voor click to hear 2 ('for' // 'before' // many other meanings) ‑>> - -voorde click to hear 2 (place name ending, like English '‑ford') - vantevoren click to hear 2 ('beforehand') - ervoor click to hear ('before it') - voort click to hear ('forth') ‑>>
VOE  - ondervoed click to hear 2 3 (underfed, malnourished') - voederen click to hear 2 ('to feed - animals) - (de) voeding click to hear 2 ('nutrition') - (het) voedsel click to hear ('food') - (de) voedingswaarde click to hear 2 ('nutritional values' ‑>> - voedzaam click to hear 2 3 ('nutritious') - toevoegen click to hear 2 ('to add') - (de) vervoeging click to hear 2 ('conjugation') - (het) voorvoegsel click to hear 2 ('prefix') - (het) achtervoegsel click to hear 2 3 ('suffix') - voelen click to hear 2 ('to feel') ‑>> - voelen click to hear 2 ('to feel') ‑>> - aanvoelen click to hear 2 3 ('to sense,' to notice non-verbally, intuitively) - (het) gevoel click to hear / gevoelens click to hear 2 ('feeling'/'feelings' - irregular plural) - gevoelig click to hear 2 ('sensitive') - (het) voer click to hear / - (het) groenvoer click to hear ([green food] '~vegetables') - (de) toevoer click to hear 2 ('supply, provisioning') (het) veevoer click to hear ('feed, fodder' - food for animals) - (de) woordvoerder click to hear 2 3 4 ('spokesperson') - (de) voet click to hear 2 / voeten click to hear 2 ('foot'/'feet') - (het/de) voetbal click to hear ('soccer' // 'soccer ball') - stapvoets click to hear 2 3 ('step-by-step, slow, measured') - voetvolk click to hear 2 3 ('[foot people] foot soldiers')
VOU  - (de) eenvoud click to hear 2 ('simplicity') ‑>> - eenvoudig click to hear / eenvoudige click to hear 2 / eenvoudig/eenvoudige click to hear 2 ('simple, easy to solve') - (het) enkelvoud click to hear 2 ('singular' - grammar) ‑>> - (het) meervoud click to hear 2 ('plural' - grammar) ‑>> - (de) vouw click to hear ('fold') - vouwen click to hear 2 ('to fold') - (de) vouwfiets click to hear ('folding bicycle')
VR  - (de) vracht click to hear 2 3 ('load, burden') - (de) vrachtauto click to hear ('truck') - (de) vrachtwagen click to hear ('truck') - (de) vraag click to hear 2 ('question') - vragen click to hear 2 ('to ask') ‑>> - wij vraten click to hear 2 ('we were eating like beasts') - (de) vrek click to hear ('miser, scrooge') - Jacobus Vrel click to hear 2 3 (a painter, active ca. 1654-1662) - (de) vrede click to hear ('peace') - vreemd click to hear / vreemde click to hear ('strange') - (de) vrees click to hear ('fear') - vreesde click to hear 2 ('feared' - singular simple past of: - vrezen click to hear 2 3 ('to fear')
- French OEU, pronounced as 'voiceless, unstressed E' click to hear (the 'schwa') - (het) oeuvre click to hear ('an artist's body of work') - (de) manoeuvre click to hear 2 ('maneuver, strategic move') - but the OEU of the Dutchified verb - manoeuvreren click to hear 2 ('to maneuver') is pronounced as OO - Dutch OE: click to hear
- (de) vreugde click to hear (2) ('joy, delight - old-fashioned) - een korte vreugde click to hear 2 ('a short happiness') - (de) vriend click to hear 2 ('friend') - vriendelijk click to hear / vriendelijke click to hear 2 / vriendelijk/vriendelijke click to hear) ('friendly, kind') - vriezen click to hear ('to freeze') - vrij click to hear / vrije click to hear 2 / - vrij/vrije click to hear 2 3 4 ('free') - (de) vrijheid click to hear 2 ('liberty') - vrolijk click to hear ('cheerful, merry') ‑>> - vroom click to hear 2 / vroom/vrome