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Translating 'To' - English 'To' in Dutch

'To' as 'Te' (occasionally with verbs)
'To' as 'Naar' (destination, direction)
'To' as 'Voor' (hours on the clock // items affected, concerning)
'To' as 'Aan' (person receiving or interested party)
'To' as 'In' (been to ...)
'To' as 'Om ... Te' (reason, aim, purpose)
'To' as 'Tot' (till/until, edge, upper range, extent)
'To' as 'Op' (various)
'To' as 'Tegen' (addressed person)
'To' as 'Met' (various)
Other Translations
Dutch 'Toe' 
Too/Also = 'Ook' - Too (Excess) = 'Te' 

'To' with Verbs: occasionally 'Te' click to hear - but usually not translated

English verb infinitives, the base forms of the verbs, almost always come with 'to:'
'to read,'  'to learn,'  'to speak' but in Dutch, the use of the (for this meaning) equivalent 'te' click to hear is unusual:
'lezen,' click to hear 2 'leren,' click to hear 'spreken' click to hear
Only in special cases with a certain group of verbs do Dutch verb infinitives come with this 'te' click to hear

't Hoeft niet grappig te zijn click to hear 2 3 4 It doesn't have to be funny 't Moet wel interessant zijn click to hear 2 But it has to be interesting Er kan niet genoeg geld zijn click to hear There cannot be enough money (it's impossible that there is enough money) Er blijkt genoeg geld te zijn click to hear 2 3 [There turns out to be ...] It turns out that there is enough money Full Page: Dutch Verbs and 'Te'

'To' as 'Naar' click to hear

Dutch 'naar' click to hear often indicates a point in the direction of movement, a direction or a destination, translated as 'to' (towards)

naar Amsterdam click to hear 2 to Amsterdam Ik ga naar Parijs click to hear 2 I'm going to Paris
gaan click to hear 'to go' ‑>>
Hij gaat naar Rotterdam click to hear 2 He's going to Rotterdam. Morgen gaat hij naar Den Haag click to hear 2 Tomorrow he's going to The Hague Hij gaat morgen naar Afrika click to hear He's going to, leaving for Africa tomorrow Dit jaar gaan we naar Frankrijk click to hear This year we'll go to France Volgend jaar gaan we naar Engeland click to hear Next year we'll go to England - See also Travel

Ik ben naar Amsterdam gelopen click to hear 2 'I walked to Amsterdam' Ik ben naar Veenendaal gefietst click to hear 2 'I rode a bike to Veenendaal' ... en toen ben ik naar Amerika gegaan click to hear ... and then I went to America (the US)

Hij is naar Parijs geweest click to hear 2 3 He's been to Paris

van Den Haag naar Rotterdam click to hear 2 from The Hague to Rotterdam (destination of journey) - see also  below

ik moet naar ... click to hear 2 3 I have to go to, I want to go to ‑>>

We moeten met de trein terug naar Amsterdam click to hear 2 We have to get back to Amsterdam by train, we need to catch the train back to Amsterdam De trein bracht hen naar Den Haag click to hear the train brought them to The Hague

Ik wil niet naar Arnhem click to hear 2 I don't want to go to Arnhem

Zo oud als de weg naar Kralingen click to hear 2 3 ['As old as the road to Kralingen'] - old as the hills
An old saying that got a new life when the Dutch Woodstock was held in the village of
Kralingen click to hear (1970)

op weg naar ... click to hear 2 3 on the way to ... Ik ben op weg naar Assen click to hear 2 I'm on the way to Assen onderweg click to hear 2 on the way
onderweg naar click to hear 2 3 on the way to Ik ben onderweg naar Ede click to hear 2 I'm on the way to Ede

Ik ga meestal om half elf naar bed click to hear 2 I usually go to bed at 10:30 Op tijd naar bed! click to hear Get to bed in time! ‑>>

Water naar de zee dragen click to hear 2 (saying) ['Carrying water to the sea'] 'Carrying coal to Newcastle' - engaging in a pointless act

Ik ga naar de stad click to hear 2 3 I'm going to the city (for shopping, going out etc.) Ik rende van de ene winkel naar de andere click to hear 2 I [ran] rushed from one store to the [other] next ‑>> Ik ga even naar de bakker click to hear 2 I'll quickly run to the bakery even naar de bakker! click to hear running to the bakery! ‑>> - 2