click to hear 2 ('pious') - (de) vroedvrouw click to hear 2 3 ('midwife') - vroeg click to hear / vroege click to hear ('early') ‑>> - vroeger click to hear ('earlier' // 'in the past') ‑>> - (de) vrouw click to hear ('woman') - plural: - vrouwen click to hear ('women' - also: 'queens' in cards) - de vrouw click to hear 2 ('the woman') - mevrouw click to hear 2 3 ('Mrs.' // "Ma'am") - (de) vrucht click to hear - plural: - vruchten click to hear 2 3 ('fruit' / 'fruits') - (het) vruchtensap click to hear 2 ('fruit juice') - vruchtbaar click to hear ('fertile')
The W in Dutch WR is pronounced as V:
- (het) wrak click to hear ('wreck') - (de) wraak click to hear ('revenge') - wreed click to hear / wrede click to hear ('cruel') - ik wring click to hear 2 ('I'm wringing, squeezing') - (het) gewricht click to hear 2 ('joint, ~connection') - (de) wrok click to hear ('grudge, rancor') - verwrongen click to hear ('twisted, distorted') - wrijven click to hear 2 ('to rub') - (de) wrijving click to hear 2 ('friction') - (de) wroeging click to hear ('remorse, feeling bad about past actions)
more WR
VU  - vulgair click to hear 2 (Frech AIR - 'vulgar') - (de) vulkaan click to hear ('volcano') - vullen click to hear 2 ('to fill') - (het) vulles click to hear ('garbage' - slang for - (het) vuilnis click to hear ('garbage, refuse') - (de) vulpen click to hear 2 ('fountain pen') - (de) vut click to hear (early retirement program - originally V.U.T.) - Vught click to hear (a city)
VUU  - (het) vuur click to hear 2 ('fire') - vuren click to hear 2 ('fires' // 'to fire' - weapons) - vurig click to hear ('fiery, fervent, ardent, passionate') - (het) kruisvuur click to hear 2 ('cross fire') - (het) kampvuur click to hear ('camp fire') - (het) koudvuur click to hear (imaginary fireworks 'cold fire') - puur vuur click to hear ('pure fire') - (de) vuurdoop click to hear 2 ("baptism by fire") - (de) vuurpijl click to hear ([fire- arrow] 'flare' - signal, fireworks) - (de) vuurproef click to hear ('trial by fire, a serious challenge') - vuurrood click to hear 2 ('fiery red') - (de) vuursteen click to hear 2 ([fire-stone] - 'flint') - (het) vuurtje click to hear 2 ('little fire' - to light a cigarette) - (de) vuurtoren click to hear 2 ('lighthouse') - vuurvast click to hear 2 ('fireproof' - ceramics) - (het) vuurwapen click to hear ('firearm') - (het) vuurwerk click to hear ('fireworks')
VUI  [(het)] vuil click to hear 2 ('dirt, garbage' // 'dirty') - vuile click to hear ('dirty') - vuil / vuile click to hear 2 ('dirty') ‑>> - vervuild click to hear 2 ('polluted, 'dirtied') - (het) vuiltje click to hear 2 3 ('speck of dirt, very small piece of garbage') - oud vuil click to hear 2 3 ('[old garbage] absolute garbage, stuff that has to go') - (het) huisvuil click to hear 2 ('household garbage') - (de) vuist click to hear 2 ('fist') - (de) vuistbijl click to hear ([fist-axe] 'hand axe') - (de) schavuit click to hear 2 3 ('rogue')

AV  - (de) baviaan click to hear 2 ('baboon') - (de) avocado click to hear ('avocado') ‑>> - [(de)] favoriet click to hear ('favorite') - (het) avontuur click to hear 2 ('adventure') - (de) schavuit click to hear 2 3 ('rogue,' semi-criminal)