Ik ga morgen naar de kapper click to hear I'm going to the barber tomorrow, tomorrow I'll get a haircut Ik moet naar de kapper click to hear 2 [I have to go to the barber] - I need to get a haircut Als het niet vanzelf overgaat ga ik ermee naar de dokter click to hear If it doesn't go away by itself I'll [take it to] go see a doctor about it

Op zondag gaan we naar de kerk click to hear 2 Sundays we go to church Hij gaat nooit naar de kerk click to hear 2 3 He never goes to church

Met Kerstmis gingen we naar de nachtmis click to hear At Christmas we went to the midnight mass We gingen naar de nachtmis met Kerstmis click to hear
We gingen met Kerstmis naar de nachtmis click to hear 2 We went to midnight mass at Christmas

Want de mens gaat naar z'n eeuwig huis en de rouwklagers gaan rond op straat click to hear Because man goes to his eternal home, and the mourners go about in the streets Ecclesiastes 12:6 But:  Ik ga naar huis click to hear I'm going home

Ga je op de fiets naar je werk? click to hear Do you [go by bike] ride your bike to work? Kun je op de fiets naar je werk? click to hear 2 Can you ride a bike to work, go to work by bike?

Vanavond gaan we naar de bioscoop click to hear [This evening we go to the cinema] Tonight we'll go see a movie Zullen we naar de film gaan? click to hear slow Shall we go [to the movie] see a movie? We gingen naar een concert click to hear We went to a concert Een paar maanden geleden zijn we naar een optreden van ... geweest click to hear 2 A few months ago [we've been to] we were at a ... concert

Terug naar DOS! click to hear Back to DOS! ‑>> - 2

Er zwaaide iemand naar me click to hear 2 Someone waved to me

Van 't kastje naar de muur click to hear 2 ['from the cabinet to the wall'] Van Pontius naar Pilatus click to hear ['from Pontius to Pilate']
(sayings) both mean: sent on pointless errands

van hot naar her click to hear
(van hot naar haar click to hear) (saying) (sent, going) to several random directions
(Stoett says 'hot' and 'her' are 'right' and 'left' commands to horses)

'Uitkijken naar' click to hear 2 to look forward to, expecting to enjoy
Ik kijk uit naar de Kerstdagen click to hear I'm looking forward to the Christmas Holiday Ik kijk uit naar de feestdagen click to hear I'm looking forward to the holidays Iets om naar uit te kijken click to hear 2 Something to look forward to

Dutch often uses 'naar' click to hear with verbs of the senses to indicate the focus of the sensory experiences. English uses several different prepositions for this.
- 'The Senses' page

luisteren click to hear to listen ‑>>
luisteren naar click to hear 2 3 listening to
naar muziek luisteren click to hear 2 3 listening to music ‑>> naar de radio luisteren click to hear 2 listening to the radio ‑>> Ik luisterde naar de vogels click to hear 2 3 I was listening to the birds Ik luister nog vaak naar ... click to hear 2 I still often listen to ... We liepen naar de vogels te luisteren click to hear 2 'We were listening to the birds' (probably while walking) Hij wilde niet naar de radio luisteren click to hear 2 He didn't want to listen to the radio Ik denk niet dat hij naar ons had willen luisteren click to hear 2 I don't think he'd wanted to listen to us (he was obviously not interested in our opinion or advice)

But:  kijken naar click to hear 2 3 to look at
Ze keken naar de wolken click to hear They were looking at the clouds Ik keek naar de vogels click to hear 2 3 I was looking at the birds more

'Naar' can also be translated by other prepositions than 'to:' The 'Naar' Page

'To' as 'Voor' click to hear 2

In telling time, the time before the hour is given as 'Voor' click to hear 2
[a clock, 2:55]
vijf voor drie click to hear
five to three (2:55)
[a clock, 2:45]
kwart voor drie click to hear
a quarter to three (2:45)
[a clock, 2:20]
Tien voor half drie /or/
Twintig over twee
click to hear
[a clock, 11:58]
Twee voor twaalf click to hear
two to twelve (11:58)
- more telling time