AAV  - (de) lava click to hear 2 3 4 ('lava,' molten rock from a volcano) - (het) Carnaval click to hear 2 ('Carnival') - ga verder click to hear 2 3 4 ([go further] - 'continue') - (de) gave click to hear 2 ('gift, donation' // 'gift, talent') - (de) navel click to hear 2 ('navel, bellybutton') - (de) klaver click to hear 2 3 ('clover' // 'clubs' in cards) - Waver click to hear (a town in Belgium) - (de) havik click to hear 2 3 ('hawk') - Batavia click to hear 2 (Jakarta, Indonesia during the Dutch colonial time) - Batavieren click to hear ('Batavians' - a tribe living 2000 years ago in what's now Holland - na vijven click to hear 2 ('after 5 o'clock') - (de) avond click to hear ('evening') - vanavond click to hear 2 ('this evening, tonight') - (de) MAVO click to hear (secondary school type - not said as an acronym) - Stavoren click to hear 2 (a town) - Batavus click to hear (a boys' name - also an old bicycle brand)
AUV  AUV - hear - OUV below
BV  - Rob van Glabbeek click to hear 2 3 (a computer scientist) - Ik heb vandaag geen hoofdpijn click to hear 2 3 4 ('I don't have a headache today') - ik heb veel geleerd click to hear 2 3 ('I have learned a lot') - ik heb verloren click to hear 2 ('I have lost')
CV  - Isaac van Ostade click to hear (a painter, 1621-1649)
CHV  - (de) pechvogel click to hear 2 ([bad-luck bird] 'a person who has much bad luck') - vis noch vlees click to hear 2 (saying) (['neither fish or meat'] - English says 'fish nor fowl' - 'difficult to identify') - zich vervelen click to hear 2 ('to be bored') ‑>> - zichvoorstellen click to hear 2 ('to imagine' // 'to introduce yourself') - zich voelen click to hear ('~to feel') ‑>>
DV  - (het) hoofdvak click to hear 2 ("major,"  'a student's main subject') - (het) aardvarken click to hear 2 3 ('aardvark') - (de) goudverf click to hear 2 3 4 ('gold paint') - goed verpakt click to hear 2 3 ('well-wrapped, well-packaged') - (de) zwaardvis click to hear 2 ('swordfish') - (de) adviseur click to hear 2 ('advisor') - de tijd vliedt click to hear 2 3 ("time flies") - (de) woordvolgorde click to hear 2 3 ('word order, sentence structure') ‑>> - roodvonk click to hear 2 3 [red spark] - 'scarlet fever' - a childhood disease) - (de) grondvorm click to hear 2 3 ('basic, "root" form, shape') - (de) broodvorm click to hear ('breadpan') - (de) woordvoerder click to hear 2 3 4 ('spokesperson') - Zandvoort click to hear (a town) - (de) vroedvrouw click to hear 2 3 ('midwife') - (het) koudvuur click to hear 2 ("cold fire") - oud vuil click to hear 2 3 ('[old garbage] absolute garbage, stuff that has to go')
EV  -
EEV  - meevallen click to hear 2 ('turning out not to be as bad as expected') ‑>> - steevast click to hear 2 3 ('regular') - Eva click to hear 2 (a girls' name) - even click to hear 2 3 ('a moment' // 'equally, just as' // 'even' - numbers) ‑>> - hevig click to hear 2 / hevige click to hear 2 ('intense, fierce, serious' [think of 'heavy' and 'hefty']) - zeven click to hear ('7') - Greven click to hear 2 3 (a family name) - kleverig click to hear / kleverige click to hear 2 ('sticky') - (de) omgeving click to hear 2 3 ('surroundings, environment') - Flevoland click to hear 2 (the new province of reclaimed land) ‑>> - (de) revolutie click to hear 2 ('revolution') - (het) veevoer click to hear ('fodder,' animal food)