'Voor' click to hear 2 is the general word in Dutch for 'before' - both in time ‑>> and for place ('in front of') ‑>>
De stilte voor de storm click to hear The quiet before the storm (literally and figuratively) een boom voor 't huis click to hear a tree in front of the house

Ze zijn een gevaar voor de wereldvrede click to hear They are a danger to world peace Was dat duidelijk voor je? click to hear 2 Was that clear to you? Hoe weinig tijd er is voor mezelf click to hear 2 How little time there is to myself Ik heb geen moment voor mezelf click to hear 2 3 I don't have a moment to myself

Aandacht voor details click to hear Attention to details
See also:  'aandacht besteden aan' click to hear 2
to [spend] pay attention to - below
Wees aardig voor dieren click to hear Be kind to animals Ik ben allergisch voor katten click to hear 2 I'm allergic to cats Ik ben allergisch voor eieren click to hear 2 I'm allergic to eggs

'Voor' click to hear 2 can also be translated by other prepositions than 'to,' for instance as 'for' (destination, intention, exchange etc.) ‑>> or 'for' (in favor of) ‑>> and others ‑>>

'To' as 'Aan' click to hear

Aan tafel! click to hear 2 [Come] to the table! (food is served) Aan de kant! click to hear 2 3 4 To the side! Get out of the way! Er zit een luchtje aan click to hear 2 (saying) ['There's a funny smell to it'] - 'there's something fishy about it'

Aan alles komt een eind click to hear 2 There's an end to everything (nothing lasts forever) Er komt geen eind aan click to hear 2 There is no end to it - more endings

De laatste hand leggen aan ... click to hear (saying) [Laying the last hand to ...] - Applying the final touch to ...

(iets) overlaten aan click to hear leaving (something) to Laat het aan de vakman over click to hear Leave it to the professionals (Dutch uses the singular 'professional') Mensen aan hun lot overlaten click to hear 2 3 4 Leave people to their fate (not helping them)

Je kunt er geen touw aan vastknopen click to hear 2 (saying) ['you can't tie a rope to it'] 'it's incomprehensible' - expression meaning 'it's impossible to understand' or 'it doesn't make sense' -- there's no entry point where you could try to start understanding (het) aanknopingspunt click to hear 2 3 clue, lead, point to start studying, investigating, discussing or understanding

Breng het aan de kook click to hear 2 3 Bring it to a boil

'Aan'  is often used with 'geven' click to hear 2 3 'to give' ‑>> and other verbs about transfer, giving to, someone receiving something

Bob geeft het aan Els click to hear 2 Bob gives it to Alice

Jan geeft een boek aan Piet click to hear Jan gives a book to Piet Jan heeft een boek aan Piet gegeven click to hear 2 Jan has given a book to Piet But you can also say:
Jan geeft Piet een boek click to hear Jan gives Piet a book Jan heeft Piet een boek gegeven click to hear Jan has given Piet a book See also: The Indirect Object - smartphone version

Ik heb gisteren in Assen een cadeau aan Piet gegeven click to hear 2 Yesterday in Assen I gave Piet a present Geef de bloemen aan Marietje click to hear Give the flowers to Marietje Geef de bloemen aan haar click to hear Give the flowers to her, give her the flowers Ik geef bloemen aan Marietje click to hear I'm giving flowers to Marietje Hij gaf een cadeau aan Jo click to hear He gave a present to Jo Hij zei dat ik het aan Jan moest geven click to hear He said that I should give it to Jan, he said to give it to Jan De pijp aan Maarten geven click to hear 2 (saying) ['give] Hand the pipe to Maarten' - to pass away, die Geef eraan! click to hear 2 3 Give, donate to it

"Neem hem het talent af en geef het aan hem die er tien heeft!" click to hear Take the bag of gold from him and give it to the one who has ten bags
(Matthew 25:28 The Parable of The Talents - BibleGateway translation)

Ik schreef een brief aan m'n moeder click to hear I wrote a letter to my mother Ik liet de brief aan Jan zien click to hear 2 3 I showed the letter to John
Actually, in both English and Dutch this can mean 'I showed a certain letter (from someone else) to Jan' and 'I showed the letter to Jan to someone'

Ergens iets aan hebben click to hear 2 3 something is useful, you can use it ‑>> The phrase 'iets hebben aan' click to hear 2 3 is used when something is useful to someone:
Ik heb er niks aan click to hear 2 3 4 5 It's not useful to me, it's of no use to me Daar heeft niemand wat aan click to hear 2 3 4 [That's of use to nobody] - That's of no use to anyone Maar als ik heel snel praat, daar heeft niemand wat aan click to hear slow But if I speak very quickly, that's not of use to anybody Wat heb je eraan? click to hear 2 3 [What is its use to you?] - Is it useful to you? Wat heb je d'r aan? click to hear 2 [What is its use to you?] - Is it useful to you? (D inserted because the pause in 'je-er' takes more energy) Heb je er wat aan? click to hear 2 3 4 5 Is it of (any) use to you, is it useful to you? Heb je d'r wat aan? click to hear 2 Is it of use to you? Is it useful to you? But also:  Er is niks aan click to hear 2 3 1. It's very simple, easy to solve, 'there's nothing to it'
2. There's nothing exciting in it, it's not interesting

't Spreekt me niet aan click to hear It doesn't [speak to me] appeal to me
- a little stronger but also more polite than:

't Zegt me niks click to hear 2

'Hechten' click to hear is 'to attach, make fast, close,'
Ben je eraan gehecht? click to hear 2 Are you (emotionally) attached to it? (de) hechting click to
      hear suture, medical stitch ‑>>
plural: hechtingen click to
      hear 2 3
Ik lag in een deuk click to hear 2 I was in stitches, laughing uncontrollably

'Getting used to' trouble, bother and inconvenience is wennen aan click to hear 2 3 or just wennen click to hear - more
Ik ben eraan gewend click to hear 2 3 4 5 I've gotten used to it, I'm used to it Ik kan er moeilijk aan wennen click to hear 2 I have difficulty getting used to it

(de) aandacht click to hear 2 attention
from 'denken' click to hear 2 to think ‑>>
aandacht voor details click to hear attention to details aandacht besteden aan click to hear 2 to [spend] pay attention to Besteed geen aandacht aan het geld click to hear Don't pay attention to the money Besteed geen aandacht aan details click to hear Don't pay attention to details Besteed geen aandacht aan de kritiek click to hear 2 3 Don't pay attention to the criticism Besteed nog geen aandacht aan de details click to hear 2 Don't pay attention to the details yet, for now ignore the details

- The Many Meanings of 'Aan'

'To' (and 'Into') as 'In' click to hear 2

In 'having been to' - visited, English uses 'to,' but Dutch says 'ben geweest in' click to hear 2
Ben je wel eens in Denemarken geweest? click to hear Have you ever been to Denmark? Ben je ooit in Memphis geweest? click to hear Have you ever been to Memphis? Ik ben nog nooit in Rome geweest. click to hear I've never been to Rome. Vorig jaar zijn we in Duitsland op vakantie geweest. click to hear Last year we were on vacation in Germany, went on vacation to Germany Also: Welkom in mijn nederige stulp click to hear 2 Welcome to my humble dwelling

But with gaan click to hear 'going to' - travel, Dutch uses naar click to hear (as seen above)
Dit jaar gaan we naar Frankrijk. click to hear This year we'll go to France. Volgend jaar gaan we naar Engeland. click to hear Next year we'll go to England.

Van de hand in de tand leven click to hear (saying) [Existing hand into tooth] - 'Hand to mouth' - Living on very little money, without a steady source of income

The Dutch 'In' click to hear 2 page

'To' as 'Om ... te' click to hear

'om ... te' click to hear means something like: reason for, aim or purpose, because of, in order to, with the intention ...
translated as 'to' with a verb infinitive or as 'for' with a present participle