EuhV  - (het) geval click to hear ('case') - (het) gevalletje click to hear 2 ('vey minor incident' // 'small contraption') - gevaarlijk click to hear 2 3 ('dangerous') - wij bevalen click to hear ('we ordered') - (het) bevel click to hear ('command, order') - (het) gevecht click to hear 2 3 ('fight') - tevergeefs click to hear 2 3 ('in vain, without result') - bevelen click to hear 2 ('to order, to command') - een kudde vee click to hear ('a herd of cattle') - vieze vis click to hear ('bad-tasting fish') - Elsevier click to hear (a family name - also a publishing company) - (de) blinde vlek click to hear 2 3 ('blind spot' - usually in the eye) - waardevol click to hear 2 ('valuable') - (de) revolver click to hear 2 ('revolver, handgun') - (het) gevoel click to hear ('feeling') ‑>> - tevreden click to hear ('content, satisfied, ~happy') - mevrouw click to hear 2 3 ('Mrs.' // "Ma'am")
bevelen / beval / bevolen click to hear
('to order / ordered / ordered') ‑>>
EIV  Hear IJV below
EUV  - deuvels click to hear ('dowels' - carpentry) - (de) heuvel click to hear / heuvels click to hear 2 ('hill/hills') - zeuven click to hear ('7' - old-fashioned)
FV  - (het) afval click to hear 2 ('garbage') - afvegen click to hear 2 3 ('to wipe') - (de) afvoer click to hear 2 ('drain') - vijfvoud click to hear 2 3 ('five-fold') - (het) zelfvertrouwen click to hear 2 ('self-confidence') - zelfverzekerd click to hear 2 ('self-assured, very self-confident') - vorm of vent click to hear 2 3 4 ([structure or personality - the shape of a narrative or the author's character] - schools of literary criticism)
GV  - (het) vliegveld click to hear 2 ('airport') - erg veel click to hear 2 ('very much, really much, a lot') - (de) gezagvoerder click to hear 2 3 4 ('leading officer, officer in charge' - on an airplane) - oogverblindend click to hear 2 ([eye-blinding] 'very bright' - light)
- bang voor click to hear 2 ('afraid of')
IV  - hooivork see JV below
IEV  - (de) rivaliteit click to hear ('rivalry') - divers click to hear 2 / divers/diverse click to hear 2 ('divers, varied') - (de) universiteit click to hear ('university') - Olivier click to hear 2 (a boys' name) - triviaal click to hear 2 ('trivial') - (het) privilege click to hear 2 ('privilege') - (de) rivier click to hear ('river') - plural - (de) rivieren click to hear ('rivers') - (het) ivoor click to hear ('ivory') - (het) niveau click to hear ('level' - French EAU, pronounced as 'long O' click to hear
IJV  - ijverig click to hear 2 3 4 5 ('hard-working, diligent, industrious') - (de) bijval click to hear 2 3 ('~support') - lijven click to hear 2 ('bodies' - slang) - blijven click to hear 2 ('to stay, remain') ‑>> - Nijvel click to hear 2 (a town in Belgium) - Nijverdal click to hear (a town) - drijven click to hear 2 3 ('to float' // 'to drive' - cattle etc.) - schrijven click to hear 2 3 ('to write') ‑>> - SCHR - wrijven click to hear 2 ('to rub') - WR - (de) wrijving click to hear 2 ('friction') - (de) vijver click to hear ('pond') - (de) veelwijverij click to hear ([many-wives thing] - 'polygamy') - bijvoorbeeld click to hear 2 ('for example, for instance') ‑>>
JV  - (de) hooivork click to hear ('hayfork, pitchfork')
KV  - de mok van Piet click to hear 2 ('Piet's mug') - een boek van Vestdijk click to hear 2 3 ('a book by Vestdijk') - weet ik veel click to hear (["know I much"] - 'I don't know and I don't care') - sterk verhaal click to hear 2 3 ([strong] - 'tall tale') - (de) blikvergiftiging click to hear 2 3 ('tin can poisoning' - when you leave food in an open can) - leuk vinden click to hear 2 ('to enjoy') ‑>> - (de) waakvlam click to hear ('pilot [flame] light') - smaakvol click to hear ('tasteful, in good taste') - tjokvol click to hear ('chock- full, very full') - (de) bakvorm click to hear ('baking tin') - (de) kikvors click to hear 2 ('frog') - (de) jonkvrouw click to hear ('noble lady')