De beste plaats om Nederlands te leren click to hear The best place to learn Dutch, the best place for learning Dutch Het is niet om te lachen click to hear 2 3 4 [It's not to laugh about, it's not for laughing] - It's no laughing matter, it's not funny Om te beginnen ... click to hear 2 To start with ..., For starters ... Om 't af te leren click to hear 2 3 'to unlearn it,' 'to break the habit' - said when you take one too many drinks or snacks Om van 't gezeur af te zijn click to hear 2 To be done with the nagging, to get rid of the hassle, the pointless, annoying talk Om precies te zijn ... click to hear 2 To be exact ... Te dom om voor de duivel te dansen click to hear 2 Too stupid to dance for the devil Iets om naar uit te kijken click to hear 2 Something to look forward to Het is geen schande om arm te zijn click to hear 2 It's not shameful to be poor (there is no shame in being poor, being poor is no disgrace) Hij was te klein om over de schutting te kijken click to hear 2 He was too small to look over the fence

Nederlands is een mooie taal ... click to hear Dutch is a beautiful language ... ... maar misschien niet om te zingen click to hear (2) ... but maybe not for singing

Wat bezielt die mensen om dat te doen? click to hear 2 3 What drives those people to do that? Ik was van plan om het huis wit te verven click to hear I was planning to paint the house white We zijn van plan om morgen weg te gaan click to hear We're planning to leave tomorrow We waren van plan om weg te gaan click to hear We were planning to leave Hij deed veel om de stad mooi te maken click to hear 2 He did much to beautify the town

more 'om ... te' click to hear ‑>>

'To' as 'Tot' click to hear

English 'to' can like 'till' and 'until' indicate a point in time, often in relation to a second point ('from ... to ...') or a point at an end of a period of time. - more 'Till' and 'Until'
'Till/until' are only for time, but 'to' can also be for place, indicating the edge of an area, an upper range, an extent. Both these meaning of 'to' are tot click to hear in Dutch

Tot hier en niet verder click to hear 2 3 Up to here, this far, and no further 28 tot 31 dagen in een maand click to hear
(achtentwintig tot éénendertig) 28 to 31 days in a month

van ... tot click to hear from ... to, indicating a period of time or giving the range of an area van negen tot vijf click to hear from 9 to 5 van acht tot zes click to hear 2 from 8 to 6 van 1940 tot 1945 click to hear from 1940 to 1945

van Gouda tot Schoonhoven click to hear 2 from Gouda to Schoonhoven (the area, or the distance)
Compare with: 
van Den Haag naar Rotterdam click to hear 2 from The Hague to Rotterdam - the start and destination of a journey
van top tot teen click to hear [from top to toe] - from head to foot - the complete body

It may not be clear if the end limit given after 'to' is included in the time period, so you can also say:
tot en met click to hear 2 up to and including - 'through' states clearly that it is included ‑>> maandag tot en met vrijdag click to hear Monday [up to an including] through Friday maandag tot en met zaterdag click to hear Monday through Saturday

tot de laatste man click to hear to the last man 2³ (twee tot de derde) click to hear [2 to the 3rd] two cubed
2² (twee kwadraat) click to hear 2 3 two squared
Er is geen reden tot paniek click to hear 2 3 There is no reason to panic (note that Dutch 'paniek' is a noun, while English 'panic' is here a verb) 't Leidde tot veel vertraging click to hear 2 3 It led to much delay, it caused much delay 't Leidt alleen maar tot meer ellende click to hear 2 3 It only leads to more misery, all it does is cause more trouble

- more 'Tot'

'To' as 'Op' click to hear

van de ene dag op de andere click to hear 2 3 [from, between one day to [another] the next] - suddenly, unexpectedly deze kant op click to hear 2 3 [to this side] - this way, this direction

Het viel op de grond click to hear 2 3 It fell to the [ground] floor

dicht op elkaar click to hear 2 3 close together

koken click to hear 2 1. to boil 2. to cook ‑>>
opkoken click to hear 2 to bring to a boil

reageren click to hear 2 3 to react
reageren op click to hear 2 3 to react to click to hear

blik op oneindig click to hear 2 3 ['eye focus set to infinity'] ~the thousand-mile stare - often combined with:
verstand op nul click to hear 2 [brainpower to zero, brain powering down] 'shutting down the brain' Said when starting a mindless job or when doing something you don't want to think about

Als klap op de vuurpijl click to hear (saying) ['As a bang to the flare rocket'] - a grand ending

Ik heb er geen antwoord op click to hear 2 3 4 5 I don't have an answer (or an adequate response) to it

't Hoofd op hol brengen click to hear 2 3 4 ['bringing the head to a stampede, make the head run wild'] - 'to turn someone's head, set pulses racing'

aanspraak maken op click to hear 2 laying (a) claim to het antwoord op Uw vraag ... click to hear the answer to your question ...

- The Many Meanings of 'Op'

'To' as 'Tegen' click to hear (Addressing People)

Hij loog tegen mij click to hear 2 He lied to me Zeg je nog even dag tegen Jan? click to hear 2 Please take a moment to say Goodbye to Jan Zeg 't niet tegen Piet click to hear 2 Don't tell [it to] Piet Zeg 't maar niet tegen Piet click to hear 2 Better not tell [it to] Piet Zeg maar niks tegen Piet click to hear 2 3 4 [Tell nothing to Piet] - Better not tell Piet anything (about it) Er is geen enkel bezwaar tegen click to hear 2 There is [not any] no objection to it

'Tegen' click to hear is usually 'against' - 'not in favor of' or 'in physical contact with' more

See also 'Met' right below

'To' as 'Met' click to hear (Various)

In speaking to people, Dutch often says tegen click to hear where English says 'to' - though you could emphasize the friendliness of the exchange by using met click to hear ('with') instead of 'tegen' ('against')
Hij stond te praten met ... click to hear He was talking [with] to ... Hij stond te praten met Piet click to hear He was talking [with] to Piet

Hij is getrouwd met een Belgische click to hear 2 slow He is married to a Belgian lady, his wife is Belgian ‑>>

Vergeleken met Rusland ... click to hear 2 Compared to Russia ...

- more 'Met'

'To' Translated by Other Words

ten noorden van click to hear 2 to the North of ten zuiden van click to hear 2 3 to the South of

Neem de tweede weg rechts click to hear Take the 2nd road to the right Neem de tweede weg links en dan de derde weg rechts click to hear take the 2nd road to the left and then the 3rd to the left

'Heen en weer' click to hear is often translated as 'to and fro' ('back and forth')

Van de hand in de tand leven click to hear [Existing from the hand into the tooth] - living hand to mouth

Dutch 'Toe' click to hear 2

In English you can ask about a person's destination "Where are you going?" - but "Waar ga je?" is not good Dutch. You need to add heen click to hear or naar toe click to hear 2
Waar ga je heen? click to hear 2 3 ‑>>
Waar ga je naar toe? click to hear 2 3 Where are you going?

This 'toe' click to hear 2 is related to English 'to.'

naar 't huis click to hear 2 to the house You can as well say:
naar 't huis toe click to hear to the house, towards the house naar ... toe click to hear 2 to, towards
Ze liep naar 't huis toe click to hear she walked to the house, towards the house - more Dutch 'Toe'

English 'toe' is (de) teen click to hear - the somewhat finger-like ends of feet.
plural: tenen click to hear 'toes'
(de) grote teen click to hear 'big toe'
'Teenager' is (de) tiener click to hear ‑>>

English 'Too'

'Too'  /  'also' is 'ook' click to hear
Heeft U ook postzegels? click to hear 2 3 Do you [have] sell stamps too? Dat is ook goed click to hear 2 That's also good, that's OK too Er is beneden ook een slaapkamer click to hear There's also a bedroom downstairs, there's a downstairs bedroom too - more 'ook'

English 'too' meaning 'excess' is te click to hear in Dutch
Het is te duur click to hear It's too expensive Heb je te veel gegeten? click to hear 2 Have you eaten too much? Did you eat too much? Het is nog te vroeg click to hear 2 3 It's still too early te veel van 't goede click to hear 2 too much of [the] a good thing Beter te veel dan te weinig click to hear 2 3 Better too much than too little Te veel mensen met te veel geld click to hear 2 Too many people with too much money ->> - more 'Te'

See also: Dutch Disambiguation Home
Writing the Dutch Disambiguation pages I often thought I should also have pages like that starting from the English words

email - Copyright © Marco Schuffelen 2020.
All rights reserved. This material may not
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Gij zult niet stelen click to hear 'Thou shalt not steal'