LV  (de) alvleesklier click to hear ('pancreas') - (de) zilvervliesrijst click to hear 2 ([silver husk] - 'brown rice') - alvast click to hear 2 3 4 5 (~already, in advance, ~meanwhile') ‑>> - zalven click to hear 2 ('to apply cream' // 'to anoint') - Alva click to hear 2 (Spanish governor of The Low Countries at the start of the Dutch Revolt) - (de) walvis click to hear ('whale') - behalve click to hear ('except for') - (de) welvaart click to hear ('prosperity') - delven click to hear ('to dig, to mine') - heel veel click to hear 2 3 ('very much, a lot') - (het) veelvlak click to hear 2 ('polygon') - (het) zilver click to hear 2 3 ('silver') - Hilversum click to hear (a town) - golven click to hear 2 ('waves') - wolven click to hear ('wolves') - Vilvoorde click to hear 2 (a town in Belgium) - (de) peulvrucht click to hear 2 3 ([pod-fruit] - 'legume, bean') - Sylvia click to hear (a girls' name)
delven - dolf - gedolven click to hear 2
('to dig - dug - dug')
MV  - omvallen click to hear 2 ('to fall over') - (de) omvang click to hear 2 ('extent') - in naam van click to hear 2 3 ('in the name of, on behalf of, by authority of') - (het) atoomventiel click to hear 2 ('"atom" valve' - 1950s new tire valve) - (het) pluimvee click to hear 2 ([plumed cattle] - 'poultry, farm birds') - (de) stroomversnelling click to hear 2 3 ('rapids, whitewater') - (de) Stormvloedkering click to hear ('storm-surge barrier') - (de) stemvork click to hear 2 ('tuning fork') - een boom voor het huis click to hear ('a tree in front of the house - Vechten om voedsel click to hear 2 3 ('Fighting over food') - (de) kraamvrouw click to hear ('new mother')
NV  - (de) aanval click to hear 2 ('attack') - tegenvallen click to hear 2 3 4 ('to be worse than expected, to disappoint') ‑>> - aanvaarden click to hear 2 ('to accept') - (de) schoonvader click to hear ('father-in-law') - vier lagen verf click to hear ('4 layers of paint') - Van Veen click to hear 2 (a family name) - een verzetje click to hear 2 ('an amusement, a welcome interruption') - Rhijnvis click to hear (a boys' name - traditional) - 'n vlaag wind click to hear ('a gust of wind') - Van Vliet click to hear 2 (a family name) - (het) hoornvlies click to hear ('cornea' - eye) - (de) invloed click to hear 2 ('influence') - een vlucht vogels click to hear 2 ('a flock of birds') - 'n voetbalelftal click to hear ('a soccer team' - 11) - (het) groenvoer click to hear ('green food, vegetables' - somewhat contemptuous) - zinvol click to hear 2 3 ('useful, sensible') - onvoltooid click to hear 2 3 4 5 ('unfinished') - Steenvoorde click to hear 2 3 (a town in Belgium) - zorgen voor click to hear 2 3 ('to take' care of') ‑>> - (de) eenvoud click to hear 2 ('simplicity') ‑>>
OV  -
OOV  - [(de)] ovaal click to hear ('oval') ‑>> - november click to hear ('November') ‑>> - zoveel click to hear 2 3 4 ('so much, so many') ‑>> - (de) oven click to hear ('oven') - stoven click to hear 2 ('to stew') - (de) provincie click to hear 2 ('province') - (de) verdoving click to hear 2 ('anesthesia')
OEV  - (de) rivieroever click to hear ('river bank') - boeven click to hear 2 ('criminals' - often jocular) - Coevorden click to hear 2 (a town hoeven click to hear ('hooves' - horn on horses' feet) // and see also - hoeveel click to hear ('how much, how many?') ‑>> - (de) hoeveelheid click to hear / hoeveelheden click to hear 2 ('amount'/'amounts') - bedroevend click to hear 2 ('saddening') - droevig click to hear / droevige click to hear ('sad') - (de) steengroeve click to hear ('stone quarry') - proeven click to hear 2 ('to taste' // 'experiments') - (de) beproeving click to hear 2 3 4 ('challenge, test, hardship') - schroeven click to hear ('screws' // 'to screw screws') - (het) toeval click to hear ('chance, coincidence') ‑>> - toevoegen click to hear 2 ('to add') - (de) toevoeging click to hear 2 ('addition') - zoeven click to hear 2 ('~to move quickly, to zoom, swish')
OUV  - (het) houvast click to hear 2 3 ('hold, grip,' "fixed point") - André Rouvoet click to hear (a politician)
PV  - opvallen click to hear 2 ('to stand out' // 'to notice') - onopvallend click to hear ('inconspicuous') - (de) stopverf click to hear 2 ('putty') - (het) soepvlees click to hear 2 ([soup meat] - 'stew beef') - (de) opvolger click to hear 2 ('successor') - (de) doopvont click to hear 2 ('baptismal fount') - ik blijf hoopvol click to hear 2 3 ('I remain hopeful') ‑>> - stapvoets click to hear 2 3 ("foot pace" - 'slow-moving') - [(de)] diepvries click to hear 2 3 ('freezer' // 'frozen' - food) - opvullen click to hear 2 ('to fill, fill up') - (het) kampvuur click to hear ('campfire')
RV  - (het) verval click to hear 2 ('decline') - (het) voorval click to hear 2 ('incident') - vuurvast click to hear 2 ('fireproof, fire-resistant') - (de) ervaring click to hear ('experience') - (de) servet click to hear 2 ('napkin') - (het) servetje click to hear 2 3 ('small napkin') - bederven click to hear 2 ('to spoil') ‑>> - vervelend click to hear ('annoying, irritating') - zich vervelen click to hear 2 ('to be bored') ‑>> - vervellen click to hear 2 ([to change) skin] - 'to shed skin') - [(de)] reserve click to hear 2 3 ('spare') - oorverdovend click to hear 2 ([ear-deafening] - 'ear-splitting,' very loud) - durven click to hear 2 (to dare) ‑>> - nerveus click to hear 2 ('nervous') - Servië click to hear ('Serbia') - (het) servies click to hear 2 3 ('crockery, china:' plates, cups & glasses) - (de) ijzervijl click to hear 2 ('file for iron') - (de) geurvlag click to hear 2 3 ('scent marker' - dogs) - Biervliet click to hear 2 (a town) - (de) hervorming click to hear 2 ('reformation') - overvol click to hear 2 3 4 5 ('overfull, too full') - (de) duurvorm click to hear 2 ('the continuous, the progressive') ‑>> - ervoor click to hear ('before it') - ondervoed click to hear 2 3 ('malnourished' [underfed]) - (het) achtervoegsel click to hear 2 3 ('suffix') - (het) voorvoegsel click to hear 2 ('prefix') - (het) meervoud click to hear 2 ('plural') ‑>> - (de) buurvrouw click to hear 2 ('neighbor' - female, adult)
SV  - (het) vriesvak click to hear 2 3 (freezer part of refrigerator) - (de) visvangst click to hear ('catch' - of fish) - rotsvast click to hear 2 3 ('rock-solid') - (het) grasveld click to hear ('lawn' [grass field] - (het) kaarsvet click to hear 2 ('candle [grease] wax') - (de) voedingsvezel click to hear ('nutritional fiber') - (de) huisvredebreuk click to hear 2 ([house-peace-breaking] - 'unlawful entry') - (de) spijsvertering click to hear ('digestion') - spoorloos verdwenen click to hear 2 ('disappeared without a trace') - (de) verblijfsvergunning click to hear 2 ('residency permit') - (de) schertsvertoning click to hear 2 3 ('totally failed presentation,' - "joke") - (de) wijsvinger click to hear ([pointing] 'index finger') - (de) gasvlam click to hear ('gas flame') - (de) huisvlijt click to hear 2 3 ('home industry') - vliegensvlug click to hear ([at flying speed] - 'very quick, very fast') - (de) ijsvogel click to hear 2 3 ('kingfisher' - a bird) - zesvoudig click to hear ('six-fold, 6 times') - (de) persvrijheid click to hear 2 3 ('freedom of the press') - (het) ijsvrij click to hear 2 (time off from school so children can go skating) - (de) huisvrouw click to hear 2 3 ('housewife, homemaker') - (het) kruisvuur click to hear 2 ('cross fire') - (het) huisvuil click to hear 2 ('household garbage')
TV  - 't vasteland click to hear 2 3 ('the mainland') - 't valt mee click to hear 2 ('it's not as bad as I/we feared') - (de) biechtvader click to hear 2 ('father-confessor') - (de) grootvader click to hear ('grandfather') - niet vaak click to hear ('not often, rarely') - rechtvaardig click to hear ('just, fair') ‑>> - 't Verre Oosten click to hear 2 ('the Far East') - Rietveld click to hear (a family name) - (de) straatveger click to hear 2 ('street sweeper') - (het) vorstverlet click to hear ('building stop because of freezing weather) - (de) uitvinder click to hear 2 ('inventor') - (de) altviool click to hear 2 ('viola') - (het) vruchtvlees click to hear 2 ('pulp' [fruit-meat'] - the solid, edible part of fruit') - (de) nachtvlinder click to hear 2 ('large moth' - [butterfly of the night]) - (het) netvlies click to hear 2 ('cornea' - eye) - (het) voetvolk click to hear 2 3 ('foot soldiers') - (de) nachtvorst click to hear 2 ('frost at night') - de uitvreter click to hear ('the Scrounger' - famous novella by Nescio - vetvrij papier click to hear 2 3 4 5 ('wax paper') - (de) gastvrijheid click to hear 2 3 4 5 6 7 ('hospitality') - roestvrij staal click to hear 2 ('stainless steel' - [rust-free]) - (de) sportvrouw click to hear ('sportswoman') - uit 't vuistje click to hear 2 3 ([from the fist] - eating bread by hand, not with utensils from a plate)
UV  -
UUV  - Duvel click to hear (a Belgian beer brand)
UIV  - (de) duivel click to hear ('devil') ('covered wagon') - duiven click to hear ('pigeons, doves') - huiveren click to hear (2) ('to shiver, shudder from fear') - snuiven click to hear 2 3 ('to sniff, sniffle') - druiven click to hear ('grapes') - schuiven click to hear 2 3 ('to slide') - (het) schuivertje click to hear 2 3 ('sliding or pushing tool') - (de) stuiver click to hear 2 ('nickel,' 5¢ coin) wuiven click to hear 2 ('to wave') - (de) zuivel click to hear ('dairy') - zuiver click to hear 2 3 ('pure') - Pieter Stuyvesant click to hear 2
WV  - bouwvakkers click to hear 2 ('construction workers') ‑>>) - "de Bouwvak" click to hear ('construction workers vacation, holiday') - (de) bouwval click to hear 2 ('ruin, dilapidated building') - flauwvallen click to hear 2 ('to faint') - sneeuwvlokken click to hear 2 ('snowflakes')
XV  - Waddinxveen click to hear (a town)
YV  - Yvonne click to hear (a girls' name)

Compare the sound of Dutch F, V and W

Major Exceptions to the Phonetic Spelling of Dutch:
- Page 1:   een   -IG   -ISCH   -LIJK  
- Page 2:   -B   -D   SCHR   -TIE   UW   WR

Hear the Dutch Letters in Hundreds of Words:
 AU/OU  CH  E  EI/IJ  EU  F  G  H  L  OE  SCH  U  UI  W  X  Y

'Master Lists' of Dutch words: Dutch to English - English to Dutch

'Basic' Dutch Words - Pictures Dictionary - Words by Subject - Easy Dutch - Phrases and Conversation Templates - Names - Place Names - verbs

email - Copyright © Marco Schuffelen 2022. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, redistributed, or hotlinked to.
Gij zult niet stelen click to hear 'Thou shalt not steal'